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09 AWEA Small Wind Global Market Study

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  • 8/14/2019 09 AWEA Small Wind Global Market Study


    AWEA Sma W TeGa Maet St

    YEAR ENDING 20 08

  • 8/14/2019 09 AWEA Small Wind Global Market Study


    Ron Stimmel I Small-Wind Advocate

    1501 M St. NW, Suite 1000 I Washington, DC 20005 I Ph: (202) 383-2546 I [email protected] I www.awea.org/small wind

  • 8/14/2019 09 AWEA Small Wind Global Market Study


    SMAll Wind TurbinE GlobAl MArkET STudy: 2009 | 1

    Tae Ctets

    Smma ........................................................................................................................................... 3

    Sve Fgs a Aass ........................................................................................................... 4

    Cet Maet Stats ............................................................................................................... 4

    Gwth Pteta A Pjects ............................................................................................. 6

    States ........................................................................................................................................ 6

    Pteta Maet Facts (See As The 2008 St) ............................................................... 6

    ivestmet .............................................................................................................................. 10

    Js ........................................................................................................................................ 10

    dspace Ca dxe...................................................................................................... 10bg-Mte Tes ..................................................................................................... 10

    Maactg ................................................................................................................................. 11

    Maacte Pe ................................................................................................................ 11

    Ga dstt Maactes ..................................................................................... 11

    Maactg Tes ............................................................................................................. 12

    Cmpas t Sa Phtvtacs ............................................................................................... 13

    Gwth .................................................................................................................................... 13

    Csts ....................................................................................................................................... 14

    The Ga Maet .......................................................................................................................... 15The uS Pst ...................................................................................................................... 15

    Fee-i Tas ......................................................................................................................... 16

    ute kgm ...................................................................................................................... 16

    Caaa ................................................................................................................................... 16

    respg Maactes............................................................................................................. 17

    Methg ................................................................................................................................... 18

    bgaph a othe resces ................................................................................................. 19

  • 8/14/2019 09 AWEA Small Wind Global Market Study


    2 | AMEriCAn Wind EnErGy ASSoCiATion

  • 8/14/2019 09 AWEA Small Wind Global Market Study


    SMAll Wind TurbinE GlobAl MArkET STudy: 2009 | 3

    US Small WInd market

    groWS 78% In 2008Iusy Scus l-t F Iciv

    Fis Sic 1985

    The uS maet sma w tes thse wth capactes

    100 W1 a e gew 78% 2008 wth a ata 17.3

    MW stae capact. Ths gwth s age atttae t

    cease pvate eqt vestmet that awe maactg

    vmes t cease, patca the cmmeca segmet

    the maet (sstems 21-100W). The st-agest segmet themaet, eseta (1-10W), was ewse ve vestmet

    a maactg ecmes scae, t as sg

    eseta eectct pces a a heghtee pc awaeess

    the techg a ts atttes.

    The st pjects 30- gwth wth as tte as ve

    eas, espte a ga ecess, a cmatve uS stae

    capact 1,700 MW the e 2013. Mch ths

    estmate gwth w e spe the ew eght-ea 30%

    eea ivestmet Tax Cet passe Cgess octe

    2008 a agmete Fea 2009.

    The maet has ecme mate g-cecte ts

    a w e cte ths te as these age sstems

    ecme me aae.

    The uS ctes t cmma gh ha the ga maet

    shae a s hme t e-th the 219 ete wwe

    maactes. Sma w s st a ace wth the sa

    phtvtac st twa g pat pce pe watt-

    h pa wth cveta ms eectct a w

    th stes ej ea etca eea cetves a

    me eve pag e.

    o Sisics

    80 MW cmatve stae sma-w capact

    the uS.

    uS maactes saes acct the ga maet.

    $160 m tse vestmet was jecte t

    18 maactes wwe ve the past thee eas.

    At east 219 cmpaes wwe maacte sma

    w sstems, 35% whch ae ase the uS.

    ist pects a cmatve uS capact 1,700 MW

    wth ve eas.


    2008 U.S. Ss 2008 gb Ss

    17.3 MW 38.7 MW

    78% gwth ve 2007 53% gwth ve 2007

    10,500 ts 19,000 ts

    $77 m saes $156 m saes

  • 8/14/2019 09 AWEA Small Wind Global Market Study


    4 | AMEriCAn Wind EnErGy ASSoCiATion

    CUrrent market StatUS

    base a sve eag maactes, 2008 gwth

    was age e t the avaat capta a vet,

    a the evt maactg ecmes scae.

    Pvate eqt vestmet has awe spp t catch p t a

    ema that has ee csstet stg ve ecet eas.

    bette maacte captazat has e t a cease

    pct vmes, saes ces, a techca sppt wth

    va cmpaes.

    leag extea maet acts ce sg a vate pces

    cveta eectct, state cetves, csme ecat,

    a a cease pc cce evmeta sses.

    despte ec gwth, the eseta (1-10W) a

    cmmeca (21-100W) maet segmets shwe a

    appxmate 20% wt ate 2008 a ea 2009

    e t a a ecmc ecess, t as ecase

    tpca saes p-s g wte mths. despte the

    p, ea 2009 eseta saes wee st 15-20% hghe

    tha ea 2008.

    Cmmeca-sect cstmes have ct secg

    acg the tpca me expesve tes ths

    maet, a have Pwe Pchase Ageemets (PPA)

    t e a me attactve acg meth.2 Cmmeca PPAs

    eae sesses, schs, gvemets, a ttes t

    csme eewae eectct whe avg hgh capta

    csts a ss asscate wth wg the geeatg

    eqpmet. The PPA me has ee ve ppa the sa

    phtvtac (PV) st ecet eas pma ecase

    the eea vestmet tax cet ceate the 2005 Eeg

    Pc Act pve a a me gees cetve (30% the

    tta stae sstem cst) cmmeca appcats tha

    eseta, whch was mte t $2,000. Sma w a

    sa w ej a g-tem, cappe 30% tax cet th

    cmmeca a eseta appcats.

