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1. Best Practice tInter collegiate Sports Meet

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1. Best Practice Inter collegiate Sports Meet 1. Title of the PracticeInter collegiate sports competition in co-ordination with Raigad and New Bombays College of Education. Duration - 2 to 3 days. Every year in the month of January or February 2. Goal- i. To promote sportsmanship spirit among trainee teachers. ii. To promote values like National Integration, Co-operation, Sensitivity, team spirit among the students. iii. To help to build up their physical strength. iv. To help them to enjoy different sports. 3. Principals or ConceptsThis the only innovative practice among any other B.Ed.College in Maharashtra. As B.Ed. College basically give teacher training experience regarding teaching, there in born capacities regarding different sports should also be awakened. They should all round teachers considering this view our college took initiative in establishing Raigad and New Bombay B.Ed. Collegessports association in the year 2011-12. Our Principal Dr. Raamaa Bhoslay acts as Organiser and President of this association. Initially 5 B.Ed. College in above districts participated in that. Every year one college taken responsibility of organising the sports meet. Team events like Kabaddi, Kho-Kho, Volley ball, throw ball, Relay are organised. In the individual events Running, disc throw, Shot-put, Long jump, Javelin throw etc. competition are organised. 4. PractiseAll the participatory college members held meeting to plan for the dates of sports meet. By turn each college taken responsibility of organization of meet. Events and other programmes are planned. District sports authorities sometimes provide help regarding the referee and equipments. Planning of team and individual sports competition is prepared and conveyed to each college. Certificates and trophies for team events are prepared accordingly. Students are given extra time for practice and guidance by experts in sports is also provided. Our college has all the sports equipment s as well as ample space for all outdoor sports events. 5. Evidence - Photosand Trophies Sports.mp4 6. Problems i. Full time sports teacher is not recruited.

1. Best Practice –Inter collegiate Sports Meet

1. Title of the Practice– Inter collegiate sports competition in co-ordination with Raigad and

New Bombay’s College of Education.

Duration - 2 to 3 days. Every year in the month of January or February

2. Goal- i. To promote sportsmanship spirit among trainee teachers.

ii. To promote values like National Integration, Co-operation, Sensitivity, team spirit

among the students.

iii. To help to build up their physical strength.

iv. To help them to enjoy different sports.

3. Principals or Concepts–

This the only innovative practice among any other B.Ed.College in Maharashtra.

As B.Ed. College basically give teacher training experience regarding teaching, there in

born capacities regarding different sports should also be awakened. They should all

round teachers considering this view our college took initiative in establishing Raigad

and New Bombay B.Ed. Colleges’ sports association in the year 2011-12. Our Principal

Dr. Raamaa Bhoslay acts as Organiser and President of this association. Initially 5 B.Ed.

College in above districts participated in that. Every year one college taken responsibility

of organising the sports meet. Team events like Kabaddi, Kho-Kho, Volley ball, throw

ball, Relay are organised. In the individual events Running, disc throw, Shot-put, Long

jump, Javelin throw etc. competition are organised.

4. Practise–

All the participatory college members held meeting to plan for the dates of

sports meet. By turn each college taken responsibility of organization of meet. Events

and other programmes are planned. District sports authorities sometimes provide help

regarding the referee and equipment’s. Planning of team and individual sports

competition is prepared and conveyed to each college. Certificates and trophies for

team events are prepared accordingly. Students are given extra time for practice and

guidance by experts in sports is also provided. Our college has all the sports equipment’s

as well as ample space for all outdoor sports events.

5. Evidence - Photosand Trophies


6. Problems – i. Full time sports teacher is not recruited.

ii. Weightage for sports activation should be there in B.Ed. curriculum.

iii. Grants for maintaining purchase of sports equipment’s should be provided.

2. Best Practice – Understanding self 1.Title of the practice– Workshop for Understanding Self.

2. Goal– i. To help students to find a good role model.

ii. To help students to develop positive attitudes.

iii. To develop their personality.

