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1 Algorithms for massive data sets Lecture 3 (March 2, 2003) Synopses, Samples & Sketches.

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1 Algorithms for massive Algorithms for massive data sets data sets Lecture 3 (March 2, 2003) Synopses, Samples & Sketches
Page 1: 1 Algorithms for massive data sets Lecture 3 (March 2, 2003) Synopses, Samples & Sketches.


Algorithms for massive data setsAlgorithms for massive data sets

Lecture 3 (March 2, 2003)

Synopses, Samples & Sketches

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• Synopsis (from Webster) : a condensed statement or outline (as of a narrative or treatise)

• Synopsis (here) : A succinct data structure that lets us answers queries efficiently

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Typical QueriesTypical Queries

Statistics (count, median, variance, aggregates)

Patterns (clustering, associations, classification)

Nearest Neighbors (L1, L2, Hamming norm)

Property Testing (Skewness, Independence)


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Why use Synopses?Why use Synopses?

• Can’t store the whole data : E.g. Web Data

• Resides in main memory : fast query response. E.g. OLAP Data

• Remote transmission at minimal cost

• Minimal effect on storage cost

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Classification of SynopsesClassification of Synopses

• Are they useful for more than kind of query?– General purpose: E.g. samples

– Specific purpose: E.g. Distinct Values Estimator

• What granularity ?– One per database: E.g. Sample of the whole


– One per distinct value of attribute : E.g. Profiles for customers in a call database

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Some NumbersSome Numbers

• AQUA Project (Bell Labs): – DB Size : 420 MB

– Synopsis Size : 420 KB (0.1%) to 12.5 MB (3%)

– Accuracy : Within 10% for 0.1% of DB size

– Running Time : Less than 0.3% of the time for full query

• Quantile Summary (Khanna et al) : – DB Size : 109 tuples

– Synopsis Size : 1249 tuples

– Accuracy : 1%

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Synopses need not be fancy!Synopses need not be fancy!

• Maintaining Mean (μ) of numbers

• What about variance ?

22 )( ix

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• Small Size

• Fast Update and Query

• Provable error guarantees (Need not give exact answers)

• Composable : Useful for distributed scenario

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A coarse classificationA coarse classification

• Sampling based : This lecture

• Sketches

• Histograms

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• Where and how are samples used

• How are samples maintained – Single relation

• Types of samples :– Oblivious

– Value based

• Limitations of oblivious samples

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Samples in DSSSamples in DSS

• Exact answers NOT always required

– DSS applications usually exploratory: early feedback to help identify “interesting” regions

– Aggregate queries: precision to “last decimal” not needed• e.g., “What percentage of the US sales are in NJ?” (display as

bar graph)

– Base data can be remote or unavailable: approximate processing using locally-cached data synopsesdata synopses is the only option

SQL Query

Exact Answer

DecisionDecisionSupport Support SystemsSystems(DSS) (DSS)

Long Response Times!

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Sampling: BasicsSampling: Basics• Idea: A small random sample S of the data often well-represents all the data

– For a fast approx answer, apply the query to S & “scale” the result

– E.g., R.a is {0,1}, S is a 20% sample

select count(*) from R where R.a = 0

select 5 * count(*) from S where S.a = 0

1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0

0 1 1 1 1 1 0 11 1 0 1 0 1 1

0 1 1 0

Red = in S


Est. count = 5*2 = 10, Exact count = 10

• Leverage extensive literature on confidence intervals for sampling

Actual answer is within the interval [a,b] with a given probability

E.g., 54,000 ± 600 with prob 90%

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The Aqua ArchitectureThe Aqua Architecture


(e.g., Oracle)

SQLQuery Q







Picture without Aqua:

• User poses a query Q

• Data Warehouse executes Q and returns result

• Warehouse is periodically updated with new data

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The Aqua ArchitectureThe Aqua Architecture

Picture with Aqua:

• Aqua is middleware, between the user and the warehouse

• Aqua Synopses are stored in the warehouse

• Aqua intercepts the user query and rewrites it to be a query Q’ on the synopses. Data warehouse returns approximate answer


(e.g., Oracle)


SQLQuery Q



Result (w/ error bounds)







select count(*) from R where R.a = 0 select 5 * count(*) from S where S.a = 0 Q Q’

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Schema & QueriesSchema & Queries

• Most queries involve foreign key joins between tables followed by (grouping and) aggregation.





order part, supp



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Example QueryExample Query

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What samples are right?What samples are right?

