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Copyright © 2017 Clover7 Nutritionals Pte Ltd

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Published by George Bridgeham

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Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 5

Chapter 1: Exercise for a Long Life .............................................................................................. 7

Long Walks for a Long Life .......................................................................................................... 9

March at Your Own Pace ............................................................................................................ 9

Keep Things Fun ........................................................................................................................ 10

Boost Bone Health by Lifting Weights ..................................................................................... 10

Aerobic Exercise for the Heart ................................................................................................. 10

Biking for Blood Pressure ......................................................................................................... 11

Stabilize Your Blood Sugar ........................................................................................................ 11

What About Water? .................................................................................................................. 11

Warm Up and Cool Down ......................................................................................................... 12

Work on Your Weight ............................................................................................................... 12

Don’t Give Your Bones a Break ................................................................................................ 13

Chapter 2: Manage Stress for a Balanced Life ........................................................................... 14

Do Some Gardening .................................................................................................................. 15

Indulge in a Massage ................................................................................................................ 16

Buy a Bouquet of Flowers ......................................................................................................... 16

Work Smart Not Hard ............................................................................................................... 16

Chapter 3: Give Your Brain a Break ........................................................................................... 18

Enjoy the Classics ...................................................................................................................... 19

Evaluate Your Emotions ............................................................................................................ 20

Keep an Eye on Your Posture ................................................................................................... 20

Stop and Smell the Roses ......................................................................................................... 20

Turn Things Upside Down ......................................................................................................... 21

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Chapter 4: Getting a Good Night’s Sleep ................................................................................... 22

The Skinny on Sunlight .............................................................................................................. 23

Sleep for Organ Health ............................................................................................................. 23

Demand Daylight ....................................................................................................................... 24

Ease Yourself Awake ................................................................................................................. 24

Sleep but Don’t Snore ............................................................................................................... 25

Nap for Heart Health ................................................................................................................ 25

Send Insomnia Packing ............................................................................................................. 25

Think About Your Sleeping Posture ......................................................................................... 26

Chapter 5: Take a Page from Chinese Medicine ........................................................................ 27

Breathe Your Body Clean .......................................................................................................... 28

Give Acupressure a Try ............................................................................................................. 29

Be Like the Bamboo .................................................................................................................. 29

Healthy Skin and Hair ................................................................................................................ 30

Address Your Addictions ........................................................................................................... 30

Yoga for Youth and Longevity................................................................................................... 31

Go with Your Gut ...................................................................................................................... 31

Hum Yourself Healthy ............................................................................................................... 31

Make a Map of Your Body ........................................................................................................ 32

Laugh Out Loud ......................................................................................................................... 32

Change with the Seasons .......................................................................................................... 33

It’s All About the Abdomen ...................................................................................................... 34

Conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 35

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Life is what you make of it. If you take care of both your mind and body, you will be rewarded

with a long and happy life. The people who live the longest are the ones who have the most

to live for – they don’t take a single moment for granted, and they are always grateful for

what they have. People who have lived a full and happy life for one hundred years or more

have learned the secret to longevity, and it isn’t some miracle drug or expensive anti-aging

treatment. The secret to a life well lived is to cultivate and maintain healthy habits.

Engaging in healthy habits is a choice, and not just a choice you make once – it is a choice you

must make each and every day. The habits you follow as an adult come from seeds sown in

childhood, but they have been developed over a lifetime of knowledge and experience. If you

want to enjoy your time on this earth to the maximum, you should take care of yourself and

do the things that keep you well.

In ancient Chinese traditions, practices like qigong, tai chi, and meditation play an important

role in preserving longevity. They also use various rejuvenation techniques, like acupuncture

and energy healing to keep both the mind and body young and properly balanced.

If you want to know the secret to maximizing your longevity and enjoying a long, happy life,

this book is the perfect place to start. Within the pages of this book, you will find a

comprehensive overview of the top healthiest habits that 100-year-olds have passed on to

future generations as their secret to longevity.

Here you will find an overview of everything from exercise advice and dietary

recommendations to tips for achieving healthy sleep. Incorporating these techniques into

your lifestyle is not something you can do overnight, but if you work at it, you can

dramatically improve your health, both physically and mentally. When your mind and your

body are in healthy balance, everything else will fall into place.

The choices you make right now will impact the rest of your life, so make the smart move and

keep reading to learn more about the secrets to longevity!

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Chapter 1: Exercise for a Long Life

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According to the National Cancer Institute, engaging in leisure-time activity can increase your

lifespan by as much as 4 ½ years. What is most interesting about this statistic is the fact that

the results were consistent regardless of bodyweight, and even when it came to fairly low

levels of activity.

Engaging in moderate-intensity exercise and weight lifting can provide serious health

benefits, of course, but this statistic shows that even getting a little bit of exercise on a

regular basis can help to improve your longevity. This might explain why centenarians are

able to live so long – they may not engage in rigorous exercise, but they do remain active in

their daily lives.