3. Concept-

Self-understanding is the capacity for introspection and the ability to recognize oneself

as an individual separate from environment and other individually. It is not to be

confused with consciousness in the sense of qualia. While consciousness in being aware

of one’s environment and body and lifestyle.

Self – understanding is the recognition of that awareness. Self – understanding is how

an individual consciously knows and understands their own character, feelings, motives

and desires. There are two broad categories of self-understanding internal self-

understanding and external self-understanding.

A workshop organised by our Government college of Education, Panvel for self-

understanding of every individual. This workshop includes lecture session, questionnaire

and feedback. Questionnaire session was very important as we provide with twenty

questions online related to self-concept only. After filling that questions, we get

immediate response or feedback about how much understanding we have for the self-

Programme was well organised and motivates we all students for understanding self is

very important.

3. Practice and implementation –

Our institution has very good interaction and social ties with various NGO’s

and other local organization. One of them is Mahavir International. Our college

organised one day workshop on Understanding Self in collaboration with Mahavir

International, Panvel. The Speaker Mr. Arvind Bodhankar, Mr. Ajay Agarwal delivered

lecture and guided students. 80 students and staff members were present for this

workshop.Mr. Sopan Bardhan from Mahavir International, Panvel were also present.

4. Evidence – Photo’s

Understanding Self.mp4

5. Problems–i.Funds are not available so some printed material or booklet cannot be


ii. Expert doctors are not available due to their busy schedule.

3.Best Practices - Self Defence Workshop

1. Title of the Practice– Self Defence Workshop

2. Goals

Aim of the Practice followed by the Institution

1. To enable girl students to defence themselves in problematic situation.

2. To enhance their defence competition.

3. To enhance their self-confidence.

3.Principles or Concepts

Our college is situated in a Metropolis city like Panvel. It’s a fast-growing city. Our college is in

the heart of city, next to Panvel central Bus Stand & away from 1 km of Panvel Railway Station.

Most of our students come from nearby small village as well as suburban area of Panvel. Hence

students have to travel from half an hour to one and half hour of distance daily. In our college,

we have more girl students. The local train and buses are always over crowded. Hence, they

have to be safe themselves. As there are incidents of chain snatching, purse snatching they have

to be more careful. In self-defence workshop they are taught different steps techniques to avoid

such incidence.

4. Practice and its implementation

By this training specially girl students have become self-conscious and self-dependent.

They have gained self-confidence. The training and techniques are practical as per the

needs. They also train others for their security. Sometimes they observe latest You tube

videos also to upgrade their knowledge and skill.

5. Evidence – Photo’s

Self Defence.mp4

6. Problems encountered

Some of one girl students are married. Dot to some orthodox thinking background from

their in laws houses, they rarely practice this. They are not interested to take full

advantage of available expertise. The principles of self-defenceare having less society

approval. As in the rural area it is assumed that their brothers or husband has to take

responsibility of their security.

4. Best Practices - Tree Plantation

1.Name of the Practice – Tree Plantation

2.Goals – i. To plant more

ii. To make our campus eco-friendly.

iii. To beautify the campus by adding greenery to it.

3.Principles or concepts –

Our is the only Govt. College in Raigad district of Maharashtra state. We have a total

area of 3.4 acres in which 5795 are is built up area. Our college is established in the year

1970. Before establishment of college this area was having agricultural nodes and old

trees. It is situated in the very heart of the Panvel city. We are constantly planting more

trees. We have planted nearly 65 coconut trees, 60 palm trees, 60 flower plants, 25

mango trees and 50 other trees every year. We have planted more medical plants like

Tulsi, Hibiscus, Aloe Vera, Neem, Coriander, Green tea etc. We encourage our students to

plant more trees adifferent occasion and take care of their and water them. We

encourage our in-service trainee teachers also to plant trees and take care of them.