• Naïve approach : maintain samples of each relation in the schema

• Problem : sample of the join is not a join of the samples, even for foreign key joins

• Example :





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Foreign Key JoinsForeign Key Joins

• Foreign Key Join : Effectively a central “fact” table is appended with columns from the dimension tables.

• Sampling from the join is same as sampling from the “fact” table itself.

• Synopsis : For every table that may be a “fact” table for certain join, sample from the table and join the sample with the dimension tables.

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• For every node in the DAG:– Maintain a sample corresponding to that table.

– Join the sample with tables corresponding to all its descendents in the graph.

– Maximal join for which the table is a “fact” table.




order part, supp



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Bells and whistles!Bells and whistles!

• How to allocate memory across samples of different “fact” tables

• Group-By Queries: – Are uniform samples best or can we do better?

• Aggregate attribute may be skewed– Are uniform samples best or can we do better?

• We may revisit these issues later– Have not seen some equations for a while!

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How to sample?How to sample?• Consider a single table with only insertions

• Want to maintain a sample of this table

• Three semantics of sampling:– Coin flip

– Fixed size without replacement

– Fixed size with replacement

• First one (coin flip) easy to maintain under insertions

• Exercise : Can we switch between different samples? If so how ?

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Reservoir SamplingReservoir Sampling

• Given : A stream of elements (tuples), viewed as insertions into a relation

• Aim : At every instant maintain a uniform random sample of size n without replacement

• Method : (Accept the first n elements)– Let t be the number of elements seen so far

– On seeing the the (t+1)st element include it with probability n/(t+1)

– If included evict one of the previous elements uniformly at random

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Proof of CorrectnessProof of Correctness

• Easy to see that every instant the size of the sample is exactly n

• Claim : After seeing t elements, every element belongs to the sample with probability n/t

• Exercise : Using induction prove the last claim

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Efficiency Efficiency • Let N be the number of records seen

• Each record (beyond the first n records) is added to the reservoir with probability n/t

• The average number of records added is

)/ln1()1(/ nNnHHntnn nNNtn

• Consider any reservoir sample. • The t th element has to be a part of the sample with probability no less than n/t. • Thus, the quantity above is also a lower bound on the additions made to the reservoir (time spent)

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EfficiencyEfficiency• The naïve algorithm makes N calls to

RANDOM() and takes time O(N)

• Consider the following random variable: Let S(n,t) denote the number of elements skipped where n is the size of the reservoir and t is the number of elements processed so far.

• Aim: Study this random variable and sample from its distribution using O(1) operations.

• Idea : Generate S(n,t) and skip those many records doing nothing

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ObservationsObservations• S(n,t) is non-negative

• Let F(s) denote Prob {S(n,t) ≤ s}, for s≥ 0














Where ab denotes the falling power

a(a-1) (a-2)…(a-b-1) and denotes the rising

power a(a+1)(a+2)…(a+b-1)


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ObservationsObservations• Subtracting two terms corresponding to s and s-1 we

get the probability distribution function f(s) as


















We can compute the expected value which is (t-n+1)/(n-1)Here is a simple way to sample from the distribution corresponding to S(n,t). We already calculated its CDF (F(s)). We generate a random number U between 0 and 1 and find the smallest s such that U ≤ F(s), i.e.







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• Have reduced the number of calls to RANDOM() to optimal : One per insertion into the reservoir

• There are two ways to find the largest s that satisfies the previous equation– Linear scan : Gives O(N) time algorithm

– Binary search/Newton’s interpolation method to get a running time of O(n2(1 + log (N/n) log log (N/n))

• Note: This is still not optimal. Read the paper for an optimal (up to constants) algorithm.

