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05. Packing Instruction

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8/10/2019 05. Packing Instruction http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/05-packing-instruction 1/45 PACKING INSTRUCTION Contractor Job No. : 12170D Jazan Refinery & Terminal Project Jazan Refinery & Terminal Project Contract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$% Contract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$% Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12  PACKING INSTRUCTION 1  45
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Contractor Job No. : 12170D

Jazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectJazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectContract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%Contract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%

Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12



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Contractor Job No. : 12170D

Jazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectJazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectContract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%Contract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%

Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12



1.1 Purpose

1.2 Scope


2.1 Geer!"

2.2 P!c#$% Quo&!&$o2.' (e!)* or O)ers$+e, C!r%o

2.4 (!+!r,ous or Po$soous C!r%o

2.5 Prep!r!&$o o- M!&er$!"s e-ore P!c#$%

2./ P!c#!%e 0e$%& !, $3es$os

2. O&er Is&ruc&$os


'.1 Se!6or&* P!c#$%

'.2 0oo,e Fr!3e, Bo7 or Cr!&e

'.' S#$, Mou&e, Cos&ruc&$o'.4 Bu,"e

'.5 B!re M!&er$!"s

'./ Co&!$er$se, C!r%o

'. Sr$# 0r!pp$%

'.8 ocu3e&s &o e !&&!ce, &o &e P!c#!%e


4.1 Geer!" Re9u$re3e&s

4.2 M!$ S$pp$% M!r#s

4.' P!c#!%e Nu3er 4.4 Au7$"$!r* S$pp$% M!r#s


5.1 Geer!"

5.2 :ENOR;s $spec&$o

5.' Repor&$%

5.4 Mo,$-$c!&$o o- P!c#!%e


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Contractor Job No. : 12170D

Jazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectJazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectContract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%Contract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%

Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12


1.1 Pr/oe

Ti intrction a been /re/are to are te /ac3in4 5ality an to confirm te minimm

re5irement of Coe & *tanar.

1.2 *co/e

Ti intrction all be a//lie to i/ment of all material /rocre by *$ ,n4ineerin4 &

Contrction Co. t . Ti intrction all form an inte4ral /art of all Re5et for 8otation or 

Prcae #rer ie to or /lace by te 9,ND#R. )ny aitional e/ene incrre e to te

9,ND#R; noncom/liance <it ti intrction all be for te accont of te 9,ND#R incli(e

of all bac3 car4e reltin4 from *$ ,&C  remeial action to enre /rom/t i/ment an

iance of clean on boar =ill of ain4. >en oter eli(ery conition are ti/late on te

Prcae #rer or <en oter frei4t arran4ement are mae by *$ ,&C to e/eite i/ment

te 9,ND#R all follo< all e/arate intrction to be 4i(en by *$ ,&C or it nominate a4ent in

aition to te re5irement 4i(en in ti intrction. 9,ND#R all be re/onible for all

ama4e reltin4 from im/ro/er /ac3in4. )ll conflict bet<een te re5irement of ti intrction

an relate ocment all be referre to *$ ,&C  for clarification before /roceein4 <it te

e/ortation of te affecte item.


2.1 ?eneral

2.1.1 Pac3in4 re5irement in ti /ara4ra/ co(er te conieration for en(ironmental /reer(ation

an te minimm re5irement for /rotectin4 all material by a//lyin4 te /ac3in4 <it inie

fatenin4 anor <ater moitre /roofin4 a//lication. 'f tee re5irement are incom/lete te

bet /ac3in4 /ractice all be /ro/oe in orer to enre tat all te material arri(e at te

etination in nama4e conition an afe eli(ere conition. )ll /ac3in4 material an

boe crater rm ale //ort all form /art of te orer an all be non@retrnable.

2.1.2 Pac3in4 a to be carrie ot ner te mot tecnical /@to@ate meto. )//ro/riate tanar

an rle of te tranit contrie a <ell a of te contry of etination a(e to be coniere a

a minimm re5irement.

2.1.- 9,ND#R all attac to te i//in4 container co/ie of /ecial intrction co(erin4 in etail

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Contractor Job No. : 12170D

Jazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectJazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectContract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%Contract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%

Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12

/ro/er care an maintenance /rocere to be carrie ot on te e5i/ment rin4 tran/ortation

an ite tora4e. 'n aition one"1% com/lete et of te abo(e /ecial conition are to be maile

/rior to i/ment to *$ ,&C.

2.1.A 9,ND#R i olely re/onible for /ac3in4 mar3in4 an /reer(ation of C)R?# <it re/ect to

anlin4 tran/ort trani/ment an tora4e at /lant ite. 9,ND#R all be flly liable for an

4arantee /ro/er fficient an ae5ate /ac3in4 com/letene of content /rotection of 

content for a o/en tora4e time of 1B mont an correct /re/aration of te /ac3in4 lit. )ll

cot <ate(er reltin4 from inae5ate or infficient /ac3in4 all be flly car4e to


2.1.! )o/tion of itable /ac3in4 meto an material i at te ole icretion of 9,ND#R

Conceale orta4e a//licable to C)R?# all be mae / by 9,ND#R <itot any car4e to

*$ ,&C. )//arent lo or ama4e /on recei/t at /oint of eli(ery all be re/lace re/aire

etc. a te cae may <arrant at 9,ND#R; e/ene.

2.1.6 Te re5irement an intrction erein are coniere a te minimm. 9,ND#R all ta3e

any /ecial meare re5ire to enre 9,ND#R; obli4ation an re/onibilitie. *$ ,&C

all reer(e te ri4t to intrct 9,ND#R te meto of /ac3in4 if neceary.

2.1.7 *ea<orty /ac3in4 all be re5ire to /rotect te im/ortee/orte e5i/ment an material

from ama4e rin4 tran/ortation.

2.1.B 'n /rinci/le im/ortee/orte e5i/ment an material all be /ac3e in cloe <ooen frame

bo. 'f te 9,ND#R; /ac3in4 tyle all not be cloe <ooen bo te 9,ND#R all bmit

te etaile /ac3in4 /rocere to *$ ,&C for a//ro(al an obtain /rior a//ro(al from *$ ,&C

ntil t<o "2% mont before i/ment.

2.1. Te /ac3in4 material cain4 te leat en(ironmental /olltion all be coniere for in4 inorer to minimize /ac3in4 (olme an te /ac3in4 material all be alternate to armle

material <en a//licable.

2.1.10 )ll mecanical an rotatin4 e5i/ment all be ae5ately boe for e/ort i/ment an

/re/are for etene n/rotecte tora4e at te ite. */are for macinery ol be /ac3e in

accorance <it tanar )P' re5irement.

2.1.11 Netin4 of tbe nle oter<ie a4ree i not /ermitte.

2.2 Pac3in4 8otation

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Contractor Job No. : 12170D

Jazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectJazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectContract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%Contract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%

Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12

Te 9,ND#R all bmit one of te follo<in4 to *$ ,&C at te 5otation ta4e.

2.2.1 >en te 9,ND#R; /ac3in4 /lan in(ol(e no e(iation in any manner <atoe(er from te

re5irement et fort in ti intrction te 9,ND#R all ie a <ritten tatement to *$ ,&C

to ti effect to4eter <it an inication of <ic of te /ac3in4 tyle"% o<n in  )ttacment 2

all be ao/te.

2.2.2 >en te 9,ND#R; /ac3in4 /lan e(iate from te re5irement of ti intrction te

9,ND#R all bmit for *$ ,&C C#NTR)CT#R a//ro(al etaile /ac3a4e ra<in4 an

/ecification inicatin4 te ize of frame an /ot of ini(ial /ac3a4e or 3i monte

e5i/ment. )fter contract no aitional cot <ill be acce/te by *$ ,&C .

2.2.- rtermore te 9,ND#R all not be releae from it obli4ation to /ro(ie e/ort /ac3in4

<itin te minimm ti/lation of tee /roction nle alternati(e meare /ro/oe by te

9,ND#R are a//ro(e an confirme in <ritin4 a an acce/table btitte by *$ ,&C.

