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164 ELSTEAD. SURREY. 1 127 Marked thus• receive thci1· lc tt crs through ; Atkins Fretkrick, shopkeeper l'urn J,>"q.1 1, sh.ip:<<'<'pc r Thursley, Godalming. .uamnrd Frederick, nurseryman L:unli_.John, boot & shoe rt·ptlil"('r . [l:-11 Elijnh H. G. uoot rcpn ircr l1id<, <,arriL·r & shop!q>r. T :-\ 1'1:1\Tn; lli<'kncll Thomas, \Yoo! Pack r.11 \Je;1 d:>wo lt.-g. innld .l-'owk 1 · former, T )\"s sec f?C"ll('l·al list of rri\";tl<·I Bi$hop \rm. <h·crtr :-:prin).(;i1>J tl Ht·si<lents at end of IJook . ) . Uodngton \Yilli:uu ,t Son, 1Jlacks111itl1s \l ,·tlcill f lly. c:i rr i,·r. T :'\ :JG Andrews \[ri;. Strntfoi·tl, The Halt Burcht •t t.Thom:1s,,sl1opkc1' pcr , '.':ts h Amln•w, form Birkett . o.u.l>. Ri\·cr house l!utkr 1'<:1-c_ , •. 1 ""1101'.al .ol'l' ll"ll I· ne:ndly .1<11c1<·1y (M1S!! Brew Jtcv. Hugh Hmdy M.A. [re< ; tor ], Alfd. &. motor , A. h. C •H:1 . •:111,.1·)" \\ < ·.<t n·w . The Hectorv I .:S .l;J . I \\ 11ham mas, . Comwall Lt.-Col.J. \V. r·.1. i. ;. Burford !Jdgc Clnrke John, tailor · cOJ•p·:rsnut Ii &. dcctncmn. Court-'.l'rcnt.t lllill Joh .n, smnllhol.dcr . . I . r" _:;_ .. l"ull r: rton A l;i i i, form Oc ere <.:u·lottn Pliss), d1st 11ct 11111·.5f.,f :\ u n:JI \\ 111: \ l1idl . Gooch Rev Fro.ncisHnre·oiirtn. D •eho lkathcrley C arul, f.1 :111 o·r, bll 1Jro11k fo1m . . ..•. J ·1·1JI I l · M ··3 ,,. ,. 1 ·1 > !la millon llfrs. hill (ll't lcrs should · 1 _<> ll , eye c ni: s. "' .,, •. ·' · :-S o.dtlrcsscd Chnrl<·s hill, Farnham) George, . , . l'o:1':ing l':1i lip lkmy, p;,,1lt.ry farmer Holford Henry, Elsw;id lo:lgt' Hc!i ry, bu1ldcr, &. Ellis 1'11 llrn ,\la 11 .h 1111· . -, t·ydt• agc:n t lngrnrn hou:>e .lhs \\ farm<:r, 11 farm 0 :-)!l, u -laud former, ltidgway farm J 'c 1 ·ick A • 1111 Coll" 1 \\' 1 . 1 1 . e l• nwssettR1chard .\faunco, poult1·y former Sfc-<'r lioot rqrnir<:r r. r 11, ns1nm 1uus ' GI . & ]'JI. b "Id d t 'J' · l' 1 , 'I',. 'l Lcvv Albert, W cstl.irook l aza 'r '\' crs, Ol"S '.c: rry . "rcy •. . ·' :. p ,; I M • Tl c Old Cott· gc I l .:\ .1'.:l•tcnd .!;j J rncy ;\ .. 1. & l ," c 1 -' n 1 . I t' li 'J I C:n1la l1 11in!! &. Co-01wrntivr ... \' ilb!!" llall rl\·n·,· Hal ler, sec) ""lflll '" rs. 01cr, n J.(C I . ,.- 1 1 'I'" 4 - I\' · - ( .. \I · ., .. ·t Jo in T' c H e . 1 ·t· , c·1tity ... o . tt. _, a oicc ,,•mgc (. grocer S ' t<: ,'.,'t"f··l<l a' '. .::1 );' ! Hardy Hnrry, farmer, Jlam farm l \\"<'ar \\"illiam \\":1ltl"r. Golden J"Jeccc r.n . . c1 er"...._, . u vi< > I' I Il . . H I \ . 1 . . 1 f . , ·1· 1 1 A Wod ehouse Oen .. Sir Joscclinc Hcnc·n"C· t e11Ja111111 ug i, . . I ult•111;rn l: .•:1s. ar m "'11 I ' to 0 c 11 c Id 0 R , El. I B ,. ns 0 '* Htn dhead Nurser ie s (Frcdcnck1 J"'"Y cMI· \\ 1o;(t,,.o.. k · · ., · ' ., ·• · ' n c.ll i Barnnrtl, propril'tOr), I \\"ilson H . ll!;h, far:ut'•-. Hcd House farm .. I 1-l ok Andrew Thomas, former , '\'0011- 'l' X l!!J Marked thus• form 150 ncrcs OI' over. ! fords fa rm 0 \\'onh:1:11 Ut'o. funner. Pitch l'lt1cc farm All bcny John, poultry former ]Jones }'1·cd, Tbc Stnr 1'.11 i:oung Thus. l..1·00 111 mkr ENGLEFIELD GREEN, seo Eghnm. EPSOM (originully Elll.ii:ihnm) dcri vcd its nnmc from St. I sco.t 300 persons. Christ Church is nn ecclesiastical pnri sh, Ebba, n :s'orthumbria11 priucc·ss, and is !• parish nnd mnrktt i formed July 10, 187-1 ; the church, consccrall, -d in 1876, town an<l the head of n, ·p etty sessiona.l didsion, union and ; is of flint with in t.he Decorated &tyle, county court district, dolightfutly situated on the western j and coMists of chanct·I, uave anti ai •ks and a tower with verge. of 13.m.t.cnd on the main road Londoi:i to I belfry 8 bc llti: the tlt·tiJ111lio11s in chancel Dork mg, Gui ldford and Worthing: with stat!ons I form a mcmonnl. to Nnrn1a1t :\sk>11 csq.; pnint!ngs_ ?vcr on the Brighton, &1uth \\'cstnu and South hastcrn sections I the chancel nre rn lll the Rev. (;(,orgc .b. \hllcs, uf tbe Southern rnilwny: it is 15 mil es south-wes t-by-south first vicar of the; there an: 600 sittings. Tbc rcgiskr from l.on<lon by r oad, 17 from \'ictoria nnd nlx1ut 14 dates from the ycnr 1876. 'l'hc lidng is n YictLrag<', net ,\'early Waterloo by rail, 16 miles n:.irth·east from Guildfo rd, 9 no rth- 'J vuluc £500, with r<:sitk oct>, iu th e gift of the lli s hop of Wjn· west from :Reigate, 9 S<>\tth -wcst from Croydon nnd 7 s:>uth , chcst c·r, and he·Id rn:w by the Hcv. J.iorwl \\'illium frol):l Kingston, in the E psom diYisiun of the county, first M.A. of J\<·hk Colkge, Oxford. 'l'hc C'hnrc·h r oom 111 di,·isionof the bundr<ld of Uopthornc, rural deanery of Leather· : n< ·d ion with ( 'J11·i st (.'];nrc·h, by J. H:itchnrd Smith hcnd, of un<l <liuceso o f <.:ui .! dford. I l'sc 1 . F: 1 u.1u. i11 1:1,c Gothic styl<:. consi s ts of a . . la.rgc room tnwo is lighted \nth gas {mm works the properly of the cnpnblc ol sc·nl1ng .JOO pt>opk, with stnge nnd n. lt1rgt \Vnndsworth, Wimbledon un:l District C.:as Compnuy, class rciom. 'l'i1e n::w thurth of St. Bnrn;i.bas, in Hook road, :tnd with olect.ric liff ht from works in Church street: it hns a i is of l.iri c. k nnd Ti1r Ji,· ing n :icur ngc, net yearly oonst.ant supply of wakr from w.1rka the pl\1p<:rLy of the ,·aluc £300, 111 the g tlt of th<· B1 <hop of \\ rnchestC'r, nnd hcld Council, HiLuntcd in Enst stree: t, nnd there nrc twe1 large rcscr- since 192:3 l.iy lht• He,·. Knox Anderson <>£Queen 's vuirs on the Downs: ihc water is of suverior quality, but has 0 ,11lcge, Oxford. The }{. oma u Catholic ch11rd1 in llcnthcow al>:>ut 23 ucgrcea of h:irducss, arising hom the c:hnlk held in Nntl, to St. J 111wph, wnll erected in 1857, and has 'l'he ww11 is clfoctually drainc;d 11nd the sewage is I 50 sittings. 'l'h•J n: a c; 111gr,·gntional c hur ch, founded '!1 <leod orisc<l nud othcrwi:;c disposrd of on nn irrig:1tion ground 1688 and l'l•built in 1904, nl :t c: •st of £4,000, in the Late (p:trt of Epsom Court farm), a p:>rtion I.icing pumpc<l up lo. style, whi ch vf ch:incd, na ve,ai s ks and apsidal choir, higher land and returned by gro.vitatio.n; the_elfl11mt, l.iy I c.n _d IHlS /I t• Jwcr on the 50 feet high, with copper of a system of deep o.nd su rfncc dramnge, 1s largely purified, ap1rrlet; the church lH•s oUO s1 tt111 :;s: tfll,r<: arc and nllls into tho Hogs lllilJ rinr, by which it is dischnrgo<l )lcll1odist nnd Strict l!apt .i"t and the llapt1sts further into the Thames 11t 'l'hc :air of }:psom is very hold in lite Gy111n:1sium JI all, crcckd in IUOO. salubrious; pnrt of tho town lies in o. nnturnl bnsin, but the 'l ' hc ccmctc;ry, in :\slilt·y r»nd, t·overing an urea C1f about 8 upper portion possesses fine downs, almost cntfrcly open a cres, wns complot<·d in )!>ii, at a cost of .1:5,50U, 1111d hus bcco t.o tho sea on tho south si<lc, and tho tcmpcrnturc is thus enlarged by 5 acres: it ht• 8 twu m·irtuary chapc:ls, nnd is und.er agreeably varied. It wns constituted a Local Government the con trol of the Urban Distri ct (;. 1 undl , octing as a Borial District 19 March, 1850, untl«r thc . pro>i8i(J11$ of the Public Board. Jn the c<.:mctc: ry, nt the jnn<,tion of . .\ahlcy road and Health Act, J 848 ( 11 ;ind l2 \"ict. · c. G3), nnd the gnYern- 'l'r i!adwell r vad, is a (;dtiu cr,,ss of Comi$h grt'Y granite, of the town vcatcd in un Urban Uitilrict Gouncil of 9 on a lhrec-tior i11 HJ21 ns I\ mtmoriu l to members, formed under \.lie: of the Local Gov.::rn- Epsom l\lcn who fell in the ()rrnt \Yar, 1914- 18: in .November, mcnt Act, 1894 (56 and 57 \'ict. c, 73); number of 1923, a granite wall ,cr .;ckd by thc. Urban District Counci l nt 1J1C111bc1•s WM incrcnsr.d t-0 12 in 190:3, nnd to 18 in l!l:!L The the rcnr of the ruemorial, wt1s un,·ilcd by i\fajor- Gen . d111rch o f St. l\fortin is of brick and flint with lhth s tone Edward Northey o. C.)l.O ., c. 11 . 'l'hl'> centre portion of the <ln·ssings, in t.hc Gothic st.ylc : it wns i- r ·built, with tlw cxccp· wall contains five punch, wlti<·h 1,_.ar the names of the fallen. ti un of the tower, in 182-1, nt a ct;st of £7,01111, 1u1<I has a t <J\n·r The Public Hall an<l erected in 1883, at with spire containing n clock und 10 bells' thi:r1; i$ n monu - a cost of £4,000, is of nd bri c k.aud tL·rm cotta, in thc ment, by }' Ja x" mn11, to the .Kt·\". Joh11 l'arkhurst l!. ,\ . Fdlow style, from designs oy J. Hatdiard 8mith C'>UJ . P.lt.l.D. A.; it uf Clare Colk•gt>, Cum l>ri1Jgt·, the lt•xicogr11phe·r , who tlit·d here contains :t large Jiall, ti8 oy 40 fctol, and about :10 feet l11gh, ti \far ch, 17!!7, and ut.lrL·rH to tlw 'J!t-Hidd, \\"arn· and E'"dyn witb a nnd d rr·ssing rooms: there nre also club und fa111ili<:s: the i;; ll with the: name of rendin rooms and n l ect .nro room. 40 by 38 feet, nnd a.bout <lated I ol l : 111 I !l(J 1-l (IOl:i th old and c hane<-1 15 footghlgh: tho hall was opened 'l'ucS<!iiy, April 3, 1883, by w:1s dcu1ol_i shcd n11d n new .ur1< l 1.arl ol a nt.:w nan· , tho EMI of Egmont, nnd will bold SOO pof!lons. In 11106 cn· ckd nt a cost of .ti .l/lt10 from '!f altcrntioos and wero 111000 at a of 1<11· lJ . .:\H;hols<1 11 barl.: th<" ston, 111 the (;otlt1e I .cl CJOO. his now part!r ""'·ti as a piclur<· pa lace and t\ town "1. ylc: tl'.crc arc rww. l ,llOU s1tt1n;;s. I ht· thnn·h whully clt;h. Tl1t: 'l't-<·l,,,i<·al fi;stitntc and Art 8clrool, al so designed dost •d to rn!l' rn1<·11t s Svpt. I 8, 1861!, and t hr <:lrnrd1y:u:<1, by tlw l;v .J. Ma tdianl :-; 111 itlt t·«J. is iu thi: Henaiss:rnel · sl yJt,, und wall •a mc Ordcr,cun '""' " only by tho8c ha,·111;! fa1111ly null' •i 1 ., 11 ·d by the Fad of Jl1Js.•IH·rv in 1897 . on· the ground 11n<l grave&. Jn the ll??r is a to Charles tccl i ni•·• ;l class r•"•lrl $, i 111 (J 011 thc'tirst Jluo r a fully ti.. 2_0 D?c. I 1 he r egister dates from. the equippc,d art cbss. )n l!Jl5 a .,.,kcry und llHllllllll training I }u: 11\'lllg a. rl<'t. yt«trly ' alu•· with rvom and l\\'( > aclditicntal ""om-: Wl'l'C :ult kd . r<" HJ<lc·ne·t·, 111 the: gift of th.- H1 ;h 1>J> <•f \\.inclH·, lt· r, :111d h<-ld J 9:!·1 ."-'" th e ]\<· ,·. c '_livt· H••.lir-rlf\<111 l' alti"".1 )luir , is n111l there arc ul>i<> nur !JCrf vi Col kg• ·, C.':rnilJrulg<-. .J uhn 's )li.-11>1: 1·h11rt · h. groundH. I he uwrkt·t <lny 1..; Saturd .. y, and n pleasure Church roud, ercctd in IS!H, at n of J::!,000, is c.if I days) fair ••n i!it' '.!f1th July. Th., o ltl 1.Jrick willi fociug•, iu the C:vthic siyJ.,, a11d will }{uom,, in wl1it· li \\"• •r,· ·ld in the Stuart J><· rio:<l , now
Page 1: 1. - eehe.org.uk · 164 ELSTEAD. SURREY. 1127 Marked thus• receive thci1· lcttcrs through ;Atkins Fretkrick, shopkeeper l'urn ~idu

164 ELSTEAD. SURREY. 1127 Marked thus• receive thci1· lc ttcrs through ;Atkins Fretkrick, shopkeeper l'urn ~idu<'y J,>"q.11, sh.ip:<<'<'pc r

Thursley, Godalming. i· • .uamnrd Frederick, nurseryman L:unli_.John, boot & shoe rt·ptlil"('r . [l:-11 Elijnh H. G. uoot rcpn ircr ~lay l1id<, <,arriL·r & shop!q>r. T :-\ ::~

1'1:1\Tn; HESrnt:~T:>. • lli<'kncl l Thomas, \Yoo! Pack r.11 \Je;1d:>wo lt.-g.innld .l-'owk 1· former, (l~or T )\"s sec f?C"ll('l·al list of rri\";tl<· I Bi$hop \rm. <h·crtr :-:prin).(;i1>Jtl

Ht·si<lents at end of IJook . ) . Uodngton \Yilli:uu ,t Son, 1Jlacks111itl1s \l,·tlcill f lly. c:i rri,·r. T :'\ :JG Andrews \[ri;. Strntfoi·tl, The Halt Burcht•tt.Thom:1s,,s l1opkc1' pcr , '.':ts h Amln•w, f11r1~1<T, \\\·.•t.l•r~>ok form Birkett. ~liss o.u.l>. Ri\·cr house l!utkr 1'<:1-c_, •. out.htt~r 1 ""1101'.al .ol'l'll"ll I· ne:nd ly .1<11c1<·1y (M1S!! Brew Jtcv. Hugh Hmdy M.A. [re<;tor], Cl!~11t!l<;1~ Alfd. &. ~on, motor t·11~111 ·~. , A. h. C •H:1.•:111,.1·)" \\ <·.<t n·w .

The Hectorv I .:S .l;J . I Xorn ~•ut \\ 11ham 1 1~ •mas, . }'h 1 111l.icr~· ~m-Comwall Lt.-Col.J. \V. r·.1. i.;. Burford !Jdgc Clnrke John, tailor · ~1111,t~:'. cOJ•p·:rsnut Ii &. dcctncmn. Court-'.l'rcnt.t ~lrs. lllill houst~ Coop~r Joh.n, smnllhol.dcr . . I . r" _:;_ .. l"ullr:rton A l;i ii, l'olsho~ form Oc \·ere <.:u·lottn Pliss), d1st11ct 11111·.5f.,f :\u n:JI \\ 111: nl'wsa~I. \ 11l;>~!t' l1idl . • Gooch Rev Fro.ncisHnre·oiirtn. D •eho lkathcrley ' l.'t~annnn C arul, f.1 :111 o·r, bll1Jro11k fo1m .

