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0'lT1ll11TlMrt?T' a · 2015-06-02 · r. jtuer in tUf enliirhtex.e.i city ef Ixnlon. The sor.r '...

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t; i: U ! 0'lT1ll11TlMrt?T' C 'VV ft' a 1 II 11 ! I PUHLIHIIICIs llt.Mtl M. WKKKI.V WJIIT.VKV. II V i HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. HKCKMBKll '2. 1S;. ) VO- l- X. DOLUIIS No.iJf. WIIOl.K PER ANM'.M. . !!:. THE PACIFIC Commercial Advertiser. I.riitoriai ; leanings. A letter has reejiitly Leeu receive in New York by Mr. Henry Griimtll from Capt. Hall, the Arctic exptcrer, sent Ly a returned whaler. 1111 left the L'nitel States on his seCs.n l expedition to the Arctic, .May or June 1804. He ei?9 that Lid letters were exprweJ 169 miles over the ice in dog bledges to reach the oreu am. where the halc-hip- s cruie. He Las fittalne-- i much va!uiL!e information re2irJiiijj the Franklin Expedition. Hall expect to spend much of his time in King William's Land, and ou liowthia a nl FelloVs I'euinsula. He derires that a ursfcel bliill be rent in the spring of 18S7. Hill's Arctio explorations, published by the Harper'9, is one of the must entertainiag books of travel and discovery ever ia"J. Tl MoiiDlrr Wirlz, I.itely cn trial at Washington, anJ who Las proba- bly been fcentenctJ an! hung ere this, 1.4 a wi.'4 by Linh. lie marrie'l in Lu'iMtana. atnl the war oarnel a I irp- - pl:iritutton ati l a t;r?at uumlx-- r of slavt. lie was in Kichin,i;.t at the time our tr.'ops went Ui the MU-n- : rivt r air. I took j - n of W,a j.Ui ration, la ISO J t ai "iit tt Karoj.e on a scrrt inis-sioi- i by tl;r relxl autliori-lie- -. After an a' Hence f fiuht inont'is, lie returnel, anil w.u apjinl i cat in and asiiuej to iu'y on the st :r of the r b-- l General W iti.ler. Afterward he wa placed in command i.T the Amler-Hivill- e j ri-o- a " KrrnlririiirM of Fanliion. At no ff the rtcerst Kastern watering .lace ba 11 the moa fetrkih ii't pnnouiiced of toilrttes was worn ly a stately Oenrpian rrl nhiiw uinrm.rs cu!d n.it have vxceiled twenty, hut ao carrieil !irr;vlf wit'i the air .f a woman f forty. Il r ilrc- - con ii I'd of a tram of white Velvet, fulling not from the waist but from the shoulder, and tra:iin iti slow length uluiiir. It wa without -- trevt. but W is hel I over the shuuMer3 by cliaier el.iip 'f large diamonls. Tiie :irtn- were b:re, and po'ost.t'd m lho5e of a latue ot i'raxililc, as was alsu the tare, nvrk and but. Her tiair wai powd'Ted with pearl, and drest-- d in tfie A"p;ii t style, b'U iu-ite- d of the Mue ribbun omally etn;Ityetl in the making up f that superb coiifVire, a irlrclt tof diataocvl taf clatter! wa mitvtituted. The idippers w-r- of white ki'I, aul had diamond buckles, fasten inij bion.Ie and stiu Cow. No piove or bracelets were worn, nought broke the d a Quince: it sweep from the pluuip. round shoulder to the delicate tip of the tapt-- r fingers. Altogether the costume 4t a nioilel f.f richness, ami every and erfecl thing but iiuMle-tl- . Here is another item, showing how f .rt.l the lalitis in Pris are of reJ hair, anl how they make it so : It S the farfiiioit in Pail to have the hair the rolor of the Hoi th bniu-.tte- s :iceompli'h this is thu- explain-- nl : At th tpp.ir.ted hour th" candidate f.r j.'idl.-- n honors tnter tr.c dre-i- ti r''Ui in a bite iiresini gown. l!- - r tiwir 8.u!i er h-- r houf.i.rs. The r'i-- t beirins by eparaiirs? every hair. Then h- - jwiurs ovi-- r 1. 1.- - hea.l a phial 4 w Jt-r- " ( a p)isi.n ) Jl- - saturate e icU hair. TU: orci;-,'K- lXi h'Hirs. Altir f(uin t.mut-- !, soalci the whole hair in He th n kr.-.- dj h' ha'r with In lia'tdr Aatin icc-at- er i i applied. !! nwvn the gtvs within a trv fr-- of la hair and it turn re t The hole cptr -- tion t:s fi- -e h iuiS. an I l ives the lidy with r.--i hair, an b-:- a lache. nianjl..d nerve and i ) s in pocket. Wfant la Ihr Monroe Iririn !' lreiJenl Muiifwe, in hi me--i- ge f Cuogtets in, 1S23. u-t- l th following lniinagf, wli,h his been ; 'roc kbiAO lot ?ivi,iw Juvtriuc .' TV it Ii the exJ-.tic- a cl'iIt.-- , or dep-rn- !' nci", of any Furopfun ! c.r we b iv nt uud :h v.l not in! f. c. i.Jt ' with th" G vrnm tit? who have their i and niau.f. in d if . ti-- ice w- - have, ,ei ijreac j or. liderati'm and on prirvip'e?, we irould I ti-t- t vi ar.y inu.Tp-sit;c- u f x th--- ' parpte i f Ojvr;..n tu su, ur eontn-llir.!- in any r rnanu. r their ile-iin- r, by u-i- r t a- -r pean p-- 'er, ia aoy other il than as a m.i:i.fcsl li ol an u"tr:era!y liifositi-'- toji ihe I.'nitid i.:u;. tVmnir f'iin-lri.inlii- At the Stccktua Fnir, ht-- in Svpteniber l -- t, prp- - in i urn v.ere cdlete l an l awrJ-- J tor I Ji.'a" horse- - ; rnnti-hip- , tin 1 a uun.t.rr oi la-Jio- ciitenie.l f fjr the prizes, which vfre hs f. il.-n- : i For the tx-- tqleotri..ni.e, cito-- . ..s pruniuni, $5'; f-- the secoTia Jeit. .Itthei-- . ..Jererf b- - lav IM of the J c rtv; Child twst, rtlonno, 'i. Tt.c- - tt t to tie j piac-fuir- w .f carri.1.-- . el'ance ui. I e in trie s. tile, con- - ( Lde.ne and fkill i:i lie- - m u. imei.i ,f tlie h..isc. No rapid r ilai.tr-,ii- i r;dii nil. kej. The ah iTc is a tnot ?iiiirnknl'tIe fa ilure of KaiM, Mi l vc wish Something of the kiml couM Le K')t here, where our youn la-lie- are so expert in the r iddle. It may not Le generally known that the custom of riding sideways on horseback id uut over two or three centuries ol J. Formerly laJies ro le as Jo our native women, nitride. The iutr.!ucti-- 4 tb-- ? no style of riding In EmrI ind is at- tributed to Anna ot Ib-he- i, consort f Richard II. She it (.iconlia t oe) tint oricinal y showed the wimen of this country hew tracefuiiy and conveniently they tniht ride ca horseback Another M historian, enumerating the u'w fi.ihi-Mi- of It.chard IPs rcin, otservea : Likewise iiobie Udivs th- - n used InIi lie.uls. and c rets. and rol es with lop.rf trains, an 1 scnts on aide-saddl- ou th ir horses, by the example of t?. Oaeen Anna, daughter of the Kintf of i:ar.-.ria- , who tirst iu'.roduee.l the custoru into the Kiugdou ; t r before, women of every rank roe as meu." C'tiit it ltr So I It is ?ail that the fiingi.-i- g of the new Irish eoug Wenring of the Green, has been forbidden in If iand, as a!o the new dramatic piece of Ar-ra- h na Poguc," which is one of the most popular dtaiaas ever brought oti the stage. Commenting on the mppreMion of the.-- e, an American journal s iys : 1'he British Government must be. ex'n-me!- shaky, since it is th.MiKht crtv?ry t suppress thr Irish play of Arrah na r. jtuer in tUf enliirhtex.e.i city ef Ixnlon. The sor.r ' Wear- ing of the fireeu' is especially revolutionary and ilanjierous. nrcrdinc t the notions ..f Mr. Bull. We do n. t recollect that lurins; the American relw-liio- .nr found it neces-ar- y t. "tep l:i siriii: rf lii Land"' nt any of the th-a- -tr 4. T!. re is no d Hint. Lowev r. that this leniency had a ten- dency to enronrae traitors and pr.Ionc the war. The British fft-ri.ui'."- .i ib tiling, tu'-r- and probably more lriatc . ('ovrrmiiriit Eutrrnri-r- . An apt illustration cf the aJrantige and economy rf private labor over that of GoTcrnmentJ is giveu in the wrrk:n, of the Rus-ia- n gold mines. The Rus-is- n tlotertttnent It givrti up the Working of itd gold mines in the Ural Mountiinf. and arranged fr tlern to te. worked Ly private enterprise. The results of the change are very lemarkible. The juantity cf mt ii extracted is now increased tenfold. A IJomitiful Thought. What cn le more original or expressiTe than the firt thoughts of children when they begin to express the ideas that their younp brains g:e birth to. The attention of little pirl biTing bten called to a rose-bus- li, on whose topmost stetn the oldest rose was fal-i;i- g, whiirt bt'ow and around it three beautiful crim-o- n buls were just unfolding their charms, she at ence and att'csly exclaimed to Lcr Lrother : "See Willie, these little Lu is have jut waked in time to . their rnuthcr before ehe dies. IVholtl Ihr I.ilir how llicy Crow. A poetictl pn furnished the following rather crig-iu- a! iJj'iis : Injects must generally leal a j vial l!. Think what it must Le to Ioie in a lily ! Imajloe palace cf iroty tr rearl, with pillars of iver anJ capitals cf Co!J, all exhaling such a rer-fu- a- utvtr across from a human cen-c- r ! Fancy, again, the fun of tucking youre!f up for the nigbt in thf f ldi it rose, rccke.l to !ecp ty the gentle :,fis of a summer air, auJ nothing to do when you ,ke hut i t wish ycurelf io a dew drop, an J fall to e.:. I tr.t ji.ur Untlrry roujul Iti(il'uya. T;.I phrac- - 1? Liu I cf bjwcrJ in America, bat L-- ji it -- j j e its mat unJcrproai. i rail a s are S.r..iliv ,u ics.mlci-- , sui ttil Ibsj UXMiit the ciiy in various direciions, uu at very low fires. An exchange says : I'cnr.y trains are now " an institution" in London. They run early and late on the uridr(rn,ur.J rai:rou.J. The workinjt iiian descends into a pa lus d pot, in one part cf l.ndon. taks hs seat in a triird-c- l "car-nag-- ," and for two cents, in ixi.nu'.es is lauded rail'-- s away in another part of London, whilhr ty bus" would have c. it Lim twelve au l un hour's ri;!. In tlds way the Oiechauic in his prttty Cottage in the country, or in a distant Mreet, is cl se by hi, work, and oi.e jrreat evil in a large city checked in i art. j. ii. cli:, A.UCTIOITESR, (sccceisonTi) a. r. evkkl-tt.- ; At his late room, tjecn street. 475-l- y II. W. SEVK11AXCE, AXI) COMM1SS10X MKRCJIAXT, Firc-pr- uf Store, Kobinvon's Iluildiug, QUKKX STltKKT, HONOLULT. Will continue business at the uew dtan-1- . 477-l- y E. O. HALL & SON, Importer and Dealer in Hardware, Dry Uoods, Painu, Oils, and general Merchandise, corntr of i'ort and Kir;g streets 47-l- y HONOLULU STUAJI FLOUR 3IILL. Floib, r.nax asn PaoKTa. P r sale by 479 ly b. SAVIDOK, Proprietor. ii. iia;i;fi:lo At :o. General Cocuioission Agents, Honolulu, O.ihu, S. I. 47S-l- y B. US HOI.T. T ii. C. ilKI't K Von HOLT Ac HEI'CK, General Commission Merchants, Honolulu, Oahu, I. 47S-l- y j ALi:X. J. ( AltTWUKJIlT, Commission Merchant and Oeuerai Agent, Honolulu i Oahu, H. I 47S-l- y janion. ;ki:i:n & co., Commisiion Merchants Firv-l'io- of Huildir.gs, Queen street. Honolulu, April 1, 6 09. 475-l- y I C. B. LKWKKd. J. fi. DICKSOV. li:wi:ics a- - hickson, Dealers in Lumber and lluiiding Materials, Fojt St. Honolulu. 473-l- y A. S, CLECHORN, I IVhI-- t in General Merchandise, t'.re-pro- store corner of Ka- - : ahumauu and Queen street-:- , opjxisite Makee's Pbx'k. A!. Retail establishment u Nuuanu above King. i XT Inland Priduce bought and sold. Island orders carefully j attended to 4'.4-l- y ; GEORGE C. HOWE, j leabT in Re.lwihnl and Northwest Lumber, Shingle. Dixrs. ; 'ah, Uhnds, Nail", Pait, iir. , ic. c ! A I liia Old Sin ml on tiir F.l:iitn.lr. 47-l- y , W. A- - ALOKICB, J 5. W4I.KKK, -. C. AILKN. j ALDRICH, WALKER & CO., i IrnpcrtT and Ttierchaiit? Denier in Genera' ! Merchandise, an.l Aenti for the S de of Island produce- - ! -- a ; Ag-r- tj fo- - thi I.il.u , U;caU, a u.I i'r:r.cs ille Pi.ir.ta'.iotn. ; In.prt.r, M nod Rend Deal, r in O'neial Merchandise :iid Chinese GcJ, (Ire prouf sti-.--- in Nuu.icu S'rti t. under the Public Hail. 401-- y 1!. F. SNOW, IMP'lI'.Il R AND DEALER IN GE:.Ei A L MERCHANDISE, Honolulu. Onlm, II. I. 47s-l- y n. n. f i.iTN r it, c,ntii.aes his Lu.iiicss iu th. tir. ,oi Luildinij Kaahuma l;u liett. Chr.uonaetcrs rated by bsrrT.ti.-r.- i.t the sun and $tars aith a tiar:-;- t in jtmimi.t Hivuiatily adjust':u to the neridian I' irticul.ir ut tcntioii (riven to tine watch ropiiriu,-- . ?e;;tant and qu.irant plasses rilvere.1 a n-- if,. i tel Chaita oJ on aii. il '.iij'.rL-n.tii- l j citsiaiitly on har.,1 and for fale. 473-l- J. V.OItTH, Dealer in Gei. era Merchandise, Hil--- , H v Ships supplied J with recruits at the shortest notice, ou reasonable terms. Rills of exchange wanted. 47S-l- y H. Y. LUDINCTON, (rOCKSSOR TO F. S. FItATT & CO.) InKtrter sad Wholesale Dealer in Wines and Spirits, Malt Liquors, Charlton Wharf. Honolulu. H. I. 47-J-l- b. C. M'CANDI.KSS. JOHN PATV. M'CANDLESS & CO., Dealrrs in Gkockriks, Rrk-a- i and Gknkbal M khcit t VDtSE. N. E. corner of Fort and Kins Streets. Honolulu. H. I. 405-- 1 y B. F. EHLERS, Destlei' lii Dry l, J Illt, V'. 46S-l- y Fort Street. Honolulu, Oal.u. II. I. cut'Si; boon. vot No iikoso CHUNG HOON & CO.. Commission .Merchants and ceneral auo-nt- s Apents ffr the ! Paukaa and Amiuulu Supar Pi.mtations Importers of teas and other Chinese and foreipn Kinds' and wholesale ilealers in Hawaiian produce at the mw stone Store, Nuuanu Street, below Kil.p. 455-- 1 y cTfred'k PFLUCER, Dealer in Staple ar:d Fancy Dry Goods, Men's Clo'.hinp, Boots ami thoes, and Yankee Nation. Store ou Fort Street, nearly opposite Messrs. vonlinlt 4- - Heuck. 474-ly- . A. S. CRINBAUM & CO., Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Fashionable Clothinp, Hats, Caps. Roots and Shoes, anil every variety of Gentle- men's Superior Furuishinp Goods. Store, formerly occu- pied by W. A. Aldrich, Es.p, in Makee's lii.ick. Queen Street. Honolulu, Oal.u. 49o-I- y H . IS I T T I'KAI Kit IV "WINES, SPIRIT.'. A LE and POUTF.K IIunol ill n. y AH'L. K. CASTLK. J. B. ATHErtTo. AXOS. S- - i ( UK I i " ASTLI' V FOOliF., General Merchants n the Fireproof Store, Kintf Street, cpli S.U- - the S nmen's Chajxd. ALSO ACJENTS FOR Dr. Jayr.e Cel. ! rated Family Mediriuc, Wh.vier ir Wilson Sewin; Machines, The K hs.la Mi.-a- r Company. The New Kn'uind Mutual Life Insurance Company, The New York Phenix Marine Insurance Comp'iy. The New Vcrk Security Marine Insurance Company. 45.1-l-y A. r. flhTiS 8HKRM A V fKCK, 11 ri'laiu. Honolulu. C. BREVER U CO., Commission & Shipping Merchants, Honolulu. O.-t'i- H. I. REFER TO J..ni. M. . F... Nef York. Jaxis Hcsskw tLL, Es.p, Cearlks Bsewch, Ea j., I'oston. H. A. Pkikck. Ki., J MKSkS. J. C MfHRILL ."t Co. j; tn TTALCtO. t'mi. W. lcott Rao. ks, Ks. J Mkssks. V. PrTAC .v Co II.nck"np. Mkssi-.s- . Vr.iir., Hcbbkll i Co. MAaila. 435-l- y a i- - ii a: .v Az c o w a v , KAWA1HAE. HAWAII. Will i oniTna" the Genera Merchandise and busm.ss at th at-or- e port, where they are prepared to furnish the justly celebrated K iwa-iia- Potatoes, tnd snch other as are repuireO by whale ships at the shortest not ice and on the rao-- t reas.nalle terms. 47-l- y FIRS VOOD O ii HAND. ! LEWERS & DICKSOH, e- -. Dlt. J. .MOTT SMITH, IDEKTTIfeiT. O.iice corn-.- of Kort aa 1 Uot.-- l Street. W. II. KU'lIAItlJS, Il-rL,If-i'- X". Kort 5trv, IIouo'.ulu. over th- - Office of Dr. ford. 469-l- y ?. rorter 45S-l- y i: HOFFMANN, M. I., j Phykician atid Surgeon, Makee'x Hlock, corner Queen and K-- ' hutnanu etreets. 473-l- y j JOHN H7 PATY, Honolulu, 11. I. Oilice at the Bank of i'.ishop & Co. 45 Cm I A. F. JUDD, ! Attorney and ( otinsellor at Litw. I COltNKlt FuitT Kiid MERCHANT St., HONOLULU, OA1IC 490-l- v V. N. LADD, Importer and I)ealer in Hakdwark, Octlkut, MtCHiSicd TnOLit and AnalCCLTfRaL iMPLKMKSTi!, For stret-t- . II. .no lulu. 47S-l- y C. L. RICHARDS & CO., SMl Chan.llers and (.'oimnissioii Merchants, dealers in General Merchandise. Keep constantly o:i hand a full assortment of merchandise; for the supply of Whalers Merchant vessel-!- . 400-l- y D V. WATERMAN A: CO., COMMlSSlO.y M EltCUA .V TS. Ks'ieial attention paid t- - the interests of the Whahr.g Fleet, by the furnishing of funds, purchase and sale of Exchange, Oil, Uoiie, General Merjliandise, und the procuring of Freight j KEFKUKXCES. I Messrs. Isaac IIowlasr, .Ir., i; Co., New Uedford j U". G. K. Pipk, Esq., ilo. Mokuan, Si-on- X On. San Francisco. J. C. MehKiLL & Co, do 473-l- y " E. P. ADAM S7 j I SHIP Cn.WDLEU AND HEALER IN GENERAL ilEKCflANtlSE, LA II VINA, 3IAUI. Irish and Fwect Potato- - s, with other lecruits. constantly on hand and for sale at low rat-s- . 4'Jw-o- CHAS. P.. m.lllilp. WM. A ALDRICH I BISHOP & CO., Hankers, j Ollicc In the cast corner of "Makee's Clock," on Kaahu- - ' umanu street, Honolulu. ' Draw Hills of Exchange on j The Risk of California. - - San Francisco. Jlessr Grinshll. Minti rn" & Co., New York. j " Lkk.s tf WAl.LEit, - - New York, Hrsnr A. I'kirck, : Co., - Boston. j Tukmont National Rank, - - R.stoii, Mass. t Okikntal Hank C'niiri'iiATMs-- . - London. i Will receive deposits, discount first-cla- ss business paper, and ' attend to collectinir. etc. 47S-- ly MELCHERS CO., i iiiipoi'it'r mid Icrc'hniitfc, AGENTS FOR THE ; HAitcriiGH-Br.cSK- S Fire Insu:ance Compasi-- , ' Kamviki sf(iR Plantation, J To 3 KT tLviAa PLANTATION. UI-.TK- 0. Mr.Lciitaa. J. (. WioatB, A. CIlAtHK, Drjnien. Honolulu. Honolulu 40.Vly ; BGLLB & CO., ! Ship Chandlers and Commission I ! QL'EEy STREET. j Paiti- - u' ir ait ji.lioii j ..id to ill ' j ua-- bi- - anil sale of Hawaiian Pruduivr. ; i i.f:ri by ( i in.ls.i.io t.t V.. F. frtn.w M- - f. n. Ai iii. h. r .; Cj., I Mi-mi- . P. A. M il.ian.s t; t' i Messrs- - .V to. Mes.-r-1- . Cas'ie k l .v.ke., ... ies.rs. ii. liackfcid .V i Mr?i. 1 C Wattimin.. .Mes;r. Wilcox, RicIim-I- i. Co. 4iti-l- v i ! SHIP CHANDLER! Ualtr in Htufiitl Jltcrchitmlise, Prottuce, Ac, and Commission JWtrchant. Byron's Bay, Hilo, S. I., Will keep constantly on han 1 an extensive assortment of every deseription of poods required by ship and others. The hiphest price given for Island Produce. Money advanced for Ril'.i of Exchange at reasonable rates Hilo. February 3. lvil 45s. ly . LUMBER MERCHANT! rs NOW 1REIARED TO FURXISH Rl'ILD-J- L ing Material of every description at the lowest Market rates. Orders from the country, and other islands solicited. Lumber Yard on corner of Queen and Fort Streets. 4S5-C- PMOEEME MERYI CARTES 1. VISITE TAKEN IN TIIE for per dozen. Copying done in the best manner and pictures enlarged on the most reasonable terms. Photopraphs of the Kinps K imehameha. and Chiefs. Also, Scenes of the Islands. For sale at 25 cents each. 4JJ-3- 11. L. CHASE. CASTLE Zi COOKE, A(ii;.TS FOIt Wheel r & Wilson's MACHINES! rBMIIS MACHINE II AS ALLTIIE LATEST M iinpioveinents. and, in addition to former premiums, was awarded the highest prize above all EuroiM-a- anil American Sewinp Machines at the Worid's Rxlid-itio- in PARIS in IsOl, an,j a: j,,. Khi!:tion in London in The evi.U-rc- of the superiority of tliis Machine is found in the r cord of i;-- , ales. In lol The Grover & l'.aker Company. Boston, The Horotice Company. l asachusetts. The l'ariit r , Conn, cticut, J. M. Sinper - Co., N. w York, Fitikle .v Lyon. Chas. W. liowlanl, Ihvaware. M. Gr.'i-nn'oo,- Co., Cincir.nati, O., N. S. C. Perkins. Norwaik, O., Wi'isn II. fmiih. t'nnnciticut. oM T5..V-- 5. whit th-- ; W,e, 1 r & Wilson Company, cf Rridpe ort, made and Sol 1 1.J.7J5 durinp the ssnie perio.1. Jjl'lrn.e t all mi l :iiiuiii-. 11 tl WADIAXALO MARKET ! Ik - . i.- - ' On Ivinjr St reel, opposite tlie Rethel WILL in: OPENEI fN thf: tt OF . T TORKR under the rr.ar.agcme.'.t of J. R. PRICE, i t- -j upIy families of honolulu: i with ; Choice INEeat! j And h!l o:h-.-r- s wh rr.fh Gi.- -l Meat. Meat of all k'n.l, iich a t I'.EEF, MurroN, j PORK, VEAL, SAUSAGES, I CORNED REEF, TONGl'E, TRIPE, Ac, On Iliind. i l'ivs, I'liuls and Fish, served to Order. t Meats JelivereJ in all parts of the Town. .V. B. -- I3o? l:- - opt .met w. th ?.0f A of I'.r GrJ-.rs- . i1v ivi'i i iS'n--- '- II SIX up and an.l nicfi-anif.il- DUFFIN'S MARKET, Win. WILSON, Proprietor. Af-V- STREET. HOyOI.Vl.ir. 475-l- y WAIMANALO MARKET, HONOLULU, H. I., K''n-- J Street, tipjsite the Uethel. 47 ly J. R. l'KlCE.lanapor FORT ST., FAMILY MARKET. KOIFT 1. 3It)Itn.N. Choicest Meats from finest herd. Poultry, Fish, VepetaMc, Ac, furnished to order. 4o:'-l- y Y. FISCIIFU, Cabinet Maker and French Polisher. Hotel Street, near the Drug Store of J. Mutt Smith ir Co. 479-l- y lb Tinsmiths aud Flnmliers, iVuuunu Strrrt, near the Wharf STOVES and LEAD PIPE always on hand. Jobbing of all kinds attended to. 4r'2-l- y C. E. WILLIAMS, Manufacturer, Importer and dealer in Furniture or every des- cription. Furniture Warerocm on Fort street, opposite Messrs. s & Dickson's office ; Workshop at the old Stand, Hotel street, near Foit. N. P. Orders from other islands promptly attended to. 475-l- y h7 hscher ! TAILOTt Keeps constantly on hand an assortment of fine P.roadcloth, Cassiuiervs and P.ui kskin, XuuanuM., below King ft. 460-l- y CKOltCr. CLAHK, BOOT and SHOEMAKER. Hotel street, between Nuuanu " and Maunakea streets. 47S-l- y J. H. W1CKK, alaki:a strekt bki.ow the thkatbk. Furniture uiade and repaired at reasonable prices. 42-l- y r-j- Qv IMPORTER &; M.VM'FAC-&Jf&- $ TURElt of all kind of Saddlery, riage Trimming, Mattress making an 1 repairing done with neatness and dispatch Xj- - All orders promptly attended to. Con er .f Fort and Hotel street. Honolulu 4S5-l- y I. M. TKOMPSOIY, General Blacksmith! HONOLULU, HAS CO.VSTANTLY OX HAND AM) 4 for siilj a gool assortment of A- Refined Rar-Iro- n ! Also, best Blacksmith's Coal ! At the Lowest Mar Jut Prices. 4Sl-l- y LETT fc FITZPATRICK, limit am! Shoe Maker ! Iio'ihll. STKEF.r, IIELOW U.VIOV, IV THE STOHF. FORMERLY ,'J i.cc;-p;-- by J. i'f LWARD. 4 M.i.le a. ul r. pai.e.l in a workmanlike manner. 493-- 1 y . P U R N IT U RE SHOP. THE uxii;iesii-;.vi:- i e7fw t.' having taken the build-in- ad- - j i. iiip tne Drup St.,!-,- - of I. M. Iv"- - " LWtTj bniitb A: (.11 lintel Street, nil TS f..r il- - a complete as..i!inei,i..i S t I ' K. i i 1 i 1 1 I HMfl HE, ma. it from KOJ, h'OI'. and ovih.k Fr.. Wooi-s- . I ? pirp-iie- to lo iiiul iciure and fill Grd. rs t..r Hinr Roarps, Ci.Nir.i: T.riFs. a km Cbairs, Urv.E, Waupbomps. of.s. Laph:.' W out Tahi .:-- -, Poxes, and other articles in Li Lnc cf i'.o-ii- n s iih proml tncis aiel li..p:iich 4ss iv WM. PITCHER. I I A AV.A I I ATS' SOAP FACTORY! Win. it. tsij!:i : LEIJSO ! VINO RECEIVED A LA RO E AND FILL SKA stock of material, is prepared to supply his customers and the public, with the b' Yellow, Brown itml While SOAP, ALSO triOIX VTS'I OIL WOA1, In large or small quantities to suit. P. S. Soap prease always wanted. 491-l- y ifoWtULUJOAP ivonKs: W. J. RAITLIINjS. rHMIE PROPRIETOR OF TIIE AliOYE X Vorks is prepared to supply his customers, and the pub- lic in general, with the best fpjality Y ELI-.OY- SOA I. SOFT SOAP nlvrnj oil hand. Tne Hic.hkst Pkk k p Ain for Soap Greasr. 489-l- y " J. L IGWisoopcr, VINO PURCHASED THE INTEREST OA Mr. Norton in the Cooperape, w ill carry on the busi- ness at the old stand. Thankful for past favors, he hopes to merit a continuance of the same. 3000 ISA RRELS NEW OILSHOOKS. OIL CASKS AND SIIOOKS, Constantly on hand aiii? for sale. Coopcra on Kinsr $(.. Corner of Ertlul St.. Honolulu. TKOS. KEEGAN , 3Xri s; o n , King Street, near Castle & Cooke's Store. PARTICULAR ATTENTION iveii to the erection of all kinds of Fire Works. Roofs Slated and Warranted. Cn I i for ii in I.iuio f r saie at his Store, Nuuanu St. 4S9-o- PACIFIC ASS FOUN QPiV" THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE- - inform the that he is prepared to cast and finish all kinds of brass an 1 composition work with d.si.Htch and at re.isir.a'r.ie rates. XT AH kinds of ship and plantation work famished on short liotice- - XT on hand, hsc ouplinjts i the following t'.zi : 1 . . 1, 1 1 2" 1 "J. oil cup- - and pauze cocks. JAMES, A. HPPEK 45I-l- y King street. COOPERINO ! T. A.. BURDICK, IN REMOVING IIISHUSINESS ir?Iwr&? to his r.ew Ci." PKR AGE on the Kkplar.ade 111 rZl.' Fort street, takes this opjmrtunity of reutrn-y&i'&tt- li inp his sincere thanks to his friends and the itrp-Eft,.'i- put lie H ceneral, for the support and patron ggitK'arfWi which t'.ey have been ph ased to praot h'ui f- -r th.: past tea y ar.. and hopes that by attention to huii-- n ha 1 ; r apir.es in the eocc.t- n of ail orders Ir.trnsted to b.i?.. be ....i iiiti.t a c,..'.:i-.t.:- e rf l':ir r.v.it 453-l- 'Hnsuranrc Claris. JONATHAN HUNT, President. A. J. K ALTCN, INSURANCE COMPANY CAPITAL STOCK, $750,000, i 3 0 Ca 1 i i o i n i a Stre e t , SAN FUANFISFO, M1ISCOM PAXV WILL TAKE MARINE 1 RISKS ON Cargo, Commissions and Profits ! In vessels rating not lower than A 2, either in the Foreign or lnlr-Ilii- ul Trade, on favorable terms and the undersigned are the authorized agents of the Company for Honoluln- - Fr rates of premium, tic, 4-- apply to 45- - RISHOP 5; Co., Agents. CALIFORNIA THE UNDERSIGNED Have been authorized to Issue FIRE POLICIES ! STORES, DWELLING HOUSES, FURNITUBE AI iOIfc Xr STOKES, IN HONOLULU AND VICINITY. LOSSES ADJUSTED AND PAID HERE II V US IX V. S. COLD COIN. For rates of Prcmhan and particulars apply tu H. HACHFKLD Ar Co., j 402 -- Cm Agents. I INSURANCE AGENCY! CASTJLK & JOOKIi, A ri01XTEDBYKIGi:LOVc RK OTI I ER. j of San Franci-c- o A ems for the well known MARINE INS!" RA.IT. COM PAXILS The .V. 1 . Fltrnix. its.ri 1,000,000. And list' X. Y. Security, twscl 2,000,000. Are prepared totaki ri-- upon t- - A KfiO. TREASURE and FIl EIO I1TS, to and from all parts of the world apaiust partial or total from War or Marine hazards, upon the most favorable terms. ALSO AGENTS FOR TIIE New England Eifc Iniii'iinrc Coiiipaiif, Axti l ,0:10.t00. Life risks taken upon the most f.ivnrabie teuus. 479 6in THE 1IRITIKII A Nil FORKICN MARINE IXSITR.1NCI-- (OMP.WV, "Liinltc.l." Capital One Million Pounds. Head Otncc, Manchester Ruildinis, Livprpnrd. Agents at Honolulu, N. R. This Company takes rieka on goods only and not on vessels. 4Si fan The rVoi'thcrn ASSURANCE COMPANY, OF LONDON. npil E UNDERSIG NED. A G ENTS FOR TH E Jl above Comjiany, have recently received instructions to re- duce the Kateot Premium ou Stone and Rrick Iliiihlinps and on Merchandise stored therein, and are now prepared to issue jioli-ci- es on more favorable terms than heretofore. Risks taken on Ruildings, Machinery, &c. on Supar Planta-ion- s. JANIuN, GREEN if Co., 492-l- y Apents. CALIFORNIA INSURANCE COMPANY. SAN FRANCISCO. ffHIE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN appointed Apents for the above company, bejr leave to "nform the the public, that they are now prepared to iesue M A R INK INS U R A N C E POLICIES on Cargo, Freight and Treasure., to aud from all parts of the world. II. IIACKFELD t CO. Hono'ulu, April 2 ISG2. 464-l- y CALIFORNIA 1NSURANCE COMPANY. rfMIE UNDERSIGNED AGENTS OF' THE JL above Company, have been authorized to insure risks on CARRO, FREIC.IIT and TREASURE.. by COASTERS from Honolulu to all ports of the Hawaiian Group, and vice versa. 471-l- y II. HACKFELD CO. II A 31 II F R (i 11 - II R E 31 E N FIRE INSURANCE COMPANV. UNDERSIGNED, Apentsof the above Com TMlhZ are prepared to insure risks apainst fire in and about Honolulu. For particulars apply at the office. MELCIIERS CO. Hono;ulu Oct. 11.1357. 473-l- y MERC IIJllJrrS XZ UTUAL Ol iun Franelseo. rfMIE UNDERSIGNED HAVING REEN C apiKiintdl aeuts f r the above Company. bi:p ivc t inform the public that th-.-- arc- now prepared to MARINE INSURANCE POLICIES ON Ciirso'", Frriyht nml Trrniurr. 44-l- y ALDRICH. WALKER & CO. CALIFORNIA LLOYDS. MARINE INSURANCES. OFFICE : Southwest corner of Washing- ton and Hattery street. rfMIE UNDERSIGNED ARE PREPARED fi to Marine Insurance policies," each beinp respon- sible for the uia written on the Policies against his own name onlv. and for himself a:ii not for others or any of them. Jois l'ARROTT, JAMKi Dosahte, Georgk C Jojtsson, William K. Rap.hok. N. Lin: sr.. Jamks Otis. Jamks Ptii-LA- Jamks It. llAf.Giv, Lafavlttk M atn a r.r. J. Mora Mots. ALDRICH. WALKER &. CO. A (rents. 470-l- y Honolulu. U. I. IIOXOLILI SUGAR ItEMERY ! s estak. l,K,tLr-..- t f- r s.le tn qoar.?i:i'-- to suit pur. haseri by , i;:i: .. I.ll.l'. if. WAUO.lt i H. Ulistrllantous. HAWAIIAN It ICE : rVMIE 1 i PL NALI L RICE PLANTATION, is ui rcc ipl of NEW HAWAIIAN RICE! Direct from the Rice Mill, which rill be sold iu uati(itii a to suit purchasers. 4Sri-3- m II. W. SEVERANCE. Honolulu Iron Works! rfMIE UNDERSIGNED HAVE JUST R E-- JL ccived a lot of INTew fc Improved Tools, PER "DENNIS HRUNDRIT," which arc now telnp erected, and U prepared to undertake :iny kind of work that may oner, and execute orders with dispatch. He bag also on baud a suitable lot of FROM 2 1- -3 TO 8 1- -2 INCHES, AND PATTERNS FUR I . A K ii K S 1 z i : S II UA iz n I fl i i . s , Vis : Rollers 4 by 24 inches; Rollers 34 by "0 Inches, and a smaller Mill Roller 24 by 10 inches, to which he invites the attention of Planters. He has received an assortment of 1- -8 Itit-t- i SHEET 1 RON in fine crdur, and is prepared to make SOlKi II U .M PANS and all the MACHINERY necessary for takinc tf about one ton Sugar per day in an efficient maimer nt a Miiall outlay. Sketches given of mode of setting pans, sites of Hue, Smoke " 4S4'4iu' THOMAS HI'GIIK. Honolulu Iron Works! Just Received. THE A1IOVE ESTAIILIS HM ENT A AT aud Larye Assortment of Best Refined Bar Iron ! A L80 On ITancl every deseFi)tion oi' PIPING, STEAM OR WATER COCKS, VALVES, INDIA RL'BUER PACKINO, FIi;K CLAY. And IlverythiiiK applicable to the use- - of Plantations. 4'J3 Sin COAL 3T1 OR PLANTATION XJIi:. UNDERSIGNED HAVE ON HAND rjMIE 300 TONS IIEST LEIIICH COAL, 300 Tons IIEST WELSH STEAM COAL, lOO Tons NA IN AIN O COAL. Which thry ofiVr for sale delivered on the Wharf, at very moderate rates. N. fl. Incase where there is a short supply of tMm or ; boliPR power, fcoin damp wcid, or from ny other entire. tlie aJaiUon r a lew nunureu oi m.y u me auv C"al a-i- add frrm 25 to 60 per cent to the evaporating power. The 1ehiuh Coal is eery clean and emohcli-s- and pivej a preat local heat. Tlu Web;h Coal Rivos more flame and is very clean, huriiintf to a white ash. The Nnlnaino Coal is smoky and more inclined to clinker, but when supplied In small quantities nt a time and with a good draft fcives more llame than the othrrs. The undersigned confidently recommend to Fugar Pin liters a TRIM, of a lew tons each of the above, as m ni.inv cises nu ! t f say $10 per day may add Irom 2a to .'a per ceut. J to the daily yield of saar. ON HAND ami FOR SALE! Ittsl Patent Asphalt UODI'IM,' DIRECT FRUM THE MANUFACTURERS IN RELFAHT. 4 VERV SUPERIOR ARTICLE FOR ALL 1. K1M).S OF HOOFS. For sale by 4.H-:l- m JANION, GREEN - Co. JFcuciiig: Wire, IVos. S Aii. SALE II V IOR JANION, GREEN Co. AA V UUUIUU UUU W AA W JLWW SALE 11 V F 491-3- JANION, GREEN Co. SlestiBi naiil Blouse Co;iI ! IN LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES. For sale bv 491-3- JANION, GREEN IL. Co. srii:ij " POIilTITESIAI !" HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CIlOIC'E X LOT OK TOBACCO! Consisting of NATURAL LEAF AND OTHER FIRST RATE P.RAND3. Ircpnred Sinokinjr; Tobncco in great variety. JOHS A.VDERSOy'S SOI.ACF.. A Large Assortment of Wooden anl other PIPES. MANILA CIGARS. Also, by barlt WEiisflci. A Full Assortment of FANCY CANDIES! Consisting of FON DAN'S or CREAM CANDV in sre.V. variety GUM DUOPS, CORDIAL DROPS, CHOCOLATE DROPS and CIGAR CA .Mi A very fuU assortment of STICK CANDV I Cominting of Mint, Strawberry, Ranana, Lemon, Clores, Annisette, Cuina mon. Rose and Winter Green. Rock Candy, assorfod. MAPLE SUGAR. CANDV ! FRESH EyOLtSI IV.4LSUTS. BRJZILUjy or BUTTER ALT.V. SOFT SHELL ALMOyiiS, RAISI.S. And a variety cf other thirizs too numerous to mention, all of which I arn prepared to sell at the Very Lowest Cash Prices. I am ctr.VantlT receiving FRESH GOODS by the REGULAR PACKETS. W'm. JOHNSON. Late J. CAT1ANACH. Corner King and Nuuanu streets, opposite UoLinson'ti New RuiMing. lSy Cm SI AAV A II A A' PACJil.T e,eab: FOR SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. -A- SU- PORTLAND, OIUKiO.V. FIRST CLASS CLIPPER PACKETS - in this line will be dispatched regularly for the ahove nortrf. Have superior cabin and steerage accommodation filtel up expressly for the comfort and convenience oi s. and freight taken at the lowest cm rent rate-Aptl- y to ALDRICH, M A LKER L Cj. Mesrj. CHAS. V- - BROOK? A Co., San Fnt.ci-c- o. ;y Mc. RtC HARDS A McCRAC KE-- , rtctSatid
Page 1: 0'lT1ll11TlMrt?T' a · 2015-06-02 · r. jtuer in tUf enliirhtex.e.i city ef Ixnlon. The sor.r ' Wear-ing of the fireeu' is especially revolutionary and ilanjierous. nrcrdinc t the