 *$ ,&C reer(e te ri4t to reject all material offere rin4 te eli(ery by te 9,ND#R ntil

 e/ort /ac3in4 of an acce/table atifactory an a//ro(e tanar i /ro(ie by te


2.- Eea(y or #(erize Car4o

>en ini(ial /ac3a4e; imenion an 4ro <ei4t ecee te limitation to te natre of 

material te 9,ND#R all bmit te Pac3in4 /lan to *$ ,&C at leat t<o"2% mont /rior to

te commencement of i/ment. Pro@forma Pac3in4 it 'n(oice co/y /ac3in4 *3etce in tree

"-% co/ie clearly inicatin4 net an 4ro <ei4t len4t <it an ei4t center of 4ra(ity

/oition of 3i an teir ize liftin4 l4 or tra(ere etc. to4eter <it any recommenation

for /ecial anlin4 :

@ >ei4t : !0 ton

@ en4t : 12 meter

@ >it : A.! meter

@ Eei4t : A.! meter

2.A Eazaro or Poiono Car4o

>en an4ero ?##D* a(e to be eli(ere li3e ,/loi(e ?ae lammable i5i an

*oli #iizer Poiono Raioacti(e Corroi(e or oter an4ero ?##D* tee item

mt be /ac3e an loae in conformity <it actally (ali re4lation an la< an /ac3a4e

a(e to be loae e/arately if neceary. Te oter@/ac3in4 of te boe mt o< te

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Contractor Job No. : 12170D

Jazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectJazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectContract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%Contract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%

Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12

corre/onin4 <arnin4 mar3. 9,ND#R all bmit te follo<in4 ocment to *$ ,&C an

*i//in4 Com/any or rei4t or<arer <itin t<o "2% mont before i/ment :

@ ) <ritten an ly i4ne FDan4ero ?##D* eclarationG containin4 azar cla accorin4

to te inter@4o(ernmental Haritime ')T)'C)# an4ero ?##D* re4lation an local


@ Car4o content an e/lanation of cemical or azaro natre: for eam/le flammable

material /rerize container.

@ 8antity of ?##D* an /ro/oe /ac3in4 tyle an /ecification.@ Catalo4e

2.! Pre/aration of Haterial before Pac3in4

2.!.1 )ll material ol be ry clean an free from all efect /rior to /ac3in4 /rotection a4aint

en(ironmental corroion cae by etreme of miity conenation rain t an alte

air an ea /ray.

Te follo<in4 re5irement all be coniere a minimm eential /rotecti(e meare for 


1% )ll treae area all be ae5ately 4reae.

2% Haterial all be /rotecte a4aint corroion rin4 tranit a neceary.

-% )ll e5i/ment an material inclin4 bri4t an macine /art all be coate <it a

reco4nize rt /re(entati(e ite to te /articlar a//lication concerne.

A% )ll internal /art of macinery all be treate <it lbricant containin4 rt an oiation

inibitor to /rotect e5i/ment from any /oible ama4e.

*c lbricant all be com/atible <it toe tat <ill be5ently be e in er(ice an

all be ientifie by a//ro/riate ta44in4.

!% Pac3a4e e5i/ment all a(e attace to it eternal carton a lit of te /ecific rt

/re(entati(e em/loye. Te lit all incle internal a <ell a eternal rt /re(entati(e

e all 4i(e te manfactrer ty/e nmber an te location <ere eac /roct a

been a//lie.

6% Te 9,ND#R all alo incle in te /ac3a4e any /ecial intrction eeme neceary

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Contractor Job No. : 12170D

Jazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectJazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectContract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%Contract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%

Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12

for te remo(al or re/lacement of any rt /re(entati(e to4eter <it any /ecial /recation

to be ta3en in te care of te /rotecte e5i/ment rin4 te /erio of tora4e.

7% *mall or o/iticate /art of intrment an ,lectric e5i/ment all be /ac3e in

<ater/roof <ooen bo an attention all be mae to /re(ent ama4e from moitre a <ell

(ibration rin4 te tran/ortation.

B% 9a/or /ae inibitin4 oil (a/or /ae inibitin4 /o<er or ilica 4el all be e to /rotect

all internal metallic rface of e5i/ment. Te ty/e an 5antity of (a/or /ae inibitin4 oil(a/or /ae inibitin4 /o<er or ilica 4el encloe all be clearly tate otie te


% Rt Pre(ention

+nle /ecifie oter<ie on te Re5iition all n/ainte macine metal rface bot

eternal an internal all be cleane rie an am/ly coate <it ea(y 4reae or oter

a. +nle /ecifie oter<ie on te Re5iition all n/ainte macine metal rface a

4a3et contact face of e5i/ment flan4e or oter rface <ic are normally not/ainte bot eternal an internal all be cleane rie an am/ly coate <it ea(y

4reae or oter acce/table rt /re(entati(e <ic <ill maintain a /rotecti(e coatin4 for 

minimm t<el(e "12% mont o lon4 a te coatin4 i not brne iol(e or 

mecanically rbbe off.

b. or eternal rface te rt /re(entati(e ol be a ea(y a//lication of 4reae or 

li5i film <ic rie to a to4 coatin4 an <ic conform <it te /erformance

re5irement of +.*. Defene De/artment */ecification for Preer(ati(e a lite


*/ec. Dei4nation I Hil@C@1176 Cla 1

 )//lication Heto I Eot"!℃  200 ma.% br or i/

Decri/tion an +e I Tic3 ar ryin4 4reay film. or /rotection of i4ly finie

/art of im/le ei4n for lon4 /erio.

 )cce/table /reer(ati(e are a(ailable from te major oil com/anie an teir ealer

for eam/le:

?lf ?lf No@Rt 1

,on",njay Cem.% Rt@ban -B!


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Contractor Job No. : 12170D

Jazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectJazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectContract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%Contract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%

Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12

*ell ,ni 26A

Hobil Hobilcoat 601

Teaco Teaco Rt@Proof Com/on

9al(oline Tectyle !06

#ter bran are a(ailable an acce/table /ro(iin4 tey conform to te /erformance

re5irement abo(e.

c. or internal macine rface of an aemble nit te rt /re(entati(e ol be of aty/e <ic oe not re5ire before o/eration of te e5i/ment an <ic conform <it

te /erformance re5irement of +.* Defene De/artment */ecification for 

Preer(ati(e a lite belo<:

*/ec. Dei4nation I Na(y Hil@021260 ?rae 12 or -

 )//lication Heto I =r i/ or /ray 1! to !0℃  "60 to 120%

Decri/tion I ,n4ine lbe oil <it corroion

inibitor inclin4 yrobromic aci netralizer.

 )cce/table /reer(ati(e are a(ailable from te major oil com/aniean teir ealer for eam/le:

?lf ?lf no@rt ,n4ine oil

?rae 2 or No Rt -10)C

*ell ,ni ,n4ine #il ?rae 20

Hobil Hobilcoat I !01 or !0-

Teaco Preer(ati(e #il 10>

,on Rt@ban 62-

#ter bran are a(ailable an acce/table /ro(iin4 tey conform to te /erformancere5irement abo(e

 )cce/table meto of a//lyin4 rt /re(entati(e are /rayin4 brin4 fillin4 etc.

tro4 all a(ailable o/enin4 o iaembly if neceary to com/letely coat an /rotect

all n/ainte internal rface.

. Particlar attention ol be /ai to jornal rface of lee(e bearin4 an com/lete

anti@friction bearin4 o tey are com/letely coate. 9,ND#R all <ire a lar4e re ta4

to te macine tat tate: FCation@Tee Haterial a(e been treate <it a rt/re(entati(e an no /art ol be itrbe ntil reay to /lace in er(ice. 'f /rotecti(e

film i bro3en it ol be retore for contine tora4e.G

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Contractor Job No. : 12170D

Jazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectJazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectContract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%Contract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%

Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12

e. )ll internal rface of any /i/in4 material iaemble from Haterial for eae of 

i/ment all be free of cale an all oter forei4n matter. Pic3lin4 an cleanin4 /er 

9,ND#R; tanar i acce/table.

10% Protection of #/enin4

lan4e o/enin4 for /rere (eel reactor eat ecan4er etc. all be /rotecte

<it bolte@on <ooen or otoor /ly<oo "min. 12 mm tic3 - bolt% or teel /late "min.

6mm tic3 - bolt% <it matic ealer or rbber 4a3et bet<een te flan4e an te teel/late. )ll flan4e o/enin4 all be <ra//e <it /latic <ater/roof ta/e.

=tt <el connection all be eale <it ea(y /latic ca/.

 )ll (al(e en all be /rotecte <it /latic ca/.

Poro ba4 fille <it eiccant all be n4 on te inie of te <ooen or metal co(er

on all major connection of rotatin4 Haterial nle ize i retricti(e /yically.

+nconnecte /i/e trea to be e in normal o/eration all be cloe <it treae metal

/l4 or ca/. Tey all be ientifie <it metal ta4 e/lainin4 te /r/oe anor /ro(iin4 connection nmber e on *$ ,&C K an 9,ND#R; ra<in4.

 )ll clore tat are /art of ori4inal Haterial all fit ti4tly.

Platic clore an trea /rotector are /roibite nle tey are a//ro(e =y *$ ,&C .

11% leible Connection & *mall ooe Part

 )ll fleible connection bject to /oible ama4e rin4 i/ment all be iconnecte

an eiter tie to te main boy or /ac3e in e/arate boe <itin te main /ac3a4e.

12% *aft Co/lin4leible co/lin4 all be ta3en off an ae5ately //orte an /rotecte to /re(ent

ama4e. Ri4i co/lin4 all be in accorance <it 9,ND#R; recommenation to /ro(ie

fll /rotection an afety in tranit an tora4e.