. ..•. J ·1·11· JI I l ·1· M ··3 ,,. , . 1 ·1 > !lamillon llfrs. ]~ox hill (ll'tlcrs should u~ ! ~ ·1_<>ll , "<~S . eye c ni: s. "' .,, •. ·' · :-S

o.dtlrcsscd Chnrl<·s hill, Farnham)

1. ~J.~o\t. George, _smallhold~·r . , . l'o:1':ing l':1i lip lkmy, p;,,1lt.ry farmer

Holford Henry, Elsw;id lo:lgt' ~l,hs Hc!iry, bu1ldcr, sc~1 bla,.~ei· &. Ellis 1'11 llrn ,\la 11 .h 1111·.-, t·ydt• agc:n t lngrnrn Chnrl~s. l~lstend hou:>e }·.lhs \\ ;llt~·r, farm<:r, ~taccy 11 farm 0 :-)!l,u-laud ~lr.< . former, ltidgway farm

J'c 1 ·ick A •1111 Coll" 1 \\' 1 .1 1 . e l•nwssettR1chard .\faunco, poult1·y former Sfc-<'r \\"iU i~1n, lioot rqrnir<:r ~er r. r 11, ns1nm 1uus 'GI . & ]'JI. b "Id d t ' · 'J' ·l' 1 , 'I',. ' l Lcvv Albert, W cstl.irook l aza' r ~ '\' ~1 • crs, .c~ora Ol"S '~ '.c:rry . "rcy •. i~1tc1wr. . ·' :. p ,;I M • Tl c Old Cott· gc I nntkrtnker~. l .:\ .1'.:l•tcnd .!;j J rncy ;\ . . 1. & son~, l1111 ldcr~

l ,"c 1-' ~-[ · n1 . I t ' li '·'J I C:n1la l111in!! &. l>i~1ri~t. Co-01wrntivr ~ ... \' ilb!!" llall rl\·n·,· Hal ler, sec ) ""lflll'" rs. 01cr, n J.(C iuu~t: I . ,.- 1 1 'I'" 4- I\' · - (.. \I · ~t ., .. ·t J oin T' c H e . 1·t· , c·1tity ... o . • tt. _, a oicc ,,•mgc (. r~. ), grocer

S' t<:,'.,'t"f··l<l a' '. • .::1 );' '1~'.'><,lk~c !Hardy Hnrry, farmer, Jlam farm l \\"<'ar \\"illiam \\":1ltl"r. Golden J"Jeccc r .n u~ . . c1 er"...._, . u vi< > I' I Il . . H I \ .1. .1 f . , ·1·11 A

Wodehouse Oen .. Sir Joscclinc Hcnc·n"C· ,c,~t. t e11Ja111111 ug i, g~occr . . I ult•111;rn l: .•:1s . arm "'11 I ' t o •

0 c 11 c Id 0 R , E l . I B ,. ns 0 ' * Htndhead Nurseries (Frcdcnck1 J"'"Y cMI· \\ 1o;(t,,.o .. k · · ., · ' ., ·• · ' n c.ll i Barnnrtl, propril'tOr), Thnr~ley I \\"ilson H. ll!;h, far:ut'•-. Hcd House farm ..

c·o~Dn:Jlc!AL. I 1-l ok Andrew Thomas, former, '\'0011- 'l' X l!!J Marked thus• form 150 ncrcs OI' over. ! fords fa rm 0 \\'onh:1:11 Ut'o. funner. Pitch l'lt1cc farm

Allbcny John, poultry former ]Jones }'1·cd, Tbc Stnr 1'.11 i:oung Thus. l..1·00 111 mkr


EPSOM (originully Elll.ii:ihnm) dcri vcd its nnmc from St. I sco.t 300 persons. Christ Church is nn ecclesiastical pnrish, Ebba, n :s'orthumbria11 priucc·ss, and is !• parish nnd mnrktt i formed July 10, 187-1 ; the church, consccrall,-d in 1876, town an<l the head of n, ·petty sessiona.l didsion, union and ; is of flint with atoll~ dressing~. in t.he Decorated &tyle, county court district, dolightfutly situated on the western j and coMists of chanct·I, uave anti ai•ks and a tower with verge. of 13.m.t.cnd DO\~ns, on the main road fro~ Londoi:i to I belfry Ctlll lai11~11g 8 bc llti: the tlt·tiJ111lio11s in th~ chancel Dork mg, I~orsha~n. Guildford and Worthing: with stat!ons I form a mcmonnl. to Nnrn1a1t :\sk>11 csq.; t~io pnint!ngs_?vcr on the Brighton, &1uth \\'cstnu and South hastcrn sections I the chancel nre rn m~mnry lll the Rev. (;(,orgc .b . \hllcs, uf tbe Southern rnilwny: i t is 15 miles south-west-by-south first vicar of the; pari~h: there an: 600 sittings. Tbc rcgiskr from l.on<lon by road, 17 from \'ictoria nnd nlx1ut 14 from ~ dates from the ycnr 1876. 'l'hc lidng is n YictLrag<', net ,\'early Waterloo by rail, 16 miles n:.irth·east from Guildford, 9 no rth- 'J vuluc £500, with r<:s itkoct>, iu the gift o f the lli shop of Wjn· west from :Reigate, 9 S<>\tth -wcst from Croydon nnd 7 s:>uth , chcstc·r, and he· Id ~ i ntot· rn:w by the Hcv. J.iorwl \\'illium .~lylrcfL frol):l Kingston, in the E psom diYisiun of the county, first M.A. of J\<·hk Colkge, Oxford. 'l'hc C'hnrc·h room 111 c~n­di,·isionof the bundr<ld of Uopthornc, rural deanery of Leather· : n<·dion with ( 'J11·ist (.'];nrc·h, d<";i~ncd by J. H:itchnrd Smith hcnd, ~rcl~dcac~mry. of Surr~y un<l <liuceso o f <.:ui.!dford. Th~ I l'sc1. F:1u.1u. i11 1:1,c Gothic styl<:. consists of a . . la.rgc room tnwo is lighted \nth gas {mm works the properly o f the cnpnblc ol sc·nl1ng .JOO pt>opk, with stnge nnd nl~o n. lt1rgt \Vnndsworth, Wimbledon un:l Eps~ro. D istrict C.:as Compnuy, class rciom. 'l'i1e n::w thurth of St. Bnrn;i.bas, in Hook road, :tnd with olect.ric liffht from works in Church street: it hns a i is of re~ l.iric.k nnd st·~ni.' . Ti1r Ji,· ing i~ n :icurngc, net yearly oonst.ant supply o f wakr from w.1rka the pl\1p<:rLy of the ,·aluc £300, 111 the g tlt of th<· B1 <hop o f \\ rnchestC'r, nnd hcld Council, HiLuntcd in Enst stree: t, nnd there nrc twe1 large rcscr- since 192:3 l.iy lht• He,·. ~tuart Knox Anderson ~1.:'· <>£Queen 's vuirs on the Downs: ihc water is of suverior quality, but has 0 ,11lcge, Oxford. The }{.omau Catholic ch11rd1 in llcnthcow al>:>ut 23 ucgrcea of h:irducss, arising hom the c:hnlk held in Nntl, d~di~nkd to St. J 111wph, wnll erected in 1857, and has lll>l u~ion. 'l'he ww11 is clfoctually drainc;d 11nd the sewage is I 50 sittings. 'l'h•Jn: i~ a c; 111gr,·gntional church, founded '!1 <leodorisc<l nud othcrwi:;c disposrd o f on nn irrig:1tion ground 1688 and l'l•built in 1904, nl :t c:•st of £4,000, in the Late Ootl~1c (p:trt of Epsom Court farm), a p:>rtio n I.icing pumpc<l up lo. style, which consist~ vf ch:incd, nave,aisks and apsidal choir, higher land and returned by gro.vitatio.n; the_elfl11mt, l.iy ~rnns I c.n_d IHlS /I t•Jwcr o n the 1~1rt.h si~le 50 feet high, with copper o f a system of deep o.nd su rfncc dramnge, 1s largely purified, ap1rrlet; the church lH•s oUO s1tt111:;s: tfll,r<: arc nl~ Wc~lnyau and nllls into tho Hogs lllilJ rinr, by which it is dischnrgo<l )lcll1odist nnd Strict l!apt.i"t chapel~. and the llapt1sts further into the Thames 11t Ki11g~ton. 'l'hc :air of }:psom is very hold s~rvices in lite Gy111n:1sium JI all, crcckd in IUOO. salubrious; pnrt of tho town lies in o. nnturnl bnsin, but the 'l'hc ccmctc;ry, in :\s lilt·y r»nd, t·overing an urea C1f about 8 upper portion possesses fine downs, almost cntfrcly open acres, wns complot<·d in )!>ii, at a cost of .1:5,50U, 1111d hus bcco t.o tho sea on tho south si<lc, and tho tcmpcrnturc is thus enlarged by 5 acres: it ht•8 t wu m·irtuary chapc:ls, nnd is und.er agreeably varied. It wns constituted a Local Government the control o f the Urban District (;.1undl , octing as a Borial District 19 March, 1850, untl«r thc .pro>i8i(J11$ of the Public Board. Jn the c<.:mctc: ry, nt the jnn<,tion o f . .\ahlcy road and Health Act, J 848 ( 11 ;ind l2 \"ict. · c. G3), nnd the gnYern- 'l'ri!adwell rvad, is a (;dtiu cr,,ss o f Comi$h grt'Y granite, men~ of the town vcatcd in un Urban Uitilrict Gouncil of 9 ~tanding on a lhrec-tior u<1sc.,cm·l~d i11 HJ21 ns I\ mtmoriul to members, formed under \.lie: pr.ivi~ions of the Local Gov.::rn- Epsom l\lcn who fell in the ()rrnt \Yar, 1914-18: in .November, mcnt Act, 1894 (56 and 57 \'ict. c, 73); th~ number of 1923, a granite wall ,cr.;ckd by thc. Urban District Council nt 1J1C111bc1•s WM incrcnsr.d t-0 12 in 190:3, nnd to 18 in l!l:!L The the rcnr of the ruemorial, wt1s un,·<·ilcd by i\fajor-Gen. Si~ d111rch o f St. l\fortin is of brick and flint with lhth stone Edward Northey o . C.)l.O . , c. 11. 'l'hl'> centre portion of the <ln·ssings, in t.hc Gothic st.ylc : it wns i-r·built, with tlw cxccp· wall contains five punch, wlti<·h 1,_.ar the names of the fallen. tiun of the tower, in 182-1, n t a ct;st of £7,01111, 1u1<I has a t <J\n·r The Public Hall an<l A~s·" ml.ily Hooin~, erected in 1883, at with spire containing n clock und 10 bells' thi:r1; i$ n monu- a cost of £4,000, is of nd brick.aud tL·rm cotta, in thc Cla.~sic ment, by }'Ja x"mn11, to the .Kt·\". Joh11 l'arkhurst l!. ,\ . Fdlow style, from designs oy J. Hatdiard 8mith C'>UJ . P.lt.l.D.A.; it uf Clare Colk•gt>, Cuml>ri1Jgt·, the lt•xicogr11phe·r , who tlit·d here contains :t large Jiall, ti8 oy 40 fctol, and about :10 feet l11gh, t i \farch, 17!!7, and ut.lrL·rH to tlw 'J!t-Hidd, \\"arn· and E'"dyn witb a st.~ge nnd d rr·ssing rooms: there nre also club und fa111ili<:s: the ol~est. 11_11·mor~d i;; ll bra~• with the: name of rendin rooms and n lect.nro room. 40 by 38 feet, nnd a.bout ~tarslon, <lated I ol l : 111 I !l(J 1-l (IOl:i th (· old and ~mall chane<-1 15 footghlgh: tho hall was opened 'l'ucS<!iiy, April 3, 1883, by w:1s dcu1ol_ishcd n11d n new chanc~·l .ur1< l 1.arl ol a nt.:w nan·, tho EMI of Egmont, nnd will bold SOO pof!lons. In 11106 ·~·.1th, vc.~tnes, cn·ckd nt a cost of .t i .l/lt10 from t~1c <l t·s1~118 '!f altcrntioos and irnpro,·cmcnt.~ wero 111000 at a cos~ of ove~ 1<11· lJ . .:\H;hols<111 barl.: th<" n~w.wurk ·~.of stone·, 111 the (;otlt1e I .cl CJOO. his now part!r ""'·ti as a piclur<· pa lace and t\ town "1.ylc: tl'.crc arc rww. l ,llOU s 1tt1n;;s. I ht· thnn·h wa~ whully clt;h. Tl1t: 'l't-<·l,, ,i<·al fi;stitntc and Art 8clrool, also designed dost•d to rn!l'rn1<·11ts Svpt. I 8, 1861!, and t hr <:lrnrd1y:u:<1, by tlw l;v .J. Ma tdianl :-;111 itlt t·«J . is iu thi: He.·naiss:rnel· sl yJt,, und wall •amc Ordcr,cun '""'" li<: t1~l"!I only by tho8c ha,·111;! fa1111ly ,·null' •i1.,11 ·d by the Fad of Jl1Js.•IH·rv in 1897 . on· the ground 11n<l grave&. Jn the cln~rch ll??r is a ~lab irm~rihrd to Charles ~lu~r\1rc tcclini•·•;l class r•"•lrl$, i111(J 011 thc'tirst Jluo r a fully l'~~~l1u~~t, ti .. 2_0 D?c. I 1~1-1. 1 he register dates from. the y~:ir equippc,d art cbss. )n l!Jl5 a e·.,.,kcry und llHllllllll training lb~a. I }u: 11\'lllg i.~ a. \' 1t•:trag~·, rl<'t. yt«trly ' alu•· lb~O ! with rvom and l\\'(> aclditicntal <' l a ~=-- ""om-: Wl'l'C :ultkd. r<"HJ<lc·ne·t·, 111 the: gift of th.- H1;h1>J> <•f \\.inclH·, lt·r, :111d h<-ld >i11c~ J 9:!·1 ."-'" the ]\<· ,·. c '_livt· H••.lir-rlf\<111 l'alti"".1 )luir ~I.A. , ]~rick m•,•~ing is carrie d'"'.'"·~·-. n111l there arc ul>i<> nur!JCrf vi (,;11u~ Col kg• ·, C.':rnilJrulg<-. ~ l. .J uhn 's )li• .-11>1: 1·h11rt·h. groundH. I he uwrkt·t <lny 1..; Saturd .. y, and n pleasure (~ Church roud, ercctd in IS!H, at n co~l of J::!,000, is c.if I days) fair cu111111t·m.,· ~ ••n i!it' '.!f1th July. Th., o ltl A~sornuly 1.Jrick willi ~tlJHC fociug•, iu the C:vthic siyJ.,, a11d will }{uom,, in wl1it·li l nlll~ \\"••r,· h··ld in the Stuart J><·rio:<l , now

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DIRECTORY.] SURREY. c:rso:i:i:. 1G5 form part o f Wnwrloo House, High street. In the centre of tho High atrcel is a clock tower with an open cupola cvntainiug one bell.

'l'ho former ctilebl"ity of EI16om w1U1 due to its meclicinal springs, situntcd I mile weiit of the town nod discorered in 1618 by ono Henry WiC'kC'r; th<1 wnter was ot first used externally, and its purgative propcrtiioi were not ascC'rt:tined I.ill nhout 1630; modem 1J.nalyscs hnvo shown that one gallon contains 480 grains of calcnrcous nitre, but. pure Epsom salts com:un 59 parta of sulphuric ncid nnd 4 l of magnesia, forininj! sulphate of magnesia.: in t.hn reign of Q11ecn Eliubcl·h th6 spring8 were much frequented by tho country people, nod in !,ho time of Charles I. tho snit.II they produced were so cele­brated as to sell at 5s. per ounce: about 1600 n large concourse of visitors fiocked hither, including members of the nobility, with their families, and numerous foreii:ners; and the place beenme for a while a. highly fashionable centre, :ind developt'd every kind of popular amusement: in l i20 lhe wells were in their greatest splendour., hut in 1804 the hou'IC at t.lui old wells was pulled down : a new man!ion wa.s orectcd en its site in 1886 by James Stuart Strange esq.

The great modern celebrity of F.p~om is derived from it.. races, which app~ to have orii;inQ.kd in the ycnr 1711, nlthough the pa.st1mc of horse rncing, necofd ing lo a passage in Lord Clarendon's History of the ltobcllion, existed in this neighbourhood in the days of Charles I. Tho Oaks ~tnkea, for thrcc.yea.r-old fillies, wero institutecl in 1779 by ~:dward , 12th Earl of Derhy, and nnmed aftor hi\ hunting-bo:r at \Voodmansterne: in the following Y".ar he instituted tho famous Derby stakes, for three-year-olds, and from that. time until 1914 the anr.unl Ol'.Ourrence of these races wae uninterrupted. Tho Spring Meeting is held in April, " ·hen the Metropolitan and the City and Suburban stakes arc run for, the Derby in May or the beginning of June, the principal days Jx,ing Wednesday (the Derby dny), and Frid&y (the Oaks day); the races ta.ko place on tho Downs about 11 mile south of the town. Tho gr:tnd stand, erected in 1829-30, was to.ken down at tho end of 1!126. The new grand stand, tho first to be erected of reinforced concrete has a curved Iron tage of 500 feet and wns erected in 1927 by the Grand 1-'tand Association at a cost of bctwecl) £100,000 and £150,000. 'l'hc chief hotels arc the King's Head, a house at which Pepys ~t:iycd when visiting Epsom in July, 1667, and tho Spread Eagle. On the Common is a club room, with skittle alley, for the use of working men, erected in 1880 by .T. S. St.range ,·sq. then lord .of. the manor, at a cost of £i00, from dc$igns by J. Hat.chard Smith csq. A.II.LB.A.