There is no doubt that exercise is important for your health and wellbeing, but which types of

exercise are the best for maximizing your longevity, and how can you work it into your daily

routine? If you lead a busy life, you may feel as though you simply don’t have time to

exercise, but finding the time may be simpler than you know. Think back to what was said in

the introduction – engaging in healthy habits is a choice and it is a choice you must keep

making every day.

Increasing your daily activity level is as simple as choosing to be more active. You don’t

necessarily have to spend an hour on the treadmill each day, either – you can make small but

meaningful choices, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or parking your car a

little bit further away from your office.

Keep making healthy choices, and they will become compounded. One healthy choice leads

to another, and before you know it, you will have transformed your lifestyle, and you will

soon be reaping the benefits. Aside from a longer lifespan, here are some of the benefits you

may enjoy as a result of increasing your activity level:

Regular activity can help you to achieve and maintain a healthy bodyweight

which, in turn, reduces your risk for chronic disease.

Daily exercise boosts circulation and helps to improve heart health.

The more active you are, the lower your risk for type 2 diabetes and other

metabolic diseases related to diet and lifestyle.

Exercising regularly can help to reduce your risk for stroke and certain types of


Getting daily exercise can help to strengthen your muscles and bones,

protecting you against arthritis and osteoporosis.

Being active can boost your mood and improve your cognitive performance.

Staying active as an older adult will help to reduce your risk of falling, and will

help to protect you against injury if you do take a tumble.

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Now that you understand the power of regular exercise, you may be wondering just how to

get started. The beauty of it is that you don’t necessarily have to follow a regimented

program – going for a walk once a day could be enough to increase your longevity. For more

ideas on how to add some extra exercise to your life, keep reading.

Long Walks for a Long Life

Many people assume that the best kind of exercise is the most difficult kind. While there are

certainly benefits associated with vigorous exercise, if longevity is your goal, taking a long

daily walk may be all that you need to do. Not only can a daily 30-minute walk improve your

cardiovascular health, but it can reduce your risk of stroke and other chronic diseases that

might reduce your lifespan.

March at Your Own Pace

No matter what type of exercise you choose

to do, make sure to adjust the activity to suit

your individual abilities. It is especially

important to start off slow when you first

begin toexercise, particularly if you are

getting up in years – the last thing you want

to do is push yourself too hard and get hurt.

Whether you are participating in a group

fitness class or working through an exercise

program on your own, pay attention to the

signs your body gives you. If you start to

have trouble breathing or your heart is

beating too fast, take a break to slow things

down. When you first start exercising it may be a good idea to start with just 10 minutes at a

time. As long as you’re able to make it that long without pain or strain, you can extend your

workouts by 5 minutes at a time.

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Keep Things Fun

Staying fit and healthy is something you’re going to have to work at every day. So, if you want

to maintain your fitness for the long term, you should take the time to make your daily

workout fun and interesting. The main reason why many people fail on diets and exercise

programs is because they become bored or overwhelmed. Adjusting your exercise to suit

your ability and including a variety of different types of exercise will keep things fun, so you

don’t get bored.

Boost Bone Health by Lifting Weights

As you get older, your bones start to become

more brittle, and you may have an increased

risk of injury if you fall. It may sound

counterproductive, but lifting weights a few

times a week can actually help to strengthen

your bones. You don’t necessarily have to

become a bodybuilder, but engaging in some

bodyweight exercises or using free weights

two to three times a week can boost bone

health and protect you against arthritis and

osteoporosis, even more so than just taking

calcium or vitamin D supplements.

Aerobic Exercise for the Heart

Getting down to the heart of the matter, aerobic exercise is the way to go if you want to

improve and maintain your heart health. Your heart is responsible for pumping oxygenated

blood and nutrients throughout your body, so it needs to stay strong in order to keep doing

its job. The best way to strengthen it is to engage in aerobic exercise that elevates your

heartrate for a prolonged period of time. For the maximum benefit, aim to increase your

heartrate by 60% to 80% of your maximum heartrate. You can calculate your maximum

heartrate by subtracting your age from 220. For example, if you are 45 years old, your

maximum heartrate would be 175, and your target heartrate would be between 105 and 140

beats per minute.

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Biking for Blood Pressure

Walking is an excellent form of exercise, but

there is another type of exercise that you

shouldn’t overlook – biking or cycling. You

can enjoy this activity by riding a bicycle

outdoors or by using a stationary bike. Not

only is it a powerful form of cardiovascular

exercise, but the act of pedaling a bicycle

improves blood circulation to your legs and

feet which can help to control your blood

pressure. According to a recent study, biking

for 60 minutes at a time three days a week

over a 10-week period can result in a

decrease in blood pressure by as much as 13

points in middle-aged participants.

Stabilize Your Blood Sugar

Another longevity-boosting benefit of regular exercise is that it can help to stabilize your

blood sugar. Your body uses glucose as its primary form of energy, and when you eat, your

pancreas produces insulin to help your body utilize that energy. If you are always eating carb-

and sugar-loaded foods, however, your body can become less sensitive to insulin, which can

cause you to develop diabetes. Whether or not you have diabetes, engaging in regular

exercise helps to restore your body’s sensitivity to insulin so that you can process glucose

more efficiently. Aerobic exercise is typically the best type to stabilize your blood sugar.

