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06 mgw data configuration issue1.10

Date post: 04-Aug-2015
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1. l Hardware data defines physical hardware and closely related functions. It is the basic dataof the UAP8100 MGW. Configuration of hardware data is the basis of configuring otherdata of the UAP8100 MGW. Therefore, configuring hardware data is the first procedurefor data configuration.l This chapter includes the following configuration procedures:p Configuring MGW frames and cascading.p Configuring MGW boards and frames cascading.p Configuring clock. 2. l One shelf can be inserted with 3 frames. The equipment supports 3 shelves and 9 framesat most. 3. l Frame 1 is the main control frame by default, which can not be added or removed. Frame1 will be automatically generated.l The central switching frame must be configured in frame 0.l The extended control frame must be configured in frame 8, and frame 8 can be onlyconfigured as extended control frame.l CommandADD FRMp [Frame No.] refers to the number of a frame. It is the unique identifier of a frame."Frame No." is a uniformly numbered identifier, The parameter is of numeric type.The value range is [0-8].p [Frame type] refers to the type of a frame. It can be SERVICE (Service Frame),SWITCH (Central Switching Frame), CONTROL (Control Frame).p [Cabinet No.] refers to the number of a shelf. It is the unique identifier of a cabinet.Cabinets are uniformly numbered.p [Location in Cabinet] defines the location of a frame in a cabinet. It can beUNDERSIDE (Underside), MIDDLE (Middle), TOP (Top).l Sample: Add a service frame named "Service Frame A" and numbered 2 at the undersideof the cabinet 1, with Board NO. being 0, and description being "One service frame"l ADD FRM: FN = 2, FT = SERVICE, SHF=1, LOC=UNDERSIDE, FNM = "Service Frame A", FD ="One service frame". 4. l To add a board, the designated frame must exist.l The following parameters must be specified: frame No, slot No., board position, boardtype, hardware type and backup type. Different backup types have different sub-parameters.If 1+1 backup is selected, the sub-parameter is board No.l Some boards must be inserted in the front of backplane, and some must be inserted at theback.l Some boards must be configured to the designated position .l CommandADD BRDp [Slot No.] refers to the number of the slot where a board is located. The valuerange is [0-15].p [Board position]: It can be FRONT (Front), BACK (Back).p [Board type] refers to the type of a board.p [Hardware type] refers to the hardware type of a board.p [Backup type] : It can be LOADSHARE (Not Backup), ONEBACKUP(1+1Backup).p [Board No.] : It refers to the No. of a board. The boards of the same type arenumbered in sequence. The active and standby boards in 1+1 backup mode usethe same No. 5. l (continued)l Sample: Add an FTNU board in back slot 6 of frame 1, and backup type is 1+1 and theboard No. is 0:l ADD BRD: FN=1, SN=6, BP=BACK, BT=TNU, HBT=FTNU, BS=ONEBACKUP, BN=0; 6. l There are two options for TNU cascading configuration:p TNU directly connecting TCLU and cascading TCLU via BLU.p TCLU optical port is connected via the BLU TDM optical port, BLU cascading isselected.l CommandADD FRMLNKp [Link type] means cascading is performed via TNU or via BLU.p [Peer TCLU No.] refers to the number of the cascaded TCLU.l Sample: Add frame link: BLU cascading, the No. of the cascaded TCLU is 1.l ADD FRMLNK: TP=BLU, BN=0, LKBN=1; 7. l CommandMOD CLKSRCl Sample: Configure priority of GPS reference source as 1, priority of line clock 1 as 1,priority of line clock 2 as 1, priority of external synchronous reference source as 1,the typeof external synchronous reference source as E1,whether external synchronous referencesource is forcing SSM level as FORCE, and SSM type of external synchronous referencesource as PRC.l MOD CLKSRC GPSPRI=FIRST,LINE1PRI=FIRST,LINE2PRI =FIRST, EXTPRI=FIRST,SRCTYPE=EXT2MBIT,FSSM=FORCE, EXTSSM=PRC; 8. l Specify the board through which the clock reference source is imported.l CommandMOD CLKp [Select Mode of Reference Source]: Indicates whether to select automatically orspecify manually the external clock reference source.p [Clock Level]: Needs to be configured only when the independent CLK boards areadopted. It shall be consistent with the actual level of the reference source.p [Type of clock signal of external synchronous output]: The output clock signals ofUAP8100 MGW include 2.048 Mbit/s and 2.048 MHz. Its value depends onthe clock signal type that clock-receiving equipment needsl Sample: Set "Select mode of reference source" as MANUAL, "Set main reference source"as EXT, "Clock level" as TWO, and "Type of clock signal of external synchronous output" asExt2MHz:l MOD CLK: MODE=MANUAL, GRADE=TWO, TYPE=EXT2MHZ, SRC=EXT;l . 