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u!' Get Term Work Out Of The Way (Thf JJitrljor Mike Vacation Plans Volume XXXVII Hope College, Holland, Michigan, March 14 t 1928 Number 52 HOPEITES WILL OBSERVE ANNUAL PRAYER SEASON SERVICES WILL CONSIST OF DISCUSSIONS AND ADDRESSES ELLIOT WILL SPEAK Prayer week is only four days away. To many Hopeites it stands out as the most important season in the entire year. There are those who sincerely hope that when it has passed it will seem so to all. Prayer Week is nominally under the auspices of the Associa- tion Union, but it will take the prayerful cooperation of every Hopeite whose Christianity is a vital factor in his or her life to make it a positive year-mark in the life of Hope College. The opening meeting will be held in Winants Chapel on Sunday evening, March 18. Prof. Hagar will be in charge. The principle speaker of the week, "Dad" Elliot, will have charge of three meet- ings, on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. These meetings will, as usual, be held in the forenoon. The exact time will be announced from the Chapel platform. To Discuss Problems It is planned to have short dis- cussion meetings, for any who are interested, with Dr. Elliot from 1:00 to 2:00 each day of his stay here. From 2:00 to 5:00 he will be available to any who wish to have conferences with him. Prayer groups for men and women will be held on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings. On Wednesday evening the girls plan to have women from town to lead the groups. These group meetings are for informal discus- sion and prayer on the everyday problems which puzzle all thinking students. Is Needed To the most optimistic observer, it is evident that the spiritual life of Hope's campus is at ebb tide. The studentry is in dire need of a rejuvenation of soul that will place Hope again on the high plane of religious enthusiasm for which this school has been noted in the past. The various distinctly religious organizations on the campus are working hard to make prayer week a success. It is the hope that many may experience a spir- itual shake-up that will bring them out of the rut into which they seem to have fallen and start again on the up-grade to bigger and more glorious things in Christ Jesus, having new hope and joy in living. BIG CARNIVAL TO APPEAR ON CAMPUS Everybody notice!!! Keep your eyes and ears open for the an- nouncement of the dates for the jig Carnival to be held shortly ifter spring vacation. The Ath- letic Association is staging it to meet a deficit in the Athletic Fund. Hazel Albers is the general chair- man, and, together with her com- mittees, is working hard to make this big event a success. Among other top-notch attrac- tions, each society will present a little act of not too classical a na- ture. There will be booths with good eats, gay decorations, lots of pep, and something snappy doing ill the time. The grounds will be filled with freak specimens from all parts of the world (ahem!), master performers rivaling Hau- dini, and some of the rarest side- shows this side of the Canadian border. Remember to watch for the dates — two big nights of fun and frolic!!!! Religious Leaders Dean Martin Sarah Klooster NOTED MUSICIANS TO GIVE CONCERT PROGRAM INCLUDES VOCAL SELECTIONS AND READINGS Clubs To Render Concert Programs % Although Hope's glee clubs are planning no extended tours this spring, they expect to appear in numerous week-end engagements in various nearby cities and vil- lages. Several of these are already scheduled, including Grand Haven, Muskegon, and Grand Rapids. The men's organization has al- ready given concerts in Hamilton and Overisel and will appear in Fennville the sixteenth of this month. Both clubs expect to enter the state contest which will be held this year in Albion, May 25th. o Snapshots! Quick!— Cry of Milestoners O! what fun it is to look at the snap section of a school annual! And this year's Milestone is going to have one. There is always room for more —yes, if they are handed in before Friday noon of this week. The Staff is asking for more to make the section the best possible. Snaps are rich in memory of college days and everyone gets a laugh out of looking them over. To facilitate matters, put the snaps in the Anchor box on the first floor of Van Raalte Hall. Hand them in of yourself; hand them in of your friends. Tomorrow night the students of the college and citizens of Holland will be given an opportunity to lear the justly lauded Wolverine Four. This male quartet has its origin in Grand Rapids. It is one of the best known organizations of its kind in Western Michigan, having performed in most of the main cities therein. It is held in such rtigh favor by the audiences before whom it has performed that en- gagements are becoming harder and harder to secure. Hope audi- ences are extremely fortunate in being permitted to attend a concert by this group of young men in their own community. The program of tomorrow eve- ning begins at eight o'clock. The repertoire consists of dramatic and musical sketches by members of the unit as well as the usual vocal work. The concert should be pleas- ing to all. The price of admission is fifty cents for all seats. A portion of the proceeds go into the Hope Col- lege Athletic Association treasury. ADDISON SOCfETY HOLDS FINE STAG FLYING" PROGRAM AND DIN- NER MAKE AFFAIR HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL STUDENT RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS ELECT OFFICERS FOR COMING TERM FIRE AT VOORHEES OCCASIONS BIG STIR D. MARTIN AND W. DE VEL- DER TO GUIDE WORK OF Y. M. C. A. MISS BOYD TALKS "A huge success" was the com- mon judgment of all of the Addi- son members as they ended the stag celebration, held at Grace Episcopal Church parlors last Friday evening. An excellent dinner was enjoyed by all in an atmosphere of pep and enthusiasm and amid the sweet strains of music furnished by the Happy Hour Orchestra. The program followed out an aeroplane idea, toastmaster De Jonge being the "Pilot." Jacob Gu- lick spoke on "The propeller" and set things in motion by his hu- mor. A successful "Take Oflf" was made on the wings of music fur- nished by Harvey Woltman. Frank Moser spoke on the reliability of •'The Fuselage." Franklin Ryn- orant and George Hoekzema played d clarinet duet signifying "The Ex- haust." Henry Bast and Ernest Hornsby were the actors in a play- let entitled, "Moonshine." The en- tire program was interesting and humorous. Annual election of officers was held at the Y. M. C. A. last week Tuesday evening. Dean Martin was elected president for the com- ing year and Walter De Velder was chosen for vice-president. The duties of secretary and treasurer will be executed by Len Hoogen- boom and Marv Meengs respec- tively. Mr. Martin is a member of the Junior class and has been deserv- ingly popular during his career at Hope. He was president of the Freshman class of '29. He has participated actively in athletics. and captained the basketball team in the season just past. Workers Are Able He has able co-workers to sup- port him. Walter De Velder has wide circle of friends on the campus and is known to all for his ability to do his best at all times. Being a sincere and will- ing worker, Len Hoogenboom has fittingly received the important office of secretary. Marv Meengs as treasurer is also deserving of the honor. Prof. Hager urged the fellows to consider seiiously, since the spir- itual leadership of the campus is of the utmost importance. By mo- lion from the floor the custom of making only Cabinet members eligible for the presidency was abolished. Hold Devotions A regular service, led by Miss Boyd of the Faculty, followed the balloting. She spoke of the five channels of power; speech, deeds, worship, prayer, and service, all of which are useful to God. She directed the thought to prayer week and its significance. KLOOSTER AND McGILLVRA ARE TO LEAD "Y" GIRLS CHOICES WELL MADE ers Members of the Y. W. C. A. met last Thursday evening to hold the annual election of officers. Sarah Klooster was elected to the presi- dency and Edith McGillvra was chosen vice-president. Marie Wag- enaar was selected to discharge the duties of secretary and Ina De Cracker those of treasurer. Miss Klooster has been promi- nent in social and religious activ- ities as long as she has been on the campus. She comes to Hope from Central Lake, Michigan. She was ' graduated from Ellsworth High School with highest honors. The other officers are also lead- of religious activities on the campus and their fitness for the positions makes the choices well made. The remaining offices of the organization will be filled by appointment. The newly elected officers will assume their duties after the in- stallation which is to take place on the second Thursday after vaca- tion. Pres. Helen Zander was in charge of the election procedure. A fairly large group of girls came out to this important meeting of the year. A short devotional exercise pre- ceded the business meeting. Prof. Harry Hager gave a few words of caution about careful selection of officers. He stressed the impor- tance of having the right type of girls as leaders and the necessity