Ep!!Om College, erectro in the yenr 1855, was incorporated by Acts of Parliament io that year and in 1895; the building& a re of red brick &nd Caen stone, in tho Tudor Gothic stvle, and

· stand in grounds occupying an aren of over 80 acres: 0

in 1897 " lower school was added and the cha pc! enlarged : in l\l:?ti the nave of the cluipd wns cntirdy rebuilt 11t a cost of over £11,500 as a mcmoriil.I to Old Boys who fell in the Great War, 1014- 18; 1• new chemical block, creeled st a cost of over £10,000 was opened by Lord 01'ey of Fallodo:1 x.o., r.c. in 1026; other works carried out in the snmo year, 011 which IL lurthc1· £10,000 was spent, include alterations 11nd additions to tbe Lower School and the beautifying of tho Memorial c·hapel with oak panelling: the buildings generally include a chapel, gymnasium, carpenter's shop, swimming bath, chemical block and an armoury, Q.nd there are excellent 1ields for cl'icket and football. The College is a public school, the sons of medical men being educated at a slight reductfon: I hero are 50 foundation scholarehips, open to orphan sons of medical w en, who arc clothed, boa.rdcd a.ml cducat-0<1 gn1ti$;

nttachcd to the <.:ollcgc arc s<:YCral open entrance scholar• ships, together with num<:rous close scholarships, Yarying in rnluc from 50 guineas to £60 per annum, nnd 20 lc11Ying ~cholnrships to the Uni,·crsitics nud llospitnl:1, together with I cloRc scholurships o.wardcd by certain London hospitals: th~r<' nrc now 385 boys on the hostel system. J::psom :>n•l Ewell Cottage Hospital, in Alexandro. rond, WM orectoo. in 188!1. o.t n cost of £2,600, raised by 11ublio subscription nnd opened by l'rinccss Mary Adelaide, Duchess of '£eek ; it wns cnln.cgcd in 18!17 and 1925 nnd now cont.nins 30 beds, including n pt1ying wo.r<l. Tho Almshouses founded by John Li,·ingston, n parishioner, in I i03, for tw<•lve'11oor widows, wt·rc rclmilt in 1871 upon the site of the old founda.t.ion in EMt street aod roceh•o twolve inmates, but aro not endowed. Charities producing over £150 yearly a.re distributed in bread, clothing nnd fuel. The National . Incorpomted Association ( l>r. llarnnrdo's) Homes (Epsom brnnch), Enst street, will R<:commodatc 100 boys. Hookfi<'ld Pnrk is the r<:Sidence of \\"tthcrJnmcs l'urdy <'8<1. : \\'oodcutc l'nrk is now the prcmifiC> of the Jloyol Automobile Vlub (country golf cluli); \\'oodcoto H ousc is the residence of Mrs.Nor they; Tho Jlurdan~, or the Earl ofltoscbcry 1co., K. T., r.c . .; Woo<lcotc Gro\"c io1 at present. ( 1927) unoccupied. 'fhc manor formerly belonged to the r"bbey of Chorlscy. Honry l\Iason csq. is steward of tho manor; manor courts nro holden in April and October nt tho King's Hoad hotel. '£he trustees of James Stuart Strange, who aro lord6 of the manor, Mrs. Northey, The Royal Automobile Club and tho Enrl of Roschcry i;:.o., K.T., r.c. Rrc tho chinf land­"' ncrs. At \Yoodcotc in this parish arc tho kcnn<:ls of the Mid-Surrey Draghounds; H. llrittnin eaq. is nrnster; th<: p:.ck comprises 14 couples of hounds :tnd hunu tucsdays and saturdaya. Epsom, Cobham, Kingswood nnd Tadworth iire corwcnient centres. Epsom is tho ncarcst station to the kennrls. 'l'hc area. of the parish is about 7 square miles, being about 3A-miles long a.nd a.bout 2 miles broad. The number of nct·cs is 4 ,4 24 ,of which 044 are downs and 011cn common, and 3,480 cultivated land, chiefly enclosed gardens o.nd homestead and the site of the town, nnd I I of water: mk-i•ble value, £240,118. The population in 1!121wns18,804.

'l'ho population of the wards in 1021 wns :-Cotlego, 2,708; Court, 3,:)04; Enat Street, 2,304; Stamford, 5,SlU; Town, l,044 nnd Woodcote, 3,025.

The population or the ccclcsio.stical pari8hC8 in 1921 WM:­St. Martin (pnri.sh church), 9,373; Christ Chu1•oh, 6,146; St. llarnabM, 3,285.

Tho length of tho higlnrnys in the pari3h is about 38 mile11.

Horf()n is a hamlet of Epsom, a mile and a half north.

HORTON MANOR, comprising 1,060 acres, is tho property of the London County Council (Asylums Committee). Tho Manor Certified Instit.ution, for the fe<?Option of l,OG2 patienl:4 (malo and female), WllS opened in 1922. Tho Manorhousei$ the quarters of the adminiatrativo stalT. Horton Menta.L Hospital with accommodation for J,915 patients WM opened in l 902. Long Grovo Mental Hospit-al was opened in 190i, for 2, 106 patients . . West Park llfcntal H ospital for the reccp·· tion of 2,096 patients was opened in 1!124. 'l'bc County of J,ondon Colony for Epilcpt.ics is partly in Epsom and partly in Ewell. The institution, standing in Hook road, on a portion. of tho e11tatc, and built from designs of lllr. \V. C. Clifford Smith in 1902, occupies 112 acres, nnd 11•as intended to pro­l'idc t. more home-like dwelling for certain epileptics certified &S ineane, wbo may be accorded t. grco.tcr degree of liberty th11n in the ordinary mental hospital. The Isolation Hospital Hook rond, under the control of the Urban District Council. was enlarged in 19031 and has 22 beds.


Post, M. 0., T. &. T. E. D. Office, High 61rcct.-T. T. Champion, URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. postmast.er Sittings e\·cry alternate tuosday at 8 p.m.

omco open for telegrams from 8 a.m. to 7.30 p.m.; sundnys, 9to 10.300..m

•Town Sub.Post&:. M. 0. Office, Church road.-Frank Dunn, sub.postmaster. Telegrams are dispatched but not deli;ercd.

Town Sub-Post Office, 40 East strcct,-Mra. H. H. Mansbridge• · sub-postmistress .

• Town Sub-.Post & M. O. Of!jcc, Pound lane.-Hnrry Hillman. sub-poatma.ater

Epsom Downs Post, T. &. T. E. D. Officc.-Gcorgc Ed1.-ard Turner, sub-postmaster. IA:tters via Epsom. Epsom Town office, 2 miles distant, is the ne:ircat money order office

Marked thus • aro Telephone Call Officce.

Epsom To'll·n Station, Southcm Railway (Central sootion). This station is open for lbe dclil•cry of ldc•groms on sundAys from 10to11 a.m. & .4 to 5 pm.

l'psom Downs Railway Sll\lfon is open for the deli.-ery of • telegrams on week daya only

· Offices, Rromley Hurst, Church st.r~t.

Members. Chairman, S. Smith.

Vicc-Chainnnn, C. 0. Irish. 0. E. Alway H. W. Cushiue Rei•. E. E. Dorling :.I.A C.R. Hills C. G. Iriah T. D. Johrui H. E. Lcauey C. J . McCarthy A. Moore J.P

lllrs. ~fottr&m Mrs. Payno J.P H. Skelton J. F. Skilton T. H. Snow A. J. Wapling P. L. Waterhouse J, H. Wyeth

Officer11. Clerk, Edmund Oanatt Wilson, Church street. Treasurer, R. Holmes, Westminster Ilank Limited, .High street Accountant, A. II . Y. Avison, Church street Medical Officer of Ilea.Ith, John Willillmson w.o.wnd., M.11..c.s.

Eng., J..R..C.P.LOnd., D.P.H.umd. Ashley road . Electrical Engineer, H. W. Watte, Electricity works, Depot rd Surnyor, Edward Robert Capoo, Dromloy Hurst, Church 1t


Page 3: 1. - eehe.org.uk · 164 ELSTEAD. SURREY. 1127 Marked thus• receive thci1· lcttcrs through ;Atkins Fretkrick, shopkeeper l'urn ~idu


Wator Works Engineer, Thomas N. Young, Wator works, East street

Gollector, Thomas Oliver, Bromley Hurst, Church street Sanitary Inipector, Warwick Hammond Martin, Bromley

Hurst. Church ~treet

EPSOM RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. The pnrishos in the District are the same as in the Union with

the addition of Woodmansterne & with the exception of Carshalton, Epsom, Leatherhead & Sutton.

Council meets at the Guardians' Institution once a month (wed.) at 10.30 a.m.

Chairn11111, Jesse Swubey, Tho Lane house, Ashtead

Officinls. Clerk & Collector, Arthur Richard Cotton ~I.B.:E. Ashley road,

Epsom ·

Accountant, George Henry Mac.klin, Ashley road, Epaom Treasurer, H. Holmes, Westminster llnnk Limited, High street Medical Officer of Health, John Williamson .M.D.LOnd., M.n.o.s.

Eng., L.!l.o.r.LOnd., n.r.n.Lond. Ashley rond, Epsom Sur,•eyor of Hi!(hwa~:s, Tom Edward Wnrc, Council offices,

Ashley road, Epsom Surveyors & Snnit.'l-ry Inspretors-Eastern district, Willian\

Townsend Wooldridge, Council offices, Ashley road, Epsom ; Western district, Frank Augustus Pratley, Council offices,

.Ashley i·oad, Epgom


){eot at the Urban District Council Offices, Sutton, on M~n-days as occasion may requirre, at 6 p.m.

Chairman, Sir A. R. Glyn bart. J.P

Clerk, Alick George Ebbutt, Waterloo road, Epsom Treasur<'rs, Barclays Bank Ltd. Epaom

Hos.PITAL, CunnL..,OTOY.

:Medical o·fficer, John Wilfrid Cnton M.D., B.s.nurh., n.r.11 De Burgh house, Banstcnd

Matron, Miss Mary Elim Hughes


Tritton Arthnr Henry, Crocknorth, Enst Horsley, chainnan Aston Alfred Withall, The Court, Exford, Somerset Bird Arthur, The Granp:e, Great Bookh.nm, Leathcrhead Blades Sir (George) Rowlnnd barf·. :ll.r. Grange mount,

Lcatherhcad Bonsor Sir Henry C'osn10 Orme hart. D.r .. Redhouse, Kingswood Church William Bdwartl, Windham club, St. Joines square,

lnndon s w Ede J. Chuter, Tamworth li'ann house, :llitcham Gnscoigno llrig. -Gc11. Si r Ernest Fre.dcrick Orby K.C. v.o.,

«.:u.o., n.s.o. Ashst1'ad lodg<', Ashtend Glyn Sir Arthur R. bnrt. Well hons!', Ewt·ll Hoolo )[iss Edith :rr. The Willow~, Sutton I~immins F. Ferndale', Barnet Wood ln11e, Lettthcrhcad L"\.mlJ(.rt Col. Frederick Arthur Heygatc 11.S •• \ ., F.n.o.s. Glyn

}foldcn, Dolgelly, N. Wales Lean•y Thor.nns J. 31 llridge stn~ct. Lc.nthcrh~ud Martin E. W. Tho ~fanor house, Ewell :Moore Arth1u·, 4 Downs Side, :g))6om Murray James O.ll.E. Headley G1·0,·e farm, J<-:paom Pullingcr Ernest Georg(', 37 West Hill avenue, Epsom Recs.C1ipt. John T. Tutlor, Fairlawn, Banstead Saunders Henry Willinm, Laburnum roa<l, Epsom Southby Commdr. A. R. J. R.N. (rot.), Hillden, Danstead Taylor Capt. John Frederick William Dlake, 72 Queen's

gate, Inndon s w ·west Charles Roberts, I'urk road, Cheam, Sutton White Bertram E. l l{ingsclown road, Epsom Willock-Pollen Henry Court, The Old Rectory, LitUe

Bookham 'l'he Chairmen, for tho timo being, of the Epsom & Leather head

Urban & Rural District Councils arc ex-officio justicca Clerk to the ?.fogistrntcs, J obn Herbert Dell II.A. High street

Petty Sessions arc holden at the Cour t. hfluse every monday at 10.30 a.m. except on bank holidays, when they are holden on the following wodncsdny

The following places am included in the petty sessional division :-Ashtcad, Banstcad, Great Dookham, Little .Bookham, Cheam, C'hcssington, Cuddington, Epoom, Ewell, Fetchnm, Headley, Lcatherhcad, Walton-on-tho.Hill


County Court., ~shlcy roa~l; His Honor Edwa.r~ Harington ~.r. judgo; Patrtck Mnur1ce llfac:Mahoo, reg1strnr & high bailiff. In 1848 a building was erected by the late Mr. Goorge Wbitb for the county court (a n ew building waa erected in 1913 •immediately opposite the old court), the jurisdiction of which extends over the following parishes:­Ashtead, Banstead,'Great & Little Bookham, Burgh Heath, Carshalton, Cheam, Che88ington, Cuddington, Epsom. E\vell, Fetcham, Hoadley, Leatherhcad, Sutton & Tadworth

For Bankruptcy purposes this Court is included in that of Croydon. Thomas Gourlay, official receiver, 14 Bedford row, Inndon w o l; A. J. Rogers & R.. K. Ck'\rk, n.ssistnnt officinl receivers, 29 Russell square, London w c l

Certified Bailiffa undor the Law of Distress Amendment Act, Eustace Broadhead, High street, Epsom ; William Henry Edwards, High. street, Epsom ; Charles Fredorick Broadbridge, High street, Epsom & Sidney. Thomas Spray, Melrose, Norman roacl, Sutton

County of London Colony for Epileptics, Hook road, 1.foj • Lconanl Henry \Vootton _M.C., l!.B., D.~., D.sc., bl.R.c.s.En11 .. L.l~. C.!'.LOnd., n.P.M. medical supt.; Sidney Carter Boswell. clerk & house stewnrd; Martin Hnmmond Ward, supctfa· tending bailiff

Epsom & Ewell Cott..'l-ge Hospital, Alexandra rond, P. Sarg<'nt C.)J.(l., D.s.o., M.~ •• M.B., ll.O.camb., l".R.O.S.Eng .• L.R.C . .P.LOUd. hon. consulting surgeon; Isaac W. Corkcy ll.l.C., M.D., lr.ch., v.a.c.s.Eng. Edgar George Clemc11t Daniel M.A., M •• ll, ll.C. camb., M.R.c.s.Eng., L.R.C.P.LOnd. Kenneth Edwl\rd Cromp· ton :M.B., ll.ch.canta.h. John R. Herbertson M.B., B.ch.olns. Thomas Lithgow Braidwood M.a.c.s.Eng., L.R.c.r.Lond. Joseph V . . Cope M.c., M.D., F.R.c.s.1.nnb. James Charles Gordon Carmichael o.B.E., M.u., ch.II., D.r.n.camb. \Y. Thornely M.A., ll.l.B., B.c.cantab., ~1.n.o.s.fillg. , L.n.c.J?.LO?tl. & Guy M. Kendall M.B., M.R.c.r.Lond., M.a.c.s.Eng. mc<licnl officers; M. G. Whit.ten t..n.s.n.c.s.Eng. & A. S. Carter )t.n.c.s., L.a.c.r., L. D.S. hon. dentists; i\Irs. Northey, hon. treasurer ; George Simpson, hon. sre. ; Miss 'li· M. Logan, matron

Epsom Public Hall & Assembly Rooms Compnny Limited. Frederick Henry Wiltshire, eeo

Isolation Hospital, Hook road, William Napier ~r.n.,n.ch., :r.R.C.s.r. medical officer; M.iss Ethel E. Bowden, matron

Fire Station, Church street, E. R. Capon, captain, & 16 men l\fetropolitan Police Station, W. division, Ashley road, William

Bright, inspector ; Frederick Daniels, station sergeant ; 9 sergeants, l 0.1.n. sergeant &. 33 constables

Mini.~try of Labour Local Office for the Unemployment fns11r-anoo Fund, High street .

Recreation Ground, Alexandra. road, Thome.a Self, caretaker Urban District Elect .. ic .Light Works, Church street, H . \\'.

