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07 ILiA Lesson06

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  • 8/3/2019 07 ILiA Lesson06


    Lesson : The G PerfectVerb andF{ominalSuflixesPart1.Most Semiticanguagesttest number f verbalstems r conjugationshatcommunicateifferent asic oncepts.n Aramaic,hereare hreebasicstems,namedeitherafterwhat heGermans all it. or after he form of the stemn thethirdperson,masculine ingular3ms)perfectormof the oot hJ! , andlor fteritsdistinctive orphologicaleature:TheG-stemi.e.,Grundstamm)r thePe'al )!E) -- - Thebasic tem usedoexpress oth ransitive nd ntransitivections).TheD-stemi.e.,Doppelstamm)r thePa"et hJp; -- - Thestem sedor factitiveand ientivemeaning,orverbs hatconveyhecausing f a state:to makebroken", to makeexperienced."hese otions anbe distinguishedrom hosethataremorepurely ransitive"to makesomethingreak", to make omeoneexperience");heD-stemmplies hata subject asbeen roughtnto a state fbeing.Factitiveeferso verbswhichare ntransitiven theG-stem, ut ransitivein theD-stem; ientive efers o verbs hatare ransitiven theG-stem swell astheD-stem).ts distinctivemorphologicaleatures thedoubling f themiddle ootconsonant,hus heGerman ameof the oot meansDouble-stem".TheH-stem r Haph'el t!Eil) Thisstems associatedith causationhencet issometimesalled heCausative tem).ts distinctivemorphologicaleatures itsprefix 1.Thisstem, ssociatedith causation,anbe compared ith theD-stem incebothdescribehe ransformationf things.While heD-stem escribesringingsomethingntoa state,where hatsomethings essentiallyassive,heH-stemdescribeshatsornethingctivelyparticipatingn an action.WaltkeandO'Connor's n Introductiono BiblicalHebrewSyntaxpp.355-357)offersanEnglishexamplehathelps o distinguishhese arious uances f theHebrew andAramaic) erbalsystem."Sarahlies heairplane"G-stem"Sarah,[byherself,] etsheairplanelown" D-stem"Sarahmakesheairplanely" H-stemBecauseach f these temss associatedith aparticular emantic uance,t isofteneasyo reason, ased n hebasicmeaning f the oot and he associationsf

    Introductory Lessons n Aramaic by Eric D. Reymond

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    eachstem,what the meaningof a givenroot is in a givenstem. t so happens, ueto the imited natureof thepreservedwritten Aramaic, ew rootsappearn all threestems.But, e.g., ake heroot associated ith "perishing"-TlN:In the G-stem t means to perish" (an ntransitiveverb).In the D-stem t means to put something nto a stateof ruin".In theH-stem t means to cause omething o perish", .e.,"to destroy".Verbs of movementare also easy o predict, ike l'lJ'lJ to go down"In the G-stem t means to go down" (an ntransitiveverb).In theD-stem t means to bring into a stateof being ower".In theH-stem t means to deposit"or "to cause omethingo go down".Thereare alsopassivestems hat correspondo these hreebasic stems:TheGp, G-passive.r Pa'Tl )'Yl)The Dp, D-passive, r Pu"at 1)t]E;The Hp, H-passive, r Huph'al()^Uli'l)Of these, he G-passives the most mportant, he mostcommonly used.ln addition, hereare hreeprefix-t stems,eachcorrespondingo one of the threeactivestetns, achusuallyexpressing reflexivenotionor a passive otion (Thismeans hat thereare echnically wo ways to createa passive erbal orm, onethrough he passive tems Pe'Tl,Pu"al, Huph'al], the other hrough heprefix-tstems.)The GorHithpe'el)!En;r)The D orHithpa"al)!,Bnn)The H orHithhaph'al* tlllni:T)Of these, nly he G and D stems re ound n BiblicalAramaic ith anyfrequency.Eachof these temsG,D, H, Gp,Dp,Hp,tG, tD, [tH]),or conjugations,asaperfectorm(expressingctions lready ompleted,inished) ndan mperfectform(expressingctions otyetcompleted),swell asparticiples,mperatives,and nfinitives.We earn irsttheperfect. he3ms orm s themost mportantsincet is theformof the verb isted n thedictionaries.

    Introductory Lessons n Aramaic by Eric D. Reymond ,11

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    The ollowingparadigmsolateshedistinctiveeatures f eachorm of theperfect.3ms3fs Ft l

    r l F - f- j t tJ- :I i J t t J- :



    F - F q / F q F T it ' r J i r J i I ' l J i t JT : - : : : - :r - r - i -l ' tJ t t . :J: - :

    I t-,$ tJ. . :

    rtn!- - t i - rr l - i l t J

    r r i F - F -l ' [ ' r J t l Jl F - f F -l i ' r - J t r J

    F,=o=/' i .=n!