0'lT1ll11TlMrt?T'C 'VV

ft'a 1II 11






Commercial Advertiser.

I.riitoriai ; leanings.A letter has reejiitly Leeu receive in New York

by Mr. Henry Griimtll from Capt. Hall, the Arcticexptcrer, sent Ly a returned whaler. 1111 left theL'nitel States on his seCs.n l expedition to the Arctic,.May or June 1804. He ei?9 that Lid letters wereexprweJ 169 miles over the ice in dog bledges toreach the oreu am. where the halc-hip- s cruie. HeLas fittalne-- i much va!uiL!e information re2irJiiijjthe Franklin Expedition. Hall expect to spendmuch of his time in King William's Land, and ouliowthia a nl FelloVs I'euinsula. He derires that aursfcel bliill be rent in the spring of 18S7. Hill'sArctio explorations, published by the Harper'9, isone of the must entertainiag books of travel anddiscovery ever ia"J.

Tl MoiiDlrr Wirlz,I.itely cn trial at Washington, anJ who Las proba-bly been fcentenctJ an! hung ere this,

1.4 a wi.'4 by Linh. lie marrie'l in Lu'iMtana. atnlthe war oarnel a I irp-- pl:iritutton ati l a t;r?at uumlx-- r of slavt.lie was in Kichin,i;.t at the time our tr.'ops went Ui the MU-n- :

rivt r air. I took j - n of W,a j.Ui ration, la ISO J

t ai "iit tt Karoj.e on a scrrt inis-sioi- i by tl;r relxl autliori-lie- -.

After an a' Hence f fiuht inont'is, lie returnel, anil w.uapjinl i cat in and asiiuej to iu'y on the st :r of ther b-- l General W iti.ler. Afterward he wa placed in commandi.T the Amler-Hivill- e j ri-o- a "

KrrnlririiirM of Fanliion.At no ff the rtcerst Kastern watering .lace ba 11 the moa

fetrkih ii't pnnouiiced of toilrttes was worn ly a statelyOenrpian rrl nhiiw uinrm.rs cu!d n.it have vxceiled twenty,hut ao carrieil !irr;vlf wit'i the air .f a woman f forty. Il rilrc- - con ii I'd of a tram of white Velvet, fulling not from thewaist but from the shoulder, and tra:iin iti slow length uluiiir.It wa without -- trevt. but W is hel I over the shuuMer3 bycliaier el.iip 'f large diamonls. Tiie :irtn- were b:re, andpo'ost.t'd m lho5e of a latue ot i'raxililc, as was alsu thetare, nvrk and but. Her tiair wai powd'Ted with pearl, anddrest--d in tfie A"p;ii t style, b'U iu-ite- d of the Mue ribbunomally etn;Ityetl in the making up f that superb coiifVire, airlrclt tof diataocvl taf clatter! wa mitvtituted. The idippersw-r- of white ki'I, aul had diamond buckles, fasten inij bion.Ieand stiu Cow. No piove or bracelets were worn, noughtbroke the d a Quince: it sweep from the pluuip. round shoulder tothe delicate tip of the tapt-- r fingers. Altogether the costume

4t a nioilel f.f richness, ami every and erfecl thing butiiuMle-tl- .

Here is another item, showing how f .rt.l the lalitisin Pris are of reJ hair, anl how they make it so :

It S the farfiiioit in Pail to have the hair the rolor of theHoi th bniu-.tte- s :iceompli'h this is thu- explain-- nl

: At th tpp.ir.ted hour th" candidate f.r j.'idl.-- n honorstnter tr.c dre-i- ti r''Ui in a bite iiresini gown. l!- - rtiwir 8.u!i er h-- r houf.i.rs. The r'i-- t beirins byeparaiirs? every hair. Then h- - jwiurs ovi-- r 1. 1.- - hea.l a phial 4w Jt-r- " ( a p)isi.n ) Jl- - saturate e icU hair.

TU: orci;-,'K- lXi h'Hirs. Altir f(uin t.mut-- !, soalci thewhole hair in He th n kr.-.- dj h' ha'r with Inlia'tdr Aatin icc-at- er i i applied. !! nwvn the gtvswithin a trv fr-- of la hair and it turn re t The hole cptr --

tion t:s fi- -e h iuiS. an I l ives the lidy with r.--i hair, anb-:- a lache. nianjl..d nerve and i ) s in pocket.

Wfant la Ihr Monroe Iririn !'lreiJenl Muiifwe, in hi me--i- ge f Cuogtets in,

1S23. u-t- l th following lniinagf, wli,h his been ;

'roc kbiAO lot ?ivi,iw Juvtriuc .'TV it Ii the exJ-.tic- a cl'iIt.-- , or dep-rn- !' nci", of any Furopfun !

c.r we b iv nt uud :h v.l not in! f. c. i.Jt '

with th" G vrnm tit? who have their i

and niau.f. in d if . ti-- ice w-- have, ,ei ijreac j

or. liderati'm and on prirvip'e?, we irould I

ti-t- t vi ar.y inu.Tp-sit;c- u f x th--- ' parpte i f Ojvr;..n tu su,ur eontn-llir.!- in any r rnanu. r their ile-iin- r, by u-i- r t a- -r

pean p-- 'er, ia aoy other il than as a m.i:i.fcsl li ol anu"tr:era!y liifositi-'- toji ihe I.'nitid i.:u;.

tVmnir f'iin-lri.inlii-

At the Stccktua Fnir, ht-- in Svpteniber l -- t, prp- -

in i urn v.ere cdlete l an l awrJ-- J tor I Ji.'a" horse- - ;

rnnti-hip- , tin 1 a uun.t.rr oi la-Jio- ciitenie.l f

fjr the prizes, which vfre hs f. il.-n- : i

For the tx-- tqleotri..ni.e, cito-- . ..s pruniuni, $5'; f-- thesecoTia Jeit. .Itthei-- . ..Jererf b- - lav IM of the J

c rtv; Child twst, rtlonno, 'i. Tt.c- - tt t to tie j

piac-fuir- w .f carri.1.-- . el'ance ui. I e in trie s. tile, con- - (

Lde.ne and fkill i:i lie- - m u. imei.i ,f tlie h..isc. No rapid rilai.tr-,ii- i r;dii nil. kej.

The ah iTc is a tnot ?iiiirnknl'tIe fa ilure of KaiM,

Mi l vc wish Something of the kiml couM Le K')t

here, where our youn la-lie- are so expert in ther iddle. It may not Le generally known that thecustom of riding sideways on horseback id uut overtwo or three centuries ol J. Formerly laJies ro le asJo our native women, nitride.

The iutr.!ucti-- 4 tb-- ? no style of riding In EmrI ind is at-

tributed to Anna ot Ib-he- i, consort f Richard II. She it(.iconlia t oe) tint oricinal y showed the wimen of

this country hew tracefuiiy and conveniently they tniht rideca horseback Another M historian, enumeratingthe u'w fi.ihi-Mi- of It.chard IPs rcin, otservea : Likewiseiiobie Udivs th-- n used InIi lie.uls. and c rets. and rol es withlop.rf trains, an 1 scnts on aide-saddl- ou th ir horses, by theexample of t?. Oaeen Anna, daughter of the Kintfof i:ar.-.ria-

, who tirst iu'.roduee.l the custoru into the Kiugdou ;t r before, women of every rank roe as meu."