    PPAs w e ecme me ppa 2009 as the expae

    cetve taes eet a cet emas estcte thght

    the ecm.

    tb 1. gw by m S

    US: Uis, 2008 0-0.9W 1-10W 11-20W 21-100W ts

    o-G 6,706 696 0 0 7,402

    o-G 0 2,825 72 87 2,984

    Ttas 6,706 3,521 72 87 10,386

    US: W, 2008 0-0.9W 1-10W 11-20W 21-100W ts

    o-G 2,784 980 0 0 3,764

    o-G 0 6.619 1,331 5,660 13,610

    Ttas 2,784 7,599 1,331 5,660 17,374

    W t 2008 Uis W

    o-G 13,902 7,536

    o-G 4,992 26,065

    Tta 18,894 33,601

    * Whee cmat was avaae, ths st assmes a tes e 1W, a 90% tes eqa t 1W, ae -g. Sevea mes ca e se ethe - -g appcats.

    Sve Fgs a Aass

  • 8/14/2019 09 AWEA Small Wind Global Market Study


    SMAll Wind TurbinE GlobAl MArkET STudy: 2009 | 5











    Turbine size range







    1-10kW 11-20kW 21-100kW0














    Turbine Size Range














    Sales ($US x 10,000)kWUnits

    14% Growth

    78% Growth

    73% Growth

    FIgUre 1: U.S. Small WInd tUrBIne market, 2008 FIgUre 2: U.S. market Segment groWth

    FIgUre 3: groWth oF U.S. Small WInd market

    The market has become dominated by grid-connected units

    and will likely continue in this trend as these larger systems

    become more affordable and available.

    The residential and upper-commercial market segments

    experienced the sharpest growth in 2008.

  • 8/14/2019 09 AWEA Small Wind Global Market Study


    6 | AMEriCAn Wind EnErGy ASSoCiATion

    F a maet segmets, st pects that the eea

    vestmet tax cet (see Pteta Maet Facts) w

    cte t hep cease pct a the ece

    csme csts. The ceatech ecm sect geeahas ee eatve stg thght the ga ecess a

    cet css, a sma w s except. Eve amst the

    wt, ecmes scae ae egg t tae shape

    the st a gwth pjects ae the stgest the

    sts 80-ea hst.

    groWth PotentIal and ProJeCtIonS

    Maactes pect a 30- cease the uS maet

    as tte as ve eas, eve e cet ecmc

    cts. Pma ves ce the eght-ea 30% eea

    vestmet tax cet eacte octe 2008, ecet a

    pteta pvate eqt vestmet, a geate eqpmet

    maactg capates. Ths gwth pject s mch

    greater than the 40-50% annual growth predcted n the 2008

    study, and s far beyond the average annual growth of 14-25%

    year-over-year growth the ndustry has seen over the past decade.(See also Potental Market Factors and the 2008 AWEA study.)


    i geea, states that e csme cetves at a eve

    $2 pe Watt capact geate attact the stgest shae

    the sma-w maet. base a sve eseta-

    te pves, states wth hghest saes pecetages

    2008 wee CA, nV, AZ, or, ny, MA, a oH. new Jese

    a Hawa w have ee ae t ths st, sa st

    memes, wee t t the sa cmesme

    pemttg pcesses whch have sevee estcte the

    maets.3 (See as Pteta Maet Facts.)

    PotentIal market FaCtorS (S s 2008 suy)

    New ederal incentives. o octe 3, 2008 Cgess

    passe the Emegec Ecmc Stazat Act 2008,

    H.r. 1424, that ces a ew eght-ea, 30% eea-eve

    vestmet tax cet (iTC) t hep csmes pchase

    qae sma w sstems wth ate capactes 100

    watts (W) a ess. The amt ths cet was

    stget cappe, hweve, t the passage The

    Ameca recve a revestmet Act 2009, H.r. 1,

    Fea 17, 2009 whch emve the cst caps. A 30%

    iTC s w avaae sma w te csmes

    thgh deceme 31, 2016. (F a st the cetves

    eettg sma w ctae ths egsat, see


    Pvss__iteest_t_Sma_W.p. See as the

    dataase State icetves reewaes a Ecec

    We ste at http://sesa.g.)

    tb 2. gi-ti rsii m Pi

    2010* 2020**

    Hmes wth t 1 ace a 12.0 13.9

    Hmes wth >1 ace a 25.2 29.3

    Gss pteta me hmes sma w tes 37.2 43.2

    net pteta me hmes sma w tes 13.0 15.1

    * Ms u.S. hmes cecte t the tt g

    **Gwth accg t u.S. Cess bea, Ameca Hsg Sve, 1998.

    Appxmate 35% these hmes w have a scet w esce, ee as a u.S. depatmet Eeg w cass 2 ette. T meet the eectca ees a tpca u.S.

    hme, a sma w te a meate w egme mst have a t amete 16 t 25 eet a e stae a twe 60 t 150 eet ta. These mess ae stae hmes

    sma t szes.

    A ata ths tae s tae m the AWEA Sma W Te ist ramap (2002).










    FIgUre 4: U.S. market groWth ProJeCtIonS

  • 8/14/2019 09 AWEA Small Wind Global Market Study


    SMAll Wind TurbinE GlobAl MArkET STudy: 2009 | 7

    Ths egsat mae the st eea cetve the sma

    w st ve 20 eas a pves the st wth

    stae, g-tem pc that has hstca ee t each

    the eewaes stes. ist memes vae tspassage as a mptat step twa achevg ptca pat

    wth sa phtvtacs (PV) st, sma ws maet

    ctepat, whch has eje a eea iTC sce 2005.

    Sce the eea cetve was t eacte t the e

    2008, a t expae t ea 2009, t s e that t

    was a pma ve eh the 2008 sge saes.

    External investment. See ivestmet, page 10.