    * rJ (The forms of the 3fs and lcs perfectare somewhat ounter-intuit ive, iven hat theiretymological orm is *katabatand*katabtu.Basedon these orms, we would expect he firstvowel tobe lal not h/.It is, in fact, a/ in rootsthat beginwith a gutturalconsonant. .g.,n']:! "shemade"and 'l]lE$ "shesaid",n'Tl! "I made",etc.)

    n :i'! (The shewaprecedinghe suffix in theseforms representshe absence f a vowel:katabta ketabt, ketabtlv.The finalshewan i:ilil also epresentsheabsence f a vowel.)(The shewaprecedinghe suffix in thisform representshe absence f a vowel:kitbet)

    l cs rl rnl

    :l:i:i' J,lD!I D II

    r t Fl l ' l| "


    frllfn! (The shewaprecedinghe suffrx n theseforms representshe absence f a vowel:

    ketabtu*n,ketabten.)(The shewaprecedinghe suffix in thisform representshe absence f a vowel:ketabnd.)

    l cp N;:n!

    Adding hese uffixes o the stemof theD- or H-stemallowsyouusually o predictthe correct orm.Thus, he 2fp suffixOr, he cp suffixN) . + thebase f theH-stemn:il : $lJn:i_l Grlotehatwhileboth orms ontainhesequence-lli--, it representsomethinglightly

    Introductory Lessons n Arqmaic by Eric D. Reymond +2

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    differentn each ase. hedot n the aw n theD-stem orm ndicateshat hemiddleconsonants doubled.n theH-stem orm, hedot n the aw jndicatesonlythat t is pronouncedhard".TheaboveD-stem ormwould be transcribedkattebten, hile heH-stemormwouldbe ranscribedaktebna'.)Exercise a.Understandinghe suffixes ttachedo the G-stem erfectandunderstandinghebasicprinciples f vowel eduction, llowsyou o predictoftenwhat heverbalformswill look ike in theD- andH-stems.Fill out hechart elow or theverb3ll!; consultheAnswerAppendix sneeded.

    G-Perfect D-perfect H-oerfect






    i t tJ- iI t.jt tJ

    - t t t / - t F lI ' l-Jt rJ I t 't ) t t2t : - : : : - :' : - :

    ' l J t r J- :

    I t Frr F-rl ' [ ' r J t _ rJlnlnlNlfn!


    r:F!;'1:l''i! ' i -t ' : -

    In some asesheG-perfect erbshavea short i/ vowel,where n: hasa short a/vowel.So,e.g., heG-3ms erfect f theverb ndicatingbility ooks ike his: f'("hewasable").Similarly,with theverb ndicating itting, ll' ("hesat").

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    Occasionallyerbswill haveel ( ), instead f hl, or al. But, hese erbs likenbU ) areotherwise nalogousn theirparadigmo )J' 3nd ll] . Verbs ikeF)Uevenhave he same owel n their3mpand3foformsas )!' andJll'.Exercise b.Parsehe ollowing orms indicating tem, erson, ender, umber, nd oot)andfill in theblanks::lP)O ("- came p")NlrJ?F "- salted")] lFn2W _sent");rli?! ("- inquired")]nnlUil ("_ found")nfn] ("_ sat")Part2'.lnstead f using ndpendentronounso indicate ossessionas n English my","your","her"),Aramaicuses uffixalpronouns. ecause ramaicdistinguishesbetweenmasculinend eminine endersndbetween ingular ndplural n the2noand3'dpersons,hismeanshatyoucanhavea masculine oun like"king")with a2nd ersoneminine luralpossessiveronoun "yourking"). n order odisambiguatehe"your" n the ranslation includeaparentheticaldentificationfgender ndnumber:your fo)king". This,of course, oes ot mply hat hekingis eithereminine rplural.)Theaddition f pronominal uffixes o nouns ollows he ather impleprinciplesillustratedo ar. f youknow he suffixes nd heabsolute,onstruct, ndemphatic/determinedormsof thenoun,youcanusually redicthe ormof thesuffixednoun.Often, f confused,necan ake heemphatic/determinedormof thenounandsubtractheN , ending or theN: - ending or masculineluralnouns) nd hensupply heappropriateuffix o this orm."thescribe"N]!Q + l!?* -+ '-JP? "myscribe""the etter" N?fl|i + FIJIN* -+ :JljllN "your etter"This echnique oes otwork for some ouns, speciallyn relationo the2*p,2fp,3mp,and3fp suffixesseehenote beneathhechart).

