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05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others

Date post: 05-Jul-2018
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  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -1-

    Oracle E-Business Suite R12 Human Capital Management (HCM)Essentials Partner B t Camp !raining C urse"are

    HR Ot#er C mp nents

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -2-

    The following is intended to outline ourgeneral product direction. It is intended forinformation purposes only, and may not beincorporated into any contract. It is not acommitment to deliver any material, code, orfunctionality, and should not be relied upon inmaking purchasing decisions.

    The development, release, and timing of any

    features or functionality described for Oracle sproducts remains at the sole discretion ofOracle.

    !afe "arbor !tatement

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -#-

    $se of this !ite %&!ite'( or )aterials constitutes agreement with the following terms andconditions*

    1. Oracle +orporation %&Oracle'( is pleased to allow its business partner %& artner'( todownload and copy the information, documents, and the online training courses%collectively, &)aterials ( found on this !ite. The use of the )aterials is restricted to the non-commercial, internal training of the artner s employees only. The )aterials may not be usedfor training, promotion, or sales to customers or other partners or third parties.

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    Oracle Training )aterials : $sagegreement

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -7-

    R12$ Oracle HRMS

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    M %ule$ C re HR$ Ot#ers$

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -=-

    ,odule Ob ecti$es

    &ser 'e ine% !a les

    HR Securit* Pr ile

    HR + ,up

    rms C n igurati n . !as, l "sMenus an% uncti ns

    Pr /ect 0cc unting

    C n igure e* le iel%s

    C n igure SI! an% EI!

    HRMS Pr ile Opti ns

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential ->-

    Date #rac%in

    O3er3ie") Date trac%ed records display data dependin on the date from &hich

    you are $ie&in the data.) Date on &hich you are &or%in on the data can be set in the 3 lter

    4ffecti$e Date5 &indo& and can be referred by the term #oday.) Date trac%ed form prompts a number of choices &hen you update or

    delete a record.) Prompts displayed durin the /pdation of a record are

    ) CO((4C#6O7 and /PD #4) 67+4(# and (4P8 C4 appears alon &ith CO((4C#6O7 7D

    /PD #4 in case of future chan ed record) Prompts displayed durin the Deletion of a record are

    ) 47D D #49 P/( 49 889 74:# C' 7 4

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -1?-

    Date #rac%in

    ' ate !rac,ing) ;7< People = 4nter and ,aintain = ; lter 4ffecti$e Date

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -12-

    &P'0!E ! /pdated $alues are &ritten as a ne& record effecti$e fromthe datetrac% date until @1!Dec!AB12. #he pre$ious record is end dated

    one day prior to the datetrac% date.);7< People = 4nter and ,aintain = ssi nment(ecord efore /pdate?

    fter /pdate ;4ffecti$e Dates Only<

    Date #rac%in

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -1#-

    ) *hen a record bein updated has future chan es9 then system &illprompt the follo&in options ?

    ) 67+4(##he chan es that are bein made &ill be in effect until the effecti$eend date of the current record.

    ) (4P8 C4

    #he chan es that are bein made &ill be effecti$e until theeffecti$e end date of the last record in the future i.e. all the futurechan es &ill be deleted.

    Date #rac%in

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -1 -

    'ate !rac, - 'elete) Deletin a date trac%ed record9 &ill prompt the user different options

    as belo& ?) 47D D #4– +ets the effecti$e end date of the record as #oday5s date) P/( 4 – Deletes all records) 88 – Deletes all future chan es to the current record and sets the

    effecti$e end date of the current record to @1!D4C!AB12) 74:# C' 7 4 – Deletes the ne t chan e to the current record and

    sets the effecti$e end date of the current record same as the effecti$eend date of the deleted ro&.

    Date #rac%in

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -17-

    ,odule Ob ecti$es

    &ser 'e ine% !a les

    'ate !rac,ing

    HR + ,up

    HRMS Pr ile Opti ns

    rms C n igurati n . !as, l "sMenus an% uncti ns

    Pr /ect 0cc unting

    C n igure e* le iel%s

    C n igure SI! an% EI!

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -1@-

    '( +ecurity ProfileO3er3ie") +ecurity Profile &ill

    ) (estrict access to the person type records.) llo& access to be restricted usin $arious criteria5s li%e Or anization

    'ierarchies9 Positions9 Position 'ierarchies9 Payrolls9 +uper$isors9+uper$isor 'ierarchies9 ssi nments etc.

    ) llo& different restrictions to be combined to create a set of rules.

    ) Creatin a business roup &ill automatically create a >ie&! ll +ecurityProfile) lobal +ecurity Profile helps users to &or% on data across multiple

    business roups) +ecurity Profile is lin%ed to a responsibility and determines the access of

    the records to the holder of this responsibility.) +ecurity 8ist ,aintenance Process maintains the list of or anizations9

    positions9 employees etc that a security profile holder can access. #hisprocess should be scheduled to run e$ery ni ht.