for them to center their interests on the work of the Y. W. C. A. Y. W. C. A. is now focusing its attention on Prayer Week and is looking forward to the services of the week with a hope of real bene- ficial results. The night was dark and stormy. The clock was striking ten and thirty. (Sorry I couldn't say mid- night but this is a true story.) Slowly through the corridors of Voorhees drifted the acrid smell of smoke. A door opened, two, three, four, fifty. The halls became the scene of ultra confusion. In the lower regions the right valient Dr. Nykerk with the heroic aid of Mrs. Durfee, Miss Gibson, and a number of the girls labored diligently with pails and pitchers and one small hose. Before many minutes the fire was out, the dormi- tory saved and the Dean of men proclaimed the hero of the occa- sion. But that is not yet the end of this story. An impromptu circus followed. Girls began to pour down the stairs and . Quiet was being restored and all were seeking their rooms. Sud- denly the Holland City Fire Depart- ment arrived. INSTRUCTOR IS ADDED TO HOPE TEACHING STAFF GRAND RAPIDS ARTIST WILL CONDUCT CLASSES AT HOPE SPEAKS IN CHAPEL YEARBOOK STAFF TO FINISH WORK EXPECT TO RELEASE COPIES IN FIRST WEEK OK JUNE Anxious Collegians Discover AH is Well Collegians breathe again! Nor- mality has re-asserted itself after the anxious moments have passed. Everywhere around the campus shining countenances—not shining faces—beam forth the re-awakened hope and peace reigns within. No longer sleepless nights. No longer idle day dreaming in the classroom. No longer the terrifying suspense which is bom of mingled hope and fear. It's all past. Hope ia going to have Spring vacation beginning March 23. About the Campus The '28 Annual workers have been putting forth real efforts and sight a completion of their task. Such is the statement/of Editor Kenneth Hyink. The '28 yearbook will have an art theme which will startle every Hope student and alumni because of the appropriateness and the clever use of it throughout the book. The yearbook aims to re- flect campus life of this term in as interesting and novel a manner as possible. At present 325 out of a student body of 510 have subscribed for the book. The price has been ad- vanced to $3.50, due to the limited time before publication. The printing and engraving expenses of the book amount to over $3,300.00, showing that considerable finance is involved. The last orders for the "Milestone" will be taken in April. It is expected that release will be made the first week of June. The printing and engraving work is under contract to be done by some of the most capable con- cerns in the country and the book will undoubtedly give evidence of their workmanship. ALBION GLEE CLUB PERFORMS IN CITY VISITING MUSICIANS ENTER- TAIN LOCAL AUDIENCE WITH PROGRAM Look up those old snapshots of your friends, slip them to the Mile- stone Staff, and surprise them when the Annual comes out. Lester Kuyper desires to an- nounce that he will not be respon- sible for any window-rapping going on in his apartment for the pur- pose of attracting fair passers-by. It seems good to have Mrs. De Jong again on the campus, teach- ing French as she used to do. She expects to take Miss Barkema's classes until after Spring vacation. We hope her visit among us will be a pleasant one. "Stretch" Sluyter gained some glory for himself on the way back from Albion. Being mistaken for a celebrity is some distinction in itself. It isn't every young man who has nice old ladies enquiring whether or not he is Colonel Lind- bergh. Unfortunately Dr. Nykerk's love of truth forced him to deny it. Too bad, "Stretch", it would have been an interesting expe- rience. If Voorhees girls were not well prepared in classes Friday morning it was not entirely their fault One can't very well fight fires and have all the excitement connected with them and at the same time study her lesson. Anyhow, it's a good excuse! We are watching with interest the progress made on the new chapel. Judging from recent de- velopments, we may yet live to its completion. The waiters at Voorhees have re- cently been iuformed of the requi- sites for a good waiter. We imagine that they are now bereft of any conceit they might formerly have cherished. The girls have particu- larly noticed the absence of the thrice daily "serenades" and also the heated discussions. Be at rest, all ye who have la- mented the absence of a Spring va- cation. The faculty claim to be more surprised of the report than we are. So go ahead and make your plans for March 28 and the week following. Voorhees girls unconditionally grant the cook a gold medal for economy and utility. On the morn- ing following the Are she served amoked beef for breakfast The Albion College Men's Glee Club entertained the public of Hol- land with a concert presented in the Methodist Church on Monday, March 5. A very large audience was present to hear the visiting musicians and Hope College stu- dents, being interested in the ac- complishments of other schools, at- tended in large numbers. The program was well arranged and included several varying fea- tures. In addition to the splendid vocal selections of the Glee Club, an accomplished violinist and an excellent orchestra contributed to their success of the entertainment of the evening. The Albion musicians are touring the cities of Michigan in a large motor bus, and Holland was one of the first cities included in their itinerary. Albion College is one of the several colleges of Michigan and one of Hope's rivals in the M. I. A. A. circle. Former Instructor Is Filling Vacancy The Music Department has been extremely fortunate in securing the services of Mrs. W. H. Loomis of Grand Rapids as an instructor, She has studied for many years under the greatist artists of Chi- cago, New York and Paris and the studentry can be very thankful for the opportunity of studying under her. She will conduct classes in History and Appreciation of Music, Harmony, Theory of Music, and Sight-singing. As soon as arrangements can be made, she will give pipe organ lessons also. Among her many other teaching duties in Grand Rapids, she is choir director and organist of the Park Congregational Church. Music Is Worth While Mrs. Loomis told briefly of her work at Chapel Friday morning and spoke interestingly on music. "Music is a gift from God. It is just as much a part of this uni- verse as the sun, moon, and stars." It is a powerful influcncc for good, being born, cradled and reared in the church. It is also of great advantage socially. In comments ing on the music of the day Mrs. Loomis stated that the much con- demned jazz has a place and that a knowledge of its use is neces- sary. A college is incomplete without a well-organized music depart- ment and Hope is making fine progress in this direction. It was organized by Prof. Nykerk in 1903 and has been growing stead- ify. Each year Hope awards sev- eral B. M. degrees to students who have completed the necessary six years' work. A new Bush and Lane piano has been bought for the Grace Marguerite Browning Studio. Courses Are Varied The Faculty of the School of Music offers a wide range of courses of instruction. The eight members and their courses are as follows: Mr. Oscar Kress—piano; Mrs. Grace Fenton—Voice and Singing; Mrs. H. L. Dunwoody— Voice and Singing; Miss Martha Barkema Singing; Mr. Walter Ritter—Violin and Director of Or- chestra; Mr. Kenneth Mook—Con- certmcister and Assistant Direc- tor; Mrs. W. H. Loomis—Theory, Marn.ony and Counterpoint, His- tory and Appreciation of Music, Sight-singing, .and Pipe Organ; Miiw Margaret Hondelink-—Cornet at.d Trumpet anil Director of Trumpeters. A classroom vacancy caused by the illness of Miss Martha Barke- ma, Instructor in French, has been temporarily filled by Mrs. Marian Van Drezer De Jonge. Mrs. De Jonge is not a stranger to many of the students, having held a posi- tion on the Faculty last year. Prof. Welmers in making the an- nouncement in chapel remarked that there might be a marked im- provement in her diacipline. Star-gazers Seek Knowledge of Sky At eight-thirty o'clock every Tuesday evening a group of stu- dents, in search of more knowledge, meet in the open under the direc- tion of Professor Lampen to study the stars. Their observation, however, is hindered because of the lack of satisfactory equipment, but nevertheless the study hour proves a great help to them. In the fu- ture the class will attempt to use the telescope in the observatory even though it is inefficient and sot the kind the astronomy students should have. The class fhu) these observation nights very imtructive and interesting. Juniors To Entertain With Usual Banquet Juniors will entertain the Senior class with the usual banquet. Such was the decision of the class a t a meeting of recent date. The ques- tion occasioned quite some discus- sion since a large number preferred some form of novel entertainment to the customary lifeleaa affair. The "old timers" won by a majority of one vote. The class, being in a conservative mood, also rejected the proposed idea of having the Junior giria in- vite Senior men and Junior men in- vite Senior girls. It ia Leap Year to no avail.
Page 1: 03-14-1928