C'tiit it ltr So IIt is ?ail that the fiingi.-i-g of the new Irish eoug

Wenring of the Green, has been forbiddenin If iand, as a!o the new dramatic piece of Ar-ra- h

na Poguc," which is one of the most populardtaiaas ever brought oti the stage. Commenting on

the mppreMion of the.--e, an American journal s iys :

1'he British Government must be. ex'n-me!- shaky, since it isth.MiKht crtv?ry t suppress thr Irish play of Arrah nar. jtuer in tUf enliirhtex.e.i city ef Ixnlon. The sor.r ' Wear-ing of the fireeu' is especially revolutionary and ilanjierous.nrcrdinc t the notions ..f Mr. Bull. We do n. t recollect thatlurins; the American relw-liio- .nr found it neces-ar- y

t. "tep l:i siriii: rf lii Land"' nt any of the th-a- -tr

4. T!. re is no d Hint. Lowev r. that this leniency had a ten-dency to enronrae traitors and pr.Ionc the war. The Britishfft-ri.ui'."- .i ib tiling, tu'-r- and probably more

lriatc . ('ovrrmiiriit Eutrrnri-r- .An apt illustration cf the aJrantige and economy

rf private labor over that of GoTcrnmentJ is giveuin the wrrk:n, of the Rus-ia- n gold mines. TheRus-is- n tlotertttnent It givrti up the Working ofitd gold mines in the Ural Mountiinf. and arranged

fr tlern to te. worked Ly private enterprise. Theresults of the change are very lemarkible. Thejuantity cf mt ii extracted is now increased tenfold.

A IJomitiful Thought.What cn le more original or expressiTe than the

firt thoughts of children when they begin to expressthe ideas that their younp brains g:e birth to. Theattention of little pirl biTing bten called to a rose-bus- li,

on whose topmost stetn the oldest rose was fal-i;i- g,

whiirt bt'ow and around it three beautiful crim-o- n

buls were just unfolding their charms, she atence and att'csly exclaimed to Lcr Lrother : "SeeWillie, these little Lu is have jut waked in time to

. their rnuthcr before ehe dies.

IVholtl Ihr I.ilir how llicy Crow.A poetictl pn furnished the following rather crig-iu- a!

iJj'iis : Injects must generally leal a j viall!. Think what it must Le to Ioie in a lily !

Imajloe palace cf iroty tr rearl, with pillars ofiver anJ capitals cf Co!J, all exhaling such a rer-fu-

a- utvtr across from a human cen-c- r ! Fancy,again, the fun of tucking youre!f up for the nigbtin thf f ldi it rose, rccke.l to !ecp ty the gentle:,fis of a summer air, auJ nothing to do when you,ke hut i t wish ycurelf io a dew drop, an J fall to

e.:. I tr.t ji.urUntlrry roujul Iti(il'uya.

T;.I phrac-- 1? Liu I cf bjwcrJ in America, batL-- ji it -- j j e its mat unJcrproai. i rail a s are

S.r..iliv ,u ics.mlci-- , sui ttil Ibsj UXMiit the ciiy

in various direciions, uu at very low fires. Anexchange says :

I'cnr.y trains are now " an institution" in London. Theyrun early and late on the uridr(rn,ur.J rai:rou.J. The workinjtiiian descends into a pa lus d pot,in one part cf l.ndon. taks hs seat in a triird-c- l "car-nag-- ,"

and for two cents, in ixi.nu'.es is lauded rail'-- s awayin another part of London, whilhr ty bus" would have c. itLim twelve au l un hour's ri;!. In tlds way the Oiechauicin his prttty Cottage in the country, or in a distant Mreet, is

cl se by hi, work, and oi.e jrreat evil in a large citychecked in i art.

j. ii. cli:,A.UCTIOITESR,(sccceisonTi) a. r. evkkl-tt.- ;

At his late room, tjecn street. 475-l- y


AXI) COMM1SS10X MKRCJIAXT,Firc-pr- uf Store, Kobinvon's Iluildiug,

QUKKX STltKKT, HONOLULT.Will continue business at the uew dtan-1- . 477-l- y

E. O. HALL & SON,Importer and Dealer in Hardware, Dry Uoods, Painu, Oils, and

general Merchandise, corntr of i'ort and Kir;g streets 47-l- y

HONOLULU STUAJI FLOUR 3IILL.Floib, r.nax asn PaoKTa. P r sale by

479 ly b. SAVIDOK, Proprietor.

ii. iia;i;fi:lo At :o.General Cocuioission Agents, Honolulu,

O.ihu, S. I. 47S-l- y

B. US HOI.T. T ii. C. ilKI't K

Von HOLT Ac HEI'CK,General Commission Merchants, Honolulu, Oahu, I. 47S-l- y


ALi:X. J. ( AltTWUKJIlT,Commission Merchant and Oeuerai Agent, Honolulu i

Oahu, H. I 47S-l- y

janion. ;ki:i:n & co.,Commisiion Merchants Firv-l'io- of Huildir.gs, Queen street.Honolulu, April 1, 6 09. 475-l- y



li:wi:ics a-- hickson,Dealers in Lumber and lluiiding Materials, Fojt St. Honolulu.

473-l- y


IVhI-- t in General Merchandise, t'.re-pro- store corner of Ka- - :

ahumauu and Queen street-:- , opjxisite Makee's Pbx'k.A!. Retail establishment u Nuuanu above King. i

XT Inland Priduce bought and sold. Island orders carefully j

attended to 4'.4-l- y ;


leabT in Re.lwihnl and Northwest Lumber, Shingle. Dixrs. ;

'ah, Uhnds, Nail", Pait, iir. , ic. c !

A I liia Old Sin ml on tiir F.l:iitn.lr. 47-l- y ,

W. A- - ALOKICB, J 5. W4I.KKK, -. C. AILKN. j


IrnpcrtT and Ttierchaiit? Denier in Genera' !

Merchandise, an.l Aenti for the S de of Island produce- - !

-- a ;

Ag-r- tj fo- - thi I.il.u , U;caU, a u.I i'r:r.cs ille Pi.ir.ta'.iotn. ;

In.prt.r, M nod Rend Deal, r in O'neial Merchandise:iid Chinese GcJ, (Ire prouf sti-.--- in Nuu.icu S'rti t.under the Public Hail. 401-- y


Honolulu. Onlm, II. I. 47s-l- y

n. n. f i.iTN r it,c,ntii.aes his Lu.iiicss iu th. tir. ,oi Luildinij Kaahuma

l;u liett.Chr.uonaetcrs rated by bsrrT.ti.-r.- i.t the sun and $tars

aith a tiar:-;- t in jtmimi.t Hivuiatily adjust':u to theneridian I' irticul.ir ut tcntioii (riven to tinewatch ropiiriu,--. ?e;;tant and qu.irant plasses rilvere.1a n-- if,. i tel Chaita oJ on aii. il '.iij'.rL-n.tii- l j citsiaiitlyon har.,1 and for fale. 473-l-

J. V.OItTH,Dealer in Gei. era Merchandise, Hil--- , H v Ships supplied J

with recruits at the shortest notice, ou reasonable terms.Rills of exchange wanted. 47S-l- y


InKtrter sad Wholesale Dealer in Wines and Spirits,Malt Liquors, Charlton Wharf. Honolulu. H. I. 47-J-l-


M'CANDLESS & CO.,Dealrrs in Gkockriks, Rrk-a- i and Gknkbal M khcit t VDtSE.

N. E. corner of Fort and Kins Streets. Honolulu. H. I.405-- 1 y

B. F. EHLERS,Destlei' lii Dry l, J Illt, V'.

46S-l- y Fort Street. Honolulu, Oal.u. II. I.

cut'Si; boon. vot No iikoso

CHUNG HOON & CO..Commission .Merchants and ceneral auo-nt- s Apents ffr the !

Paukaa and Amiuulu Supar Pi.mtations Importers of teasand other Chinese and foreipn Kinds' and wholesale ilealersin Hawaiian produce at the mw stone Store, Nuuanu Street,below Kil.p. 455-- 1 y

cTfred'k PFLUCER,Dealer in Staple ar:d Fancy Dry Goods, Men's Clo'.hinp, Boots

ami thoes, and Yankee Nation. Store ou Fort Street,nearly opposite Messrs. vonlinlt 4-- Heuck. 474-ly- .

A. S. CRINBAUM & CO.,Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Fashionable Clothinp,

Hats, Caps. Roots and Shoes, anil every variety of Gentle-men's Superior Furuishinp Goods. Store, formerly occu-

pied by W. A. Aldrich, Es.p, in Makee's lii.ick. QueenStreet. Honolulu, Oal.u. 49o-I-y

H . IS I T T


A L E and POUTF.KIIunol ill n. y

AH'L. K. CASTLK. J. B. ATHErtTo. AXOS. S- - i ( UK I

i" ASTLI' V FOOliF.,

General Merchants n the Fireproof Store, Kintf Street, cpliS.U- - the S nmen's Chajxd.

ALSO ACJENTS FORDr. Jayr.e Cel. ! rated Family Mediriuc,Wh.vier ir Wilson Sewin; Machines,The K hs.la Mi.-a-r Company.The New Kn'uind Mutual Life Insurance Company,The New York Phenix Marine Insurance Comp'iy.The New Vcrk Security Marine Insurance Company.


A. r. flhTiS8HKRM A V fKCK,11 ri'laiu. Honolulu.

C. BREVER U CO.,Commission & Shipping Merchants,

Honolulu. O.-t'i- H. I.REFER TO

J..ni. M. . F... Nef York.Jaxis Hcsskw tLL, Es.p,Cearlks Bsewch, Ea j., I'oston.H. A. Pkikck. Ki., JMKSkS. J. C MfHRILL ."t Co. j; tn TTALCtO.t'mi. W. lcott Rao. ks, Ks. J

Mkssks. V. PrTAC .v Co II.nck"np.Mkssi-.s- . Vr.iir., Hcbbkll i Co. MAaila.

435-l- y

a i- - ii a: .v Az c o w a v ,KAWA1HAE. HAWAII.

Will i oniTna" the Genera Merchandise and busm.ssat th at-or- e port, where they are prepared to furnish thejustly celebrated K iwa-iia- Potatoes, tnd snch other

as are repuireO by whale ships at the shortest not iceand on the rao-- t reas.nalle terms. 47-l- y



e- -.


O.iice corn-.- of Kort aa 1 Uot.-- l Street.W. II. KU'lIAItlJS,

Il-rL,If-i'- X".

Kort 5trv, IIouo'.ulu. over th-- Office of Dr.ford.

469-l- y

?. rorter45S-l- y

i: HOFFMANN, M. I.,j Phykician atid Surgeon, Makee'x Hlock, corner Queen and K--

' hutnanu etreets. 473-l- y


Honolulu, 11. I. Oilice at the Bank of i'.ishop & Co. 45 Cm

I A. F. JUDD,! Attorney and ( otinsellor at Litw.I COltNKlt FuitT Kiid MERCHANT St., HONOLULU, OA1IC

490-l- v

V. N. LADD,Importer and I)ealer in Hakdwark, Octlkut, MtCHiSicd

TnOLit and AnalCCLTfRaL iMPLKMKSTi!, For stret-t- . II. .nolulu. 47S-l- y

C. L. RICHARDS & CO.,SMl Chan.llers and (.'oimnissioii Merchants, dealers in General

Merchandise. Keep constantly o:i hand a full assortmentof merchandise; for the supply of Whalers Merchantvessel-!- . 400-l- y


Ks'ieial attention paid t- - the interests of the Whahr.g Fleet, bythe furnishing of funds, purchase and sale of Exchange, Oil,Uoiie, General Merjliandise, und the procuring of Freight j


Messrs. Isaac IIowlasr, .Ir., i; Co., New Uedford j

U". G. K. Pipk, Esq., ilo.Mokuan, Si-on- X On. San Francisco.J. C. MehKiLL & Co, do 473-l- y

"E. P. A D A M S7 j



LA II VINA, 3IAUI.Irish and Fwect Potato- - s, with other lecruits. constantly on

hand and for sale at low rat-s- . 4'Jw-o-

CHAS. P.. m.lllilp. WM. A ALDRICH I

BISHOP & CO., Hankers, j

Ollicc In the cast corner of "Makee's Clock," on Kaahu- - 'umanu street, Honolulu. '

Draw Hills of Exchange on j

The Risk of California. - - San Francisco.Jlessr Grinshll. Minti rn" & Co., New York. j

" Lkk.s tf WAl.LEit, - - New York,Hrsnr A. I'kirck, : Co., - Boston. j

Tukmont National Rank, - - R.stoii, Mass. t

Okikntal Hank C'niiri'iiATMs--. - London. i

Will receive deposits, discount first-cla- ss business paper, and '

attend to collectinir. etc. 47S-- ly


iiiipoi'it'r midIcrc'hniitfc,


HAitcriiGH-Br.cSK- S Fire Insu:ance Compasi-- , '

Kamviki sf(iR Plantation, J


UI-.TK- 0. Mr.Lciitaa. J. (. WioatB, A. CIlAtHK,Drjnien. Honolulu. Honolulu


BGLLB & CO., !

Ship Chandlers and CommissionI



Paiti- - u' ir ait ji.lioii j ..id to ill ' j ua-- bi- - anil sale of HawaiianPruduivr. ;

i i.f:ri by ( i in.ls.i.io t.tV.. F. frtn.w M- - f. n. Ai iii. h. r .; Cj., I

Mi-mi- . P. A. M il.ian.s t; t' i Messrs- - .V t o .Mes.-r-1- . Cas'ie k l .v.ke., ... ies.rs. ii. liackfcid .V

iMr?i. 1 C Wattimin.. .Mes;r. Wilcox, RicIim-I- i. Co.4iti-l- v



SHIP CHANDLER!Ualtr in Htufiitl Jltcrchitmlise, Prottuce,

Ac, and Commission JWtrchant.

Byron's Bay, Hilo, S. I.,Will keep constantly on han 1 an extensive assortment of every

deseription of poods required by ship and others. Thehiphest price given for Island Produce.

Money advanced for Ril'.i of Exchange at reasonable ratesHilo. February 3. lvil 45s. ly



ing Material of every description at the lowest Marketrates.

Orders from the country, and other islands solicited.Lumber Yard on corner of Queen and Fort Streets. 4S5-C-


for per dozen. Copying done in the bestmanner and pictures enlarged on the most reasonable terms.

Photopraphs of the Kinps K imehameha. and Chiefs. Also,Scenes of the Islands. For sale at 25 cents each.

4JJ-3- 11. L. CHASE.


Wheel r & Wilson'sMACHINES!

rBMIIS MACHINE II AS ALLTIIE LATESTM iinpioveinents. and, in addition to former premiums, was

awarded the highest prize above all EuroiM-a- anil AmericanSewinp Machines at the Worid's Rxlid-itio- in PARIS in IsOl,an,j a: j,,. Khi!:tion in London in

The evi.U-rc- of the superiority of tliis Machine is found in ther cord of i;-- , ales. In lol

The Grover & l'.aker Company. Boston,The Horotice Company. l asachusetts.The l'ariit r , Conn, cticut,J. M. Sinper - Co., N. w York,Fitikle .v Lyon.Chas. W. liowlanl, Ihvaware.M. Gr.'i-nn'oo,- Co., Cincir.nati, O.,N. S. C. Perkins. Norwaik, O.,Wi'isn II. fmiih. t'nnnciticut.

oM T5..V-- 5. whit th-- ; W,e, 1 r & Wilson Company, cf Rridpeort, made and Sol 1 1.J.7J5 durinp the ssnie perio.1.Jjl'lrn.e t all mi l :iiiuiii-. 11 tl



- . i.- - 'On Ivinjr St reel, opposite tlie Rethel

WILL in: OPENEI fN thf: tt OF .

T TORKR under the rr.ar.agcme.'.t of J. R. PRICE, i

t- -j upIyfamilies of honolulu: i

with ;

Choice INEeat! j

And h!l o:h-.-r- s wh rr.fh Gi.- -l Meat. Meat of all k'n.l, iich a t

I'.EEF, MurroN, j



l'ivs, I'liuls and Fish, served to Order. t

Meats JelivereJ in all parts of the Town..V. B. -- I3o? l:-- opt .met w. th ?.0f A of

I'.r GrJ-.rs- .

i1v ivi'i i iS'n--- '-








Af-V- STREET. HOyOI.Vl.ir. 475-l- y


K''n-- J Street, tipjsite the Uethel.47 ly J. R. l'KlCE.lanapor


Choicest Meats from finest herd. Poultry, Fish, VepetaMc,Ac, furnished to order. 4o:'-l- y

Y. FISCIIFU,Cabinet Maker and French Polisher. Hotel Street, near the

Drug Store of J. Mutt Smith ir Co. 479-l- y

lb Tinsmiths aud Flnmliers,iVuuunu Strrrt, near the Wharf STOVES and LEAD PIPE

always on hand. Jobbing of all kinds attended to. 4r'2-l- y

C. E. WILLIAMS,Manufacturer, Importer and dealer in Furniture or every des-

cription. Furniture Warerocm on Fort street, oppositeMessrs. s & Dickson's office ; Workshop at the oldStand, Hotel street, near Foit.

N. P. Orders from other islands promptly attended to. 475-l- y

h7 hscher !TAILOTt Keeps constantly on hand an assortment of fine

P.roadcloth, Cassiuiervs and P.ui kskin, XuuanuM., belowKing ft. 460-l- y

CKOltCr. CLAHK,BOOT and SHOEMAKER. Hotel street, between Nuuanu

" and Maunakea streets. 47S-l- y

J. H. W1CKK,

alaki:a strekt bki.ow the thkatbk.Furniture uiade and repaired at reasonable prices. 42-l- y

r-j- Qv IMPORTER &; M.VM'FAC-&Jf&- $TURElt of all kind of Saddlery,riage Trimming, Mattress making

an 1 repairing done with neatness and dispatchXj-- All orders promptly attended to.Con er .f Fort and Hotel street. Honolulu 4S5-l- y

I. M. TKOMPSOIY,General Blacksmith!


4 for siilj a gool assortment of

A- Refined Rar-Iro- n !

Also, best Blacksmith's Coal !

At the Lowest MarJut Prices. 4Sl-l- y

LETT fc FITZPATRICK,limit am! Shoe Maker !


,'J i.cc;-p;-- by J. i'f LWARD.

4M.i.le a. ul r. pai.e.l in a workmanlike manner. 493--1 y

. P U R N ITU RE SHOP.THE uxii;iesii-;.vi:- i e7fwt.' having taken the build-in- ad- -j i. iiip tne Drup St.,!-,- - of I. M. Iv"- - "LWtTj bniitb A: (.11 lintel Street, nil TS f..r il- - a

complete as..i!inei,i..i S t I ' K. i i 1 i 1 1 I HMfl HE,ma. it from KOJ, h'OI'. and ovih.k Fr.. Wooi-s- .

I ? pirp-iie- to lo iiiul iciure and fill Grd. rs t..r Hinr Roarps,Ci.Nir.i: T.riFs. a km Cbairs, Urv.E, Waupbomps. of.s.Laph:.' W out Tahi .:-- -, Poxes, and other articles in Li Lnc cfi'.o-ii- n s iih proml tncis aiel li..p:iich

4ss iv WM. PITCHER.


Win. it. tsij!:i :


VINO RECEIVED A LA RO E AND FILLSKA stock of material, is prepared to supply his customersand the public, with the b' Yellow, Brown itmlWhile SOAP, ALSO

triOIX VTS'I OIL WOA1,In large or small quantities to suit.P. S. Soap prease always wanted. 491-l- y


rHMIE PROPRIETOR OF TIIE AliOYEX Vorks is prepared to supply his customers, and the pub-

lic in general, with the best fpjality Y ELI-.OY- SOA I.SOFT SOAP nlvrnj oil hand.Tne Hic.hkst Pkk k p Ain for Soap Greasr. 489-l- y


J. L IGWisoopcr,VINO PURCHASED THE INTERESTOA Mr. Norton in the Cooperape, w ill carry on the busi-

ness at the old stand. Thankful for past favors, he hopes tomerit a continuance of the same.


aiii? for sale.

Coopcra on Kinsr $(.. Corner ofErtlul St.. Honolulu.


3Xri s; o n ,King Street, near Castle & Cooke's Store.

PARTICULAR ATTENTIONiveii to the erection of all kinds of Fire

Works. Roofs Slated and Warranted.Cn I i for ii in I.iuio f r saie at his Store, Nuuanu St.



THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE- -inform the that he is prepared to cast

and finish all kinds of brass an 1 composition work withd.si.Htch and at re.isir.a'r.ie rates.

XT AH kinds of ship and plantation work famished on shortliotice- -

XT on hand, hsc ouplinjts i the followingt'.zi : 1 . . 1, 1 1 2" 1 "J. oil cup- - and pauze cocks.

JAMES, A. HPPEK45I-l- y King street.


T. A.. BURDICK,IN REMOVING IIISHUSINESSir?Iwr&? to his r.ew Ci." PKR AGE on the Kkplar.ade

111 rZl.' Fort street, takes this opjmrtunity of reutrn-y&i'&tt- li

inp his sincere thanks to his friends and theitrp-Eft,.'i- put lie H ceneral, for the support and patronggitK'arfWi which t'.ey have been ph ased to praot

h'ui f- -r th.: past tea y ar.. and hopes that by attention to huii-- n

ha 1 ; r apir.es in the eocc.t- n of ail orders Ir.trnsted tob.i?.. be ....i iiiti.t a c,..'.:i-.t.:- e rf l':ir r.v.it 453-l-

'Hnsuranrc Claris.



i 3 0 C a 1 i i o i n i a Stre e t ,


Cargo, Commissions and Profits !

In vessels rating not lower than A 2, either in the Foreignor lnlr-Ilii- ul Trade, on favorable terms and theundersigned are the authorized agents of the Company forHonoluln- -

Fr rates of premium, tic, 4-- apply to45- - RISHOP 5; Co., Agents.


THE UNDERSIGNEDHave been authorized to Issue






For rates of Prcmhan and particularsapply tu

H. HACHFKLD Ar Co.,j 402 -- Cm Agents.I


A ri01XTEDBYKIGi:LOVc RK OTI I ER.j of San Franci-c- o A ems for the well known MARINEINS!" RA.IT. COM PAXILS

The .V. 1 . Fltrnix. its.ri 1,000,000.And list' X. Y. Security, twscl 2,000,000.

Are prepared totaki ri-- upon t- - A KfiO. TREASUREand FIl EIO I1TS, to and from all parts of the worldapaiust partial or total from War or Marine hazards, uponthe most favorable terms.

ALSO AGENTS FOR TIIENew England Eifc Iniii'iinrc Coiiipaiif,

Axti l ,0:10.t00.Life risks taken upon the most f.ivnrabie teuus. 479 6in


"Liinltc.l."Capital One Million Pounds.

Head Otncc, Manchester Ruildinis, Livprpnrd.Agents at Honolulu,

N. R. This Company takes rieka on goods only and not onvessels. 4Si fan


OF LONDON.npil E UNDERSIG NED. A G ENTS FOR TH EJl above Comjiany, have recently received instructions to re-

duce the Kateot Premium ou Stone and Rrick Iliiihlinps and onMerchandise stored therein, and are now prepared to issue jioli-ci- es

on more favorable terms than heretofore.Risks taken on Ruildings, Machinery, &c. on Supar Planta-ion- s.

JANIuN, GREEN if Co.,492-l- y Apents.



appointed Apents for the above company, bejr leave to"nform the the public, that they are now prepared to iesueM A R INK INS U R A N C E POLICIESon Cargo, Freight and Treasure., to aud from all parts of theworld.

II. IIACKFELD t CO.Hono'ulu, April 2 ISG2. 464-l- y


JL above Company, have been authorized to insure risks on

CARRO, FREIC.IIT and TREASURE..by COASTERS from Honolulu to all ports of the HawaiianGroup, and vice versa.

471-l- y II. HACKFELD CO.

II A 31 II F R (i 1 1 - II R E 31 E N

FIRE INSURANCE COMPANV.UNDERSIGNED, Apentsof the above ComTMlhZ are prepared to insure risks apainst fire in and

about Honolulu.For particulars apply at the office.

MELCIIERS CO.Hono;ulu Oct. 11.1357. 473-l- y



C apiKiintdl aeuts f r the above Company. bi:p ivc tinform the public that th-.-- arc- now prepared to

MARINE INSURANCE POLICIES ONCiirso'", Frriyht nml Trrniurr.



OFFICE : Southwest corner of Washing-ton and Hattery street.

rfMIE UNDERSIGNED ARE PREPAREDfi to Marine Insurance policies," each beinp respon-

sible for the uia written on the Policies against his own nameonlv. and for himself a:ii not for others or any of them.Jois l'ARROTT, JAMKi Dosahte,Georgk C Jojtsson, William K. Rap.hok.N. Lin: sr.. Jamks Otis.Jamks Ptii-LA- Jamks It. llAf.Giv,Lafavlttk M atn a r.r. J. Mora Mots.

