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1 Chapter 4 Language Fundamentals. 2 Identifiers Program parts such as packages, classes, and class...

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1 Chapter 4 Language Fundamentals


Chapter 4

Language Fundamentals



• Program parts such as packages, classes, and class members have names, which are formally known as identifiers.

• Java, like all languages, has rules that govern identifiers.

• The compiler generates errors on invalid identifiers.



• A valid identifier must begin with a letter, an underscore (_), or a dollar sign ($).

• The remaining characters must be letters, numerals, underscores, or dollar signs.

• Because compiler-generated identifiers typically include the dollar sign, the programmer typically does not use this symbol.



• A variable is a named storage cell that can hold a value of a particular type.

• A variable must be declared before used. A declaration provides the name, which must be a valid identifier, and the data type together with any attributes such as public. A sample is

int n; // n is the name, int the type



• Variables occur as class fields and as local variables in constructors and methods.

• Fields have default values. For example, integer fields default to 0, floating-point fields to 0.0, and Boolean fields to false.– Object references default to the special value null.


Local variables

• Local variables, unlike fields, do not have default values.

• A local variable’s value must be set before using the variable, for example, in a function call or as the source of an assignment operation.

• A variable can be declared final to mark the variable as a constant.


Constructors and methods

• All Java functions are encapsulated as either constructors or methods.

• A constructor has the same name as its encapsulating class and no return type or void in place of a return type. For instance, a Date constructor would have the name Date.


Constructors and methods

• Constructors are used with the new operator to construct instances of a class. The statement

Date today = new Date();


• Constructors are typically overloaded; that is, a class typically has several constructors.


Constructors and methods

• A method does not have the same name as its encapsulating class and has either a return type or void in place of a return type.

• Methods define the operations appropriate to a class and its instances.


Constructors and methods

• A constructor cannot be static, but a method can be static.

• Constructors and methods can be parameterized. The parameter names and data types must be provided.

• Methods, like constructors, can be overloaded but must be distinguished by their names and/or parameter types.


Primitive types

• Java has standard class types such as Date and standard nonclass or primitive types such as int and double.

• Integer types have fixed bit sizes and ranges. For instance, a byte is 8 bits, its minimum value is -128, and its maximum value is +127.


Integer types

• The integer types (with bit sizes in parentheses) are byte (8), short (16), int (32), and long (64).

• All integer types are signed and have 2’s complement internal representation.

• An integer constant such as 12 is of type int, whereas 12L and 12l are of type long.


Integer types

• A decimal constant must not begin with a 0. An octal constant begins with a 0 and a hexadecimal constant begins with 0x or 0X.

• The java.math package has a BigInteger class for arbitrary-precision integer arithmetic.


Floating-point types

• The floating-point types are float (32 bits) and double (64 bits).

• A floating-point constant such as 3.14 is of type double, whereas 3.14F and 3.14f are of type float.

• The floating-point types follow the IEEE 754 floating-point standard.


Cast operations

• The code segment

float f = 3.14; //*** ERROR

is in error because it tries to assign a double value to a float variable. The problem can be corrected in several ways, including a cast operation

float f = (float) 3.14; // ok


Cast operations

• In a cast operation, the target type is enclosed in parentheses.

• Java imposes restrictions on casts. For example, a boolean value such as true cannot be cast to any other type, and no nonboolean value can be cast to boolean.

• Casts should be used with great caution.


Arithmetic operators

• Java supports the usual arithmetic operations: addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), and remainder (%).

• The arithmetic operators apply to integer and floating-point operands.

• Java also provides bit and shift operators for integers.


Assignment operators

• The symbol = is the basic assignment operator.

• Java also provides special assignment operators such as +=, *=, and the like.– The code segment

int x = 4; x *= 6; // x is 24



Character type

• The char is based on 16-bit Unicode characters.

• Character literals are placed in single quotes. For instance, ‘A’ is a character literal that could be assigned to a char variable.

• Special characters such as ‘\n’ (newline) begin with a backslash.