Get Term Work Out

Of The Way ( T h f J J i t r l j o r Mike

Vacation Plans

Volume XXXVII Hope College, Holland, Michigan, March 14t 1928 Number 52





Prayer week is only four days away. To many Hopeites it s tands out as the most important season in the entire year. There are those who sincerely hope that when it has passed it will seem so to all. Prayer Week is nominally under the auspices of the Associa-tion Union, but it will t ake the prayerful cooperation of every Hopeite whose Christ ianity is a vital factor in his or her life to make it a positive year-mark in the life of Hope College.

The opening meeting will be held in Winants Chapel on Sunday evening, March 18. Prof. Hagar will be in charge. The principle speaker of the week, "Dad" Elliot, will have charge of three meet-ings, on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. These meetings will, as usual, be held in the forenoon. The exact t ime will be announced from the Chapel pla t form.

To Discuss Problems

It is planned to have short dis-cussion meetings, for any who are interested, with Dr. Elliot from 1:00 to 2:00 each day of his stay here. From 2:00 to 5:00 he will be available to any who wish to have conferences with him.

Prayer groups for men and women will be held on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings. On Wednesday evening the girls plan to have women from town to lead the groups. These group meetings are for informal discus-sion and prayer on the everyday problems which puzzle all thinking

students. Is Needed

To the most optimistic observer, it is evident tha t the spiritual life of Hope's campus is at ebb tide. The studentry is in dire need of a rejuvenation of soul t h a t will place Hope again on the high plane of religious enthusiasm for which this school has been noted in the

past . The various distinctly religious

organizations on the campus are working hard to make prayer week a success. It is the hope tha t many may experience a spir-

itual shake-up that will bring them out of the rut into which they seem to have fallen and start again on the up-grade to bigger and more glorious things in Christ Jesus, having new hope and joy in



Everybody notice!!! Keep your eyes and ears open for the an-nouncement of the dates for the j i g Carnival to be held shortly i f t e r spring vacation. The Ath-letic Association is s taging it to meet a deficit in the Athletic Fund. Hazel Albers is the general chair-man, and, together with her com-mittees, is working hard to make this big event a success.

Among other top-notch at t rac-tions, each society will present a little act of not too classical a na-ture. There will be booths with good eats, gay decorations, lots of pep, and something snappy doing ill the time. The grounds will be filled with f reak specimens from all par t s of the world (ahem!) , master performers rivaling Hau-dini, and some of the rares t side-shows this side of the Canadian border. Remember to watch for the dates — two big nights of fun and frolic!!!!

Religious Leaders

Dean Martin Sarah Klooster




Clubs To Render Concert Programs


Although Hope's glee clubs are planning no extended tours this spring, they expect to appear in numerous week-end engagements in various nearby cities and vil-lages. Several of these are already scheduled, including Grand Haven, Muskegon, and Grand Rapids.

The men's organization has al-ready given concerts in Hamilton and Overisel and will appear in Fennville the sixteenth of this month.

Both clubs expect to enter the state contest which will be held this year in Albion, May 25th.


Snapshots! Quick!— Cry of Milestoners

O! what fun it is to look at the snap section of a school annual! And this year 's Milestone is going to have one.

There is always room for more —yes, if they are handed in before Friday noon of this week. The Staff is asking for more to make the section the best possible. Snaps are rich in memory of college days and everyone gets a laugh out of looking them over.

To facil i tate matters , put the snaps in the Anchor box on the first floor of Van Raalte Hall.

Hand them in of yourself ; hand

them in of your fr iends.

Tomorrow night the students of the college and citizens of Holland will be given an opportunity to lear the justly lauded Wolverine Four.

This male quartet has its origin in Grand Rapids. I t is one of the best known organizations of i ts kind in Western Michigan, having performed in most of the main cities therein. It is held in such rtigh favor by the audiences before whom it has performed tha t en-gagements a re becoming harder and harder to secure. Hope audi-ences are extremely for tunate in being permitted to attend a concert by this group of young men in their own community.

The program of tomorrow eve-ning begins at eight o'clock. The repertoire consists of dramatic and musical sketches by members of the unit as well as the usual vocal work. The concert should be pleas-ing to all.

The price of admission is fifty cents for all seats. A portion of the proceeds go into the Hope Col-lege Athletic Association treasury.







O F Y. M. C. A.


"A huge success" was the com-mon judgment of all of the Addi-son members as they ended the s tag celebration, held at Grace Episcopal Church parlors last Friday evening.

An excellent dinner was enjoyed by all in an atmosphere of pep and enthusiasm and amid the sweet s t rains of music furnished by the Happy Hour Orchestra.

The program followed out an aeroplane idea, toas tmaster De Jonge being the "Pilot." Jacob Gu-lick spoke on "The propeller" and set things in motion by his hu-mor. A successful "Take Oflf" was made on the wings of music fu r -nished by Harvey Woltman. Frank Moser spoke on the reliability of •'The Fuselage." Franklin Ryn-orant and George Hoekzema played d clarinet duet s ignifying "The Ex-haust." Henry Bast and Ernest Hornsby were the actors in a play-let entitled, "Moonshine." The en-tire program was interest ing and humorous.

Annual election of officers was held at the Y. M. C. A. last week Tuesday evening. Dean Martin was elected president fo r the com-ing year and Walter De Velder was chosen for vice-president. The duties of secretary and t reasurer will be executed by Len Hoogen-boom and Marv Meengs respec-tively.

Mr. Martin is a member of the Junior class and has been deserv-ingly popular during his career at Hope. He was president of the Freshman class of '29. He has participated actively in athletics. and captained the basketball team in the season just past .

Workers Are Able

He has able co-workers to sup-port him. Walter De Velder has

wide circle of f r iends on the campus and is known to all for his ability to do his best a t all times. Being a sincere and will-ing worker, Len Hoogenboom has fittingly received the important office of secretary. Marv Meengs as t reasurer is also deserving of the honor.

Prof. Hager urged the fellows to consider seiiously, since the spir-itual leadership of the campus is of the utmost importance. By mo-lion from the floor the custom of making only Cabinet members eligible for the presidency was

abolished. Hold Devotions

A regular service, led by Miss Boyd of the Faculty, followed the balloting. She spoke of the five channels of power; speech, deeds, worship, prayer , and service, all of which are useful to God. She directed the thought to prayer week and its significance.





Members of the Y. W. C. A. met last Thursday evening to hold the annual election of officers. Sarah Klooster was elected to the presi-dency and Edith McGillvra was chosen vice-president. Marie Wag-enaar was selected to discharge the duties of secretary and Ina De Cracker those of t reasurer .

Miss Klooster has been promi-nent in social and religious activ-ities as long as she has been on the campus. She comes to Hope from Central Lake, Michigan. She was ' graduated f r o m Ellsworth High School with highest honors.

The other officers are also lead-of religious activities on the

campus and their fitness for the positions makes the choices well made. The remaining offices of the organization will be filled by appointment.