1-% Deyration

Te e of eiccant crytal <itin an encloe /iece of Haterial i of /articlar im/ortance

in i4 miity area bject to <ie (ariation in tem/eratre o(er a 2A or /erio.

Deiccant ol be locate at itable inter(al to /ro(ie niform itribtion.

Te 5antity of eyratin4 a4ent to be e all be etermine on te bai of te rfacearea of te moitre barrier te moitre (a/or rate an te (olme of te encloe /ace.

 )itional eiccant ol be e if oter moitre@aborbin4 nna4e or //ortin4

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Contractor Job No. : 12170D

Jazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectJazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectContract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%Contract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%

Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12

trctre are incle <itin te encloe /ace.

1A% N2 ?a *eale Haterial

+nle /ecifie oter<ie on te Re5iition 9,ND#R <o //lie eat ecan4er air 

coole eat ecan4er an lo< alloy (eel an reactor tee item for /ac3a4e

Haterial all fill N2 4a. "Concentration: min. BL /rere: 0.2 34cmM4%

1!% *t bolt for ,can4er

Trea /rotector all be fitte to all t bolt for ,can4er after /ro/er rt /re(ention.2.6 Pac3a4e >ei4t an Dimenion

2.6.1 ,ce/t for an4ero or azaro item if /oible eac coni4nment ol be mae into

/ac3a4e not le tan 20034 in <ei4t or not le tan 0.! cbic meter in (olme o tat teft

an lo rin4 tran/ortation may by eliminate. 'f any /ac3a4e o not come <itin tee limit

te 9,ND#R all immeiately inform *$ ,&C.

2.6.2 *tanar >ei4t an en4t

or moot anlin4 an tanarization of car4o eac /ac3a4e all if /oible be <itin te

follo<in4 imenion:

@ >ei4t : 2 to ! Ton

@ en4t : !.! Heter or e

@ >it : 2.0! Heter or e

@ Eei4t : 2.0! Heter or e

2.7 #ter 'ntrction

2.7.1 Part /rone to corroion an eniti(e /art mt be <ele into itable foil "e.4. P9C/oly(inyl

clorieO foil mt not be e% <it ryin4 a4ent ae an /ac3e into <ooen boe.

2.7.2 Te content of boe mt be //orte an ecre a4aint iftin4 an liin4 <ic mi4t

relt from ar/ bffetin4 loa an imilar. Eea(y /art c a Hotor an ?enerator all be

ecrely fatene to te loa@bearin4 member of bottom of te cae "5are timber% by bolt.

2.7.- Te teel /late a(e to be line <it itable cion material to a(oi crbbin4 of te /aint or 

/rime coatin4.

2.7.A Pi/e tat are eniti(e becae of teir natre of material <all tic3ne rface treatment etc.

all be bnle rbber rin4e or <ooen lat /rotecte or bnle an /ac3e in <ooen boe

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Jazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectJazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectContract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%Contract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%

Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12

accorin4 to te natre of material an ize. Te /ac3in4 meto all be a//ro(e by *$ ,&C.

2.7.! *tainle *teel all be /rotecte from /ittin4 an clorie contamination <en i//e by ea.

2.7.6 Hoitre@/roof /ac3in4 for electric an intrment /anel etc. a /ecifie in Cate4ory No. 12

an 1- in )ttacment 2 all be one a follo<:

- Hoitre /roof barrier material c a )lminm foil all be e an ten te air all

be eliminate by in4 (acm cleaner or oter itable mean. Care all be ta3en to

minimize te air containe in te barrier.

- Projectin4 /art all be /rotecte in orer not to ama4e moitre /roof barrier foil.

- Te moitre /roof barrier all ten be ot eale follo<in4 nitro4en 4a /r4in4.

2.7.7 */are /art all be /ac3e in e/arate boe inie te main /ac3a4e.

Commiionin4 an erection /are all be ini(ially ta44e an mar3e F'N*+R)NC,

*P)R,* P)RT*G 

FC#HH'**'#N'N? *P)R, P)RT*G

F#P,R)T'N? *P)R, P)RT*G an all be /ac3e in e/arate inner bo from te /rime item.

*/are /art for FF#P,R)T'N? *P)R, P)RT*G <ic all be ini(ially ta44e mt be

co(ere <it a itable /reer(ati(e an <ra//e <it 4reae@/roof /a/er an be /ac3e in

e/arate inner bo from te /rime item.

Te boe are to bear te mar3in4 a /ecifie an in aition te <or@F*P)R, P)RTR* #R

T># ,)R* #P,R)T'#NG. Ta4 nmber of /are /art all be ecribe in te /ac3in4 lit a a

ientification nmber o tat client itin4i tem at jobite.

Te /ac3in4 meto of *tart@/ /are an Ca/ital /are all a//ly corre/onin4ly to te

boe of /are /art for t<o year o/eration if oter<ie re5ire or not ine(itable.

2.7.B Ta4

Te /r/oe of ta44in4 i to ientify eac e5i/ment material /art tool etc. i//e a

C)R?# <it te /ac3in4 lit anor ra<in4. )fter fillin4 neceary ecri/tion re5ire in

te format te ta4 all be attace to all ini(ial e5i/ment material /art tool etc."*ee

 )ttacment 12. *tanar Ta4 for Project Car4o%.

9,ND#R; o<n ta4 form i acce/table bject to all re5ire item are ecribe in te form. Ta4

all be fille ot <it ball@/oint /en in blac3 a a minimm.

2.7. )n ae5ate 5antity of moitre aborbent all be ae to /rotect te content for fficient

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Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12

lon4 time"min. 6 mont% from corroion.

2.7.10 Treatment for iinfection of all <oo /ac3in4 material ol be met '*PH 1! t /blication if it;

neceary accorin4 to Tailan; re4lation. Te re4latin4 mar3 alo ol be mar3e on

eternal face of Car4o.


Te 9,ND#R all itably /ac3 all material bae on )ttacment 2 /ac3in4 tyle criteria.

'f te 9,ND#R; /ac3in4 tyle i e(iate from te criteria te 9,ND#R all obtain /rior 

a//ro(al from *$ ,&C. 

-.1 *ea<orty Pac3in4

Te 9,ND#R all ma3e e(ery effort to enre tat all /ac3a4e of material are a com/act

an rable a /oible. )ll /ac3a4e all be /ro/erly an olily mae to be itable for all

mecanical an inlan tran/ortation. )ll /ac3a4e ei4n an contrction all alo ta3e into

accont te follo<in4 e(entalitie:

@ Eanlin4 at te loain4 an nloain4 /ort - or time.

@ #toor tora4e after i/ment to jobite.

@ *i4nificant (ariation in ambient tem/eratre rin4 ocean i/ment.

=ecae to/ tora4e in i/; atce cannot be enre /ro(iion for //ortin4 an

o(erbren of tree or for layer of 4eneral car4o all be incle in /ac3a4e ei4n an

contrction. ,tra cot e to non@conformance by te 9,ND#R <it ti intrction <it

/rior a//ro(al by *$ ,&C all be borne by 9,ND#R.

-.2 >ooen rame =o or Crate

Te contrction of <ooen frame boe or create all be bae on )ttacment -.

Haterial all be ecrely bolte to te bo or crate floor an retraine in c a manner a

not to /ermit any mo(ement or (ibratin4 rin4 tran/ortation. >en moitre /roof <ooen

cae are /ro(ie or te material are ermetically eale in /olyetylene or imilar co(erin4

a//ro/riate (entilation o/enin4 all be incor/orate into te bo ie.

>ooen frame bo an crate all be mae from ne< on an eaone lmber an 4ro

<ei4t of o(er 100034 all a(e minimm A0 mm cleat for for3lift clearance.

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Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12

>ater/roof material all be inerte bet<een //er an lo<er eatin4 of to/ /anel. Rbbin4

tri/ all be /ro(ie at te bottom of 3i an 3i ei4t all be minimm A0 mm an 3i

all be connecte <it eaer in4 bolt. Corner /rotector an e4e /rotector all be

/ro(ie a o<n in )ttacment -. 

 )merican /ine<oo all be e for <ooen bo an crate a for a /oible.

Refer to )ttacment 7 for Panel Pac3in4.

-.- *3i Honte Contrction

en4ty e5i/ment c a Colmn To<er Drm 9eel an Eeat ,can4er may be

i//e bare monte on 3i in /oition <it teel <ire ro/e or flat teel bar a o<n in

 )ttacment !.  Te follo<in4 re5irement all be coniere for 3i@monte contrction:

-.-.1 *teel <ire ro/e all be a//ro/riately tenione ta3in4 into accont /oible tac3 cae by

<oo rin3a4e.

-.-.2 Te maimm itance bet<een 3i all be B meter.