What About Water?

If you don’t feel like walking, cycling, or lifting weights are in the cards for you, don’t give up

yet – there is another excellent form of exercise that shouldn’t be overlooked. Swimming or

engaging in water aerobics are both excellent options for people who have joint problems or

limited mobility. Not only does the water cushion your joints, but it provides some resistance

as well, which can help you build muscle.

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Warm Up and Cool Down

No matter what kind of exercise you choose to engage in, it is important that you protect

your body from start to finish. Before you start to exercise, be sure to warm up your body

and your muscles – this is especially important if you’re exercising first thing in the morning.

After a night of sleep, your muscles will be cold and stiff, so if you subject them to vigorous

exercise, you run the risk of injury. You might find that you become sore even after sitting or

lying down for a short period of time. This is why it is important to properly warm up no

matter when you work out. Once you have finished exercising, you’ll also want to cool down.

This will help to stretch your muscles, so you won’t be so sore later. You can also try using an

ice pack or taking a cool shower to relieve muscle pain and soreness after exercise.

Work on Your Weight

In addition to making a commitment to

leading an active life, you should also take a

look at your weight. Obesity has become an

epidemic in this country, affecting more than

60% of American adults, and it can drastically

shorten your lifespan. Obesity leads to the

development of many health problems, such

as high blood pressure, heart disease,

diabetes, and more. Fortunately, all it takes

to reduce your risk of these health problems

is a loss of just 10% of your bodyweight, if

you’re overweight. This level of weight

reduction can cut your risk of heart attack by

as much as 20%.

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Don’t Give Your Bones a Break

As you get older, you become more at-risk of

falling and breaking or fracturing bones. In

fact, bone fractures and breaks are one of

the most common reasons older individuals

end up in hospital. In many cases, the injury

is caused by a fall – something you may not

be able to prevent. Though you might not be

able to prevent yourself from falling, you can

build strength in your muscles and bones to

prevent injury resulting from the fall. As you

get older, you should work on strengthening

the bones and muscles in your ankles – weak

ankles are a common cause of falling. Here is

an exercise to try: sit upright in a chair and hold one leg out, parallel to the floor. Flex your

foot back toward your shin as far as it will go and hold it for fifteen seconds. Repeat five times

then roll your foot clockwise for five rotations then do it in the other direction. Repeat this

exercise three or four times per week to protect your bones.

In the end, what matters more than the type of exercise you do is the fact that you are

exercising at all. If you can find a form of physical activity that you enjoy and that you can

motivate yourself to do on a daily basis, by all means, go for it. In addition to improving your

overall health, regular exercise can actually help to maintain your youth and vitality. Exercise

promotes the production of human growth hormone (HGH) which helps to increase muscle

mass and strength, decrease fat deposits, and improve mental alertness. To maximize your

longevity, engage in a variety of different exercises as often as possible.

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Chapter 2: Manage Stress for a Balanced Life

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For many people, stress is a fact of life and something they deal with on a daily basis. It is

normal to feel stress from time to time, and a brief episode might not do much damage.

Chronic stress, however, can wreak havoc on your mind and body – it can also have a

negative impact on your longevity. New research indicates that high stress levels can actually

damage your DNA over time, which increases your susceptibility to disease and may also

shorten your lifespan. Depending how much stress you are under and how you handle it, you

could lose 4 to 8 years from your lifespan.

The way you manage your stress levels plays an important role in protecting your body

against disease and in maximizing your longevity. Managing your stress levels isn’t as difficult

as you might imagine, and it is certainly not something to stress about! In fact, some of the

simplest activities that you engage in on a daily basis can help to soothe your stress.

To some degree, living a stress-free life is more about your attitude, than the actual amount

of stress you experience. In the same way that you can choose to live a healthy and fulfilling

life, so can you choose not to succumb to stress. Keep reading to learn more about some of

the simple things you can do to reduce your stress and maximize your longevity.

Do Some Gardening

The centenarians of the world come from a

wide variety of backgrounds and professions,

but many of them share a common hobby –

gardening. Not only is it an excellent form of

gentle exercise, but it can bring you joy as

well. Studies have shown that gardening can

actually reduce your risk of heart disease and

it may provide benefits for bone health as

well. What you’ll really notice, however, is

that your cares start to melt away with every

weed you pull or seed you sow.

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Indulge in a Massage

Many people think of massages as a luxury– something they only do once or twice a year. As

is true for many healthy habits, however, the benefits of a good massage become

compounded the more frequently you get them. A good massage can help to boost your

immune health, improve circulation, and relieve pain. It also works wonders for your stress

levels, helping you to relax the pain away. There are a variety of different types of massage

you should try including Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, acupressure, and Shiatsu

massage. You can even use the principles of massage on yourself by rubbing your feet or


Buy a Bouquet of Flowers

You’ve undoubtedly heard the saying, “stop and smell the roses.” This saying is about taking

the time to notice the little things and be grateful for what you have. It also speaks to

something else – the power of flowers to relieve stress and lift your spirits. This is based on a

study where participants who sat near a bouquet of flowers were able to relax more while

completing a typing assignment than participants who sat near a foliage-only plant. Buying

yourself a bouquet of flowers is a very simple thing to do, but it can make a big difference for

your mood and your stress levels.