    Zoning/permitting. P aset ca pemttg pactces

    thwat a estmate 1/3 a pteta sma w testaats. uecessa estctve egats, patca

    heght mtats, ca mt a tes pctvt, scage

    cstmes a vestmet, a epe ca st-eate

    sesses m cmmtes. See the 2008 AWEA pemttg

    ge, i the Pc iteest: Hw a Wh t Pemt

    Sma W Sstems at www.awea.g/smaw/p/


    State policies and incentives. At the state, tt, a ca

    eves, pces cte t e agmete a cstat

    chagg acss egs a eve cmmtes, as state the maps ave.

    Tp state, tt, a ca pc gas the st

    cte t e t:

    icease the avaat a sze aca cetves,

    Steame zg aces at the ca state eve,

    Staaze g tecect es a pcees,


    impemet mpve state/tt et meteg pces.

    Gwth t jst saes, t the me maactes,

    eaes, staes, spp cha memes, a stavcates has e t a age st pesece at ca eves,

    cg pemttg sses t the e a geate me

    cmmtes. Wth a estmate 25,000 eet ca zg

    jscts the u.S.4, hweve, AWEA a st memes

    ae attemptg t aess pemttg chaeges at ae

    eves cg at state eve eea eves gvemet.

    State a tt csme cetve pgams eewaes,

    FIgUre 5: State PolICIeS and InCentIVeS

    Maps pepae T Fsth the nata reewae Eeg laat, sg ata m: dSirEuSA

    May 2007 November 2008






    $ $










    l i i l

    l i l l i l - l

    Residential Small Wind Incentives


    Property Tax Incentives

    Buydown/Grants& Net Metering

    Buydown /Grants,Net Metering,& Loans

    ProductivityIncentives& Loans

    Net Metering,Loans & Prod.Incentives

    Buydowns/grants Productivity Incentives Minor Incentives






    $ $



    $ Income Tax Credits




    RPS$Puerto Rico $Puerto Rico




    Residential Small Wind Incentives






    $ $












    Net Metering,Loans & Prod.Incentives

    Net Metering& Loans

    Net Metering


    Buydown/Grants& Net Metering

    Buydown /Grants,Net Metering,& Loans

    ProductivityIncentives& Loans

    Net Metering,Loans & Prod.Incentives

    Buydowns/grants Productivity Incentives Minor Incentives

    Buydown/Grants ProductivityIncentives

    Net Metering,Loans & Prod.Incentives

    Net Metering& Loans

    Net Metering


    Property Tax Incentives

    $ Income Tax Credits

  • 8/14/2019 09 AWEA Small Wind Global Market Study


    8 | AMEriCAn Wind EnErGy ASSoCiATion

    patca sa phtvtacs, have ece ecet eas

    e t cstae state a tt gets a the tct

    a expas a eea vestmet tax cet (iTC).5 The

    same ma cc sma w, whch w ejs a eeaiTC that sme states see as a psse ssttte the w

    cetve pgams. ist sees a ee the eea a

    state cetves t w ccet athe tha as sstttes

    e t have the ese maet stms.

    A sma ha states have chse t ece the cetve

    eves a pe-pject ass e t ct csts whe assstg

    the same ( age) amt csmes. The te s t

    vesa, hweve, as the states have chse stea t

    expa the cetve pgams wth the hep cease

    s thgh the Ameca recve a revestmet Act

    2009 passe Fea 2009.6

    The economic recession. Shap ps cmmt pces

    ate 2008 a ea 2009 have hepe t we the csts

    sa phtvtac (PV) ces csea, whch ae ase

    the aw matea psc. Pteta csmes have as

    ha geate ct secg aae hme mpvemet

    as sce the egg the ecess a 2008,

    aectg the eseta sma-w maet. Hstca, sma

    w has ee csea me cst-cmpettve tha sa

    PV a cst pe watt-h ass, t a sge sa

    vestmet, a hea-stat eea cetves, a ag

    pct csts w e est PV csts at eves me

    cmpetetve wth sma w.

    Rising electricity prices. reseta eectct pces ae

    pjecte t se at aa ates at 1.1% 2009 a

    1.8% 2010 a w e ctte t a st sma-

    w saes.7 Hghe pevag ates eseta, sta,

    a cmmeca eectct mae sma w tes me

    cmpettve wth cveta eectct sces a

    cemeta-cst ass. itage eets sma w,

    sch as pvg a csstet a pectae spp a

    cst eectct 20-30 eas, c a t ts vea

    vae t csmes.

    Utility policies. recet eas have see a sght pwa te

    the qatt a qat state/tt et meteg aws a

    pactces (see States), t the pc s a m staaze

    vesa mpemete.

    G tecect es a pcees w as have a

    ceasg eect the st as the maet ctes

    t sht twa g-cecte sstems. Whe aaze

    a cmesme tecect es a pcees

    ae thwat staats cmpete, the te mag

    staats tme, expese, a cmpext. The nata

    Fe Ptect Asscat w e ceate a sect ts

    nata Eectc Ce (nEC) specca sma w

    Sce: uS depatmet Eeg / Eeg imat Amstat. www.ea.e.gv/













    FIgUre 6: U.S. reSIdentIal eleCtrICItY PrICe


  • 8/14/2019 09 AWEA Small Wind Global Market Study


    SMAll Wind TurbinE GlobAl MArkET STudy: 2009 | 9

    tes ts ext evs 2011. Ths w expct st

    eectca saet eqemets sma w tes a

    t hep steame g tecect pcesses. Eectca

    saet has t hstca pesete a chaege t sma wstaats e exstg nEC egats, t ppets

    the avacemet cte a ee t estash sma w

    the Ce as a vestmet the sts te a as a

    amew gwth.

    Installer and equipment certifcation. Pgams ae eag

    cmpet t cet sma w te eqpmet a thse

    wh sta them the Sma W Cetcat Cc

    (SWCC)8 a the nth Ameca ba Cete Eeg

    Pacttes (nAbCEP)9, espectve. Whe th pgams

    w e vta, maet ces ae e t stttaze

    them thght the st. A me states havecate that the pa t mae cetcat a eqemet t

    tecect t the eectct g, ta a zg pemt, a/

    eceve pc cetve s.