The newly elected officers will assume their duties a f t e r the in-stallation which is to take place on the second Thursday a f t e r vaca-tion. Pres. Helen Zander was in charge of the election procedure. A fair ly large group of girls came out to this important meeting of the year.

A short devotional exercise pre-ceded the business meeting. Prof . Harry Hager gave a few words of

caution about careful selection of officers. He stressed the impor-tance of having the r ight type of girls as leaders and the necessity for them to center their interests on the work of the Y. W. C. A.

Y. W. C. A. is now focusing its at tention on Prayer Week and is looking forward to the services of the week with a hope of real bene-ficial results.

The night was dark and stormy. The clock was str iking ten and thir ty. (Sorry I couldn't say mid-night but this is a t rue story.) Slowly through the corridors of Voorhees drif ted the acrid smell of smoke. A door opened, two, three, four, — fifty. The halls became the scene of ultra confusion.

In the lower regions the right valient Dr. Nykerk with the heroic aid of Mrs. Durfee, Miss Gibson, and a number of the girls labored diligently with pails and pitchers and one small hose. Before many minutes the fire was out, the dormi-tory saved and the Dean of men proclaimed the hero of the occa-sion.

But tha t is not yet the end of this story. An impromptu circus followed. Girls began to pour down the stairs and .

Quiet was being restored and all were seeking their rooms. Sud-denly the Holland City Fire Depart-ment arrived.








Anxious Collegians Discover AH is Well

Collegians breathe again! Nor-mality has re-asserted itself a f t e r the anxious moments have passed. Everywhere around the campus shining countenances—not shining faces—beam forth the re-awakened hope and peace reigns within.

No longer sleepless nights. No longer idle day dreaming in the classroom. No longer the te r r i fy ing suspense which is bom of mingled hope and fear . I t 's all past. Hope ia going to have Spring vacation

beginning March 23.

About the Campus

The '28 Annual workers have been put t ing for th real efforts and sight a completion of their task. Such is the s t a t ement /o f Editor Kenneth Hyink.

The '28 yearbook will have an ar t theme which will s tar t le every Hope student and alumni because of the appropriateness and the clever use of it throughout the book. The yearbook aims to re-flect campus life of this term in as interest ing and novel a manner as possible.

At present 325 out of a student body of 510 have subscribed for the book. The price has been ad-vanced to $3.50, due to the limited time before publication. The printing and engraving expenses of the book amount to over $3,300.00, showing tha t considerable finance is involved. The last orders for the "Milestone" will be taken in April. It is expected tha t release will be made the first week of June.

The printing and engraving work is under contract to be done by some of the most capable con-cerns in the country and the book will undoubtedly give evidence of their workmanship.




Look up those old snapshots of your fr iends, slip them to the Mile-stone Staff , and surprise them when the Annual comes out.

Lester Kuyper desires to an-nounce tha t he will not be respon-sible for any window-rapping going on in his apar tment for the pur-pose of a t t rac t ing f a i r passers-by.

I t seems good to have Mrs. De Jong again on the campus, teach-ing French as she used to do. She expects to take Miss Barkema's classes until a f t e r Spr ing vacation. We hope her visit among us will be a pleasant one.

"St re tch" Sluyter gained some glory for himself on the way back from Albion. Being mistaken for a celebrity is some distinction in itself. I t isn't every young man who has nice old ladies enquiring whether or not he is Colonel Lind-bergh. Unfor tunately Dr. Nykerk's love of t ru th forced him to deny

it. Too bad, "Stretch", it would have been an interest ing expe-rience.

If Voorhees girls were not well prepared in classes Fr iday morning i t was not entirely their f a u l t One

can't very well fight fires and have all the excitement connected with them and at the same t ime study her lesson. Anyhow, i t ' s a good excuse!

We are watching with interest the progress made on the new chapel. Judging from recent de-velopments, we may yet live to its completion.

The waiters a t Voorhees have re-cently been iuformed of the requi-sites for a good waiter. We imagine that they are now beref t of any conceit they might formerly have cherished. The girls have particu-larly noticed the absence of the thrice daily "serenades" and also the heated discussions.

Be a t rest, all ye who have la-mented the absence of a Spring va-cation. The facul ty claim to be more surprised of the report than

we are. So go ahead and make your plans for March 28 and the week following.

Voorhees girls unconditionally g ran t the cook a gold medal f o r economy and utility. On the morn-ing following the Are she served amoked beef for breakfast

The Albion College Men's Glee Club entertained the public of Hol-land with a concert presented in the Methodist Church on Monday, March 5. A very large audience was present to hear the visiting musicians and Hope College stu-dents, being interested in the ac-complishments of other schools, at-tended in large numbers.

The program was well arranged and included several varying fea-tures. In addition to the splendid vocal selections of the Glee Club, an accomplished violinist and an excellent orchestra contributed to their success of the enter tainment of the evening.

The Albion musicians are touring the cities of Michigan in a large motor bus, and Holland was one of the first cities included in their i t inerary. Albion College is one of the several colleges of Michigan and one of Hope's rivals in the M. I. A. A. circle.

Former Instructor Is Filling Vacancy

The Music Department has been extremely for tuna te in securing the services of Mrs. W. H. Loomis of Grand Rapids as an instructor, She has studied fo r many years under the great is t a r t i s t s of Chi-cago, New York and Paris and the studentry can be very thankfu l for the opportunity of s tudying under her. She will conduct classes in History and Appreciation of Music, Harmony, Theory of Music, and Sight-singing. As soon a s ar rangements can be made, she will give pipe organ lessons also.

Among her many other teaching duties in Grand Rapids, she is choir director and organist of t he Park Congregational Church.

Music Is Worth While Mrs. Loomis told briefly of her

work a t Chapel Fr iday morning and spoke interestingly on music. "Music is a g i f t f rom God. I t is just as much a pa r t of this uni-verse as the sun, moon, and s ta r s . " I t is a powerful influcncc for good, being born, cradled and reared in the church. I t is also of g r ea t advantage socially. In comments ing on the music of the day Mrs. Loomis stated tha t the much con-demned jazz has a place and t h a t a knowledge of i ts use is neces-sary.

A college is incomplete without a well-organized music depar t -ment and Hope is making fine progress in this direction. I t was organized by Prof. Nykerk in 1903 and has been growing stead-ify. Each year Hope awards sev-eral B. M. degrees to students who have completed the necessary six years ' work. A new Bush and Lane piano has been bought f o r the Grace Margueri te Browning Studio.

Courses Are Varied The Faculty of the School of

Music offers a wide range of courses of instruction. The e ight members and their courses a re as follows: Mr. Oscar Kress—piano; Mrs. Grace Fenton—Voice and Singing; Mrs. H. L. Dunwoody— Voice and Singing; Miss Mar tha Barkema — Singing; Mr. Wal te r Ritter—Violin and Director of Or-chestra; Mr. Kenneth Mook—Con-certmcister and Assis tant Direc-tor; Mrs. W. H. Loomis—Theory, Marn.ony and Counterpoint, His-tory and Appreciation of Music, Sight-singing, .and Pipe Organ;

Miiw Margaret Hondelink-—Cornet at.d Trumpet anil Director of Trumpeters.

A classroom vacancy caused by the illness of Miss Mar tha Barke-ma, Instructor in French, has been temporarily filled by Mrs. Marian Van Drezer De Jonge. Mrs. De Jonge is not a s t ranger to many of the students, having held a posi-tion on the Faculty last year.

Prof . Welmers in making the an-nouncement in chapel remarked tha t there might be a marked im-provement in her diacipline.

Star-gazers Seek Knowledge of Sky

At eight- thir ty o'clock every Tuesday evening a group of s tu-dents, in search of more knowledge, meet in the open under the direc-tion of Professor Lampen to study the stars .