4.Practice and its implementation

Community work is a practical course of B.Ed. Curriculum. In this we plan outdoor as well as

college level activities in that. Every Saturday we have activity periods. As our college lies in the

Konkan area. We get ample rain water and land here is very productive and always lust green

students are divided in different area to be cleaned and planted. They constantly take care of

the plants they have planted. In the internship at different schools, our student also plants trees

in different school premises. We have supporting staff from ladies hostel management also we

try to keep our campus clean and attractive.

5. Evidence – Photo’s

Tree Plantation.mp4

5. Best Practices – Swachh Bharat Abhiyan

1. Title of the practice– ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’ Place Tawarwadi, At – Nere, Tal – Panvel, Dist. – Raigad.

2. Goals – i. To bring about an improvement in the general quality of life in the rural

areas by promoting cleanliness, hygiene and eliminating open defection.

ii. To inculcate values like cleanliness and personal hygiene among students.

3. Principles or Concepts

The government of India has announced a Swachh Bharat Abhiyan mission. As per

this mission the Government College of Education, Panvel also organized the

‘Swachhata Abhiyan’ for B.Ed. students. We recommend the following five principles

i. Reducing open defecation is the top priority.

ii. Central measurement of latrine use.

iii. Achieving latrine use requires promoting behaviour change.

iv. Latrine us requires a ground staff.

v. Learn from doing ad learn from the best.

4. Practice and its implementation

Govt. College of Education, Panvel organized this Swachhata Abhiyan in

Tawarwadi, At – Nere, Tal – Panvel. It was a joint venture of Govt. College of Education,

Panvel and Gandhi Memorial Trust and Mani bhavan Gandhi Museum. It was one day

programme of cleanliness drive and beautification of the village Tawarwadi. Students

experienced the values like Dignity of Labour and hard work. The in-charge Prof. Dr.

Sunita Londhe extended. ‘The satisfactory over students’ participants.

5. Evidence – Photo’s

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.mp4

6. Problems encountered

i. Due to practical work and internships in school we can not spare enough time for


ii. Due to heavy rains sometimes, we are not able to do outdoor programmes.

6.Best Practices

1. Title of the Practice – Organization of Training Programme for in- service teachers.

2. Goal– i. To help teachers to develop their professional growth.

ii. To familiarise teachers with new trends in Edn’

through training.

i. To motivate teachers to include research attitude.

3. Principles or Concepts

Maharashtra State Education Research and Training, Pune (MSERT) is the Head

institution in the field of research. This institute taken responsibility of research and Inservice

training programme of secondary teachers in Maharashtra. For that every Govt. teacher

training institute in each district is selected to implement extension services. Ours is the only

Govt. B.Ed. College in Raigad District where Extension department is working with its full

strength. Our college is upgraded as C.T.E. (College for teacher Education). Some other goals to

be added as follows.

i. To enable students to use Educational Technology in Teaching – Learning process.

ii. To enable teachers to familiarise with new teaching methods techniques and tools.

iii. To help them to familiarise new trends in Education.

4. Practice and its implementation

At the beginning of every academic year planning of total training programmes is

prepared considering the subjects, resource persons, duration, needs, curriculum etc.

sometimes meetings are called with experts and teacher from various schools. The time

table of such training programmes is sent to sent to Hon. Education Officer of Secondary


for his approval. After getting approval we communicate with Block Development

Officer(xVf’k{k.kkf/kdkjh). If needed, we contact Head Masters and request them to

send teachers for such training programmes. We conduct average 5 training

programmes. Every programme is attended by average 40 teachers. We also take

Feedback on such programmes. After analysing the feedback forms, we very proudly say

that it is successful activity for pre service as well as in service teachers.

5. Evidence – Photos

Anganvadi Sevika Prashikshan.mp4

6. Problems encountered

We are not getting full support from Edn’

Department (Secondary) and specially from


Dept. of Taluka level. We are also not getting full response(participants) from

various schools. We are trying to overcome these problems by changing our strategies.

