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1 Angels & Demons - Part 2 · angels followed him and became demons. Demons are _____ _____ who...

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We need to learn that everything that is “spiritual” is not necessarily good. There is a spiritual righteousness and there is a spiritual wickedness. 1 John 4:1 says, “Believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they be of God.” The reason why so many Christians are not winning in spiritual warfare is because they don’t even know that a war ________________! Where did Satan and his demons come from? We know that there was a rebellion that took place in the angelic world (Revelation 12:39). Lucifer (whose name means “light bearer”) was an archangel of God. His pride led to his fall and Lucifer led a revolt against God and 1/3 of the angels followed him and became demons. Demons are _________ ____________ who rebelled against God and now work evil in the world. Whether you are aware of it or not, YOU have had some personal experience with demons. Every day you encounter the results of demonic work. 1. Demons are _______________ Demons are real and they do exist (although they would prefer that you believe that they do not exist). The word occult means “hidden.” There is a hidden world, a shadowy world of darkness that needs to be exposed with the light of God’s Word. Mark 5:12, “They came to the other side of the sea, into the country of the Gerasenes. When He got out of the boat, immediately a man from the tombs with an unclean spirit met Him…” Jesus cast out demons, spoke to them, and believed in their existence. Out of all the gospel writers, Mark talks more about demons and demonic possession. Read Mark 1:2127 and vs. 3234. – the first and second miracle that Mark talks about involves Jesus casting out a demon. In Marks Gospel – almost everywhere Jesus went – He had to deal with demons. Mark 1:39,”And He went into their synagogues throughout all Galilee, preaching and casting out the demons.” Over 80 times in the New Testament we are introduced to demons and in most cases it is in relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ himself If we say we believe in the Jesus Christ and in the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture, we must believe in the existence of demonic forces. Not only does God believe in demons—demons also believe in Him. James 2:19, “You believe that God is one. You do well; the demons also believe, and shudder. II. Demons are ________________ The way demons are described in the Bible gives us a clue as to just what kind of beings we’re dealing with. In Mark 5:2 When He got out of the boat, immediately a man from the tombs with an evil spirit met Him…” The word evil in the Greek literally means degenerate and vicious. It refers primarily to their activity in a very physical sense. Vs. 3, “…and he had his dwelling among the tombs. And no one was able to bind him anymore, even with a chain; because he had often been bound with shackles and chains, and the chains had been torn apart by him and the shackles broken in pieces, and no one was strong enough to subdue him. Constantly, night and day, he was screaming among the tombs and in the mountains, and gashing himself with stones.” These demons were bent on this man hurting himself and cutting himself with stones. Demons love to hurt people and they love to cause other people to hurt people. Read Psalm 106:3538 – the killing of children is an evidence of demonic activity. How much demonic activity and influence is behind the abortion industry? Vs. 1213, “{The demons} implored Him, saying, "Send us into the swine so that we may enter them.” Jesus gave them permission. And coming out, the unclean spirits entered the swine; and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the sea, about two thousand {of them;} and they were drowned in the sea.” Demons and the devil are in the lifetaking business (they’re in the murder, killing, violence, terrorism business). God is in the lifegiving business. Demons are called “_________________ Spirits” Matthew 10:1 says, “Jesus summoned His twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every kind of disease and every kind of sickness.” The word “unclean” means “morally filthy.” Angels & Demons - Part 2 Dr. Brandon Park | November 2, 2014
Page 1: 1 Angels & Demons - Part 2 · angels followed him and became demons. Demons are _____ _____ who rebelled against God and now work evil in the world. Whether you are aware of it or




