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1 Astrophysical Jets Mario Livio Space Telescope Science Institute.

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1 As trophysical Jets Mario Livio Space Telescope Science Institute
Page 1: 1 Astrophysical Jets Mario Livio Space Telescope Science Institute.






Mario LivioSpace Telescope Science Institute

Page 2: 1 Astrophysical Jets Mario Livio Space Telescope Science Institute.


Which Systems Have Highly Collimated Which Systems Have Highly Collimated JetsJets??

Object Physical System

Young Stellar Objects Accreting Star

HMXBs Accreting NS

X-ray Transients Accreting BH

LMXBs Accreting NS

Supersoft X-ray Sources Accreting WD

Symbiotic stars Accreting WD

Pulsars (?) Rotating NS

Planetary NebulaeAccreting Nucleus or Interacting Winds


Object Physical System

AGNAccreting Supermassive BH

GRBs Accreting BH


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Disks around Young Stars STScI-PRC99-05bDisks around Young Stars STScI-PRC99-05b

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M87: AGN from M87: AGN from 200,000 light 200,000 light years years to 0.2 light yearto 0.2 light year

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Superluminal Superluminal Motion in M87 Motion in M87


• Do FR I radio galaxies have relativistic jets like BL Lacs?

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““Superluminal” sourcesSuperluminal” sources

• GRS 1915+105V ~ 0.9c

• Extragalactic jets showV > 0.995c

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Gamma Ray BurstsGamma Ray Bursts

Fruchter et al. 2006

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Southern Crab NebulaHe2-104


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Planetary Nebulae STScI-PRC97-Planetary Nebulae STScI-PRC97-38b38b

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Point-Symmetric Planetary Point-Symmetric Planetary NebulaeNebulae

• IC 4634

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Point-Symmetric Point-Symmetric Planetary NebulaePlanetary Nebulae

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Point-Symmetric Planetary Point-Symmetric Planetary NebulaeNebulae

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Vermeulen et al. 1993

SS 433SS 433

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Supersoft X-Ray Source RXJ 0513-Supersoft X-Ray Source RXJ 0513-6969

Southwell et al. 1996

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Recurrent Recurrent Novae Novae and and SymbioticsSymbiotics

U Sco (1999)

Lépine, Shara, Livio & Zurek 1999

Hillwig, Livio & Honeycutt 2004

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Pulsar JetsPulsar Jets


Crab Pulsar

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Vela Pulsar


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Do Jets Do Jets RequireRequire an Accretion an Accretion Disk?Disk?

• What are the absolutely necessary ingredients for the mechanism of jet acceleration and collimation?

Have disk?

YSOs Yes (but maybe funnels?)

PNe Yes (but maybe funnels?)




GRBs We don’t know

AGN Yes (?) (but maybe ion torus and surrounding gas pressure? Fabian & Rees 1995)

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[OI] [OI] 6300 Profiles 6300 Profiles for T Tauri Starsfor T Tauri Stars

Redshifted component not seen because of disk.

Edwards et al. 1987Livio & Xu 1997

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X-Ray Spectroscopy of Accretion X-Ray Spectroscopy of Accretion DisksDisks

• MCG-6-30-15 (Tanaka et al.)• Gravitational redshift plus Doppler shift

• Evidence that ~ max = 1/2 m

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Do Jets Require an Accretion Do Jets Require an Accretion Disk?Disk?


“Interacting winds”, “ion torus”, Pulsars, need more work

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Do Accretion Disks Do Accretion Disks RequireRequire Jets or Jets or Outflows?Outflows?

• Are outflows/jets the main mechanism for transport/removal of angular momentum (Königl; Pudritz & Norman ’86; Li ’96)?

• Angular momentum carried by wind

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Do Accretion Disks Do Accretion Disks RequireRequire Jets or Jets or Outflows?Outflows?

Angular momentum that needs to be removed from


For rA ~ 10r, only 1% of the accreted mass needs to be lost in wind.

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Behavior of Disk Radius During Behavior of Disk Radius During Dwarf Nova OutburstDwarf Nova Outburst

• At outburst, matter diffuses inward. Angular momentum of that matter is transferred to outer parts of the disk.

• Radius expands• Observations• OY Car, HT Cas, Z Cha

(Harrop-Allin & Warner ’96)

• Disks in OY Car, HT Cas and Z Cha larger in outburst.

U Gem

Smak 1984

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Behavior of Disk Behavior of Disk RadiusRadius During During Dwarf Nova OutburstDwarf Nova Outburst

Theory, disk instability

Ichikawa & Osaki 1992; Livio & Verbunt 1988

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Do accretion disks Do accretion disks requirerequire jets or jets or outflows for angular momentum outflows for angular momentum


I don’t think so.

• Observations of rotation in jets and bipolar outflows are badly needed (velocity gradients).

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Other Clues on JetsOther Clues on JetsJet Origin Object Example Vjet/Vescape

YSOs HH30, 34Vj ~ 100-350km/s

Vesc ~ 500km/s


AGN M87; radio sources >~ 3; <~ 10


GRBs ~ 100 ~1

XRBs SS 433; Cyg X-3Vj ~ 0.6c


XRTs GRO 1655-40GRS 1915+105

Vj >~ 0.9c


Pne Fliers, AnsaeV ~ 200km/s


SSS 0513-69Vj ~ 3800km/s


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• Jets originate from the center of the accretion disk!