Work Smart Not Hard

Another saying you may be familiar with is,

“work smart not hard.” There is nothing

wrong with hard work, but this saying

speaks to a truth that many people ignore –

sometimes you don’t have to push yourself

to extremes to accomplish your goals.

Working efficiently is just as effective (or

more so) than working hard. In fact, working

too hard can cause your stress levels to

skyrocket, and that can have a negative

impact on your health. Repetitive daily

stress at work has been shown to contribute

to joint pain, muscle aches, and fatigue. In

Chinese medicine, there is a principle that

involves breaking up tasks into smaller chunks to prevent them from becoming repetitive or

stressful. Try doing this at work and with your chores at home – make a little progress then

take a short break to renew yourself before resuming the task.

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Sometimes we can’t help the level of stress in our lives, but we can choose how we respond

to it. When it comes to stress, it is important that you make an effort to promote balance

between your professional and personal life. If you are constantly focused on work and other

obligations, your personal life is going to suffer and your health along with it.

In addition to putting some of the principles discussed above to work, you can also reduce

your level of stress by simply choosing not to worry about things that don’t matter. If you’re

going to live to see the ripe old age of 100, you’ll need to learn how to let go of the little

things. Sometimes relieving stress really is as simple as choosing not to worry.

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Chapter 3: Give Your Brain a Break

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Your cognitive ability is something to which the phrase, “use it or lose it” can definitely be

applied. If you want to maximize your longevity, you’re going to have to start thinking about

more than just your physical health – your mental and emotional health matter as well. To

some degree, every person is born with a certain level of intelligence, but there are always

ways to improve yourself. People who live to see the age of 100 are those who have

committed themselves to being lifelong learners and their minds are just as sharp now as

they were decades before. Your brain is a muscle just like any other, and you can make it

stronger by putting it to work.

When it comes to your mental health, it is as much about balance as anything else in life. The

best way to preserve your cognitive ability is to challenge yourself – to give your brain a

workout. You must make an effort, however, to strike the right balance between challenging

yourself and becoming too stressed or overwhelmed. A little bit of challenge is healthy for

your brain function, but too much stress can have the opposite effect and could increase

your risk for neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. If you want to maximize your

mental longevity, it is a good idea to work a challenging job or to at least find a hobby that

challenges you. Keep reading to learn about some other things you can do to preserve your

cognitive and emotional health.

Enjoy the Classics

In addition to giving your brain a good

workout, giving it time to relax and unwind

can be beneficial as well. One of the most

important aspects of traditional healing

ceremonies around the world is music. In

more recent years, research has shown

that slow and soothing music can boost

your health while fast, overly stimulating

music can detract from it. Classical music is

particularly beneficial, helping to enhance

various cognitive functions such as

memory, concentration, and reasoning

skills. It also provides various health

benefits, such as stronger immunity, lower

blood pressure, balanced hormones, elevated mood, reduced muscle tension, and increased

endurance. No wonder classical musicians are some of the world’s longest-lived


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Evaluate Your Emotions

Part of a healthy life involves supporting your mental and emotional health, not just the

physical. Many people struggle with finding healthy coping mechanisms to deal with anxiety

and emotions – food is a common escape. When you feel bored, sad, or worried, do you

head to the kitchen pantry, or do you deal with your emotions head-on? Eating might make

you feel better in the moment, but it is only a temporary fix. If you turn to food too often to

sooth your sorrows, you could end up with any number of health problems such as obesity,

diabetes, depression, and more – all of which can cut your lifespan short. If you want to boost

your mental health, learn to process your emotions.

Keep an Eye on Your Posture

If you find that your back or shoulders are sore after sitting or standing for a prolonged

period of time, it could be a problem with your posture. In addition to causing pain or

soreness, poor posture can also lead to reduced energy levels, poor mood, and faster aging.

When you slouch, it compresses your diaphragm and ribs, preventing the steady flow of

oxygenated blood to the brain and other parts of the body. The ancient Chinese remedy for

poor posture is to practice an exercise where you pull your chin inward and act like there is a

string pulling your spine straight up from the top of your head.

Stop and Smell the Roses

The human body has five primary senses, all

of which are important, but some of which

are often overlooked – the sense of smell is

one of these. What many people don’t know

is that smell can have an impact on your

body, as well as your mind. When you smell

something, it stimulates the olfactory nerves

inside your nose which activate the limbic

system in your brain – this is the part of your

brain associated with memory and mood.

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In the same way that the Chinese use certain sounds to heal certain parts of the body, certain

smells can be used to induce healing and balance. For example, jasmine is a scent often used

to relieve depression, and lavender is great for promoting healthy sleep. Eucalyptus is a

powerful scent for relieving sinus congestion, and peppermint is great for digestion. Use

rosemary for pain and citrus for alertness. The best way to use scents to improve your mental

and physical health is to use essential oils for aromatherapy.