         We  need  to  learn  that  everything  that  is  “spiritual”  is  not  necessarily  good.    There  is  a  spiritual  righteousness  and  there  is  a  spiritual  wickedness.  1  John  4:1  says,  “Believe  not  every  spirit  but  try  the  spirits  whether  they  be  of  God.”            The  reason  why  so  many  Christians  are  not  winning  in  spiritual  warfare  is  because  they  don’t  even  know  that  a  war  ________________!                Where  did  Satan  and  his  demons  come  from?    We  know  that  there  was  a  rebellion  that  took  place  in  the  angelic  world  (Revelation  12:3-­‐9).    Lucifer  (whose  name  means  “light  bearer”)  was  an  archangel  of  God.    His  pride  led  to  his  fall  and  Lucifer  led  a  revolt  against  God  and  1/3  of  the  angels  followed  him  and  became  demons.            Demons  are  _________  ____________  who  rebelled  against  God  and  now  work  evil  in  the  world.    Whether  you  are  aware  of  it  or  not,  YOU  have  had  some  personal  experience  with  demons.    Every  day  you  encounter  the  results  of  demonic  work.      

1.  Demons  are  _______________              Demons  are  real  and  they  do  exist  (although  they  would  prefer  that  you  believe  that  they  do  not  exist).    The  word  occult  means  “hidden.”    There  is  a  hidden  world,  a  shadowy  world  of  darkness  that  needs  to  be  exposed  with  the  light  of  God’s  Word.            Mark  5:1-­‐2,  “They  came  to  the  other  side  of  the  sea,  into  the  country  of  the  Gerasenes.  When  He  got  out  of  the  boat,  immediately  a  man  from  the  tombs  with  an  unclean  spirit  met  Him…”    Jesus  cast  out  demons,  spoke  to  them,  and  believed  in  their  existence.              Out  of  all  the  gospel  writers,  Mark  talks  more  about  demons  and  demonic  possession.    Read  Mark  1:21-­‐27  and  vs.  32-­‐34.      –  the  first  and  second  miracle  that  Mark  talks  about  involves  Jesus  casting  out  a  demon.              In  Marks  Gospel  –  almost  everywhere  Jesus  went  –  He  had  to  deal  with  demons.    Mark  1:39,”And  He  went  into  their  synagogues  throughout  all  Galilee,  preaching  and  casting  out  the  demons.”            Over  80  times  in  the  New  Testament  we  are  introduced  to  demons  and  in  most  cases  it  is  in  relationship  with  the  Lord  Jesus  Christ  himself            If  we  say  we  believe  in  the  Jesus  Christ  and  in  the  inspiration  and  inerrancy  of  Scripture,  we  must  believe  in  the  existence  of  demonic  forces.              Not  only  does  God  believe  in  demons—demons  also  believe  in  Him.    James  2:19,  “You  believe  that  God  is  one.  You  do  well;  the  demons  also  believe,  and  shudder.    

II.  Demons  are  ________________              The  way  demons  are  described  in  the  Bible  gives  us  a  clue  as  to  just  what  kind  of  beings  we’re  dealing  with.    In  Mark  5:2  When  He  got  out  of  the  boat,  immediately  a  man  from  the  tombs  with  an  evil  spirit  met  Him…”    The  word  evil  in  the  Greek  literally  means  degenerate  and  vicious.    It  refers  primarily  to  their  activity  in  a  very  physical  sense.            Vs.  3,  “…and  he  had  his  dwelling  among  the  tombs.  And  no  one  was  able  to  bind  him  anymore,  even  with  a  chain;  because  he  had  often  been  bound  with  shackles  and  chains,  and  the  chains  had  been  torn  apart  by  him  and  the  shackles  broken  in  pieces,  and  no  one  was  strong  enough  to  subdue  him.  Constantly,  night  and  day,  he  was  screaming  among  the  tombs  and  in  the  mountains,  and  gashing  himself  with  stones.”          These  demons  were  bent  on  this  man  hurting  himself  and  cutting  himself  with  stones.    Demons  love  to  hurt  people  and  they  love  to  cause  other  people  to  hurt  people.              Read  Psalm  106:35-­‐38  –  the  killing  of  children  is  an  evidence  of  demonic  activity.    How  much  demonic  activity  and  influence  is  behind  the  abortion  industry?              Vs.  12-­‐13,  “{The  demons}  implored  Him,  saying,  "Send  us  into  the  swine  so  that  we  may  enter  them.”  Jesus  gave  them  permission.  And  coming  out,  the  unclean  spirits  entered  the  swine;  and  the  herd  rushed  down  the  steep  bank  into  the  sea,  about  two  thousand  {of  them;}  and  they  were  drowned  in  the  sea.”    Demons  and  the  devil  are  in  the  life-­‐taking  business  (they’re  in  the  murder,  killing,  violence,  terrorism  business).    God  is  in  the  life-­‐giving  business.  • Demons  are  called  “_________________  Spirits”    Matthew  10:1  says,  “Jesus  summoned  His  