Their observation, however, is hindered because of the lack of sat isfactory e q u i p m e n t , but nevertheless the study hour proves a grea t help to them. In the f u -ture the class will a t t empt to use the telescope in the observatory even though it is inefficient and so t the kind the astronomy s tudents should have. The class fhu) these observation nights very imtruc t ive and interest ing.

Juniors To Entertain With Usual Banquet Juniors will entertain the Senior

class with the usual banquet. Such was the decision of the class a t a meeting of recent date. The ques-tion occasioned quite some discus-sion since a large number prefer red some form of novel enter ta inment to the customary lifeleaa affai r . The "old t imers" won by a major i ty of one vote.

The class, being in a conservative mood, also rejected the proposed idea of having the Junior giria in-

vite Senior men and Junior men in-vite Senior girls. I t ia Leap Year to no avail.

Page 2: 03-14-1928

THE ANCHOR Editor. — Associate Editors.

Campus -11 umiir ————•

Kx change

S T A F F II . W . Bloemert

Eva Tysse, Russell Smith „...J<ihA Nauta

Evelyn Welmers Eleanor Ver Wey

Neil Webb, Neil McCarroll I.eonard Willett

B U S I N E S S S T A F F llusiness Manager. Herman Kruizenga; Assistant Business Manager. John Hamherg ;

Circulation Manager. Herman Laug . ;


Reminiscences of the Stag

R E P O R T E R S Head Reporter, Raymond Steketee; Reporters, Lois Dressel, Leonard Hoogenboom, Karl Langeland, Gordon Van Ark. Paul Brower. Alice Brunwn. Tilbe Massehok.


A woman is known by the com-

pany she keeps wai t ing (Coo).

"I believe in metempsychosis ;

when I die I shall be reincarnated

in the body of an animal ." "But then, you don ' t need to die."

She: " I don't th ink you should

be driving like this , with one hand."

He: "Gosh, honey! I have to keep

one hand on the wheel."


Is there any more poignant criticism of a man than tha

he is devoid of any appreciation of humor? The man who

does not respond to the elfin pranks of a playful humor and

who views the world in the light of his own dulled nature is

automatically ruled outside of the pale of the most desirable

society. And there is reason sufficient for this.

Someone has said that freedom implies a sense of humor.

If a man cannot raise himself above the seriousness of his

own situation to view with a smile his own idiosyncrasies,

then, indeed, he is not master of himself, but a slave to his

own narrowed self. When one has been concentrating all of

his efforts on one thing for some time, how good it is to sit

back and laugh! This will dispel any idea that the entire

world depends on the success of your work; this will show you

your real position in relation to the things of life. If \ou aie

unable to free yourself from the grasp of your task, then the

thing has gotten holf of you and you cease to be master, f ree

to do as you please. We have been writing in this column and shall continue to

do so. We are serious in our ideas. Yet, when you read —

and we assume tha t there is a possibility that > ou ma\

some of these editorials and then do not feel that the course

of your life is changed, do not think our end is defeated.

Remember that we do not expect to revolutionize the world.

Dismiss it, if you will, with a smile and we are satisfied.

According to l i fe -Humor , etc. " J u s t put those bags down any-

where, boy. And open the win-

ows; let 's have some of t h a t warm

May sunshine . . . . By the way,

what ' s the d a t e ?

"The four teenth , s ir ." "Ah! The 14th! Washington ' s

Bi r thday!"

"Yes, sir ."

"Well , well, well! Theodore

Washington, the Great Emancipa-

to r ! " "Yes sir ." i "And a grea t Pres ident he was,

too . . . . Well, I guess it looks like ^ . "Who was the g r e a t op-

Coolidge again in l i m " y o u w e r e S p e a k i n g about the

"Yes, sir ." 1 other d a y ? " I

"How does New Orleans think G. K. 'Oh, yes - b a c k in Cedar

about i t ? I suppose you're all Re- Grove, the doctor told him he had

publicans down h e r e ? " only a month to live, and he began

" T h a t ' s r ight , s i r ." "Good for you . . . All r ight , boy.

Here 's a nickel for br inging up

those eight bags ." "Thank you, sir ."

"I suppose t ipping is not en-

couraged at th is hotel, t h o u g h ?

"You ' re r ight , sir ."

"Well then, give me back the

nickel." "Yes, sir ."

learning the h a r p . "

In p a r t s of Af r i ca where women

carry grea t loads on the i r heads

the men choose the i r wives on tho

s t rength of the i r neck. Th i s cus-tom is followed to some ex ten t in

this count ry .—(B. A. V.)

One winter n ight I walked to my


Down the long beach where the

oceans foam.

Blown by the winds f rom off the


A song of scorn was sent to me.

I s t ruggled and pushed m y un-

willing fo rm

Into the n ight and into the s to rm;

My hea r t was heavy f r o m toil and


To find i ts rest , I knew not where.

1 thought a s I s trode with eyes

ful l of sand

Of flowers and birds and a coral

s t r and .

Rich sunshine and t rees of luxuri-

an t shade.

The mansions which marble and

silver had made.

I thought of mysplf, of the work

I had done, How I'd toiled fo r naught , and

str ived, not won, How hard had I worked, yet not as

hard as I could, How of ten I had said, "I ought" or

"I should."

Have you ever smoked a c igar ?

T i s a pleasant feel ing, a satis-

fied fee l ing when you s i t back in u cushioned chair , st ick a long,

round, black cigar between your

teeth and blow voluminous clouds

of smoke ceilingward. You become

reflective as the d r u g dulls t he quickness and pep of your brain,

j You th ink of what you have done,

( of wha t you can do; you excuse

| your fa i lu res and exa l t your suc-1 cesses. You feel a t ease with t he

world. Whethe r or not it is wrong to

encourage these soliloquys by

smoking, I do not ca re to a r g u e ;

but the essential evil is tha t we,

by th inking more of ourselves, be-

come introspective and egotistical . We become more wrapped up in

ourselves. Our personali t ies a r e

I hidden and we become more like

ac tors than real beings. We t a k e I f rom society the grace and beauty

of an unaffected personali ty and

I supply a sham, a fa rce , a shadow

of ourselves. | Thus , even though two men can

j become closer f r iends over a good c igar , even though t he girl f r i end

may graceful ly l ight her boy

f r i end ' s and then her own daint i ly

scented c igaret te and so form an enjoyable set t ing, yet a price is

exacted in the form of loss of t r u e

personali ty and t he a t t endan t

pleasure of freely mingl ing with

o thers in the role of your na tu ra l

1 self .

Ma Durfee: "How lung did t ha t

young man s tay last n i g h t ? " Helen H.: "Oh, Ma, don ' t bo ther

me with petty ma t t e r s . "

F rosh : - "What ' s the difference

between a mouse and a co-ed . Soph.: "One h a r m s the cheese

and the other cha rms the he 's ."

He: "Could I have jus t one k i s s ? "

She: " I don' t ca te r to the retail

, t rade ."

The Cynic 's Dictionary

H Hackney, n. The knee made f anwus by the London Busman. Neighbors used to drop in for a

Often seen going up the s t a i rways call; now they call in f o r a drop,

of 5th Ave. buses, v.t. To make i — .J. B. N.)


A Abnormal : a. To abhor "good

stories ." 2. To pass up moonshine

for ice cream sodas, .'i. To love fo r ( . t ! i n o n e

love's sake.


Have you heard rumors concerning the approaching car-

nival? Lights and laughter, wild beasts, acrobats, fun and

f reaks! (There was a time when freaks were a common

sight so as to be considered quite a nuisance. But in this

unindividualistic age when everybody is like everybody else,

people will pay large sums to gaze upon a f reak) .