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -1

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -1=-

    '( +ecurity Profile'e ine HR Securit* Pr ile 5 P siti n Securit*) +ecurity restrictions can be based on position hierarchy.

    ;7< +ecurity = Profile

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -1>-

    '( +ecurity ProfilePa*r ll Securit*) ccess to employee and applicant records can be restricted by Payroll.

    /sers &ho ha$e this security can see only records of the employees&ho are on the Payrolls listed in the Payroll +ecurity.;7< +ecurity = Profile

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -2?-

    '( +ecurity ProfileSuper3is r Securit*) +uper$isor +ecurity permits access to a super$isor hierarchy. 6t can be

    either person based or assi nment based.) Person ased +ecurity ? +uper$isor can see all the assi nments of

    direct indirect reports.) ssi nment ased +ecurity ? +uper$isor 'ierarchy &ill be based on the

    lo in in super$isor5s assi nment.

    ) 7umber of hierarchy le$els can be limited. #his &ill help to impro$eperformance since the hierarchy is enerated at the start of the session.

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -22-

    '( +ecurity ProfileRun Securit* +ist Maintenance Pr cess) ;7< Processes and (eports = +ubmit Processes and (eports = +in le


  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -2#-

    '( +ecurity Profile

    0ttac# Securit* Pr ile) +ecurity Profile must be lin%ed to a responsibility to determine the

    access to the user. #his can be done usin the profile 3'( ? +ecurityProfile5 or ssi n +ecurity Profiles &indo&.

    ) '(? +ecurity Profile is used &hen +ecurity roups 4nabled security isnot used.

    ) ssi n security profile is used &hen +ecurity roups 4nabled securityis used.

    ) 6n the +ecurity roups 4nabled +ecurity ,odel9 a +ecurity roup isautomatically created for e$ery business roup &hen you run the4nable ,ultiple +ecurity roup Process.

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -2 -

    '( +ecurity Profile0ssign Securit* Pr ile) ;7< +ystem dministrator = Profile = +ystem

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -27-

    '( +ecurity Profile0ssignment Securit* Pr ile) 4nables you to search for security profile assi nments that ha$e

    already been setup.) Clic% on 7e& to setup a ne& security profile assi nment) ;7< +ecurity = ssi n +ecurity Profiles

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -2@-

    '( +ecurity Profile0ssign Securit* Pr ile) ssi n +ecurity profile lin%s the user9 responsibility and business

    roup.) /ser can then lo on usin the (esponsibility and +ecurity roup

    pairin .) ;7< +ecurity = ssi n +ecurity Profiles = ;7e&<

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -2

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -2=-

    Confi ure Eey Fle Fields


    ) Fle field is a structure a$ailable in '(,+9 &hich enables you tocustomize a particular fields a$ailable in Oracle '(,+ &indo&. Fore ample9 structure of ob field a$ailable on ssi nment &indo& &ould$ary from Or anization to Or anization. Oracle '(,+ enables you tocustomize ob field usin fle field concept. #here is no pro ramminre"uired to achie$e this.

    ) Fle field contains multiple se ments and each se ment can be$alidated independently.

    ) Eey fle field allo&s you to store additional information for an e istin%ey ;field< in &indo&. For e ample9 ob and position Eey fle field in

    ssi nment &indo&

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -2>-

    Confi ure Eey Fle Fields

    +ome of the Eey Fle field in '(,+ are mentioned belo&?) ob

    ) Position) rade) Competence) People roup) Cost llocation

    #he structure of fle fields includes?) Fle field name) +e ments) +e ment >alue) >alue sets

    ) Gualifier

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -#?-

    e* le iel%;7< pplication = Fle field = Eey = +e ments

    Confi ure Eey Fle Fields

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others



  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -##-

    ,odule Ob ecti$es

    HR Securit* Pr ile

    'ate !rac,ing

    HR + ,up

    HRMS Pr ile Opti ns

    rms C n igurati n . !as, l "s

    Menus an% uncti ns

    Pr /ect 0cc unting

    C n igure e* le iel%s

    C n igure SI! an% EI!

    f d bl

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -# -

    /ser Defined #ables

    O3er3ie") /ser Defined #ables allo&s you to setup your o&n tables to hold

    data li%e +hift (ates9 ,edical Premium (ates etc.) Data held in /D# can be accessed from formulae5s or forms or

    reports.) Fe& le islations pro$ide predefined /D#5s to hold $alues for Payroll

    calculations.) #ables can be set up usin the #able +tructure &indo&.) >alues can be set up usin the #able >alues &indo&.) Data held in the /D#5s are date trac%ed and hence9 you can delete

    e istin entries or ro&s and add ne& ones as of effecti$e date.

    f d bl

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -#7-

    /ser Defined #ables'e ine !a le Structure) #able definition &ill include the ro&s and columns li%e a matri .

