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05 April 2020 Welcome to Worship · Palm Sunday 05 April 2020 The Mackay Anglican Cluster THE....

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Welcome to Worship We are in a very different time and we are all learning to adapt to what might become the ‘new normal’ for awhile. We intend producing the Beacon each week with prayers and worship which you can adapt and use at home either alone or with your family. So, it is good to have you journey with us for the church is people and not a building and we are joined spiritually and bound together through Jesus Christ. Please feel free to respond to the material or what God shows you at any time. “‘Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?’ ‘That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,’ said the Cat. ‘I don’t much care where –‘ said Alice. ‘Then it doesn’t maer much which way you go,’ said the Cat.” If, on the other hand, you have a clear desnaon, your choice of route becomes restricted. Yes, you can go to Seaforth by way of The Leap; but it’s only a sensible opon from a very limited range of starng points! The account of the Passion which forms today’s Gospel is summarised by Paul using an early hymn in his leer to the Church at Philippi. He holds Christ up as the paern for the life of every believer. If we are united with Christ in our bapsm, if we share in his passion, our lives should have a very definite direcon. It maers very much, says Paul, which way . . . . . . . continued on page 12 Palm Sunday 05 April 2020 The Mackay Anglican Cluster THE
Page 1: 05 April 2020 Welcome to Worship · Palm Sunday 05 April 2020 The Mackay Anglican Cluster THE. ollects, Readings and Intercessions Sentence At the name of Jesus, every knee shall

Welcome to Worship We are in a very different time and we are all learning to adapt to what might become

the ‘new normal’ for awhile. We intend producing the Beacon each week with prayers

and worship which you can adapt and use at home either alone or with your family.

So, it is good to have you journey with us for the church is people and not a building

and we are joined spiritually and bound together through Jesus Christ. Please feel free

to respond to the material or what God shows you at any time.

“‘Would you tell me, please,

which way I ought to go

from here?’

‘That depends a good deal

on where you want to get

to,’ said the Cat.

‘I don’t much care where –‘

said Alice.

‘Then it doesn’t matter

much which way you go,’

said the Cat.”

If, on the other hand, you

have a clear destination,

your choice of route becomes restricted. Yes, you can go to Seaforth by way of The Leap;

but it’s only a sensible option from a very limited range of starting points!

The account of the Passion which forms today’s Gospel is summarised by Paul using an

early hymn in his letter to the Church at Philippi. He holds Christ up as the pattern for the

life of every believer. If we are united with Christ in our baptism, if we share in his passion,

our lives should have a very definite direction. It matters very much, says Paul, which way . . . . . . . continued on page 12

Palm Sunday 05 April 2020

The Mackay Anglican Cluster


Page 2: 05 April 2020 Welcome to Worship · Palm Sunday 05 April 2020 The Mackay Anglican Cluster THE. ollects, Readings and Intercessions Sentence At the name of Jesus, every knee shall

Collects, Readings and Intercessions

Sentence At the name of Jesus, every knee shall bend, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2.10–11

Prayer of the day God of all, you gave your only-begotten Son to take the form of a servant, and to be obedient even to death on a cross: give us the same mind that was in Christ Jesus that, sharing in his humility, we may come to be wit h him in his glory, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Holy Week

Readings for this Week - Palm Sunday

Isaiah 50.4-9a Psalm 31.9-18 Philippians 2.5-11 Palm reading - Matthew 21.1-11 Passion reading - 26.14 - 27.66

Readings - Maundy Thursday - 9th April

Exodus 12.1-4, 11-14 Psalm 116.1-2, 11-18 1 Corinthians 11.23-26 John 13.1-17, 31b-35

Readings - Good Friday - 10th April

Isaiah 52.13 - 53.12 Psalm 22 1 Corinthians 1.18-31 John 18.1 - 19.42

Readings for Next Week - Easter Day - Sunday 12th April

Acts 10.34-43 Psalm 118.1-2, 14-24 Colossians 3.1-4 Matthew 28.1-10

PLEASE PRAY FOR Our World - for world leaders and the difficult decisions they need to make; for our Prime Minister and the National Cabi-net as they meet; for the declared pan-demic and those affected either directly or indirectly by the Coronavirus.

Our Community - for Doctors and all Health care services and workers; for those who have lost their jobs; for those isolated in their homes; for those strug-gling with fear, depression and uncertain-ty; for calm, common sense and self-control.

Our Wider Church - for the Church of the Province of the Indian Ocean; The Most Revd James Richard Wong Yin Song - Archbishop, Province of Indian Ocean & Bishop of the Seychelles.

In Australia - for all Diocese of Bathurst; their Bishop Ian Palmer; Clergy and Peo-ple.