Turn Things Upside Down

You’ve probably had an experience where

you were turned upside down, and you felt

the blood rushing to your head. While it may

not be comfortable, an upside-down position

can actually benefit your brain – it all has to

do with gravity. The human body is designed

to walk upright, and things tend to flow in a

certain direction. It can be beneficial,

however, to turn things on their head once in

a while – it could even improve your bodily

function and regulate the flow of blood and

lymph fluid. To experience this benefit for

yourself, try using a slant board where you

can strap yourself in at the ankles and

position your body at a gentle downward angle. As little as five minutes a day of this

treatment can restore circulation to the brain and other vital organs.

When it comes to longevity, your mental health is just as important as your physical health.

The more you use your brain, the stronger it will be and the more protected you will be

against age-related conditions like Alzheimer’s and dementia. Strengthening your cognitive

abilities is neither difficult nor time-consuming – simply put some of the practices discussed

above to work, and you’ll start reaping the benefits!

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Chapter 4: Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

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Nothing is more satisfying than a good night’s sleep. When you are asleep, it gives your brain

a chance to rest and recover from the strain of your everyday life – it is also a time of healing

for your body. Though every person’s needs are a little bit different, the general

recommendation for healthy sleep is 7 to 8 hours per night. What matters more than the

amount of sleep, however, is the quality – if you spend half the night tossing and turning, you

aren’t going to feel rested in the morning. Studies have shown that just one night of poor

sleep can wreak havoc on your system.What’s more, the effects of sleep deprivation tend to

pile up quickly.

Improving the quality of your sleep is fairly simple, though many people don’t realize it. One

of the best things you can do is to stick to a regular sleep schedule, waking up and going to

bed at the same times each day. Your body thrives on routine, so if you make a habit of

sticking to a sleep schedule, your body will adjust, and you’ll be able to fall asleep more

quickly and will wake feeling more rested.

It may also help for you to create a nighttime routine such as reading a book for 30 minutes

before bed or taking a relaxing bath. Keeping your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet will also

help to improve the quality of your sleep.

The Skinny on Sunlight

The sun is your friend, but not all the time. Natural sunlight can instantly lift your mood, and

it helps to support your natural circadian rhythm. Getting a decent dose of sunlight in the

morning can lift your spirits for the day and help to improve the quality of your sleep at night,

but be careful just how much sun you get. The ultraviolet rays of sunlight can cause damage

to your eyes and skin, so be sure to protect yourself if you plan to spend any prolonged time

outdoors. In regard to the benefits of sunlight, it can help to boost vitamin D production and

stimulates the immune system.

Sleep for Organ Health

In addition to helping you feel more rested and restored in the morning, a good night of sleep

can be restorative for your organs as well. Healthy sleep is particularly important for your

liver, the organ that does most of the work in detoxifying your body. When you become

sleep-deprived, you may notice problems with other organs such as your digestive system

and your brain. Sleep deprivation is also devastating for your immune system, causing a

significant drop in white blood cell production after 72 hours awake.

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Demand Daylight

The human body is designed to operate in

conjunction with the rising and setting of

the sun. Your body produces a substance

called melatonin, which is responsible for

your sleep-wake cycle. In the evening, your

body starts to produce more melatonin,

which is what causes you to get tired. In

the early hours of the morning, melatonin

production starts to taper off, leading to

you waking up. The rising and setting of the

sun helps to keep your sleep-wake cycle in

balance.This is why people who work

overnight tend to have a higher risk of

health problems – it throws their system out of whack. Be grateful if you have a job where

you work normal hours during the day.

Ease Yourself Awake

Research shows that the most heart attacks and strokes occur between the hours of 6am and

noon. The main reason behind this has to do with blood pressure. Overnight, your body

relaxes, and your blood pressure tends to drop. When you wake up and immediately jump

into the activities of your day, it can cause a sudden spike in blood pressure, body

temperature, and heart rate – all of these things combined can put acute stress on your

system and may contribute to a heart attack or stroke. It is better for your body to gradually

wake up and prepare for the day. Try listening to some soothing music, do some stretches, or

give yourself a massage.

Another way to ease yourself into the day is to follow a Chinese Taoist tradition that helps

you ease through the transition from sleeping to wakefulness. When you first wake up,

massage your sensory organs – your nose, eyes, lips, and ears. Next, massage your scalp

using your fingers, brushing them through your hair. Move on to massaging the rest of your

body in a smooth stroking motion, working from the neck down to the shoulders, chest,

abdomen, legs, and feet. As you massage your body, inhale deeply through the nose and

exhale slowly through the mouth to help push toxins out of your body. Take three final

breaths before going about the rest of your morning routine.

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Sleep but Don’t Snore

Snoring is incredibly common, but many people don’t realize that it can actually be a

problem. Snoring puts astrain on your cardiovascular system by reducing the oxygen content

of your blood, which in turn increases your blood pressure and your blood cholesterol levels

as well. According to a recent study, people who snore are twice as likely to develop heart

disease, or suffer a stroke,than people who do not. Dealing with a snoring problem is fairly

easy, though you might have to try a few different options before finding the one that is right

for you. One thing you can try is sleeping on your side or propping your head up on a pillow.

