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04-2014 Letter B - April

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Greetings !!! This is my April news- letter. Began is several weeks ago and did not quite get it completed. Spring is officially here and it is nice to see the snow melting away and the “gumbo” mud dry up in the fields. It will be a while before we are able to open up the fields and let the flock / gaggle / herd that live with us feed on the grass. Spring has been a long time coming this year. It has been a relatively quiet time for me this past month or so. I was away for some time in March down south visiting family and that was pleasant. In April, we travelled to Red Deer, Alberta to attend the Mane Event which was incredible. For everything and anything to do with horses, it was amazing. I continue to assist wherever I can with the rural recreation facilities in Area B; this would include both Bouchie Lake and Parkland. Small groups of volunteers work very hard for our communities and are currently focusing on rolling out their budgets and plans for 2014. There is always a need for more residents to get in- volved with these groups as recrea- tion plays such an important role in our communities. If you have some time to spare, please let me know as I know that there is a place for you at those tables. HELLO FROM YOU TO ME… across Electoral Area B! Letter Letter B B UPCOMING EVENTS & MEETINGS May 7-9th—North Central Local Government Assoc. Convention, Ft. St. John, BC May 10th—North Cariboo Equine Extravaganza, Bouchie Lake Hall May 12th—Parkland Recre- ation Commission Meeting May 13th—Northern Rural Caucus and North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee Meeting May 16th—CRD Meeting, Williams Lake May 22nd—Honeybee & Chicken Bylaw Public Hear- ing Serving the communities of Ahbau Creek, Baker Creek, Bouchie Lake, Cinema, (lower) Cottonwood, Dunkley, Hilborn, Milburn Lake, Moose Heights, Parkland, Quesnel-Hixon, Riverpark, Strathnaver, Ten Mile Lake and many areas in between! CONTACT ME Email hdixon- [email protected] BLOG http://heloisedixon- warren.blogspot FACEBOOK Heloise-Dixon-Warren- CRD Director Area B April, 2014 Volume 3, Issue 4 I am currently in Fort St. John at- tending the NCLGA / North Central Local Government Association. I anticipate this event will be a great way to learn, become more in- formed, and share ideas. On the drive here I travelled some of the way along the Peace River. An ab- solutely beautiful landscape. If you have any questions or con- cerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am always just a phone call or email away. FACE- BOOK works too!

Greetings !!! This is my April news-

letter. Began is several weeks ago and did not quite get it completed.

Spring is officially here and it is nice to see the snow melting away and the “gumbo” mud dry up in the fields. It will be a while before we are able to open up the fields and let the flock / gaggle / herd that live with us feed on the grass. Spring has been a long time coming this year.

It has been a relatively quiet time for me this past month or so. I was away for some time in March down south visiting family and that was pleasant. In April, we travelled to Red Deer, Alberta to attend the Mane Event which was incredible. For everything and anything to do with horses, it was amazing.

I continue to assist wherever I can with the rural recreation facilities in Area B; this would include both Bouchie Lake and Parkland. Small groups of volunteers work very hard for our communities and are currently focusing on rolling out their budgets and plans for 2014. There is always a need for more residents to get in-volved with these groups as recrea-tion plays such an important role in our communities. If you have some time to spare, please let me know as I know that there is a place for you at those tables.

HELLO FROM YOU TO ME… across Electoral Area B!



May 7-9th—North Central

Local Government Assoc.

Convention, Ft. St. John, BC

May 10th—North Cariboo

Equine Extravaganza,

Bouchie Lake Hall

May 12th—Parkland Recre-

ation Commission Meeting

May 13th—Northern Rural

Caucus and North Cariboo

Joint Planning Committee


May 16th—CRD Meeting,

Williams Lake

May 22nd—Honeybee &

Chicken Bylaw Public Hear-


Serving the communities of Ahbau Creek, Baker Creek, Bouchie Lake, Cinema, (lower)

Cottonwood, Dunkley, Hilborn, Milburn Lake, Moose Heights, Parkland, Quesnel-Hixon, Riverpark,

Strathnaver, Ten Mile Lake and many areas in between!


Email hdixon-

[email protected]

BLOG http://heloisedixon-


FACEBOOK Heloise-Dixon-Warren-

CRD Director Area B

April, 2014

Volume 3, Issue 4 I am currently in Fort St. John at-tending the NCLGA / North Central Local Government Association. I anticipate this event will be a great way to learn, become more in-formed, and share ideas. On the drive here I travelled some of the way along the Peace River. An ab-solutely beautiful landscape.

If you have any questions or con-cerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am always just a phone call or email away. FACE-BOOK works too!

Letter B Page 2

If you would like to be added to my distribution list for Area B, please email me at [email protected]

Healthy Communities Neighbourhood Project Update

This project has been funded by the Healthy Communities Capacity Building Fund, a partnership between BC Healthy Communities Society and Healthy Families BC. This partnerhip supports local government engagement and partnerships across sectors for creating healthier communities, and provides learning opportunities, resources, and leading-edge practices for collaborative local action.

A partnership of the Cariboo Regional District, Parkland and Bouchie Lake

Recreation, and Parent Advisory Councils.