Watts, chief engineer Urban District Water Works, East street., W. Vaux Grnha.m

c.E. consulting engineer; Thomas N. Young, engineer & mannger


~fanor Cert.ified Institution, Edward Salternc Littcljol111 )t.R.c.s.~g., L.R.C.P.LOnd. medical superintendent; Ha.~okl F .. cizc <:>tephcns M.B.C.S.Eng., L.R.O.P.LOnd. dcpnty med1cHI s uperintendent; Rev. Edward John Hockly ~1.A., hon.c. F.

chaplain; C. W. Poulton, c.lerk; J. J . Deely, house stcwarcl Horton ~fentnl Hospital (L.C.C.), Long Grove l'Oad, Eps~u.1,

Lt.-Col. John Robert Lord c.B.E., bI. O., F.n.c.r. mcd1cnl supt.; Allen Con!Lcr Hancock M.c.~ M.R.c.s.Enl?., L.n.c.1-. wnd., D.P.H. deputy medical supt. ; '.Ihom11s Wilham Rams· den Strode r.r.R.c.s., i,.a.c.r. William Drew Nicol M.R.o.s.Eng., L.R.O.P.LOnd., D.P.M. Alexander Walk M.D., 11.s., D.l'.)1. Frederick Oliver Wnlker M.R.c.s.£ng., L.R.c:r . .t.ond .. lsMc Frost bl.:s., 11.s., 111.n.c.s.Eng., L.R.c.r.LOnd. & James McNid Campbell L.R.C . .P., L.n.c.s.Edin., L.R.F.r.s.olas. assistant medical officers ; ltev. Edward John Hockly M.A., hon. c. F. chaplain; Albert Stanley Vaughan Llewellyn A.$.A .. \., A.c.1.s. clerk ; Alfred Henry Gwinnell, house steward ; Miss i\!ary Mitchell Thorburn R.B.c. matron

Long Grove, David Ogilvy M.D., ch.B., D.A.O., L.)1.Dub. rucdiclll superintendent; James Ernest Martin M.ll., . :a.s.r,ond. M.B.c.s.Eng., L.R.C.P.LOnd. deputy medicul supcrrntcndcnt; Emcst George Thornton Poyndcr M.a.c.s., L.R.O.P.LOntl. D • .P.l!. Frederick Robertson .Martin M.D., Ob.B.Ok'l.S., D.l".)f. Rupert George Anderson .M.ll., cb .D. E~in. Gilbert Mortin.1<"r Tothill 111.n.c.s.img., L.B.c.r.wnd. Rcgmald Edward Jcnkms L.M.s.s.A. Charles Henry Comerford M.D., n.r.n., D.r.M.Duh. & Jack Fingland M. Stenhouse ll.l.D., ch.B.olas. D.Sllistant, medical officers; Alfred J . Gibb.~, clerk; R. E. Dorrell house steward; Miss Elspeth Mad~ac, matron; Artl1111· Heath, inspcct-0r; H. Ridpath, res. engineer; lI. li. Wood, farm bailiff

Oc1net.ery, A$hley road, Edmund Garratt Wilson, der\;: to the hunal board ; Charles Crosswell, lodge keeper

West Park Mental Hospital (L.C.C.), Norcliffo Roberts o.n . .e., M.D., n.s., o.P.M.Durh. medical supt;. ; Victor Lindlo.v Connolly >1.c., x.D., ch.B., D . .P.M.LOnd. dcpnty medical supt·.; L. Clarke, clerk; J. J. Agar, honse steward •

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EPSOM l;"NI0::-1. Board day, overy alternate wednesday at tho Guardians

Institution at 11 a. m. The union comprises tho following parishes :-Ashtead

Banstoa.d, Groot Bookhnm, Littlo Ilookham, Carshalton, Cheam, Chossington, Cobham, Cucl!dington, Epsom, Ewell, Feteham, Headley, Leatherbca.d, Stoke D' Abemon & Sutton. The a.rca of the union is 43,904 acres; rateable value £1,080,994; the population in 1921 was 93,156

Chairman of the Board o[ Gu(l.rdians, Thomas James Loavoy 3 ,P. Ilridge st reet, Leatherbca.d

Clerk to the Guardfans &. Assessment Committee, Alick George Ebbutt, Waterloo road, Epsom

Assistant Clerk to the Guardians, T. Robinson, Waterloo road, · Epsom

Treasurer, H. H ·)lmcs, \Yestminstcr Bank Limited, High st reet

Relieving Officers & Collectors to tho Guardians, Central division, A. E. Pcanuan, 87 Hook ro..d, Epsom ; Eastern division, E. II. Cotterill, Aviemore, Greenford road, Sutton; Western division, H.J. Wyatt., 28 Popl(l.r r.:>ad, Leathcrhcad

Vaccination Officer, R. J. Felton, W:o.terloo road, Epsom ~fodico.l Officers &. Public Vnccinat-0rs, Ashtcad district, . Henry King Daw.nn n.s.o., >LD., D.S. Ashtcad; Banstcad · (\istrict., J ohn Wilfrid Caton M.J>.Durh., B.S. Bnnstead;

Great&: Lit tle Bookha.m district, Ge orge Spence Candy M. n. JJ. s. 1.ood., M.n.c.s., J,.R.C.P. F oulis, Great Bookham; Car· shalton district , H. E. H. Mitchell M.B., B.s.LOnd . ., i1.R.c.s. :&ng., 1,.a.c.r.LOnd. Kingsdown, Carshalton; Cobham ct Stoke dist:ict, John Hale B.ch., M:.R.c.s.:&ng.,x.R.C.P.LOnd. 'l'bc Four Went~, Freelands road, Cobham ; Epsom district, Uordon F. Stones M.B., cb.B., F.R.c.s.Edin. 7 Ashley roo.d, 1-;psom ; Ewell, Chcssington & Cuddington district, J. V. Uope ~Lo. , M.D., B.ch., 11.A.o., F.R.c.s.1. The Gables, Ewell; Headley district, Frederick A. Dick M'..B., 11.s., M.R.c.s., LR.C. P. Walton lodge, Wa.lton.ou-hill, Tadworth; Le9.thcr· bead & Fet.cham district, ll!rs. Gladys M. Cox M.B., B.S.LOnd. Littlelield, Leathcrhead road, Lea.therhead; Sutton dis· trict, G. Rice M.n., c.M.Edin. Sutton; Cheam district, John R. Herbertson M.B., ch.B. 23 Park roa.d, Cheam

1'he Guo..rdfans' Institution, Dorking road, Epsom, ill a building in the Elizabathan style, capable. including new infirmary, of accomm'.ldating 500 inmato8; S. J. Ross, ma.ster; Rev. Godwin Swift M.A. chaplain; G:>rdon F. SV.mes M.B., cb.B., F.R.c.s.Edin. medical officer; Mrs. Ro83, ma.tron

E1>SOM REOISTRATlON DISTRICT, Superintendent Registrar, Alick George Ebbutt, Waterloo

road, Epsom; deputy, 1'. Robinson, ·Waterloo road,Epsom Registrars of Births &. Deaths, Epsom sub-district, Ernest

G. Pullingcr, High street, Epsom; deput,Y, John CecilBance, 'fhc Library, Epsom ; Carahalton sub-district, A. M. Dy11r, Sutton Court road, Sutton; deputy, Ernest Harry Cotterill, Greenford road, Sutton; Leatherhcad sub-diatrict, IL J. Wyatt, 12 Poplar road, Ieathcrhead ; deputy, Ernest Gould, 2 Magaz.ine place, Leatherbead

Registrars of Mnrriages, Ernest G. iPullinger, Tho Library, Epsom ; A. M. Dyer, Sutton Court r;iad, Sutton ; deputy, E. H. Cottl.:rill, Grocnford road, Sutton

PUBLIC OFFICERS. l'ertifyiug Factory Surgeon, Guy Meh·ille Kendall M.B.,

M.R.C.P.LOnd., M.R.C.S.Eng. 41 West Hill a.venue, Epsom Clerk to Commissioners of 'l'a.--res for the Division of Copthorne

& Effingham, John Herbert Bell, High street; Assist.ant, R. C. Bryne, High street

Clerk to the Epsom Sub.Committee of Surrey Leeal Pcneion Committee, Arthur Uichard Cotton, )t.B.E. Ashley road

Collector of Poor Rntcs, Thomas Oliver, Bromley Hnts t, Church stree t

St. Barnl\bas Church, Hook road, He\'. Stuart Knox And~raon M.A. vicar; Rev. George J ohn Grey Mitchell A.X.C.L. curate

St. John's Mission Church, Church road St. Joseph's, Roman Catholic, Heathcote r.:>nd, RoT. Robert

Christall & Rev. Stephen O'Dcirnc, priests Dilptist, Church street ; Rev. Ernest B. Pcskctt Baptist (Strict), Prospect placo Congregational , Church str~et., Rev. E. Hitchcock Congrcgat.ional Lecture Hall, Station road Wesleyan .Methodist, Ashley road (Sutt<>n Circuit); R..lY.

Arthur G. Utton

EPSOM COLLEGE. (Incorporated by Act o[ Par,iamcnt, 1855.)

Read Master : A. C. Powell M.A. late cx11ibitioner of Tciuity-Ccllegc, Cambridge '

Assistant ]\fosters: G. Turbcr\'illc M.A. W. R. Hecker n.sc. Rev. A. J. Agl\rd Butler M.A. E. S. Adamson, H. A. Allcock B.A. J. N. Peart B.A. B. J. Wallis II.A. T. W. M. Halliday n.A. S. R. Brown ld.A. •Thomas Xcale M.A. •A. l.. Rouallc B. cs Lettres, *H. E. Gardner B.Sc. A. Garrod M.A. J . R. Parsons B.A. *E. S. Gandy B.A. •s. P. J..jssant ll.A. •Re". M. W. Robertson M.A. *.!!'. C. T. Woodhead .M.A. A. E. Meyrick B .. ,., Mus.Bae. •Q. H. Phillips n.A. 111. F. Proctor n.A. Miss Earle & llliss Barrett; non·rl'sidcn t, A. C. Dowri (drawing); .Miss Simmons (piano); Miss J. Coldsmi~h (\'iolin); Major W. L. Giffard o. B.E. (college bursar)

Matrons: College, Miss Gould; Lower School, ~1iss Weedon; Infirmary, llfiss Carpenter

*HoWIC Masters. Epsom County School for Girls, \Yhitc Horse d1frl', Ep.>om;

Miss J. K. Hall B.A. headmist,rcss Teehrucal Institute & Art School, Church street; W. H.

Osmond, art ma.ster; H. Hopper, sec A Secondary School for Girls has been l'rcctcd at a co~t 0£

£32,000, to accommodat.c 300, cnpnble of exte nsion to 4{•0

P UBLIC ELEMENTAIW SCHOOI.S. Epsom Churoh of England schools are under a committee con·· ·

sisting of 8 foundation managers & 4 reprosentativo managers (2 appointed by the Surrey County Council & 2 appointed by the Epsom U. D. Council)

Clerk, John Horbert Dell, High street., Epsom East street (boys'), built in 184-0 & enlarged in 1886-96, & agaiu

in 1908, for 296; Charles Vassar, master Hawthorne place, East street (infants'), built in 1893 & en·

larged in 1894, for 200 children ; Miss W. Smart., mistress Ladbroke road (girls'), built in 1871 .&. since enlarged for 230 ·

children; Miss H . lit. Slaughter, mistress Epsom Council schools are governed by & committee of

managers appointed as follo"8 :-8 by the Surrey County Council & 4 by the Epsom U. D. Council

Clerk, RH. K1tight, Public Ha.11, Sutton Hook road (C'.ouncil), built in 1907 and enlarged in 1911, for ·

350 boys, 350 girls & 3SO infants; Frederick Watkin . Warner, master boys' dep.'lrtment; Mrs. E. Lauchli, mis· trOll8 girls' department; Miss Clara Agneta. Balchin, miatresa infant•' department .

Epsom Downs (Council) (mixt-d &; infants) for 150 childrt'n; C.R. Whiteley, master

NEWSPAI'ERS. F.psom Advertiser; office, 10 Station rond; Birch&. Whitting.

ton, agents; published thursday Epsom Herald, 4 Station road, William Pile Limited, pub··

lishers; published friday Surrey Advertiser &. County Times, 27 High street; Surrey·

Advertiser &. County Times Lim. proprietors ; published· monday, wednesdn.y & saturday ·

SJuthcrn Railway Stations. Brighton socti<>n: T.>wn Station, Station rond, Herbert J.

Kitching, station muter: Downs statiou, .Al.>b Suhelbert, station master

~lcdieaJ Officer of Health for Epsom, Carehl\lton, Dorkiog & Leatherhcad Urban & Dorking &. Epsom Rural District Councils, John Williamson M.D.LOnd., M.B.c.s.11:ng., LB.O.P. LOnd., D.P.H.LOnd. Hcathfield, 18 College road

Stewards of the Manor, Messr<1. Frere, Cholmelcy & Co. 28 Lincolns Inn fields, Loudon w c 2

·South Western acction: Watzrloo ro11d, H. J. Kitching,

\'t'stry Clerk, St. Martin's, John Herbert Bell, High street

PLACES OF WORSHIP. St . :Hartin's Church, ChUEllh street, Rev. Clive Roberteon

Pattison Muir 111.A. Yicar; Re''· John Roy Crawford Bartlett A.X.C.L. & Rev. Victor Ernest Glencoe Kenna B.A. curates

l'h.rist C~urch, Epsom Common, Rev. Lionel William Mylrca .M.A. near

station master · South Eastern aeetion : Tattcnhnm Comer station, The Downe

Com·ey11nco. EiLst Surrey Traction Co. Limited, Bell street, Reigate, ruu

a frequent service of motor omnibuses to Redhill (sundaya included); also motor eha.rs4-bancs to South Ooo.st . sea resorts during sum.mer months

MotoromnibWI service (Noa. 107, 66 & 68) to and from Loudon daily at short intervals

PRIVATE Bll:SIDBNTS. , Allen John, 'Ashdown road Baddeley Jn. Wm. 77 College road (for T N's see general list of Ptivatc Anderson Rev. Stuart Knox M.A. [vioa.r Bagshaw Mrs. M. R. 61 Church street

Residents at end of book.) • of St. Barnabas'], St. Bo.rnabas' vicar· Baker Fredk. L. 39 Alexandra road A' Anson Mrs. 9 West Hill avenue age, Hook road Banister Frcdk. 10 St. Martin's avenue Adai_nson E. S. The College . Anderson Rupert George M.B., ch.n. Barker :Montague Merton, Little.court, .Aid.ridge Stephen, 11 Weat Hill a ,·enue Long Grove Mental hospital .'.l'he Downs Allcock H. A. B.A. The College Archer Mrs. 49 Church street Barnes William G. 17 Downs road Allen Edward, l 7 Ashlt'y ro11d Ayles Nelson, 23 Ashley road Darrack Goorge H. N. 33 Alexandra road

· SURREY 6 t

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Barrett Miu, The College Elphiok Ardern, 7 College rol\d Klitz '"''illrid, 8 Avenue road Batley Mr&. 30 Church street Eyro .John V. 2 A.-enuo road Knox Charles C. Kiluamora, Meadway Beama l\fra. 18•, Ashley road Farmer Thomu, 13 Weat Hill avenue Lan~lands Cecil Walter, Hazon houae, IG Beaumont John Griffin, Tho llomcslead, Faulkner Mr.i. 2 Downs road ''est hill .

Lynwood road Feony Vietor, 53 Ashley road ~ Langlands Mra. Dora, 60 Worplo road Bell Lt.·Commdr. A. C. 45 Church street Floud Sir Francis Lewis C. K,c.u. 23 Langml\ll FC3nois William, 72 West hill Bell Jn. Horbt. n • .&.Quarry ho.Lynwood :rd Alexandra ·road Lawton Frank W. 23 St. Martin's avenue Bell Mrs. 12 Downs side Forde D. St. Brendall$, Lynwood road Lightfoot Miss, Comp, Dorking road Bell :Mrs. Henry J. 9 College road Fordham Mrs. 2 Ashdown road Lipsett Lewis Richnrd, 4 The Pamdo Bothell John Ithel, Tho Gables, Downs- Foulger Robert Edward F. 54 High st Lissant S. P. 8.A. Tho College

hill road Gnndy E. S. n . .&. Tho Collt-go LitUejohn Edward Salteme :».R.o.s.sng., Blcloch Robert, 25 Alexandra road Gange Harold, 51 Burgh Ho." th road l..R.c.P.I.Ond. The Manor Mental hoapit.al Blower Rov. James B • .i.. 64 Temple road Gardner H. E. n.so. 5 The College Lloyd Miss,31 Burgh Heath rd Bowden Jim. Breint.on, Burgh Heath road Garrett Edmond Willinm, 5 Downs avcn Lynn Ralph, 1 Hylnnds road Bradsha'v Alfred Ernest, 43 Aahloy roa.d Garrod Ashloy, 4 Longdown road Macdonald A. 41 Alexandra rd Bradshaw Robert, l!l Aloxnndra road Garsia Mrs. 18 Ashley rood ~faokenzic Arthur <.:. 35 AJenndrn. road Braidwood Thomas Lithgow, 10 Burgh Gar&tin Harold, 49 Ashley road Mackintosh-Gow Charles D. 5 Downs rol\d

Heath road • Oates He.rbertMortimcr, l Longdown rd MBCMabonPatrick Maurice, The Uplands, Briant Rowlnnd, 6 Downs aide Gibson Thomas, 55 Ashley road Downs road Ilrinnt William Il. 37 Burgh Hen.th road Giffnrd .Major W. L. O.B.E. 6 Tho College Uargetson Arthur Leslie, 39 Link.a road Bright Ernest H. O. B., M. v.o. 16 Church st Giffard Arthur, 37 Alexandra road ;\fartin Frederick Robert.son M.B., ch.B. Brockley Frederick, 2 Downe side Gimlctte Surgn.-Rcnr-AdmiralSir Thomas olaa., D.P.A!. Long Grove Mental hospital Ilrodio William Laurence, 6 Burgh Heath Desmond K.C.8. (rot.), 7 Ladbroko road Martin Jnmcs Ernest M.D., n.s.1.0nd. Long

rond Gordon Alfred William, 13 College rond Grove Menlnl bospiLnl DrolheraSidney W. Holmwood, J\Iea.dway Gray William, 15 St . .Martin's nvenue Masters Walter Edgar M.D. l Alexandra rd Brown S. R. &!.A. Tho College Gregory Capt. George o.s.•., D.s.o. 25 Methuen Alirod, 29 Dorking road Browno Uugh Bensley, Upland house, Ashley road Moyrick A. E. 11.A., n.Mus. T ho Collcgo