    ) ;7< Other Definitions = #able +tructure

    / D fi d # bl

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -#@-

    /ser Defined #ables

    !a le C lumns) ;7< Other Definitions = #able +tructure = Columns

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    / D fi d # bl

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -#=-

    /ser Defined #ables'e ine !a le 8alues) ;7< Other Definitions = #able >alues

    d l Ob ti$

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -#>-

    ,odule Ob ecti$es

    &ser 'e ine% !a les

    HR Securit* Pr ile

    'ate !rac,ing

    HRMS Pr ile Opti ns

    rms C n igurati n . !as, l "s

    Menus an% uncti ns

    Pr /ect 0cc unting

    C n igure e* le iel%s

    C n igure SI! an% EI!

    '( 8 %

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential - ?-

    '( 8oo%upsO3er3ie") 8oo%up is a list of $alues for specific information.

    ) +pecific information for &hich list of $alues e ists is called 8oo%up#ype e. . ,arital +tatus

    ) 4ach >alue in the loo%up type has a code9 meanin 9 le islati$e ta 9effecti$e dates.

    ) #a is used to identify loo%up codes that are specific to thele islation.

    ) ccess 8e$el of the loo%up types determines the ability to add ne&codes or disable the supplied codes.

    ) /ser – 7e& codes can be added and supplied codes can be disabled.) 4 tensible – 7e& codes can be added9 but supplied codes cannot be

    disabled.) +ystem – 7e& codes cannot be added or +upplied Codes cannot be


    '( 8 %

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential - 1-

    '( 8oo%ups

    'e ile HR + ,ups) ;7< Other Definitions = 8oo%up #ables

    d l Ob ti$

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential - 2-

    ,odule Ob ecti$es

    &ser 'e ine% !a les

    HR Securit* Pr ile

    'ate !rac,ing

    HR + ,up

    HRMS Pr ile Opti ns

    rms C n igurati n . !as, l "s

    Menus an% uncti ns

    Pr /ect 0cc unting

    C n igure e* le iel%s

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential - #-

    C n igure SI! an% EI!


    ) part from Eey and Descripti$e fle fields9 Oracle '(,+ allo&s you tocreate information types to store additional information. #heseinformation types are enerally a$ailable for a particular &indo&9&hich carry their o&n title.

    ) For e ample9 you can desi n an information type for people &indo&to store HCompany car detailsI9 &hich &ould store follo&in se ments?) ,odel) ,a%e) Jear of manufacturin) ,ilea e run

    ) #here are t&o types of information types9 +pecial 6nformation #ype

    ;+6#< and 4 tra 6nformation type ;46#<

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential - -

    C n igure SI! an% EI!

    Special In rmati n !*pe (SI!)

    ) +6# is a Eey fle field9 &hich enables you to set up user defined fieldsfor recordin additional information.

    ) Personal nalysis %ey fle field need to be used to confi ure +6#. +6#can also be enabled at ob and position +creen.

    ) +6#s are dated9 it means each +6# combination &ill ha$e start and

    end date.) Once +6# is confi ured9 it needs to be enabled for a particular entity

    such as ob and Position.

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential - 7-

    C n igure SI! an% EI!

    Special In rmati n !*pe (SI!) C nt%99

    ;7< pplication = Fle field = Eey = +e ments

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential - @-

    C n igure SI! an% EI!Ena ling SI!

    ;7< Other Definition = +pecial 6nformation #ypes

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    C i SI! % EI!

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential - =-

    E tra In rmati n !*pe (EI!) c nt%99;7< pplication = Fle field = Descripti$e = +e ments

    C n igure SI! an% EI!

    C i SI! % EI!

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential - >-

    C n igure SI! an% EI!Registering EI!:s;7< Processes and (eports = +ubmit Processes and (eports

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    odule Ob ecti$es

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -71-

    ,odule Ob ecti$es

    &ser 'e ine% !a les

    HR Securit* Pr ile

    'ate !rac,ing

    HR + ,up

    rms C n igurati n . !as, l "s

    Menus an% uncti ns

    Pr /ect 0cc unting

    C n igure e* le iel%s

    C n igure SI! an% EI!

    '( + Profile Options

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -72-

    (,+ Profile Options

    O3er3ie") Profiles are set of options that affect the &ay the application beha$es.