The communities of Bouchie Lake / Milburn Lake and Ten Mile Lake / Moose Heights have com-pleted Phase 1 of the Healthy Community Project focused on collaboration, identifying barriers, and proposing solutions to how our communities can be healthier. This project was incredibly suc-cessful and it was great to get together with residents to brain storm, share ideas, and bring forth ideas as to how barriers could be removed. What was interesting was the similarities between the two communities and the cross over between the barriers that were identified. The final report has now been submitted to the BC Healthy Communities and the Cariboo Regional District and can be viewed on my blog at http://heloisedixon-warren.blogspot The three community health concerns that were identified as the top three from the workshops are: Transportation: many residents are unable to attend medical appointments, recreational activities or visit with neighbours as some only have a single vehicle, do not drive, or only drive in good weather / road conditions. Several ideas were discussed that might alleviate some stressors for this—e.g. community van, car pool (phone tree), improved HandiDart Service. Recreation: many residents want to recreate within their own communities and /or backyards and recreation needs vary with different people. Identified needs include include self-guided activities, better utilization of outdoor spaces, physical activity / programming throughout day and evening, bridging youth and seniors for activities that would provide an opportunity for collaboration and healthy lifestyles. Community Hall Utilization: better access to and increased usage of rurally based community halls was identified as important to community health. Activities and programs that bridge genera-tions are key—e.g. Library, nutrition / cooking, arts, sports, after school programs, library, internet cafes, Doctor Day, community garden, accessible entrances, youth summer camps. The next step will be to proceed with Phase 2. An application for Phase 2 has been submitted to BC Healthy Communities and involves more collaboration, reviewing options to address the barri-ers identified in Phase 1, and test some of the ideas. If you wish to be notified as activities role out for Phase 2, please let me know by emailing me at [email protected] or calling 250.249.5329.

What is a Healthy Community?? Healthy lifestyles. A vibrant economy. Affordable housing. Protected parks & green space. Accessible com-

munity services. Thriving neighbourhoods. Clean air and water. A sustainable environment. Ethnic and cul-

tural diversity. Healthy public policy. Engaged citizens. A healthy community is all of this, and more.


The Parkland Community Centre, located in Parkland Elementary, in Ten Mile Lake is a fan-tastic place. Similar to Bouchie Lake Hall it is operated by volunteers. It is available for com-munity members to rent outfor gathering, par-ties, meetings, etc. Earlier this winter, Zumba was held there. Consider getting involved… volunteers are always needed and appreciated. For additional information on how to rent the facilities and /or to get involved, please call the Parkland Community Centre at 250.992.5400. The Parkland Community Association is on FACEBOOK too!


1st Annual Belly Run on Ten Mile Lake The Obstetric department of Quesnel is fundraising for updated

equipment for our maternity ward.

Online Registration at www.eventbrite.ca.

Run or Walk

9km (one for

each month of


around Ten Mile


Starting at 8:00

a.m. at Kosta's



KITCHEN RENOVATIONS—completed! The renovation of the kitchen at the Bouchie Lake Hall is completed & looks fantastic. A new floor & sub-floor was laid, kitchen freshly painted and walls repaired, dishes and cutlery counted and sanitized, the pantry cleared out and tidied up, and a NEW 6 burner Garland gas stove installed.

OTHER RENOVATIONS The Bouchie Lake Recreation Commission is planning to do some other infrastructure renovations in 2014. With aging infrastructure, this is very much necessary. The plan is to access some grant funds through Northern Development Initiative Trust (Community Halls & Recre-ation Facilities) and complete some repairs and im-provements that are needed. The following is planned: Accessible front entrance way Upstairs Multi-Purpose Room Acoustic Curtain replacement Sound System Ground Beautification—Volunteer Appreciation

Garden (FireSmart Plants); Well Head If you are interested in assisting with this project through providing guidance and direction, please con-tact Bouchie Lake Recreation. BLRC wants to ensure that the project being planned is done with input from residents.

SENIOR’S LUNCHEON Bouchie Lake Recreation hosted the Senior’s Luncheon on April 28th. It was well attended with people attend-ing from throughout the Quesnel area. Thank you to the volunteers who assisted to make the event possible. Thank you to those who donated monies for next year’s event. Your generosity of “paying it forward” means that the event can be held in 2015.

BOUCHIE LAKE NORTH CARIBOO EQUINE EXTRAVAGANZA May 10, 2014 - “The Tail Event” Bouchie Lake Rec. is hosting the 1st ever North Cariboo Equine Extravaganza on Sat., May 10th and it is surely going to be a fantastic day for all the horse enthusiasts! For only $10 / table indi-viduals, horse related businesses and /or not for profit groups will be setting up a table for the tack sale and /or to promote their business and /or organisation. To date, 23 tables have been booked and 6 presenters are scheduled. All pro-ceed will BLRC are looking forward to this being the North Cariboo’s Mane Event!

BOUCHIE LAKE COMMUNITY ASSOC. An integral part of Bouchie Lake Recreation is the Bouchie Lake Community Association / BLCA. This organisation was registered in 1991 as a not-for-profit in BC and used to be called the Bouchie Lake Recreation Commission. A meeting of the BLCA was held on April 4, 2014 and a new Board of Directors was elected. The board consists of Jan Rivers (Chair), Lora Lebeck (Vice Chair), Wen-dy Donald (Treasurer) and Angela Mezzatesta and myself (alternating as Secretary).