-.-.- Te imenion of te 3i all be etermine a o<n in Table 1.

Net >ei4t of Pac3a4e "Ton% *3i >it "mm%

+ner 10

10 to ner -0

-0 to ner !0

!0 to ner B0

0 an o(er 






Table 1 : *3i Dimenion

-.-.A >en in4 3i mae of t<o or more /iece of lmber bolt all be e.

-.-.! atenin4 by <ire trictly /roibite.

-.-.6 or e5i/ment eiter <ei4t in ece of 1! ton or <it a ell /late tic3ne of 6 mm or le

area <ere lin4 ro/e an metal rface come into contact all be co(ere an /rotecte <it

<ooen lat.

-.-.7 *tri/ of non@combtible material c a /oly/ro/ylene clot all be /lace bet<een 3i

an material an bet<een retrainin4 tra/<ire an material.

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Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12

-.-.B 100mm or lar4er /ace all be /ro(ie bet<een bottom nozzle face to 4ron.

-.A =nle

*mall iameter /i/e trctral teel an oter len4ty material all be bnle an tie <it

teel ban a a maimm itance of 2 meter. *teel ban all a(e minimm 10mm

tic3ne. Te 9,ND#R all bmit a etaile bnlin4 /lan for tran/ortation.

>en in4 teel ban a non@combtible cion material c a /oly/ro/ylene clot all

be /lace bet<een te teel ban an te material to /re(ent ama4e or rtin4. ,n

re5irin4 /rotection or <ere item may be li3ely to ro/ ot all be naile to eac of te

//er <ooen bar to /re(ent eiter te bolt en or te car4o bein4 ama4e <en tac3e.

Te bnle all be eale to4eter to/ an bottom by mean of +@*a/e iron tat are

bolte to4eter by treae ro nt an loc3@nt o tat no /art can be looe e(en <en

te bnle i tilte.

-.! =are Haterial

or material /ermitte to be i//e bare "i. e. <it no /ac3in4% any /rojection on te

material cloe to te lin4 /oint all be ae5ately /rotecte a4aint /oible ama4e by

lin4 <ire.

,ac bare material all be coniere a ini(ial /ac3a4e an all be mar3e accorin4ly.

-.6 Containerie Car4o

'ntrment an o/iticate electrical Panel nominate by *$ ,&C all be tffe in Dry

Container in orer to /rotect from ama4e. >en /ac3in4 car4o mae by <ooen bo or crate

9,ND#R all try to ma3e a /ac3a4e le tan follo<in4 imenion for container carria4e.

20T container: !!0 Q 220 Q 20!cm" Q > Q E%

A0T container: 11!0 Q 220 Q 20!cm" Q > Q E%

>en te 9,ND#R conier containerization a te mot a//ro/riate moe of i/ment /ro@

forma /ac3in4 lit ol be ane o(er an a//ro(e by C#NTR)CT#R.

-.7 *rin3 >ra//in4

ire bric3 catable an inlatin4 material may be rin3@<ra//e. Te maimm <ei4t

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Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12

of eac rin3@<ra//e /ac3a4e all be limite to 1.Aton.

-.B Docment to be attace to te Pac3a4e

-.B.1 Pac3in4 it

2 co/ie of /ac3in4 lit in a <ater/roof /latic en(elo/e all ecrely be naile ner a

4al(anize otie teel co(er "ee )ttacment 11% on te bot rface of te /ac3a4e. Te

/ac3in4 lit all o< only te item actally bein4 i//e. 'tem tat <ere /re(ioly

i//e or item to be i//e in te ftre mt not be incle.

Co(er for /ac3in4 lit all a(e imenion 1Bcm Q 1Acm > an all o< FP)C$'N? '*TG

a yello< letter <it blac3 4ron.

-.B.2 #ter Docment

#ter ocment to be attace to te /ac3a4e if neceary are o<n in te */ecial Pac3in4

an *i//in4 'ntrction.


A.1 ?eneral Re5irement

 )ll mar3in4 on e5i/ment crate an /ac3a4e all be faele to <ittan for lon4 /erio

of tran/ortation tora4e an in tron4 nli4t anor oter atmo/eric conition at te

/lant ite. 

A.2 Hain *i//in4 Har3

=aically te main i//in4 mar3 all be clearly tencile <it blac3 inelible an ea<ater 

/roof /aint on te minimm T<o o//oite & To/ ie of eac /ac3a4e in ca/ital letter"refer to

attacment -%. #ter<ie 9enor all bmit te mar3in4 meto to *$ ,&C for a//ro(al.

>en te mar3 i to be tencile irectly onto te rface of e5i/ment c a a colmn

rm to<er bare /i/e a color contratin4 to te color of te e5i/ment all be e. 'f te

/ac3a4e oe not a(e fficient /ace for te main i//in4 mar3 or in te cae of bnle or 

car4o cannot be tencile tree or more metal ta4"1!cmQ20cm% all be firmly affie to te


Te ize of te letter in te main i//in4 mar3 all be etermine accorin4 to te /ac3a4e

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Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12

ize an Table 2 4i(e te acce/table letter ize.

en4t of Pac3a4e "m% *ize of etter "mm%

+ner 1

1 to ner -

- to ner !

! to ner 10

10 or more

2! Q 20

A0 Q -0

!0 Q A0

60 Q !0

B0 Q 70

Table 2 : etter *ize of Hain *i//in4 Har3

A.- Pac3a4e Nmber

'n /rinci/le te /ac3a4e nmber <itin te main i//in4 mar3 of eac /ac3a4e all be a


001 of



 )bbre(iate 9,ND#R; name

"Plral abbre(iation i not allo<e%

*erial nmber for /ac3a4e

 )bbre(iate 9,ND#R; name all be e after confirmation from C#NTR)CT#R.

Te erial nmber of /ac3a4e all tart from 001 / to te nmber re5ire for eac i/ment

by eac (enor.

=oe to be incle inie /ac3a4e all be nmbere <it a b nmber on te rface of 


or eam/le if te /ac3a4e nmber of te otie bo i @"%@001 of 010 te inie bo

nmber all be @"%@001 of 010@1 an /.

A.A )iliary *i//in4 Har3

 )iliary i//in4 mar3 all be clearly tencile a o<n in  )ttacment 10. +nneceary

or incorrect mar3 cae /roblem rin4 anlin4 car4o an ctom clearance. Terefore

mar3 oter tan toe /ecifie on ti intrction all not be attace or tencile on any


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Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12

To a(oi elay in car4o anlin4 an /re(ent accient lin4 mar3 center of 4ra(ity mar3

an liftin4 meto all be tencile on only after te 9,ND#R a actally lifte eac /ac3a4e

<it a oo3 an acertaine eac correct /oition Color ban an corner color all be

tencile on eac /ac3a4e <en /ecifie in */ecial Pac3in4 'ntrction.

A.A.1 )ll e5i/ment to be i//e <it eyratin4 material all be labele or ta44e <it an eaily

ober(e re i4n reain4:

FCation Deiccant material are encloe in ti e5i/ment. Do not o/erate before remo(in4.G

*ol te inte4rity of te enclore be bro3en before o/eration te eiccant mt be

re/lace an te enclore reeale for contine tora4e.

A.A.2 Te //lier of e5i/ment c a /rere (eel eat ecan4er etc. all attac to eac

e5i/ment te <arnin4 ta4 <it te follo<in4 ecri/tion by tencilin4 in re color.

F)ny <elin4 to item i /roibite rin4 tran/ortation.G

A.A.- Nitro4en fille e5i/ment all a(e a <arnin4 i4n in ,n4li an te local lan4a4e:

FC)+T'#N N'TR#?,N ',D. D# N#T ,NT,R.G

A.A.A P>ET item all a(e i4n FP#*T >,D E,)T TR,)T,D. N# >,D'N? P,RH'TT,D.G


!.1 ?eneral

Te intrction of /ac3in4 in/ection tate erener all be a//licable to te e5i/ment an

material ner te Prcae #rer.

Pac3in4 in/ection all be mae by *$ ,&C; re/reentati(e in/ector. 'n/ection all be

etene to a (ial imenional 5antity cec3 of e5i/ment an material etc.

!.2 9,ND#R; in/ection

Pac3in4 in/ection all be /erforme by 9,ND#R imelf in accorance <it te intrction

ecribe in ti /rocere /re/are by *$ ,&C before <itne in/ection tate erener.

9,ND#R all alo in/ect tren4t to bear (ario tre rin4 tran/ortation an 5ality of te content etc. in eac /ac3a4e on i o<n re/onibility.

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Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12

!.- Re/ortin4

>en te in/ection i finie 9,ND#R all immeiately frni te re/ort <it te follo<in4:

@ Poto4ra/ tro4 e/re corier er(ice "e.4. DE%.