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What have we seen so far?What have we seen so far?• How to sample efficiently (Reservoir Sampling)

– A method to sample without replacement by making a single scan

– Optimized the calls to RANDOM()

– Overall processing time can also be optimized

• How samples are used in DSS and what are the different samples that should be kept in order to answer queries

• What next?– Queries in DSS are not simple counts over the entire relation

– Typically they have grouping followed by aggregation of an attribute that may have high variance

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Error using samplingError using sampling

R = {y1, y2, …, yN}, sample size nVariance in data values:








Error = Std Dev =√E(μ – μ*)2




S 1)(

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Group-By QueriesGroup-By Queries

• SELECT avg (salary) FROM census GROUP BY state

• Some of the states have very tuples as compared to others. E.g. CA has 70 times more people as compared to WY

• If we sample uniformly from the entire relation then there will be very few tuples corresponding to WY and hence a large error in its avg(salary) estimate

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Error Metric (Group-By)Error Metric (Group-By)

• Let c*_i be the true answer (aggregate) corresponding to group i

• Let c_i be the estimate obtained from sample

• The error e_i is given by |c*_i – c_i|/|c_i|

• The cumulative error is the L1,L2, L∞ norm of the error vector {e_i}

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Optimal sampling strategyOptimal sampling strategy

• For every group the error is inversely proportional to √n where n is the number of tuples in the sample from this group

• In order to reduce the maximum error among all groups we should have equal number of samples from each group (Senate)

• But this strategy is not optimal if the query does not have a group by and is over the entire relation. In that case a uniform sample of the entire relation is optimal (House)

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Basic-Congress SamplingBasic-Congress Sampling

• Unfortunately, unlike U.S. congress we don’t have place to sit both Senators and House Representatives!

• Hence we do the following:– Let X be the total seats allotted to Congress

– For a state CA let CA_S (resp CA_H) be the seats allotted to it assuming the congress was only made of senate (resp. house)

– The final seat allocation to each state CA is proportional to max(CA_S, CA_H), subject to total seats being X

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• No error guarantees– Only a best effort solution

• Cannot use Reservoir sampling anymore– The full paper talks about one pass algorithms, but

admits that they don’t work in all cases

• What if the variance in values (S) is large ?– Outlier indexing

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Error using samplingError using sampling

R = {y1, y2, …, yN}, sample size nVariance in data values:








Error = Std Dev :




S 1)(

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Presence of Data Skew.Presence of Data Skew.

Outliers (deviant tuples).

9950 tuples.Value = 1

50 tuples

Value = 1000.

Uniform sampleof size 100.

Sum estimate= 10,000


Sum estimate > 109,900

Error > 83%

Exact Answer= 59,950



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Outlier Indexing Scheme.Outlier Indexing Scheme.


RO (outliers)


sample RNO




Q & extrapolateA2

+ A


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Selection of Outlier Index.Selection of Outlier Index.

Objective: Remove at most n outliers such that non outliers have least variance.

Theorem: For a sorted (multi)set of values optimal outlier set looks like :

...,vk,vk+1, vk+2,…,vm-1,vm,vm+1,…

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• Cannot do reservoir sampling

• One pass algorithm for selection of outliers

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Types of SamplesTypes of Samples

• Oblivious samples: We do not look at the value of attribute while sampling

• Value based sampling : The distinct sampling of Gibbons et al

• Limitations of oblivious sampling:– Please refer :

Sampling algorithms: lower bounds and applicaitons, Z. Bar-Yossef, S. Ravi Kumar, and D. Sivakumar.STOC 2001.

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SummarySummary• Obvious type of synopsis: samples

• Use of samples in DB, in particular DSS. – Idea of maintaining the samples of ‘fact’ tables

• How to sample without replacement with a single pass, not knowing the size of the relation a-priori– Reservoir sampling and tricks to make it efficient

• Shortcomings of sampling in DB’s– Group-By queries : Congressional samples

– High Skew in Data : Outlier indexing, stratified sampling

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ReferencesReferences• Join Synopses for Approximate Query Answering, S. Acharya, P.