    Increased public awareness. Sma w was the sject

    10% a mea qes at AWEA 2008 athe ec-

    eag ea whe st cmpsg ess tha 1% the w

    eeg st ( tems 2008 stae capact). ist

    epts that pc expse, whch has ee pemat

    pstve, heps t hghght ca pc ees a sts,

    geeate csme qes, a peset the techg as


    Federal renewable electricity standard. legsat s

    expecte t e csee aga 2009 that w ceate a

    at-we eqemet maj ttes t eve a ceta

    pecetage the geeat m eewae sces a

    ceta ate. Cae a eewae eectct staa rES,

    ths tpe pc cet exsts 28 states a ve 35

    ctes a has ceate a sstae maet eewaes

    these aeas. depeg hw the pc s stcte, a

    rES ma pve a cetve ttes t ecage sma-

    scae, cstme-ste eewaes e sma w tes te ae t the geeat mx. F me mat the

    rES a the egsat, see www.awea.g/egsatve.

    A maj rES s ppse the ecet past w aw

    eectct geeate stte eewae geeats,

    e sma w sstems, t e cte as thee tmes as

    vaae as eectct geeate m cetaze eewaes.

    Ths ma pve cetves ttes t w a peate

    sma w sstems, t ecage csmes t geeate a

    sps eectct, t the evmeta atttes

    a cstmes excess geeat the m eewae

    eectct cets, rECs.

    Federal climate change legislation. Cgess ma cse

    egsat the eseeae te that w estash a

    ceg, cap, ca xe (Co2) emsss awe

    a ecm-we ass. reewae eeg sstems e

    sma w tes, whch emt Co2, c ecme me

    cst-cmpettve e ths aw.

    i e t emt geehse gases wth the cap, ettes

    w have t acqe pt awaces, m the eea

    gvemet, ethe ee thgh act. Ettes that

    eceve awaces t t ee them t set theemsss (ecase the pce tte Co

    2) w the

    e awe t se the awaces t thes that ee

    them. Ths sstem s w as cap-a-tae.

    depeg heav the stcte (a passage)

    ths egsat, stte eewae eeg geeat

    techges e sma w sstems c eet ect

    a ect. i the, eea act pcees c e

    se t csme cetve pgams, a states a

    ttes c eceve cetves the apt pces that

    sppt stte eewaes.

    AWEA s actve avcatg cmate chage egsat

    a that t ces pvss t hep sma w. F me

    mat see www.awea.g/egsatve.

    Improved resource assessment technology. Aveage

    pevag w spee s the sec mst sgcat act

    a tes ate et vestmet, eh

    aca cetves (see as Csts the 2008 st).

    Sevea pvate-sect cmpaes have evepe me

    avace techges ecet eas t et gegaphc

    egs wth the geatest aveage w spees, a theuS depatmet Eeg eease a Fg opptt

    Acemet 2008 cag the evepmet a

    csme-e ste aass t t eet stte

    w techg.10 These ew ts c hep te sma

    w staats e me pctve a e csmes

    me pectat the vestmet.

    Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. The Ameca recve a

  • 8/14/2019 09 AWEA Small Wind Global Market Study


    10 | AMEriCAn Wind EnErGy ASSoCiATion

    revestmet Act, passe Fea 2009, athze $14.4

    cetves a as pg- eectc h vehce

    (PHEV) csmes a pces.11 Peset oama as

    cate hs peseta campag hs ese t have em PHEVs a eectc vehces uS as 2015.12 A

    gwg maet ths techg w tase a egee

    ema m t the eseta eectct sect, a t

    pteta t -ste eewae eectct geeats e sma

    w sstems.

    Wind-diesel hybrid systems. oe qate tes 50-100

    W s 2008 wee se w-ese h appcats

    emte cats, patca Aasa a Caaa.

    icetves ths appcat tpe ae ceasg the uS

    a Caaa, a maactes ths maet segmet te

    a peceete se ema.


    The past thee eas have ght ve $160 m extea

    pvate eqt vestmet t ve 18 maactes wwe,

    at ha whch ae uS maactes. Ths vestmet

    was a mptat ve the sts ecet gwth.

    Te pecet a vete capta the uS s veste the

    cea techg sect13 t ctes t av the sa

    st, whch eceve $1.8 (ea ha) a vete

    g cea techg cmpaes 2008 espte a

    ga ecess a a stae cet maet.14


    The estmate me js asscate wth the w eeg

    st, cg sma w, w e eease as pat a

    sepaate, cmpehesve AWEA st avaae ate 2009

    at www.awea.g.

    dISPlaCed CarBon dIoXIde

    A sge eseta-scae te spaces the ca xe

    (Co2) pce 1.5 aveage cas. The 80MW cmatve

    sma-w stae capact the uS tasates t:16

    13,300 cas set

    9,200 eqvaet me hmes pwee

    76,000 ts Co2

    space pe ea

    BUIldIng-moUnted tUrBIneS

    i 2008 appxmate 200 ts wee s t e se

    a tp appcats the uS,17 epesetg ess

    tha 250W stae capact. Ths me st epesetsess tha 0.002% the uS sma-w maet, t a sght

    cease ve the appxmate 100 ts s 2007.

    At east 10 uS cmpaes maacte pa t maacte

    g-mte mes, a hgh ppt whch ae

    vetca-axs cgat.










    FIgUre 9: UrBan rooFtoP tUrBIne market Share




    Transportation(including electric


    advanced batteries,

    fuel cells)



    (including ethanol,


    synthetic biology,


    FIgUre 8: toP VentUre CaPItal In 2008

    Clean Technology Sectors

    Sce: Ceatech Gp, llC

  • 8/14/2019 09 AWEA Small Wind Global Market Study


    SMAll Wind TurbinE GlobAl MArkET STudy: 2009 | 11

    manUFaCtUrer ProFIleAt east 219 cmpaes maacte, pa t maacte,

    sma w tes the w. o these:

    Sevet- (34%) ae ase the ute States.

    At east 36 (14 uS) have eg saes.

    At east 45 (21 uS) maacte pa t maacte

    vetca-axs sstems.18

    A mmm ve maactes (tw uS) ega

    saes 2008.