    Introductorv Lessons n Arqmaic bv Eric D. Revmond 44

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    Note hat or this and hefollowing charts, hefoofiroteso thewords n thefirstcolumnapply o theanalogousorms n the othercolumns.ms noun-lnn ms nounr rri lrl Y (

    fs nouni-T-lINfs noun:l:)n

    const./emph.orm -18?/ Nl!? 1V?Nlq, n:|l|3/ NFl-llN nrf?D/ Nnl:tblcs "my" I t -'llo a ' :ut 'F]-UN 'n:l:?F2ms you" :1, ?:5ln a' t .J+Y - r r r i h'l)-v/ :JFTIN - - r - h r rtl t t lJ ,/t)I t : -2f s you" 'J. ' : - l !D a b . : :U, .:FI-ITN ':n:l:)D3ms his" ;':'l :?-tFln a c N:U? i:TF-UN =n : -hnI t , I t - ) / t )3fs"her" n IT-IID a c q r n i L rr ' l )VJ .) i':Ti:]-1lN ITNI:,blcp "our" $t - N: ] lo

    ab N):U' N: :'l-llN |q:rrl:b2mp"your" E! E: : lD d e r - r - r * ihL)))VJ ,/: l E:n:uN E:NI:,02fp your" J: I -1-1El- et + . , = = . r - t r r t aht l tY / ' i :nllN r -rF1:- hrrl 4 r . t t ) / t )3mp"their" Eil E;'1-1!D e rr - r;r i Lrt / t t )w , / tri''rn:ilN ni'tnr:)n3fp"theit'' ll ]: l-lEnn eI f I t J v r - r r r i hI r l t w , t 'iililiN r - rrr -r hl rl t l t l ' t J / l )| " :oTheshewan this orm s pronounced.oTheaccents over henext-to-lastyllable.' Note he dot n the frnalheh,whichdistinguisheshe3fspronounrom hemarker f the eminine oun.dThesuffixcouldalsobe :-'The suffixof the 2mp"2fp,3mp, nd3fopronounsncludes shewahatrepresentsheabsencef a vowelwhen heprecedingowel s short E:-1.??,E:n!b;, anda murmuredowelwhen heprecedingowel s ong tr:iT)*; otwhenanother hewahat epresentsheabsencef a vowelcomesightbeforet(E!!)0, n:!]t!). Whether r not he shewaepresentsheabsencef avowel,the ollowingkaph s always pirantizedr pronouncedsoft".Thus, or "yourscribe"we haveE:-lP? (sdpar(om),or "yourword"Efnln lrnlttatkom),or"yourGod"E!i])n 1'ctattakom),or "yourking" wehave r:!)D (malke[om),for "your and" D:!-lt! ('ar'd!om).Notice hat hebasic ormof thenounbeforethe2mp,2fo,3mp,and3fp suffix s usually he ormof thenoun n the constructsingular:''l9?,n?0, il?N, though he ormof "your(2mp)king" is similar o theemphatic/determinedormof thenoun ?)n (theconst. ing.of "king" being1 ?n) Similarly, he orm of "your(mp)silver"wouldbeEf ED! (kaspekdm),ot

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    *83!Q! (*kesapkdm),nd your mp)book"wouldbeEf-lED (siprekom),nd"your(mp)servant/slave"ouldbe E:-lf! ('abdekom).rThesuffixcouldalsobe h-Exercise c.Transliterate nd ranslatehe followinq forms:- F i t t tl ' l i l ' l Y JT:T?5ttr:i?biT-tnn. . :N) Dt - l tlnlni_r'n''l'I. -Fq -? i t, l i i l l l 5I r l : :

    take he llv the samewav.rnllllne prurij nOuns taKe tllc salllg sutllxgs ur gsscrllrafp noun' illN fp nounrr- r \nconst./emph. orm n:IN / $n:tNT : T T :lcs "my" t 'n-llN r n t - h na I l - ) / t )2ms you" :1, :ifllR - t . r - h>rt l t_ t tJ , / t )2fs"you" ':. ' :ri: lN

    " t : 'r - n r - h> rJ t I t ) / t )

