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092809 Gov Brick City 50m

Date post: 09-Jul-2015
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No Opener/workbooks this week 1) Please take out a sheet of paper (continue on the back of Monday’s) What you will be able to do: 1) How can we reduce crime in America? Reminder (HW for block day): 1) Find 4 sources (8 pages) for your research paper (read, highlight, validate slips) Starter Link: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/
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No Opener/workbooks this week1) Please take out a sheet of paper (continue on the back of Monday’s)

What you will be able to do:1) How can we reduce crime in America?

Reminder (HW for block day):1) Find 4 sources (8 pages) for your research paper (read, highlight, validate slips)

Starter Link:http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/

Clip: 1: 32.50

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Websearch:a) Checkout Any Suggested Sources: Start here!b) “” -WORD: and use adv search tools c) Filetype:PDF: Limiting to PDF is a semi screend) News Sources: NY Times, Wall Street Journal, NPR, YouTube, LA Times, CNN, Sacramento

Bee, SJ Mercury, Time, Newsweek, Atlantic Monthly, New Republic, National Review

e) Wikipedia: Use footnotes, read text cautiouslyf) MV and Library Databases: Sparse, trustworthyg) Google Scholar: Sparse but quick, worth tryinh) Always seek and adjust for perspective: Be

aware of and incorporate various viewpointsNEVER USE A SOURCE YOU PREDICT WILL BE


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Sheet Title “Newark APA Notes”1) Copy: Levin, Marc. (2009). Brick City. Bethpage, NY: Sundance. 2-X) Draw a T Chart:

Notes (Levin, 2009) Class Discussion

From show, pick out 2-X) Write down yourquotes, ideas, or facts partner’s answerthat will support your (include their name).response to the essay prompt. At the very end, write the in text citation format: (Levin, 2009).

Essay Topic: How can we reduce crime in America? (100 Points - Due Block 10/06-10/07)

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Sheet Title “Gangs APA Notes”1) Copy: Ling, Lisa. (2007). L.A. Gang Wars. Wash-ington, DC: National Geographic. 2-X) Draw a T Chart:

Notes (Ling, 2007) Class Discussion

From show, pick out 2-X) Write down yourquotes, ideas, or facts partner’s answerthat will support your (include their name).response to the essay prompt. At the very end, write the in text citation format: (Ling, 2007).

Essay Topic: How can we reduce crime in America? (100 Points - Due Block 10/06-10/07)

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Sheet Title “Juvenile Crime APA Notes”1) Copy: Bloomstein, Rex. (2001). Inside Story - Kids Behind Bars. New York: A&E. 2-X) Draw a T Chart:

Notes (Bloomstein, 2001) Class Discussion

From show, pick out 2-X) Write down yourquotes, ideas, or facts partner’s answerthat will support your (include their name).response to the essay prompt. At the very end, write the in text citation format: (Bloomstein, 2001).

Essay Topic: How can we reduce crime in America? (100 Points - Due Block 10/06-10/07)

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Sheet Title “Crime Psychology APA Notes”1) Copy: Stone, Michael. (2008). Secrets of Murder. Silver Spring, MD: Discovery. 2-X) Draw a T Chart:

Notes (Stone, 2008) Class Discussion

From show, pick out 2-X) Write down yourquotes, ideas, or facts partner’s answerthat will support your (include their name).response to the essay prompt. At the very end, write the in text citation format: (Stone, 2008).

Essay Topic: How can we reduce crime in America? (100 Points - Due Block 10/06-10/07)

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Sheet Title “Death Penalty APA Notes”1) Copy: Lylon, Rachel. (2007). Race to Execution. Bookline, MA: Lioness Media. 2-X) Draw a T Chart:

Notes (Lylon, 2007) Class Discussion

From show, pick out 2-X) Write down yourquotes, ideas, or facts partner’s answerthat will support your (include their name).response to the essay prompt. At the very end, write the in text citation format: (Lyon, 2007).

Essay Topic: How can we reduce crime in America? (100 Points - Due Block 10/06-10/07)

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1) Proposal Summary (Introduction)

2) Background (Define the problem)

3) Evaluation of Existing Policy AND Alternative Policies (Why rejected)

4) Recommended Action AND Rationale

5) Likely Outcomes (Conclusion)

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On a Separate Page: OutlineAttack the question and write a 4 section outline:Question: How can we reduce crime in America?Format: 1: Thesis 2: Background 3: Alternatives4: Recommendation

1) Thesis: Your answer to the question.2) Point 1: Background (Define problem-urgency)

a-?) List 3+ sub points3) Point 2: Alternatives (Why reject these ideas)

a-?) List 3+ sub points4) Point 3: Recommendation (Your ideas-why)

a-?) List 3+ sub points

Later, copy+paste outline on rough d

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N a m e P e r io d O u t lin e

1 ) : Th e s is P o lic e n e e d m o r e.t e c h n o lo g y

2 ) 1 : P o in t C r im e is in c r e a s in g) a S t a t is t ic s o n c r im e

) b Tr e n d s o n c r im e3 ) 2 : P o in t In c r e a s e c o m m u n it yp r o g r a m s

-? ) , a N o t c h ild p a r t ic t o oe x p e n s iv e4 ) 3 : P o in t Te c h n o lo g y

-? ) , a E f f ic ie n t a c c u r a t e

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On a Separate Page: APA Source Notes1) Write down the APA reference citation page format for your each of your sources under 1).Example: Author's last name, First initial. (Year). Title of book. City of publication: Publisher’s Name. Or for net: Author’s last name, First initial. (Pub. Year, Month Day). Content title. Retrieved from Host Name: URL.OMIT MISSING INFO, USE CITEBUILDER FROM CLASS WEB.