    Cpy Cuy W Si 2008

    Sthwest Wpwe uS (AZ) 10,000

    Pve Eeg lt. uk (Scta) 4,800

    nthe Pwe uS (VT) 4,300

    Etegt W SstemsCaaa (PE) /

    uS (Co)3,500

    bege WPwe C. uS (ok) 1,700


    FIgUre 10: gloBal dIStrIBUtIon oF manUFaCtUrerS

    Cuy (nub f mufcus)

    uS (66)

    Japa (28)

    Caaa (23)

    uk (18)

    Gema (16)

    Cha (14)

    netheas (7)

    Swee (5)

    Sth Aca (4)

    Spa (4)

    ia (3)

    Tawa (3)

    Fa (2)

    Face (2)

    isae (2)

    ita (2)

    rssa (2)

    Ageta (1)

    Astaa (1)

    Asta (1)

    dema (1)

    ia (1)

    kea (1)

    Pa (1)

    new Zeaa (1)

    Swtzea (1)

  • 8/14/2019 09 AWEA Small Wind Global Market Study


    12 | AMEriCAn Wind EnErGy ASSoCiATion

    manUFaCtUrIng trendS

    Maactg techqes h a e t hghe pct

    vmes a we csts. i the a 2008 the uS

    depatmet Eeg he tw wshps staehest evep a eseach a evepmet act pa

    the w eeg st, cg the sma w te

    sect. Staehes ete the wg maactg

    ees m a eseach a evepmet pespectve, wth a

    veachg cs weg a tes cst eeg:


    baes: impve ececes m appxmate 32% t


    Ateats: impve ececes m 65-80% t 90-92%

    ivetes: ivetes e ess m mpvemet,

    as mst ae ve 90% ecet. Mst vetes se sma w tes ae apte m thse se the

    sa phtvtac st, whch has cse heav

    mpvg vete ececes ve past ecaes.


    Cte t cease swept aea 19 t capte me eeg

    whe mmzg esg as. Ths as ma ce the

    se ew cmpste mateas a mg pcesses.

    rece the me cmpets a sstem.

    reseach eat sses petag t ghtg,

    cs, eag cat, ateat wg

    sat, a eectcs.

    Fcs esg maactg techqes.

    rece the vea se mateas tems ps

    pe Watt.

    Mmze the se mvg pats a mechaca g

    sstems.impve te pemace w-w cts.

    Cse cpatg me techg m tt-scae

    tes sch as geaxes, mechaca eas, pw

    t esgs, actve aw ct, sta t-ct, a

    vaae-ptch aes, t cmmeca-scae (21-100W)



    Apt avace twe matea esgs t ece

    staat tme a cst.

    devep pcesses a ts that ca me accate

    pect a tes eeg pct at a gve ste.Estash st a we-tae stae/eae etws.

    devep avace twe ats t ecease

    staat tme.

    devep weess a We-ase te pemace

    mtg capates t mmze the eqec ste


    Cte t evep a sppt pemace staas,

    cetcat, a th-pat eqpmet testg stes.

    The evepmet attees a the ms eectct

    stage wee eteme t t e a st pt

    cs. Maet mmetm s tte heav twa g-te

    tes whch esseta se the eectct g as a meas

    stage a t cpate attees.20

  • 8/14/2019 09 AWEA Small Wind Global Market Study


    SMAll Wind TurbinE GlobAl MArkET STudy: 2009 | 13

    See the 2008 AWEA market study for other trends and



    i as tte as thee eas the uS sma w te st

    c match the 2007 ec gwth the sa phtvtac

    (PV) st tems aa stae capact.

    An uncapped, eght-year 30% federal nvestment tax credt

    (iTC) s now avalable for both solar PV and small wnd, and

    for both commercal and resdental applcatons.21 The federal

    government now provdes nearly dentcal ncentves for the two

    ndustres, except that the solar tax credt can be used by utltes.

    The uS maet saw 292 MW g-te sa PV capact

    ae 2008 a cmatve 792 MW. Cheape aw

    mateas a mpve maactg pcesses ae weg

    pces PV ces a paes, eag ma cmpaes t

    pect that sa pwe c ecme cst cmpettve wth

    ata gas-ee eectct as ea as 2011.22

    Cmpas t Sa Phtvtacs










    2015 20162014201320122011201020092008

    5,700 MW





    2,150 MW

    1,650 MW

    950 MW

    Accelerated, Current ITC

    Conservative, Current ITC

    Accelerated, Reduced ITC

    Conservative, Reduced ITC

    FIgUre 13 : U.S. InStallatIon ForeCaStS 2008-2016 For Solar PhotoVoltaICS

    Sce: navgat Cstg










    Solar PV

    Small Wind














    FIgUre 11 : neW Small WInd VS. Solar PV FIgUre 12: U.S. Solar PV groWth

    PV ata sce: la Shew; SEiA 24

  • 8/14/2019 09 AWEA Small Wind Global Market Study


    14 | AMEriCAn Wind EnErGy ASSoCiATion


    Hgh pces sc-ase mes 2007 a ea 2008

    e t cease maactg vestmet that eae hghe

    pct vmes. bt ate 2008 ag pces thee cmmtes cppe, amm, a especa sc

    (m a ecease ga ema semcct-ase

    csme eectcs) este steep cst ects

    sa PV pct, a pjecte spp sps, a mch

    we csme pces ecaste 2009.25

    Sma w sstems ae appxmate 90% stee a

    cpate a sgcat amt cppe the geeats

    a wg, a ae ths sma sscepte t fctatg

    cmmt pces. Stee pces ea e 2008 t

    have ppe shap ac t ea-2007 eves as ea

    2009. Cppe pces as ppe shap t 2005 eves ate 2008 a ea 2009, e e t the ga ecess

    egg that pe.26

    A lawece beee nata laat st27 epts that

    state cetves hepe psh the stae cst sa pwe

    the uS w 28 pecet etwee 1998 a 2007 a that csts

    eseta PV ece m $10.50/Watt 1998 t $7.60/Watt 2007. Factg aveage state/tt a eea cetves,

    ths aveage pce ps t $5.10/Watt. Cmmeca PV aveage

    a pst-cetve $3.80/Watt 2007, a 32% p sce 2001,

    age e t the cappe iTC the cmmeca PV sect has

    eje sce the Eeg Pc Act 2005.