9. l The pUAPose of configuring line clock source is to specify from which port and from whichTDM interface board the CLK board extracts line clock source.l CommandSET LINECLKp [Line Clock]: Refers to the configured line clock. It can be LINE1 or LINE2.p [Board Type], [Board No. ]and [Port No.]: Indicate from which port and from whichTDM interface board the CLK board extracts link clock source.l Sample: Set that the E32 board in board No. 0 and port No. 0 provides line clock to LINE1of the CLK board:l SET LINECLK: LINE = LINE 1, BT = E32, BN = 0, PN = 0; 10. l MGW works as the bearer equipment and accomplishes the service proceeding under thecontrol of MGC.l MGW first interconnects with MGC to exchange control messages through the H.248 protocol.Then it interconnects with other equipments. 11. l Gateway Control Interface is HRB interface.l HRB interface: Refers to the IP interface on the back interface board opposite to an HRUboard.l CommandADD IPADDRl Sample: Add IP address: Board type is OMU, board No. is 0, interface type is ETH, interfacenumber is 0, interface IP address is, interface IP address mask is,and Master or secondary flag is SLAVE.l ADD IPADDR: BT=OMU, BN=0, IFT=ETH, IFN=0, IPADDR = "",MASK="", FLAG = SLAVE; 12. l [Interface speed]: It refers to the speed mode of an interface.l When MGW interconnects with MGC, the interface speed often adopts the M100 type.l CommandMOD IPIFp [Duplex mode]: When MGW interconnects with MGC, the interface speed oftenadopts the FULL type.p [Interface speed]: M100l Sample: Configure the speed of Ethernet interface 0 on OMU 0 as 100Mbps and duplexmode as full.l MOD IPIF: IFT=ETH, BT=OMU, BN=0, IFN=0, SPEED=M100, DUPLEX=FULL; 13. l VirtualMedia Gateway (VMGW) function divides a physicalMGW into multiple different logicalVMGWs. Each VMGW is identified by VMGW ID and managed by differentMGC. The system canallocate bearer resources of the MGW equipment to different virtualMGWs in exclusive or resourcesharingmode to improve the flexibility of the equipment.l VMGW ID: Refers to the uniform logical number of a VMGW. 16 VMGWs at most.l VMGW MID Type: MGW can adopt IP address, domain name or device name to identify oneVMGW MID type.p When the VMGW MID adopts the Domain name type, it is in the format of Domainname: Port No., for example, www.UAP8100 MGW.net: 5555. The domain name of theUAP8100MGW and the local port No. used to set up the H.248 link are recommended.p When the VMGW MID adopts the IP address type, it is in the format of IP address: PortNo., for example, 5555. The IP address of the gateway control interfaceand the local port No. used to set up the H.248 link are recommended.p When the VMGW MID adopts the Device name type, it is in the text format, for example,UAP8100MGW.l WhenMGW interconnectswith MGC, the VMGW MID often adopts the IP address type.p No matter which VMGW MID type is adopted, ensure that it is consistent with theEquipment ID parameter configured through the ADD MGW command at the MGC side.Otherwise, the gateway can not register normally.p No matter which VMGW MID Type you select, you need to confirm only one point thatVMGW MID must be consistent with that of MGC side. 14. l (continued)l Command: SET VMGWl Sample: Set a virtual media gateway: the virtual media gateway No. is 15, the virtual mediagateway MID is "", and the ID type is IP:l SET VMGW: VMGWID=15, MIDTYPE=IP, MID="", CONFIRM=Y; 15. l For a specified VMGW, you need to configure its home MGC.l You can configure a VMGW with 3 MGCs at most, one of which must be, and only one is,the master MGC. At any time, the VMGW can only be under the control of one MGC. TheVMGW will switch to the control of the slave MGC only when the master MGC fails orcommunication between VMGW and the master MGC is abnormal.l VMGW ID: Refers to the uniform logical number of a VMGW and indicates for whichVMGW you will configure the MGC.l MGC No.: Refers to the uniform logical number of a MGC within the VMGW. You canconfigure three MGCs at most for a VMGW.l MGC MID Type: Can adopt the three types of IP address, domain name and device nameto identify a MGC.l CommandADD MGCl Sample: Add an MGC for VMGW 1: media gateway controller No. is 1, media gatewaycontroller MID type is IP, media