    3ms "hij' ;':1 ;:Tn-llN" T : - r - r r - h>rt ' t t I t ) / t - )3fs"her" ;':1 ;:Tn-llN - - r q h r rt ' l t l l ) , / l )lcp "our" R; - Nin-lrN $ !F . l ' t - i t \t \ l t I tJ , / t -Jt - t : : -2mp your" tr! E:n-llN ab r r -nr- h>rl J J t l t ) , / t ): t : : _2fo your" ]l , 'i:r-1llN a r -F\r - hrrl J t t t ) / t )| " : I : : -3mp their" tril Ei'ln-llN ac rr-nr-r lr>ru f r f f t J / t )i f i i -3fp'1heir" 'liT 'iiln?lN auTheshewan thisword epresentsmurmured owelsince heprecedingowelis ong. .g., iggoratokOm.oThesuffixcouldalsobe l-'The suffix ould lso e i;1-

    Introductory Lessons n Aramaic by Eric D. Reymond 46

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    Masculine luralnounsakeslightlydifferent uffixes, ut n essentiallyhesameway.A yodhappearsspartof each uffix,exceptor in the3mssuffix.Thisyodhis pronouncednly n the1cssuffixaspartof the dipthongayl; it is notpronouncedn the other orms. n an earlierstage f Aramaic t waspronounced,butnow t simplyhelpso graphically ifferentiatehese uffixesrom hose sedlar and in the sinzularand eminineplur'alnounsmp nounl r - ' lhnI r':Y mp nounr . . t t i \const./emph.orm . ' :U, / R::U,

    lcs "my" ! r -1Eln a .':lD)2ms you" :l', Tt -lEll-l a b. l r . J l J - r r r r i h. t t t l l )2fs you" n!'. . l ' lr -lEln- t - v. . . : ' a b c r - r i r r i l r) )uJ ./3ms his" 'iT'l 'n i i lo a d r - i r r r i h| | l )VJ . /' t '3fs "her" ir r ;:l'-llo a b . r r r l r i ht ' l )UJ .2Icp "our" N; ' N: ' - ] !O abc $:':tDt2mp vour" E! ' E:'-l5D " b n - r . n i hL)J t\Lt- ,/" T '2fp your" l:'. l-l.r-lEln a bl - t - v| " " : T ' r - r ' r t t i ll ) / u t /I ' -3mp their" EiT' E|'T':!Q " b = - r r r r i hLtt I tVJ )3fp their' lil' '?:1r lErn a bj ' . 1 . , r + = r r r r r r i hI t l t W /oThe shewa n this form is pronounced.oTheyodh of the suffix is not prounced.'The accents over he next-to-last yllable.o Note he strangeorm of the3mspronoun.As might be obvious, eminine nouns hat follow a masculine aradigm n theural, take the suffixa nounsas f the wordwere a masculinenounfs nounilnN fp noun' l 'bsconst./emph.orm r]EN /NNNN 'EN/ $rnNlcs "my" 'nn$ a nnN2ms you" 1m|.\ 1'F|J2fs"you" ' :naN

    t " : 1 .

    ' : 'nN3ms his" ;.:TNEN" : r . 'i l ' 'lnN3fs"her" ;.:TNEN ;:l 'bN

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    lcp "our" $)NEN N:'6N2mp"your" E:NENi - . . E: 'bN2fo your" .I:NEN .i: 'EN3mp"their" ENNEN

    : - 4 .E;'T'EN3ft "their" 'lnnD|3 l i l 'n$uBecausehememn thisword s doubledas ndicated y the dot), heshewamust epresentmurrnuredowel.

    Exercise d.Considerhe ollowingexamples nd henwrite hewordsbeneathhesenAramaic:i / - - b a l \n lss lave r ' l l : ! )

    t , - - - .Ilef SOll ( r'l iii ) - : .our ingsNJ'lbD)their ingdom ;f nl: )n)hiswords ii !n;rny etter'FI-UN)your masc.ing.) ation lplt ;- - | ' r r t L r r ryour ( rem.pr . )cnmes lJ i i )1- t_) ) .

    l. myslaves2.oursonsrememberheunpredictablelural o thisword)3.your fem sing.) ing4. their masc.)ingdoms5. herword6.your masc. ing.)etter7. ournations rememberheunpredictablelural)8.mycrimes9. his llumination10. heir fem greatnessI l. your fem pl.) udges12.hisneeds

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    Part3:Syntax f J.In Aramaic, necanexpress genetiveelationshipetweenwo words hroughtheconstruct tate, salready iscussedbove.n addition, necanexpressgenetiveelationshiphrough heparticle,']1,whichmightbe ranslatedof in thefollowing ases.hus,heexpressionthesonof theking" mightbe expressedwith either

    the article'T. l?D '-TNJJQuiteoften n Aramaiconeencounters nexpanded ersionof this secondconstruction,n which the irst word hasa 3'operson ossessiveuffix on it ,agreeingn numberandgenderwith theword that ollows he':T. Thisseemsredundanto the English reader,but makesgoodAramaic. This allows a third wayto expresshesame hrase the sonof theking":