Are you old enough or well enough informed to recall the

carnival of some years ago? It was a grand success.

There were ferocious animals that looked as it they hadn t

eaten for a month and were eager to break their tast. (We

quickly threw peanuts to them.) There was an incubator

baby—very good sized and perfectly healthy. The Miamese

Twins were friendly—and so were all the other freaks. There

was a dark cave full of dangers to be explored by brave

people. There were gypsy fortune-tellers and acrobats and

good things to eat! The enormous crowd had the best time ever.

That is why we are looking forward to the coming event.

We believe that Hope harbors just as ingeneous, wise, and

witty folks now as then (are we optimistic?)—even more

so! And a word to the wise is sufficient.

The carnival is a town affair. The admission will probably

be a nickel with the side attractions costing all the way from

a penny to fifteen. Who knows, Simple Simon may find his pieman if he brings

his penny and Little Bo-Peep will surely find her shy sheep.

It 's Leap Year, you know!

"You ' re wanted on the ^ f t

Tell 'em I'm tak ing a He: bath." I

H Harel ip : n. A moustache. One She: "1 did but they said they

old ca t : out, all out. 1 didn't believe i t . " | . t b e t t e r ^ a j i s w e r i t ;

it must be somebody who Knows A Advice': n ' . T ' On^ 6f the two

remaining commodit ies—the other

being air , ami the two synonymous ;

"Give him the a i r " mean ing ad-

vise him freely to d e p a r t ! "

me pre t ty well."

I blamed myself then fo r the plight

1 was in,

For the sadness, t he gloom and the

sorrow wi th in ;

I told myself t ha t I'd not done my

best , That I'd labored and strived but

lacked much in zest. %

I resolved then and there to give

all I had, Whether fo r tunes were good or for -

tunes were bad. I swore t ha t I'd str ive though it

all seemed in vain And in all of my labors I 'd use

might and main.

The sleet slapped aga ins t me, the

sea w a s a roar,

The wind blew r ight . t h r u me, i t s tung to the core.

ther cold nor the ice, But I cared not f o r weather , nei-My hear t had ambition and t ha t

did suffice. W. K., '31.


Have Your Suits1 i

Made to Your Measure

From $24.50 up j A I V I U u p

j - a t - j NickDykemaJheTailor |

Over J. J. Rutgers Co. j

He: "Do you know why I won't

mar ry you • ) » »

Firpo: Tha t ' s a nice lipstick you ;

lave on. F lapper : There you go. Always

want ing to rub i t in.

Co-ed: "1 can ' t th ink ." He: "You guessed it ."


Conservative: "The young folks )f today are headed fo r destruc-

tion." Ultra^con.: "Well , let 's hope they

;ake their saxophones and ukes


Visitor (d i s t rac ted ly) : "Doctor,

I my husband complains of seeing

dots before his eyes." Doc: "1 hard ly believe tha t is

cause for serious a la rm." . She: "But , doctor, he tr ies to

sign his name on them." — ( F a i r y Tales, Vol. II .) j

The Time For Spring Sports is Nearing.

Let us supply you.


Out of some 30 exchanges , which

received our minute a t tent ion th is

cveek, about twenty-five contained

ditorials tha t s ta r ted out :

"This has been a poor week; ab-

solutely nothing has happened . . ."

Of course we don't like to make

l isparaging insinuations — but the

columns of these papers were quite

full .


Each Monday morning finds the cloud of "blue Monday

hovering around in the classrooms. Students seem to be at

their worst and the week-end work proves invariably to be

weak indeed. Is it mere procrastination or might there be some explanation in the order of affairs?

This is the situation. The student completes the work of the week on Friday, gives a big sigh of relief, and feels that a well-earned rest is due him. Since recitations are two days off there is no immediate necessity for working under the strain of a tired mind and rest continues — yes, it continues too long and the results are evident. Now if a student were to go to school on Saturday, have an opportunity to rest on Sunday as he should have, prepare his lessons on Monday, and go to school on Tuesday, would it not be a more logical order of events ? It would insure a better preparation for the work of the first school day of the week. It would pro-vide an excellent opportunity to write term papers and attend to outside work. And above all it would eliminate the prac-

tice of Sunday study. Of course tradition would balk such an innovation, but

believing that there are worth while results to be gained, we ghould like to see the idea put to the test of practice.

Alumni" columns of our ex-

changes, notes of the engagemen t s

and mar r i ages of the fo rmer s tu-

dents of the inst i tut ions.

It goes to show tha t—al tho love

is blind, a co-ed can a lways see a

jewelled f r a t e r n i t y pin.


J a c k Van der Ploeg


- Quality ShoeRepiiriiif That's OurBusiness

"Dick" the Shoe Doctor

Electric Shoe Hospital D. S c h a f t e n a a r , Prop.

P h o n e 5328 13 E. 8th S t .

We Call For and Deliver


The Latest Styles in <JRUEN WATCHES


SELLES Jewelry Store

Where All Sportsmen Meet


The While Cross Barbers 1 T r i m Your Hair the way

You l ike i t .

Oak Leaves (Manchester College)

•ecently published a very charming

picture of Eel River Bridge. The

licture was printed upside down,

mt tha t doesn' t m a t t e r as it is

one of those beaut i ful r iver scenes

vherein the reflection and the real

hing are of equal value.

Papers continue to rave about

Chicago's crime wave. — Why don't .hey inst i tute a Crook-a-Month


The following remark is taken f rom the Wil lamet te Collegian:

"The I tal ian government has pro-

hibited the Charleston and the Black Bottom over there . Perhaps the I ta l ians think Europe is shaky-

enough as it i s ! <

If some of you fellows a re pull-

ing low German marks—take the

explanation f r o m the Bay Window

j f Muskegon Junior College, which

s ta tes t ha t German m a r k s have

been low for a long t ime.

Every Franklin Policy provides for protection against loss — provides

money for living, for education—for every need. I have served the pople of Holland a quarter of a century;

Let me serve you now.

W. J. OLIVE, General Agent, Holland, Mich.

We are always glad to see in the

One of Albion's budding women

ournalis ts "covered" an ass ignment

)f the girls ' inter-class basket-ball

i^ames in the following manner :

"New gym costumes have been

purchased by the college fo r the

girls' class basket-ball t eams . . . .

This is the first t ime in the his tory

if t he school tha t suits have been

.urnished fo r the gir ls . . . . All

.•lasses will have suits, the colors

jeing purple and gold f o r seniors,

navy blue and white f o r juniors,

maroon and white fo r sophomores

ind the usual green and white f o r

f reshmen." t

Oh well — you know how women



Cireen Mill Cafe We aim to give You the Beat.


Green Mill Cafe Proprietor

Page 3: 03-14-1928


v I I

Changing Standards

By Arlyne L. Haan o

Kditor 's note : The following is an excerpt f r o m a Senior Ethics paper in which the wr i te r summar-ises an art icle appea r ing recently in the Saturday Evening Post. It re la tes the experience of a college g radua te of '07, who has been in China since graduat ion , when he r e tu rns to see for himself condi-t ions in his Alma Mater .

o The t ra in stopped, and Mr. Van

Winkle descended into the country of flaming youth. Th i s week-end celebrated the fes t iv i ty of Sp r ing Week, but a l though his f r a t e rn i ty was enjoying the las t Spring Week house par ty . Van Winkle was re-ceived with cordiali ty. He sa t in the living room of his f r a t e r n i t y house wondering if the girl in red with the sleek shingled head had been boneless to begin wi th; she cer ta inly danced without any t race of car t i lage. J u s t wha t was the dilTerence anyway, between the dancing now and the dancing he had known as an u n d e r g r a d u a t e ?