gateway controller MID is, andmaster/slave flag is SLAVE.l ADD MGC: VMGWID=1, MGCIDX=1, MIDTYPE=IP, MID="",MSS=SLAVE; 16. l To establish a H248 signaling link between a designated VMGW and a designated MGC.l H248 signaling link No.: All the H.248 signaling links should be uniformly numberedwithout repetition.l VMGW ID and MGC ID: Indicate between which VMGW and MGC the H.248 signaling linkis established..l Transfer protocol type: Refers to the transport layer protocol type to sustain H.248signaling link. It can be UDP, TCP, SCTP or IMA. This parameter shall be consistent withthe Transmission Protocol Type parameter of command SET H248PARA. When theUAP8100 MGW is interconnected with the UAP8100 MGC of Huawei, the UDP is usuallyused to sustain H.248 links.l Peer IP Address, Peer Port No., Local IP Address and Local Port No.: Establishing acomplete link includes configuration of source address + source port No. and destinationaddress + destination port No. Because the four parameters together identify an H.248signaling link uniquely, the four parameters of one link cannot be completely the samewith those of another link.l Command: ADD H248LNKl Sample: ADD H248LNK: LINKID=43, VMGWID=13, MGCIDX=0, TT=UDP,LOCALIP="", LOCALPORT=2945, PEERIP="", PEERPORT=2945,LINKNAME="H248LNK_UDP; 17. l Set H248 protocol related parameters for VMGW, including H248 protocol codec type,transport protocol, authentication type.l Codec Type: Refers to the codec type of H.248 protocol. It can be Binary or Text. It isBinary by default. It shall be consistent with the H.248 protocol codec type of theinterconnectingMGC.l Transmission Protocol Type: Refers to the protocol type on the transport layer for bearer ofH.248 protocol. It can be UDP, TCP, SCTP or IMA. This parameter shall be consistent withthe H.248 transmission protocol type of the interconnecting MGC. The default value isUDP, which is also the common protocol to sustain H.248 signaling link between UAP8100MGW and MGC.l Authentication Type: Refers to the authentication type of H.248 packet intermediateauthentication header in non-IPSEC mode. It can be No Authentication Header or HMAC.It is No Authentication Header by default.l Command: SET H248PARAl Sample: Set H.248 protocol parameters for the virtual media gateway 15, H.248 protocolcodec type is binary codec, transport protocol type is UDP protocol, authentication type isHMAC based intermediate authentication header, HMAC type is MD5 abstract algorithm,authentication key is "123456". Do not set the other H.248 protocol parameters.l SET H248PARA: VMGWID=15, CT=BINARY, TT=UDP, ST=HMAC, HT=MD5, KEY="123456",CONFIRM=Y; 18. l This procedure is to activate a VMGW and enable it to send a registration request to theMGC.l Command: ACT VMGW 19. l Configure frame format and line code format of all ports of E32 .l Command: SET E1PORTp [Frame Structure]: For the port of E32, "DOUBLE_FRAME"p [line Code Structure]: For the port of E32, "HDB3"l Sample: Set frame format of port 0 on the E32 board in slot 3 of frame 1 as CRC multi-frame,Tx and Rx line code format as HDB3:l SET E1PORT: FN=1, SN=3, SPN=0, FS=CRC_MULTIGRAME, TXCS=HDB3, RXCS=HDB3; 20. l Add timeslots for interface boards. TDM interface board type can be E32 S2L. After thiscommand is executed, the corresponding relationship between physical timeslot and TID,VMGW ID, and trunk type should be configured. Only after the configuration, can thetimeslots bear services.l The information of board type and board No. specified should be recorded in the slottable.l An E32 has up to 1024 physical timeslots. So if the board type is set to E32, the end TIDminus start TID should be smaller than 1024.l There is only one relay type within a relay range, the default value is Extern.p Inside for the protection channels in a 1:N backup protection groupp Extern in other cases, for example, if the UAP8100 MGW interconnects with thePSTN switchl You must configure VMGW at first, and then configure TDM slots.l Command: ADD TDMIUl Sample: Add timeslots for an interface board. The board No. is 0, board type is E32, startTID is 0, end TID is 512, VMGW ID is 0, and relay type is inside:l Add TDM inside timeslots with TID being from 0 to 512 .l ADD TDMIU: BN=0, BT=E32, TIDFV=0, TIDLV=512, VMGWID=0, RT=INSIDE; 21. l The following message will be displayed at maintenance output windowl Tid Context MGWID Statel 2304 0 0 Freel 2305 0 0 Freel 2306 0 0 Freel 2307 0 0 Freel 2308 0 0 Freel l 2331 0 0 Freel 2332 0 0 Freel 2333 0 0 Freel 2334 0 0 Freel 2335 0 0 Free