ALDRICH. WALKER &. CO. A (rents.470-l- y Honolulu. U. I.


s estak. l,K,tLr-..- t f- r s.le tn qoar.?i:i'-- to suit pur. haseri by, i;:i: .. I.ll.l'. if. WAUO.lt i H.




i PL NALI L RICE PLANTATION, is ui rcc ipl of

NEW HAWAIIAN RICE!Direct from the Rice Mill, which rill be sold iu uati(itii a tosuit purchasers.

4Sri-3- m II. W. SEVERANCE.


ccived a lot of

INTew fc Improved Tools,PER "DENNIS HRUNDRIT,"

which arc now telnp erected, and U prepared to undertake :inykind of work that may oner, and execute orders with dispatch.He bag also on baud a suitable lot of


I. A K ii K S 1 z i : S II U A iz n I fl i i . s ,Vis : Rollers 4 by 24 inches; Rollers 34 by "0 Inches, and asmaller Mill Roller 24 by 10 inches, to which he invites theattention of Planters.

He has received an assortment of 1- -8 Itit-t- i SHEET1 RON in fine crdur, and is prepared to make SOlKi II U .M

PANS and all the MACHINERY necessary for takinc tfabout one ton Sugar per day in an efficient maimer nt a Miialloutlay.

Sketches given of mode of setting pans, sites of Hue, Smoke" 4S4'4iu' THOMAS HI'GIIK.

Honolulu Iron Works!

Just Received.THE A1IOVE ESTAIILIS HM ENT AAT aud Larye Assortment of

Best Refined Bar Iron !

A L80

On ITancl every deseFi)tion oi'PIPING, STEAM OR WATER COCKS,


And IlverythiiiK applicable to the use- -

of Plantations. 4'J3 Sin



Which thry ofiVr for sale delivered on the Wharf, at verymoderate rates.

N. fl. Incase where there is a short supply of tMm or; boliPR power, fcoin damp wcid, or from ny other entire.

tlie aJaiUon r a lew nunureu oi m.y u me auvC"al a-i- add frrm 25 to 60 per cent to the evaporating power.

The 1ehiuh Coal is eery clean and emohcli-s- and pivej apreat local heat.

Tlu Web;h Coal Rivos more flame and is very clean, huriiintfto a white ash.

The Nnlnaino Coal is smoky and more inclined to clinker,but when supplied In small quantities nt a time and with agood draft fcives more llame than the othrrs.

The undersigned confidently recommend to Fugar Pin liters aTRIM, of a lew tons each of the above, as m ni.inv cises nu

! t f say $10 per day may add Irom 2a to .'a per ceut.J to the daily yield of saar.

ON HAND ami FOR SALE!Ittsl Patent Asphalt UODI'IM,'



4.H-:l- m JANION, GREEN - Co.

JFcuciiig: Wire, IVos. S Aii.SALE II VIOR JANION, GREEN Co.


SlestiBi naiil Blouse Co;iI !


491-3- JANION, GREEN IL. Co.

srii:ij" POIilTITESIAI !"


TOBACCO!Consisting of


Ircpnred Sinokinjr; Tobncco in great variety.JOHS A.VDERSOy'S SOI.ACF..

A Large Assortment of Wooden anl other PIPES.MANILA CIGARS.

Also, by barlt WEiisflci.A Full Assortment of

FANCY CANDIES!Consisting of

FON DAN'S or CREAM CANDV in sre.V. variety


A very fuU assortment of STICK CANDV I

Cominting ofMint, Strawberry, Ranana, Lemon, Clores, Annisette, Cuina

mon. Rose and Winter Green.

Rock Candy, assorfod.MAPLE SUGAR. CANDV !


SOFT SHELL ALMOyiiS, RAISI.S.And a variety cf other thirizs too numerous to mention, all

of which I arn prepared to sell at theVery Lowest Cash Prices.

I am ctr.VantlT receiving FRESH GOODS by theREGULAR PACKETS.


Corner King and Nuuanu streets, opposite UoLinson'ti NewRuiMing. lSy Cm




FIRST CLASS CLIPPER PACKETS- in this line will be dispatched regularly for the

ahove nortrf.Have superior cabin and steerage accommodation filtel

up expressly for the comfort and convenience oi s.and freight taken at the lowest cm rent rate-Aptl- y


Mesrj. CHAS. V- - BROOK? A Co., San Fnt.ci-c- o.

;y Mc. RtC HARDS A McCRAC KE-- , rtctSatid

Page 2: 0'lT1ll11TlMrt?T' a · 2015-06-02 · r. jtuer in tUf enliirhtex.e.i city ef Ixnlon. The sor.r ' Wear-ing of the fireeu' is especially revolutionary and ilanjierous. nrcrdinc t the

ccrrr.TKHci a x, .

iATLT.DAr. DECEMZF.X 2, lie:-- .

T:ii tririt ZX C. .Vrray arrivc-- on the 2?--- h brinj-in:- : 3t - t'i.itN to the il.b. and Ea-'t- t .eg-i- a. 13 .Vov.

. !ih Las cr;o of a.-orf- eaer::.d.c recrte'..tr'.r. rot.:so-- i t? , Waiki 4 Co.

Th- - achv.uer .V. ir.77.ya has tca purchased 10 Saasr-rci- i-rj ly Ci;:. Chad!-- ; th !uur-iUf- .l trale, a--dwi.l r-- a 03 ;t nct -- en iLIs port aad the Maker plafa-t- .

n. ;ir -l- ear-l in .a Trancitco oa the 9;h J.ct., b'lt c::.f.j:t.'i'r .-

-; I;vU j rrra.:n?. In I c t --.i'l tn tr.eA---- cy

5 ft. '..r xM ;:. t3 Jay cr lirr cargo -

t f.'tn 1 iv

JrTtnl biln. tT rl'artl tht ft'. Trrl f r hose cr oaV..-- K.-.- ;t rr.wi, and tt,: tsUice id li..-- is raj id:y

llrtwi l l.h,Jj, aa.leit oa lhurit-li- f-- r P.rtU;id.w.'h a carg .f r. mola'-- , pulu. coff-re- , if.

The baric MjUKUt4 mi.l lave 00 Monday lit San lrar.ci.co.The Aarrcia cb; p- -r ship i'airlnjht, to 1 daj out fr,ia

?.3 Franrijcn, and eo route fr China, i eipected to bringnr Star York nv.il A Oct. 10.

Hut to wha.'ers had arrive 1 at San Frarxiio since cur la- -t

pravtuu ft rt, tU; Mercury and Vai.ni. Tt. following U

cm-- i. te Int if New fc2f-- r l mtJiieM arrive! ttcre inc:Uct. 1:

rirarc ........... V) 10.000I.i.i-ktl- t SJrifl....

amiii.t. ....... .. 'JiO 1 i.'-XJ-

('ac&u l't ...... SSO 4.0ian C Jrx.r-- i . . . 4' 8,000

Mrrja I'O 1 i-j-

Il-!- ra rr.o. ...... .V:0Mturj WJ 12.000'anny ........ ... 70") 1J.OOJ

In. ir rr. ........ 200The atave U a so-ail- Bdober tlua we expected to Lear of

r..ruitiDH tiire. though cencray the captaict expretS cucbimatisfctioD with the port of San Fraocico.The thlp Otwju, U about 6,0CO barrels capacity, has been

charfretl at San rraucicw to loud oil at that port fr New Ked- -t

rl, at the rouad ium cf Jli,000. hhe Uke oil at9ceatipr aIUa payable ia curreasy. The rate per ga'.ka here h

10 ceat. mWt la currency.

Thebrk Muttany has been chrtrred to load juaoo atPhiniji IIao-t- . aii.1 may b expected here eu route liom Sjq

The brk M-jnt- ir tllo fju bern bought ia New lyind'tn, andw,:i he mi'.A out aa a whaler: C4. Ilenry Comtock will

rrin her to thU jrt, where Cap t. fhilUpt, Uie of the lath-rrui- e.

tich wa burneil by the Shenandoah, wili Lk com-

mand.Th Ifavvaiiaa h!-3M- Ha Hawaii touched at San Fran-- c

iwa, Nnv. S ( orti-r- , au.1 sailed again for thi prt ott ihc Sen.

f th-- mark-H- , the Aita of N'.jt. 11 iay :

Th oarkct hav bervme excfrulnitTy dull. The interiorilu.aj.'t U in abtryacce until th tain iicpart a itlraulm, anrl

tr.r f:ce of !ht.fact th Jobber do a Tery light biuin..At they cniiuae f,n the lfenlvr, buying only t- - cofuplrie

the ImprtrM fiud tramactiona i:i:l nxire limiurd,and any attempt U presaW would result In terious cuncfsion.Tbe very light tuc i.f p and the cjii furtablc rxmiUon t.fv.t iuerchatt. rr.ablea thetn tu support the jo-iti.- withtpcir.ijir frtitiit- -. The a irtlon a!e or rather the oflVriog,i'i.J.cat'- - t!e tte of atf.ir.. Kice. tir, V an. and oehrr lead-ln- r

artic!- - , fxvlrig ben off-.-rt- and withdrawn in cotinuerjceA the Wi,iv of satiirctcry bid. Iriviifc-ly- . U:e trauactiuoaare alio Luiilrd.

Stiaas Inartive, ht atout furtaer rat. aW--i of smallpr:clt of Hawaiian, at price) faupiog froia 8 to 12c: ., theI ittrr figure for b:st quality.

MvLVtin. No iiiiuiry frr.LOC Sa!- - at $6.C0 to $ 7.00 per harn l.

ttL. Lateit NrW Yurk quotation of pperia li $2.20; ahaleoil il.70, and whalebone $U.'iO.

In tte Nr York commercial letter rf the Alia, under daterf Ort. If, we Cbd 4ne interesting itcioa :

The last attramer tx.k fr your port 3oC0 firkins butter, 100r Urd, 1I I'k? codfiith, tl kj4 cheese, 60 bales hops. 12U2 cseol uii. 419 cs tobacco, 6 cs citttr. and a large quantity oftry bo-.t- . he-- a au I othr expresa uj ittrr, tht wholevalued at 1,OOj,SU). TL" ! ipiii-n- U by this route tTi'J


lv increasing, and it U expet-u-i- l th:tt durinir the rw:ll be quite Ure, aod th.it the roujpnny wilt he obliged tu runtht tr v-- fxir tiotes.per

In the interval aince the deVt;:re.f the ste,mer our general I

inarkvka have txrii nsi.ler4bly rxcited, oinn to the rapidadvance lit gold, wlh touctied at 14'J yerierday. The (lor-rrmiie- nt.

however, threw about a hfalf loilli n on tl.c mnrk-t- .

Iwhuh caused the prue to recttc to 14(34, at lit;h figure tt.ied.Thrre hs len more activity in th B'u. market, and the i

sa.Ie of fleece have been Urge at 67 75c for Ohi'i. The ,e- -maud is mt!y from manufacturers, and the prices obtain-,- ! j

re s liitle high. r. W ool clost d nvr Crmly particularly tor the tfiner grvles. which are scarce. The sales here include 100,000!b. Cat fomia at 3&338c.

Fork has brea very active and price have advanced under aspreolaXive drmind. Sale of new mess at 37 62, closinga: 37. IUef iu fur demand at full prices.

V rn le U:U remaip quiet thoucb the greut feature cf the mai-k- -t

U the anle o( 5.00O barrel j of Rpe.riii. at Sw Bedioru, furextort to lund'i. at 2.1 2i per ralion.

In Kluk o.l uctiiliig Im.s hka done.Linsetd od U Wur, closing at $1 CO per gnll-- n. Petroleum

! h'hr ant la.K parchae cf refined have Iwen icaiJ :orfa'er-- - Tie maiket eP.-a- . Crro at 40c for crude,eft Ci f.r la bet J, at--d S..CS4c for free.

Io..i.,i.i Li.i..ii. As a io.ll kf the ti:t of Ffwf

Aa-n- t- - l;rud. it is stated that Tt troi-u- in hat been dccv-re-- 1

ir. the pruvu.ee cf Ji j 'J tn that Etup'te. Agis.l: waseouident toing there that coal oil f rtratijns existed laCrjiil. arrl Lis pre-luti'.- a Lite Vwn ver.itd. It cfhow m-ic- litul' arc the visits cf c.ectia? Men to new andunexplored cccktrtr. Trf. Whtluty's tour ar.d tnvesi.igatioi.stn Cr ilf' mi resuUerl it Uie discovery cf coal mi a and otheric'aera pi'.ducl,, ttrf.re uatoosa thie.

jlviTAivi' Ao.oi.rf the n w agricultural products i f C.Ufer-i.l- t

we notice that mustard it considerable attei.tkn.Tt.e pli.t yrows wilJ, but a here it receives even the mt.ruinl.-ren- l cultivation, tl yields a birge cr-- p whi.-- pays

profit, more particularly iu the Southera parts ofthe Plate. The extent 4 the buitxsa may be inferred frotnthe fact that in Santa Cruz, one firm employs six white menacd twenty Chime, and tas harvested fifteen hundred racksof mustard seed, worth in Sau Francisco three cents a pound.It is stated that California mustard commands a higher pricethan any other kind, en account of its pungency. Mustard isvery easily grown, and why may it not be profitably raised intheie for exwrt ?

CorTos I'cTits. A correspondent rends the following criti-cism on the proposed American export duty on raw cotton, asreferred b by us last week :

Ms. Editor: The plan suggested in your Lift issue f. rproviding for the interest 00 the national debt by an exportdaty oa cotton, might be a very easy and popular mode of j

providing for that heavy claim on tke national treasury, wire I

it feasible; but that it is clearly unconstitutional, is evidentfrom Article 5. Section IX of the Constituti.'u of the United j

Slates, which reads : j

"So tax or duty shall be laid on articles exporfej from any jState. So preference shall be given by any regulation of orm-mer- ce

or revenue to the ports of one State over those of another: j

nor shall Vessels bound to or frm one State be obliged to enter, iclear or pay duties in another.Ia harmony with this provision cf ibe Constitution you will ;

find, that a drawback is allowed on all American productsj

exported, equal the internal revenue tax which they mayhave paid. Yours, Vc., Mekcatcr.

KcvAkiLS. TLe above quoted section tf the Constilutioacertainly appears to prohibit any tax whatever being imposedoa goods or articles exported from "'any Stat;" and yet, byreferring to the internal revenue act, Sectioa 118, we find thefoiiowlug provision relating to the drawbacks on exported pro-- d

acts :

And be tt farther enacted. That from and after the date&n which this act takra effect, there shall be an allowance crdrawback on all article on which any internal doty or taxfto. j.me ieeu pain, (j-ccp-i or munnjaciHrta cotton,equal in amount to the duty or tax paid therein, and 110 more, j

when exported, Jfce. j

This explicitly excepts raw cotton, which now paya an in-

ternal revenue tax of one half cent per pound, which, asIt is not allowed ti be returned on exportation, becomesprcticat:y an export duty. If It is constitutional to tax c

half a cent a pcind, when exported, is it any the less so totax it Id crnts a pound f


Ch!co baj grown fif.een million of dollars richer wittiu a j

year.An Kcfli-- h iron mill has tr.ade a heet of iron so thin tiiat it

reiu res t.f.O sheels to make ua inch iu th.cku. as !

In one of the New England p.a f.ictorira lv .fuO of thoseos-f- ul hctie things are made, paiwred and packed every hour.

To certain the value of preer-back- s it i simpiy tuo:uy l

ta divide 10,0.-- by the price ol Rold. an.1 Wlil "ethe value cf greenbacks to the smallest

Over 600 sca-irri- n vessels belonpn? to citirecs cf the lnitedtaU-a-. lve been ild to suV jects of Orrat Hntuin during the

wr. M- -i of ether countries have also bought American shipsia Lare numl-ers- . arnl it is estimated that a thousand ve.-c-ls

have ef-- n tran-ferie- .1 ia ail.Sovotta h turned oat abont $ fiO.00O.oe0 in bullion, and is

riosr nearly annually. Bishop Simpson, ..nvincei that our resources are sufficient to pay off acat onl delt f twenty billions, pre-et- it each retorned sohiiervf the loi.'ri wi.h a silver musket, and then plate all our warvetaeL with silvrr thicker than they are now aheathej withiron. It is certain that wir orea are inexhaustible, an.l that

lie silver m'ning ia the United States is in its early infancy.ticrowDER. A very interestm discovery baa been made in

reUtion to (runj-cw.Ier- . It is that it may be io.-- x ,;.- -ve cr sxpt'sive at will. A powder composed of eround pIhj-- s

fa aixrd with the icunpowder in proportion of four to one. !

When the mixtare is iocomu'tible. a red hot poker, marches,favs, etc., fid to cake itespiosive. At a trial ia New York,a kef of this mixture placed on a portable furnace resulted intie lorn.ni cf the ke a:td the evtir.g-uiihir.en- t of th.e fire bvth. !erate-- l pewJer. The gl.i may be rci ii'y ifred ande'i' explisive of the powder restored. Th.s d.scoverywill, ,t a r.pp-jsd- . h-- w a reut rff ct in reducing the co-- t f

pj JT, ty r iairmg all c( stonrj; and haal.u ? Th.'s s! J cat.ufsrturw i3 li cect per ft . atd tLe price 7x.a 1.

Zf iiSerere is the r.sk and expense vf Laudi.r.p- - The ro- -i effeti3S is i li per ton. anJ th--t of m.xir.y and aiftinir re-x- t to

fir.: if. It u.iy Vitrl that if n.e ghn and iwJcr arer.,..l hi I il t!f. flfr l re ru, .1 . rrdi.l!i. r.o

t.l-- . Jit.i

lip1 Mail.i:: c Kr. ;c j pr Mj-Jntk'- oc McLd.y, Itc. 1

f'.i H::u . Ail..-..- ! n M- - :j'!.7


2T Scfcr Mry. N.ka, frn Aa-.Lv,-

t-- A?1 aKl,V ryu auSWalker Co

19-.-- M.hr Ka Mol. Wi.r.;r, frvm H-t- ai.

0 ?'hr Mi Wah i.e. Kuneja. fra Kfi- a1 5chr fcu.rilr.e, Cr:.-- . in.za K' n and Kai llnh Li. Ha- - ll-- f j.a, il, t.f H .:., (cu. Arc

tic, vii.-a-ri iidwi"i, aith U'vt'J Ui' unli.s l.ue.

1K1V KTCKKS.2-- hr Marii la. Il ward, f r Hilo.li-- i :l.r Hrir.c- -. llatfi.ld. f t Hai.aVi.U7 ll'rj alup ir:rii, f'.r NrW I!elford.ili Ata h bark i.'riolc. Jcrnjjn, r crui and Luce.

Am wh "hip Keindeer, Kaynor, fur a cruise.'J A La ah h:p A'Mis'-n- . I'i. r:- -. I r a cruise.

C' Am bark A A M'Jri :?e, Ab.tt, f'-- r I'ortland.1 Am wh ship Gov. Troup. Avhley. f.r a cruiae.1 Am wh ship Jfeephine, Chapman, for a cruise.1 S;hr Manu'Aawai, Marcharst, f r liana A; Kahu'.ui.

1 Am wh tk YiLeyard, Ca.rv:i, f'.r a cruise and h' me.


XT' B-- rk I). C. Murray, tennrtt, rep'.rts Firt twelvedjys had calms and liht airs from South West, with thickclouJy foggy weather; f r th next three days L.id liht win.lifrom the at, aud fur tht: Uet three uays had calms ad lightairs frcta the south West.

IMl'OKTSFrom Has FttaNCi.ico per V. C. Murray, Nov. 29 1 bale

shirts, 1 cs K'assare, 00 bbls beef, Sues sherry, 4141 ft pineplat k. i20O ft pine b.urd. &0 cs ni'2e, 6 pk.-- buckets. J pkjrsbro mi. It cs hardware. 20 kg nails. 3 bxs rivets, IS stovi. 6pir hollow ware, 2 cs sewinj; machine, i pkRS saddlery, WWeapty larrrls, 00 bag rice, 6 bxs opium, 216 scks potatoes. 2cs red wine. 1 bdl lead pipe, 16C0 scks and 2 bbls flour, lug scksa.iddhu, 94 ba and 1 ton oats, 13 cs cracker, 2 cs cheese,3 kegs mackerel. 1 bbl hams, 3 cs salmon. 20 cs oysters, 27 bxsapple. S cs onloni, 1 ca crockery, 13 cs tobacco. 2 bu?Ky. 1

iron safe, 2 pes chain cable, 2 iron shackles, 2uO bbla lime, 800MIS shingles, 31.S0O bricks, 0200 ft boards, 7 cs linseed oil, ISI. white lend, ZO bars and 2 bdls te.-l- , CO nests tubs, 1 csbooks, 61 coils rx-e- , 1 ok press, 1 cs ci nch rings, 2 circulartut, 4 pks groceries, X kg whisky.

From Ss Faa.ncisco per II. N. Rupgles, to arrive 10 bxsapples, 20 bbls beef, 4 sks bran, 117 c bread, 1 carriage seat,b sks cotton seed, 2 cs anil 1 bbl drugs 11 cs and 2 bales dryRoudt, 104 qr sks flour, K pkgs hardware. 3 cs hanlware, 17pkfs Kr'JCetie. 2C Ulis hot.p iron, 45 sks oiiioi.s, 200 rk pota-toes. 100 mats rice. 6 pkg saddlery, 'M cs sewinj; machines, 11C stationery, 10 bbls whiting.

KXl'OKTS.F-- a Nrw B ikhd per I'.I.-mi- . Nov. 2" M'J pkifs (lait.Sid

gnU) whale oil. C03 bills (73,C'JS II s) wh il. boi,e, 27 I Ids suih. 5kegs sugar, 35 Imi;s coffee, 1 box curiosities, 512 hides, 110bdN Koatskiu.S 7 pkcS copper, 4 bbls I e.-f- . 1 c-- shells. 11 bblsand 7 bags bread. Value transhipjitd. $l2i.714 lj liomesticI'roduce, JS.105 82; Foreign I'roduee. 207

Fob I'oktlsno per A. A. F.ldridpe, Nov. 30 1.9S3 pkgs(22S.0 lbs) su'ar, 75 bbls 2,OM gals) niohises, 120 bats(12,000 Ibi) rice, 55 bajr 5.177 U) coffee. 'J kt-c- s (7Si H.h) t a,

'60 baUw pJlu Value ol D0111. Prod., $21,291 ZH.

For N bW 1:.ik.ki mt Arctic, Nov. 24 S3:! pks (i.i,402paU) whale oil, 3S pkt-- i (6.00a jriils ; frm 1 il. 717 bdls (4,'j:3lUn) whale loue, 24 bbls oliirdi, 13 pkt;s (7st juls) c roariut oil,15 k ps (2.5'Jj l) su,rnr, C bxs bread, 6 bl! beef, 1 koa tuble,2 bbls irk. Value transhipped. $1130ti 02; l'ouieatic I'ro-

duce, 20l 33; FoieiRU 1'ro.luce, 720 2S.


From Sas Fk nc ico ner Th C. Murray. Nov. 23 Mrs AIt ltates, irs J M Taverly, Mrs K O Hall. Mrs Admiral I'eur--

ll. Mia K A Van Cleve, Miss K IVareon, Misl ltea, Mrs J Welch and 4 children, t apt K IVi.ni.v, K it

f c.nith. Chas II Smith, C I. Titd. n, I: Clark, E 1'N aliland. Ah Chuck, J loriiherty 23 cah.n and



At Sea. tou... .. near,r


Sept. 27, to the wife of"

. " 11; V

in f:d.Kinskt Of consumption, nt lihaiimluna, Maui, Nov. 17th,

Mrs. H-l.- -n t. wife of J. It. Kinney of Honolulu, and daughterof Kev. John Se.-ioi- ij of Oakland, California.

1jthe PACinc

Conunercial AdvcrtLser.


Tlie; Government ha, published, in the lastnumber of its official organ, a rtutcmciit of the j

Th'T.-.:- s uiTeir, which Las been the piincij.l topic j

01 conversation lor the just tlaeo weeks. The !

facts pre.jented by it dj r.e-- i materially ulier the j

merits of the but rather confirm the-- publicin the Uilof already current.' that the whede J

atfair is a di-grt.- ee to the Cabinet. The earry- - j

ing off of the girl Maria was evidently Hot donew ith the intention of violating the laws of theKingdom, and, as she bus been returned, no lawIras been violated ; but it was evidently doneunder a defiance from a party or parties in au-

thority, that Capt. Hanham didn't dare to takeher off.

