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09 2010_3 Miller News

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  • 8/8/2019 09 2010_3 Miller News


    Contact Information:

    Dennis: [email protected]

    Georgia: 503.380.5264

    [email protected]

    14688 SE Carol Ave.

    Milwaukie, OR 97267


    Training Thou sands to Disciple Millions

    September 20 10


    www.hear twords .o rg

    Every M ond ay Georgia sends

    out a w eekly devoonal via

    em ail . You can see al l of theback issues at our w ebsite:

    www.hear twords.o rg. I f you

    w ould l ike to rece ive them

    l ive , send Georgia an emai l

    and ask to be on her em ai l

    l ist. You can also view her

    greeng cards and boo k

    m arks avai lable on the si te.

    Our Upcoming Schedule

    Oct 10, Dennis speaking on Missions Sun-

    day, Hoodview COG, Woodburn, OR

    Oct 22, Georgia, Keynote Speaker and

    workshop presenter, Betrayal Redeemed

    Conference; Portland, OR

    Summerm e N ew s

    In August w e aended the

    reunion of t he class of1963, Glide High School ,

    Gl ide, Oregon. I m t he ta l l

    guy in the b ack, the

    youngest one in t he class,

    and I m not k idd ing!

    Sen io r Class Pic-

    tur e. I look alm ost

    the same, don t I?

    Our sum m er w as m ost l y

    m es of on e on o ne counsel -

    ing and loca l m in ist ry and a

    lo t o f fam i ly connecons.

    Going to see The Lion King

    w i th o ur grandson Cobi ,

    aend ing the w edd ing re-

    cepon in Eugene for ou r

    niece Brand i, and spen din g a

    week a t t he beach w i th ou r

    daughter Cour tney and son-

    in- law Chad, and grandchi l -

    dre n Leila, Kinsley & Caleb.

    See page 2 for Georgias

    sum m er repor t .

    Dennis hom e in Gl ide,

    Oregon 1956Thank you t o a l l o f o ur suppor ters!

    Those prayers and con tr ibuon s al-

    low us to serve how ever God leads.

    Cannon Beach,

    Sept em ber 3, 2010

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  • 8/8/2019 09 2010_3 Miller News


    Miller Times 3rd quarter 2010

    Georgias Sum m er; Brought to you b y Kaiser Perm anente!

    This sum m er w as go ing to be one o f com pleng a l ist of house projects that had been standing in t he w ings, waing

    paent ly . The l i st w as in ter rup ted by an em ergency t r ip t o t he hosp i ta l fo r Georgia (Mem or ia l Day) where i t w as deter -

    m ined she had an acute appen dicis requir in g imm ediate surgery. Aer a 3-day hospi ta l stay, she came h om e and be-

    gan to recuperate on ly to hear f rom her doctor the f o l lowing w eek tha t they had d iscovered co lon cancer dur ing the

    roune biopsies. A w eek later, she w ent back to t he hospi ta l to have yet anot her surgery, th is one rem oving a poron

    of her co lon . The doctors de termined tha t t hey wou ld not have known about the co lon cancer wi thout the append icis

    because the typ e of cancer is so slow grow ing that i t w ouldn t have been discovered unl too late. I t s real ly an am az-

    ing example of Gods care and grace. We do n t

    l ike to t h ink t hat He causes pain in ou r l ives

    but w e are cer ta in ly thankfu l now for the pa in

    o f t he append icis. There was m uch recovery

    to b e done b ut her energy level is back and

    thin gs are geng checked off the l ist onceagain. 2 surger ies in 2 w eeks puts a person in a

    phy sical as w ell as em oonal state bu t recov-

    ery is comple te and w e just t hank God fo r H is

    m ercy. No fu r t her check-ups or t rea tm ent a re

    necessary and at the post-operave appo in t -

    m ent , the doctor sa id , There is on ly one more

    thin g you need to donever see m e again.

    That is one direcve w e w i l l cer ta in ly obey!

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