Downs rond GreUier Mrs. 8 Downaido Milford Humphrey Sumner, 7 St. Martin's Bruco Mrs. 5 Tho Parade Grundtvig Hubert Theodore, ~faidstone avenue Buchanan Capt. Roland, Crcsline, Ran· house, Woodcoto end Mills Victor Lucas, Rogart, Lynwood rd

dolph road Guyot Emile, 4 Dorking road l\fonicr-WilliamsGordonW.5St.M11rtin's1i.v Burgess E. Uenry, 16 Burgh Heath road Haigh Arthur. Henry, 70 Wost hill ;\foore Arthur J. r. 4 Downs side Burrows E. J. 7 Downe avenue HallidayT. W. ?ll ll.A. Tbo Collego Morris Ellis, 2 Lynwood avenue Butcher Bruce B. Woodlands, Meadwa.y Hampton Goorge C. 81 College rd · ~lorrish Ml"ll. 3!) Dor king road .Butler~cv. A. J. Agnrd M.A. T he College Hamsher Mrs. 15 Downs avenue :\Iuir Re\". (,'lfre l'ntti90n M.A. [vicar of Capon Edward Robert,MistJoy,AehJey rd Hardiog Mrs. 16 St. Martin's avenue St. ?lfartin's], The Vic,"rage Chipporfield T. J. D. Peal'8e >l.B.C.S.Eng. Harrison Alfred Frank, Bayford lodge, Myers Henry, 1 DowN avenue

Bangalore, 4 St. Martin's avenue Colle go avenue Myers Wallace, 2 Downs avenno Christ.all Rev. Robert [Roman Catholic], Harrison Arnold Salters, 37 Dorking rond Jllylrea Rev. Lionel William M.A. [vienr of

24 Heat.hoote road Harsant Frederick Woniley, 9 The Parade Christ Church), 12 Christ Church road Clapham Mrs. 32 Worple road Harter Mrs. A. E. Ingleside, 6 Downs rond N npier Willinm M. B. 55 Church street Clibbom Wm. G. 8 Dowm rond Hartley Arthur, l St. Mnrtin'a a,·enue !foale Thomas ll..A. 'fhe College Coleman J. Harry, 21 Worple road Harwood Walter, 27 Alexandra road Norbury Percival Hulbert, Frances lodge,

·Collard Henry Lewis, Bush lodge, Wind· Hatchard-Smith J ohn, F.R. l.B.A . Chari· Woodcote green mill lane wood, Downs avenue Norman Mrs. 3 Tho Parade

Comerford Charles Henry i1.n., D.P.H., Hecker W.R. B.SC. Tho College Northey Mrs. Woodoote house D.P.M. J,ong Grove ]\;font.al hospital Henderson Robert Charles, 45Ashley road Norton Alfred, 70 Worplc road

·C-0nnolly Victor I.indJey M.O., M.B., oh.n., Hill Gordon L. C. 5 Ashdown road ~orton Mrs. 4 Lynwood avenue n.r.>r.tond. West Park Mental hospital Hills Robert Gordon F. 5 Dorking road 0'13eime Re,·. Stephen [Roman Catholic ],

-<Cooper Sidney Lewis, 14 Dorking road Hitchcock Rev. E. [Congregational], 24 Heathcote rood Corkey I a.uo W. x.c., l'.B.c.s.mg. 3 T he Mllflae, 6 Kin~own road Ogilvy David .lf.D. Long Grove Mental

Ladbroko road Romon Alfred Allen, Stonecroft, Wood· hospital Cotton Arth. Richd. M.B.E. 12 \Vaterloo rd cote Park road Oldfield Lionel &ring, 3 Downs:wcnue C'..ousins licnry R. 11 Ashdown road Hobl!on H. StauJcy, 7 Longdown rond Palmer Charles, 6 Lynwood avenue CrcweMa.rque11sofK.c. 1 P.c. Nether Wood· Hobaon Thomas Edward, 3 St. Martin's :\v ParrottJ0110ph ¥.R.O.S.Eng. 29 Links road

cote; & Crowe house, Curzon street, Hookly Rev. Edward John M.A., hon. c.r. PnrsonsEmeetArthur, 7 Lynwood road Mayfair w l: & Athcnooum, Brooks'•, [chnplain to Horton Mental hospital Par11ons J. R. n.A. The College Reform, llforlborough & Turf clubs, & Manor Ccrti6cd Ins titution), 36 Pattison-Muir Mntthcw M. 3 Worplc road London Temple road Payno Walter James, 14 Church .street

Crompton Kenneth Edward M.B. Old Honniball Evan, 68 Worple road Pearce Richard S. llA, Downs avenue Manor house, West street Houldcr Lt.-Col Ake Guy, Mounthill, PcartJ. N. II.A. The College

Cross Riobard Bn.sil, 3 Hylnnds road South street Pcskett Rev. Ernest Edwin [Baptist], l l Culmer Joseph William, Dame Annis barn, Hovcndcn Jack Rcginnld, 7 Lynwood av Hridge road

Burgh He1\th road Howtlrd Major Edmund, 72 Worple rond Phillii;s E. Rill End cot. Woodcote hill Cwnmin~ Misses, Woodcote end Howell Henry, 33 West Hill avenue Phillips G. H. B.4. The College Curtis" i>lter John, S:>uth lodge, Wood- Hubbuck Rupert, 6 St. Martin's avcnuo Phillips Mrs. 5 Hylands road

cote road Hughes A. Morgan x.o., t.D.s. 13 Burgh Piper Charles Allred, 47 Ashley rond Curtis Wil!red Henry, 75 College road Heath road Porter Rober~ H. 12 Burgh Heath road Daniel Edgu George Clement M.A., ll.D. Hyama Samuel, 4 Burgh Heath road Pott Major W. Hamilton, 7 Tho Parade

13 St. Martin's avcnuo levers Eyre Francis, 11 College "°'"d Poulter Mrs. 9 Ashdown road D;•uiel Miss, 12 Church slrcot Jo.ckson Mrs. Woodcoto End house, Wood· Powell A. C. M.A. (hoadmast.er), The College D.wica Lady, 10 Downs rond cote road Poyndcr Emeet George Thornton M.1.t.c.s., Dr>y Alfred Mnurice, 'fho Cornor house, Jackson Sydney Flower, 29 Alexandrn L.R.c.r. Long Grove Mental hospital

Links road road Priest Willi.tun, Tyrreleote, Woodeotc Deards J . H. I •. J. r. 4 Bridge road James Frederick, 31 Linka road gret'n Deedeft Mrs. 12 St. Martin'11 avenue Jamieson Mrs. The Welle, Common Proctor )l. }'. B •• \ . The Uollegu Dclaforco Henry J. 2 Dorking road Janaon EmestTozer, 14 St. )[artin's :wcn Prow~c Beojamin Arnold, 5i Ashley rond <le Weaselow Mra. 32 Church street Jenkins Reginald Edw1Lrd l..}t.S.S •. \. l.ong Pryde M~. 8 St. Mar~in'e avenue Dickson Frederick Jnmcs <.:ntling, M.A. Crovo llleotal hO:!pit.111 l'ullingcr Jo:rncst George J.1·. :17 Wc•t

Kingswood house, 56 West hill J oel Alfd. Leight-On ho. l3urgh Ht•ath road II ill avenue · Dnrling ltcv. Edward Endo bf.A. The J oel John, 45 Burgh Heath road Purdy Walter Jamee, Hook6eld pnrk

Grove, Cro,·o road J ohnaon Miss Ienbelln, Woodcote ,·ilia, Rathbone Mrs. 59 Ashley road Dorset ~lrs. 8 Ashley road Woodcote Green rood Read Percy Kelman, 15 College road Drako ;\li!18, 12 Dorking road Jobn90n Mrs. Swallowfil'ld, Alc:-xandra rd Headman Leonnrd Stanley, 39 Woet Hill J~aglaml \V. Fmncis, 15 Ashluy road Johnston Rev. WiUium (k<>rgc Boys )I.A. avenue Enrlc Miss, The C:ollcgu 22 Hook rottd P.cnrdon John, jun. 20 Ashley ron<l Ebblcwhite Ernest Arthur J.P., F.S.A. Johnston Henry A11gnst11s J.l". )!illfickl. ltceks Lt.-Col. Jnmee A. o.u.E. 14 Downs

The White cottage, Wo~t Hill avenue Wells road . sido Eddison 'l'bomns, Uherit.on, Links road Jowett Mi:<8CS, 2 St. MMti11 '.i annuc Reid J."dy, 2~ \\"oodootc GreM ro11d Eggar Mnjor John Norman, 2 Burgh tKooblcCharlcs, 2 J,ongdown road l{cynoklR Lawrence ll. The Cate houac,

Heath ro:11l IKcliher Edwin C ... i.;J Alcxundru rwd W<-sl llill :wc11u1.: Eggar Mrs. Hiehmond house, Church at •Kcmp Robin, Ht·atheotc house, Wood· Robert.~ Xorcliflc o.o. r.., )!.1>., u.!I. West Eley llra. 7 Do1vns road I cote end l'urk ~l<"nt.11 hospital Elli man Georg" D. Longer.,((, Link~ road Krndnll Guy )f. )I. i:. ~I \\" l';,t ll ill a -;rn,,.:· Robrrl~on 1~<'1". ~I. \\". ll..\. 'fhr College

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Robinson Hugh Shapt.cr, 24 Denh:i.m road Stephens llarc,ld Freire :11.n.c.s., L.ll.C.l'. Vincent Lt'onnrd J. G Norman avcouc l{oll Hnrry J .Hnrmstlln, Christ Church rdl The Mann MentAI hospiLnl Vincent Willinm. GI Ashley road lwnaldson Frank D. 31 Alexandra road St.eveneon Robert C<&dcll, 41 Ashley roa.d Wallis B. J. Il.A. The College Rose l'hillip William, l'agccroft·, Manor Stones Gordon F. )l.D., ch.11., F.n.c.s:edin. Wnll is J ohn, 7 Ashdown road

Croon road west 10 Dcnhnm road Walsh Mrs. 8 Ashdown road Hoscbcty Enrl of K.o., K.T., F.C. The Strcdwick C'IC?ment. F..dward, 5 Norman avl\Varren Arthur John, St.onelcigh, 67

Durdans; k 38 Berkeley equnrc W 1 Sturt Francis Edward, iO College road Church street & llrooks's club, London Swainston William JI. 32 South street Wo.terhouse P. Leslie, Shotover,College a,v

Roualle A. L. e. cs Lottree, '.l'he Cc.llegG ,Swift Rev. Godwin M.~. [chaplain to I Wellings Evelyn, 21 St. Martin's a,·enue Huie Frederick W. Tho Fems, Meadwsyl Epsom Guardians' Institution], 0 Dor· Wells Harold 0. Inchiquin, IS Lynwood av Hussell Mrs. 43 Burgh Heath rond king road Whitbourn Jllrs. 53 Durgh Heath road S~polin Victor Edouard, 1 Coll1•gc road Symes W. C. 14 Durgh Heath ro&<l 1 White Bertram Ewart J', P. l Kingedown rd Shaw ltober t, 2 The P1m1de s~Iumper Gilbert$. C. B.l:. 4 Downs road IWhitelcy Mns. 9 St. Martin's avenue Sherwin Mrs. 39 Bridge road Taylor Mrs. 3 Lynwood avenue Williamson Joh!} n.n. 18 College road Shew ring Ernest Frank, Chotn-Kothi, Thompson Wm. James, jun. 24 Church stl· Willis Misses, Horton lodge, Christ Church

Burgh Heath ron<l Thorncly Mrs. 21 Alexnndra road mount . Silvorfock Mrs. 8 Burgh HeaUi road Thornely Wi lliam M.A., )!.D. Old Bnnkll Wilson Edmund Garratt, ll Alo:i:a.ndr:i. rd ~kinncr Charles H. 5 (;ollcgc road house, Ashley road Windeler Major B. C. A.F.C. The Oil.I Sloane-Stanley .Mrs. Wilberforce house, Tilden Harry, U Ashdown road I lodge, 6 Church street

lfonthcote r.-iad Tilling Harry, 53 Alexandro. road 1 \Yoodhcad F. C. T. ~t.A. Tho College Sloper Charles William, 83 College road

1ToU1ill Gilbert :Mortimer M.R. c.s. Long· Woodhouse Coventry Ernest, 10 JJown8

Small \Yilliam Rat.cliff, Tweenwnys, Weat Grove ~rental hospital side Hill rwcnuo !Trower ltnlph Frank, Sun Trap. College av Woode William Hy. 25 Burgh Heath rd

Smith Charlre William LL.D. 16 Ashley rMd Tudor Miss, 11 St, "Martin's avenue Wrigley Drig.·Gcn. Clement Carr c.u. tim.ith Ernest, 3 Downs road 1Turbcn·illc G. M.A • .'fhe (;ollrge Field house, Burgh IIea.th road Smith Herbert William, 13 Ashdown road l'furucr Denjnmin Brcckncll, 27 Burgh Yuung Frank, 19 Ashley road 8t~nhousc Jnck Fingland ]\fort.Jn hl.ll., Heath road I

ch. n.clas. Long Gro,·o J\lcntal hospital

C'Oll.\IERCIAL. Early closing day, Wednesday.

Absalorn & Garland, ironmongers, 12 Station road. TN 220 Adams Brothers, boot makers, 34 High atrcet . .\dams Sydnoy Arthur, JCwcller, 1 High street. T N 467 Allen Annie Emma (Mrs.), R ailway inn, 22 High st. TN 4ii Allsop & Wagner, toba.cconista, 22 A, Stntion road . Avison Arnold H. Y. nccntnt-. to the Urban District Council,

Bromley Hurst, Church st. TN 36-0 Ayling Robert, shopkeeper, l Church road Ayres A. F. (Mrs.), news agent, 63 High street Bailey Walt. boot repr. 132 East £t Baldwin Brothers, butchers, 65 & G7 High street. T N 2G7 Ballard Florence (Mrs.), tobacconist, 55 High street Ballard Rd. Norman, tohccnst. 4A, Wniorloo rd . T ~ OOH llanco Jn. Cecil, deputy registrt1r of birth, deaths & mar·

riagcs, Epsom sub-district, 64 High st. TN 281 Barcla.y Geo. horse trainer, 24 Burgh H eath rd. TN 666 Barclays Hank Ltd. (C. R Bond, mngr. ), High et. ('f N 338) ;

dro.w on hcod office, 64 Lombard st E c 3 Darnnrd Wm. Jn. lt.C., LD.S.R.c.s . .&ng. dent11l surgn. 2

Church st. TN 288 B:uMrdo's (Dr.) Homcs(Epsom branch) Nationnl Incorpornt-Od

Association (Eldred Hit-Ollcock, superintendent.), East street Harnes k Co. mot.or garage, Worplc rd llarncs Percy B. White Rn.rt hotel, 91 High st. TX 24.2 1

.Barrett Alfred, grocer, aeo Holla.ad & Barrott .Bashford Sarah (Miss), COl!tumier, 67 E"3t s treet Beauchamp William & Son, shoe makers, 61 High street Bcaucho.mp Chns. Hy. wirc!C?&11 dlr. 52 Station rd Beaven Louisa (Mrs.), Plough & Harrow l'.I!. 27 En.st st Bell Theodore & Co. solicitors, High streot. T N 323 Bell Jas. Mackie, horse trainer, \Voodcote rise, Hylands rd.

TN 249 Bell Jn. licrbt. n.A. solctr. & commss11r. for oaths (tinu,

Theodore Bell & C:o. ), clerk to tJ1e mngistcatcs, c.l<>rk to commssnrs. of taxes for the didsion of Copthorne & }~ffing· harn, vciotry clerk k clerk to school mngrs. High st. TN 3:.!3

Denson k Oo. shipping agt11. G2 High st. '.I.' N 9089 lfotchlcy E liz. (Mrs.), dra1;cr 3, & laundry IS, l:'ound In. TN8GO lletchky Harry, grocer, 5 Pound la llctt.eridge Wm. tailor, 40 Stat.ion rd. TN 800 llirch & Whittington, stntfoners & agents for Ute •·Epsom

Advertiser," JO St.<•tion road. TN 408 Dla.cka.dar Co.rl Hy. insur. ngt. 38 High st Blackman Arthur, confectioner, 71 South street Bloicc Thomas Joseph, hairdresser, 141 High street Jfody Frank Alfd. Tl!. sbopkpr. I Heathcote rd Bol ton & M&e!Mhlan, ehom.Urta, 2 Station road. T N 258 Boswoll Sidney Carter, clerk & house st.cward, County of

London Epilcptio Colony, Hook road Bowden Arthur & Co. tailors, 29 & 31 Station road. T N 210 Boyd Drothers, farriors, Church street · Bmbawn Louie (Miss), wardrobe dealer, 11 Church street Bradley ?iL I. (Miss), Noll Gwynne restaurant, 121 High street Hra.dloys (Epsom) Ltd. print.era, 93 High. st. TN 365 Braidwood Thomas Lithgow H.R.C.S.EJ)g., L.11.C.P.LOnd. phy·

sician & surgeon, 10 Ilurgh H.eatb road. T N 215 Bran Wm. fishmngr. 120 High st. TN 0378 Drewer Kitty (Miss), antique dlr. 73 Sout.b et Brice Ed win Geo. but-Ober, 81 East st. TN 9037 Bright Wm. inspector of polioc, Aahley rd Bristow Frederick, fly proprietor, 31 South street Broadhead Eustace 11'.A.I. auctioneer &c. sec Longley r .s.1. &.