• Models which work at all radii are probably not the “correct” ones, (e.g. self similar).

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Black Hole JetsBlack Hole Jets

Two states: (i) dissipation

and disk luminosity,

(ii) bulk flow and jet.

Livio, Pringle, King 2003, 2004; Mirabel 1993, 1998; Fender 2003; Fabian 2002, 2003

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New TimescaleNew Timescale

Timescale for jet

tj ~ td2R/H

1/f power spectrum below a break frequency.King, Pringle, West, Livio 2004

Hujeirat, Livio, Camenzind, Burkert 2003

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Which ingredients play a major role in the acceleration and


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Ingredients which may Ingredients which may notnot be absolutely necessarybe absolutely necessary


Central object near break-up rotation

No ? No, ? ? No ?

Relativistic central object

No Yes Yes No No No

“Funnel” No (?) No (?)

No (?) No Yes (?)


L >~ LEdd (Radiation pressure)

(wind can be driven;

Murray et al. 1997)

No No No Yes Yes No

Extensive hot atmosphere

(gas pressure)

Yes (?)

Yes No No Yes (?)


Boundary layer Yes (?)

No ? Yes (?)

Yes (?)

Yes (?)

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What Does Work?What Does Work?

A reasonably ordered large-scale magnetic field threading the disk!

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Magneto-Centrifugal Jet Magneto-Centrifugal Jet Acceleration and CollimationAcceleration and Collimation

1. Acceleration like a bead on a wire up to the Alfven surface.

2. Acceleration optimal around inclination of 60° (Blandford & Payne 1982; Meier et al. 1997).


8π> ρν 2

ρν 2 >B2

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Collimation Outside Alfven Collimation Outside Alfven SurfaceSurface

Collimation by hoop stress?


Kink Instability

Heyvaerts & Norman 19962 2( ) /8zB Bφ π−

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Poloidal CollimationPoloidal Collimation

Necessary Conditions1. Rdisk/Robject = Significant number of decades

2. Bz largest at inner disk but largest at outer disk e.g. Bz ~ (r/Rin)-1

Good collimation obtained forRAlfven ~ Rdisk

Konigl & Kaatje 1994; Spruit 1996

ConsequencesMinimum opening angle of jet

min ~ (Rin/Rout)1/2

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Junor, Biretta, Livio 1999

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Relativistic OutflowRelativistic Outflow

Magnetic flux tubes across horizon propel relativistic outflow.No collimation

Koide 2004

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Are There Additional Are There Additional Ingredients?Ingredients?

1. Why are there radio-loud and radio-quiet AGN?

2. Why do CVs appear not to produce jets while PNe nuclei and SSS do?

3. How can pulsars produce jets?

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• The production of powerful jets requires an additional heat/wind source.

• Solutions to transsonic flow in disk corona (Ogilvie & Livio 1997, 2000) for strong B a potential difference exists even for i > 30 ( ~ B4).

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Energy Extraction from Spinning Energy Extraction from Spinning HolesHoles

• Penrose Process– Negative energy orbits within

“ergosphere”.– Need fortuitous collision or

deus ex machina.

• Electromagnetic Extraction– Magnetic fields supported

by external current interacts with “conducting” horizon.

– Energy extracted to jet and disk.– Corotating observer sees energy

flow across horizon.– Conserved outward flow of energy, angular

momentum in non-rotating frame.– Reduce m; increase m0.

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Radio Loud vs. Radio Quiet AGNRadio Loud vs. Radio Quiet AGN

Sikora et al. 2006Xu, Baum & Livio 1999 Rawlings 1994

Central engineparameters:

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Spins of Black Holes?Spins of Black Holes?

• RISCO, a*, determined on the basis of x-ray data.

• Study of plunging orbits important.

McClintock et al. 2006Shafee et al. 2006

Zhang, Cui & Chen 1997

Source M (Mʘ) a*

1655-40 6.3+-.27 ~0.7

1543-47 9.4+-1.0 ~0.8

1915+105 14+-4.4 >0.98

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Critical ObservationsCritical Observations

For the General Picture1. Reliable determinations of 2. Determinations of the collimation scale

in all classes of objects.3. Long-term monitoring for variablity

patterns in double-peaked emission lines in AGN. Power spectra.

4. Detection and measurement of rotation and of toroidal magnetic fields in jets and bipolar outflows.

5. More evidence for precession.6. Breaks in afterglows of GRBs.

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Critical ObservationsCritical Observations

For the Conjecture1. Searches for jets in other SSS, in PNe, in

other XRTs (during flares, e.g. A0620-00, GS2023+338, GS 1124-683, Cen X-4, AQL X-1), and other symbiotic systems, in CVs!

2. Determination of black hole masses in AGN.3. Determination of black hole spins in AGN

(e.g., through Fe Kline profiles).4. Determination of black hole spins in stellar

mass black holes.5. Determine whether pulsars can generate

highly collimated jets.