7.Best Practices – Teachers Day Celebration

1. Title of the Practice – Teachers Day Celebration

2. Goals–i. To felicitate teachers for their outstanding contribution in the field of teaching.

ii. To felicitate retried teachers for their outstanding contribution in the

field of social work after retirement.

iii. To motivate B.Ed., M.Ed. students to work and be excellent in them


3. Principles or concept –

Teachers are the best shapes of society according to Kothari commission “Destiny of

India is being shaped in its classrooms.” Students are the future pillars of India. Teaching

is the noblest profession. Teachers are highly respected everywhere. Teachers

understand the needs of society. Teachers help students to develop their personality.

Teachers transmit value education to students. When teachers are honoured, the

society is honoured. As ours is the only Govt. Institute in Raigad district, we work for the

fulfilment of objectives of teacher training programmes. So, every year we celebrate

Teachers Day.

4. Practice and its implementation–

Our is a teacher training institute. So along with the other curricular and co- curricular

activities we celebrate Teachers’ Day annually. Dr. S. Radhakrishnan was himself a role

model and an ideal teacher. So, we get inspiration from his education and knowledge.

To motivate our trainee teachers, we ask students to give inspirational speeches on the

life and work of Dr. S. Radhakrishnan. We sometimes organize essay writing

competitions on the topics like ‘My Best Teacher’, ‘Why I want to be a teacher’ etc.

Students present wall hangings or written hand books etc. We felicitate teachers doing

excellent work in the field of Education. We also felicitate our past students who have

successfully entered in various Govt. or SemiGovt. jobs. We also felicitate our past

students who have qualified competitive exams or pursuing higher education like M.Ed.,

or Ph.D.

5. Evidence – Photos

Teachers Day.mp4

6. Problems – i. We are short of funds to celebrate the day.

ii. Sometimes to get support from CSR Funds, we have to take follow-up in

spite of our tight, busy schedule

8.Best Practice – Constitution Day

1. Title of the Practice – Celebration of Constitution Day

2. Goal – i. To inculcate patriotic values among students.

ii. To inculcate values like secularism, Tolerance, brotherhood among


iii. To inculcate equity and equality among students.

iv. To appreciate constitutional articles.

3. Principal or concepts–

26 November has its own importance in the history of independent India because on

this day in 1949. The constitution of India was adopted, and it come in to effect on 26

January 1950. Therefore, marking the down of a new era to acknowledge the

constitution of the framers of the constitution and to aggravate the people reding the

prominent values, 26 November is celebrated as the constitution day.Constitution day

or ‘Samvidhan Divas’ in India is an officially celebrating events which is celebrated every

year on 26th

November to honour and remember the father of Constitution, Dr. Bhimrao

Ramji Ambedkar. People in India remember their history and celebrate independence

and peace every year after launching the own constitution of India. Constitution day is

observed to spread the importance of the constitution of India and how it is helpful

towards the growth and the developments of the country. The day also help us to

remember the leadership and hardship and sincere efforts of Dr, B. R. Ambedkar which

he took frame the Constitution of our nation. Constitution day helps to ignite the lamp

of knowledge in the minds of our new generation so that they can understand the

importance of Indian Constitution. In 2019, it marks the 70th

anniversary of the

constitution and raise awareness about the Indian Constitution.

4. Practice and Its Implement –

Every year on 26th

Nov. We celebrate Constitution Day to honour our

constitution. In the B.Ed. curriculum some of the articles from the constitution are

assigned for detailed study. So, students read the constitution. On 26th

Nov. we pay

honour to Dr. B. R. Ambedkar by garlanding his photo. Then common reading of

preamble of the constitution taken place. Students highlight some of the articles from

the constitution through their speeches or presentation of PPTs. Students sing patriotic

songs to include values like patriotism and National Integration. We have more books on

Dr. Ambedkar’s biography sometimes exhibition of books is also organized in this way

we pay tribute to Hon. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar.