Gibbons, V. Poosala, and S. Ramaswamy.  SIGMOD 1999.

• Congressional Samples for Approximate Answering of Group-By Queries, S. Acharya,  P, Gibbons, and V. Poosala. SIGMOD 2000.

• Overcoming Limitations of Sampling for Aggregation Queries, S. Chaudhuri, G. Das, M. Datar, R. Motwani and V. Narasayya. ICDE 2001.

• A Robust Optimization-Based Approach for Approximate Answering of Aggregate Queries, S. Chaudhuri, G. Das and V. Narasayya. SIGMOD 2001.

• Random Sampling with a Reservoir, J. S. Vitter. Trans. on Mathematical Software 11(1):37-57 (1985).

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Sampling over Sliding windowsSampling over Sliding windows

• Samples of streaming data

• Need to account for staleness of data

• An data element is fresh if it belongs to the last N elements

• Problem statement : Given a stream of elements maintain a uniform random sample of size

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A Simple, Unsatisfying ApproachA Simple, Unsatisfying Approach• Choose a random subset X={x1, …,xk}, X{0,1,…,n-1}

• The sample always consists of the non-expired elements whose indexes are equal to x1, …,xk (modulo n)

• Only uses O(k) memory

• Technically produces a uniform random sample of each window, but unsatisfying because the sample is highly periodic

• Unsuitable for many real applications, particularly those with periodicity in the data

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Reservoir Sampling: Why It Reservoir Sampling: Why It Doesn’t WorkDoesn’t Work

• Suppose an element in the reservoir expires

• Need to replace it with a randomly-chosen element from the current window

• However, in the data stream model we have no access to past data

• Could store the entire window but this would require O(n) memory

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Chain-SampleChain-Sample• Include each new element in the sample with probability


• As each element is added to the sample, choose the index of the element that will replace it when it expires

• When the ith element expires, the window will be (i+1…i+n), so choose the index from this range

• Once the element with that index arrives, store it and choose the index that will replace it in turn, building a “chain” of potential replacements

• When an element is chosen to be discarded from the sample, discard its “chain” as well

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3 5 1 4 6 2 8 5 2 3 5 4 2 2 5 0 9 8 4 6 7 3

3 5 1 4 6 2 8 5 2 3 5 4 2 2 5 0 9 8 4 6 7 3

3 5 1 4 6 2 8 5 2 3 5 4 2 2 5 0 9 8 4 6 7 3

3 5 1 4 6 2 8 5 2 3 5 4 2 2 5 0 9 8 4 6 7 3

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Memory Usage of Chain-SampleMemory Usage of Chain-Sample

• Let T(x) denote the expected length of the chain from the element with index i when the most recent index is i+x

• T(x) =

• The expected length of each chain is less than T(n) e 2.718

• Expected memory usage is O(k)

{ 0 for x < 01 + 1/n [ΣT(j)] for x 1 j<i

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Memory Usage of Chain-SampleMemory Usage of Chain-Sample• Chain consists of “hops” with lengths 1…n

• Chain of length j can be represented by partition of n into j ordered integer parts– j-1 hops with sum less than n plus a remainder

• Each such partition has probability n-j

• Number of such partitions is (n) < (ne/j)j

• Probability of any such partition is small [O(n-c)]when j = O(k log n)

• Uses O(k log n) memory whp


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Comparison of AlgorithmsComparison of Algorithms

• Chain-sample is preferable to oversampling:– Better expected memory usage: O(k) vs. O(k log n)

– Same high-probability memory bound of O(k log n)

– No chance of failure due to sample size shrinking below k

Algorithm Expected High-Probability

Periodic O(k) O(k)

Oversample O(k log n) O(k log n)

Chain-Sample O(k) O(k log n)