    Pces sma w cte t e we scattee e t

    the mes acts aectg staat csts (see Csts

    the 2008 st), t te t gavtate etwee $3-6/Watt.

    Sma w te staats ae a me cstct-

    tesve tha sa PV, whch ate ts maacte s age

    a eectca pject. Expag the eea iTC t sma ww e aw ecmes scae t tae eect a pt

    wwa pesse stae sma-te csts.

    Sce: navgat Cstg 23

    FIgUre 14: real modUle PrICeS and annUal gloBal PV InStallatIonS 1993-2008


















    2006 20082004200220001998199619941992


    Real Module Price (2007 $/W)


    Global PV Installations (MW)

    iceases ema a pces amm, cppe a sc

  • 8/14/2019 09 AWEA Small Wind Global Market Study


    SMAll Wind TurbinE GlobAl MArkET STudy: 2009 | 15

    the US PoSItIon

    Accg t a 2008 AWEA sve, uS maactes

    accte 49% ga sma w saes 2008,

    matag the hstca mat pst.28

    Expts accte appxmate 28% uS

    maactes saes (mease capact), a ecease

    m 33% 2007. A vewhemg majt (94%)

    ts s the uS 2008 wee pce uS

    maactes, thgh ths s a sght ecease m

    98% 2007. These tes ma sg a gwg

    attactveess the uS maet.

    uS state a gvemet cetves have eg t catch

    p wth thse the maj te-pcg ctes.

    Patca wth a cappe iTC, the uS appeas

    pepae t eta a mpve ts maet shae the

    ga st.

    The Ga Maet









    Rest of World

    US Market0%















    FIgUre 16: U.S. manUFaCtUrerS eXPortS (W)

    FIgUre 15: U.S. gloBal market Share (W)

    FIgUre 17: U.S. manUFaCtUrerS eXPortSaS a PerCentage oF SaleS (W)

  • 8/14/2019 09 AWEA Small Wind Global Market Study


    16 | AMEriCAn Wind EnErGy ASSoCiATion

    Feed-In tarIFFS

    A gwg ga te t mpemet ee- tas (FiTs), a

    tpe pct-ase aca cetve sma, -ste

    eewae geeats, has age escape the uS pcaea t ate.29 A me uS states30 have tce

    egsat that w ceate a ves the FiT, t mst

    sa PV techg, a as Mach 2009 e has ee

    eacte t aw specca t eet sma w sstems.

    UnIted kIngdom

    F mat at the sma w maet the ute

    kgm, see the btsh W Eeg Asscats aa

    maet ept at www.wea.cm/sma/ex.htm.


    Mst Caaa pvces w e sme m a et

    meteg pc, t a pvces t e Sasatchewa

    ac aca cetves sma-w csmes. The

    Caaa W Eeg Asscat (CaWEA) pas t

    aess ths ee hg a -tme Sma W Avcate

    2009 t w t sece eea a pvca cetves

    sma w.

    Gve the ght cetve cmate, CaWEA estmates that 30%

    aa gwth s psse the Caaa maet, patca the cmmeca, w-ese h, a emte/-g

    cmmt segmets.

    tb 2: F-I tiffs

    Cuis wi F-I tiffs

    Astaa ita

    Asta Japa

    Caaa new Zeaa

    Cha The netheas

    Czech repc Ptga

    Geat bta Sth Aca

    Face Spa

    Gema Swtzea*

    Geece Te

    iea* uae

    isae* uSA

    * Specca eets sma w techg.

    Sce: Pa Gpe, www.w-ws.g/atces/ee_aws.htm

  • 8/14/2019 09 AWEA Small Wind Global Market Study


    SMAll Wind TurbinE GlobAl MArkET STudy: 2009 | 17

    Eve e the 219 ete w sma w te

    maactes was scte the 2008 AWEA sma w

    maactg sve (see as Methg). o these, 44

    espe a 36 ha cmmece pct a saes

    the e 2008.

    mufcu Piy lci

    Sthwest Wpwe uS - AZ

    bege WPwe uS - ok

    W Te istes Cp. uS - Mn

    Eeg Mateace Sevce uS - Sd

    AeVmet uS - CA

    Aat reewae Eeg uS - or

    Eath Tes uS - VT

    nthe Pwe uS - VT

    Maah Pwe uS - nV

    Aetecte iteata, ic. uS - il

    Eace W Pwe, ic. uS - uT

    Evea Etepses uS - Fl

    Maqss W Pwe* uS - CA

    Vetea uS - Mn

    V Techges, ic. uS - CA

    Gee Eeg Techges uS - oH

    Wat Eeg Sstems uS - CA

    Etec Face

    isa uk

    Gaa-W uk

    Gazee W Tes uk

    reewae devces uk

    mufcu Piy lci

    Pve Eeg, lt. uk

    Ampa Mcw uk

    FtEeg uk

    Ga iste Face/Spa

    Wec Spa

    Aemax Caaa

    Te nth Pwe Sstems Caaa

    CeaFe Eeg Caaa

    Etegt W Sstems Caaa

    Wtea Caaa

    rEdve, ic. Caaa

    Qatm W Caaa

    la Cmpstes, lt. Caaa

    W Smpct Caaa

    Aecatche Gema

    Wmss dema

    W Eeg Sts Caaa/netheas

    ut ia

    keste W Tes Sth Aca

    Haev Swee

    Aveta, lt. Swtzea

    Cs W* isae

    respg Maactes

    * = n ge pct as 3/2009

    = AWEA meme as 3/2009

    tb 3: rsps 2009 aWea S-Wi mufcu Suvy

    Identifed Mrs:

    219 (74 US)


    Mrs: 44

    (17 US)

    Have Begun


    36 (14 US)?