5. Evidence -

Sanvidhan Divas.mp4

9.Best Practice – Research Magazine Publications

1. Title of The Practice – Publication of Research Magazine ‘BEACON – of

Teacher Education’ 2.Goals – i. To motivate research culture among teachers and teacher educators.

ii. To motivate teachers to write research articles

iii.To pave the way for a teacher to enhance his research skills.

3. Principles or Concepts

Our research journal is dedicated to the development of research environment in the

field of Teacher Education. It is in this context that an additional effort requires to be convened

to sensitive the system for better realization and awareness about teachers’ role and


The main focus of our research journal is to transmit research knowledge in the field of

Teacher Education and to foster its integration into teaching and improve quality of education.

Because quality education shapes future of the nation. In the field of teacher education

sustainable Development is not possible with research. In today’s era only quality teachers have

high demand everywhere. In future teachers will have to face new challenges and while doing

this they will have to acquire research skills. For this to prepare them in all the way, so that they

should face all challenges successfully. This is the main concept of this journal. This is a Dias for

teachers. It works as a lighthouse to this teacher.

3. Practice and Its Implements–

Every year our college has published research magazine BEACON - of Teacher

Education’ from 2012 onwards. We apply for ISSN no. and we got ISSN 2319-9962 for our

research magazine. Now we make it peer reviewed journal. We constituted peer review

committee which comprises 10 renowned experts from the field of teacher education. Our

research journal is now peer reviewed and with ISSN no. Which enhances authenticity and

quality of our research journal.

Every year our college invites research articles from researchers, teachers,

professors and teacher educators. In our college we have research centre so, our research

journal provides Dias to our M.Phil. and Ph.D. students for publishing research articles. After

collection of all research articles which are received to us. We send all articles to our peer

reviewed expert team. Our Experts reviewed all articles and give suggestions. Sometimes

they suggest modifications. Only after acceptance of our experts we publish research

articles in our research magazine. We provide our research magazine at free of cost.

4. Evidence – Photos

5. Problems – i. Funds are not available for the publications.

10. Best Practice - Vachan Prerana Din.

1. Title of the Practice– Vachan Prerana Din (Celebration of Birth Anniversary

of Hon. Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam)

2. Goals–i. To pay homage to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.

ii. To motivate students to real different books as different subjects.

iii. To enable them to use their leisure time for reading.

iv. To increase their knowledge and vocabulary.

v. To inspire them to become creative writers.

3. Principle or Concept –

‘Reading makes man perfect.’ Considering the above quotation every person should try

to read more and more. We gain knowledge as different subjects by reading only. We have a

rich variety of knowledge around us. Writers write their own experiences through books.

Reading given direction to frame our attitudes. It helps to practice values like equity, equality

etc. Reading gives us enjoyments. We have a variety of reading material which can be classified

as Biographies, Autobiographies, Dalit literature, Science Fiction, Stories, Dramas, Travelogues

etc. Reading gives us confidence to express our self. A man who reads most has a special status

in the society. So, we encourage our students to be a versatile reader.

4. Practice or Implementation –

We have a very well equipped and well-maintained library having 14.500 total number

of books. In our library a separate reading room is also available. Daily Newspapers in English

and Marathi language as well as magazines are kept in the library. Ours is a digitalized library.

As our trainee teachers are the future teachers and who are going to shape the society also, we

inspire them to make use of library. To celebrate the birth anniversary of Hon. President Dr.

A.P.J. Abdul Kalam every year we mark 15th

Oct. as Vachan Prerana Din. Students themselves

select the book and read for at least two hours that day. In our B.Ed. curriculum we have ability

course like Reading and Reflection for 50 internal marks. For that also they have to read

different books. Review the Book, take part in discussions and write something creativity. We

find that students have gained self-confidence after reading.