Our Diocese of NQ, - for Bishop Keith; for the Ministry Unit of Bowen; for Wontulp Bi Buya College; their principal Victor Jo-seph, the staff and students.

Our Cluster - pray for our Rector John; for our ministry centres and for the strategies that are being implemented to support people during this difficult time including the pastoral care network being imple-mented this week.

Those who are unwell or need support - healing for those who are journeying through sickness in body, mind or spirit remembering especially … (see separate list)

Those who mourn -

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Those who are sick or unwell -

Kylie, Howard, Bruce, Avon Erickson, Bob Miles, Bonnie, Colin Deeley, Arnold Dimond, Daphne McGinn, Julie Lake, Keith Dodds, Yvonne, Eric, Cedric Swayne, Margaret Rogers,

……. and others who are known to us per-sonally who have asked us to pray.

For those separated from loved ones because of distance or the Coronavirus -

Mackay Anglican Cluster


Jesus enters Jerusalem as a Passover pilgrim for the last time, demonstrating how he brings in God’s kingdom and setting the stage for the showdown with those he sees as God’s real enemies.

Picture Pointers

1. When have you been in a large crowd at something special?

2. When might you feel as if you are going in the opposite direction to the ‘crowd’?

3. What evidence is there that your church community is ‘on the move’?


Jesus, I journey with you today as you journey with me. Let me go where you go. Amen.

LENTEN STUDY Ash Wednesday to Easter

Bishop David Robinson The Psalms for Lent - a look at the psalm set down for each Sunday in Lent. Each has its own specific

theme and we will try and show how they can be as relevant today.

Pastoral Care Network We have implemented a revised pastoral care support network throughout the clus-ter. In the coming week you will be con-tacted by your loop contact person. If you have any concerns or pastoral issues please contact the cluster office or Rector.

Parts of the Order of Service that follow are text from - A Prayer Book for Aus-tralia 1995. Broughton Books, © 1995, The Anglican Church of Australia Trust Corporation. With the Liturgical Psalter, Inclusive Language Version English text © 1995 by David L Frost, John A. Emerton, Andrew A. Macintosh. Used with permis-sion. Other parts - © ROOTS for Churches Ltd (www.rootsontheweb.com) 2002-2020. Reproduced with permission within the Cluster only.

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FIRST READING - Isaiah 50.4-9a

The Lord God has given me the tongue of a teacher, that I may know how to sustain the weary with a word. Morning by morning he wakens—wakens my ear to listen as those who are taught. The Lord God has opened my ear, and I was not rebellious, I did not turn backwards. I gave my back to those who struck me, and my cheeks to those who pulled out the beard; I did not hide my face from insult and spitting. The Lord God helps me; therefore I have not been disgraced; therefore I have set my face like flint, and I know that I shall not be put to shame; he who vindicates me is near. Who will contend with me? Let us stand up together. Who are my adversaries? Let them confront me. It is the Lord God who helps me; who will declare me guilty? All of them will wear out like a garment; the moth will eat them up.

Hear the word of the Lord: Thanks be to God

PSALM 31.9-18

Have mercy upon me, O Lord, for I am in trouble: my eye wastes away for grief, my throat also and my inward parts.

For my life wears out in sorrow, and my years with sighing: my strength fails me in my affliction, and my bones are consumed.

I am become the scorn of all my enemies: and my neighbours wag their heads in derision.

I am a thing of horror to my friends: and those that see me in the street shrink from me.

I am forgotten like one dead and out of mind: I have become like a broken vessel.

For I hear the whispering of many: and fear is on every side;

While they plot together against me: and scheme to take away my life.

But in you, Lord, have I put my trust: I have said ‘You are my God.’

All my days are in your hand: O deliver me from the power of my enemies and from my persecutors.

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Make your face to shine upon your servant: and save me for your mercy’s sake.

SECOND READING - Philippians 2.5-11

Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited, but emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness. And being found in human form, he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death—even death on a cross. Therefore God also highly exalted him and gave him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bend, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Hear the word of the Lord: Thanks be to God


When they had come near Jerusalem and had reached Bethphage, at the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them, ‘Go into the village ahead of you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied, and a colt with her; untie them and bring them to me. If anyone says anything to you, just say this, “The Lord needs them.” And he will send them immediately.’ This took place to fulfil what had been spoken through the prophet, saying, ‘Tell the daughter of Zion, Look, your king is coming to you, humble, and mounted on a donkey, and on a colt, the foal of a donkey.’ The disciples went and did as Jesus had directed them; they brought the donkey and the colt, and put their cloaks on them, and he sat on them. A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. The crowds that went ahead of him and that followed were shouting, ‘Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest heaven!’ When he entered Jerusalem, the whole city was in turmoil, asking, ‘Who is this?’ The crowds were saying, ‘This is the prophet Jesus from Nazareth in Galilee.’