Had the circumstances of the case been knownat the time the tug was tent out, a9 fully as theyare now known, we do not believe that thesanction of the Government would have beengiven to what has turned out to be the silliestand most Lilliputian demonstration of guns,powder and shot that has ever transpired in thisKingdom. Capt. Hanham rays the expense ofhis part of the sport out of his own pocket, andwere the other to be paid by private purse, noone would have a right to complain. Putagainst the State being called on to pay twothousand dollar?, more or less, we, as tax-payer- s,

protest.Not letw ridiculous than the expedition after the

Thanis was the arraigning of the girl Maria be- -,

fore the Police Judge, and the termination ofthe suit. Kverybody knew who and what ehewas ; but that she should be arraigned for actswhich she had been encouraged in up to a cer-

tain date, was very singular. Never were thewords of the Saviour in a similar case more ap-

plicable than in this 44 Let him that is withoutin cast the first stone." And when the truth

began to come out be'fore his Honor in Court,ami very unwelcome facts began to be madepublic under oath, the whole case was droppedinslanter, the Attorney-Gener- al entering a nolleprosequi, and the Judge sending the girl home.Thus terminated the second scene in the farce.

The official account does not tell the wholeitory truthfully. It docs not state that theXtttic, armed as a gunboat, With guns and bul- -

dierd on lard, raised the American flag as aJccoy, at Hilo, to deceive the Tlnmit and enticeher into that port. W what right was theAmerican flag used for the shameful purposedicated? The aceouut savs that if the yetiehad been able to run out to sea, the Themis4 would thou have been at the mercy of theforce under his command." With the Ameri-

can dag flying at tho masthead, perhaps shewould. We are not very skilled in international j

law, but r. looks as if considerable liberty hadbeen taken with the American flag on the occa-

sion referred to. We condemn the rebel iratesfor hoisting the American flag as a decoy when- -

.VVIT illt'j iiiv, ki .URU.aii tn-rr- i ma uil 'tv'anv lev ia this case?

The orn claims that the channel. hetwecncthe islandn 44 are within the jurisdiction of thisGovernment," when any school-Ui- y will tell itthey are not. The Themis, at 5 P. M. of thelUth of November, when the tug came up withher, lay in a direct line between Diamond Headand Lanai, about fifteen mile from the nearestland, accivi dine t. cur inform tti'di, but r,.c."rd- - 1

iir. Cap.t it Was alout twelve tUiles.

j XvW, io GoVtf!.ui.n; can tlami juri-Jictio- n i

I viw marine kaSae. or three mil?, the; cstai-li-he- distance tluit u cannu Kali may he; thrown. Striiits nut over six 7ults in width, the! land on both fidce cf which is owned hy one: power, are in setae caea claimed tor territcrialj jurisdiction, and by trc-nt- stipulation allowed ;

I bat the rizht ha3 been conceded in onlv twoj instances-Denm- ark ccntrol of the entrance toi the Baltic Sea and Turkey's jurisiicticn overi the Drtrdcinclks. Vattel di-tinc- tly ttates that if! Kokand owned b.th shorts t.f the i:rait of Gib

raltar, and the entrance were only sixinih-- wide,the Straits would still hi a live channel. Theclaim that this (uivc-rnmen- t hold jurisdictionover all the f a lying between the various islandswould be ridicuh-- d by the expounders of English,French or German international law. Our ju-

risdiction extends three miles from shore aruundeaclt the rest is the public highway furforeign commerce, unless ceded to us by facialtreaty.

Tlie CTltliYti 31all .steamers.Ocr readers are aware that there has leen

some doubt as to whether the new line of Chinasteamers would touch at Honolulu both in goingto and returning from China. The AmericanMinister Iietident, Dr. M'lJride, has receivedby the last mail letters from Washington, whichsettle the question, go far as the contract andthe American Government are concerned. Weare permitted to copy the letters, and insertthem below :

Dkpirtmest of State, IWashington, bept. 25, 1S65. y

To J.imts McDride, Esq , tfC, 4c, 4'C-- t tlaa tiiian Islands.Sih : Y'our despatch No. 63, of July 12th, 1S65, has been

received and submitted to the consideration of the l'os:cmstergeneral, whose reply, under date of the 23d instant, I trat-i-tn- it

for your information.You wiii perceive that the subject to which you have invited

my attention has been fully met by the I'ost office liepartmentiu its contract with the 1'aciflc Mail Steamship Ccuimny, torcarrying the mails from San Francisco to China and Japnn,under the act of Congress, approved, February 17th, 1S05.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,WlLi.ua II. SWii.i.

I'OST OFFirBWashington, Sept. 23, 1SC5.

Hun. H'm. II. Seu-nrJ- , Stcrtt'iry of State.S.R: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your

letter of the 22d in-- t , enclosing copy of a despatch So. 5i. ofJuly 12, 1SC5, received fn m James McL'ride, Ksquire, MinisterResident of the United States tj the Hawaiian relativeto the muil rte iinnhip to Jap;tn and e"hin:, authorizedby ai't f Congress, approved Feb. 17, 1S65; and to inform youin reply that the act in question authorizes the establishment of" mil fte:ini-.h- i service between the port of Sui Francisco inthe t'nited tile and home port or rts in the Chinese Umpire,t uchiuir at Honolulu in the Sandwich Island, and one ormore ports in Japan, Ac; which has always been construed 'by this Lrepartment as requiring the steamships to touch atHonolulu to land anil receive mails, both on the inward andoutward passages; and the correspondence which passed be-tween the 1'aciQc Mail StcamMiip Co. and this iHpartmeiit

they submitted a protoal for the required service, showsthat the requireniL-nt- of the act of Feb. 17, 1SC5, were so un-derstood by that Company. Moreover, the proposal of thenaid Company, which h.is been accepted by the I 'op tin astertleneral, designates the terminal and intermediate ports of theroute, in the 'ollowing words, viz:

"The terminal port in the Chinee Kinpirc to be Hong. Kong.The steamships to touch, outward and homeward, to laud milreceive mails, at the port of Honolulu in the Sandwich Inlands,

. . . . .I .1... t - : 1,.tutr mil. i rvaii.tAva. iu an.

i nave me nonor to request mat you win please cause tinsexplanation to be communicated to Mr. Mcltride at Honolulu, i

I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,W. llESStgOX.

The Postmaster-Genera- l, who made the con- -

tract with the company, understandsthat the vessels are to touch here both ways, andthe extract given from the contract clearly callsfor it. Put the stoppage at Honolulu, is simplyfor mails and passengers. Freight will probably i

not bo taken either way between this port andSan Franciseo by the China steamers, unless it I


be light and fast freight. For that we musthave the proposed propeller line.

The New Yoik papers lcee'vcd by the lastmail publish a list ol the veaseld i.ow em Joyedby the Pacific. Mail Steamship Company, whichmay be insetted here :

OS PaCiflC jCi.H.Kejriati'ied Carpeiit.n'a

.Vrtine of iteuuieia. Tunnaec--. Mcaiiieir.er.:Constitution ........... .... 3.375 side- - hee-- l 4.CC0tl ! h n City 2 50 sid.-wh"- Cl 4.7t7Coionilo ... 3.64S sides-whee- l 4,o4SCIHineiilO. i'.f ; ide-wie- ei O.oVdcldon Aje , .. .l.oTo side-whe-

rl. Iuis ... l.TTv! ii.K'-he.t J 06i. . . .1,161 tido-whe- fl 20i;

Cnele Sam . . . 1.4il4 sine-v'he- 1.912C ilit'oruiii . . . . 1 it.) side wheel 1.410T..Io-- sender). i'.Ou side-- w heel iuU


Athtntic 2. S13 Hiile-wh- c 1 3.7i3Baltic U.7i5 side-wh- 1 ;:,r.:uHenry Chauncey . ... . 2.(.V7 si.Montana ............ ....... . .2.077 side-whe- el 3.570Arizona. . ........... 2,794 side w heel 3.75Mariposa... 1.S9 propeller 1,451Monterey 1.0.;7 projieller 1 4u;;Senat'-- hOO propeller l,0t;7tVean tjueen... 2.715 si.le-whe- li.riJONew York 2.1 17 side-whe- el 2.SU3Cost Kiea .......... 1,917 fi.l e wheel 2.557Sorthern Light ....... .2.0.10 side-whe- el 2.742S01 th Star .SG7 side-whe- el 2,490Ariel 1,736 side-whe- 2,315Champion (iron). . . . . 1.4i2 side-whe- el i.y;:u

, building, at out 4.000 feide-whc- Oj'jUO

building, about 4,100 side-whe- 6,oo0For China.


Total TotalRegistered. Measurement.

15 Atlantic Steamers i0.4S2 40.t5orJ10 Pacific Steamers 20.4S-- J 2S,074

2 e'hina Steamers 8.000 10,667

Tonnage 5S.9C5 79.407

A line of French steamships has recently beenestablished between St. Nazaire in France andAspinwall, connecting at Panama with the SanFrancisco steamers and also with the IiritibhSouth American line as far as Valparaiso. St.Nazaire is a comparatively new jrt, selectedby the Kmperor Napoleon as the port of depar-

ture of the Vera Cruz and Aspinwall lines ofsteamships. It is situated on the north side ofthe estuary of the river Loire, near the sea, andabout thirty miles below Nantes. Great im-

provements have been made in the harbor sinceit was determined to make it a port for foreignsteamships, and railroads now connect it withthe principal cities of France.

The steamships leave St. Nazaire on the Oth

of each month, touching at Martinique on the22d, at Saint Martha on the 28th, arriving atAspinwall on the 30th. They leave at Aspin-wall on the 1st of each month, and arrive atSt. Nazaire on the 2Gth. The price of passagein the first cabin is 1100 francs. From St. Na-

zaire to San Francisco it is 1SS7 francs or 74 ;

and from St. Nazaire to Valparaiso 24S3 francaor

From this it will be n-c- that the Isthmus ofPanama is becoming the centre of a large num- -

bcr of steamship lines, and attracting t it arapidly increasing transit conimen-e- . The Liverpool and Aspinwall steamers go full of freight i

and pass-nger-s, and are making fine trips be-- j

twecn those two port, averaging about twentytwo divs. The commerce and travel between '

Panama and Callao and Valparaiso has increased j

s as t compel the company to withdraw all j

its old steamers of lfd0 tuns capacity, ami put i

on vessels of over 3,000 tons. In short, steam i

is revolutionizing" the commerce of central and !


South America, a vast amount of which is now I

transported across the Isthmus of Panama, to j

New York, Liverpool and St. Nazaire. j

jZ??' We are indebted to Capt. Bennett, of thebark Mnrruj f r Lite, foreign tile- - ; nNo to Messr?.C. W. Brooks .v a:, I .1. C. M. irill e i.i-sinila- r

fj'.or- -

T-- ' fSV"s- - S. T


iTi,.k--. Tu.vk-iiTTuvi- : Tiv Tin' Pr iiur.t of

otthe ij'ai,,,! Wi in UCc(.raancv with mI.Ili-L- cuMin. L.i j. iau'd Thvk.-da- y, 1'i'ivmiuT7, a- - u J.iy ol Z.ah-uu- l Thanksgiving. V."- - under- -


--.Uhd iL it aa .;oYh r, v. ill be deliveied .a th.' Tortatroct Ch.ireh. t li o'ilock A M.. ly PresidentAlexander, of runhou Coll.ee. The following' ;

i;.ue has breu receivi-- from the American Mini"- -j

ter. who rccomir.eads tLe ohiei vance of the day.ia uncord .iiiif with the terms of the Proclamation,whh-- will Ke found ainoii-- j thk news items on th?


ne.vt paire : '

Mr. Idntoi: Sut : Having the Proclauia- -

ti..n of the 1'ivsi.leiit .d the I tiited States, appoint-ing tl.e Tth i:it. a- - a d;iy of Thanh-givin- g through-- i

oiit the diked States, and heartily en.hiing thatProclamation as a lair expression of the intelli- -


gence. patrioti-- m and Christianity of our people- - ;

a volume in a nutshell I ask its publication in J

vuur paper; and I hereby re.-ues- t all loyal Ameri- -

can s. and those of other nationalities who sympa- - j

thi.ed vvtih us in the sti'pression of the rebellion, j

to meet at l'ort street Church on the Tth instant, ateleven o'clock A. M., for the purpose set forth in j

the President's Proclamation.Jamks McBhidk.

Cnkvi.y Cooi.ik.s. One day last week, while agang of coolies were at work in the cane-fiel- d ofthe Haiku plantation, they attacked their overseer,Mr. Hitchcock, with hoestud stones, who drew arevolver, and. alter warning them back withouteffect, fired, an hit a laborer in the calf of his leg.Th others, thinking his powder and shot all ex-

pended, rushed at him more furiously than before,when he fired again, the ball simply passingthrough the leg of the pants of another laborer.Not comprehending the secret as to how he couldfire several times from the same pistol withoutstopping to load it. they became frightened,dropped their tools aDd stones and ran off fromthe field. The cause of the disturbance is said tobe this: There are two gangs of laboreis.shipped at different times, and the second demandto be paid oil" when the first are paid. The man-ager, of course, only pays each set at the expira-tion of their separate months. It is unfortunatethat there are no means of communicating withthe new- - coolie laborers save by sign-?- , which is averv indefinite mode.

Tin: Steamku, which has been laid up for abouttwo months, will resume her trips next week. Shehas received very extensive' repairs, and her ma-

chinery has been completely overhauled. If gotready in season, she will make a trial trip toKawaihac on Wednesday next. Ily referring tothe advertisement, it will be seen that the schoon- -

ers Alberut. Omrurd and Annie Laurie will run inconnection with the steamer. The Alberai willserve as a Hilo packet, for which she is welladapted, being large ami a very good sailer. The(hticitrd will rim to Koloa ami Waimea. and theAnnie Laurie will run to Kahului and Maliko. lie-sid- es

these new packets, the 11. A'. liugjles, nowdue from San Francisco, will run to Lahaina andMakena. All these vessels are needed in thecoasting trade.7 J' Captain Hempstead, of the bark Onward,entertained a party of young ladies and gentlemenon board of his vessel on Tuesday eveuing last.What with music, vocal and instrumental, andgames upon the spacious quarter decks, the timepassed pleasantly until nearly ten o'clock, whenthe party were invited into the fine cabin, latelybuilt, where they found the table loaded with a

supply of edibles of every description ;

a goon eup 01 iea or eoueu supplying me pi.teeto often given to wines and spirits. The appear-- !

aui-- of ih cabin and table was vei v creditable tothe m'nth'i.iauly steward, while the want.-- of theguests weie cateially attended to hy his assistants.


Thr Rv-ikk- n Mail. There wuj some apprehen-sion in i'an Fiancicco that the mail steamer of Oct.lu;h or loth was caught in the l.uriiiane whichvpt over the Wc.t Indie.?, on the pas-tap;- ? ft 0111

N.-v- York to Asriiiiv.'all. If she l.-l-t New "lockOct.. Lei 10th. .she ifiii-- t have rouched A-pi- ua all bythe 20th. befoie the hurricane conunenced. If shesail-.- on the ltiih. ho niti-- i hnve encountered ittdf Cuba 01 Jiiinalea. and may have been disabh-d- .

The iutiil was either 2." r '.il da a out. mid hudno! airivt-- at San Francisco up to the evt-nin- ofNov. 1(1. W hope t't receive it by the 7 h ;i .'..now liie.

Mok;an"s Trade Joikwyl. Every businessman should take this most valuable monthly, iffor nothing else, simply to learn of the noveltiesthat appear in every new branch of industry. Not-onl-

is the current juice given of almost everyartiele manufactured, from si pin to a steam en-

gine, but a full description is given of all the new-m- a

lufactures and the improvements in old ones,wlr.ch feature alone makes it very valuable. Mor-

gan Iirothers are agents for the purchase and ship-

ment of any goods wanted, in large and smallquantities, and, when no vessels are up for theforeign port where goods are to be sent, they willforward via other ports as directed.

."ri? It is stated that the U.S. steam frigateLuncasler, the flag-shi- p ol the Pacific squdron,under command of Admiral Pearson, is shortly ex-

pected here. She is one of the finest vessels in theAmerican service, and has a large complement ofofficers and men. and her presence here will aeldto the gaieties of the holiday season.

A.1IOSKEAO 1)iI.11S.4 J FIAI.KS of (Irnuinr A monkras Drniiua,

full weight, and of drk blue color. For sale fry the un-derlined, by the price or bale. T. MOBSMAN i PON.

497-3- 1

X?resli Fsimily JSrcnd.lre.-sil- a Broirn I5re:itl,

Every day and delivered to Order.


Extra Family Flour,QUARTER SACKS,

P i: R D. C . M U R RAY.Fresh Apj'lcs

Smoked SalmonSmoked Beef

Cream CheeseBilling's Hama.


Stone Jars Sultana RaisinsStone Jar9 CurrantsGlass Jars RaisinsGlass Jars CurrantsPreseived Citron.

90 URLS. SALMON, full weight; CH ALF It II LS. SALMON, extra oie;




COCO AN UT OIL.F.-- ! hy


ial at- -.: Fveni:--

.. .: ,. . r t'... ,.'i. i and. :u tJ,.'v are wrll iit- -

t.nded uliJ well p.Uo.,i,'d by the tleet. will prob-ahl- v

which are now nocontinue to the holidays,

at Lole s. andeveningheid h.stfat off. One wu,another takes place this evening M Severance a.

v.e.ulur tu the pail week has been

culm and aitry, and the atmosphere appears

Wo. The month ofKoruthickr-niro- r up for aother of the year, is mb- -

December. nui e than anyand dull, calm wcatner.

j.-- i t to uuth winds

Th. buk Mit'.tnci Af.t willUl In AM' ijoi

sq'.l f..r San Krancio on Monday next, and

the 0,.wnl in all next week for the same port.

Poth vessels will take mails.

Situation Wantedj- - v sTOUK OK ON A PLANTATION.

4 (JEXTLKMAX COXVERSAM wills15 the .spamsh, Italian

497-3- t Fiuquire at the HthNCll CUM-LA1L- .

Lost or Strayed from the Oifiier!

av A BAY M ARE AND HORSE COLT.J,- - The Mare is larked with a oihck tan u uiuur,f i" with a white pot the forehead : the Colt With

' ' white h!nd feet, wli,tt si t iu the forehead runninKdown side of face, and answers to the name of "CHARLEY.Whoever will return the same to me at ray place or business,will be liberally rewarded. JAMES A. BIKPICK,

Esplanade.Honolulu, November 30th, 1S65. 49"'2t"

W- - BENNETT,Boot and Shoe Maker, fffji

Ha removed to the North side of NuuanuSt.,- - V tVabove Love's Bakery.

All Orders entrusted to us will be attended to with neatnesaf.nd dispatch. 497-l- y

Executor's IVoticc.ri'IIK rxilERSICXEl) IX IJEHALP OP1 the Kxeeutors of the W ill of his late Excellency KOBLRT

CKICHTON WYLLIE. late of Honolulu, deceased, herebynotifies all tersons having claims against the Estate of RobertCrichtoii VVyllie to present the same to the undersigned, on orbefore the 1st day of April, A. 1. 1863, and those Indebted tothe estate are requested to make immediate payment.

J. YV. AUSTIN.For Executors of the Will of Robert O. Wyllie.

Honolulu, Nov. 2J, Is05. 4U7-4- t

3f:twaiian IorIt.HY M II. E. KRULL, KAl'ALPACKED to keep. For sale by

El). lloFFfcCHLAKGEU & STATES II ORST.497-2u- i

Tobacco.I 1TTLE SUNSHADE, (i A KIUALDI,IA James lliver 5mokiug Tobacco, in 1 and 6 lbs. packages.

Mayflower, Oronoko,And a variety of other llrauds. A email lot of

II A V A ILST A SEGARS.For sale by




:iN! GIN!CHI EDA.M fJiut Lit de ficnevrr Sto

3 kerij vnn J. T. lteukers. For sale byED. 1IOFFSC11LA EG ER & STAPESHORPT.

497 6t

FRENCH CLARETS.tjT. Jl'I.I EX :Cl I'lantct Canet ;

Chateau Marjruux ;

Chateau Larose.Wai runted For pule by

ED. H0FF3CI1LAFUEU & STAPES 110 KST.497-6- 1


Je'hitiiu;jJe'i(ei-- , and A;maim?haeu3er.tor sale tv




RAGGING.4 M'PEItlOlI ni lick of Ilrwatana', partici. uiuiiy auiipted for Rice. Wool and l'uiu. For sale by497 ot Ei.. HOFrcCtiLAF.iiEK it STAFENHOIlsX.




s:z. s. For pale bv497-C- t ED. HOFFj-CMLAEOE- & STAPENIIORST.

1. T( ITU TkTHE M 11 li I It At IIJ II K


The Following Excellent SelectionOF

FROM BREMEN.Consisting in part as Folloics :

!iy tJx1.sfjU'RKEY RED A X I YELLOW PRINTS.Jt White Shirting, W hite LonKfold Sheetinp.

Ilrown Irill. ltrown Cotton, nine lJrill, lllue Cotton,I!ed Tickings, Ienim, Cotton Pant Stuff.Plain Llack Alpaca, Colored Alpnca. Cotton Valvet,White and Pink Flannel, Fancy Pongee Handkerchiefs,lllue and Rlack llroadcloth, Cashmeres.

Clothing, Ifsit.sFrench Shirts, Fancy Shirts', Linen Rosom Shirts,l.incn Shirts. Hickory Shirt-- , lllue Serge Shirta,Pilot Pant. Pea Jackets, Plue and Iliwck Cloth Pant,P.uckkin Pants, Fustian Pants, Irill Pants,Molokin Pants, ltlark Alpaca Sack Coata,Rr.yal Sack Coats, .ephir Sack Coats, French Felt Hats,Straw H:it", Cloth Caps, Glazed Caps. Suspenders,L:idie-i- ' Ho-:- , ltrown Cotton socks, Fancy Soe k.

Cutlery ;aul lff:trlvstre.r.utcher knives, Clnp knives. Pocket and penknives,Scias-ira- . pish hook. Sa files, Kouen pots,Teakettlea. Skimmer, Gunpwder,Enameled ccokn.c pot and frying pans,Lead piper, Fencing wire.

Oroccries.Pearl barley, Oatgrit, Si lit peas. Adamant candles.

jYuvuI Stores.Hemp rope, Manila rop. Fpunyarn, Murline, Housinc,Hemp Canvass, Rufs, Kuvi-n- a duck. Linseed oil,Spirits of Turpentine, Od paint-!- , Stockholm Sar.

Sundries,Ii!anV"ta, blue, white and scarlet; P.url.ips, Rice bags,Horse rope. Linen thread, F.njfiish saddles,Shre "trini;, French shoe-s- , Slipj-r- , Hair cloth,Pliyiu cards, Silk uralre!l.is. Cotton unihre'.las,Jlack filk ribt-on- . Silk veils. Kid gloves, Neek ties.Looking Toiie-- t soap, Mac'aysar oil. Ruff Combs,Ruckles, Woolen stockings andCr.Wed printing paper, Wraj.pins paper. Wall paper.Tumblers, Water filters, CUy pipes, Corks, Itirch brooms.



Ed. Uoltschlncgcr k Stapenhorst.437--

iVotice.A LL PERSONS ARE WARNED A GAINST3Ji harboring my wite M.VK.A, iiinler penalty of prosecution,i to iiw. i a. ni r.r.t f nv aay .tecta of her contracting.?l ,t. Ha VKSS

TVot iot; to JT.leclopQ !

District of Honolulu, Itona, Oahu.

I,L. PERSONS PKSIK017R OF QUA 1,1.4 .... r,,r th,, C)MlNli l.LtC-- I IOWi of KeprUfntativW to the Legislative Assembly, in conformity! wah Sec. 1 of an Act regarding the qaahficat.on of

and the Not:ce cf Ilia Bxci-llenc- the Miuistcr of i iimnce, put- -

notified that th- - Alphabetic List, provided tor by S.y . t:huthe above men-io-

n Act, wili beclosed oa the 19ih day of Decern

ber instant. l-- LV,Ta Uccolulu.