If you are overweight or obese, losing a few pounds could help to resolve your snoring

problem. For more help dealing with snoring, see an ear, nose, and throat specialist.

Nap for Heart Health

If you didn’t sleep particularly well one

night, you might think about taking a nap

the following day. A quick nap shouldn’t

have a negative impact on your sleep later

that night, and in fact, could be very

beneficial for your health. Chinese medicine

has observed that the peak hour for heart

activity during the day is around noon – this

aligns with your body’s natural circadian

rhythm. It only makes sense, then, that

taking a nap around this time could give

your cardiovascular system a chance to relax

and rejuvenate itself. Studies have shown

that men who nap for 30 minutes a day had a 30% lower risk of developing heart disease.

Send Insomnia Packing

Insomnia is an incredibly common condition, and it can have a significant impact on your

total-body health and wellness. When you don’t get enough sleep, your whole body suffers –

including your immune system. Fortunately, there are plenty of simple exercises that can

help you to battle insomnia – many of them come from traditional Chinese medicine. One

exercise to remedy insomnia involves lying flat on your back with your knees bent then

pulling your knees in toward your chest with both hands, breathing naturally as you do. Hold

the position for 60 seconds then straighten your legs and bring your arms down to your sides.

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Next, inhale while stretching your arms over your head then exhale as you bring them back

down, massaging your body from chest to abdomen. Finally, rest your hands at your sides

and take a few breaths before repeating the process.

Think About Your Sleeping Posture

You already know that the amount of sleep

you get can impact your health, but did you

know that the way you sleep matters as

well? A Taoist physician from 300AD

believed that it was possible to become

physically immortal and that a certain

sleeping position was part of the solution. It

is called the “deer sleep posture” and it may

help to improve the quality of your sleep, as

well as your overall health. Simply lie on

your right side with your right arm bent at

the elbow, your palm face-up in front of

your face. Your left arm should rest gently

with your elbow on yourhip, your left hand resting in front of your abdomen. Keep your right

leg straight and bend the left knee, resting your foot in front of your right thigh.

There is no point in living to be a hundred years old if you can’t enjoy it. If you start to lose

your cognitive abilities, you may also start to lose yourself and being your best is the whole

point of living. Many people overlook the importance of sleep when it comes to maintaining

their mental and physical health, but it is extremely important. Sleep is also important if you

want to cultivate an attitude of lifelong learning.

When you sleep, your brain is actively preparing for the next day and making room for new

learning. Sleep deprivation can not only slow down your cognitive abilities, but it can also

prevent you from learning new things. To maximize your mental longevity as well as your

physical health, make a commitment to getting plenty of rest. Your mind and your body will

thank you on your 100th birthday.

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Chapter 5: Take a Page from Chinese Medicine

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Even if you have never tried tai chi for yourself, you are probably familiar with it. Perhaps

you’ve even seen pictures or video of large masses of people in China engaging in slow,

choreographed movements not dissimilar to a dance routine. Though tai chi may not be

something you’ve thought about trying for yourself, it is one of many ancient Chinese

practices which can help you to maximize your longevity. Just think about it – more than 100

million people practice tai chi on a regular basis and they are some of the longest-lived

people in the world. Furthermore, studies have shown that engaging in tai chi for 30 minutes

per day three times a week can lower blood pressure, slow bone loss, reduce anxiety,

improve mobility, restore balance, improve sleep, and enhance circulation. That’s a powerful


Tai chi is just one element of ancient Chinese traditions that can help you to maximize your

lifespan. In order to really understand how this works, you need to first learn a little bit of

background. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been used for thousands of years, and

over the course of many centuries, it has changed very little.

The core concept is that there is a powerful life force that flows throughout the body – it is

called Qi. When your Qi becomes imbalanced, it may also lead to an imbalance in the life

force known as yin and yang which can lead to disease. The key to restoring health is to

restore the balance of Qi, and some of the methods used to accomplish this goal include

acupuncture, cupping, massage, herbal remedies, and movement or concentration exercises

like tai chi.

Breathe Your Body Clean

The stresses of daily life can cause damage

to your body, and it can throw your Qi out of

whack, which could eventually lead to

disease. In addition to stress, your body can

be affected by all kinds of external toxins like

pollution, unhealthy food, chemicals, and

more – these toxins build up over time and

may exacerbate your health issues. One of

the simplest aspects of TCM that can

provide the greatest benefit is breathing


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To reduce stress and restore balance, practice breathing deeply and rhythmically – breathe

from your diaphragm rather than your chest, and try to keep your mind clear as you engage

in this exercise. You will find that other aspects of TCM like tai chi, meditation, and qigong

incorporate these same deep breathing principles.

Give Acupressure a Try

This aspect of TCM was mentioned in the oldest medical book in the world, The Yellow

Emperor’s Classic of Medicine, so it is a tradition that has been handed down over thousands

of years. The general idea behind acupressure is that by applying pressure to certain points

on the body, you can improve circulation to that area and restore balance to your Qi.