Was it merely t h a t i t seemed en-t irely e f for t less? There was some-th ing organic about it, like an accelerated hear tbea t . I t was more physically f r e e and na tu ra l—tha t

was it. As the house pa r ty progressed

the younger generat ion 's f reedom of caress caught Van Winkle 's a t tent ion probably more than any other one thing. These under-g radua tes and the i r gir ls seemed to hold hands a s a m a t t e r of course, much as a person crosses his knees or s t rokes his chin. When they rode in cars toge ther

up and down the s t ree ts of the college town the boys' a rms were more of ten than not about the gir ls ' waists . Twice Van Winkle saw s tudents ' ca r s proceeding slowly in full dayl ight with the occupants kissing each other hap-

. pily. Yet, he wondered, did i t lead to any h a r m ? There was a dis-a rming openness about the whole proceeding, a coolness tha t some how removed it f rom suspicion. But where was the a l a rming breakdown in young people's mor-als t h a t he had heard and rea( abou t? The parked cars, for in-s tance—the idea of scenes of pas-sionate abandon tak ing place in most of the cars he had seen about was laughable—those remnan t s o cast-off-fl ivvers ingeniously placet toge ther . Fp.W. . UNJ: comfortable places could be imag-ined for the a rdors of adolescent

love. Ti r ing of the dance, Mr. Van

Winkle s tar ted to enter a dark and apparent ly uninhabited l ibrary. He soon realized his mistake and as he re t rea ted in confusion one of the chaperons laughingly ad-dressed him. In answer to his in-quiries she informed him of h e r dut ies a s chaperon. "There are five of us," she said, 4 ,and we work by shi f ts . Every once in a while one of us goes casually into the

l ibrary, pre tending to look for a shawl, and reminds the loving couples, by the fac t of her int iu-sion, tha t i t is t ime they gave the

o thers a chance a t the room. " J u s t wha t is this pet t ing t h a t

I hear so much a b o u t ? " asked \ a n

Winkle. The chaperon laughed. "Ret t ing

is old-fashioned. J u s t now i t 's necking. Necking has a s t ronger

flavor than it deserves. To an out-

sider i t carr ies a more a la rming connotation than it does to the average s tudent . I don't like the sprawling around and pawing, my-

self, a l though 1 think in most cases i t is too superficial to do any seri-ous harm. I t makes for general messiness, t h a t ' s all. What I dis-like most about i t is the lack of

dignity and grace." The house-party guests de-

par ted ; the college slept fo r a night and a day, then slowly s truggled back to normal. Once more, a f t e r an absence of twenty

years . Van Winkle watched an av-e rage college crowd engaged upon the activity of an average college day. He heard the current ta lk of the campus—the agitat ion fo r an honor system, a rguments fo r and aga ins t ' compul so ry chapel; topics which were discussed with sur-prising competence. There was much post-mortem discussion of the house par ty girls; some announced tha t they were olf wom-en for life, o thers moved in a trance-like s ta te f rom which they returned to consciousness only to dispatch or receive special-delivery e t ters . He heard girls blamed or being too smooth," for not be-

ing smooth enough, fo r being dumb, for being a r ty ; fo r being high-hat ; for being gold-diggers; tie heard them praised fo r their ooks, for their conversation, for

their lack of it, for their old-fash-ionedness. Seemingly each male measured young womanhood by the most exact ine s tandards and in few cases were the s tandards


There was more talk about the subject ma t t e r of college courses than Van Winkle remembered f lora his own time, and the student body seemed more critical of the faculty. There seemed to be more s tudying going on too; certainly there were more books around. Of one th ing Van Winkle w a s con-vinced: whatever moral metamor-pnosis youth might or mi-gtit not have undergone, it had a t least grown more independent; #it stood

more on i ts own feet in a t t i tudes

and behavior. Finally, Van Winkle, so swampet

with impressions tha t he was un-able to place them in any logical order, called on Professor East , who had been teaching in the col-lege for a t least twenty-five years . East summarized his opinions a s follows: "There are calamity-howlers, whose favori te trick is

overs ta t ing the case. 'Youth has c a s t - a w a y the old securities, ' he wails, 'wha t will become of the

j eternal ver i t ies? ' And if you press hi:n fo r details you find tha t he means girls wear short ski r ts or tha t he saw an unchaperoned couple kissing in the moonlight. But, laying aside these exaggera-tions, you will still find tha t youth has changed. The relationship be-tween the sexes has changed. Girls permit more liberties; boys t ake more. Some of them come to gr ief , no doubt, but I question whether the proportion is as la rge as the proportion that used to come to grief through reticence, evasion, and false modesty. I g ran t tha t there is plenty of room for im-provement. The present-day un-dergradua te is too wastefu l , intol-e ran t , and ill-mannered. In spite of prohibition, he still drinks, but there is less mass dr inking than there used to be. His moral code dur ing the grea te r pa r t of his un-dergradua te days is a jumble, a fe rment . He begins to see tha t

morali ty is not a simple algebraic

business t h a t i t had seemed. He learns the difficulty of ty ing ac-tions up in neat packages and labelling them right or wrong. I t is easy to unders tand how, in the face of such confusion, the s tudent poses as the coolest of cynics, while a t hea r t he i s the most t im-orous and uncertain of mortals . The s tudents in my classes today are 50'/c more intellectually curi-ous than they were in your day and mine. The g rea t th ing is tha t

youth is s t i r r ing. I re fuse to be alarmed about the f u t u r e of the modern generat ion or even about i ts present behavior. I t shows un-mistakable signs of going about th ings in the r igh t way. I t is us-

ing i ts head."


Day of Prayer Is Observed at Hope

Hope College is following the ancient custom of the community and is observing the annual Day of Prayer . Classroom work has been discontinued to permit proper ob-servance of the day by church at-

tendance. I t - seems to be the opinion tha t

Hope, a religious insti tution of the Reformed Church, ought to join in the services held throughout the City.

o— Ethelyn Koeppe requests tha t in

the f u t u r e she be allowed to close her window without having a snow-

ball come in contact with her eye. We a re glad to have Ruth Daane

back with us again a f t e r her t rav-els in Europe. We envy you, Ruth.

The co-operation shown by the two deans last Thursday evening was such as has not been seen for

many a day.

A week ago Sunday n ight a girls '

gospel team, composed of Helen

Zander, Delia Helder, Bernardine

Siebers, Marie Wagenaar , Sarah

Klooster, Edi th Dings, and Edith

McGilvra, journeyed to For res t

Grove to take charge of the Chris-

tian Endeavor service. I t w a s only

a t i re , however, t ha t became flat,

since we hear tha t t h a t adjective

is f a r f rom the one to apply to the

service. The gir ls had a very de-

l ightful t ime a f t e r the meet ing at

the home of Myrtle Klooster before

a t tempt ing the cold ride back to


Midnight oil has again been burn-ing. The facul ty relentlessly in-sists it must take an inventory of our fer t i le minds a t least every six weeks. They may be wiser than we think, though. Ju s t think how much there would' be to wri te if they waited until the end of the year. We might have to wri te a whole textbook and goodness knows there are enough of those already.

Many Hopeites flocked to hear the Albion Men's Glee Club when they were in Holland las t week. Curiosity seemed to be grea t re-garding the mat te r of men which Albion produced. The basketball game on Wednesday was another

proof of this . We hear , however, t ha t Seena Welling suffered a keen



i T H E

GO E. 8th St.