twelve  disciples  and  gave  them  authority  over  unclean  spirits,  to  cast  them  out,  and  to  heal  every  kind  of  disease  and  every  kind  of  sickness.”    The  word  “unclean”  means  “morally  filthy.”  

Angels  and  Demons  –  Part  2    

righteousness  and  there  is  a  spiritual  wickedness.  1  John  4:1  says,  “Believe  not  every  spirit  but  try  the  spirits  whether  they  be  of  God.”          The reason  why  so  many  Christians  are  not  winning  in  spiritual  warfare  is  because  they  don’t  even  know  that  a  war  ________________!              Where  did  Satan  and  his  demons  come  from?    We  know  that  there  was  a  rebellion  that  took  place  in  the  angelic  world  (Revelation  12:3-­‐9).    Lucifer  (whose  name  means  “light  bearer”)  was  an  archangel  of  God.    His  pride  led  to  his  fall  and  Lucifer  led  a  revolt  against  God  and  1/3  of  the  angels  followed  him  and  became  demons.          Demons  are  _________  ____________  who  rebelled  against  God  and  now  work  evil  in  the  world.    Whether  you  are  aware  of  it  or  not,  YOU  have  had  some  personal  experience  with  demons.    Every  day  

         We  need  to  learn  that  everything  that  is  “spiritual”  is  not  necessarily  good.    There  is  a  spiritual  We  need  to  learn  that  everything  that  is  “spiritual”  is  not  necessarily  good.    There  is  a  spiritual  

Angels & Demons - Part 2Dr. Brandon Park | November 2, 2014

Page 2: 1 Angels & Demons - Part 2 · angels followed him and became demons. Demons are _____ _____ who rebelled against God and now work evil in the world. Whether you are aware of it or



• Demons  are  called  “_________________  Spirits”  -­‐-­‐  See  Matthew  12:45.    The  word  “wicked”  deals  not  so  much  with  the  physical  side  but  rather  the  spiritual  side  of  demonic  activity.  One  of  the  things  that  demons  love  to  do  is  they  love  to  encourage  false  worship  of  false  gods.  (See  Deut.  32:16-­‐17  and  1  Cor.  10:20).    When  people  say,  “One  religion  is  as  good  as  another”  –  what  you’re  hearing  is  demonic  deception.    This  activity  of  demons  will  increase  as  we  approach  the  end  times  (see  1  Timothy  4:1).  

         *  Demons  _____________  your  life  by  your  _____________________!    Not  all  sin  is  caused  by  demons,  but  demonic  activity  is  a  major  factor  in  much  sin.    QUESTION:  “Why  are  demons  so  interested  in  human  beings?”  ANSWER:  Because  of  their  ______________  for  God  and  God’s  _____________  for  you.    Evil  people  know  that  if  you  cannot  harm  your  enemy  directly;  you  harm  those  whom  your  enemy  loves.    Demons  come  against  people  in  three  basic  ways:    

1. ________________________  -­‐-­‐  They  try  to  weigh  you  down,  make  you  feel  like  you  are  under  a  heavy  burden.    Acts  10:38,  “You  know  of  Jesus  of  Nazareth,  how  God  anointed  Him  with  the  Holy  Spirit  and  with  power,  and  how  He  went  about  doing  good  and  healing  all  who  were  oppressed  by  the  devil,  for  God  was  with  Him.”  The  word  oppressed  literally  means  “to  rule  over  one”  or  “to  take  authority  over  somebody,  to  put  someone  down,  to  exercise  dominion.”    Demons  know  how  to  harass  you,  hassle  you,  and  take  advantage  of  you.    Many  times,  the  more  you  pursue  righteousness,  the  more  demonic  oppression  you’re  going  to  experience.  