@ 9,ND#R all ta3e /oto4ra/ o<in4 main i//in4 mar3 eterior interior (ie< of 

/ac3a4e an o< te e5i/ment or macine are fie on te loa bearin4 etc. /er eac


!.A Hoification of Pac3a4e

'f *$ ,&C /ointe ot efect of /ac3in4 from /ac3in4 in/ection re/ort 9,ND#R all at once

moify it on i o<n re/onibility an e/ene an 9,ND#R all inform to *$ ,&C  te

relt of moification. 'n cae any ama4e or ne/ecte e/ene occr e to elay of 

i/ment o<in4 to te ai moification 9,ND#R all be re/onible for te ai ama4e or 



  6.1 *$,C;* *T)ND)RD*

1 Detail Decri/tion for ,ac Cate4ory of Haterial

2 Pac3in4 *tyle Criteria

- =o an Crate Contrction

A Hajor rame Contrction of =o or Crate

! *3i Honte Contrction

6 *teel =nle an >ooen =nle

7 Panel

B Har3in4 */ecification for =oe Crate an *rin3 >ra//e Pac3a4e

Hain *i//in4 Har3

10 )iliary *i//in4 Har3

6.2 )R)HC# P)C$'N? *P,C''C)T'#N*

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1.1 'n te cae of e5i/ment i/atce in ection of a iameter in ece of 1.!m metal

cro/iece mt be /ro(ie to /re(ent te eformation an to /rotect te en to be <ele

an Co(er in natical /ly<oo mt be /ro(ie bolte o<n an ecre <it a <ra//in4 of 

aei(e ta/e.

1.2 'tem e for /rotection or reinforcement mt not be <ele to te e5i/ment

1.- ,can4er mt be /re/are for i/atc in accorance <it T,H) tanar "ection -@ ?6%

1.A ,/anion joint or e/anion + ben on ecan4er mt be /rotecte by mean of 4al(anize

eetin4 ol or (inyl <ra//in4 after cleanin4 in /lace by 4al(anize teel <ire of teel cable. )n

tey mt be /ac3e by crate or by mean tron4er an more cloe tan crate.

1.! 'f te orer ti/late tat te ell i to be treate <it anti@corroi(e anor /ainte te

e5i/ment mt be anle <it /articlar care. 'f te orer ti/late tat te tainle teel

ell i to be treate <it aci@cleanin4 te e5i/ment mt be /rotecte by (inyl <ra//in4 after 


1.6 or e5i/ment of o(er 2.!m iameter an <ere lon4 itance are in(ol(e ale montin4

mt be e. *ale mt be arran4e in c a <ay tat te ei4t of te (eel abo(e te

4ron i 3e/t to te minimm an mt be fitte <it a tay@ro in 4al(anize or coate teel an

tiffener before montin4. 'f e5i/ment i alreay fitte <it metal ale <ooen //ort

mt be /ro(ie of te ame len4t a te metal ale.


2.1 in rface mt be /rotecte on bot ie <it a layer of 4al(anize eet 1mm tic3 or a

/ly<oo eet ! mm tic3 itably attace to te cleat of te bale. inne tbe mt be

itably e/arate form one anoter by /acer to /rotect tem rin4 loain4 an nloain4


2.2 Te etace /art of refri4eratin4 nit c a b ri(in4 aft bearin4 etc. are to be

itably /rotecte an /ac3e in boe.

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Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12


-.1 )ll ailiary tbin4 //lie looe "i.e. not alreay monte on te e5i/ment% mt carry a metal

ientification label <it te reference nmber of te a//ro/riate aembly intrction ra<in4.

Te en mt alo be eale off <it /rotecti(e /l4 ecre by mean of aei(e ta/e.

-.2 Te bae of te e5i/ment mt be firmly ecre to te bottom of te bo by mean of nt an

bolt an batten <ic mt be naile to te <all of te bo itelf.

'.'  )ny mo(in4 /art i.e. aft le(er mecanim of trbine etc. mt be firmly ecre on te

e5i/ment o tat tey cannot mo(e.

'.4 Dri(er <ill normally be i/atce monte on te common bae nle oter<ie ti/late.

'.5 Hacinery mt be encloe in a ba4 <it a /rotecti(e linin4 containin4 a moitre abor/ti(e

a4ent or /rotecte by mean of (inyl <ra//in4 <it moitre abor/ti(e a4ent.

'./  )ll etace /art accom/anyin4 te macine c a oiler le(el inicator flo< in/ection

ole mecanical eal maintenance 3it /are /art etc. mt be 4i(en a /rotection of 

4reae <ra//e e/arately in anti corroi(e <ae /a/er. 'entification label bearin4 te item

nmber of te macine to <ic tey belon4 mt be attace to eac item. Tey mt ten be

/ac3e e/arately an <ill be encloe in a /rotecti(e ba4 or (inyl <ra//in4 <it a moitre

abor/ti(e a4ent an /ac3e <it o(erea ty/e boe. or intrment ee ection A.


4.1 Te otie of eac bo an inner co(er containin4 te ini(ial intrment mt be incribe<it:

@ Te coe nmber of te intrment ti alo a//lie to acceorie.

@ Te nmber of te /rcae orer or contract nmber an te location coe for aembly.

A.2 or intrment <it raioacti(e element te /ar3in4 an /rotecti(e meare em/loye mt

com/ly <it international tanar.

4.' Ho(in4 /art inie intrment nit all be fie firmly to te trctre.

 )ll intrment an acceorie <itcboar control a//arat an control /anel an conoleliable to ffer ama4e rin4 tranit an anlin4 or to ner4o eterioration <ile to tore <ill

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be i/atce in ini(ial /ac3in4. )//ro/riate labelin4 <ill be e in orer to ait


4.4 Preciion intrment mt be <ra//e in anti@corroi(e <ae /a/er /ae an encloe in

/rotecti(e ba4 in <ic moitre@abor/ti(e a4ent a(e been /lace tey mt ten be /t

inie a (acm /ac3e <ooen bo.

4.5 or /oiti(e i/lacement meter an trbine meter 'n aition to tat alreay tate internal

/art of te abo(e mt be fille <it 4a oil or <it ma3er; tanar material.

4./ 9al(e an acceorie for tbin4 are to be e/arately ientifie.

4. 'nternal /art of meter mt be fille <it 4a oil or <it ma3er; tanar material.


,lectric motor tranformer /o<er battery itribtion /anel an circit brea3er an electricale5i/ment in 4eneral.

!.1 Com/onent <it monte on mo(in4 inertion /art

 )//liance <it mo(in4 com/onent "relay <itce remote control <itce boar etc.% mt

be <ra//e in anti@corroi(e <ae /a/er /ae an encloe in /rotecti(e ba4.

!.2 Hacine /art

Part tat are liable to be affecte by miity mt a(e teir rface treate <it eaily

remo(able /rotecti(e material not bject to leacin4 or crytallization a te relt of 

tem/eratre can4e an meare <it 4reae.

!.- Hecanical ternne

Remote mearement or control a//arat ol be encloe in <ra//in4 <ic 4i(e a

fficient amont of /rin4ine <it tarre rbber oreair or yntetic material.

21  45

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Contractor Job No. : 12170D

Jazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectJazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectContract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%Contract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%

Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12

!.A brication circit

brication circit in macinery <ill be /rotecte by mean of a itable antirt lbricant. ) label

<ill be attace <it te follo<in4 notice attention F ti bearin4 i <itot oilG. F=efore te

macine i tarte / lbricate <it S oil ty/eG.

!.! Deyratin4 a4ent

=efore te ealin4 off of inlet etc. inclin4 electrical /art moitre abor/ti(e a4ent mt be

inicate to facilitate teir remo(al.

!.6 */ecial /recation

>arnin4 label mt be attace ra<in4 Fattention to tee meareG. )itional /recation

a(e been ta3en for te tran/ort of e5i/ment <ill be attace to te macine in orer to

/re(ent mita3e bein4 mae rin4 aembly.

!.7 Pac3in4 for ometic coni4nment

,5i/ment can normally be /ac3e in crate. *mall ize item of e5i/ment ol be /ac3e in

boe. or e5i/ment of limite ize an <ei4t carboar boe natral lon4 Pa4e No: A of 7

fiber 3raft boar of oble or tri/le tic3ne can be e loae on /allet. Te boe mt be

ecre an fatene to te /allet by mean of metal ban or ban of yntetic material.

!.B #(erea ty/e /ac3in4

*/ecial care mt be ta3en for e5i/ment i/atce o(erea irre/ecti(e of etination to

enre tat it oe not ffer ama4e from lon4 /erio in a ot mi aline climate <ile in


@ =oe

@ )ll e5i/ment ol be /ac3e in boe.

@ Eeat <ele ba4

Eeat <ele ba4 "/rotecti(e ba4% an moitre abor/ti(e a4ent <ill be e in te majority

of cae an e/ecially in te cae of intricate mecanim electrical mecanim an oter 

e5i/ment re5irin4 /rotection a4aint miity an cannot be /rotecte by oter mean. To

/re(ent te /rotecti(e ba4 from bein4 ama4e any ar/ e4e on te e5i/ment mt be/ae. ,iter bilt to be <ater/roof or <eater reitant.