Dtoadhood r.u

IlrockwcU Alo:i:. Geo. Derby Arms P.11. The Downs. T K i3~ Ilrooko Leonard S. photographer, 2-1 Station rd Brookman James, sa<ldlcr, 48 High street Brooks l'ercy, shopkpr. Hendley rd .Brown Art-hur A. auctioneer, see Fuller (Robert W.), Moon &

Fuller Brown Chas. rhilip, cycle mkr. Wl\t-Orloo rd. TN 0046 Brown "Edwd. Wm. Crickctera' inn, l Stamford Greco rd.

The Common Browno Hugh Densley, boys' preparatory school, 15 Downe

road. T N G54 .Browning Geoffrey, cabinet maker, see Giles & Browning Budd Elizabeth (hlnl.), midwife, 3 West street Budd Jamee, bla.cksmith, 3 West street Burton Arthur Cecil M.R.c.v.s. veterinary surgeon, 130 High.

street. T N 503 Cameron Wm. ff. horac trainer, 81 Burgh Reath rd. T .IS" 9184 Capon Edward Robert, aurveyor t.o the Urban District Co11ncil,

Bromley Hurst, Church street. TN 229 Carr William Ernest, Old King'a Read P.H. Churoh street Carter Arthur Stanley L.D.S.ll.C.S.En~., lloLR. c.s., L.R.C.l'.

dental aurgcon, 111 liigb stroot. T N 410 Carter J. W. hair drcsacr, 15 Pound lane Caascll Walter, Railway hotel, 4G Station road. T N 390 Cattell Edwd. Thos. Red Lion r.u. 50 Eut st Cemetery (Edmund Garratt Wilson, clerk to the burial board;·

Chns. Crosswell, lodge keeper), Ashley road ; office, Church st Chadband & Sons, tailors, 131 High street. T N 564 ChaUis Geo. Wm. ahopkpr. 27 Church rd Chamberlain Robert & Son, bakors, 114 High street. TN GlO Chambers Ellen (Mrs.), ahopkeepcr, 22 Woodlands road Chambers Frederick William, drnpcr, wools, toys & stationer,

40 High street Chandler Georgo James, hair dresser, 13 East str&et Christ Church l'arisb Room, 24 West hill Cinema Roynl, electrio tbcntrc (exors. of Edward Howard

'l'hompson, proprietors), High street Claridge Florence (~liss). private nursing home, IG Mill ro:>.d. . 'f N 641 Clarke Emma (Mrs.), Downs hotel, The Downs, TN 245 Clarke William, confectioner, 17 St.ation road Cole Albert Victor, boot ma.ker, JO West street Colo Edward Thomas, beer retailer, Pike's hill Collins Chas. F. beer re~lr. Headley rd Comrades of the Great War (Epgom branch) (C. Wheeler

soc. ; S. Good\vin, st.c\vard). l '.l'he Paro.de Cook Ed\vard C. fruiterer, 6 Station road. TN 201 Cooper Florence (Mrs.), draper, 8 Pound lane Cope Albert John Harrold lf.c., A.C.A. chartered accountant,

36 Station road · Corkoy Isaac W. M.o., M.D., M.oh., l!'.R.C.8.Eng. physician &

surgeon (firm, Napier & Corkey), 3 Lad broke roo.d. • T N Gl l Cotton Arth. Rd. ¥.D. ll. clerk & collector to E psom Rural

District Council k clerk to Ep.!Om Sub·committ.oo of Surrey Loenl P ension Committee, Ashloy rd. T N 9231

Cotton Frank, builder, l Adelphi road County Court. (His Honor Edwd. Harington J.P. judge;

Patrick Maurico l\{acMahoo, registrar & high bailiff), Court ho. Ashley rd. T N 625

County of London Colony for Epileptics (now is l1J)O as a hos. pit.al for pensioners under tho Ministry o! Pensions) (llfaj. Leonard Hy. Wootton K.c., M.D., B.s. , n.sc.r..ond., v .a.o.s. xng., L.B.C.P.LOnd. , D.P.V. medical supt.; Sidney Co.rtcr Bos,vell, clerk & house steward ; Martin Hammond Ward superintending bailiff), Hook rd. TN 1538

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Coverdale J. A. (Miss), confot.nr. Enst s t Cra.gg & Lewis, fancy drapers, 113 Higb street Crooker Samuel, saddler & haro68s maker , 132 High street Crompton Kenneth Edwd. M.B., n.ob.cantab. phyacn. &

eurgn. Old :Ma.nor ho. West st. TN 293 Cropley Brothers Limited, builders, oontra.ctors & decorntors

Imperia.l worlcs, Church road. T N 64-7 ' Culmer Jsph. Wm. M.R.o.s.Eng., i:..n.-o.P.Lond. physcn. &

sur~n. De.mo Annis barn, Burgh Heath rd. T N 304 Cunnmgham William, cannan, 16 Worple road CURTIS C. I, (DAIRY FARME RS ) ""Lt d . dairymen H

Station rood & Manor Green roo.d eas~ T ~ 416 ' Daniel, Thornely, Stones & Kendall, physcna. & surgns. Old

Bank ho. Ashley rd. T N 290 Daniel Edgar Geo. Clement M.A., M.B., n.ch.camb., M.R.o.s.

:Eng., L.R..O.P.LOnd. surgeon (firm, Daniel, Thomely, Stones ~ Kendall), CrayhlllBt, St. Martin's avenue. TN 260

Daniell Mary W. (Mrs.), news agt. 27 High at Davey Jl1a.ry (Mrs.), shopJ.-pr. 9, & hardwn.re dlr. 4, Pound la. Davia Goorglj William, nurseryman, EMt· street Daws Bros. ca.rmen, 22\Vest st. TN 223 Dea.no Alfred, dining rooms, 17 Pound lano De v on•h i r e Dairy, purveyors of puro f'a rm milk & all

dai ry produce (non-combino), Chul'ch street. T ~ 866 D!okinson Thomas Wm. !Vhitu Horso P. H. 21 Dorking road D1ok.son Fredk. Jas. Cathng, boys' preparatory school, Kings·

wood ho. 56 West hill. TN 690 Dorling & Co. printers, 35 Station rd. TN .US Dorset .t Co. ironmongers, electric lighting, hot water &.

sanitary engineers, Fligh street. T N 362 Dunn F rank, grocer, & post office, Church rd. TX 651 Duplock Frank Arthur, boot maker, 69 High atroet Dyer Ernest, upholsterer, 4 East at.wt Dyke G-oorge, window cleaner, 169 Hook rood Ea.at.ma.n & Son (Dyers & Cleaners) Ltd. 16 High st TX 400 Eastman <?eo. Thos. bldr. Breden bury, Tho Downs. T ~ 9082 Ebbutt Aliok George, clerk t-0 the boa.rd of guardians & a.ssess-

ment oommittoe of Epsom union & to tho Epsom (Rural), Sutton, Carshalton & Leatherhead Joint Hospital Board, & superintendent registrar of Epsom di:.,trlct, Waterloo road. T N's 672, 3 & 4

Economic Transport (R. J. Barrow, propr.), haulage contrctrs. South st. T }( 759

Ede Harry J. medical electrician, 39 Church st. T ~ 3i7 Edwards George & Son, dairymen, Dorki.ng road Ed wards & Sharp, auctnrs. 76 High st. TN 257 Edwards Ernest John, insurance agent, 7 ?.files road E lectric Light Works (Urbnn District) (H. W. \Yatts, chief

engnr.), Church st. T N 413 Elliot~ T. & S?ns, boot dlrs. 23 High at. TN 340 Ell'JlllhlJ Beahice.Maud (~lrs.), restaurant 97 Righ street Elphick Arden, butcher, 2 West st. T N 529 Elson Frederick, eoach builder, Church street. T N 403 Emmett Chns. gardener, 25 Collego rd · J~psom Advertiser (Birch & Whitting ton, agts. ; published

thursda.y), 10 Station rd f:psom Bo~v~ing Clu~ (J. H. Birch, hon. sec.), Worple rd Epsom British Legion Club & lnstituto Ltd. (J. Blott, hon.

sec. ; W. H. Hutchings, stcw11rd), Jlcdcration he-. \\'est st E1~tlom Brotherhood Institute (G. A. Slater, hon. sec.), Ashley

Epsom Club (H. Chas. Pettett, hon. sec. ; W. C. Cordon, stewMd), The }follies, Church st. T ~ 277

Epsom College (A. C. Powell ~LA. headmaster, College road · for other masters, see Officinl). T N' a He:i.dmastcr 6:'!1; Bursar !?74 ; College 2i5 ; L. School 594; Infirmarv !?78

Ep~om Co mmon L a undl'y (illrs. Simons, proprietress), h1gh·class fa.underers; special caro t4lkcn with all work & open 11ir drying, Epsom common

Epsom Conservative Club (Chal'lcs Vassar, sec.; Edward Wood steward), Station road. T N 307 '

Eps~m County ~chool for Girls (llfas J . K. !foll B,.1., head m1atres~}, White Horse drive

Epsom C~ioket ~lnb (Victor Fr-eny, hon. sec. ), Ashley roc.d Epsom (The) ?a.imler Hire (C. J . l31\yctto, propr.), tnotor car

proprs. 4 W oodcotc rd. '.1' N 9'156 Epsom Division Constitutional Association P lnjor C. F. , :i;:>avey ~1.c. agent), Rcids buildings, As!1ley road. 1' ~ 208

EpNim &. Ewell Cottage Hospital (i\irs. ~orthcy, hon. treas.; Geo. Sl.Dlpson, hon. sec. ; Miss N. M. Lognn, matron; for mcdic11l staff, see Public Estnbliehmcnl.3) ;\lcxandm rd. TN 159 '

Ep90m Golf Club (Robert .Bra<bhnw hon. sec.) The Downs TN 363 ' ' •

Epsom Grnnd Stand (W. Dorling, ma1\nging director), Tho Downs. T N 468

Epsom !lcral<l (Wm. Pile Ltd. printers & publshrs.; fri.) 4 Sta.t1on rd . 'l' N 631 '

Epsom laolt\tion Hospitt\I (Wi llil\m Napier ll.ll., n.oh., F.J1.c. s.1. medical officer; .Miss Ethol E. llow<len, matron), Hook road. TN 405

Epsom Lawn Tennis & Croquet Club OrounJ.. Woodcote road Epsom Liberal & Social Club (S. D. Stc,·cns, sec. ; E. G. Ship·

tiey, steward), 26 Station rd

Ep•om Lime Works Limited, limo burners chalk lime, lump chalk & hydrated lime for agricultural p~rposes Longdown quarry. TN Epsom 740 '

Epsom Medical & l\Iatcrnity Homo (Sister N. A. Booker, matron), 8 College rd. T :::i 821

Epsom M~tor ' H o u se (\Villiam R. Pngo, proprietor), motor ongmeer; agent for Annstrong-Siddeloy & Citroen cars;' official repa.ircl' to tho R.A.O. , A.A., A.C.U. &c. ; large & well equipped. garage; cars for hiro, High street. T A "Central, Epsom; " TN 545

Epsom Publio Hall & Assemby Room Co. Ltd. (Frcdk. ICy. · Wiltshire, Mlo.); office, High e~. TN 323 , Epsom Technical Institute & School of Art (Wm. Hy. Osmond,

a rt maator; H. Hopper, sec.), Church at Epsom Town Club (Alfd. H. Gwinnell, sec. ; W. Livingstone

steward), Public hall, Station rd. TN 360 ' Epsom TrsMport Delivery & Exprees llieaaengcr Service

furniture remove!'!!, 112 High street. T N 776 . ' Epso~ Urban Diatrict Water Works (Thomas N. Young,

engmeer & manager; W. Vaux Graham 0.:11. oomulting engineer), East street. TN 415

Essex Frederick William, grocer, 12 East street; 60 'High street & 26 South s treet. TN 565

Ewell Colony for Epile1itics (London County Council) (Maj. Leonard Hy. Wootton i.1.c., '61.B., n.s., 11.so.Lond., M.n.c.s Eng., L.R.O.l'.LOnd., 1>. P.M. medical supt.), Hook rd. T N 538

.E'arnon George, King's Arms P.H. llS East stree t Farrier Fredk. T. furnishing draper, 4B, Waterloo road Felton R. J. vaooin11tion officer, \Vaterloo road Fire Station {E. R. Capon, captain), Church street Fi~gerald Julia (Mrs.), shopkpr. 2 & -1 South at. TN 9147 Fhnn & Sona Ltd. dyers & cleaners, 20B, St.ation road Foord Alfred & Son, motor car proprietors, 62 High street.

TN 664 Foord Alfred Edward, furniture dealer, 7 Church street &

16 Station road. TN 721 Foresters (Ancient Order of) Friendly Society (CourtWclling·

ton No. 3449 ; R. E. Gower, tree.surer; Henry William Sau,nders, sec.), Foreste rs' hall, Wa.tcrloo rond

Forster's Stores, grocers & provision deniers, 8 Station rond. 'l'N617 .

Foulger Ethel (Miss), dresemt>. 116 High st Foulger Robert E dward France, mnni\ger o f Lloyds Bank

Limitsd, High street. T N 480 l''rceman, Hardy & Willis Ltd. boot makers, 105 High stroc t . Fulker Cha.rice F. A. general shop, 2 Victoris. plBCe Fullcr(Rt. W.), Moon & Fuller, auctnrs. & appraisers, 2 Water-

loo rd. T N 668 Fullers Ltd. con!ctnrs. 129 High st Furniss Thoe. & Son, eoal mers. 100 High st. •r N 228 Gabriel Dorothy (~frs.), dog breeder, Santa kennels, !llooreda!c,

Rosebery road, The Downs Garlo.nd Allred Thomas, ironmonger, see Absalom & Garland Garrard Horaco, bricklyr. 26 College rd Gnunt J ohn lieory, l'l.1sing Sun P.Jr. 14 Hcathooto road Georgette Mn.dame, milliner, 77 High street Giles & Browning, cabinet makers, 62A, East stree t Giie s Frank, landscape & gnrden contructor; garden

work of every description & rock & pa Ying work a specinlity · estimates & designs, Rocklnnds, Enst street '

Gohy Ernest Grimwood, horse trninc1-, 5!> Station rd. TN 439 Goddard Wm. H. dccrtr. 62 Worple rd Goll & Woodhouse, cabinet makers, 50 Station rOAd GOOD S HIP & SAU NDERS, builders, }iigh street. T N

414 Coroy George, plumber, 2! :ifiles rood & Adelphi rol\d Gough Rt. Hy. wireless dlr. 28 East st C<>wcr Allnn, confectioner, 13 High street Gower Rowland, tailor, 7 High st. TN 847 Grahnm Geo. photogrnphcr, Waterloo rd. 'l' N 815 Grant Robert, farm bailiff to Earl of Rosebery x.o., K.T., P.O.

World's End, Woodcote Grccnslade Freda. (Miss), dre.ssma. East st Greentree Edgar Chas. boot repr. 42 Eo.st Ht

Guild e r Ernc•t H. motor engineer; closed cnrs for hire ; spccinl terms for long disbnces, thc1itres, dnncea •'1.c. : garage, King's Head hotel yard, High street. Tel. I\ o. 74.5 (day & night)

Hall & Co. Limited, coal merchant.,, Station road. T N 533 Hamlin Susnn ()lrs.). shopkeeper, 102 Hook road Hnmlyn Henry A. dentist, 18 Station road Haruour Cecil Rt. cycle dlr. ~fanor Green rd. cast Harden Reginald, boo~ repairer, 96 East atrect Harker William, Hori.st, 47 l\iiles road Harknett Frederick ThomM, nurseryman, 41 Church road Harringt..on Arth. confctn1·. 16W1>at st Harris Stanley Aubrey, boot repairer, 2 round lano Harsant & Lee, chemists & druggists & opticians, 127 High st.

