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1 Draft Proposal of CDRI Research Programme on Democratic Governance and Public Sector Reform...

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1 Draft Proposal of CDRI Research Programme on Democratic Governance and Public Sector Reform 2007-2010


Draft Proposal of CDRI Research Programme on

Democratic Governance and Public Sector Reform



Rationales for a New Programme

CDRI Strategic Plan 2006-2010 PORDEC Achievements Democratic Governance & Public

Sector Reform 3-5 years extended on PORDEC Work

The Research Team


Objectives of Today Discussion

To share CDRI Research Proposal on Democratic Governance and Public Sector Reform for 2007-2010

To solicit feedback on the proposed research framework, capacity building and policy outreach strategy


Democratic Governance in Cambodia after 15 years

Institutional Reforms– Centralised and decentralised programmes– New Public Management run into local institution

realities– Increasing institutionalisation of patronage = neo-

patrimonialim Democratic Transition

– Institutionalisation of election– Responsiveness of State and assertiveness of



Democratic Governance in Cambodia after 15 years (Cont)

The outcomes: “State is poorly integrated and detached from society”

This is the condition known as



Hybridity and the International Literature

What is hybridity? Why is it useful?

– Because it recognises:• Formal and informal systems• Rational liberal and cultural specific practices• Democratic and non-democratic processes• Political and technical issues

– And it explains the mutually entanglement of the two


A New Research Agenda

NOT what succeeds and what fails BUT what works, and What types of actors can make such a

system work? What types of actors are excluded from

the system?


Three Sub-Themes of the Framework

Institutional Development (D&D)– Organic Law– D&D Implementation– Capacity to generate outcomes in terms

of:• State as a rule-enforcer• State as a resource distributor• State as a guardian of public goods


Three Sub-Themes of the Framework (Cont)

State-society relations and intermediaries– What is filling the state-society gaps

(NGOs, Kse, political parties, private sectors)?

– Who are the winners and losers of these arrangements?


Three Sub-Themes of the Framework (Cont)

Civic Engagement– Why cannot the Cambodian public

demand better service?– Is the problem structural or cultural?


Research Objectives

To better understand how institutional reform processes affect and/or relate to democratic development through the analysis existing and on-going findings on of development of formal institutions together with new work on informal organisations, political culture, and structural/demographic change in Cambodia;


Research Objectives (Cont)

To build capacity of the emerging generation of Cambodian public administration and political science specialists and researchers;

To produce a dynamic model of Cambodian governance and policy making that captures the importance of informal, invisible and intangible variables;


Research Objectives (Cont)

To use this model to develop and disseminate policy-relevant findings concerning governance issues that are crucial to the deepening of democracy in Cambodia.


Specific Studies1. Institutional Development

Organic Law Analysis

Implementing the D&D reforms: Process, Issues, Accountabilities, and New Roles for the Province and District

Political Economy of Sectoral D&D


Specific Studies1. Institutional Development

Supporting the public good and the investment environment through building regulatory and horizontal coordination capacity at sub-national level

Fiscal Decentralisation, Public Financial Management and Neo-Patrimonialism

Neo-Patrimonialism From Below: A Study Of Cambodian Grassroots Political Culture


Specific Studies2. State-Society Relations and Intermediaries

Consequences of the Electoral System: The Concept of Opposition in Cambodian Political Culture

Responsiveness in Democratic Governance


Specific Studies2. State-Society Relations and Intermediaries

Structural Change and the Cambodian ’Bourgeoisie’ (How will local elites be invited in the building of a local democratic state

Enhanced mechanisms of participation to deepen democratic development in Cambodia


Specific Studies3. Civic Engagement

Images of Cambodian Citizenship (self-images among neglected sub-groups such as youth, women, ethnic groups, and local economic elites etc.)

A Cambodian Social Contract?


Specific Studies3. Civic Engagement

Leadership and Local Representation (Why do councillors and others engage in local politics? Who are the leaders? )


Specific Studies for 4. Cross-Cutting Themes

To what extent are the process of decentralisation and deconcentration gendered?

Community forestry management and local governance


Specific Studies for 4. Cross-Cutting Themes

Impact and interaction between trade reform and public finance reform

Governing water resource management in the irrigation sector


Design of the Programme

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3___Year 4

ID WP1-1 WP1-2 S-S WP2-1 WP2-2 Civic Engt WP3-1 WP-3-2 Cross-cutting Studies -----------------------------



Design of the Programme (con’t)

Five researchers focus on six studies over the first three years of the proposed program, collectively producing 6 Working Papers (WPs) in 3-4 years time (as well as work on cross-cutting studies).


Design of the Programme (con’t)

All WPs are expected feed into (chapters) of a joint edited volume for a Monograph.

Each WP serves as the base from which study findings can be expanded into other publication formats, such as short policy briefs, ADR articles, conference papers, or journal publications.


Operationalising the Research

Main objective is for researchers to own the research agenda and process. Internal and external TAs support researchers as needed.

Researchers conceptualize and drive research questions


Operationalising the Research (Cont)

Researchers formulate fieldwork techniques, analyze data, disseminate findings, recommend policy interventions


Operationalising the Research (Cont)

Issues, not theories drive the research

In-house peer review followed by external TA review

Lead authorship and writing responsibility


Capacity Building

Research Advisory Team (RAT) (4-5 professors) to support each WP– Conceptualising, analysing, and editing

especially of the monograph

Co-author with RAT for international publications


Capacity Building (Cont)

Mini-courses, international conferences and workshops, several master +++ courses

1 Master and 1 PhD included in the budget


Capacity Building (Cont)

Only 50% of the team’s time committed to allow space for unplanned commission studies

Spend more time on reading, mentoring, and group discussions

Peer review, ethical review of research Research manuals


Policy Outreach Our primary audience: Cambodian

policy makers

Provide more timely, accessible and diversified research products (I.e. length, content, style, more prohok, less cheese) for our audience, especially Cambodian.


Policy Outreach (Cont)

Reflect RGC’s reform priorities

Enhance policy dialogues between Cambodian government with civil society and donors

Short, action-oriented policy briefs


Thank You

Discussion Session