5. Evidence

Vachan Prerana Divas.mp4

11. Best Practice -Shivajayanti Celebration

1. Title of the Practice- Organization of Drama Competitions to celebrate

birth anniversary of Shivaji Maharaj on 19th


2. Goals – i.To enable the students to take inspiration from the life and work of great

Maratha leader‘Shivaji Maharaj.’ ii. To understand Shivaji’s was policies, secularism and administrative policies of Shivaji


iii. To enable students to express themselves in the form of acting and speeches.

iv. To cultivate the habit of reading historical literature and write historical


3. Principles or Concepts – In Maharashtra the history is incomplete without the memory of Shivaji’s era. He is the next to

Goa for Maharashtrian people. Every year the birth anniversary of Hon. Shivaji Maharaj is celebrated

with a grand enthusiasm and great participation of all people. We have a rich literature depicting the life

of Shivaji Maharaj. The people of Maharashtra feel it very proud as they are the inherit ant of such great

administrator and Expert a great inspiration. So, in order to inculcate the values of Shivaji Maharaj we

inspire our students to read the Biography of Shivaji Maharaj and enact accordingly.

4. Practice or Implementation - Every year Drama competition are held as 19

th Feb on Shivaji Maharaj, Sponsored by one of the

distinguished educationists and followers of the Principles of Shivaji Maharaj. Shri. Sambhajirao Baburao

Bhosle from Kolhapur. The auspicious hands of our principal Dr. Raamaa A. Bhoslay. Students are

divided in difficult groups. They select the incident. Write script and practice accordingly. We have a

spacious and grand stage with a big multipurpose hall.Every group enacts with full enthusiasm and spirit.

We invite experts from different fields like actors in T.V. serials or write to evaluate students’ performance. Atmosphere is created by providing back ground music, displaying of different sounds of

battle fields and singing of historical ballads Students are felicitated by distributing trophies and

certificates. Our sponsors and host guide the audience to keep this beat practice and honour.

5. Evidence

6. Problems - i.We can spare less time for this.

Ii. Funds and experts are not available.

12. Best Practice – Yoga Day

1. Title of the Practice – Celebration of Yoga Day on 21st


2. Goal - i. To understand the importance of yoga in our daily life.

ii. To enable to strengthen our self by practicing different type of yoga asana.

iii. To make our self spiritually strong.

3. Concept or Principles –

We are facing many problems today. We are also responsible for the human conflicts,

dissatisfaction, insecurity, health problems etc. In Indian philosophy our predessons need to

practice yoga, Pranayam and dhyan every day. So, they experienced good and excellent health.

In today’s world we need to practice Yog in order to live life peacefully. We try to transmit the

value of self-defence, self-improvement etc among students.

4. Practice –

With the valuable co-operation and help from Institute of yoga and Ayurved Seva

Kendra, we practice breathing techniques as well as different yoga asanas under the guidance of

experts. This year we invited Yog guru, Shri Suryakant Phadke. He demonstrated the different

asanas by highlighting their importance on health. He also demonstrated different Shloks for

better pronunciations. Students experienced a different asana. It is also necessary for the

National health. India’s goal in ‘Swastha Bharat.’ We can spare money spent on medical


5. Evidence –

Yoga Day.mp4

6. Problems – Everyday enough time cannot be spared.

13. Best Practice –

1. Title Of the practice– Organization of Regional/ National level

Seminars/Workshops/ Conferences.

2. Goal – To provide platform to Educationists and Professionals related to the field of education

working at various levels to exchange opinions, views observations and findings on the selected


3. Concept or Principal–

The speed at which the world is changing is causing disruption in almost every aspect of

education. These disruption in education are creating opportunities as well as

challenges, which needs to be adopted based on current and future needs. Our teacher

trainees and Educators have understood and accepted these challenges and adopted

various strategies from time to time. There is a need to understand the current

challenges of Education to meet the educational goals we have set for our future. The

solutions for these diverse challenges in our education, need to come from the active

participation of our students.