    ) Profile Options can be set at +ite9 pplication9 (esponsibility and/ser 8e$els.) +ite – +ettin s apply to all users at the installation.) pplication – +ettin s apply to any responsibility associated &ith

    the application.) (esponsibility – +ettin s apply to users lo ed on usin the

    responsibility.) /ser – +ettin s apply to the specific users.

    ) +ome Profile Options are as listed belo& ?

    ) '( ? usiness roup) Determines the business roup assi ned to the responsibility.

    '( + Profile Options

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -7#-

    (,+ Profile Options

    ) '( ? Guery Only ,ode) +et Jes9 to pro$ide $ie& access to all '( and Payroll forms

    ) Date #rac% ? 4nabled) Controls &hether the date trac% feature is a$ailable for the

    application.) '(? +elf +er$ice '( 8icensed

    ) Controls &hether the customer has +elf +er$ice '(,+ 8icense.) '(? /se #itle in PersonKs Full 7ame

    ) 4nables to remo$e #itle from Person5s Full 7ame.) '( ? +elf +er$ice +a$e For 8ater

    ) Controls &hether the +a$e For 8ater button is displayed in allpa es in +elf +er$ice.

    '( + Profile Options

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -7 -

    (,+ Profile Options

    Set Pr ile Opti n) ;7< +ystem dministrator = Profile = +ystem

    odule Ob ecti$es

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -77-

    ,odule Ob ecti$es

    &ser 'e ine% !a les

    HR Securit* Pr ile

    'ate !rac,ing

    HR + ,up

    HRMS Pr ile Opti ns

    Menus an% uncti ns

    Pr /ect 0cc unting

    C n igure e* le iel%s

    C n igure SI! an% EI!

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    Forms Confi uration - #as% Flo&s

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -7

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    Forms Confi uration - #as% Flo&s

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -7>-

    Forms Confi uration #as% Flo&s'e ine !as, l "s) #as% Flo&s can be defined in Define #as% Flo& &indo&.

    ) 4 istin tas% flo&s can be copied to a ne& tas% flo&.) ;7< +ecurity = #as% Flo& Definitions

    Forms Confi uration - #as% Flo&s

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -@?-

    Forms Confi uration #as% Flo&s+in, !as, l "s t Menu) Define a ne& function for the first form in the #as% Flo& &ith

    parameters field as *O(EF8O*L7 ,4 M Htas% flo& nameI and thenlin% this function to the menu from &here the tas% flo& needs to beaccessed.

    ) ;7< pplication = Function

    Forms Confi uration - #as% Flo&s

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -@1-

    o s Co u at o as% o&sPe ple Management C n igurat r ) People ,ana ement Confi urator is a tool to desi n &indo&s to

    capture essential information9 thereby sa$in data entry time andreducin errors.) Oracle '(,+ has predefined templates &hich can used as a uide for

    ne& template creations.) Durin the desi n of the ne& &indo& you can

    ) Choose the component &indo&s ! +ummary9 Find 9 ,aintenance to bedisplayed

    ) Choose the #abs9 Fields and uttons to be displayed.) Choose to default $alues in the fields.) +etup data restrictions li%e for e. . 4mployee only

    ) 4nable display of datetrac% history in date trac%ed fields.) dd dditional fields to the People ,ana ement *indo&

    Forms Confi uration - #as% Flo&s

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -@2-

    'e ine Pe ple Management C n igurat r ) ;7< +ecurity = Forms Confi urator

    ,odule Ob ecti$es

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -@#-

    , $

    &ser 'e ine% !a les

    HR Securit* Pr ile

    'ate !rac,ing

    HR + ,up

    HRMS Pr ile Opti ns

    rms C n igurati n . !as, l "s

    Pr /ect 0cc unting

    C n igure e* le iel%s

    C n igure SI! an% EI!

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    ,enus and Functions

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -@7-

    ,'e ine uncti n) ;7< +ystem dministrator = pplication = Function

    ) /ser 7ame is a uni"ue name that describes the function

    ,enus and Functions

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -@@-


    'e ine uncti n) ;7< +ystem dministrator = pplication = Function

    ) Clic% on Properties tab) #ype describes the function5s use e. . Form9 +ub function9 +P etc

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    ,enus and Functions

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -@=-

    'e ine Menus) ;7< +ystem dministrator = pplication = ,enu

    ,odule Ob ecti$es

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -@>-

    &ser 'e ine% !a les

    HR Securit* Pr ile

    'ate !rac,ing

    HR + ,up

    HRMS Pr ile Opti ns

    rms C n igurati n . !as, l "s

    Menus an% uncti ns

    C n igure e* le iel%s

    C n igure SI! an% EI!

    Pro ects ccountin

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -

  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -

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  • 8/15/2019 05.Ebs r12.1 Hcm 5 Core Hr Others


    For Oracle employees and authorized partners only. Do not distribute to third parties.© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential -< -


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    Thank You
