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020910 World Holocaust 50m

Date post: 12-Jan-2015
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Good Day! DRAW A LINE SEPARATING TODAY & YESTERDAY 1) Write: Date: 02/09/10, Topic: Holocaust 2) On the next line, write “Opener #17and then: 1) Plot your mood, reflect in 1 sent. 2) Respond to the opener by writing at least 2 sentences about: Your opinions/thoughts OR/AND Questions sparked by the clip
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Good Day!

DRAW A LINE SEPARATING TODAY & YESTERDAY1) Write: Date: 02/09/10, Topic: Holocaust2) On the next line, write “Opener #17” and then:

1) Plot your mood, reflect in 1 sent.2) Respond to the opener by writing at least 2 sentences about:Your opinions/thoughts OR/AND

Questions sparked by the clip OR/AND

Summary of the clip OR/AND

Other things going on in the news.Announcements: NoneIntro Music: Untitled

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This WeekMonday: How the Holocaust happenedBlock: Life during the Holocaust

Next Weeks1: Psychology behind those helped/stood by the Holocaust2: Justice after the Holocaust

Goal: Learn to stop it from ever ever ever happening again. We need your help this next 2 weeks.

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Genocide: Attempt to eliminate an entire group.

What Makes the Holocaust/Shoah unlike any in the Past or Present?

a) Entire population of people (women, children) were targeted for their religion, not for what they did, but for being born.

b) It was coordinated by the government

c) It was completed with scientific efficiently and industrial scale

d) Their success, over 60% of Europe’s Jews (40% of the World’s) are gone

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Review:1) Manchuria Incident (1931): Ultranationalist take over

democracy, military fakes attack on Jap. railroad in Chinese Manchuria, Jap invades.

2) Japan Invades Rest of China (1937): KMT forced to join with CCP to fight Japan.

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3) 9/01/1939: Ger. invades Poland, UK+France decl. war. WWII Eur. has started (WWII Asia 37)

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4) 6/1940: France Falls: Nazi set up puppet gov (new captiol: Vichy). Fr. fight guerrilla war.

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5) 6/1940: Battle of Britain: Nazi bomb UK prepping for UK invasion (UK all that’s left)

a) Ger’s 2,500 airplanes vs. UK’s 700 b) UK used radar to help maximize planes c) UK refuse to give up (inspired by Churchill)

Plans for Operation Sea Lion

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6) 6/1941: Operation Barbarossa: 3 mil Nazi troops invade USSR (largest invasion in history)

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7) 8/09/1941: Atlantic Charter: Roosevelt (US) + Churchill (UK) secretly meet in the Atlantic to plan:

a) Fight for right for ppl to pick own gov (no ambition)b) Open economic trade and prosperity for all

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8) 12/07/1941: Pearl Harbor: Japan decl. war on US, Ger. decl. war on US (12/11). (US won’t open Western Front in France, Stalin thinks on purpose)

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9) 12/1941-5/1942: Japanese Expansion: Japanese win every victory.

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10) 6/1942: Battle of Midway: Jap loss 4 carriers, US 1 Tides turned.

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11) 7/1942: Battle of Stalingrad: Bogged in street fighting, 2 mil die (deadliest battle in history) USSR surrounds + captures 500,000. Tides turned.

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12) 9/1943: Invasion of Italy: UK: Montgomery + US: Eisenhower succeed in N Africa, push up into Italy

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13) 6/06/1944: D-Day: 156,000 cross English Channel retake France (largest amphibious assault in history)

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14) 8/1942-4/1945: Island Hopping: US takes islands to island, est. airbases as they go.