Every year our college organizes seminar/ conference/workshop and provide

opportunity to the Academicians and professionals to discuss on various subjects

related to quality education.

4. Implementation Govt. College of Education, Panvel is an Institute that stands on the foundation of

Students district from the other crowd learning to groom their teaching skills and being trained

to their highest potential to meet the requirements of today’s changing educational world. We

organize regional/ state/National level conference/ Seminar. Its mission and central theme have

always been to promote and launch various educational, research and development activities

for advancement of Teacher Education. Every year we organize Seminar on Various

Contemporary themes for our students and teachers.

We invite papers in advance. We form a committee to scrutinize paper and select them

accordingly. We invite experts to guide the audience. We prepare the schedule according to the

availability and convenience of experts and audience. We prepare a brochure giving necessary

information and is sent to different educational institution and officer. We make planning of

paper presentationgroupwise or subject wise. We also see that all the paper presentation gives

PPT presentation. Chair person is also invited for each session. Discussion is carried on after

each presentation.

5. Evidence

महाराष्ट्र शासन Government of Maharashtra

शासकीय अध्यापक महाविद्यालय ,पनिेल वि. रायगड ४१०२०६ Govt. college of Education, Panvel, Dist.-Raigad 410206

Email : [email protected]

Web site : www.panvelbedcollege.org

Phone No.022-27453000 Fax No.022-27453000____________________

िा.क्र./शाअमप@ 2019/617 दिनाांक:-30/11/2019


The Director,

Higher Education,

Maharashtra State,

Pune - 1.

Sub: - Best Practices adopted by the Institution.

Ref: - DHE/mavi/2019/14928 dated 18/11/2019.

Respected Sir,

With reference to above subject, here we are going to submit the write up of best practices

adopted by our college in the given format. Our college is 3rd

time accredited by NAAC. We got ‘A’ grade

with 3.14 grade points in the 3rd

cycle of NAAC accreditation, on 27th

Nov. 2017.

We followed 25-27 best practices in our college, which makes our college unique from other

institutions as well as helps to lead our college towards ‘A’ grade.

Here we are submitting write up of 12 best practices out of 27 with substantial proofs. Kindly

accept it and do the needful.

Thanking You!

Yours Faithfully

Dr. Raama A. Bhoslay

Principal, Govt. College of Education, Panvel.

13. Best Practice –

1. Title of the Practice–Competitions of Science Projects for Inculcation of

Scientific Temper

2. Goal – i. To promote scientific attitude among students, teachers and society.

ii. to motivate students to prepare science projects.

iii. To provide students opportunity to present science projects describing their


3. Concept –

India is a developing country. We face many problems in making India a strong nation. One of

them is misconception and false beliefs regarding our tradition. We have a rich variety of natural

resources. But nowadays we are facing many problems like pollution, global warming, breathing

problems fog, air pollution, road accidents, malnutrition, food poisoning, growing temperature etc. We

have to find solutions for that. One of the prominent solutions is inculcation of scientific attitude and

removal of fake beliefs. Our students are the future of India. So, students should be aware of scientific

temperament and wellbeing human kind.

4. Practice or Implementation

Govt. College of Education, Panvel in collaboration with Marathi Vidnyan Pairshad and

Education office of Raigad Zilla Parishad every year organises workshop for teachers titled ‘oSKkfud

tkf.ko tkx`rh f’kfcj’. This year we organized scientific project competition for secondary school

teachers. School were informed regarding this. First selection of projects was completed at regional

level. Selected 12 projects were called for final competition. Examiners and experts evaluated to

describe their projects giving detailed scientific information and use to society. Final 3 projects were

declared as winners and certificates and trophies wee distributed in the closing ceremony Students self

confidence was built up and they also achieved stage daring. Innovative ideas were displayed through


5. Evidence –

Bal Vidnyan Parishad.mp4

1. Problems – i. We can not spare much time for this due to other practical work of B.Ed. Curriculum.

ii. Special funds are not available for organization of such events as a large