2. _________________________  -­‐-­‐  Obsession  means  that  demons  can  dominate  or  preoccupy  your  thoughts  or  feelings.    The  Bible  calls  this  type  of  obsession  “vexing.”    Luke  6:18,  “…and  those  who  were  vexed  [troubled]  with  unclean  spirits  were  being  cured.”    The  word  “vex”  is  synonymous  with  the  word  “obsessed”  Oppression  is  on  the  ________________;  Obsession  is  on  the  __________________.  Obsession  deals  more  with  the  mind  and  the  spirit.    When  people  are  obsessed  with  sex  and  pornography,  money  or  drugs,  hatred,  bitterness,  or  revenge  –  there  is  a  demonic  obsession  that  has  gained  a  stronghold  in  their  life.    That’s  why  Paul  says  in  Eph.  4,  not  to  “give  a  place  to  the  devil.”    Don’t  let  a  demon  come  in  and  make  some  thought  or  part  of  your  psyche  a  dirty  campground  

3. _________________________  -­‐-­‐  Read  Mark  1:32  –  in  possession,  a  demon  has  moved  into  the  human  spirit  and  taken  up  residence.    People  who  are  demon  possessed  will  do  things  that  a  normal  human  being  could  not  do.    Some  lost  their  ability  to  speak  (Luke  11:14);  some  lost  their  ability  to  hear  (Mark  9:25);  some  had  convulsions  (Mark  1:26);  some  were  fiercely  violent  (Mark  1:26);  some  foamed  at  the  mouth  (Luke  9:33);  some  expressed  gnashing  of  the  teeth  (Mark  9:18);  some  became  excessively  strong  (Mark  5:4).    

God  the  Holy  Spirit  is  meant  to  dwell  in  man’s  spirit.    When  your  spirit  is  linked  to  the  Holy  Spirit,  God  gives  direction  to  your  soul  (mind,  emotions,  and  will).    Your  soul  then  tells  the  body  what  to  do.    However,  it  is  possible  for  one  of  Satan’s  demons  to  come  in  and  take  the  place  that  belongs  to  God  the  Holy  Spirit.    That  demon  becomes  to  that  person  what  the  Holy  Spirit  is  to  be  to  that  person.    

III.  Demons  are  __________________            Mark  5:3,  “and  he  had  his  dwelling  among  the  tombs.  And  no  one  was  able  to  bind  him  anymore,  even  with  a  chain.”    Demons  are  powerful  creatures.  But  the  focus  of  this  Scripture  is  not  on  the  demonic  but  the  Divine.      Read  Mark  5:6-­‐7.                Demons  are  no  match  for  ____________  or  for  any  follower  of  Christ  in  whom  Jesus  ___________.  How  do  we  know  we  have  power  over  demons?  

• James  4:7.    When  the  devil  is  attacking  you—you  say,  “You  have  no  place  in  my  life—I  am  in  submission  to  God  and  you  have  to  flee  out  of  my  presence.”  

• 1  John  4:4.    No  child  of  God  should  ever  fear  Satan  or  his  demons.    They  are  afraid  of  YOU  when  you  recognize  YOUR  POWER  and  who  you  are  in  Jesus  Christ.  

• Colossians  2:15.    When  Jesus  Christ  died  on  the  cross  paying  for  our  sins  –  He  truly  and  ultimately  defeated  the  devil.  


