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1 1 1 • Cisco Career Certifications & Training CISCO · 1-877-404-EXAM. Elsewhere, contact your...

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1 1 1 i 1 1 1 CISCO Cisco Career Certifications & Training www .cisco.com/ go/certifications www .cisco.com/ go/ certsupport Prelirninary Exarnination Score Report Irnplernenting Cisco IP Routing Date Tested: 05-mei-2017 Candidate: Jan de Graaff Candidate ID: 250977327 Cisco ID(CSCO): CSC013133756 Registration ID: 316024139 Validation ID: 1060776060 Testing Site: 1570 Exam Number: 300-101 Passing Score: 790 Your Score: 816 Grade: Pass PLEASE READ: IMPORTANT INFORMATION The offi cial score is based on a scale of 300 to 1000 points. Cisco policy requires that you wait a minimum of 180 days before retaking a passed exam (with an ident ical exarn nurnber). The score information displayed on this report is prelimin ary and does not constitute an offi cial score report . Cisco seeks to assur e the validity of exam scores by analyzing exam responses for consistency. Your score may be classifi ed as indetermi nate ifit is at or above the passing level and Cisco cannot cert ify that it represents a valid measur e ofyour ability as sampled by the exam. After review and analysis, your score will either be: a) Classified as "va lid" and your offi cial exam result will be report ed at http://www .pearsonvue.com/ authenticate. You can view exam results by using the registration and validation numbers displayed in the left column within 72 hours ofyour exam session. b) Classified as indeterminate and you will be advised of the options for retaki ng the exami nation. 1f this exam completes a certifi cation requirement, please allow 10 days for Cisco to receive your exam results. Toen login to the Cert ifi cation Trackin g System at http://www.cisco.com/ go/cert ifi cations/login to view your cert ification status. Ensur e that your name and mailing address are correct. You will receive an email with instructions explaining how to obtain your cert ificate if applicable. To receive or stop receiving communications, log in to the Cert ification Trackin g System and select your preference in the Opt In/ Opt Out section. For additional cert ification and training resour ces, visit: http ://www.cisco.com/ go/learnn etspace The following report shows your performance in each section of the exam: The Cert ification Exam Policies webpage (www.cisco.com/ go/exampolicy) provides a single resour ce giving key cert ification policies, agr eements, and the CCIE policy page for information specifi c to the CCIE progra m. Consult this section for curr ent information on progr am policies for Cisco Career Cert ifi cations exams. The scores below are not cumulative. Network Principles La yer 2 Technologies La yer 3 Technologies VPN technologies lnfrastructure Security 50% 83% 81% 83% 71%

• 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 • CISCO

Cisco Career Certifications & Training www.cisco.com/go/certifications www.cisco.com/ go/ certsupport

Prelirninary Exarnination Score Report

Irnplernenting Cisco IP Routing

Date Tested: 05-mei-2017 Candidate: Jan de Graaff Candidate ID: 250977327 Cisco ID(CSCO): CSC013133756 Registration ID: 316024139 Validation ID: 1060776060 Testing Site: 1570 Exam Number: 300-101 Passing Score: 790 Your Score: 816 Grade: Pass


The official score is based on a scale of 300 to 1000 points.

Cisco policy requires that you wait a minimum of 180 days before retaking a passed exam (with an identical exarn nurnber).

• The score information displayed on this report is preliminary and does not constitute an official score report. Cisco seeks to assure the validity of exam scores by analyzing exam responses for consistency. Your score may be classified as indeterminate ifit is at or above the passing level and Cisco cannot certify that it represents a valid measure ofyour ability as sampled by the exam. After review and analysis, your score will either be: a) Classified as "va lid" and your official exam result will be reported at http://www.pearsonvue.com/authenticate. You can view exam results by using the registration and validation numbers displayed in the left column within 72 hours ofyour exam session. b) Classified as indeterminate and you will be advised of the options for retaking the examination. 1f this exam completes a certification requirement, please allow 10 days for Cisco to receive your exam results. Toen login to the Certification Tracking System at http://www.cisco.com/go/certifications/login to view your certification status. Ensure that your name and mailing address are correct. You will receive an email with instructions explaining how to obtain your certificate if applicable.

• To receive or stop receiving communications, log in to the Certification Tracking System and select your preference in the Opt In/Opt Out section.

• For additional certification and training resources, visit: http://www.cisco.com/go/learnnetspace

The following report shows your performance in each section of the exam:

The Certification Exam Policies webpage (www.cisco.com/go/exampolicy) provides a single resource giving key certification policies, agreements, and the CCIE policy page for information specific to the CCIE program. Consult this section for current information on program policies for Cisco Career Certifications exams.

The scores below are not cumulative.

Network Principles Layer 2 Technologies Layer 3 Technologies VPN technologies lnfrastructure Security

50% 83% 81% 83% 71%

lnfra stru cture Serv ices 85%

Tu is examination was delivered at a Pearson VUE Authorized Testing Center. To register for another Cisco exam in the United States call 1-877-404-EXAM. Elsewhere, contact your local Pearson VUE Authorized Center or go to: www.pearsonvue comlcisço.

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