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05 Futurism through Neue Sachlichkeit

Date post: 11-May-2015
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2. Fillipo Marinetti 3. Gino Severini 4. Giacomo Balla 5. Giacomo Balla 6. Giacomo Balla 7. Antonio Giulio Bragaglia 8. Umberto Boccioni 9. While the impressionistsmake a table to give oneparticular moment andsubordinate the life of thetable to its resemblance tothis moment, we synthesizeevery moment (time, place,form, color-tone) and thusbuild the table.Umberto Boccioni 10. Umberto Boccioni 11. Umberto Boccioni 12. Umberto Boccioni 13. VORTICISM 14. Percy Wyndham Lewis 15. If the world would only buildtemples to Machinery in theabstract then everythingwould be perfect. The painterand sculptor would haveplenty to do, and could, incomplete peace and suitablyhonored, pursue their tradewithout further trouble. Percy Wyndham Lewis 16. Percy Wyndham Lewis 17. Percy Wyndham Lewis 18. Omega Workshops 19. Omega Workshops 20. Roger Fry - Omega Workshops 21. CUBO-FUTURISM 22. Lyubov Popova 23. Lyubov Popova 24. Lyubov Popova 25. Lyubov Popova 26. Lyubov Popova 27. SUPREMATISM 28. Kazimir Malevich 29. Kazimir Malevich 30. Kazimir Malevich 31. Kazimir Malevich 32. Kazimir Malevich 33. El Lissitzky 34. El Lissitzky - Prounenraum 35. CONSTRUCTIVISM 36. Vladimir Tatlin 37. Vladimir Tatlin 38. Vladimir Tatlin Counter-Relief 39. Aleksandr Rodchenko 40. Aleksandr Rodchenko 41. Aleksandr Rodchenko 42. Aleksandr Rodchenko 43. Aleksandr Rodchenko 44. Aleksandr Rodchenko 45. Varvara Fedorovna Stepanova 46. Varvara Fedorovna Stepanova 47. Naum Gabo 48. DADA(ZURICH) 49. Marcel Janco 50. Marcel Janco 51. "Being in harmony withnature is the same as being inharmony with madness." Hugo Ball 52. Hugo Ball 53. Jean Arp 54. Sophie Taeuber 55. MARCEL DUCHAMP 56. Marcel DuchampThe Passage from Virgin to Bride 57. Marcel Duchamp 58. Man Ray 59. Berlin Dada 60. Hanna Hoch Cut with the Kitchen Knife through the Last Weimar Beer-Belly Cultural Epoch in Germany 61. Hanna HochDadandy 62. John Heartfield Acorns 63. John HeartfieldHooray! The Butter is Gone! 64. Kurt Schwitters 65. Kurt Schwitters 66. Schwitters - Merzbau 67. Max Ernst 1 Copper Plate 68. Max Ernst - Fatagaga 69. Max Ernst 70. Die Neue Sachlichkeit(The New Objectivity) 71. George Grosz 72. George Grosz 73. George Grosz 74. George Grosz 75. Otto Dix 76. Otto Dix 77. Otto Dix 78. Otto Dix Sy van Harden 79. Otto Dix Anita Berber 80. Otto Dix 81. Max Beckmann 82. Max Beckmann 83. Max Beckmann 84. Max Beckmann 85. Max Beckmann