This is the Gospel of the Lord: Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ

This Sunday is also Passion Sunday - please read the Passion story

from Matthew 26.14-27.66 (year A) in your Bible.

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Opening prayer

We come to worship the bringer of our salvation, the hoped-for one, who stands with us now. We lay our lives before him, everything we have we offer him; may the Lord of life accept our praise today. Amen. Opening Hymn - “All Glory, Laud and Honour”

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3a8fTTrAdE Introduction

This morning begins the Great Week of the Christian Year. During Lent we have been preparing by works of love and self-sacrifice for the celebration of the Lord’s death and resurrection. With Christians throughout the world, we come together this week to call to mind, and to express in word and action, the centre of the Easter mystery: our Lord’s Passover from death to life. Christ entered in triumph into the Holy City to complete his work as Messiah: to suffer, to die and to rise to new life. Today we commit ourselves to walk the way of the cross, so that, sharing his sufferings, we may be united with him in his risen life. Prayer of the Day (see page 2) Readings (see pages 4&5) Notes on the Bible story for parents

Every year at this time, Jerusalem was filled with pilgrims arriving for the Passover. It would have been a chaotic time, more like a demonstration or a march than a pilgrimage walk. The inevitable strains on law and order would have drawn in extra soldiers to keep the peace, which only height-ened the pilgrims’ hopes for freedom.

When Jesus and his followers went on this pilgrimage, this was a clear mo-ment when Jesus’ disciples may have anticipated him acting differently. Would he turn the stones of popular expectation into the bread of political freedom? Was he willing to risk everything to show the crowds who he was? Instead he entered the city as a peacemaker, on a donkey, hungry on-

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ly for righteousness and mercy.

A man and his followers coming into the city on a donkey would have been a tiny part of this chaos. Would he have even been noticed? What would the Romans and bystanders have thought of this? As some were shouting ‘Hosanna to the Son of David’, would they have been heard above the noise of the crowds?

But Jesus was making a peaceful statement about the kind of king, prophet and leader he was. The reading from Isaiah foreshadows Jesus’ suffering by reminding us that a prophet’s vocation is costly, and the passage from Phi-lippians talks of being ‘emptied’. Would we, as a community of faith, rejoice and celebrate Jesus coming to us as this kind of king?

Approaching Jerusalem (a reflective activity)

Look at these two paintings of Jesus entering Jerusalem. The first is by Giotto (painted in 1305). It shows Jesus giving a blessing, like a Chris-tian priest as he approaches the city – it is a stylised and rather ‘churchy’ scene. The other is by Van Dyck (painted 1617) and is very different. Both pictures reflect aspects of the culture of the time in which they were painted.

How might this influ-ence our understanding of the events depicted? What differences strike you?

How far does Scrip-ture reflect the culture of its times?

How does it feel to be reading this passage from Matthew today?

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We can use these paintings to focus on two different ways of approaching the events of Palm Sunday. Giotto shows Jesus in a scene of peace and hope, near the climax of his earthly life, and in receipt of the praise that he is due. What aspects of your Christian life bring peace and/or give hope? On the other hand, Van Dyck helps us to see the tensions, the noise, the hustle and bustle of the occasion – and of life in general, perhaps – a great mix of emotions. What does it feel like to be in a jostling crowd? What went through your mind? How do you understand Palm Sunday in the light of current events?

A prayer asking for forgiveness

Saviour, forgive me when I have not welcomed you as I should. Saviour, forgive me when I have not recognised your presence with me. Saviour, enter into my life today; may my heart be full of praise, may my lips give glory to your name. Amen..

Assurance of God’s forgiveness

Christ died to sin once and for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God. In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. [ Romans 6: 10-11] Intercessions (Speaking to God)

Lord Jesus, we pray for all who give of themselves sacrificially, for those whose lives are dedicated to serving others: parents, carers, foster carers, doctors, nurses… those caring for children or elderly relatives. Let us travel together and lighten the load. We pray for those serving in war-torn countries around the world: medics, those who work in missions, the media, NGOs and charities… who bring food, shelter and healing to those in need, sometimes putting their lives on the line. Let us travel together and lighten the load.

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We pray for those in our communities who need our unconditional love: those hurting from broken relationships, abuse, bullying, domestic violence… children and adults whose lives are bereft of love and hope. Let us travel together and lighten the load. We pray that we might be Easter people, laying down our lives to serve others, bringing hope to hopeless situations – the hope of the cross and resurrection. Let us travel together and lighten the load. Amen. Closing prayer

God of love, May the expectation of Palm Sunday, the service of Maundy Thursday, the sorrow of Good Friday, the patient waiting of Holy Saturday and the joy of Easter Sunday be mine this week and always. Amen.