Acupressure has been known to provide benefits for a variety of different problems including

cold, flu, and infections – it may even provide benefits for cancer and various degenerative


Be Like the Bamboo

Not only is bamboo a popular food item in

Asia, but its image has cultural significance

as a symbol of flexibility. We all experience

challenges and setbacks in life, but the way

we respond to those things is what matters

– the people who live the longest are the

ones who learn to roll with the punches.

When something unexpected happens, be

like the bamboo and bend, but don’t break.

Not only will an attitude of flexibility help

you to endure the challenges of life, but it

may also provide some serious health

benefits. According to recent studies, people

who exhibit flexibility as a personality trait can recover from illness up to 50% faster.

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Healthy Skin and Hair

Though not specifically as anaspect of

traditional Chinese medicine, caring for your

skin and hair is another aspect of total-body

health and balance. If you want to keep your

skin looking youthful for years to come, try a

technique known as dry brushing. Dry

brushing involves using a brush with natural

bristles to sweep the entire surface of the

body. This technique helps to remove dead

skin cells which boosts circulation to the skin

and helps to protect against infection.

Taking care of your hair is another factor in

maximizing your longevity. Many people

experience hair loss or thinning as they age, so start taking care of your hair sooner rather

than later. Scalp massages are great for restoring blood flow to the scalp, and you can try

applying a Chinese herb called arborvitae to boost your circulation benefits and to strip away

the oils that may be clogging your roots.

Address Your Addictions

We all have bad habits that we aren’t proud of, but some of these are worse than others. If

you have fallen victim to common addictions such as smoking, drinking, or drug use, you

might want to take a step back and take stock of the situation. Addictions like these may

seem harmless, but they can do a lot of damage to your body and can mess with your Qi.

Many of the health problems caused by addiction are completely preventable – all you have

to do is address your addiction. The sooner you do, the sooner your body can begin to heal

and the fewer long-term negative effects you will sustain. If you need help conquering an

addiction, talk to your doctor about a holistic program that follows a mind-body-spirit

approach. You should also look into Chinese herbs that may help you deal with withdrawal

symptoms. For example, kudzu flower has been shown to help with withdrawal from alcohol.

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Yoga for Youth and Longevity

Peng Zu is the Chinese Methuselah who is reported to have lived for more than 800 years.

While you might not be able to achieve that level of longevity, you can certainly extend your

lifespan by engaging in one simple practice – yoga. Yoga consists of stretching and meditative

exercises which can help to relax your mind as well as your body. Engaging in yoga several

times a week can help to improve your flexibility, balance, and coordination – it can also

reduce your stress levels and support a healthy lifestyle. There are many different forms of

yoga, so try out a few of them and decide which one you like best.

Go with Your Gut

According to ancient Chinese medicine, the

abdomen is where most of the body’s

essence and energy is stored, so it must be

protected. To preserve your energy bank,

you need to protect your abdomen from

things like unhealthy food, inclement

weather, sexual excess, poor sleep, and

exhausting physical work. In addition to

these things, you should also keep your

abdomen warm by applying a hot water

bottle or doing an herbal wrap. When your

gut is healthy, you’ll find that other aspects

of your health begin to fall in place as well.

Hum Yourself Healthy

Humming is a habit that many people develop, but don’t even realize they are doing. While

humming might seem like something that doesn’t really serve a purpose, it could actually

benefit your health – particularly your energy levels. Many people who suffer from chronic

fatigue also have sinus problems which prevents the normal exchange of gasses through the

sinuses during respiration. Humming or singing can help to open up the sinuses and improve

your nitric oxide output. Humming is also similar to the ancient Chinese practice of chanting,

which promotes airflow and health.

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Make a Map of Your Body

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the tongue is a map of the internal body. Checking

your tongue for certain signs like redness, cracks, or a slimy coating may help you to identify

hidden problems in the body. It is also important to know that different parts of the tongue

correspond to different parts of the body. The tip of the tongue is connected to the heart,

and the broad, central part of the tongue is linked to the spleen and stomach. The thin strip

crossing the tongue just behind the tip corresponds with the lungs, and the strips along the

sides are linked to the liver and gall bladder. The back of your tongue corresponds to your

kidneys and bladder. If you spot signs in any of these areas, ask your doctor to test for

problems with the corresponding body part.

Another part of the body that the Chinese believe can tell a story about health problems is

the eyes. By examining your eyes, you can determine whether there is some kind of disease

lurking somewhere in your body. For example, if your eyes are red or swollen it might be an

indication of digestive problems. If the whites of your eyes become red and irritated, it might

symbolize issues with the respiratory or pulmonary systems. When the whites of your eyes

become yellow, it is a sign of jaundice – an indication of gallbladder or liver problems. Any

changes to the iris might indicate problems with the liver and dark circles under your eyes

may indicate a hormonal imbalance. To detect problems in the early stages, give your eyes a

good look every day.

Laugh Out Loud

One of the most common practices in

Chinese medicine involves using healing

sounds. The Chinese believe that making

certain sounds can help to restore the

healthy flow of Qi to certain organs,

depending on the type of sound you make.