Character type

• Arithmetic and relational operations can be performed on characters. The code segment

char c1 = ‘A’, char c2 = c1 + 1; // ‘B’

if ( c2 > c1 ) // true




Boolean type

• The boolean type has two values, true and false.

• Boolean values are not integer values.

• Boolean values cannot be cast.

• Boolean expressions are used in if statements, loops, and relational expressions.


Relational operators

• Java has the standard relational operators for comparing values: greater than (>), less than (<), greater than or equal to (>=), less than or equal to (<=), equals (==), and not equals (!=).

• The equality operator should be used with caution on floating-point values and object references.


Logical operators

• Java has the standard logical operators: and (&&), inclusive-or (||), and not (!).

• Evaluation of a logical-and expression terminates with a value of false at the first false subexpression.

• Evaluation of a logical-or expression terminates with a value of true at the first true subexpression.


Logical operators

• Logical expressions evaluate left to right.

• The bit operators & and |behave as logical operators if their operands are booleans instead of integers.


instanceof operator

• This operator tests whether an object instantiates a class. The code segment

Date d = new Date(); if ( d instanceof Object ) // false


else if ( d instanceof Date ) // true





• Arrays of primitive and class types are supported.

• Arrays are fixed size.• Arrays constructed with new

int[ ] nums = new int[ 100 ];

have their elements initialized to the appropriate default value (e.g., 0 for numbers and false for Booleans).



• Arrays can be initialized in their declarations. The code segment

int[ ] nums = { 1, 2, 3 };


• “Multidimensional” arrays are supported:

int[ ][ ] nums = new int[ 2 ][ 4 ];



• All arrays have a convenient length member:

int[ ] nums1 = new int[ 10 ];

int n1 = nums1.length; // 10

int[ ][ ] nums2 = new int[ 2 ][ 4 ];

int n2 = nums2.length; // 2

int n3 = nums2[ 0 ].length // 4



• A “multidimensional” array is really an array of arrays. For instance,

int[ ][ ] nums = new int[ 2 ][ 4 ];

is an array of two elements, each of which is an array of four ints.



• The Java compiler does not perform bounds checking on array accesses:

int[ ] nums = new int[ 10 ]; nums[ -1 ] = 999; // compiles

• The Java runtime throws an exception if an array index is out of bounds.



• A block is sequence of instructions enclosed in curly braces.

• Variables declared inside a block have block scope; that is, such variables are visible only within their containing block.

• Name conflicts among local variables are not allowed; hence, local variables with the same name must occur in different blocks.



• Java provides three loop constructs: while, do while, and for.

• The while and do while are suited for conditional loops, and the for loop is suited for counted loops.

• Any loop construct can be rewritten in principle with one of the other loop constructs.



• The while loop int i = 0;

final int n = 100;

while ( i < n ){

System.out.println( i );

i = i + 1;


prints 0,1,…,99.



• The do while loop int i = 0;

final int n = 100;

do {

System.out.println( i );

i = i + 1;

} while ( i < n; }

prints 0,1,…,99.



• The for loop final int n = 100;

for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )

System.out.println( i );

prints 0,1,…,99.

• In a for loop, the three clauses are the initialization, the loop condition, and the post-body expression.



• An exception is an unexpected condition that arises during a program’s execution.– For instance, a program might inadvertently

divide an integer by zero, which would cause or “throw” an exception.

• Exception handling is a mechanism for handling exceptions.



• The runtime environment implicitly throws an exception whenever a program violates some condition such as trying to open a nonexistent file or dividing an integer by zero.

• A program can explicitly throw an exception with the throw statement.



• Code that might throw exceptions is placed in a try block:

try { FileInputStream in =

new FileInputStream( “in.dat” );

//*** remaining code


catch( IOException e ) { /*...*/ }



• A try block is followed by one or more catch blocks, which represent the exception handlers, or by a finally block, whose code executes regardless of whether an exception is thrown in the corresponding try block.



• Exceptions provide a concise, disciplined mechanism for handling unexpected conditions during a program’s execution.

• Constructors and methods in the standard classes rely heavily upon exception handling.