Page 3: 1 Angels & Demons - Part 2 · angels followed him and became demons. Demons are _____ _____ who rebelled against God and now work evil in the world. Whether you are aware of it or




         We  need  to  learn  that  everything  that  is  “spiritual”  is  not  necessarily  good.    There  is  a  spiritual  righteousness  and  there  is  a  spiritual  wickedness.  1  John  4:1  says,  “Believe  not  every  spirit  but  try  the  spirits  whether  they  be  of  God.”            The  reason  why  so  many  Christians  are  not  winning  in  spiritual  warfare  is  because  they  don’t  even  know  that  a  war  ________________!                Where  did  Satan  and  his  demons  come  from?    We  know  that  there  was  a  rebellion  that  took  place  in  the  angelic  world  (Revelation  12:3-­‐9).    Lucifer  (whose  name  means  “light  bearer”)  was  an  archangel  of  God.    His  pride  led  to  his  fall  and  Lucifer  led  a  revolt  against  God  and  1/3  of  the  angels  followed  him  and  became  demons.            Demons  are  _________  ____________  who  rebelled  against  God  and  now  work  evil  in  the  world.    Whether  you  are  aware  of  it  or  not,  YOU  have  had  some  personal  experience  with  demons.    Every  day  you  encounter  the  results  of  demonic  work.      

1.  Demons  are  _______________              Demons  are  real  and  they  do  exist  (although  they  would  prefer  that  you  believe  that  they  do  not  exist).    The  word  occult  means  “hidden.”    There  is  a  hidden  world,  a  shadowy  world  of  darkness  that  needs  to  be  exposed  with  the  light  of  God’s  Word.            Mark  5:1-­‐2,  “They  came  to  the  other  side  of  the  sea,  into  the  country  of  the  Gerasenes.  When  He  got  out  of  the  boat,  immediately  a  man  from  the  tombs  with  an  unclean  spirit  met  Him…”    Jesus  cast  out  demons,  spoke  to  them,  and  believed  in  their  existence.              Out  of  all  the  gospel  writers,  Mark  talks  more  about  demons  and  demonic  possession.    Read  Mark  1:21-­‐27  and  vs.  32-­‐34.      –  the  first  and  second  miracle  that  Mark  talks  about  involves  Jesus  casting  out  a  demon.              In  Marks  Gospel  –  almost  everywhere  Jesus  went  –  He  had  to  deal  with  demons.    Mark  1:39,”And  He  went  into  their  synagogues  throughout  all  Galilee,  preaching  and  casting  out  the  demons.”            Over  80  times  in  the  New  Testament  we  are  introduced  to  demons  and  in  most  cases  it  is  in  relationship  with  the  Lord  Jesus  Christ  himself            If  we  say  we  believe  in  the  Jesus  Christ  and  in  the  inspiration  and  inerrancy  of  Scripture,  we  must  believe  in  the  existence  of  demonic  forces.              Not  only  does  God  believe  in  demons—demons  also  believe  in  Him.    James  2:19,  “You  believe  that  God  is  one.  You  do  well;  the  demons  also  believe,  and  shudder.    

II.  Demons  are  ________________              The  way  demons  are  described  in  the  Bible  gives  us  a  clue  as  to  just  what  kind  of  beings  we’re  dealing  with.    In  Mark  5:2  When  He  got  out  of  the  boat,  immediately  a  man  from  the  tombs  with  an  evil  spirit  met  Him…”    The  word  evil  in  the  Greek  literally  means  degenerate  and  vicious.    It  refers  primarily  to  their  activity  in  a  very  physical  sense.            Vs.  3,  “…and  he  had  his  dwelling  among  the  tombs.  And  no  one  was  able  to  bind  him  anymore,  even  with  a  chain;  because  he  had  often  been  bound  with  shackles  and  chains,  and  the  chains  had  been  torn  apart  by  him  and  the  shackles  broken  in  pieces,  and  no  one  was  strong  enough  to  subdue  him.  Constantly,  night  and  day,  he  was  screaming  among  the  tombs  and  in  the  mountains,  and  gashing  himself  with  stones.”          These  demons  were  bent  on  this  man  hurting  himself  and  cutting  himself  with  stones.    Demons  love  to  hurt  people  and  they  love  to  cause  other  people  to  hurt  people.              Read  Psalm  106:35-­‐38  –  the  killing  of  children  is  an  evidence  of  demonic  activity.    How  much  demonic  activity  and  influence  is  behind  the  abortion  industry?              Vs.  12-­‐13,  “{The  demons}  implored  Him,  saying,  "Send  us  into  the  swine  so  that  we  may  enter  them.”  Jesus  gave  them  permission.  And  coming  out,  the  unclean  spirits  entered  the  swine;  and  the  herd  rushed  down  the  steep  bank  into  the  sea,  about  two  thousand  {of  them;}  and  they  were  drowned  in  the  sea.”    Demons  and  the  devil  are  in  the  life-­‐taking  business  (they’re  in  the  murder,  killing,  violence,  terrorism  business).    God  is  in  the  life-­‐giving  business.  • Demons  are  called  “_________________  Spirits”    Matthew  10:1  says,  “Jesus  summoned  His  