    N?rD J i"l-'llHere, he3mssuffixon -ll agreesn number ndgenderwith theword"king".Note hatalthoughhemore iteral ranslations "his sonof theking"', his s notidiomatic n Englishandso hisAramaic onstructionhould everbe ranslatedthisway.Rather,our ranslationhould lways e n idiomatic, omprehensibleEnglish.Considerheplural ormsof the same xpression:

    a."thesons/childrenf thekins":N? D ;lN??B:Tt1:l

    , .

  • 8/3/2019 07 ILiA Lesson06


    b. "thesons/childrenf thekinqs"N: - l 7n t :=l \ r . _ . - :$'.:)D T N1!tN:f 7n "':TE;'J':J

    T - :- " :

    c."thesonof thekings"N:,])E :!Ni! )E "':lNJ:Nil)n 'T Ei'T-lf (?)(This orm of son s unattested,uthere ased n he

    analogousorm n Syriac. Zrhon.)Theparticle'J (and ts alternateorm T ) also unctions sarelative ronoun,translatedntoEnglish ither s who","whose",whorn", which", that", thatwhich", where", ependingn hecontext. .g.,note he ollowingusagesromthesingle erse fDaniel .11.nl'i?: )Nq l??D'r |qf bN?)FEli? rllril -Tf'$ N? i?[$1.'i'rin'N*f n;wf EtJiiilrJD-Ti'i'T?sin?"The matter lit. "word") that the king requests is) hard.Another here s not who canexplain t before he king,exceptgodswhosedwellingsare not amongmortals."The Englishword "whose"usuallydenotesa possessiver genetive elationship.Notice hat n Aramaicsucha relationships indicated y'-'[ + noun+ possessive

    F F r i - , tsuffix:i' ' l; ' l, + -l]lD +'J.In addition,'J canbe usedasa conjunctiono connect hrasesogether, speciallyafterverbsof knowing, aying, rperception,ike English that" n "I know hatyoua.re uying ime,"or "I said hat would ind it," the ormerof which s adirect uotationromDaniel2:8:

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    ' i ' l l i] lFlls NIT! T ;1J$J'll"I know thatyou are buying time."Theextremelyversatileparticle'J can also ndicatedirect speech, speciallywhenit followsa verb or speaking.n these asest is not translated. ecauset can alsomean that" after verbsof speaking,here s sometimes mbiguity as o whethertheparticle s indicatingdirector indirectspeech.Exercise e.Write in Aramaic hefollowingphrases sing he hirdmannerof expressinghegenetivewith the suffixedpronoun.l. the decrees f thekings2. the servants/slavesf thenation3. the scribesof the land4. theneeds f thechildren5. the crimesof thoseservingGod6. therequest f the onesending he etter7. The udges.of henationmadean mageof the old king.Theysaid o theirchildren use)IJ for "to"): "We arewriting in our language for "in" use ; for"language"use heword for "tongue").

    Exercise f.Translatehe following passagerom F,zra5:l I -l 2, vocalizing he two unpointedforms. For wordsyou do not know, use he vocabulary ist that follows thepassage.Np-[s]N:.D|D=t!*-'r il1']]JJinl *jnl*N!.EIDT?N ?nT?tstTi-t;]-T-'iDlil?

    . t l .N:lu: )ll-1?D -tsl''tf:Elrl! ]E;] i_t'

    5tntroductory Lessons n Aramaic by Eric D. Reymond

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    Vocabulary:Nouns.ll! : "father" Pl with lcp suffix:Nllil?t! : "our fathers"-- see henext essonfor this word and ts strangeorms.)m.l i ' l : 'Judge"m.'tbi:t: the3mpndependentronounthey". his orm speculiaro thebookofEna.elsewheret is l:l!t{ and inn-l] : "hand"f.'JiD! : "Chaldaean"emph./det.:]]tD! : "theChaldaean")-- see henextlessonor the ormsof gentilic ouns.ll ! : "slave" r "servant"emph.ldet.:tlll!), m.j:FUJ "heavens"emph.ldet.. :,EU)m.Verbs Verbsarealways isted n theirG-3ms erfectorm)::i_l: : "to give")ll : "to be able"ln] : "to sit"

    tP)B : "to come p"TJJ In H-stem:to anger"Particles]il? :"bllt","excePt"tT-]n : "because"

    Introductory Lessons n Aramaic by Eric D. Reymond 52