22  45

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Contractor Job No. : 12170D

Jazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectJazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectContract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%Contract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%

Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12

@ Protecti(e /a/er 

or (lnerable /art of e5i/ment. >ae /a/er im/re4nate <it /ai(atin4 btance can be


@ Dimantle /art

Te main intrment on boar /anel an control e3 tat are li3ely to ffer ama4e rin4

carria4e anlin4 of tora4e ol be imantle an /ac3e in boe.

Care mt be ta3en to ee tat te eact /oition in <ic tey are to be re/lace are clearly


Panel co/lin4 element "b bar bolt nt an <aer% for meim an lo< (olta4e

itribtion boar an motor control /anel <ill be /ac3e in e/arate boe <it te coe

nmber referrin4 to eac cate4ory of boar or /anel. 'f tere are boar or /anel on <ic te

internal <irin4 nee to be iconnecte for /r/oe of i/ment ti mt be clearly ientifie

to facilitate be5ent re<irin4.

@ )ccmlator batterie

 )ccmlator batterie a//liance an intrment mae of brittle material mt be 4i(en a form

of /rotection inie te cae <ic <ill enre tey remain intact rin4 carria4e an anlin4. 'f 

a cae contain e(eral item tey mt be 3e/t a/art by mean of /acer of forme /latic or 

oter itable material.

@ *<itc boar an control /anel

*<itcboar an control /anel mt be /ac3e a follo<:

No cae ol contain more tan tree co/le /anel or boar.

 )rcin4 contact /art if /oitione in te contact@brea3er an iolator mt be firmly ecre. 'f 

tey are bein4 i/atce e/arately eac mt be /ac3e ini(ially inie te bo to a(oi

brea3a4e of te contact.

!. */ecial o(erea ty/e /ac3in4 for electrical an telecommnication e5i/ment

'n cae tat /ecial o(erea ty/e /ac3in4 i re5ire by Prcae #rer te follo<in4 material

all be for<are in non@retrnable ty/e container.

@ Hotor 

*<itcboar control /anel an control e3 ol be /ac3e in boe to4eter <it all teir 


Hotor <ill normally be //lie <itot te co/lin4 tey ol be /ac3e e/arately <it aninication of te motor to <ic tey belon4.

2'  45

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Contractor Job No. : 12170D

Jazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectJazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectContract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%Contract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%

Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12

Hotor <ill be firmly bolte o<n to te bottom of te bo an itably /rotecte. Jnction boe

mt be /lace <it te connection an co/lin4 ot/t cannel to<ar te bottom te ri(e

aft of te motor mt be 4reae an /rotecte.

@ 'llminatin4 a//arat

lorecent lam/ ol be /ac3e e/arate form te frame: tey mt be /rotecte a4aint

/oible brea3a4e rin4 loain4 nlain4 an tran/ort.

rame <ill be /ac3e in crate e/arate from te lam/.

Hercry@(a/or lam/ an incanecent lam/ mt be /ro(ie <it /rotection inie te bo

by mean of /acer of /oly/on4e or oter itable material.

@ =oe

*nt an connection boe <ill be /ac3e in cae accorin4 to teir imenion an meto

of contrction.

@ Pac3a4e

Pac3a4e mt be /ac3e in <ooen bo.

'n cae tat /ecial o(erea ty/e /ac3in4 i re5ire by Prcaer #rer te follo<in4 material

<ill be a//ro/riate for it. */ecial o(erea ty/e /ac3in4 a /er Haterial all be finally ecie

by Prcae #rer.

 ) corrior mt be left in te center of te container to allo< for ctom in/ection.

@ *<itcboar an control /anel

@ Hicellaneo electrical e5i/ment

@ Circit I brea3er

@ Relay an mo(in4 /art of ifferin4 e5i/ment.

>ere e5i/ment i /ac3e in a container it mt be 4i(en oc3/roof an anti@rt /rotection.

Te /rcaer ne(ertele reer(e te ri4t <it e5i/ment tat i /articlarly (alable an

fra4ile to /ecify /ac3in4 of te o(erea ty/e in natical /ly<oo boe.


?eneral cablin4 fleible tbin4 "oe% mlti/le tbin4 co//er cable an tbe <ill normally be //lie

on rm of robt contrction to affor effecti(e /rotection rin4 tran/ort an anlin4.

*ize mt be toe /ecifie in te Data *eet an te tolerance allo<e ner te rele(ant tanar

mt be ober(e.

,ac rm <ill be /ro(ie <it itable ca/ for cloin4 te en to /re(ent moitre from /enetratin4 te

inlation /articlarly for cable <it mineral or /a/er inlation an for yroco/ic inlation in 4eneral.

24  45

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Contractor Job No. : 12170D

Jazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectJazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectContract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%Contract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%

Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12

6.1 'entification

,ac rm mt be mar3e <it te follo<in4 information: len4t nmber of lea ty/e of cable

ection in mm2 of lea an an arro< inicatin4 te irection of <inin4.

Ti information <ill be 4i(en on metal ta4 attace to te rm.

6.2 Pac3in4

Drm mt be cloe by ta(e naile to te flan4e <it tren4tenin4 boar.

>it rm o(er 1.!0m in iameter tee reinforcin4 boar mt be re/lace by tay bolte to

te flan4e.

 ) eet of tarre /a/er an a /olytyrene eet mt be /lace beneat te ta(e.

Drm mt a(e at leat t<o com/lete trn of tra//in4.

25  45

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Contractor Job No. : 12170D

Jazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectJazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectContract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%Contract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%

Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12


Tbe for ecan4er mt be /ac3e in boe. Te bnle mt be firmly ecre inie te boe.

Haterial c a nfabricate /i/e of AG #.D an ner trctral teel ea(y conit an lmber <ill be

e4re4ate into common len4t an ize an may be ten bnle an tra//e <it teel tra//in4 not

le tan ABG a/art. Tee loa <ill not ecee A000 /on. ,/oe treae en all be

ae5ately /rotecte <it ca/. Haterial an ,5i/ment c a tin <all /i/e or conit all be bnle

<it <oo e/arator an <oo tri/ ner tri//in4. +nfabricate /i/e of 6G #.D an o(er <ill be

i//e a looe /iece an eac all be mar3e e/arately a ini(ial /ac3a4e.

 )ll blac3 teel /i/e all be /rotecte by mean of T)CT', /ray or e5i(alent.

Te /i/e / to 2AG iameter all be cloe <it /latic ca/. Te /i/e 26G an lar4er iameter all be

/rotecte <it be(el /rotector an tar/alin co(er or e5i(alent <ic all be locate minimm 1!0mm

a/art from te bot /i/e e4e. )lo internal @bracin4 all be /ro(ie for /i/e of 26G an lar4er 



8.1 'n orer to a(oi te ama4e te rface of flan4e te rface of eac flan4e all be /rotecte

by oft material to /re(ent te ama4e an flan4e all be /lace on te inner /ly<oo layer an

flan4e all be /ac3e in <ooen bo or crate.

8.2 ittin4 mt be careflly ecre inie te bo or crate.

<. :AL:ES

<.1 *tainle an non@ferro material (al(e all be /lace in /olyetylene ba4 or jte ba4 or 

cartoon bo an all be /ac3e in <ooen bo or crate.

<.2 9al(e <ill be /ac3e (ertically to /re(ent ama4e to an <eel.


1=.1 Hetal 4a3et & rin4 joint <ill be treate <it lon4@latin4 4reae an ini(ially <ra//e in

2/  45

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Contractor Job No. : 12170D

Jazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectJazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectContract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%Contract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%

Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12

<ae /ai(attin4 cre/e /a/er. Tey <ill ten /lace in mall@(entilate /olyetylene ba4 ly

ientifie an ten /ac3e in <ooen bo.

1=.2 ?a3et 4ro/e by ty/e <ill be /lace in (entilate /olyetylene ba4 ly ientifie ten

/ac3e in <ater/roofe boe an finally /ac3e in boe.


11.1 *teel *trctre ol be /ainte at te manfactre; o/ an accom/lie to te final /aint

for /re(entin4 te rface ama4e an rt from ea<ater.

11.2 >en *teel *trctre /rotecte <itot <ooen bo or container it <ill be <ra//e <it

<ater/roof material c a a (inyl if a//licable. 'n cae of i//in4 colmn brac3et an all E@

beam ol be i//e flan4e ie /.