TN217 Harvey I•:mma ()liss), ch·cssma. 9 Waterloo rd. TN 311 Harvey Jae. outfitter, 66 High st. 'I'~ 615 Hawkins Thomas .t Sons, motor engineers, East et. T N 437

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Hawlin Henry, boot r.apairer, Cart.era road Hennessey Sarah {:\Ira.), eonfetnr. 13 Pound In. Herbert Hy. porlt bol.chcr, 9 B igh st. T ~ 1.1080 Herbert Robert H. butcher, 21 Pound lane Hcrbct·t \Ym. Hal'wood, Magpie inn, 30 Sou01 st Herse y T homas , motor <'ngioccr, garngc, haulage &

cbnr·a-banc proprietor, Dorkfog rond. TN 9051 Hewitt Hy. Rt. grocer, 80 East st Hibbert Minnie (.Mn.<lnme), dreS.'l maker, li9 Hook r~d Hicks Archibald Henry, ha.ir dresser, 17 High street Hicks Sidney, motor engineer, East 11trcet Higgs & Warris, solctrs. 93 H igh st. T N 9064 Hil!Jn. grccngro. l 'Middle la Hillman Harry, confctnr. Post office 25 & 2i, & gre<'ngro. 23,

round la. & llC\\'8 ngt. 112 H igb st. 'I~ 4.J.6 Hills Kate (l\f.iS.'l), dross maker, 29 Church street Hitchcock Eldred, supcrintcndont ])r. Darnnrdo's Homes

(F.:psom bmnch), East street Hoare Henry F. shopkeeper, 15 Woodeotc side H obson, Mac:'ilabon &. Cobbett, eolctrs.. Ashley rd. T X 313 H obson Alfd. Allen (finn, Hol.ll!Oll, )facllahon &. Cobbett,),

solctr. & commKsnr. for oaU111, A11hlcy rd. T X 313 liolbrow George, fishmonger, I Pound lane Holden W. & Co. drapcrt1, 33 Ash!~· rd Holdsworth George, builder, 22 Kast streQt H olland &. Barrett, grooors, 29 High street. T N 286 Holley Alec Ross, dairy farmer, Highfield farm, \\"oodcotc

side. TN 417 Holmes If. manager of the Westminster Dank Limited &

treaeurer to tho Urban Di.strict Council, Union & H.urnl District Council, High street

Home & Colonial Store11 Limitod, ~eni. 4 High 11treet Hooper Louis& (Mi'la), laondry, Ea8t street Horton Mental Hospital (Rev. Edward Jn. Hockly M.A., hon.

c.F. chaplain; Albt. Stanley Vaughan Llewellyn A.S.A.A., A.C.LS. clerk; Alfd. Hy. Gwinncll, house steward; Miss l\fory Mitchell Thorburn R.R.C. matron; for medical GtafT see Official), Long Grove rd. T N 513

How Charlie, hosicr, 15 High st. T N 848 How&rd Cha.rles Henry, dairymn,n, 29 Pound lane Howard Thos. Geo. watch mkr. 62 Miles rd H udson Bros. Ltd. grocers, 117 High s·t. TN 9194 Hudson Jessie (M..,.), refrshmnt. rme. 41 South st Hudson Percy, jC)bmaster , 41 South street Hugbcs A. Morga.n i.1.c., L.R.C.P.LOnd., u.a.c.s. Eng. , L.D.S.R.c.s

:sng. d entalsurgn. 13 Burgh Heath rd. T N 285 Humphreys Alfd. elcctrcl. cngnr. 46 Middle la. Hnnt Russell, hosier, 119 High st. TN 9286 Hynms George, horse traiocr, 18 Burgh Hea.th road. TN 66i International Tea Co. 's Stores J,t<l. 50 High st. TN 386 Jeal Joseph Alfred & &.m, bulhlers, 42 Worple rJad Jl'ffcry Edwin Reid, Albion P.H. 134 High st. TN 339 Jelle Frank George, Marquis of Granby P.K. 4 West street Jenkins Sidney Edwu,rd. dining rooms, 17 East street Joel Rebecca C:M:rs.), fruit.eror, 86 High street. TN 510 Johnson & Sons, fruitrs. 28 High st. & grecngros. 14 East st.

T N792 JonCP. Percy J. Wellington P.n. 72 High st. T )l 209 Jones Percy Jas. confctnr. 95 High at Joslin l\fark J,, confctnr. 75 High at Joy ThomMHenry, dairyman, 5 West street Juno Madame, milliner, l Church street. T N 523 Keat.es Fras. sbopkpr. 45 South at Keeble L. (Mrs.). wine & spirit merchant, 11 High at. TN 247 Keeble J,ucy (Mn1. ), Spread Engle hotel, 89 Higlt st. T !\f 585 Keeling William J . upholsterer, 4G High street. T N 453 Kendall Guy M. 111. B., lll.R.O.p. , >t.R.C.s.xng. physcn. &

ccrt.ifying factory surgn. 41 West Hill av. TN 828 Killalce Jas. horse trainer , 34 Ashley rd. TN 532 Kitchen Wm. gardener to Mrs. ~orlhey, 7 \Yoodeot.c Green rd Kitching Herbert. Judd, station master Soul.hem Railway,

West Hill villa, West hill & Station road Knight Albert John, news agent, 13 Church stree t Knighta Herbert Bolton, piano!ort,e tun&r, 28 Victoria placo Lacey F. & Sons, ho.ulagecontrotrs. 47 Up. Court rd. TN 9005 L trnd.scer (The) Valet Service (F. T. Cl3"ton, propr.), dyl'r& &-.

cleaners, East st. T N 56i Lang Sebastian, ladies' hairdrssr. 24 South st. TN 73S Langlands & Son, a.uctionoors, surveyors, valuers, lnnd

& oat.nte agents &c. High street. Telephono No 309 wnglands Walter Gerald, aoctioucer, surve.vor &c. aeo

Langle.nds & Son · Larkin Wm. Fraa. horse trainer, Burgh He11th rd. T N 751 Lat.ham A. M. (Mrs.), fancy draper, 7 Ponnd lane • Lowin Isabella (ltira.), la-undry, Lowina road, Common Lowis Gertrude (Miss), dnper, aoe Cragg & Lowis Lloyds Bnnk Ltd. (branch) (Rt. Edwd. France Foulger,mngr.),

High st. (TN 480); draw on head offict>, 42 & 44 GracO· church st. London E c 3 ·

L ock Fredk. pork butcher, 5i High st. TX 804 lpdge Fanny (Mrs.), draper, 6 South street J..ondon R-Oa.d llfotor Gart1ge (The) (White Hros. & Co. proprt.},

Eastst. TN 43Ci

Long Cro,·e Mental Hospital (L.C'.C. Mental Hospitals Com mittee)(Alfd. J. Cibbs, clerk; R. E. Dorrell, houseate,vard Mi1>.'! Elspeth 1\IncRae, m11tron; Arth. Heath, inspector H. Ridpath, resident cngnr.; H. H. Wood, farm bniliff for medicnl 'llll ff HCC Official). T ~ 512

LONGHURS T E . & SONS LTD. builders' merehanU! &: saw mills, C'hureh road (Tel. Epeom 713, 3 Hn<'s); 76 East st.; Sout11l'rn Railway ynrd, Station road & undert1tkt'ri k monumental masons, High strc<'t. TN 5-18

Longhul'!!t Charles, fruiterer, 9 S:rnth sLrcet l..onghurst Jhnnk, milliner, l~nst st Lo n g ley & Broadhead F. s . 1. &. F .A. I . auctioneera,houae

&. est..-ito agcnta, land sun-cyors, valuers &c. 93 High street. TK 327

Longley Hy. B11nks F.s.1., lt.1t.sa11.111st .. nrchtct. 93 High 3t. TX 327

Lovell Margaret (~iiss), shopkeeper, 19 Stamford Green road, The Common

l/ivolock David Thomas, rufreshment rooms, 124 High etrect Luc.-is \\"nil Eclipse P.n. 26 \'\"est hill Macdonald Robert, Oorist, l Arthur villaa, Wind.mill L-.110 l>fac l~isherica Limited, fishmongers, 31 High street. T N 531 McGrath's Laundry (Mrs. Teresa Jobs?n, proprietress), 33

s ·, uth street Macklin Geo. Hy. al'cntnL to the Rural District Council,

AsWey rd )l1tclean Flora (Miss), embl'Oidrc.ss, 32 Station rd Afoc1>1abon 1.'lltrick J.fauricc, solicitor&: registrar & high bailiff

o[ county court (firm, Hobson, Maol\fahon & Cobbett), Ashley road & The Uplands, Downs road. TN 625

l\IcPherson Chas. motor car propr. 75 South st. TN 23-1 Maemil Madame, ladies' hairdrssr. 36 High st Manor Certified Institution (The) (L.C.C.) (Rev. Edwd. Jn.

Hockly )I.A., hon.C.F. chaplain ; C. W. Poulton, clerk; J. J. Deely, house steward ; for medical eta.ff eee Official). TN 514

Mansbridge H. H. (:\!rs.), news agt. Post office, 40 East st Marlow Reginald, gro~r. 19 Pound bno Marshall Dros. fishmngra. 59 High st-. (TN 719) &: 33 Station

rd. TN 9144 Marshall Thoe. H<'nley & Sons, nslimngrs. 1 East st. T N 710 Martin E<h.-in, horse trainer, ,Rowland lodge, Coll('gc ro11d.

TN 658 Martin Warwick Hammond, sanitary inapeetor to · Urban

District Council, Bromley Hurst, Cho.rob •treet. TN 433 Mnslt'rs Walt. Edgar l!.D.Bru:t., M.n.c.s.Eng., i,.R.C .. l'.Lond.,

L.ll.S.S.A, pbyscn. & surgn. 1 Alexandra rd. TN 9358 Matt.en Mary Elitabeth (Mrs.), confection:-r, 143 High street Matthews Fred, cool denier, 82 Bracken path, The Common Mauveen )fadamo, dressma. 122A, High st. TN 9168 May Winifred (Miss), dressma.. 20A, High at. TN 790 M~~•sures &; Randall, motor garage, 24 S:>utch street & Wood·

oote road. T N 423 Meuuree Charles, jun. mineral water manu.fa.ct~er, aee

Randall & Mca.sures Menage William Fredctick, d('ntist, 33 Stlltion road l\fot-Oalfo Wm. tobccnst. 1 Ashley rd MetropoHtan Police Station (~Ym. Bright, inspector), Ashley rd Middlet-0n Wm. Geo. laundry, Woodlands rd lliles Charles, greengrooor, 82 High street. T N 261 Mills Frank, photographer, 36 High street Ministry of Labour Local Office for tho Uuemploym<'ut fo.

surance Fund, High street Min.ster Rosina. (llfiss), dress mnker, 121 Hook road MoattJas. Aabley, upholsterer, 25Stalion rd Moger .t Co. Limited, ooal m~rohants, Station road, T ~

Ewell 284 Morgan Percy (?.!rs.), dairy, 18 C11urch rd Mort-imer Jn. Hamilton M.P.S. clwmist & drnggist, 153 High

s t. (TX 600) &. optician, 58 &. 95.i., High at Moseley Wm. gr.,cer & wine & spirit dlr. 139 High at. T N 255 l\foss Alfd. plumber, 39 Church rd Mothel'll' Hostel (:\I.rs. Tanner, hon. treas.), 28 Worp1e rd. TN

796 Mower Walt. E. beer retie. 6 East st Napier & Corkey, physician& & eurgeons, 66 Church stroot Napier Wm. M.B., B.Ch., r.R.c.s.1. pbyecn . . & surgn. (firm,

Napier &. Corkey), 55 Church et. T N 259 National Deposit Friendly Society (C. J. P. Prit.chnrd, sec.),

Longmynd, l Manor Green rd. ea.st Nationnl Incorporated Association, see Darnardo's (Dr.)

Homes (Ep&j)ID branoh) · Nelson & Nelson, teachers of riding, 30 West hill. T ~ 426 Nelson R. & Co. eewiog machine dlrs. 13 Station rd. TN 846 Nightingnll Jn. horse trainer, 40 Burgh Heat.h rd. T N 355 Nightingall \Vo.It. horse trainer, South Hatch, 38 Burgh

Heath rd. TN 9201 Noble F. M. (Miss), school for girls & kindorgnrten, 51 Ashley

rd. TN 762 Norman's Storea (M. A. Sykes, propr.), oil & color men,25Higb

st. TN210 Norrin~on Charlea Jamea, builder, decorator, aani­

tary e n cln ocr &. hot water fi tter, 44 St;itfon r-Ol>d. 1' !{ 354

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Nutball & Co. grocers, 3 & 5 High st. T ~ ;)60 Rowe \\"m. fruitr. East st Qglo Motor Co. Ltd. motor cngnrs. 28 Church st. 1' N 92ii Rowland Chns. butcher, 4 \\'oodluncls rel Oliver Mabel (Mrs.), milliner, 128 High street • Roy11I Automobile Club (Country) Golf Club (Frnnk Holroyd, Oliver Thos. collector to Urban District C:ouncil & collector sec.), Woodcoto pk. TN 703

of poor rates, Bromley Hurst, Church at. 'l' N 433 Royal Society for ,tho Pnmmlion of Cruelty to Animnl~ Orchard (The) Girls' School, preparatory school for girls, 14 (Epsom & District branch) ()lisa Buller, Woodoote Groen

West bill ho11M', Woodcoto Green rond, hon. locnl scr.; Frederick Osen ton Chas. (r.s.r., r.A.1.) & Co. nuctnrs. '"° vnluers, 28 Stnt-ion Chnrles Disromlx-, inspector). 42 Middle lnno

rd. TN 330 Rynn William Panton, insurance agent, 42 Victorin plt1cc OLtaway Geo. laundry, 50 C:nstll' rd St1insbury J. Ltd. butchers HI (1' ~ 0058), & pro,·sn. mors. 21 ,\ Packham Ben Creswell, fruitr. 102 High st. T N 9266 23, St.ation rd. T N 636 Pn.gdcn R. & F. Ltd. brcwl'rs, 93 High st Snnder Lilinn, milliner, 2211, Stu lion 1•(1. TN 9138 Pago Sidney, hair drel!ser, 71 High street. TN 2i9 Snngel' Arth. Wm. bcel' !'etlr. 79 East st Pago Wm. R. motel' cngor. 2 East st. TN 545 Saunders ,'<, Son th, tea rms. 34 South st. TN 498

Snundors William, boot & shoo repairer, Linton's In no P al I ant F. W. practienl upholsterer, looso covers, Sch1>lbcrt A. st.ation master Southern Rnilwrl.y, DownR station,

bedding re-made ; curtains & insido & outoide blinds, The Downs Ashley "'orks, South street. TN 759 Scott Emily (l.\Irs.), shopkeeper, 19 Church road

Palmer John, Amato P.H. Chalk lane S Panter Harry, insurance agent, 58 Hook road orre Achille Ltd. dyers & cleaners, 10() High st

Shenth & Son, bakers, 80 High street Parker Harry, photographer, En.st st Sherwood Thomas, horse trniner, Tho .Downs l'arr E. A. (l\Irs.), confctnr. 3Bastst Simmons James, shopkeeper, Woodcote road Parr Philip, tobacconist, as High street Sisloy J. J. confctnr. 8 High st. T ":-i 9121 Pllrrott Joseph M.n.o.s.Eng. , L.n.c.r.xdlu. pl1yeician k sur-

geon, 29 Liuka rend Skelton George &. Sons, builders, 67 South at. TN 23iJ Pa,-ilion Theatrn pr. Kennedy, mngr.), Enat8t Skilton Hcnry,dairyman, 107 High st.&Alexnndra rd. TN 648 Paine & Dirdseye, cnrtt1gc agents to Southern railway SKILTON w. F. butcher; pun·cyor of homo killed & scotch

:Station road me11t; epecinl prices to schoolll & large consumers, 26 }>ayne Thos. jobbing gnrdener, 18 L•bumum road }ligh street-. Tl'l. Epsom 331 L'earee Frederick Tbomns, J olly Coopers P.u. 26 Wheeler Skinner Ellen (l!iss), lo.undress, 39 & 41 St.'\mford place,

fone, The Common The Common Pearman Albert Ernest, rclienng officer !or Epeom Union Smith w. H. & Son, news Bgt'nts, SouthC'rn &ilway stntion,

&:; collector to tho guardians, 87 Hook rond Station road , Penston William John, china & glass tlcalcr, l Station road Smith Chnrlos William tt.D. solicitor &; commissioner for Pellett Charles, boot maker, 11 Pound lnno oaths, 16 Ashley road Pendarvcs Jn. horse trainer, The Birches., Downs rel. TX 678 Smith Lawrence, confectioner, 14 High street Penfold H. & Son, emithe, South st Smithers Samuel,chimnoy sweeper,20 C.'\Stle rd. The CoUllllon Pengilly Hurry, clcctricnl engineer, 5 Station road. T N !!92 Smythe Herbert, horse trainer, Downs house, Tho Do"ns. Penniket Ellen (Mrs.}, sbqpkeeper, 16 Wheillers ID.ne, The Com T N 664 Perrin Geo. furniture dlr. 110 High st.. TN 450 Snasball George, china, glnsa & l'nrthenwnre denier, 70 Pettitt H. Charles, eurl'eyor, 5 Ashley road. TN 372 High street. TN 211

.Pickett Clement Isaac, tnilor, 60 Station road Snow Thomas H. cycle rcp:i.irer, GO Enst street. '.L' N 82a Picture Palladium (The) (W. Orbell, mngr.) Station rd S 1 s b b Co t' S · Ltd (E 1. h) UjJo William Limited, booksellers & publishers, 4 Btntion out 1 u ur no -opern ivo ociety · •psom umnc

..L road. 'l' N 631 (W. E. Lewis, mngr. ), 68 & 70 EMt st. ; coal depot, Sou them rnilwny station, Station rd. '£ N 90!ll

Pilgrim Isobello R. (M1'S.), rcfrshront. mt. lo, High st Sparks Harold Richard, JObmo.ster, 48 Station roacl. 'I' N :12-t ·pJatt Bertie William, confectioner, 122 High street Spencer Arth. sign writer, 101 ERst st Plume Frederick, oa.rpentcr & joiner, 15 Victorin. pmoc Stl\nding Ko.te (l\frs.), beer rctlr. 14 Church rd Plume Rose (i\frs.), drcs&ma. Harrados bo. East st. Stemp Caroline.(;. (Mr11.), oonfeclic.nor, 44 East stl't'et Polhill W. H. & Sons, butchers. 19 High street.. TN 1H2 Stone & Co. Lt<I. brick & till' mkrs. East st. 1' A "Stoll<', l'olhill l'ercy Chas. butcher, 15 Church st. T X 852 .Epaom 571 ; "TN Epsom 5; l Porter Walter Fielder (Mrs.}, servants' nigistry office, 22 Stone Chnrlcs Alfred, refreshment rooms, Waterloo rond