twelve  disciples  and  gave  them  authority  over  unclean  spirits,  to  cast  them  out,  and  to  heal  every  kind  of  disease  and  every  kind  of  sickness.”    The  word  “unclean”  means  “morally  filthy.”  

Angels  and  Demons  –  Part  2    

righteousness  and  there  is  a  spiritual  wickedness.  1  John  4:1  says,  “Believe  not  every  spirit  but  try  the  spirits  whether  they  be  of  God.”          The reason  why  so  many  Christians  are  not  winning  in  spiritual  warfare  is  because  they  don’t  even  know  that  a  war  ________________!              Where  did  Satan  and  his  demons  come  from?    We  know  that  there  was  a  rebellion  that  took  place  in  the  angelic  world  (Revelation  12:3-­‐9).    Lucifer  (whose  name  means  “light  bearer”)  was  an  archangel  of  God.    His  pride  led  to  his  fall  and  Lucifer  led  a  revolt  against  God  and  1/3  of  the  angels  followed  him  and  became  demons.          Demons  are  _________  ____________  who  rebelled  against  God  and  now  work  evil  in  the  world.    Whether  you  are  aware  of  it  or  not,  YOU  have  had  some  personal  experience  with  demons.    Every  day  

         We  need  to  learn  that  everything  that  is  “spiritual”  is  not  necessarily  good.    There  is  a  spiritual  We  need  to  learn  that  everything  that  is  “spiritual”  is  not  necessarily  good.    There  is  a  spiritual  

Angels & Demons - Part 2Dr. Brandon Park | November 2, 2014


evil angels




Page 4: 1 Angels & Demons - Part 2 · angels followed him and became demons. Demons are _____ _____ who rebelled against God and now work evil in the world. Whether you are aware of it or



• Demons  are  called  “_________________  Spirits”  -­‐-­‐  See  Matthew  12:45.    The  word  “wicked”  deals  not  so  much  with  the  physical  side  but  rather  the  spiritual  side  of  demonic  activity.  One  of  the  things  that  demons  love  to  do  is  they  love  to  encourage  false  worship  of  false  gods.  (See  Deut.  32:16-­‐17  and  1  Cor.  10:20).    When  people  say,  “One  religion  is  as  good  as  another”  –  what  you’re  hearing  is  demonic  deception.    This  activity  of  demons  will  increase  as  we  approach  the  end  times  (see  1  Timothy  4:1).  

         *  Demons  _____________  your  life  by  your  _____________________!    Not  all  sin  is  caused  by  demons,  but  demonic  activity  is  a  major  factor  in  much  sin.    QUESTION:  “Why  are  demons  so  interested  in  human  beings?”  ANSWER:  Because  of  their  ______________  for  God  and  God’s  _____________  for  you.    Evil  people  know  that  if  you  cannot  harm  your  enemy  directly;  you  harm  those  whom  your  enemy  loves.    Demons  come  against  people  in  three  basic  ways:    

1. ________________________  -­‐-­‐  They  try  to  weigh  you  down,  make  you  feel  like  you  are  under  a  heavy  burden.    Acts  10:38,  “You  know  of  Jesus  of  Nazareth,  how  God  anointed  Him  with  the  Holy  Spirit  and  with  power,  and  how  He  went  about  doing  good  and  healing  all  who  were  oppressed  by  the  devil,  for  God  was  with  Him.”  The  word  oppressed  literally  means  “to  rule  over  one”  or  “to  take  authority  over  somebody,  to  put  someone  down,  to  exercise  dominion.”    Demons  know  how  to  harass  you,  hassle  you,  and  take  advantage  of  you.    Many  times,  the  more  you  pursue  righteousness,  the  more  demonic  oppression  you’re  going  to  experience.  