2-10+) From your sources, pick out total 9+ quotes, ideas, or facts that will support any one of your topic sentence point or sub points. FOR EACH, write the in text citation format: (Author's Last Name, Pub Year, Page Number) or for net: (“Short title for web content comma”). Place in text citation by every quote/idea/fact.

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:EXAM P LE ( )AP A S o u r c e N o t e s e a c h lis t o n n e w p a p e

1 - / LIS T R EFER EN C E WO R K S C ITED P AG E1 ) , . (2 0 0 9 ). . Le v in M a r c B r ic k C it y

, : . B e t h p a g e N Y S u n d a n c e, . (2 0 0 1 ). - B lo o m s t e in R e x In s id e S t o r y

. : K id s B e h in d B a r s N e w Yo r k A&E, . (2 0 0 7 ). . . . -Lin g L is a L A G a n g Wa r s Wa s h

, : .in g t o n D C N a t io n a l G e o g r a p h ic, . (2 0 0 8 ). S t o n e M ic h a e l S e c r e t s o f

. , : . M u r d e r S ilv e r S p r in g M D D is c o v e r y

2 -9 + , , LIS T Q U O TES FAC TS ID EAS1 ) , B o o k e r h ir e s n e w p o lic e c h ie f

, in c r e a s e s p o lic e , a f t e r s c h o o l p r o g r a m s s t a r t s r e w a r d t ip

,l in e , in s t a lls c a m e r a s a n d in s p ir e s p p l t o

.m a k e a c h a n g e ( , 2 0 0 9 ). Le v in2 ) 3 0 0 0 ( , d ie y e a r ly in LA g a n g w a r s L in g2 0 0 7 ).

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1) Your OUTLINE and 2 NOTES LISTS (List 1: Works Cited Page, use Citation Builder + List 2: 9+ List of Quotes/Facts/Ideas) are turned in as separate sheets.

2) When done, down load Essay Template from: govandlaw.org/mvhs

3) Once outline and 2 notes lists are done, copy/paste both the outline, list of quotes, and works cited over to your rough draft, and get Chiang to check you off.

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On a Separate Page: Rough DraftAttack the question and write a 4 section outline:Question: How can we reduce crime in America?

1) Introduction: Thesis (first) and Summary.2) Point 1: Background (Define problem-urgency)

Present your 3+ sub points backed w. citations.3) Point 2: Alternatives (Why reject these ideas) Present your 3+ sub points backed w. citations 4) Point 3: Recommendation (Your ideas-why)Present your 3+ sub points backed w. citations 5) Conclusion: Likely OutcomeSummary of the future if ppl do as you say.6) End with your Reference Page by copying APA citations from your notes.

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: ( ) .In t r o d u c t io n Th e s is f ir s t a n d S u m m a r y ( 1 )B a c k g r o u n d P o in t

3 + . P r e s e n t y o u r s u b p o in t s b a c k e d w.c it a t io n s

( 2 )A lt e r n a t iv e s P o in t

3 + . P r e s e n t y o u r s u b p o in t s b a c k e d w c it a t io n s

( 3 )R e c o m m e n d a t io n P o in t

3 + . P r e s e n t y o u r s u b p o in t s b a c k e d w c it a t io n s

: C o n c lu s io n L ik e ly O u t c o m e

S u m m a r y o f t h e f u t u r e if p p l d o a s y o u.s a y

R e f e r e n c e P a g e .b y c o p y in g AP A c it a t io n s f r o m y o u r n o t e s

TIP: 1) Use & flush out your outline as a way to write your rough draft. 2) Copy + paste quotes when they support your ideas. Explain how they support.

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On a the Rough Draft: Rough Draft Peer EditsPeer Edit: Write comments, questions, grammar fixes on the essay itself.Question: How can we reduce crime in America?

1) Write peer editor on cover sheet.2) Peer edit each other.3) Read their comments4) Staple everything to the cover sheet in order shown on coversheet ready to turn-in.

(If packet too thick, staple 4+ sources separate)

Be ready to present your proposals to the class.

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Legal Procedures1) Roles in the Criminal Process (this is your

procedural DP-states must give thanks to 14th):• Investigation• Warrant • Arrest• Bail (possibly)5) Preliminary Hearing or Grand Jury6) Indictment7) Plea Bargain (possibly)8) Jurisdiction Hearing/Trial9) Dispositional Hearing/Sentencing10) Appeal?

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Court SystemCriminal appeals focus on debates over

the meaning/constitutionality of laws OR violation of procedural due process.

CA Supreme Court

CA Court of Appeals

CA Superior Ccourt

US Supreme Court

US Circuit Court

US Dist. Court

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Criminal SystemYou control the criminal system if you vote!

Superior Court Judges



Voters Directly

Voters Directly

City Council Voters

State Laws State Legis. Voters

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Criminal SystemYou control the criminal system if you vote!

Superior Court Judges



Voters Directly

Voters Directly

Board of Supervisors


State Laws State Legis. Voters

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Newark Public Schools:Average SAT Score: 769 (out of 2400)Average ACT Score: 16 (out of 36)

8% Take AP Test20% score above a 3 (up from 13%)

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Garry McCarthyCoryBooker

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