JERROLD Ph. 2995

Low Price


Dr. S. M. Zwemer, '87, of Cairo, is a t present on a visit to India. The week beginning Jan . 22 was given to the city of Madras. Every morning he lectured to missionaries and other Christ ian workers on the religion, l i terature , customs and superst i t ions of Mohammedans; while his evenings were devoted to public addresses, a t which the at-tendance was chiefly non-Christian. The memory of his last visit has brought him large audiences. On J a n . 23 the Madras Auxiliary of the Bible Society held i ts annual meet-ing in the historic Memorial Hall, which was built in 1858 by means of public subscription a s a visible monument of public gra t -itude because the Sepoy mutiny was quelled before it reached Ma-dras and the city was saved f rom

an outbreak. The cha i rman of the meet ing was the Honorable Mr. Just ice M. D. Devadoss, t he first Indian Chris t ian to be raised to the High Court Bench in India. A s t i r -r ing address on the conquests of the Bible, especially in relat ion to the world of Is lam, was delivered by Dr. Zwemer.

B o m to Rev. and Mrs. R. J . Blacker a t Rochester , N. Y., a son Glenn. Rev. Blacker was a member of the class of '22.

Word has been received announc-ing the birth on Feb. 29, of a son, Roger Dyke, to Mr. and Mrs. John R. Kempers of Tapachula , Chiapas, Mex. Mr. Kempers graduated in '21, and Mrs. Kempers , who w a s former ly Miss Mable Van Dyke, in '24. This makes two leap yea r babies bom to Hope College Alum-

ni th is year.

Mr. C. R. Heemst ra , '19, who is superintendent of schools a t Cros-well, Mich., is a t tending the conven-tion of the Nat ional Education As-

sociation at Boston.

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Page 4: 03-14-1928


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A T H L E T I C S ' K, j:MA.3 t£ki






Hope's basketball five ended the season in a blaze of glory with a defeat over Albion a f te r a hard-fought game in which the lead went from team to team and back again, but finally rested upon the Hope team as the whistle blew.

Hope took the lead in the first minute, but Albion came back to score a fi-tf lead before Hope got started again. The half ended with Hope leading 19-17.

Gain and lose lead

Hope came back in the second half to gain a margin of ten points, but Albion gradually cut down the Hope margin until at the last minute Albion was ahead 37-36. With 30 seconds to play. Van I^n-te, rangy sophomore guard, sank a long jne from the center of the court to bring victory to the Orange

and Blue.

Schouten substituted rather free-ly, giving his reserve material plenty of chance to gain experience. Tigelaar, Vanden Bush and De Young saw action in the second half. It was during this period that Albion came so close to vic-tory but the regulars again entered the game and with the help of Van I^ente staved off defeat.

Find basket easily

Vander Hill was "hot" on the basket, scoring eight baskets to lead the Hope scoring. Martin and Van Lente also played very well for Hope. Carlson was high point man of the evening with 17 points.

Grey, also, showed up well for Kobs of Michigan State College

the Methodists. refereed the contest.


Hope G F T De Free, f 1 0 2 Vander Hill, f .... 8 0 1G Martin, c .... 3 4 10 Van Lente, g .... 3 1 7 Klay, g ... 0 3 3 Tigelaar .... 0 0 0 Vanden Bush 0 0 0 De Young 0 0 0

Total 15 8 38 Albion . G F T Carlson, f .... 8 1 17 Bromley, f .... 1 1 3 Grey, c .... 4 2 10 Goldberg, g .... 1 0 2 Fleming, g .... 1 1 3 Schuler .... 1 0 2 Penzotti 0 0 0

Total Ifi 5 37


Team W L

Kalamazoo .... '. 9 1


Hillsdale 4 5

Hope 6

Albion 4 G

Olivet 9





Referee: Kobs, M. S. C.

Our Team

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The Colonial Barber Shop AND BEAUTY PARLOR. Marceling, Fingerwing Waving. Hot Oil

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STUDENTS! Take advantage of our Semi-Annual Sale. You can save money on Holland Shoes. Sale ends Saturday, March 17.


Last year at this time there ap-peared an editorial in the Anchor which did not insinuate but frankly stated that the failure of last year's basktibull team was due to lack of training by most of its members. No such charge can be nade of this year's team. Never was there a harder-training nor a ?leaner-cut bunch of fellows on any basketball team than there was on .his year's team.

Any school could reasonably be oroud of such a team whether in \ictovy or defeat. Always fighting, lever (|uitting, the team with a record of being one of the cleanest n the state surely has kept Hope's

banner flying high. The high scholarship of the team should not •o unnoticed. Also, the morale of he '27-,28 team was the best of

any team representing Hope Col-'ege. Each man sacrificed and lelped his teammate; perhaps this is the reason for the lack of an mtstanding star.

Everywhere one goes he is al-ways sure to find many would-be critics, but I am certain that no me can criticize — rather it is .vorthy of praise — the clean jporfcsmanlike coaching of Jack Schouten. We all are proud of a .vinning team but prouder still of a team of clean players. Jack seek? to develop men as well as players.

In conclusion a word of appreci-ation is due the student body and the faculty for the splendid spirit and support given t h e . team. Whether in victory or defeat we surely have a team of which to be proud.

—By Captain Martin, '29.

season with a great comeback los-The Frosh team ended the home

ing to the Albion Freshmen by the close score of 34-33. The Albion yearlings rallied at the close of the game, gaining the victory by the slender margin of one point with a center court shot by Grey in the last minute of play.

The Hope Freshmen had a ten point lead about three minutes be-fore the gun but could not stop the long-distance sharpshooting of the visitors in the final minutes of play. Nevertheless, the Freshmen did very well considering the lop-sided victory which the Albion-ites gained over the Hope yearlings on the Albion floor early in the sea-son.

Play Well

Becker and Smith showed up best for the Hope Frosh. Becker, as usual, carried, the fight and the brunt of the offense fo r Hope; Smith was hot on the iron, scoring 13 points. Grey was the star of the Albion squad, running up a total of 15 points himself and, in addition, sinking the game-win-ning basket in the last minute from the center of the court.

De Cook refereed the game in his usual style.




Playing their first game in the Western A. A. U. tournament a t Grand Rapids the Hope Frosh up-set all "dope" and brought home a victory over the Bethany's of Grand Rapids, trimming the Furni-ture City men decisively as is indi-cated by the 33-25 score.

The Bethany's had defeated the Boter's, a team which had beaten the Hope varsity early in the sea-son; and so the Frosh were not con-ceded to have an even chance of winning. But they came through in fine style and added another s tar to their crown.

All the men who got into the game scored at least one basket. Smith and VanderWerf, however leading them all with ten points. Besides these two, Juist , Becker, and Klooster also got into the game.

The next game of the Frosh will be Friday night when they will meet the Trinity Lutherans of Grand Rapids. The Frosh should come through to win this one, the Bethany's being considered a stronger team than the Lutherans.

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More Hope Men will w e a r Kahn Clothes this S p r i n g than ever be-fore.

W h y not d r e s s with t h e best in he latest col-lege s ty l e s by m a k i n g your next sui t a K A H N ?

John J. Rutgers 19 West 8th St.


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Hope Frosh G F T Smith, f 0 10 VanderWerf, f 4 2 10 Juist, c 1 0 2 Becker, g 2 8 Klooster, g 1 1 3

Total ...14 5 33 Bethany's G F T Tornga, f 2 0 4 A. VanderVeen, f.. 5 1 11 J. VanderVeen, c. 2 0 4 Evarts , g 2 0 4 N. De Young, g 1 0 2 Ne. De Young, g 0 0 0

Total ...12 1 25

CLASS LEAGUE STANDING Team W L Seniors 3 0 Juniors 1 1 Frosh 0 1

Sophs e 2


"The Cohen's and Kelly's in Paris" Friday and Saturday. March 1H-17

V-A-U-D-E-V-I-L-L-E Rin Tin Tin in "A RACK FOR U P E "

Monday, March 19 Country Store Night Marie Prevoit in "ON TO REND"

I Colonial Theatre


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