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15) 10/1944: Battle of Leyte Gulf: Jap. employ+lose every last ship, 1st kamkazes used, only Jap. army left (largest naval battle in history: Jap. lose 4 carriers, 3 battleships, 8 cruisers, 12 destroyers)

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16) 2/1945: Yalta Conference: Big 3 discuss wars end:

a) USSR promises to E. Europe have electionsb) Join war against Jap. 90 days after Ger. defeatc) USSR will get control over part of Ger. (+part of

Berlin) + part of Asia

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17) 4/1945: Invasion of Berlin: a) USSR reaches Berlin first, followed by US+UK.b) Hitler commits suicide: VE Day: 5/08/1945c) 100,000 Germans raped by USSR troops

(USSR never punished for this)d) Capital Berlin divided in 4: US/UK/USSR/France

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18) WWII: 1939-1945: 60 million dead, mostly civilian, $1 trillion spent (08: $10 tril), USSR the most, 2 civ

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I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.

-Elie Wiesel

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I am a survivor of a concentration camp. My eyes saw what no person should witness. Gas chambers built by learned engineers. Children poisoned by educated physicians. Infants killed by trained nurses. Women and babies shot and killed by high school and college graduates. So I'm suspicious of education.

My request is: help your students to be human. Your efforts must never produce learned monsters, skilled psychopaths, or educated Eichmanns. Reading and Writing and spelling and history and arithmetic are only important if they serve to make our students more human. -Unknown

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Work #17a, Title “1920s Letter”1) Put yourself in their place, describe what emotions and feelings you would feel if you were Jewish, and your family has faced generations of discrimination. While times are hard, your parents are skilled professionals, and you live a comfortable life. You focus on school.

Be prepared to present.

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Notes #17a, Title: “Holocaust” 1) Pre-WWII: Anti-Semitism: Hatred for people

who practice Judaism or descend from those who practice goes back to Middle Ages

1400s 1889 (France) 1920 (US)

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2007, Granada Hills, CA

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a) Historic rivalry: Jews, Christians, Muslimsb) Fear+jealousy of Jews limit living areas + jobs

(limits lead high # living in E. Europe, high education, early concentration in banking)

c) Many early communists were Jewish (Marx?)

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2) Nazi Anti-Semitism: Blame Jews for WWI and created pseudo-science bet. Ger/Jews to enhance Ger. nationalism

3) Holocaust/Shoah (1933–45): 6 million+ Jewish civilians: 2/3 all Eur, 2/5 of World’s Jews killed (+ Nazi opposition, Communists, Romas/Gypsies, Homosexuals, Disabled)

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Eternal Jew (Der Ewige Jude)

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Children's book, sign reads: “Jews are our misfortune + how they cheat.” (1930s)

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Poison Mushroom (Der Giftpilz)

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Notes #17a, Title: “Holocaust” 4) 4/1933: Nazis stage boycott of Jewish biz +

Ger. police stand by

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Notes #17a, Title: “Holocaust” 5) 9/1935: Nuremberg Laws passed against Jews

Chart used to help determine if you were Jewish

(3 Jewish grandparents)

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Nuremburg Laws (September 15, 1935)Entirely convinced that the purity of German blood is essential to the further existence of the German people… the Reichstag has unanimously resolved upon the following law, which is promulgated herewith:

Marriages between Jews and citizens of German or kindred blood are forbidden. Marriages concluded in defiance of this law are void, even if, for the purpose of evading this law, they were concluded abroad.

Jews will not be permitted to employ female citizens of German or kindred blood as domestic workers under the age of 45.

Jews are forbidden to display the Reich and national flag or the national colours. On the other hand they are permitted to display the Jewish colours.

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Work #17b, Title “1930s Letter”1) Put yourself in their place, describe what emotions and feelings you would feel if you were Jewish, and the Nuremberg Laws were just passed.

Be prepared to present.

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Notes #17b, Title: “Holocaust” 6) 7/1938: Jews required to carry special ID

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Notes #17b, Title: “Holocaust” 7) 9/9/1938 (Kristallnacht - The Night of Broken

Glass): Response to teenage Jew killing a Ger, 9000 Jewish biz + 900 synagogues destroyed, 30,000 Jews sent to camps.

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Homework: 1) Study today’s notes + work sections

for a possible workbook quiz.2) Pick and listen to your 4 news

podcast by next Monday.

Workbook Check: If your name is called, drop off your workbook with Mr. Chiang (if requested, points lost if your workbook is not turned in)
