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06 Simple and Powerful Steps to Attract More Property Viewings

Date post: 26-Jan-2015
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According to rightmove.co.uk, the UK’s largest property website, interest in a property for sale drops by 50% in weeks 3-4 compared to weeks 1-2. This means you need a plan should your property not receive an acceptable offer in the first 4 weeks. In this eGuide, I will be sharing 6 very simple, yet hugely powerful, tips that your estate agent can implement to fight against the drop in interest that is inevitable. It’s VERY important your property does not start to stagnate on the market. Read the guide now, you will be amazed at how simple they are and you will be left wondering why your estate agent didn't automatically implement these steps.
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6 Simple And powerful StepS to AttrAct more property ViewingS

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contentS03 HAVe new profeSSionAl pHotoS tAken (including lifeStyle imAgeS)

04 upgrAde your property AdVert online to A premium liSting

05 upgrAde your property AdVert online to A feAtured property

06 regulArly rotAte imAgeS

07 Amend tHe deScription And cApitAliSe tHe mAin benefitS

08 cHAnge tHe mArketing price

09 more Help And contAct

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perry power

HAVe new profeSSionAl pHotoS tAken (including lifeStyle imAgeS)This is one of my biggest bugbears. Estate agents agree that over 90% of buyers begin their property search online, but only a handful of agents consider the quality of photography to be a priority. I regularly see many advertised properties, supported by poor quality images. First impressions count when marketing a property, and if an agent is unwilling to put effort in at this early stage, then I’d avoid them at all costs.

Capturing lifestyle images is very important. When searching for a property, potential buyers aren’t simply looking to invest in bricks and mortar. In fact, they are seeking what they perceive to be a particular lifestyle that comes with the property, and the lifestyle images should be there to give them a glimpse of what they can expect, if they choose to buy.

“potentiAl buyerS Are Seeking A pArticulAr lifeStyle tHAt comeS witH tHe property”

“eStAte AgentS Agree tHAt oVer 90% of buyerS begin tHeir property SeArcH online”

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upgrAde your property AdVert online to A premium liStingPremium promotion is available to all estate agents through rightmove.co.uk and Zoopla, but very few agents choose this option. Why? Simply because it costs more, which in turn has a negative impact on their profit.

According to rightmove.co.uk, a premium listing can increase interest in your property by 33%, helping it to stand out from the crowd, become more visible and by immediately giving the property searcher more images and information on the search results page.

“A premium liSting cAn increASe intereSt in your property by 33%”

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upgrAde your property AdVert online to A feAtured propertyA featured property advert on the portals which places your property right at the top of a search creates 40% more interest, according to rightmove.co.uk.

“A feAtured property liSting cAn increASe intereSt in your property by 40%”

It really is simple: better marketing = more viewings = a better price for your property.

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regulArly rotAte imAgeS

Rotating images of the property online is a great way of reducing the chances of your property beginning to stagnate on the market - what we in the industry call ‘brickor mortis’. By regularly rotating the images but ensuring that the most impressive shots are always shown first, it can alter a potential buyer’s perception.

For example, it may be that someone who viewed the property online last week and wasn’t particularly impressed by the outside of the house, then sees the fantastic kitchen the next time they search, prompting them to make that all important enquiry. Remember that home buyers are usually willing to compromise on one or more aspects of a property.

“remember tHAt Home buyerS Are uSuAlly willing to compromiSe”

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Amend tHe deScription And cApitAliSe tHe mAin benefitSThe property description below is sadly typical of those displayed by many estate agents. It fails to stand out and emphasise the key benefits of the home.

I’m sure you’ll agree that this is a much more positive description. It’s short and to the point, communicating the benefits of the property and prompting the buyer to click to find out more.

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“communicAte tHe benefitS of tHe property”

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cHAnge tHe mArketing price

By changing the marketing price, I don’t mean reducing the price that you are hoping to achieve, but changing the marketing approach.

For example, if your property has been on the market with an asking price of £400,000 for the past few months hoping to achieve £390,000 but not generating much interest, why not try stating “offers in excess of £380,000” instead? It’s all about tapping into the psychology of the buyer.

There are many benefits to this approach. My other ebook: “Setting the right marketing price when selling your property”, will explain in detail the pros and cons of five different tried and tested options, when setting a price for your property.

“wHy not try offerS in exceSS of £380,000 inSteAd of An ASking price of £390,000”

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And finAlly...Did you know: On average, 60% of property owners end up having to change estate agents before eventually selling their property with the average property selling for 21% below the original asking price.

I have helped hundreds of home owners successfully navigate the challenges of selling. With over 11 years experience in the industry, I am now using that experience to help you avoid the common pitfalls via eGuides, my website forum, Podcasts and Webinars. It’s all FREE!

need more Help?No problem, get in touch and I would be happy to help.

Speak soon

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