OfEi-e- , 27 SoTeuber, 1S65. ill 6t





(Basement Montgomery Blcck,)

Sail Francisco. 4)7 Cm

Hawaiian Steam-- ASP-


TIic SteamerA..

KiLAU EM'Will leave Honolulu

On MONDAY, - - December 11,AT HALF-PAS- T FOUR. O'CLOCK, P. M.,




K AILUA, KEALAKEAKUA.Kcturiiiii? Saturday Jloriiiiiff

and leaving again every Monday for FiveWeeks after.

N. B. The "KILATJEA" will in all probability make a

TRIAL T R 1 1 to all the ports as far as

Leaving on

Wednesday next, Dec. G, at 4-- V P. M.KETURSINO-rii- E NEXT SATURDAY MORNING.

Rates of Passage as before, but Meals irill lecharged at the rate of Fifty Cents per Mtal.

The Company's Fine Hawaiian Schooner

.A11d e rni,D A LY R M I I, E ---- --- Mnstrr.Will leave Honolulu


Going and returning,

On Monday next, the 4th inot.,AT FOUR 0 CLOCK, P. M.,

And will be kept ia the Trade. This re?ol is netr, Just oop-pcr- ed

and 160 tons reg-ster-, with a very comfortable c iidi on

decv, and offers a very desirable opportunity for cabin am)deck passengers.

The Company's Tine Svhooner

ANNIE LAURIE,Which has jjat had a thcriufli overhaul will run regularly

as a packet to

KOILOA Ali WAI.lilEA,Until superseded by their fine new schooner

& Onw a,x cl ,Now beins coppered, when the .f.YA'f' LAURIE. Will ba

put on to the KAHl'LUl and Windward .l Maui route.This Company offers to Planters or their amenta an interest

in any one of the sailing schooners up to half or even a coo-trolli-

interest if reqnired, a they wb-- to make the interestof the Company and of the Planters identical, and they pro-pose to own only first class vessels, well found, properlycommanded, and vessels which they can insure on reasonableterms.

For further information and particulars, apply toJ ANION. GKKEN & Co.,

Agents H. S. and O. I. I. N. Co.



New Clear Lake Cheese


Assorted Meat in tinsSmoked BeefSmoked SalmonVery Fine Double Strength VinegarMalaga Raisins. ,4, and i boxwDairy Salt

Assorted California Crackers I

McMurray's Oysters, 1 and 2 lb tins.Assorted California FruitsMaccaroni and Vermicelli.

for sale nrS. SAVIDGE.


ran sale 11 y435-o- t S. SAVIDGE.




Port on or about October 10, with a complete astorUmeut of


HOOP IRON, &c, fr..Which will be offered for sale on receipt of Invoices andSample..

49i 6t H. HACKFELD ; Co.

Exchange on New Bedford !




hi'.'.i Ailack.mith Shop with a completr set of Tools,.1.1 a K , ; 1 . . ., 1 1 . ,

..,ioB umi n a out silica can wImeasily be med as a Carpenter 9hop, and a Iwe:ii3r, House to..miiii a. v v. K ri.r i.A go.i ULACKSM1TU and a CARPKNTEP. or

UiUIIT Oiu find ry j,jp! inr toS. .'J

"! ? Cr ."HAilL'I LitOTUEir-5- -






Page 3: 0'lT1ll11TlMrt?T' a · 2015-06-02 · r. jtuer in tUf enliirhtex.e.i city ef Ixnlon. The sor.r ' Wear-ing of the fireeu' is especially revolutionary and ilanjierous. nrcrdinc t the

iiv J. ii. roLi:,

0n?.hrL : M..-Jr 7'l

A. ' AS SOU TMEJVT O Fyi. erchandise !

White Cotton, Woolen Stockings,Children Shoes. Tiue Hlue Flannel Salts

And a Variety of Sundries.


I. ROIilXSO.V, Commandrr.Will sail as above on Monday, Dec. 4.

For freight cr pag 'p'j totUZt II. IIACKFF.LDfcCo.

FOR HONGKONG!T!ie Fine A 1 Clipper Ship

M H'airligh.t !BI'SH. Coiuinnudrr.

Hourly Expected from San Francisco,Will Have Dispatch for the above Port.

For Freight or paMAge, hiring superior accoma3od.iUona,f,ply to

97-- 2t ALDR1CII. WALKER, fc Co.


H Asnes! &SIEDKMlURf;, Matr.

moot itt hrr Crjro already oa board, will havei L IC K MSPA TCU fr the above port.

For fieigbt apply t--j


Hnivniinii Pitclcct IineFOIL


M O nward MD. Ilfcl.Mi'NTKAIJ, Cttuimnnilrr.

Thi Tfmel wtil fcv iiumr dUte dispatch frr the alve port.For freight or r..nsaiv having up?rIor accommodations for

cibla ajt.l aietrae passengers.Apply to

ALDRICH, WALKER & Co.Agents at S-i- Franeitcn,

Men. CH A3. V BKOiKS If Co.

f o n neWeid f oiiT.The A 1 Hawaiian Itark

Hokuloa,12. WIL.IIEL.MI. CaiHtuunder.

Hiving th greater part t Jier cargo ttriiJ, will bTeqack J:(U-b-. fr tUt above port.

Fr freight of passage apply toMKI.CIIEU3 & Co.

for iuti:iii:.C6 A .1. 5'OPE!"

VpT.I taT diitcU toe tbe tUxc port. Fcr j!;Li cr

J0 st


Auniiean Clipper bhip

y A. M. Xiatirence,&CorUy x?c.-l- c 1 ffoui 3aa rmtio. wiil for

io ahor. pr.rr.tor frnUt rr pf apply to

II. It CiIFKLD 4 Co.

SPKIMl A.I) wis vi.i: Oil,.HlVST lM LV (IV HAND iin.l FOR SALE

th f-IJ- HARREl. or HAI.iAty at4 St 3m tttLLES & Co'.


TCT--I LAU CLAKIFII.r. rr HKATKR, li ft longONE DISK PAN for Molauts, with Engine, coir.plcte.

Apply to49t-li- a ALrRICII. WALKER t Co.

JlP o I Sale!TIIK r.N'DKR.SIU.NKn. Oirrs fTZr4for hl pti at KKWVKWAI, contAia- - gzgf

a a.u acr9 rK i.ni wr riicurM-ii- . miiiitrx- - HteMAMblf wooded, within & tuil of Kawmhae amili m!le of Ki.halii plantation; toother with one hundred headtame M:t Cattle snd 11 the for carrying oa theUV.ry buine. a at pr--nt- . Title Perfect.

For furt!.r iirormattot apply tL. li. LINCOLN, Kawaihae.

433-3- Or V. F. ALLEN', Esq., Ilonclultt.

Tux Collector's IVotice !FOR THE

District of Honolulu. Kona, Oahu.raiHF. OFF1CR FOR THE COLLECTION

E of TAXES ia th nhove district will be opened everyW E l X KS l V and S ATI K O A V from this date atthe ROdi SUPERVISOR'S OfflCf, Aicnut," MarineStreet, o;ipoiie the Honolulu Iron Work.

OEO. II. LUCE, Tax Collector. Kona.NoTf-iufce- Ilth. ltc:5. 491 3m


th-- l- pid t.rraptly. will pleaae hand them in to theoa ITJ.nfrd oa r lefurr fie list wk of each month.

C11AS. THOS. O CLICK.cig 3t Secret-tr- H. F. I'epartmect.





Which they will supply in qu.intitin of On Tou or raore atVery Low Rnten.


Tramwav Iron, 1 3--lrx:l- -4r

"hi-- h will le dtUrrre-- PRILLFD at a Iiw Price per pound


About 2000 Running Feet T RAILS I

144 TounJa to the Foot.


INCH SHEET IRON, nil aizeatBOILER PLATES.HOMOGENEOUS IRON, very .uprriartANGLE IRON, uaaorted aixeatHALF KOlMl IRON,KoV SHAFTING up i- - K 1- -2 Inch.


JaaiGiij Grcezi S. Cc.

my ii. w. severance.


This (Saturday) Evening


AT 7 O'CLOCK. WILL JiE SOLDA Large a nil Elegant Assortment


FANCY DRY GOODS!11. i ii o ii Goods,

Of various descriptions.

Dolls A: Fancy Articles !WALKING CANES,



EXTRACTS.lOO Volumes 33ooks.


LAMPS, VASES,Photographic Albums.

Ai.c, 4Le, let, Aic.

At Seven O'clock, This Evening!

HOLTSi:iIOL,l IIKAITURE--A.t .Auctioii!

On Monday, December 11,AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. M.,

AT TIIK RESI1IKNCU OP Ma. IIAll.V,Corner of Kukui nnd Nuuanu Streets.

fViil be sold att the

XloiiMeliolcl lixinitiTie IConsisting cf

HrJi'.eid,. IW.liotf, Tahlei. Chair.ll.iiVHUi, Lounges, KleRant French Window Curtain,IJwu Table Cloths. Napkins, Crockery and U las ware,

KITCIIC.V I'l'llMTlKE.Fifty Feet Hoar. 4:e.. if.


4931 MILCHKRS If Co.



M. pilroaage of ir.c citie..? Itcno'.uia and of thtf iiaadgueraUj-- . would cao.i rep.ifau cll lL'-i- r 'tpntion to our

Large and Well Selected Stock-- OF

Consisting in put of

A Complete Assortment of Spices.ASSORTED PRESERVES, fail

Iresli Preserved Fruits,Sue L a

Rapherrie, CLvLlx rrif?.liort!cberri-e- , blurb. rr!ot,

LiltillJOl O

EuttincJif Co's ashtd. Fruits ia Syrop.WINE, MILK. SODA AND PICNIC CRACKER3.




jp rosj yrt x oat ax 1 I r o n. d. !





Choice Variety of Teas!For Family, Restaurant and Ship'o uae.


Preston and Merrill's Extracts, assorted.

Jot.es Extracts, Purnett' Extract?,Layer Ratins. Jar itu,

Currants In jars.Coxes Pembroke Table Slt, 20 lb Pags Dairy Salt.

PickleJ SalmoD, half barrels;Smoked Salmon, Spked Salmon. 1 anl lb tins;

Fresh Salmon, 1 lb tins;Ijbs:ers, Clams,

Quabaugs, Sardines, Oysters


OATS. BRAJ BARLEY. COR. WHEAT.Can-awa- Seed, Sago,

Pearl Barley, Tapioca,Pearl Starch. Corn Starch,

Farina. Preserved Citron,Trancs, Ketchups, Sauces.

scaled herrings:English Pie Fruits, English Tickles,

Preston's Chocolate and Cocoa.Best French Vanilla Chocolate.

Water DuckeU, Hinsuaui Duckets,

?Tah Tubs, Market Bskct.Flour Seives, Brooms, Whik Prushcs.

KEROSENE AND COCOAM'T OIL!Cider Viae gar. Syrup, Molasses,

New Hops, Dried Peaches,Dried Apples, Date.


Green Apple,Dried Beef,

Smoked Salmon,Hilling's Hams.




J?cr 33ark " AVliistler. 5 9

N. Ii. iVuiid Orders respectfully Sohcted.

MiCDI.ErS i Cu.

TII12 PAOiriOCommercial Advertiser.


French ExpOHltJon of nwliery.The present Emperor cf 1 race ii? famous for

criginaiing gigantic schec&ea of one kind cranother ; and a talismanic na:e hus, thus far,eered to tbrow around every enterprioe of his,&t least in the eyes of hia eubj'-cta- , eotce eclat,vhethcr iaeritt--d or not. At one time it is aforeign colonization scheme or a plan fur territorial aggrandizement ; at another the artsof are glorified ; hut always lie am-

bitious of initiating or forwarding beneficententerprise s for the good of hia people, and at thesame time keeping in view the strengthening ofbin pofeition and the adding of lustre to the nameof Napoleon.

The latent project of the kind we have seeni.-- j bhaJowed forth in a circular, kindly furnishedus by Mona. Deenoycrs, Commissioner and Con-

sul of France at this port, and issued, with ier-lui.ssi-on

of tlie French ( Jovernment, by a Sei-entif- ic

Society of Areachon," for the purposeof inaugurating an Exposition of Fishery andAquaculture," (the culture of everything usefulin water,) at the liaain d'Arcachon, to Wopened in July, lbCC, and to last not less thanone nor more than three months.

Areachon is selected because of the perfectionthe science of pisciculture baa attained there,also for its agreeableness and its favorable loca-

tion for communicating with all parts of Franceby eea or rail. The celebrated Basin of Area-

chon is situated on the eea, a little south ofwest from Bordeaux, not at the mouth of theGaronne, but among a labyrinth of inlets atthe embouchure of the little river Legre, and is

connected with Bordeaux by rail, and fromthere with all southern France by rail as far asToulon, and with northern France by the samemeans through Angoulerae, Poitiers, Tours,Orleans and Paris. Areachon has no equal innatural means of producing fish. Besides theopen sea and bays, it posHesi-e- s salt- - and fresh-

water ponds, lakes, rivers and streamlets inbewildering multitude.

The object of the Exhibition is to collect andarrange for use every species of informationconnected w ith fishery and aquaculture, and toclaim, at the ' Exposition Universelle," to beheld in Paris in the summer of 18G7, a specialdepartment for it there as one of the great in-

dustries of France and the world. The circularfctates that nothing of the kind ever yet gainedentrance at the "World Exhibitions, save somefish-ne- ts and lines at London in 1802. Thecircular states that, as yet, we know compar-

atively nothing in regard to the resources of theeea and inland waters as means of human sub-

sistence, and much less in regard to cultivatingand obtaining that wealth.

The science of Aquaculture comprises withinits province every species of useful substancesobtained from water, such as fish, shell, oil,minerals, manure, corals, frogs, limu, aqua--

flora, 5cc, &c. Doubtless all lovers of fish andlimu here will await eagerly the results of thelabors at Areachon.

There is to be an 41 Exhibition of Instrumentscf Fiihcry at Bergen. .Norway, at the same

time, as was formerly done in Holland, and withwhich Societies thn of Areachon is connected.The Fishery part of the Exhibition comprised

every imaginable urticle connected with obtaining tin wealth of the ditp, from a thing-utu-bo- b

and boat model to a steam whaler and equipments, all of vrhich are earnestly solicited, andvvili probably le there; and it will pay ashrewd Yankee whaleiunn to make tho exhibition a visit, as well a$ the cod and maekerclmen, who doubthss will be represented. Thegeneral regulations, comprising forty articlesand a table of twenty clas-sos- , are too lengthyfor insertion in our columns, but it is to behoped the Government organ will insert them,since, by its obstinate persistence against en-

cumbering its columns with advertisements, ithas abundance of space that cannot be betteroccupied. However, any one desiring informa-

tion, can obtain it, no doubt, from the Commis-

sioner of France at this Court.The Ancient Agricultural Inspector and

Imperial Commissioner at the London Exhib-ition," Paul Lacoin, is Director, to whom ad-

dress at Areachon, Department Gironde.

PorcLATio.v or British Citify. The LondonTimes estimates as follows : London, 3.015,494 ;borough of Liverpool, 470,308 : city of Manches-ter, 3."4,930; borough of Salford, 110,833;borough of Birmingham, 327,842; borough ofLeeds, 224,025 ; city of Bristol, 1G1.S09; city ofEdinburg, 174.180; city of Glasgow, 423,723;city of Dublin, 317,006.

A Defense or the Hub." New York papersare very fond of eneer'iDg allusions to Boston as a

provincial city," etc., and lose no opportunity ofbelittling it by comparison with tbe glory and grand-eur of the metropolis. Tbe Post of Saturday la9thas a capital article in retort, which contains a mostamusing mixture of fact and fiction. The Post snya :

The city of New York 19 a tributary toand in a great measure dependent on Bosron

for her pesition and prosperity. One cannot walkher business Mrt-ets- , where her largest firms are loca-te- J,

without noticing that many of our Boston firmshave sent their clerks or junior partners to that cityand established jobbing houses in connection withtbeir wholesale establishments. New York may pro-perly be called tbe retail department of Boston's busi-ness. We applaud thei-- e efforts (to aggrandize theirown cities) of the local press, and only have to saythat Boston, as the hub of the universe, is too secureof ber proud position to feel any emotions but thoseof pleasure at these striviDgs on the part of othercities to rival her."

TnADDEcs Stephens os Reconstruction. Tbevenerable Father of the House" made a speechrecently at Lancaster. Pa , which he said :

National Government should accept the pesition iawhich the S.utbern States placed themselves assevered from the Union," (not constitutionally andrightfully petered, be it observed.) and treat andbell them as conquered territory. If, in spite oftheir rebellion, they are still States urithin the Union,then he maintains that the National Government hasno power to interfere with their domestic institutionor dictate terras of reconstruction. If, on the otherban I, they are regarded as conquered territory,

tbea all things which we can desire to do, followwith logical and legitimate authority. As conqueredterritory. Congress would have full power to legislatefor them; for the territories are not under the Const-itution, except eo far as the express power to governthem is given to Congress. They would be heid in aterritorial condition until they are fit to form stateconstitutions, republican in fact, not in form only,and ak admission into the Union as new states. IfCoogres approve of their constitutions, and thinkthey have done works meet for repentance, theywould be admitted new states. If their constitu-tions are not approved cf, they would be sent back,until they have become wise enough so to purge theiroli laws as to eraJicate every despotic and rcvolution- -ary piiuple utiii! tbty ohall have learavl to vetier-- 1

Me itie Licur.j jo f iuSeice."

LATER FOREIGN NEWS,Cholera in England, Paris and

New York !

Death of Lord Palmerston :

Arucricnn Claiu:ou the British Core rume&Si'ov UiM't by Pirnte Cruii-r- .

Tiiw favorite bark IK C. Murray, of the Ha-

waiian Packet Line, arrived on Wednesday eve-

ning, about 8 o'clock, nineteen days from SanFrancisco. She brings a full cargo and largelist of jAsstngers, but no Eastern mail, as theeteumerthad not yet arrived, though twenty-fiv- e

days out.The clipper ship Fairlight, was to 6ail for

China, Nov. 15, five days after the Mutray, andmay bring our Eastern mails of Oct. 10. Thebark Yhistlrr, hence Oct. 25, had not arrivedover up to the 10th November, and in fact wasnot due until the loth. The United StatesSteamship Saranac, would be due there on the22d of November.

The telegraphic news from Washington is toNov. 9, and from England to Oct. 23, and isquite interring.

The cholera had reached Paris, where 200deaths a day were reported. It is also announcedin Southampton, but the authorities bad takenmeasures to prevent its spread. By the follow-

ing item it appears to have reached New Yorkby one of the European packets :

New York, Nov. 3. Dr. Rurdett, QuarantineSurgeon, reports ten deaths from cholera out offifty or sixty cases on board the Atlanta.

New Yokk. Nov. C. The passng rs of the At-ln7i- ta

have written a letter, stating their disbeliefin the disease on board being the cholera.

The President has designated, by proclamation,Thursday, December 7, as a day of nationalthanksgiving.

proclamation.By ttie President of the I'oited States of America : Whereas,

It has pleased Almighty God, during the year which is nowcoming to an end, to relieve our beloved land from the fearfulwrourgo of civil war, and to permit aud secure the blessings ofpeace, unity and hiirnioiiy, with a creat enlargement of civilliberty; nnd whereas, our Heavenly Father has also during theyear prraclouly averted Iroio us the calamities of foreign war,pestilence and famine, while our pranaries are fu'.l of the fruitsof a Hucoesful reason; and whereas, righteousness exalts a na-tion, while sin is u reproach to uny people; now, therefore, I,Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, do herebyrecommend to the people thereof that they d'i set apart andobserve the first Thursday of December as a day ot nationalthank skiving to the Creator of the Universe for these deliver-ances and blessings; and I do further recommend that the wholepeople make confession of our national sins against His infinitef.''Hlii'3-- s and with one heart Hud one mind implore the Divineguidance in the ways of national virtue ami holiness.

In testimony where f I have hereunto set my baud andcaused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Ione at thecity of Washington, this 2Sth day of October, in the year of ourlioid.one thousand eicht hundred and sixty-fiv- e, and of theindependence of the United States the ninetieth.

Asduew Johnson.Ky the President :

W. II. Seward, Secretary d State.The Andersonville jailor Wirz has been found

guilty of murder, and sentenced to be bung,which probably took place about Nov. 12. Thefollowing refers to him :

A special dispateh to the Tribune, dated the SthNovember, says : All day workmen have been busyerecting the pillows, under the supervision of Provost-

-Marshal Russell, for the execution of AVirz.A curious multitude thronged the. otlices, applyingfor passes to see the execution. The Press will hesupplied, and a few other curious ones will be ad-mitu-

Mr. Schade, in an interview with the Presi-dent, showed six affidavits from Union prisonersimpeaching the testimony of a witness claiming tobe a grandson of Lafayette, asserting he wits acommon Jew from New York. The same witnessswore h? saw Wirz murder men in the stockade.Wirz still maintains an air of sangfroid.

The trial of JelT. Davis ia promised, as it hasbeen f.r vcme time ; but now we have it some-what in. .re definitely. The National Intelligencerannounres that the President had iufct a.ured avisiting delegation that complete arrangementshad been made for the ea,rly nnd legal trial ofDavis according to the laws of the land." Thisunnoun cement was evidently made by authorityf..r the purpose of antagonizing the Chase pro-

position and the accompanying statement of an" iinprefcsion that he will be released."

The HuiW's "pedal dispau h says Chief JusticeChase Las notified the President, that be cannotpreside over the Court for the trial of Jell' Davis inhichmoiid. the leason being there is no regularlyorganized Court ia that city. The President main-tains be cannot he tried at any other place. Tbeimpression is that he will he released. This, wepresume, relates to Jeff Davis. Ens. Alta.

New Yokk. Oct. 31. The steamer Massachusetts.which has just arrived at Philadelphia from KeyWest, reports a tremendous gale on the 22d.Every vessel except the Massachusetts went ashorein the harbor.

The hurricanes which have raged along thewhole Atlantic seaboard during the past week,are the heaviest known for twenty years. Over100 vessels, large and small, so far as reported,were driven ashore, wrecked, or foundered at sea.All the seaboard towns experienced great damage.Many lives have been lost at sea nearly 200, sofar. being reported.

New Yokk. Nov. 8. Havana dates of the 28thstate that a severe hurricane, on the 22d. and 23d,raged with great force all over the island. InHavana harbor many vessels drifted foul of thewharves ami sunk. The Admiral's flag-shi-p rauinto the wharf, damaging several schooners andboats. Several launches with cargoes sunk, tvtid atotal of ."() vessels were more or less damaged.The streets of tLe city were tilled with water to thedepth of a foot. Houses and walls were blowndown, roofs blown away, and the trees of the pal-aces prostrated. Two-third- s of the roof of thetheatre was torn off. The country seats of theCaptain-Gener- al and others suffered considerably.

The steamer Mora Castle, from Havana, bringsthe following : The United States steamers llhotleIsland and ILjrmt. commissioned by the UnitedStates to take possession of the ram Stonewall, ar-rived on the 31st ult. Commander Murray, on the2d inst.. took possession by simply raising theAmeiiean flag ut the masthead. Commander Mur-ray is empowered to return $1C."0( advanced bythe Spanish Government to pay off the crew of theram.

The November State elections have gone withstrong majorities for the Administration, in-

cluding New York State with 27,000 majority,Massachusetts almost without opposition, whileMaryland and New Jersey have thrown off

Democratic" rule and now sail under theUnion Flag.

In Massachusetts, only one Democratic Sena-

tor was elected in tbe entire State. Gen. Bankshas Ix'en returned to Congress as Representative,to fill the vacancy lately made by the resigna-tion of Mr. Gooch. Banks has been Speaker ofthe House of Representatives, and may be again ;

but the probability is that Colfax, who was thelast Speaker, will be chosen.

New Yokk, Oct. Ml. The Fenian Senate contin-ued their session to-da- y. The proceedings weresecret, but it was reported that atrents were to besent to Ireland at once, to organize for the greatrevolution which it is believed will take a practi-cable shape in a short time. It is also said thatthe Fenians have received the endorsement of off-icials in this country, whose names will lend notonly inspiration to" the movement, but will be aguarantee ot success.

It i reported that Hampton Roads will soon bethe rendezvous of a large nnd important fleet ofnaval vessels. Tho steamer Vanderbilt, and themonitor which arrived there on Saturday, are thepioneers of this maritime gathering at this point.It ia said the vessels are to be dispatched to squad-rons in different parts of the world.

British naval vessels on the Pacific have beenordered to cruise for the Shenandoah and hand herover to the American authorities. If she resii.