  • 8/14/2019 09 AWEA Small Wind Global Market Study


    18 | AMEriCAn Wind EnErGy ASSoCiATion


    A saes ata epte ths st was tae ect mmaactes thgh teephe tevews, e-ma ctact,

    th. respses wee cmpae t pevs eas saes as

    epte 2007 a 2008 sves.

    F ppses estmatg stae capact, ths st

    assmes that each te s was as stae a that

    the staat cce wth the same caea ea as the

    sae. Hweve, epeg the maactes saes cce,

    a tes phsca staat ma cc ate the caea

    ea whch t s s.

    Saes a amts ae ase aveage testae sstem cst, whch ces eqpmet, wg, a

    staat. Ths s e t efect the ecmc mpact the

    st me cmpete tha eptg the cst the

    te a twe, stae. The cst a gve staat

    ca va csea gve a me acts (see page

    9 the 2008 AWEA Sma W Te Ga Maet St).

  • 8/14/2019 09 AWEA Small Wind Global Market Study


    SMAll Wind TurbinE GlobAl MArkET STudy: 2009 | 19

    aic Wi ey asscii (aWea)

    Sma W Hmepage www.awea.org/smallwind

    Ata resces www.awea.org/smallwind/toolbox2/


    aWea S Wi tubi gb m Suis



    2007 data Amemet


    u.S. Sma W Te ist ramap .

    S Picy Ifi

    Pces t Pmte Sma W Tes: A Me State

    a lca Gvemets. Ameca W Eeg Asscat

    2008. www.awea.org/smallwind/pd/Policies_to_Promote_Small_


    dataase State icetves reewaes & Ecec


    bge, Ewas, Fsth, a Wse. Evaatg State

    Maets reseta W Sstems: rests m a

    Ecmc a Pc Aass T. Evmeta Eeg

    Techges dvs a nata reewae Eeg

    laat. deceme 2004. http://eetd.lbl.gov/EA/EMP.

    S Pvic Iusy Ifi

    Sa bzz www.solarbuzz.com

    Sa Eeg istes Asscat (SEiA) www.seia.org

    Ameca Sa Eeg Scet (ASES) www.ases.org

    Gae base, Caa Petema, a ra Wse. Tacgthe S: The istae Cst Phtvtacs the u.S. m

    19982007. http://eetd.lbl.gov/ea/emp/reports/lbnl-1516e.pd

    u.S Sa ist yea revew 2008. Pmethes isttte

    a Sa Eeg istes Asscat. www.seia.org/galleries/


    Wi rsuc mps

    u.S. depatmet Eeg / Eeg Ecec a

    reewae Eeg, www.eere.energy.gov/windandhydro/


    u.S. depatmet Eeg / Eeg Ecec a reewae

    Eeg / reewae resce data Cete http://rredc.nrel.


    ua W resce Assessmet

    Cace, et a. ua W Tes: Gees Sma

    W Tes the bt Evmet. iteget Eeg,

    Epe. Fea 2007. www.urbanwind.org/pd/SMALL_WIND_


    Ecat. Wawc W Tas Pject. u.k., 2009.


    r Phps, P bacme, J Aes, M Ct, A Ag-ra

    a S Peste. Mc-W Tes ua Evmets:

    A Assessmet. brE, nv 30, 2007.


    Ct a Ct Sa Facsc W resce

    Assessmet Pject. Caa Eeg Cmmss

    Pcat nme: 500-04-066 octe 2004.


    ua W resce Assessmet the uk. iT Pwe

    iTP/0875, Fea 2007. www.urban-wind.org/pd/Reports_


    Zi Pii

    i the Pc iteest: Hw a Wh t Pemt Sma

    W Sstems, A Ge State a lca Gvemets.Ameca W Eeg Asscat, 2008. www.awea.org/


    Gee, Jm a Sag, Mc. Zg dstte W

    Pwe: beag dw baes. nata reewae Eeg

    laat, Ceece Pape nrEl/CP-500-38167. Agst


    bgaph a othe resces

  • 8/14/2019 09 AWEA Small Wind Global Market Study


    20 | AMEriCAn Wind EnErGy ASSoCiATion

    Ptt, dama. Tag the re Tape t Gee Pwe: Hw

    t ovecme Pemttg ostaces t Sma-Scae dstte

    reewae Eeg. netw new Eeg Chces, 2008.

    www.newenergychoices.org/uploads/redTape-rep.pd .

    Ameca W Eeg Asscat



    n mi gi Icci

    Haes, rst a Whtae, Chc. Cectg t the G:

    A Ge t dstte Geeat itecect isses.

    5th E. itestate reewae Eeg Cc, nth Caa

    Sa Cete, 2007. www.irecusa.org/fleadmin/user_upload/


    Cpe, Chs et a. Feeg the G: Hw Eectve State net

    Meteg laws Ca revtze u.S. Eeg Pc. netw

    new Eeg Chces, rept 01-06. nveme 2006. www.


    Feeg the G: 2007 Et. netw new

    Eeg Chces, rept 02-07. nveme 2007. http://


    Feeg the G: 2008 Et. netw new Eeg

    Chces. octe 2008. www.newenergychoices.org/uploads/


    Ameca W Eeg Asscat




    m Ifi

    Jee l.Ewas, ra Wse, Ma bge, a T

    Fsth, Evaatg state maets eseta w

    sstems: rests m a ecmc a pc aass t

    (deceme 1, 2004). lawece beee nata laat.

    Pape lbnl-56344. http://repositories.cdlib.org/lbnl/LBNL-56344.

    Fsth, T, a rhas-Weave, Heathe. ovecmg

    Techca a Maet baes dstte W

    Appcats: reachg the Masteam. nata reewae

    Eeg laat a eFmatve opts, llC. CeecePape nrEl/CP-500-39858. J 2006. www.nrel.gov/docs/


    The u.S. Sma W Te ist ramap. Ameca

    W Eeg Asscat. Je 2002. www.awea.org/smallwind/


    bWEA Sma W Sstems u.k. Maet rept 2008. btsh

    W Eeg Asscat www.bwea.com/pd/small/BWEA_


  • 8/14/2019 09 AWEA Small Wind Global Market Study


    SMAll Wind TurbinE GlobAl MArkET STudy: 2009 | 21

    1 (istae/rate/namepate) Capact: The stataes ate eectctgeeat at a gve w spee. Capact s cmm se t cmpaeszes eectct geeats vas tpes, cg w tes. Capactes t cate the amt eectct a te pces ve tme.

    kwatt (W): A mease a ate eectct pct ( csmpt). Aw tes sze (ts pct capact) s tpca mease wattsa epesets the ate at whch the te ca pce eectct at a gvew spee.