C)T,?#R 'T,H9  a c  . .m



H oi     t   .

r  e /r  o of  

  .l  l   C l   o   e 2 =  o: 

> a t   er  /r  o of  

  .l  l  


 C r  a t   e

 -  0  L  # / en

 * 3 i   2    a 2  2 l   e

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 .n 2 l   e

> o o 2  e

n=  .n 2 l   e

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 .n 2 l   e

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 onP  al  l   e t  

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r  .m

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nDr  .m

0 o o ,  e 

 S "   ! &  

P r  o &   e c

 &  $   o



1. Colmn


Drm Eeat


e tan 1H "D% 2H


Hore tan 1H "D% 2H



Tray 'nternal *mall Part

Tet Rin4


*ta4e aer Platform "U1%

 )cceorie */are Part "U1%

 )ncor =olt "U1%

Tem/late "U1%

2. Tan3 Carbon *teel *ell

=ottom Dec3 Roof Plate



Nonferro Tan3



2  45

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Contractor Job No. : 12170D

Jazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectJazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectContract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%Contract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%

Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12

C)T,?#R 'T,H9  a c  . .m



H oi     t   .r  e /r  o of  

  .l  l   C l   o   e 2 =  o: 

> a t   er  /r  o of  

  .l  l  


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 * 3 i   2    a 2  2 l   e

 * 3 i   2 =  .n 2 l   e

> o o 2  en=  .n 2 l   e

 *  t   e el  =  .n 2 l   e

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0 o o ,  e


 S "   ! &  

P r  o &   e c &  $   o



 )nnlar Plate Pontoon

To/ )n4le Roof *trctre

?irer *tair<ay

! Ton or e

Hore Tan ! Ton



 )cceorie */are Part "U1%

*eal Haterial "U1%

Prefabricate Plate for

*/erical Tan3


-. )ir@Coole



Hain *trctre *ta4e


! Ton or e

Hore tan ! Ton



 )cceorie */are Part "U1%

Tbe =nle

an )embly "U1%

Dri(er *mall Part "U1%

U N#T, : Te /ac3in4 tyle of an item <it t<o or more K; re5ire /rior a//ro(al from SK EDC .

"U1% : 'n cae of container tffin4 "U2% : #(er !.Bm len4t an 2.2 <it

28  45

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Contractor Job No. : 12170D

Jazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectJazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectContract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%Contract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%

Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12

C)T,?#R 'T,H9  a c  . .m & H oi     t   .r  e /r  o of  

  .l  l   C l   o   e 2 =  o: 

> a t   er  /r  o of    .l  l   C l   o   e=  o: 

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> o o 2  enDr  .m

0 o o ,  e S "   ! &  P r  o &   e c &  $   o

 or R u .  .  er R$   % e , 






Cylinrical =oy =o@

Ty/e =oy ! Ton an


Hore Tan !



*tac3 Dct *trctre "U1% "U1%

ire =ric3 Catable "U1%

 )cceorie */are



!. Pm/


or *team




 )cceorie */are



6. Pac3a4e


Hajor Part "U1%

 )cceorie */are





Non@Hetallic Part

*teel Part

! Ton or e

Hore Tan ! Ton


 )cceorie */are







*c a ?la<are

aboratory +tenil

2<  45

Covered with polyethylene film

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Contractor Job No. : 12170D

Jazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectJazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectContract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%Contract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%

Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12

C)T,?#R 'T,H9  a c  . .m & H oi     t   .r  e /r  o of  

  .l  l   C l   o   e 2 =  o: 

> a t   er  /r  o of    .l  l   C l   o   e=  o: 

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 or R u .  .  er R$   % e , 




ire Eyrant )ir oam


Eoe ,tin4ier 


ire ,n4ine "U1%

U N#T, : Te /ac3in4 tyle of an item <it t<o or more K; re5ire /rior a//ro(al from SK EDC .

  "U1%: 'n cae of container *tffin4

C)T,?#R 'T,H9  a c  . .m

 & H oi     t   .r  e /r  o of  


> a t   er  /r  o of  

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 S "   ! &  P r  o &   e c &  $   o

 or R u .  . 

 er R$   % e , 



Ei4 )lloy & Nonferro


 )ll *ize 6$& se!


proo- co)er$%

? ? "U1%

Carbon *teel G!");, &

o< )lloy Pi/e

A ince & e

6 ince V 2A ince

26 inc & o(erW@



'=  45

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Contractor Job No. : 12170D

Jazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectJazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectContract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%Contract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%

Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12

C)T,?#R 'T,H9  a c  . .m & H oi     t   .r  e /r  o of  


> a t   er  /r  o of  

  .l  l  

 C l   o   e

 C r  a t   e -  0  L

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 * 3 i   2    a 2  2 l   e

 * 3 i   2 =  .n 2 l   e

> o o 2  en=  .n 2 l   e

 *  t   e el  =  .n 2 l   e

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 * 1 r i  n3  onP  al  l   e t  

 *  t   e el  Dr  .m

> o o 2  enDr  .m

0 o o ,  e S "   ! &  P r  o &   e c &  $   o

 or R u .  .  er R$   % e , 

Pi/e Prefabricate

XEi4 )lloy & Nonferro

 )ll *ize

XCarbon *teel o< )lloy

A ince & e

6 ince & o(er 




,ternally P, Coate

Pi/e & Cement ine


A ince & e

6 ince & o(er 

26 inc & o(erW@


? ?

? ?


ittin4 lan4e

XEi4 )lloy & Non@


 )ll ize 6$& se!

6!&er proo- co)er$%

XCarbon *teel o< )lloy

A ince & le

6 ince V 2B ince

-0 ince & o(er 




'1  45

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Contractor Job No. : 12170D

Jazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectJazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectContract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%Contract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%

Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12

C)T,?#R 'T,H9  a c  . .m & H oi     t   .r  e /r  o of  


> a t   er  /r  o of  

  .l  l  

 C l   o   e

 C r  a t   e -  0  L

 # / enT  y  / e

 * 3 i   2    a 2  2 l   e

 * 3 i   2 =  .n 2 l   e

> o o 2  en=  .n 2 l   e

 *  t   e el  =  .n 2 l   e

=  ar  e

 * 1 r i  n3  onP  al  l   e t  

 *  t   e el  Dr  .m

> o o 2  enDr  .m

0 o o ,  e S "   ! &  P r  o &   e c &  $   o

 or R u .  .  er R$   % e , 

9al(e *trainer 

A ince & le

6 ince & o(er 



?a3et "U1%

*o/@fabricate /i/e



U N#T, : Te /ac3in4 tyle of an item <it t<o or more K; re5ire /rior a//ro(al from SK EDC .

"U1%: 'n cae of container *tffin4

C)T,?#R 'T,H9  a c  . .m & H oi     t   .r  e /r  o of  

  .l  l   C l   o   e 2 =  o: 

> a t   er  /r  o of    .l  l   C l   o   e=  o: 

 C r  a t   e -  0  L

 # / enT  y  / e

 * 3 i   2    a 2  2 l   e

 * 3 i   2 =  .n 2 l   e

> o o 2  en=  .n 2 l   e

 *  t   e el  =  .n 2 l   e

=  ar  e

 * 1 r i  n3  onP  al  l   e t  

 *  t   e el  Dr  .m

> o o 2  enDr  .m

0 o o ,  e S "   ! &  P r  o &   e c &  $   o


11.Ci(il an


Pi/e "U1%


Cement "U1%

*trctral *teel





'nterior Haterial "U1%

'2  45

Covered with polyethylene film

overed with polyethylene film

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Contractor Job No. : 12170D

Jazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectJazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectContract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%Contract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%

Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12

 )ir Conitionin4


Plmbin4 itre


,terior Haterial *teel

Dct for )ir Conitionin4


12.'ntrment DC* & ,*D & ?

*ytem Control Panel

Po<er *//ly ytem

=oar Honte

'ntrment an )nalyzer 

>ic are not Honte in

>eater/roof ,nclore

lo< Tem/eratre


e(el 'ntrment


9al(e )nalyzer >ic i

Honte in >eater/roof 



Conit Pi/e "U1%

*teel Pi/e "U1%

ittin4 Tbe





U N#T, : Te /ac3in4 tyle of an item <it t<o or more K; re5ire /rior a//ro(al from *$ ,&C.