2. _________________________  -­‐-­‐  Obsession  means  that  demons  can  dominate  or  preoccupy  your  thoughts  or  feelings.    The  Bible  calls  this  type  of  obsession  “vexing.”    Luke  6:18,  “…and  those  who  were  vexed  [troubled]  with  unclean  spirits  were  being  cured.”    The  word  “vex”  is  synonymous  with  the  word  “obsessed”  Oppression  is  on  the  ________________;  Obsession  is  on  the  __________________.  Obsession  deals  more  with  the  mind  and  the  spirit.    When  people  are  obsessed  with  sex  and  pornography,  money  or  drugs,  hatred,  bitterness,  or  revenge  –  there  is  a  demonic  obsession  that  has  gained  a  stronghold  in  their  life.    That’s  why  Paul  says  in  Eph.  4,  not  to  “give  a  place  to  the  devil.”    Don’t  let  a  demon  come  in  and  make  some  thought  or  part  of  your  psyche  a  dirty  campground  

3. _________________________  -­‐-­‐  Read  Mark  1:32  –  in  possession,  a  demon  has  moved  into  the  human  spirit  and  taken  up  residence.    People  who  are  demon  possessed  will  do  things  that  a  normal  human  being  could  not  do.    Some  lost  their  ability  to  speak  (Luke  11:14);  some  lost  their  ability  to  hear  (Mark  9:25);  some  had  convulsions  (Mark  1:26);  some  were  fiercely  violent  (Mark  1:26);  some  foamed  at  the  mouth  (Luke  9:33);  some  expressed  gnashing  of  the  teeth  (Mark  9:18);  some  became  excessively  strong  (Mark  5:4).    

God  the  Holy  Spirit  is  meant  to  dwell  in  man’s  spirit.    When  your  spirit  is  linked  to  the  Holy  Spirit,  God  gives  direction  to  your  soul  (mind,  emotions,  and  will).    Your  soul  then  tells  the  body  what  to  do.    However,  it  is  possible  for  one  of  Satan’s  demons  to  come  in  and  take  the  place  that  belongs  to  God  the  Holy  Spirit.    That  demon  becomes  to  that  person  what  the  Holy  Spirit  is  to  be  to  that  person.    

III.  Demons  are  __________________            Mark  5:3,  “and  he  had  his  dwelling  among  the  tombs.  And  no  one  was  able  to  bind  him  anymore,  even  with  a  chain.”    Demons  are  powerful  creatures.  But  the  focus  of  this  Scripture  is  not  on  the  demonic  but  the  Divine.      Read  Mark  5:6-­‐7.                Demons  are  no  match  for  ____________  or  for  any  follower  of  Christ  in  whom  Jesus  ___________.  How  do  we  know  we  have  power  over  demons?  

• James  4:7.    When  the  devil  is  attacking  you—you  say,  “You  have  no  place  in  my  life—I  am  in  submission  to  God  and  you  have  to  flee  out  of  my  presence.”  

• 1  John  4:4.    No  child  of  God  should  ever  fear  Satan  or  his  demons.    They  are  afraid  of  YOU  when  you  recognize  YOUR  POWER  and  who  you  are  in  Jesus  Christ.  

• Colossians  2:15.    When  Jesus  Christ  died  on  the  cross  paying  for  our  sins  –  He  truly  and  ultimately  defeated  the  devil.  



invade invitati on

hatred love





Jesus lives

outside inside
