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04-Paul Aston - FPSO Conversion and Utilisation Contracts 000

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  • 8/13/2019 04-Paul Aston - FPSO Conversion and Utilisation Contracts 000


    FPSO Conversion and Utilisation ContractsStandard Asia

    Offshore Forum

    Paul Aston, Partner

    7 December 2006


  • 8/13/2019 04-Paul Aston - FPSO Conversion and Utilisation Contracts 000


    Different type of Offshore


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    Variety of Offshore Structures

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    FPSO; Various Component Parts

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    Bow Turret FPSO

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    FPSO in Field with Platform

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    FPSO; Risers and Mooring


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    FPSO in Field with Manned and

    Unmanned Platforms

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    FPSO; Deep Water Usage

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    STL / STP

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    TLP and Spar

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    SPM; Single Point Moorings

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    Bow Turret Loading System

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    Speed into the field

    Marginal fields can be developed commercially because of

    improved drilling techniques

    Abandonment concerns avoided

    Lower Capex

    Lower Opex and quicker revenue generation feeds further

    investment and development in field.

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    Approach to Defining and Coping

    with Risk

    Who is best able to manage the risk?

    Negotiating Position

    Consider; How serious the occurrence of the identified risk would be,

    The likelihood of that risk occurring.

    In upstream contracts important to have regard to terms ofdevelopment contract (license or PSA) entered into by Operator.Operators will expect to pass onto their contractors those risksthey have assumed under documentation relating to services tobe contracted out.

    If you cannot manage a risk consider insurance. Obviouslydisaster type risks cannot be managed and are insured out.

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    The Risks

    Commercial Counterparties


    Economic Issues Risk or Disaster


    Operational Scope of Work

    Force Majuere

    Insurance Due Diligence/Mitigation

    Legal Liability


    Financial loss

    Protection of Assets/Rights



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    FPSO Development 5 year plan


    Concept design

    Detailed design and procurement

    Execution (Construction)

    Hook Up Inshore


    Start Up

    Sub sea Development

    Production Drilling

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    Consortium / Project Concerns

    Participating Interests

    Obligations of Participating Interests

    Establishment of an operating committee

    Powers and duties of operating committee

    Voting Procedures

    Establishment of work programs and budgets

    Itemization of expenditure

    Over expenditure provisions

    Revenue split

    Capitalization future


    Withdrawal by one party

    Carried interests and costs.

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    Component Parts

    Accommodation and Helideck

    Offloading and Flare

    Process Systems

    Blast Walls and Escape Tunnel


    Main Deck

    Turret System.

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    FPSO; Various Component Parts

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    Contract Stages in FPSO Project

    Conversion or New Build

    Mobilisation and Hook Up



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    Gap between shipyard practices and off shorestandards

    Industrial Culture

    Country Culture

    Company Culture

  • 8/13/2019 04-Paul Aston - FPSO Conversion and Utilisation Contracts 000


    Insurance during Conversion.

    BAR or SRL? Builders All Risk: Subject to specific terms, conditions and exclusions,

    the BAR insurers against all risks of physical loss of or damage to thesubject matter insured caused and discovered during the period of

    insurance, including the cost of repairing, replacing, renewing anydefective part condemned solely in consequence of the discovery thereinduring the period of insurance of a latent defect.

    Ship Repairers Liability Insurance: Covers shipyards legal liability to payby reason of liabilities imposed on it by law for physical loss of or damage

    to watercraft (including an FPSO) in its care custody and control for thenpurpose of re[pair or alteration. The legal liability is normally the result ofnegligence of the bailee (the shipyard) to the property of bailor (theOwner).

    BAR; covers all risks of physical loss / damage to the subject matter

    insured (unless excluded) including consequences of faulty design. SRL;no coverage without negligence.

    BAR; covers all latent defects. Covers damage to unit and any othersproperty / personal injury caused, if lines part and unit breaks away fromrepair berth. SRL no coverage for latent defect without negligence.

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    Conversion Contract

    1 Ensure that Yard BAR covers faulty welds

    2 Ensure Yard insurance Include coverage for Faulty Design or

    Defective Part

    3 Contract out of the QA/QC systems

    4 If use Buyers insurance then Yard should be named as a Co-assured

    with rights to proceed directly against underwriters and have

    administration of claim.

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    Points of Concern during


    Condition of Vessel on arrival Defects or problems discovered during conversion

    Details of Works

    Standard of workmanship

    Supervision and Testing

    Change Orders


    Termination Delays

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    Scope of Works



    Delays in obtaining AFC Drawings? Who is responsible?

    Effect on Timeline?

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    Technical Purchase Specification (TPS). Not just for rigs but

    also relevant to other building projects where specialised

    equipment has to be sourced from third party such as FPSOContracts. Whether Owner or Yard is responsible for

    procurement, Yard needs to be involved with supplier.

    Owners Furnished Equipment (OFE). There will still be anecessity for the Yard to approve which supplier or

    manufacturer is chosen and whether that equipment will

    integrate into the design of the Vessel. Whilst Buyer pays Yard

    has to ensure:

    That Buyer orders equipment that is compatible with the overall design,

    That Buyer orders the equipment in time, according to TPS

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    Buyers Designated Equipment (BSE). Buyer tells Builder

    what equipment to procure and he gives Builder funds in

    advance to pay. (If not Builder exposed before first

    installment paid.)

    Builder has to get involved in the procurement andapprove jointly with Buyer the suppliers. He must also

    Check that equipment is ordered on time;

    Check that it is compatible for design;

    Attend Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT).

  • 8/13/2019 04-Paul Aston - FPSO Conversion and Utilisation Contracts 000


    Procurement Owners Equipment

    Tendency by some Owners to treat Yard as a fabricator, rather than aspecialist; but when things go wrong stick the Yard for all delay and design

    problems. These responsibilities have to be expressed clearly.

    Close coordination with Class. Failure by Owner to do this can hold up projectlater on. Yard should not assume Owner is doing this on OFE.

    Incorporate the procurement schedule into the Building Contract where thereare significant Buyers items/supplies.

    Prioritisation, that is, arranging for most important items to be procured anddelivered first.

    Yard attendance at FATs.

    Storage and maintenance of Owners Supplies. Need to be adequatelyprotected. Who insures?

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    Change Orders

    Owners Modifications

    Contractors Modifications

    Regulatory or Class requirements

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    Utilization Contract

    Day rate on Hook Up Not flow of Oil ! Scope of responsibility

    Quality of Oil

    Day Rate Capital Cost Element

    Hire Element

    Escalation and Inflation Linking

    Deductions Net Loss of Time or Period?

    Total or Partial

    All or any one service Define Critical Systems and make special provision.

    Maintenance generally

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    Utilization Contract

    PURCHASE OPTION Exercisable within limited period

    Owner to have continuing management duties

    SUSPENSION Partial or Total?

    How Long For? Suspension Rate

    TERMINATION With Cause Without Cause

    Mutual Consent

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    Lump sum.

    Repairs to Unit.

    Demucking / Sludge removal

    Cleaning up bad chemicals. Mercury

    On site debris.

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    Consequential Damages

    Damages in English Law for breach of contract falls into two


    Direct loss; which is recoverable from the party in breach; and

    Indirect loss; which is only recoverable if it was reasonably

    foreseeable at the time the contract was entered into.

    Courts generally interpret consequential losses as falling within

    second so that an exclusion of such loss will not necessarily

    extend to loss of profit, loss of production, etc, as such loss may

    be held to constitute a part of direct loss.

    (BHP Petroleum and Others v British Steel Plc (1999) I Lloyds Rep 387)