"U1% : 'n cae of container *tffin4

''  45

Less than 0.5m2

 VENDORs !tandard "ith SK E&C  # roval

or moitre@/roo

 pa%&in' Va%))m %leaner shall*e )sed to red)%e the interior air press)re andnitro'en p)r'in' shall *e followed

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Contractor Job No. : 12170D

Jazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectJazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectContract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%Contract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%

Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12

C)T,?#R 'T,H9  a c  . .m & H oi     t   .r  e /r  o of  


> a t   er  /r  o of    .l  l   C l   o   e=  o: 

 C r  a t   e -  0  L

 # / enT  y  / e

 * 3 i   2    a 2  2 l   e

 * 3 i   2 =  .n 2 l   e

> o o 2  en=  .n 2 l   e

 *  t   e el  =  .n 2 l   e

=  ar  e

 * 1 r i  n3  onP  al  l   e t  

 *  t   e el  Dr  .m

> o o 2  enDr  .m

0 o o ,  e

 S "   ! &  P r  o &   e c &  $   o


1-.,lectrical *<itc4ear Hotor Control

Center Ditribtion Panel

=attery an Car4er 

'n(erter Tele/one an )larm


= Dct i4tin4 itre

P@=tton *tation


Conit Pi/e "U1%


ittin4 "U1%

Cable Tray "U1%

1A.Paintin4 Paint "U1%

Tinner "U1%

1!.'nlation "U1%




Haterial Containe in =a4

Haterial Containe in *teel





rnitre "U1%

Preciion ,5i/ment


U N#T, : Te /ac3in4 tyle of an item <it t<o or more K; re5ire /rior a//ro(al from *$ ,&C .

"U1% : 'n cae of container *tffin4

'4  45

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Contractor Job No. : 12170D

Jazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectJazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectContract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%Contract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%

Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12

C)T,?#R 'T,H9  a c  . .m & H oi     t   .r  e /r  o of  


> a t   er  /r  o of    .l  l   C l   o   e=  o: 

 C r  a t   e -  0  L

 # / enT  y  / e

 * 3 i   2    a 2  2 l   e

 * 3 i   2 =  .n 2 l   e

> o o 2  en=  .n 2 l   e

 *  t   e el  =  .n 2 l   e

=  ar  e

 * 1 r i  n3  onP  al  l   e t  

 *  t   e el  Dr  .m

> o o 2  enDr  .m

0 o o ,  e S "   ! &  P r  o &   e c &  $   o



,5i/ment an




=oy Conter<ei4t


*mall Part


?in Pole :


Plley =loc3 Eoo3

*ac3le *mall Part

,n4ine >eler "U1%

Com/reor "U1%

Tem/orary ?enerator "U1%

*caffolin4 :

=oar Pi/e Clam/ "U1%

>elin4 Ro "U1%

?a Cyliner "U1%

U N#T, : Te /ac3in4 tyle of an item <it t<o or more K; re5ire /rior a//ro(al from *$ ,&C .

"U1% : 'n cae of container *tffin4

'5  45

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Contractor Job No. : 12170D

Jazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectJazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectContract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%Contract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%

Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12


Note 1 : Joint //ort an ). *trt all frni bo len4t o(er - meter.

Note 2 : Te ner layer eatin4 for to/ /anel may be omitte if //ort frame of to/ /anel <it 1.2m

inter(al are frnie on te ie /anel.

Note - : ocation of eaer an 3i may be can4e a /er i//in4 meto.

'/  45

End Panel

Upper FrameMember  Aux. Strut


Corner Protector

P!c#$% L$s& Co)er 

E,%e Pro&ec&or 

S"$% M!r#

Ce&er o- Gr!)$&*

Care Mark 

Top P!e"

op S!eat!"n#

E, Se!&$%

 $ent %"t! ou'er

0!&er Proo- M!&er$!"

U,er L!*er Se!&$%

 ater ProoMater"al

S"de S!eat!"n#


*"a#onal Strut

o$ Suppor&No&e1

Lo6er Fr!3e


oad +ear"n# Floor Member

No>"o!, Be!r$% F"oor Me3er 

,ubb"n# Str"p

 Sk"d +a-e



M"n /0mm

M"n /0mm




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op Panel

End Panel

Sk"d +a-e

Ce&er o- Gr!)$&*

C!re M!r#

S"$% M!r#

E,%e Pro&ec&or 

Corer Pro&ec&or 


o%er Frame Member

Upper Fr!3e Me3er 

Ru$% S&r$p

oad +ear"n# Floor Member

Nonload +ear"n#Floor Member

E, Se!&$%


S$,e Se!&$%

M"n /0mm




P!c#$% L$s& Co)er 


Contractor Job No. : 12170D

Jazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectJazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectContract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%Contract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%

Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12

Note A : =olte connection all be a//lie for o(er - ton anor 6 meter len4t.

 Cr!& e 

'  45

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Contractor Job No. : 12170D

Jazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectJazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectContract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%Contract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%

Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12

A.Ply<oo all be i4 5ality 4rae.

S#$, S#$, !se or s!,,"e

Te criteria for electin4 3i for to<er or tan3 all be a follo<:

"a% or C)R?# bein4 tron4 in it contrction an free from ama4e by im/act or contact.

"b% or C)R?# not re5ire <ater/roofin4.

'<  45

Ma"n S!"pp"n# Mark  e"#!t 2nd"cat"on

N"tro#en Mark 

 ooden +anda#eSK E&C Mark 

Center Mark  Conta"ner o  Pack"n# "-t


 $endor3- NameSpace- -!all be pro'"ded

(M"n. 100mm)



M"n. 405

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Contractor Job No. : 12170D

Jazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectJazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectContract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%Contract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%

Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12


=nle <ill 4enerally be a//lie for te lar4e ize C)R?# bein4 tron4 an free from ama4e c a teel

bar teel frame an /i/e.

4=  45

Conta"ner o Pack"n# "-t

  Metal abel (Ma"n S!"pp"n# Mark)

Sl"n# Mark Center Mark 

Sl"n# Mark Ma"n S!"pp"n# Mark 

Metal abel (Ma"n S!"pp"n# Mark)

 ooden +undle

Steel +undle

Sk"d +undle

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Contractor Job No. : 12170D

Jazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectJazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectContract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%Contract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%

Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12

0oo,e S"!& B!,!%e or Ruer R$%e,

>ooen *lat =ana4e or Rbber Rin4e <ill 4enerally be a//lie for te lar4e ize of ,ternally Coate Pi/e

an Cement ine Pi/e.

0oo,e S"!& B!,!%e

Ruer R$%e,

41  45

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Contractor Job No. : 12170D

Jazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectJazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectContract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%Contract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%

Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12

!. I,$)$,u!" p!c#$%

"1% Reinforce o tat te aemble e5i/ment can <ittan (ibration rin4 tran/ortation.

"2% Protect te am/lin4 intrment; connector "in cae%.

"-% i <irin4 /i/in4 an lam/.

"A% Cloe o/enin4 of /i/in4 etc.

"!% Protect intrment <itce 4ra/ic etc. on te /anel; front

"6% i cec3er /late.

. Mo$s&ure proo- $&er$or p!c#$%

"1% >ra/ te entire nit <it 3raft /a/er to /rotect te /ainte rface of te /anel an to /re(ent aeion

of te /ac3in4 material.

"2% 'f tere are any /rojectin4 /ortion <ra/ tem <it feltmirror mat etc. to /rotect an /re(ent te

moitre /roof barrier material from bein4 ama4e.

"-% >ra/ te <ole /anel <it te moitre /roof barrier material remo(e te inie air an eat@eal. Pt

in eiccatin4 a4ent.

42  45

op +lock"n# Mater"al

Upper +lock"n#Mater"al

End Panel

M"ddle +lock"n# Mater"al

S"de Panel

Cu-!"on"n# Mater"al

o%er +lock"n# Mater"al

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Contractor Job No. : 12170D

Jazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectJazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectContract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%Contract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%

Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12

'n3 Har3 ocation *ize Remar3

Color Haterial




=lac3 Ei4 5ality


'n3 or oil /aint

=ot ie an




or eac





Har3 an

Center of 



Re Ei4 5ality


'n3 or

#il /aint

=ot ie #/timm

*ize for 





To/ mar3 : bot

*ie an en

#ter : bot




=lac3 Ei4 5ality


'n3 or 

#il /aint

=ot ie

,n an to/

1!cm an


#nly for 


,ceein4 ! ton:

Ean <ritin4 i

Permiible : nit

*all be of ton

?* ,&C




Ei4 5ality


'n3 or 

#il /aint

=ot ie

,n an to/




Pac3in4 lit




#n blac3



,namel +//er /art of  

#ne en

W 1Acm

> W 1B


Do not o(erla/

>it care mar3 :

+e tem/late


4'  45



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Contractor Job No. : 12170D

Jazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectJazan Refinery & Terminal ProjectContract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%Contract No. 660002!70 "##$% 660002!71 "'$%

Re(. No. : ) '**+, Date: -0 No(. 12

N# Name of mar3 *tencile mar3 an letter Remar3

1 Center of 4ra(ity )t te center of  


2 *lin4 >ere lin4 <ire i

To be a//lie

- To/ >en /ac3a4e cannot

=e /lace /ie


A $ee/ ry or boe tat nee

/rotection from <ater 

 )n moitre

! Eanle <it care or fra4ile car4o

6 Eea(y <ei4t ti en >en center of 4ra(ity

i on one ie

7 Dan4er or boe containin4

Dan4ero an toic