; they are to sink ber without giving quarter.


Kvtiopen.ii. I

The European news more than U6i:al i

int-rest- The Fenian movement creates muchunca?iaes3 ia England and Ireland, where arrestsare daily made, and th jso found guilty thieat-ene- d

with death. The " guilt,'' however, cou-sia- tj

not in actually taking up arms, but inbeiue suspected of sympathy with the FenianBrotherhood. Had the American Governmentdealt as promptly and as severely with the ad-

vocates of Southern treason, when they defiedthe Government iu the Halls of Congress had ithanged Davis, Hunter, Breckinridge &. Co.then, it might have saved four years of blood-shed. But Southern sympathizers in Europewould have cried, oh, shame ! And so, far morejustly, Americans may cry to England, oh,ehame ! if these threats are carried out.

The idea that the Irish people, without forceor means of any kind, and shut out by sea fromall foreign aid, can raise even a finger againstthe colossal power of England, is so supremelyridiculous, that the thought of hanging or shoot-

ing an Irishman for wishing his country to befree appears the climax of barbarity.

The death of Lord Palmerston occurred on IheISth of October, and was not an unlooked-fo- r

event. He had reached that age whena man's tenure of life is very frail, and hadfor some time given tokens of early decease.He possessed, in a preeminent degree, the niectand veneration of the English people. A ple-

beian by birth, he rose by his own talent to thehighest position that earthly ambition can covet,and, for a term of years almost unprecedented,controlled the destiny of the greatest and ruoetextensive Monarchy that baa ever existed onthis earth. He will probably be succeeded byLord Russell.

The claim of the American Government onEngland for reparation for losses by the piratecruisers, fitted out iu England, which is nowbeing pressed with some earnestness, creates con-

siderable discussion in England. There can beno question that, on general principles of inter-national law. a nation is responsible for the de-

predatory acts of its subjects committed againstanother, with which she is at peace, even thoughshe may use all ordinary means to prevent suchacts. There is an important principle involvedin the question, which should be decided oncefor all. For if English subjects can fit out, armand sell cruisers to rebels in arms against anygovernment, American citizens can and will beallowed to fit out, arm and sell cruisers to Irishor Fenian rebels in arms against the British Gov-

ernment. The principle involved ia the same ineither case, and in our opinion the United Stateswould be responsible for the damage to Britishcommerce under such circumstances, as thoBritish Government is now justly responsible inthe present case.

In the spoliation claims against the FrenchGovernment, which arose during the war of1S12 to 1818, the American Government insistedon reparation, which the French Government asfirmly resisted. At last, about the year 1828or 1S30 the French Government instructed itsMinister to inquire of President Jackson, in apersonal interview, whether he really insistedon the claim being paid. The old General, withthat firm voice and eye which characterized himwhen he was fairly roused nod in earnest, an-

swered, By the Eternal, fche shall pay or fight."When' the answer wa& renorted to the French

j Cflbinet tne clttini8 were paid without anyfurtil0r jarky B;ncerely hope that no

i trouble nay arise from the Alabama and She- -r,andoa!i claims, nut ot tneir justness, there inot a shadow of doubt. And the AmericanGovernment is iu earnest in its claim.

Fuiopean DuKs lu Oclobt r 2H,New York. Oct 81. The steamer City of Boston,

from Liverpool the I8th and Queeusfown the 19th,has arrived.

Lord Palmeratun, who had been seriously ill fromthe effects of a col l several days, died at half-pas- t

nine on tbe morning of the 18th. Business oa theStock Exchange an.l other quarters was suspended,and a deep and universal regret was expressed byall parties at his loss. Earl Russell will probablysucceed him. Lord Clarendon taking the ForeignOffice ; but nothing official has transpired.

Files by the steamer Africa have been received,which contain further information in regard to theAdam9-Russe- ll correspondence. The London JVU'Ssays it should not be forgotten that the claims madeby Spain against the American Government, undersimilar circumstances, were only settled by treaty ;while those made by Portugal furnished material forargument for over thirty years. If Powers such asSpain and Portugal, in like circumstances, feltthemselves bound to keep up a discussion until tbeyobtained some sort of a settlement, it is not probablethat the United States will follow a different course.Assuredly Lord Russell's refusal to refer the mat-ters now in dispute, will not settle them with Morse&. Smith. ?

The Times says it is just possible to avoid thepayment of 2,000,000 in money, but we may loseour opposition on a principle so unmistakable as tocause ue. when tbe cases are reversed, and when theAmericans are neutrals and we are belligerents, tosuffer terribly in person and pocket. We don't ap-

prehend war, for war in these days could not ariseout of this business, but something nearly as badmay arise in future, when the practice we have de-

fended may be turned against us in ways that arehideous even to surmise.

The Star says Earl Ruseell is anxious to save theMaritime Powers from responsibility for injury whichtbeir subjects may have unadvisedly caused to bel-

ligerents, and has taken a dangerous ground formaritime nations when they may in turn be sufferersby such acts. Whatever view may be taken of tbejustice of the claims of the Alabama, we traet noBritish statesman will fall into the blunder of plac-ing our commerce at the mercy of desperadoes whomay issue from neutral ports during some of ourfuture warB.

Earl Russell deserves all credit for his industry inendeavoring to quiet tbe mouth of Mr. Adams, byquoting what his grandfather said and did fiftyyears ago, but, at the same time, security to com-

merce at tbe present day is a subject of greater im-

portance to the people of England.New Yobk, Nov. 2. The London Times of Oct.

18tb, says : We are sure our Government may de-

pend upon the support of the nation in maintainingthe position it has taken up. If the American Gov-

ernment is determined to seek a quarrel with us, wecannot have one in which our rights are clearer ormore unquestionable. If it ia not, we ehall havesaved ourselves, by the firm stand we are making,from great degradation, and vindicated, for the ben-

efit of all mankind, that neutral position eo peldomoccupied by Great Britain in wars of the past, andso often, wc trust, to be bers in wars cf tbe future.

The following is the news summary per steamers.Etna and Virginia, which sailed from LiverpoolOct. 2oth :

It bas been decided, by the express wishof Queen,Yictoria, that Lord Palmerston Bhould be honoredwith a public funeral in Westminster. Most of thetowu3 will be represented by deputations. Businessin London was to be almost entirely suspended, andthe Stock Exchange closed.

No official announcement has been made concern-ing changes in tbe Cabinet, but official announce-ment will be made after Palmerston's funeral.

The Globe says tbe Queen has expressed a wishthat Earl Russell would accept tbe Premiership.Earl Russell has received cordial assurances cf sup-port from alt bis colleagaes. The Globe believesthat Lord Clarendon will tale tbe Foreign Office ;public opinion, boe?er generally favore Earl

The Tiruti, which at first favored Glaiton. hasrather vtred round, making It appear that tti onlyreason and necessity for Earl Rurweli'a appoiutti.e :.twas because England bad still to settle with Atneiictto their mutual tisfction. Larl Russell was we'dposted" on the subject, and had areputatiou to low bybase compliance or a needless war. Viewed in thislight, be w3 necessary.

Tbe Paris correspondent of tbe Timet reiteratesthe suteuoer.t thnt Mr. Secretary Seward wat a ciis-patc-


to the French Government, Tbe African pro-

ject seodiog troops to Mexico?) was thought of, butowing to ihe insurrection ia tbe South, ttoeps couldnot be spared, so tlie project fell through.

Ia regard to the rumored complications in Frenchand American affairs, the Itiitptndauct Bele says :

It is tbe intention of the French Government noi tocontinue the occupation of Mexico beyond what i

absolutely necessary, and thereby remove all caue cfdispute with the United States. This is more desira-ble than ever, and it is even said that Ihe speech fromthe Throne, al the next meeting of tbe French Cham-

ber, will announce the immediate ev&cuatiou ifMexico by the French troops.

A Belgium paper of tbe 284 says : Negotiationsare completed for the new corps of Belgiuu troops forMexico, consistingof a regiment of cavalry and eevensquadrons, two of which will leave in January.

An English paper says the ppot selected in West-

minster Abbey as the last resting-plac- e of, the latePremier is the north transept, where lie buried Cm-tlereag- h,

Wilberforce, Canning, Charles James Fox.the Earl of Chatham and his brilliant sou, nod ahost of other worthies whose names adoru tbeir coun-try's history.

The Liverpool Post reports the cholera diminish -ng in Southampton since toe lota ultimo.

Halifax, Nov. 17. The Cuba from Liverpool vntbe 2Stb, and Queenstown on tbe 29th, has arrived.Lord Palmerston was buried at Westminster Abbeyon tbe 27th. The Queeu and Cabinet were present.Parliament and tbe diplomatic body were largelyrepresented. Immense crowds thronged the streetithrough which the funeral procession passed.

Tbe Times accepts the reconstructed Cabinet as anecessity. It acknowledges that Earl Hussell bansome genius and a deal of political experience, butregrelB it should be necessary to refer to politics morethan seventy years old. The Times would ratherbave another Premier, but is content to admit forthe time that Russell is invaluable. Premiers shouldbe chosen from the Commons, especially when somany have been peer?. The Times cannot look upontbe arrangement as loDg lived. The State wants newblood.


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any other too.WELCOME GUEST, a souvenir r.f new ami fjr.pnlar muic,

embracing the very latat publications. Tlie title of thibook in gutScient to make iu way into every family.

THE HOME CIRCLE, la 2 volumcg. tilled with th latespolkea, quadrillee, mazurka, waltn, ic, I'fsidcs being a

of minic for the parlor nnd drawing ro.w.8IIOWKR OF PEARLS, a collection or beautiful divU, ar-

ranged for the Piano.P.ICHARDSON'3 PIANO INSTRUCTOR.

Shortly ExpectedA large assortment of Merchandise,

Consiitiug of



T R !! Of all lses and styles

t Tllft TltflTI'i A TV II PIIOTOfiRAI'IIS IColored scj Flia.

Page 4: 0'lT1ll11TlMrt?T' a · 2015-06-02 · r. jtuer in tUf enliirhtex.e.i city ef Ixnlon. The sor.r ' Wear-ing of the fireeu' is especially revolutionary and ilanjierous. nrcrdinc t the

PAoznt;Coimiicruial Advertiser.

brjiiht . New VorL U-- jii I.unUreJ hu-

man in Lvr si'.-ora-.-

Arrah-ni-IVu- e' U n---- rui.uiii;; in Lond-.11- ,MrsrichtT.tir, 2.V..-- Ycrk, I'hihid.'iphia., Meibvarneani Sir i'r m;;-:(o- .

Applit'.'n Oj., of Xo-- v York, will so..n pub-lish 77iC .c: S:r Months . .Uy AJmnzsircilyt,by .J.i:rrj Buchanan, C2-Pc- .u r.t cf the Liiit'-- J

Dr. ijJ, ki.uwn bk raiders bj Lisp.'ur.f "'Ihe Country I'.rvn," Fi.n accept-- d

the ca.ll t the Lrl charge ot' St. Andrew's, t'Aiu-tur- g.

An iner-x-- ; ol hire by the iJ..-t'-jii Ilvrse K.iil-- r

a l Cinpuni-j-j- . i- - Jc; ounceJ by the parxrd oftVtt cl tMcaI city und.r t!:e Una Six ccct-v- r

Tyrn:ni" Sic &yr Tyrannis.)Tito CorrtinirriaF s Wufhiritn special says JC.

I'.hh has F.f ii r in'jvoJ from the caS'?n:ates ofKurtru;- - Jlor.rj..", and j hi ;.-- 1 in in ji: C'jiatii'jdiouH

uart.T- - in the This c:an wus ttlT-Tt-t-d

in t!ic tujr'-stioi- i of hi- - pJijalciaii, why sai.Jl.H hva't'i wu uff'.rin.

The Tribune'. i i.il tays tli.it the trial of Jeff.I'avis will iinmJiat'.Iy f ll-j- the Cnal bVp,iti'jiiof U'irz. It ii al-- iH he will ; tried in liich-tijn- i.

A fiotcii Climate. A private letter from Vir-ginia, Montana Territory, dated 'Jtli,wtys that twenty inches of fcnov had fallen, andthe sky promised more very soon. Many wererttinr Mart.-- I for the States and Jitlt Lake.

A French jrintt--r has ininakingjwfjr liIttin with the mace of apples and pearsuh:1 in making cidr and jt rry. 'Ihe jjas is eaidt bujrior to that from coal, as it emits neitherrnok nor muCiI.

Tiiirty-i-i- x years a the entire jkjJi illation cfChicago, 111., consisted of nine married coujle,an oM man and eleven children. According tothe cer..Tiis for Io5, her t restnt lopulation is177ioo.

A sheep swam jihore on Ilye IJeacIi, lately,iupjxj."d from an iland seven miled distant. A

visitor at the IV-ac- h itmiht be a hydraulic ram.

Strike. The lamentable results of striker areJ.rciMy shown by th fact that the loss t$utuincdby workmen in MatTordiliire alone during the re-fe- n

t C'n!lict letwevn the nutters and their hanJjis irtimati d at tire hundred thouraud ounds.

Judf ha? given o(.K),-- 0

tor the establishment of an L'piseopal Collegeat iJethlehem, la. A conmiiHon, at the ht-a- d

of whom is Jli.-ho-p Stf j'hen", is already engagedin rgati2ing a lan for the college.

The IIriii.-!-i aristocratd an- - on n htrike. Theyhave dete-rniine-d next sfa?on to abatiin from at-tending anv of the Qu'-en'- s drawing rooms orIe7e3 iiM fy proxy, and not t' visit them untiltlif-- y are rem ivi-- d by the .Mvereign in jerson.

:Nr.tL.R IJatttx. Ii. F. Caswell of California,ays, one of his chickens, a three ii..nt!is Cochin

China roo.-tfer- , hid a mortal e;nibat with a fullgrown rat recently. The Eght was well contestedon both side?, and after a continuance of thirty-fir- e

minutes ended in the death of the rat.Robert E. lye. Gfneral .In Chief of the rebel

armi. was installed President of the Washing-ton College at Lexington, Va., lat Monday. Theceremonies wcto of a very unostentatious charac-ter, in compliance with General Lee's request,but contrary to the wishes of many concernedwith and taking an inters t in the college, whodesired to have the installation conducted w ithconsiderable pomp and display.

An anaeond thirty-tw- o feet long, whoe taildigs a t euch in the road eight inches deep, i

being hunted in the northern part of Ohio, by nnimruTS-- f'tnco-.irs- of pop!e. !! cseap d tenyp-ar-

; ag-- ) from a iacnar'.rie when quite small,and hai just got h;s growth.

Since the full of Liehirond, uf ward of CuO.Of'Ou.'-n- v;lh all their nim-Titu- I (Ti.-cr- hae )x enii.atT.-- l oat, tli-fcr.- il. rai l i (T, and every mane-- nv yc- -i tj Ii i iloor-to- at th-- . exixneof theI". S. goTrr.ment, over the whole exj .nj. of thatwide coantry.

After an eaiu-s- t and er.iiir.g debate cf fivebor.rs in th; Catiaiian Pari: iir.:nt one evc-n-irj-

the suproitrs of the I'rovin-e- iii Miidstry :nj the opj ration, a res-Jotic- in-- Zt

ii: l by the latter, declaring the renewal ofthe necifn.city trtntv and the tnlargcmeht ofth" it. Lawren..- - and Cellar.! Canal? of the ut- -r.o"-- t impoi t irn e, was J.Seated hv a vote of - ven- - t

iy eigr.i io twenty.I If writ letter from III) tfan-i- r fctat'-.- s that

Professor Agasi2 .a had a continual ovationlivm the Emperor and influential men. lie hasmade a va-- t collection of objects, and has left forthe Aciaz.n, hern the Kmj-ero- r has place ! aftteaiaernt his Uippt-sal- . He has already, a? l.e?

l roi !i.-xi--- . !K-f- ... r. .lem in- -

r--tfii Criif .u Sfn t , v. ......f ,im,v.? .

the traces of glath rs in the neigiiborlioo 1 of Ki jde tlaneiro.

NAV OVKKLANP IVtEtSKAI'li. Work was ves- -terday commenced in the new Overland T legraplilwtweeii this laee and At:tin, says the VirginiaEnl'rpris . The line will extend from Chiengoto San Francisco. The extern end of it is al-ready built and working t iuar Denver, andwork has been dene between here and .Sin Fran-cie- o.

lief re many months elapse wc will havetwo linrs of telegraphic vvir acre the plain-?- .

The H'-ra-d'- s fpevialKiys the frcedmen's bureaulearns from a gentleman in Tennese that whilea large number of fjnner owners of slaves haveUntitled a lesire t eivoperate with the conimis-ni.- n

t secure tranquillity and order, many refuset.t aevept the new condition of things, and resistthe action of the government. The freed men'scourts are crowded with applicants f,r justice.Seant and hard earned wage are withheld fromth colored people, and the crack of the whipand us? of shackles are in many localities as cum-i- n

as in the days of serfdom.Active IUsivkss in Nashville. A Nashville

J aper says : Wc are exceedingly gratified to ob-serve an active and substantial Improvement inthe wholesale trade of the city. The Chamberof Commerce i.s building up rapidlv, and bidsfair t regulate the business of Nashville in sucha manner as will increase the trade to an extentnever before witnessed in this community. Alasting was held rec ntly, and such steps" takenaii are required to accomplish the work of placingNashville at the head of trade in the South. Im-mense stocks of go.ds. comprising every branch

f merchandise, have leen brought to the city bvnterpruing dealers.

In the Andersonville trial ju-- t closed, d.eu-menti- ry

evidence was introduced tj show thatthe refvl War Department had knowledge of theronditi n of the prison in May. 18G4. 'The docu-ments consisted of a letter from Howell Cobb andthe reports of several of the ofneers connectedvita the In these papers the conditionof the prison is minutely described, and th terri-ble mortality among the prisoners spoken of with-out any effort to disguise its magnitude. Theyuin how nn infamous ar pr;ct:iiion of the valuek( the s of Wirz. tmmnding his admira-ble management, and advising his promotion.

The Cable. The New York Tribune pars :

We hav n w tae official announcement that "theattempt tt lav the Atlantic cable will be re-nw- M

nxt year. lth the Cable Comrumv andthe Cable ('.instruction Company d sa:fi:uinel? t j the ultimate succt of the enterprise. TheCable Construction Company hive offered toC3n.tae:.ce at once the tuanuf icture of a newcable, tad the Directors of the CaMe Coinpnyhave i.naniaiOJIy accepteJ this proposal. Theord cfble n vt the sara1 time to be eo;r.f hr.sl . soi--i to have next jramer two cables. 1 i,e?i:iM future 'He ni-fizi- Ln nirc.iJy h?vv.

I Coior.Aio Knocus lVR ADi-iiox- . The -.- '-

jljoi L ! lauo iinitory law i.rinu aConstitution, it was au-pt- -d t,y the Cor.v.r.-tio- n

on the 1--th of Aujutt, 'inJ was if.vntly

i:f uiitt :.'i to a Vvte of the J . pi - hethvrti.ev iavo afiirmed or rcjctei i: v.e do .ot ki.o.v,but'at r:Ii event- - in a fev mcnths Color-- d wiiia t:ot,eis bv knocking for Aduiis.'-iox- i t:.cL'xri'.n.

Iv3I,iM Iiihop CoL'nso piibiis'ie aii ato ti:e clergy and luitj of the United Church

cf Kr.giand and Ireland, ana juncing ha inten-tion ti return to his diocese in Natal. H - h '.a

I ah,, tied .n ti;o Engit,L Chancery a b.li v com- -

pluinragamn the truitc-c- s of the Pish ops Co.o- -

n;al run i, namely tnc u.ananor oi i ne ti- -

chequer, the v ice-- C ham eih.r. the Arc.rs!.:,; fCar.ttrb..i v and ork,the Archdi-ac-.- of Lon- -

don, and :dr. Hubbard, M. P.. for having sincelw0l withht-- his salary. It was fr the pnrjHeof enafding Coh-ti- s j to on thi-- suit that hi.i

vmr-athi7.er- in Euirland recently raised anotherfund.

CVi.siderable h;.s been excited en theContinent and in Knghr.d by thein the ttteets of Itjnn, of a yourg man nameJ

tt, who had been cok ti I'rinceAlfrfl, the second eon cf Queen Victoria. liewas returning home, and was set upon by ariHi:i'r of students, among whom was a militaryofficer. The students crowded rour.d '.tt. ai:dan affray ensiled, in which the latter wao atallywound-- d bv the i fCet r, who proved to be Count

j Von Kulen'oerg, a son of the Home Minister ofPrus.-ia-. Nearly all the r ival famiiv of Englandare on the Continent, and ueen Victoria, when !

ehe l.'-a- rl of it, was indignant. In ordinary i

cases the high rank of the assastin would preventany notice ling taken of the killing of a cook,but Her Maj'-sty- , during her visit to the King of j

I'ruvia, manifested Iter Knglish love of fair playin a manner that caused the arrest of the accused, j

and a decent funeral for the poor victim, at j

whof-- e oUseiuies all the celebrities of the town !

were present. j

In a recent trial for poisoning in England, j

where the guilty tcron.a physician. Dr. Piiteh- -ard, of tiiasgow, had poisjned his wife and j

mother, a brother physician who had been called j

in to attend the mother w hile dying, testified thathe &usected and believed that she was poisonedby her son, but did not impart his suspicions, anyfurther than by a letter to the Kegister that the ,

death was sudden, unexpected and mysterious." i

for the reasons that it might not have been eafe, :

and that it was against etiquette, fr him to in- - j

terfere ! Two other physicians, with whom he ;

bud consulted agreed with him on this matter of" jnal decorum !"

ThN instance rather N ats the Cambridge stu- -dent who stO'H.l vn the banks of the (.'am, wringing hii iiands, and lamenting that he could not ;

jump in and save a d rowing man. because he had ;

not had an introduction. Ltkjuette is a greatthitig.

Tni: tiitKAT TinE ix Constantinoci.k. Con- - ,

stantinople corrsp-jnilenc- of September y, fur-ni-h'- -s

s me details of the fearful conflagrationwhich broke o.ut in Stnmboul on the evening of :

the ath of that month, and raged until the even- -ing of the Gth, r ying letween 0,00t and

,0jO houses, including many line buildings.The writer says : I

There ss-m- s to be some mysterious connection '

letween .estilence and lire. The great plaguein London was fallowed by the groat fire. In :

1.'12. when the cholera first visited Constantino- - !

pie, it was f dlowe l by a great conflagration,which destroyed the whole of the foreign fjuar-tcroflVr- a.

The Turkish nt rol lers have Um--

predicting that the pr.sent visitation of cholera :

would be followed by the burning of the half ofSt.iiuboul. Not two weeks ago, as 1 am in-

formed, one "f thee men was actually iuipri-on-- d

e his predictions were creating a dis-turbance among the Turks. And now this ca-

lamity has actually come. Stamboul has beenL"lutM by a contlagration which, even in thiscity of fir-"5- , standi out by itself as the most ter-rible of the present centuiy.

On Tuesday evening, Sept. 5, a fire broke outin tin.-- Turkin quarter, near the Custom II u. e,on the flolden llrn. It ii ?ai 1 to have uii-i-- n

lt d Mth- - r in t: e shop of a cundy mer- - Ij mt orin the adjoining c.t"ec-h.u.-- e. lhe wind wajbl.wit;g. gil ticm th.- - r.'.rth, sir.d witiiin anI.:ur I . (!! h a.se? were in ilar-tj- . The spectaclev.- - fi .vl.;l. 'flic whole hidid , l u. the ' ridet thj c.ragliiJ grounds, see:r.fd to be a finaleiaa.?j of fire, vomiting out tl unc md sn.ol.e likea.i irtiir.f n-- e Vok mo. Every one va. j.irulyred,an i nothing C 'uld b; done t i stay the pri'rtr-- j

mi' the fL-iMi- vr. 2icthii t; but a change of w indsaved the public building's .f il.e I ate and t.Sophia fioui dttruction

i'he lire swept on t lb-- - summit of the hill,reaching the IJurned Column" n one side andthe podrome on the ther. Wcdne-ila- y w:;s .

a terrible day. The wind increased in fury, amithe lire seemed likely to destroy the whole city.The bazaars and shops of Stamboul were closed,Heavy clouds of black smoke hung over the citylike a pall, and the Cre swept on, with a front ofabout half a mile in width, increasing in extentand fury as it went. Hundreds of houses wire j

tirn djwn to st p it progress, but it leaj-r- j

these barriers and sent such a storm of burningcoals before it that it kindled fires half a mile in ,

advance. AKut noon on Wednesday, anotherfcli-ih-

t chan-'- e in the wind turned the current offire towards the Sea of Marmora and saved the '

rc:t of the city. I5v Wednesday evening itreached the sea ; the wind suddenly went down, ,

and the progress of the fire along tlie shore wasstopped. No absolutely accurate statement ofthe results of this conflagration can be made, butit is now estimated that from G.OOO to 8,000houses were burnt, including 100 palaces orkonaks, S masques, 2 churches, o kahns. and i

many public baths. It is estimated that the suf-ferers by the fire number about 7o,0U0.

