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05 html text formatting

Date post: 18-Dec-2014
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HTML Text Formatting Making text look good on the page
Page 1: 05 html text formatting

HTML Text Formatting Making text look good on the page

Page 2: 05 html text formatting

We know some basic text tags

� <p> � <br /> � But there are more that we should

investigate …

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Headings can go from levels 1to 6 <head>!<title>The Mammalian Kingdom</title>!</head>!<body>!<h1>Phylum</h1>!<h2>Class</h2>!<h3>Order</h3>!<h4>Family</h4>!<h5>Genus</h5>!<h6>Species</h6>!

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Preformatted text

� HTML usually collapses whitespace � <pre> preserves it <pre>!

.-. .-.!

| \/ |!

\ /!

`\ /`!



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There are special characters &nbsp;!







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We can create two types of lists

� Ordered ◦ With numbers or letters

<ol> … </ol>!

� Both use list items <li> … </li>!

� Unordered ◦ Usually bulleted

<ul> … </ul>!

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Have different types of ordered lists

�  <ol style="list-style-type:_______"> �  decimal (default) �  upper-alpha �  lower-alpha �  upper-roman �  lower-roman � … and more

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You can have different bullets with unordered lists �  Shapes ◦  list-style-type: circle; �  disc �  square �  circle �  none

� Any picture ◦  list-style-image: url('stewie.jpg');

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Demo: ordered and unordered lists Hands-on ordered and unordered lists

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HTML5 Semantic text elements

" time " mark " meter " progress

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"   time

� Represents a precise date and time with an optional time-zone offset

<time datetime="2012-04-19">April 19, 2012</time>!

<time datetime="14:00">2pm</time>!

<time datetime="2011-07-14">July 14th, 2011</time>!

<time datetime="2011-07-14T14:00">!

2pm on July 14th</time>!

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"   mark

� The mark element represents a run of text in one document marked or highlighted for reference purposes

� Like highlighting words that a visitor searched for

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"   meter �  Something measured �  But only where there is a minimum and maximum

value � Disk used �  You can set ◦  value ◦ min ◦ max ◦  high ◦  low ◦  optimum

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"   progress

� Values that are in the process of changing � Your download is <progress>55%</progress>

complete �  It has 3 attributes �  value � min � max

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� Certain tags are used primarily for text � Headings do more than just print big text � <pre> tags allow preformatted text �  Special characters can be added with & � Ordered lists are done with <ol> � Unordered lists are done with <ul>

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Further study