There are also certain sounds which may

promote relaxation or restore balance to

other bodily systems. There are six healing

sounds which should be chanted one at a

time as you exhale slowly, visualizing the

corresponding organ as you do. The sound

“shoo” is for the liver, “hoo” for the

stomach, and “ha” for the heart. Chant “szi” for the lungs, “shee” for the gall bladder, and

“foo” for the kidneys.

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Change with the Seasons

According to TCM, spring is the season of awakening, and it is when the liver and gallbladder

are most active. You’ve probably heard of spring cleaning for your home, but have you ever

thought about spring cleaning for your body? When the winter snow melts away, you should

start thinking about a spring fast to clean and detoxify your body in preparation for summer.

The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Medicine advises the following things for a liver-cleansing

fast: go to bed early and wake up early; dress warmly for cool mornings and evenings; stretch

and exercise daily; express your feelings freely. In addition to cleansing your body, this fast

will also help to strengthen your body against spring illnesses.

If spring is the time for awakening, summer is the time for growth – it is also a time to protect

yourself against heat. Heat can cause dehydration which, in turn, might destabilize your

nervous system and hinder healthy digestion by slowing intestinal movement and reducing

the production of digestive enzymes. According to TCM, the heart and small intestine are

most active during the summer, and its recommendation for summer health is to get up early

and go to bed later; to rest during the middle of the day; to avoid overheating during physical

activity; to drink plenty of fluids; to avoid anger; and to add pungent flavors to your diet.

The autumn is the transition point between the heat of the summer months and the cold of

the winter months. As cooler weather sets in, it ushers in the harvest and starts the natural

cycle of death. Seasonal changes can lead to respiratory problems such as cough, bronchitis,

asthma, and pneumonia. This time of year has always been associated with the lungs, and the

large intestine in TCM, as well as advice for autumn health is to rise early and go to bed early;

to avoid pungent flavors and to focus on sour flavors; to practice breathing exercises; to drink

plenty of fluids and eat soups; and to remain calm and relaxed, not giving in to stress.

The final season, winter, is when nature goes

to sleep. Days grow shorter and nights grow

longer. Though humans do not hibernate, our

bodies are still affected by the slowing of the

natural processes during the winter. In

Chinese medicine, the winter is linked to the

adrenal glands, bladder, and kidney. It is a

time when toxins tend to accumulate in the

body due to inactivity and when people

become more prone to colds, poor

circulation, flu, and low energy. The best

things to do during winter are to go to sleep

early and rise with the sun; to dress warmly;

to remain active; to avoid cold in the diet; to reduce salt intake; and to eat more bitter

flavors. You should also make an effort to control your emotions to avoid the winter blues.

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It’s All About the Abdomen

According to traditional Chinese medicine, digestive problems account for as many as 90% of

all diseases. The things you eat and the supplements you take can all have an impact on your

digestion – they also have the potential to cause toxins to accumulate in the digestive

system, preventing your body from properly digesting food and absorbing nutrients. To keep

your digestive system healthy, try this TCM exercise known as “inner housecleaning.” Start by

bending slightly at the knee, leaning forward and bracing your hands against your thighs just

above your knees. Press down with your hands as you exhale and draw your stomach in as

tight as you can. While holding your breath, expand and contract your stomach several times

then stand up as you exhale slowly. Repeat the exercise three times at least one hour after

eating. Not only will this exercise help to improve your digestion, but it will benefit your total-

body health.

In addition to incorporating some of the aspects of TCM discussed above, you should also talk

to your doctor about your health. It is a good idea to have a full physical exam once or twice a

year, even if you aren’t currently experiencing any health problems. Part of maximizing your

longevity means being proactive about your health, not just dealing with health problems

when they arise. Together, you and your doctor can talk about your health goals and any

concerns you may have so you can monitor them and seek treatment in the future if needed.

Talk to your doctor about any medications or supplements you are taking and get his

approval before you make any sudden or significant changes to your lifestyle. Your doctor is a

tool for you to use in maximizing your longevity, so don’t take him for granted!

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Living a long and healthy life is a goal we should all seek to accomplish. Though there are

certain factors which might limit your lifespan over which you have no control, there are

plenty of things you can control. For example, you can choose to become more active, to

seek balance in all things, and to make a commitment to your own health and wellness.

If you’ve learned anything reading this book, it should be that life is a marathon and not a

sprint. Take a lesson from the tortoise and don’t stress yourself about the things that don’t

matter. Be an active participant in your own life and be grateful for the things you have –

don’t let life pass you by without noticing.

In addition to taking things one day at a time, you should also make a note of the healthy

habits that work for you and make every effort to maintain them. Is there a certain type of

exercise that you find works well? Does a certain sleep schedule help you to feel your best?

Whatever works for you, do it on a daily basis to maximize your benefits and to boost your

longevity. Choosing to make healthy choices on a day to day basis is much more beneficial in

the long term than a relaxing weekend spent at the spa once or twice a year. Having healthy

daily habits will allow you to better manage your stress and to maintain balance in your life

for optimal health and wellness.

So, if you’re ready to start maximizing your longevity right now, make the decision to

promote and preserve your health by implementing some of the tips from this book. Good