The e pace burned over is about two miles in '

length and half a mile in width, including someof the wealthiest and some of the foorest quar-- :

ters in Stamboul. The Turks are the heaviesthuilcrers. All the palaces burned belonged tothem, and I suppose seven-tent- hs of the honsesand shops. I walked to-da- y for an hour over i

the ruins of these Turkish quarters, and such a j

scene of absolute desolation I have never beheld '

in any inhabited city, liut for the smoke andthe h-a- t still remaining, I might have fanciedmyself among the ruins of some ancient and de- -sorted city. Of most of the houses hardly a ves-

tige t. mains except the chiruncyi. Hut passingout of these wealthy quarters, into those of thepoor, the scene changed at once. The ruinswere peopled by the starving families cd thosewhose only homes had suddenly vanished. Somewere searching in the ashes in the vain hce offinding some relic there of their lost proj-erty- .

One can hardly realise how sad the sight ot suchm;- - ry is until he has seen it.

The terrible ravages of the cholera had reducedthe po rer clas-e-s and many of the middle classt absolute want. The city was full of widowsand orrhan?. N work had !een done for sixweeks, and those who depended 'n their dailylal"r f r their daily bread were starving. Manyhad Sold even their clothing to purchase modi-Hr.'- S

and pay physicians, who t often didmore harm than gl. Th o-- e who saw the dis- - :

tres.- - of the pej le were aj palled at the magni-tude (d their wants and at a loss how to aidthoia. And now, in addition to all this, we '

have an almost incalculable loss of property bythis eonSagration, wliich will long be "remem-bered, as :.'ic 'jrrat fire of ('onrn(inople. One '

cannot help asking, among the.--e 75,000 suffer-ers, how many wiil starve fefre sjTin? Wemut !k af ro-a-d for aid : but even if all wecan hope for is recelv-- d. it will d hut little to.wards restoring to c mi'ort i,le eir--um- t ine s tho '

t'.vuar.ds who have suffered from chol-.n- i and !

from f re.

iOOO Old Vcwsp:ig$i'iITtlll.K FK WU.ll'I'lXti IAIi:it. .s t .-

- -- 1. Mi- - r K i .! M '.(1N1.V

Fbom Casai4 Nrw WiU, Oct 'Si. TLe Her- - J

aid's Toroi.fo eontsp u int l iys t he i.,M;.t err o.' the i

rrovif.ciil GcToiun.fr.t acJ sapporrtrs I iiih j

rule :) ia Caaj are ii. at:e .f rtat ..it tti-- ia i

rtgnpl to the Ftiiia L. .vtiuei J I i.e FrLian Ordir j

Laa known tu exist ir tut cccisivDeJbat little concern ur.Jil the cccorrcr.ee cf rceLtevcata. Osric to nhni Ins tfan?pitei it. rii coun- -

tij, Engi-icl-, Ireland nr. 1 CaLadi, the !

(cng'.IsLi ?) hi?, it ia sai j, crpsLiiei J.sttiLu'edtiirruehoui tb Frr.Tince a f.ice cf ;:.es. Gnat ;

aotitity ij rcpertf-- d to rrevail ia nii'.itiry ttf.iirs.CLanges in the i5j,csiira f che troops ate belM? j

tnide. The garrisous Le ben jtreugthecc 1 in re- - )

, f v the , , J ;he Sv; j:er5 ha,e uJt iusli. ,

,,uTe 1 rKs JUntbuteJ axc the citueas keewn !

l0 te cprcst J to tLe Fmians 1 he CusUtn uuthef - ,

t;e9 are "utrvcus over the n.cei;t lirge imitTtation ofi Wir munitions, which it i- helieve-- J will Si. l their !

t mto the han.la rf the Fetiiaiis It is rumt.rcdthat the pretr.t Uiovea.tnts "u Irtiaijl are uierely a

j ruse and a feint to coer the grau i tles'gn, which is,! when L'nglati'l Las throwo her tro- - ps iuto that coun- -

iry, an arn.ea rorce or tr.e uraer on tins si ie oi meAtlantic stall seize Canaii, declare it an independent

i fc'tate and place it under the prttectieu of the UnitedStates.



Aroll VlSSOl'ted toclvOI' ALL KINDS OF

Ij XT ZfcE


BUILDING- - MATERIALS,Comprising in part of

ROUGH &. CLEAR HOARDSRKDWOOD AND PLANKS.Itclwofvl Flcx'iinp, SMInjj anl Ceiling BuarJs;JU.iwoo.1 strij-s- . for verHnilahs, arbors, Ac;

J ShavrJ ami Sawed Swindle, and 4 ft,-- I'.cket;Kflwcod Se.i:.ti:ng, 2t, Sx4, r.C, 4x0, C6.

Inslern White l'ine rimiL !1 1- -1, 1 1- -2 iiikI 2 Inch,


White Cedar Shaved Shingles,a st'ii:nioK Annci.K.

Norih Wvst Scnntlin and Timber.ALL SIZKS.

North Vest IJoards. rough and p!anel ;

North "West Flooring, Siding and Ceiling Hoard.North West Laths, o foot Pickets,North West Battens, &c, &c., te.WIIITF. PINK AM) SPRI TE FOUR A.I

MX FOOT CLAI'IIOAUDS.MOL'LniXCS. LJDDERS. IIOCXE STEPS,jjooiis, riito;rs. klimjs, n'l.siww shades,

PAVER UAXGiyCS. XJlf.S,hkl sies, inxnoir glass.







l.in.U (if bViiiilir's liiinhvniT !

all oi v.mcii vve eriF.u r.-r- . s.vi.t: at theLOWEST MAHKET K ATI'S.

OrJrr fi O.. the Other 1 n .1-- . v i 1 1 rc. i,e)tro;nit tiitciitioii.

(!. L iilfliiilillS i. ill.SHiP CHANDLERS


Commission Merchants !


A Complete Assortment of

AT 1? 1? f 1 I i A V T) I XT' I I

l)J J J t Vw'' A 1 J. V " A.J JL V D JLli tFtJR


Consisting in part of

XI ERIC A N HEEF ANI l'OUKA New I5..lf..r.l Pilot Broa.l, P.ta'i Lr:cisWh;il..- - IS. ats an.l WfcRiinz Crafl


AMF.IUCAX FI.OUUIN CASK?, HAWAIIAN FI.Ol'R.Hemp a;:.l Cot'.nn Saili, SIcrf,

Ht-m- s.i..l Manila Cor.l.ife, all alze?;

TwKni',Sj'ur yarn,


Poit Rr j.,Coai'so and JDaiiy Salt !



Schooner Launches andYawl Routs.



A Small Lot of Choice Chile White Bran?OATS AND POTATOES.





Mitiuf.icturc.1 ly Geo. L. Browne'!, New BeJfori.



Leu i Patent Calendar A-- Marine Clocks, i

CiptaiiiS visitiLj this port fitii it to their !

uJvantige to ca'.i up:a us before purcbaslage.sewhere.

riivin:cl to wlii!e-hip- uni Es:batg? takenit; hi! ".rfH of the w.rll, f..r wliich tln

.est ir;u-B.--f ratvj ,, l e I. ...

vlumr.slif irouif.

Eihst llaui iM:ii!lat!oH.

HROi' NOW Ctl.-MiX- IX. VrelI. ; :

Ii. UAL Kit LI i. C j .

Waiknpu Plantniioii!H. CORNIVELL, Proprietor.

Sugar and MolassesTAtOI Tills I'hAMATION FOItSvl.K.

. A I i".v .oGEO C. K LK AN . Asrt't.t.


crtor lass.-- 't)V COM I NO IN AM) I'OK S.VI.F. IN11 g j:ir.::i.ci t j suit, l y

lal-'Jt- a MV.I.CHKKS & CO.

Sugar & MolassesOF THE


ii7 1 it itt it n i vi i nni niVAlLliA.il I'LAAlAilUA



4S0-3t- C. HUKYVKR jt CO.

Sugar & Molasses !

From the Plantation cf J. MAKEK,

SIA-S-T MAUI!F.r salf ' (45-011- 1 ) C. llltKWKH & CO

1865. 13miaaranci molasses



in q jaiititi- - s to suil jmrr li;t-r- s hv4?j-;;- A LliKICII. VVALKKK i VO.

IgSO. 1305.Sugar & Molasses !


O ii : V PI, A 7 TAT E 0..NOW COMINC; I N A N 1 FO R SALKc in CUlilitiea to suit lim-h:ts'-r-


4i.)j.:)m WALK Kit .V CO

iS TJ CSV-- uL 3Et

uiKiioxni.ru" r eki n i'.ry wil pa v1 (!.? high "l initrket Jiiiee for

HARD SUGAItS, ANDFirst and Second Molasses !




THE A ROVE 1KA NT AT J ON" TO IttSIO.M '.i'j.intit iei to suitALPTIICII. WAI.KF.a : Co.

walu.ua "plaxtaWx.Ii.:iO.J 1(11! A1KIVK i'l.AN i A HON FOR

ia'e in u.tiiies !o 1 y4.-- 1 oin Al.l'Kll if, WAI Kl.K JC Co.


Prom Xjih.u3 Plantation !

rior co.Mixf; in ani for sale inC' (l;l 3 t'J suit jiurcliMsers l.yA I.UKICH, & CO.


S. ;. VIL1)H R, PROPRIETOR.'iM)KR. havim: norcirF THE

rt-i- u tinii.i; inter-s- t iii the ahv I'lantatio:!, will carry onthe Laisii.'. yi a i.etor. Aee:

AI.l'KICH, WALKERHonolulu.

18(o. 1865.Sugar and Molasses


IKOI' COMIXC IN AM) FOR SALE INfiintiti!i'i to uil i.uri has-.-r- s l.y

IXj-ou- i ALDKICII, WALK KB. 4-- CO.

1865. 1865.SUGAll AND MOLASSES

From riOXEEIt .MILLS, L.lll ilX.l !

1U01' COMIXC IN AND FOR SALE INJ r)Uii:it;;ic3 lo suit j.urchaser t v

430-U- ALPlilCir, WALK Kit & C.

xii:2iit3s:"xi:i.yTSKSSUS. A. S. GRINIJAl'M Ai CO., Hnv

M. l.i'.tlv r'Ct':ve.'l a lare an.l vari-.- l yt.Kk cf

PERFUMERY !AVl.irli t!vy i :Tor f r h..V (i:!nr i:i STOilE cr in BOND, iuriaai.iiiics to iuit j.urchns- - ri.

The t'.k tr.il no- - a vari'-ti- t a cf

O o 1 o x ii o A":t tcr!Cf t?ie rct suK-ri- .ju;i!:t-- , u; iu a vhrioty of stvlc.

3-- ' I o r i f I a AV ntcr !

I:i Whole 1 ll.ilf

EXTRACTS, Ace., 6c c--., ac.

.17 of which nit in. Soli! Loic.1'lrnnr Cull nml Examine. J'jU-Cu- i



l TWO JAfCARAXDA CASEO o t t :i jf o I ianos I

For40-2:- n MKi.rnrns t Co?.

7UOM AND AFTER THIS DATE AVElnj'.ou v ar-"- . ui.'irr ui.av.i i.hli; to

I IIARGE FOR soai. l Crm r poundliiiotr, antl ;) I J C'l. per .onii.l in li.. s.T! i.'.k.'..i ir t v. r:--. v- - !...;.. f.-- a eo!.:ij..i:t:.c- - .f thi

.Vi r.AWi.lN3V.. il. 1,11.1)',

. V .'"- - 1 '

foreign uOcriisiHitrils.

r.r i iii.iMiKn 1 ro I


OPTICIANS.Mnlhemoliiul attAlinportrtu oi Optical.

lMiilo.ophie.-i-l liiklrusueiit.STEHEOSCOPIC GOODS,




N.- -. 3i7 ai.a 31! Moii-.n- i. ry street, twtwe n Califoru'.a' l'.i.i' itre ts. Sail Fiuncisoc. and No. 4 It

M.it-lei- i Lane. Nw York.

n'1 V K F O It S A I . KTIIK I. A It O EST ST O C K"oa tl.o I'acific OoHt. cr.sistir.j: ia part a tollo :

j TlO.loreuM'KCTAe-LKS.iaOolJ-. Silver, Meei and PlBted

305 J zeu KVK OLASK. in UolJ, Silver, eel, Horn,i ll kik! Kul-lje- r Frair.es.! 150 W1UK GAl ZK uOoOLLj-



j 350 .L roil t CKCT A CLK sn.l EYE GLASS CASH.'

i.J3 0. ra a;il Marine Gliisse.75 Telescopes an.l py eEasses.

j SO dvzen IVkct e'om passes.I C'5 Ila:ul Stereosoupe.

74 Revolving Meie..scops.500 d. zen StereoscpiC ievs-s-


l'rawiui: Insiruiuetits. in eirrujan Silver and Bras,Hoxwood and Ivory ia!e.Microscopes in every .Stylo.

200 Maitiietic Machines for Medical iurpo'.Aneroid Harometi-rs- .

20,500 Card I'lioUrrtplis.000 Alluin Picture;, in oil colir.

50 d.zeu Union Card Frame.Joseph Hod :ers tfon'4 CL'TLKKY

100 dozen Table Knives.Ct0 dozen I'.ickt t Knives.1JO doztn K..z r.

50 dozen Hazor Strops.130 doz-- n Scissors.

SCliSOHS, in caes.100 dozen Gyroscope Tops100 doz. n Thermometers

'2b Hydrometers.Galvanic Datteiies.

IJ-- COl'XTKY TRA1EUS will conceit t?iir own IzitoroPtby examining our Stock and rrice before purcbasinu eUewhrre.

,OHDEKS FROM THE COUNTRY promptly executed

XT CATALOGUES sent to any address Kbke. JZZ



No. U17 nml 31 Montgomery Street.SAN F K AXCIS CO. 4C0-l- y



ClominkskMi Irciuiiits.AfJF.NTS FOII Til 12 ,


ll0.0LULlT&SA."FIL4fISfflOFFICII " 1 1 Snimoine St., corner Merchnut

H,VT FKAXCISCO.ATTENTION GIVE N TOfJARTlCUI.AR and Sale of Merchandise; to Kor-wardi-

and Transhipment of Go'xIp ; the Chartering and Saleof Vessel.--- ; the Supplying of Whaleships ; and the Negotiationof Exchange.

Exchange on Honolulu in suma to suit.ADVANCES MADE ON CONSIGNMENTS.

KKKKH TO' Al.P..U'U. W'ii KKlt t, i J , .1 as. IlrSNKWF.l.L lq.,loton.

lIoll'jlUl J. IIksiiv A. TKiuct i Co. "lii f i.r.P, Sisb .V Co., "

! C. Bbfwkh Co , " fur.is A: Co . New York.l!..-H-or A: C., Wm. Ii. Kucs i: Co.,Trios. ?pt;:rrii, Ks., H.io. II. F it.i k C., Shanchae.

. ALLMAS3 C... KanaiW4. RlCHAftDa & M'CbAKKS.Ab2-- lv Portland, Oregon.

J. C. MERRILL &c Co.,

uiifis.sms iiarii"fi2iiniA0

A iKftioHfors,iM-- t iintl ;itC i: illliiiin !rtvot,


ntt"t:t;on piven ti the fnle and jmrchase of meril.HnJiic, ?li:f I'l.sli.ci;-- , wi,lesuip, u.':ctlHtic);xch;iir-p- . fee-

XT All t'.cit-li- t rtivin .it cju Frur.cis-fo- . ly or to the Hor.'.ia'.u I.i..- - ci ra.'tn.-- . i:i bo t..i ivfcr ied ik.: i.' C.ixmh.ios.

TT r,ui.;n,jp on J! i, --.'u!ii h. upht ai..l eo!.l. XX".El t rtK.-.C- l

r?. C I.. KichakIih X Co.,. Ilunolniu11 IIackfti d - i o.,C' I'.r-.- . hi .y Ci.,.

' Pi-- H 'P A: C- -

Pr. K. V. 1U..D "Hon. K. II. Ai.l.ics..1) C. Waterman, u

4'.0-l- y


til v ' :tf t A


ill 0 L 0 It A I BUTTER.HAVING THE SOLE CONTRACT FORth" Pro-lacl- of thf-s-e Two

1 have now a cmtinu.iui supjily una am selling at1- - Cents pei- - IPoitiicI I




1865!CROP COMING IN. For sale by


To Procliiec- Dealers.AND

COUNTRY TIJrAIKItS.Iliiles. Goa( Skins,

Old Composition, Old Copper,Talloir, Old Iron.

Col Ion. Wool.POI'CIIT AT THE HIGHEST MVRKETr.j C. iSAKVUP. A- - Co.... 'vi.iir,

"TY"r T If

orr ijQi: lubcrtistmnls.

n B. DJllLlM.

ARiVlES & DALLAIVI,imi outers ..nd joimi.ns OF


ant MAXurACTrr.r.Rs ofCalifornia Pails, Tubs, Drocms, Jcc.

21T AND 219 SACRAMENTO STREET.Rotwee-- Trotit and Davis,

AT I 'UAXCIhCjO. 44 Cm

'.OIG III SI NESS AT IllSIl ST.Siv1'KANClMO, oiler.; Ii. services to t.is i'nrii.U ut tt'Jiawanan iiaiii, as au .

a in is tFor transacting business, filling order, and forwardingof g.xuls; and will execute any coitcinsioi. jn.

trustetl to him with judgment and pniinptness.11m ch.rees will be moderate and proportioned to the amount

of service rendered. 494 6m.

LOWE, BROTHERS'Commission Merchants !

Victoria, Vancouver Island.REFER TO

The Hon. Hcrsos's Bat Co ...Victoria, V. I.Mesirs Pasl. Oibb & Co ...San Francisco.Messrs. Aldkicii, Wai.klr Co. . Honolulu.Mr. Javm I. Dowsktt do.



3I0K(iA, STOaVK & CO.,Commission and Forwarding Merchants, Saa Francisco, Cat

KkfkrkscesT. S. Hathaway Ksq New Bedford

Messrs. T. .t A. It. Nye,.... "" Swift ic Terry. "

Urinnell Minturn & Co., New York,John M. Forbes Ksq., lloston,

"Messrs Perlcin i tmith, New Loi.Jon,Daniel C. Waterman Msq Honolulu.


JANI0N, GREEN & RHODES,Commission lYTerchants,

Victoria, Vancouvrr' Iklnntl.N. B. Particular attention ail to consignments of Sandwich

Island Proluce.Victoria, V. I., January 1, JSC3. 4ti0-- y


JilMSS C. KISG & Co.Shipping and Comuiision


SAN F'RANCISCO, CAi.iFon.su. 4d ly


ARMSTRONG, SHELDON & CO.(SrccKssoRs to Nathasikl Tagt )

Pioneer Lumber Dealer!UNION LIJMKKK YARD.

Comer California and Davis Streets, and o. 1H Market Street



LY ON HAND. 488-l- y

W w s SES3

Vf w wW v v- -

W SSSiv. w w vr

v 7 V. xv'.V w

W V W V,vy WW C'SiS S?9w SSSS3

I WariVs Pfirfc.p.t Fittinp-- Rhirf f

1IIESE SHIRTS R IJ i Rnown toI cee.t aiiycotr.ui'Lt, l oth for leiT.-c- t fit nr:l fjuality. AI fall upplj en hf-i-

al AUo, ihe largest sun k i.f pert' fine

an.l you will never wear finy others.

Vt. ii. WAIID & SO.,323 Montgomery Street,

Od.l rrllaw'ii Hull, Shu ri'imeix o.New Yoik House, 337 Bra.iJny.

Tnop. J. PorLrr.i.ru, V.ii. M. IUsru.L, II. C. I)owm.vo.


Wholesale Grocery Auction House!ESTARLIS1IKD IN 1 8.'iO.

Salt ..i-oai- Fiwproof Rrii-- II.iil.Mti. No.nml 20!) t'ulil'oruin Stm t, ivru doorli-oi- ii From.

SALE DAYS Tl esihts asi Fhioays.

CHTJ. XT Cali Ailrniirrii ma.l nn Mrrrhkn-dis- eto our iit fr .ni.l.c or l.nvate sa.- -, auj all

mercantile fatilitieu renU;rca cusicr-- n.l'.tfVr l y periuirton to

Me?rs. C. I.. Hichahds A; Co . . .HonoluluO. P. JciD, K--y

Meisra. Macu dkat k Co '., ...tan Fraacl-.r-" tAl.KSKR, I5EI.L A: CO" Mohgax, Stu.sk J: Co' PlCKsON, IitWoLF 4-- C.l...Bank of P.ir:.-- H C'oi.fMbiA

477-l- y

J. H. Kichards. Jons .McCiiks.San Francisco. Pi.riUnd.

Hichards & McCraken,FORVARDINC AND

Commission Merchauls,INirtland, Oioroii.

WW A VINO REEN ENGAGED IN OCR FRE- -l'?3lM' f r of year, anl twit

l.KTHtefl ir. a fire proof brick huildinsr, we are rrpnn-.- i ion-wiv-

iiiul clisi... .f IhUii.I staples, sucn ft 9 Supar, Hic. riipn. Pulu,cot.i'e. A.C., t. a.lviritae. Consipniu.-tit- i peri:ll!y solioti--r--r tli Orec,,,! market, t.. wl.id, p.nul will lie phiJ,ami upou which cash a.Jv.mres will mu.le when r. iuiic.l.

FBAiinsco Kkkerknok:" ,r.m)ks & '., lu.lpor & LinJ.-tirL't-r- ,

' ' i C., jas. I'atri. k k Co..re.l. l.e- -, v T Cok.rjJhu & CoStvrt n?, P.ikf--r A: Co.

IVkTLANTl r.KFKHKXCE.S:AlUn .t Lfwi. l.1J A Tilton. Ifonar. & Greea.

11'ISi.i rLC IlKt KIIENCRX:AKhi.Ii, Walker K Co., S. Savi.l .

! 1BDW unnQ I1VU1I UUUil lynrj iinnrvij:

JUST RECEIVEDAt H. M. Whitney's Bookstore,

.1.YD FOR S.lLtJ .ITTsTcw York X3 rices.

HALL'S ARCTIC RESEA RCH KS. OnnrolALraham Lincolr., I'rhe.l'g IVmp, 2 vr.Is.Pnrti'l P'tn, Pcv.t's I'.tnc, Lor.gMlow'd rwir.s,Tentiys.iii's IV-ms-. iax a'g Votma.Iich Hunt's Work. Woujrn'u talks about Wotuwj,Talks o.l Wnirii-ij- i Topics,

(irr.r.l Mnrcli through Oecrfria,John (J.-l- t'r y?- - Fortune, Lif of 0rt. irii'it.Minor r.f Nature. 8 vols.; Civil Policy of Aa.rricu,Life of Citvro, 2 w4. now

honl-c-rf- C'Uta Family, fall ;ri;-- ;

History of th" Ul,iliion in Am-rie:-

Skirmishes an.l heg, by Gail lUniiP.on:Iuu;h Republic by Motley,Ui urt- - in Town. Tiazza Tales, Israel Poller,


A Great Variety of Children's BooksEmirarinj

Fairy Tales, Trarel.!, IIi'.orj--. an.l .A!rcntur ,'lay Ui,k i.f M. ta'.-i- , American F:tia!!y phyic: .ti,Habit? nrii,l . Avetitnr" of ISil'lllag,

Mechanic, Variety of Pocket Fnn:i!y U.l.ie?,Mrs. ttowcU IKuie nuX Home Paji j. lViTi.tf Abca:,

Rpa-!Oi- i in ll l.i-vi- , J : oqi !jverv. 'Cr.fl'T tt. Bb, Ir.lcr." fuilcal Worki Le. V".:k.

Orders Hoza the CVr.utry rom,..t,v att?r.Jcd IC