    F me mat sma w te techg, see www.awea.g/smaw.

    2 A PPA s ctact etwee a csme a a cmpa that ws apeates a eeg geeat. The PPA estashes a pce a tme pe whch the geeat we/peat w se eectct t the csme. Thsaagemet pves the csme a pectae, asse eectct pce vea extee pe tme; eem m ss a espstes asscatewth eqpmet weshp; a the at t se eewae eeg wthta age p-t capta vestmet. The PPA pves the geeat we/peat pectae cash fw the vestmet a ceta tax avatages.

    3 F me mat pemttg, see i the Pc iteest: Hw a Wht Pemt Sma W Sstems. AWEA, 2008. www.awea.g/smaw

    4 Jm Gee a Mc Sag. Zg dstte W Pwe: beagdw baes. nata reewae Eeg laat ceece pape nrEl/CP-50038167.

    5 Shag up the reseta PV Maet: impcats recet Chages tthe iTC Ma bge, Gae base, a ra Wse. lawece beeenata laat a the Cea Eeg States Aace. nveme 2008.http://eet..gv/ea/EMS/cases/es-tc-ept.p.

    6 Specca, the Massachsetts Techg Caatve, Cectct CeaEeg F, Xce Eeg Ca, a the new Jese ba Pcuttes.

    7 Eeg imat Amstat

    8 See www.smatecetcat.g

    9 See www.acep.g/cetcat/te-cetcats/sma-w

    10 See Tpc Aea 2C at https://e-cete.e.gv/ps/ap.s/unid/C53C9A2E58F125848525753000066191/$e/FinAl_FoA_PMC113_1-FoA-Gats_Gv_wth_M005.p

    11 See www.pgameca.g

    12 baa oama a Je be: new Eeg Ameca. Agst 3, 2008.www.aacama.cm/p/actsheet_eeg_speech_080308.p

    13 nathaa Gew . Sa st aces heate ga cmpett.Geewe, Fea 20, 2009.

    14 Cea Tech St Szzes as Vete ivestmets C Ca Ca Me.new y Tmes, Jaa 26, 2009. http://ts.gs.tmes.cm/2009/01/26/cea-tech-st-szzes-as-vete-vestmets-c/

    15 A we-ste 10W te geeates at 1,090 Wh/mth 12mphaveage ws. i the tes expecte etme 20 eas t ca spaceappxmate 340,000 s. Co2. Each watt-h (Wh) eectctpce the uS ests 1.55 s. Co2 emtte t the atmsphee, aveage, efectg the cet uS eectct pct mx. Sce: uS

    depatmet Eeg. The uS Evmeta Ptect Agec estmate 2000 that the aveage passege ca emts 11,450 s. Co2 pe ea.

    Aveage aa hme eeg se the uS s 10,565 Wh.

    16 See the bgaph me mat a/tp staats.The btsh W Eeg Asscat as tacs the me g-mtesma w sstems stae the ute kgm ts aa sma wsstems maet ept. See www.wea.cm/p/sma/

    17 See www.awea.g/aq/vawt.htm me mat vetca-axstes VAWTs.bWEA_SWS_uk_Maet_rept_2008.p.

    18 Swept aea s the sace aea a te t, A =r2,whee r s the as the t (.e., the egth e ae).

    19 F me mat at g tecect, see www.awea.g/smaw/tx2/g_cectg.htm

    20 As ee itea revee Ce sects 48 a 25d, espectve.See www.awea.g/egsatve me mat the tax cet a theegsat.

    21 See Sa State the Maet Q3 2008: The rc ra t $100 b.lx reseach, octe 2008. www.xeseachc.cm//sa

    22 Ecmc impacts Exteg Feea Sa Tax Cets. navgatCstg, Septeme 2008. http://sea.g/gaees/p/navgat%20Cstg%20rept%209.15.08.p

    23 uS Sa ist yea revew 2008. Sa Eeg istesAsscat. http://sea.g/gaees/p/2008_yea__revew-sma.p

    24 nathaa Gew . Sa st aces heate ga cmpett.Geewe, Fea 20, 2009.

    25 See www.me.cm a www.meps.c..

    26 ra Wse, Gae base, a Caa Petema. Tacg the S: Theistae Cst Phtvtacs the u.S. m 1998-2007. lawece beeenata laat ept lbnl-1516E, Fea 2009. http://eet..gv/ea/emp/epts/-1516e.p

    27 The estmate uS ga maet shae ma e smewhat fate ecase 26 145 ete eg maactes espe t the AWEA maetsve. Hweve, these 26 maactes ae eeve t epeset the the eg maet. Cece maet shae tes ve the past thee eass eatve hgh ecase geea the same set maactes esps tthe AWEA sve.

    28 A FiT sma, stte geeat ws smewhat e the evese areewae Eectct Staa that t estashes a set pce at whch a ttpchases eectct m a eewae geeat, sch as a sma w sstem,

    a ets maet ces ajst the amt eeg pce (spp) aema accg. ue p-t eates a tax cets, ths pc s ase tpt (cets/Wh) athe tha te sze (W), a theee ewaspemace. A e et meteg, a eectct geeate t jst theexcess s set t the g a awae pamet m the tt at a pceave ega eta eectct ates.

    29 See www.w-ws.g/Feelaws/uSA/uSAlst.htm#uSA


  • 8/14/2019 09 AWEA Small Wind Global Market Study


    1501 M St. NW, Suite 1000 I Washington, DC 20005 I 202.383.2500 phone I 202.383.2505 fax I www.awea.org