Listen and sing - “The Servant King ” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0FSZ_iSYO8

and your wisdom to those searching for a cure. Strengthen them with your Spirit, that through their work many will be restored to health; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

A prayer at bedtime with children Before the ending of the day, Creator of the world, we pray that you, with steadfast love, would keep Your watch around us while we sleep.

Tonight we pray especially for (names family or friends who are affected by Coronavirus) and the people of (country or place which is affected by Coronavirus). Please give skill and wisdom to all who are caring for them. Amen.

Special Prayers

For the Christian community We are not people of fear: we are people of courage. We are not people who protect our own safety: we are people who protect our neighbours’ safety. We are not people of greed: we are people of generosity. We are your people God, giving and loving, wherever we are, whatever it costs and for as long as it takes wherever you call us. Amen

Barbara Glasson

For hospital staff & medical researchers Gracious God, give skill, sympathy and resilience to all who are caring for the sick,

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Matthew 21:1-11

Children’s Activity Sheet

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on the WEB

Check out our new webpage https://mackayanglicans.org.au

From The Bishop Dear Friends,

Due to Coronavirus our churches are closed. However this will not stop us from celebrating Easter together!

Just as the sorrow of Lent and Good Friday gives way to the joy of Easter, we know that the present pandemic and the sorrow it

causes will give way in due course to a joyful return to community life. There are two contagious things in our community at the moment – a virus and fear. But as Christians we believe in both wise care using the best that science shows to us; and we believe in a God of love. So in accordance with the science we do not gather physically together so that we can slow the virus down: but in accordance with our faith we still gather togeth-er in love, making best use of new technologies. The virus and the fear will end, but the love will continue on.

The Diocese is providing services for Holy Week and Easter as below: please go to https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIDWQJd5gYJCvX-5Nq8NXqA or google YouTube Anglican Parish Ascension Heatley. Other links are on the Diocesan Website.

PALM SUNDAY – Saturday 4th April @ 5.30 pm & Sunday 5th April @ 9.00 am

TENEBRAE (pre-recorded) – from 6.00 pm on Monday 6th April

STATIONS OF THE CROSS (pre-recorded) – from 9.00 am on Tuesday 7th April

MAUNDY THURSDAY – Thursday 9th April @ 5.30 pm

GOOD FRIDAY LITURGY – Friday 10th April @ 9.00 am

GOOD FRIDAY MEDITATION (pre-recorded) – from 12 noon on Friday 10th April

EASTER VIGIL – Sunday 12th April @ 5.30 am

EASTER DAY – Sunday 12th April @ 9.00 am

The Diocese will celebrate the Chrism Mass when we return to our buildings on the oth-er side of the Coronavirus. Likewise at that time we will celebrate the resurrection of Christ in each of our ministry units with the blessing of the Paschal Candles. Until then, we are still the Body of Christ meeting online.

May God bless you all

+ Keith

The Right Revd Dr Keith Joseph Bishop of North Queensland

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The following activities, events or services are cancelled or postponed until further notice;

All normal services Wednesday Friday Morning Saturday Evening Messy Church Sunday Morning at all churches

All Aged Care facilities, Nursing Homes and Retirement Village Services

Mainly Music

Charlie’s Children’s Club

Mother’s Union and Ladies Club Meetings

Weddings - limited to 5 people Funerals - limited to 10 people

Confirmation and Admission of Children to Communion Baptisms [until further notice]

Chrism Eucharist

Deanery meeting

Maundy Thursday Good Friday Dawn Service Easter Day Other Easter Day services

Please see the webpage and/or facebook for current information


. . . . . continued from page 1

we go.

Christian Stewardship is about how we

express that pattern, those choices. Do

they reflect a life of grasping or a life of

giving? Do they display humility or self-

assertion? Are we servants of others, or do

we live for ourselves?

My Offering to God

Regular giving is an important part of Christian discipleship.

What can be done to put the church in a stronger financial position and so allow us to grow?

Here is a thought:

Ensure all members of the church family are aware that regular sacrificial giving is vital.

There is a way to give regularly either:

Cluster Direct through WESTPAC (BSB 034 195 Acct # 893499) or the “My Offering” Envelope system (available now).



Mackay Anglican Cluster

Rector - Rev’d John McKim

0408 188574

Non-Stip. Priest: Fr Henry Kennell

Non-Stip. Deacon: Rev’d Niki Power

Mackay Anglican Cluster Office

Office Hours: 9am-3pm

Monday - Friday

39 Gordon Street, Mackay

07 4957 3341

[email protected]

Holy Trinity, Mackay

39 Gordon Street, Mackay

St Charles’, West Mackay

37 McGinn Street, West Mackay

St Ambrose, North Mackay

28 Glenpark Street, North Mackay