South street Stone Wm. F. coal dlr. South st l'rntlcy Frnnk Aug. su1·,-oyor & inspector of nuisances Western Stones Gordon F. ir.n.c.S.lldiu., )l.n., ch.a. physcn. & su1·gn.

district, Epsom Rurnl District &. food inspector Western & medical officer & public ,·nccioator for Epsom district., district, Asbloy rd. 1' N 9235 10 Denham rd. 1' N 770

l'reston Frank, buker, 2 & 2A, Stamford Green rd. The Common Summcr6eldChas. Robt.Squires,Quecn's Head P.H. 77 South at Prett Sidney R. tobccnst. 74 East st. TN 720 Surrey Advertiser & County 1'imes (published mou. "od. & Priestley Hichnrd l.\Iartin, oonfectioner, 29 South street snt.); branch, 27 High street Pullinger Ernest George, bookseller, stationer & Surrey Agricultural Association (J. F. Cr:•ig Jl'..l.I. sec.), 2:S

printer, 64 High street .. TX !!81 . . Stcition road. T N 330 Pullinger Ernest Geo. reg1$lror of births, clenths & marriages Tacey L. (Mrs.). spirelln ct11'8Cticl't'. 59 Church road

Epsom sub-district, The Library, High st. •r N 281 Talbot Wm. H. insur. ngt. 253 Hook rd Randnll & i\fcasmes, mineral waler lllfrs. South st. T X 423 T aylor H. &. Son, builder~. d~-eorators & sanitary engineer•, HundRll Hnrry, hosior, 6 & 8 Enststrcct 16 Watel"loo rond & Milos rood. 'r N 667 Itanelagh Valet Service, dycrs&cle1\ncra, 20 lligh st. TX 9113 Tnylor Wm. lildr. 85 Hook rd. TN 9153 ~yner R.ichnrd, abopkeopcr, 6 Pound lane Rccrl'a.~ion Ground (Thomas Seil, caretaker), Alexandra road Taylor-H i ming Motor Co. mot-0r engineers, gt,mge, Hcecl Joseph, tailor, 4 Albert road agents for Dunelt, Z enith & Henley motor Reids (H. L. Reid & Co. Ltd. ), dmpcrs, milliners, robes, cycles .t wireless deniers, Chase Encl garnge, Hook rOt\tl.

gowns & lndic11' bnirdrcsscrs, Asbloy rond. T A ·• Rcids, T N 633 Epsom; " T N 200 Terry Eclward, insurance agent, 102 Miles road

Rendle John Henry, draper, 14. West street •rester & Tuck, chimney sweepers, 33 East street Richards T. A. Lndns hotel, Woodcoto rd. TN i80 1'hom11s Wm. draper, 2, 42 & 44 Uigbst. &Station rd. TN 212 Richmond&. Reeves, hnult•gc contrctrs. :38A, 11 igh st. 'l' X 555 Thorne Ida (l.\!i.ss), milliner, Waterloo road. •r N 371 ltickHt, Smith ,t, Co. co:•l merchants, Svuthern ltailway Thorncly Wm. M.A., ~1.1)., u.ch., M.n.c.s., L.ll,{'.l'. 11hysc11. &

station, Stntion roud. 'l' N 375 au rgn. (firm, Daniel, Thorncly, Stones & ].;:cndull), Old Jlank Hidclick Charles, wnteh maker, 2; Station road. T N 221 ho. Ashley rel. T N 200 )tidclington G<:o. & Son, b:,kers, 115 lligh st. (T K 2iU) & Thoms James l'hillips, confectioner, 17 High street. TN liiO

chocolate mfrs. ; f~tory, 2!! St.At.ion rd. TN U9:! Tickner Philip & Co. drapers, 16 East st !toast Wm. Sparrow & Son, plumbers, 104 lligh st. 'l' X 361 Till Arthur o. mnnufocturing joiner, cabinet maker; Robbins Samuel, builder, 2 Heathcote road etaircases n speciality, South street,. T ~ 9223 Roberts Sidney William, grocer, 10 Pound lnno· Tilt :Frank, plumber, 16 Albert road Robinaon Ceo. uldr. 27 \\'oodcotc sido. T N llO!i6 Trchcnrne R. (Mrs.), servant.I!' registry oflico, 9:1 High st Robinson T. n.'!SisU\nt clerk to the guardiMS of l::psom l:nion Trower Frank Harry, corn mer. 20 South st.; <f Wutcrlc.o rd.

& deputy supcri11tcndcnt registrar of J•:psom district, Water. &. Station rd. '.l' N 280 loo r·d 'l'uok Frnncis, chimney sweeper, sec 'roster & 'ruck

Roclgers Josnph Thomas. draper, 11 S~ntion road . . Turner Edward, bnkt•r, 72 l•:Blft street Hoo Co~in Jn.me~ Or.••nto M.1·.~. che1n1st ,\: drug:;1st, 6 High Turner Ernest 1'hos. clcctrcl. on!(nr. 77 A, High st; ofllcc &

street. T N 262 show room, 16 Wiitcrloo rd. •j: N 791 ROLL H. H . & F. !,uilu~rs, c:o11t.mctor~, dccorat-0rs & hot Tnrnl·r Ceo. Edwtl. shopkpr. & post office, Grosvenor rtl.

wnt.cr fitters, Iii 11 ii:h slrl"Cl. T ~ :! l :l The Downs Hose Philip Wm. soldr. l'agt":rdt, )lnnor Crt:en rtl. wl'st. Tutte Heginald & F. confoetioncr3, 40 High street

'l' ~ S5i . 'l'uttc Flol't'nce E. (llrs.), ten ruoms, 18 South ~tree~

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UDEN & co. buil der • , contractors, sanitary I Whito William Jarnos, a.saidt. inauranco supt. 19 Milos rC>Mi o n gin oor s, h ot w ater fitters, plumber• & dccora- Whitehead !<'rank c\: 8ons, houso docorntors, 75 EMt etroet tore, Chri~t t;burcll mount. 1' N 0053 Whitehousc l!ros. l>rccngrucc r~. 7:1 High strl'ct. •r N 256

Urbl\O Di.itrict J~lcctric l,ight Works (H. W. Wnll;;, chief Whitom Joseph 'r. boor rot.ailor, 48 Church road cngnr.), Church et. T :\ 3GO \\"hiUen )fnnricc Geo. r,. 1u1.11.l".S. Eng. d<>ntul surgn. 2 Churcb

Vaughan Louis JI{. frcnch polisher, 65 E ast street Rt. TX 288 Vaughan Mona (Mrs.), do$ fancier, Jnnisfroe, WoodO'•tc ~ide Whittir1gton II<lnry JamM, stationer, sr.e Dirch & Whittington Wnghu ArU1ur Sidney, builder, 8 West street \Viti tile K (~l NI.), rolreshment rooms, 46 En~tstrcet Wagner Frederick, tobacconist, S<'O Allsop & Wagner \Vilkinsr,11 t:hnrk•s J11hn, t.11bneco11iet, 1;3;J lligh st1'1lOt Waf1efil'ld Frank, photogrnphcr, 42 Casile road, Tho C.nnmnn \\"illiam~ Al lit. VhM. L.ru.n.A. archtct. 5 Ashley r<l. 'l' l\ :172 Walker Henry C. farmer, ,\dclaide farm, Beaconsfield ro&d \\'illinms .Frc<lerick, h:iir drc.~r. 7 St..'\Lion ro."ld. T N 370 Walla.co John, farmer, Lougdown farm, College road Willillms \\'illiam John, Ooorge l'.11. 118 High street Walls Tom Kirl>y horse trainer, The Paddocks, Windmill la. Willinmsn11 .Jn. )f.n.wnd., M.n.c.s.v.ng .. , r.n.c.1•.r.ond., n.1•.11.

TN 410 I F.ng. phy>1en. & Rurgn. mc<lieal ·officc.r or health £or Epsom, Wnlpolc & Son liootsto:'CS & leather "·arehousc, 155 High st l>orking, Lcatl1crboa<l & Cnrshnlton Urban DistrictCouncila Wnlt.cr \\'niter' John (Mra.), bazaar, 5 & 7 S:>uth etrcet ,t Darking & J<:p~om Hural JJistrict t-Ouncila, 18 College rd. Walter Walter John, jeweller, 3.\, S·>Uth street '£ N 9(J(JlJ Wnlt.crs K1\tbcrine (Mrs.), dress mnker. 83 Church road Willis Harold Cl:tudc, dc-nli ~t. 6i High st. 1' X 9065 Wandsworth, Wimbledon & Ep!!Om District Gas Co. 88 High Wilson l~dmnnd GMrntt, a•Jlicitor & commissionor for oatb8

st. ,t 3 l l~nst st. T N 400 & perpetual commissio11cr, & clerk to the Urbl\n Dist1·ict Ward Martin Hammond, superintending bailiff to Ewell Council .t to tho burial bonrd, Church street. •r N 440

Epileptic Colony & farm bailiff to Horton l>Ient&l hospital, Withers Thomas Jo:vc r-..,tt L.n.s.n.c.s.Eng. dental fturgeon, 36 llook road Station road. '.r N 734

'1Va1·0 Torn Edwd. surveyor of higbways Epsom Rural District Witts Capt. Allit. Sidney, King's Head hot.cl, 12:.1 High st. Council, Ashley rd. T N 9233 T X 5G:3

Wnrr Jol111, grocer, 34 Burgh He&th road Woori Annie Elizabeth (~!rs.). shopkeeper, 28 Albert road Waters Chnrles James, watch mnker, 21 High street Wood Cyril, removal contrctr. Laburnum rd. TN 0076 Wiitkins Chns. canine infirmary, 46 Station rd Wood Herbert Henry, farm bailiff, Long Grove Mental Hospital '\Vntson Horbert, florist, 19 Station rond. TN 64.5 Woodcoto Motor Co. L i mited, motor engineers, l Webb P.<>bert, farrier, 112 High stNet South strect(T !\'s70·1 & 705} & Dorking road \Voller l'croy James, carrier to S:>Uthern railway, Ea.st street Wells Joseph & Son, picture frame makers, 145 High atrect WOOOCOTE SIDE LAUNDRY (G. King, proprict-0r), Wood· Wcrnham Brothers, smiths & farriers, High street · cot-e side. TX 254 Wcat Park l\!ental Hospital (L.C.C.) (Norcliffe Roberts o.1u:., Woodhouse George, cabinet maker, ace Golf & Woodho1"e

hl.D., 11.s. medical supt. ; Victor L_indloy Connolly ~c.c., Woods J ohn & Son, baker~. 10 East street. 'f N 537 ll.D., ch.u., D.P.•1.i:.ond. deputy medical supt.; L. Clarke, Wooldridge Wm. Townsend, surveyor & inspector or nuisances clerk; J. J. Agar, house steward), Horton la.. Horton. TN 838 Ea.stzrn di3trict, Epsom Rural District & food inspector

Wcsti1ig Thomas George, boot repairer, Dorking road Eastern district, Ashley rd. T X 923.J. Westminster Dank Limited (branch) (H. Holmes, maMgcr), Wootton Stanley, horse trainer, TrcadwC'll rd. TN 205

High street (TN 650); head office, 41 Lothbo.ry, London Working Men's Club (F. 01\kshott, hon. acc.}, Stamford gm ~ c 2 The t;om mon

West.on A. J. & Co. music sellers, 99 High street. T N 562 Wye th llr.Hhcra, gr.>cers, 126 High stCl'<'t. TN 282 WhCC'lcr Dros. drapers, Waterloo bo. 149 High st. TN 782 Young Thomas N. engineer at tho Urban Distriot Wnlcr White Geo. chil'i clerk to county court, Ashley rd Works, Water works, Enst strc~t

ESHER (A. S. lEscheath, i.o. Ash-haugh) ia a pari.\h churchyard, has been rostered at a oonaiderablo cost nml and pretty vill3t1c. situated on & hill, on tho Portsmouth is used for lectures &c. Jn the new churchyard is au ultar rond, near the river Mole, with a sta.tion l mile north-ea.st. tomb of mnrble wit,h an elaborately carved f11\t canopy, i11 the pariah of TllMnes Ditton, on the South Western section beneath which nro placed recumbent marble figures, life size, of the Southern railway, and is 4 miles south-west from Kings· of the Right Horr, Viscount Esher, Master of tho Rollll (d. ton-0n·Thames, 2 eonth-west from Thames Ditton and 14 by 1899), and Lady Eshcr, and on tlte side of the tomb is a mili· rail from London, in tho Chert.9cy division of the county, ta.ry trophy ant.I inscription to his sou, tho Hon. Eug~ne hundred of Elmbridge, petty aessiona l division, union and Leopold Selwyn Drott, lieut. Scots Guards, d. 8 Dec. 1882. county oourtdistrictof Kingston, rural deanery of Emly, arch· There i.a also a fine canopied tomb to & la.dy, with ecated dcaoonry of Surrey a.nd diocese o f Guildford. The village is effigy in 11u1rble, by Andreoni of Rome. '!'here arc two liqhtcd with gas by the lGngston Gas Company, &nd supplied rucmoriola to the lt\tc Duchess or Albany. Tbc firHt consiats with water by tho Metropolitan Water Boa.rd. Under a of a Jorge bronze tnblct Rffixcd to the woll of tho chiuiccl, near echeme of the Kingston Rural Sanitary Authority in 1888-9 tbe R-0yal pew, nnd was pro,•idcd by the members of hc1· a system of mnin d.rain!l~e was laid through this parish.. housl'hold ; the second is a stninod window in the north 'rhamea Ditton and Long Ditton at a coat of £70,000, including transept, subscribed for by tho residents of Eshcr. '£be a sewage farm and 20 acres of land a.t I.ower Green. rcgist-er dates from the ycnr 1682. The li\"iug is a rectory,

'fho parish is governed by an Urban District Council of net yearly ,·aluc £-003, with rl'sidcncc, in the gift or Wn,dht\m 2~ members, formed in April, 1895, under the pro\isions College, Oxford, 1tnd hl'ld since 1908 by the Re,·. John Kcst.ell of the Local Government Act, 1894 (56 and 57 Viet. c. 73), Floycr M.A., n.D., •·.s.A. ln,to of that college, who is a surrogate. by 1.t>cal Government Bonrd Order No. 32,638; the district, The iron miosion church at West End is licensed for divine known as Esher and the Dittons, comprises Esher, Thl\mes service. '!'he Roman Cntholie Church of the Holy Nnmo is Ditton, ll>ng Ditron and C!ayg&tc, and is divided into four i11 Ai· brook lune. '!'he Society of .Friends b:n·e n meeting house wo.rds. in Claremont Ian<', holding 80 persons. There is nlao a Do.ptist

Christ Church, which occupies a fine site on an eminence, chnpcl in Park rond, built in 1868, a.nd acnting 200, nnd ,. Wt\8 ereoted in 1853-4, at a cost of £7,200, and is a cruciform Wcslcy1rn church in \\'olscy road, orec~'<I in 1889, with 160 building of stone, in tho Early English style, including a 8itti11gs. 'rho Public Hall, in Higlutrcet, wasbuiltin 1887 nn<l t.ower, with a spire, containing a clock and 6 bells: th~ will scat 450 persons. The granite drinking fountain in High ohnnool windows arc stained and there is a marble monu· street wae present.od to tho village in 1877 by Queen VictlJril\, mont to Loop:>ld, Prince of Saxe-Coburg &nd first King of in place of a disused pump, given by the Comte do Paris in tho Ilclginns. who formerly resided at Claremont, and died momoryof hismarrio.go with tho Infant.a.of Spain; it is a band-10 Dec. 1865: this m:mument, originally erected by e:>me structure and bears an inscription. '!'be charities are of Queen ViotQria in St. George's Chapel, Windsor, was sub· . £65 yearly \'1tlue. Claremont is situated cast o! the village ; soquently removed to this church: thero is also a marble it was origi11ally built by Sir John Vanbrugh k t. the architect 6gure in the attitude of prayer, erected by Francis Drake and dramatist, who held the est.nte in 1708; and arterwarde in ' memory of hi8 father, Richard Drake, Equerry to Queen belonged to Thon1ns l'clham-Hollos, Duke of Newcastle and Elizabeth, who died in 1603: t he offigy was removed from Mnrqucss or Clare, who g1wo it tho nnme of Claremont: on his tho old church by Sir William Richard Drake kt. r.;u. or death, in 17li8, it was sold to Robert Clive, the conquerer of Oatla.nde Lodge, Weybridge, in 1878 : in tho north aisle, India, and first baron Olivo of Pla.aaey, who erected the present in a niche of polished ala.baster, is a marble bust, executed mn11aion at nn expense of £100,000, and had tho grounds by Mr. F . J. Williamson, of E shor, of Prince Loop:>ld, Duke IAid out afresh, under tho direction of Mr. Lancelot of Albany x.o. who died at Cannes 28th March, 1884. (Capability) Brown. Tho house, which stand• on the

'fho old church of St. George, formorly called Sand<•n crest of a bill, surrounded by lino trees, is a structure of briclr, chnpel, is still standing, and bas a tu.rrct with an ancient with stouo dressings, aud hna a stately portico with oolumna clock of the early 17th century. thoroughly restored and of the Corinthian order, supporting a pediment adorned with re..atnrted after a lai;- of a.bout 40 years: in the church is tbo arms of Lnrd Clive. On his de&th, November 22, 1774, a monument by F1axman to the Hon. Mrs. Ellis, o( Claremont, tho property was sold, and was eventually purchaaed in 1816 d. 1803 : the altar piooc, represontin.g Our Sa.viour, was by the Commissioners of Woods and l!'orcsta, for a sum of painted by Sir Robert Ker Porter K.C . ll.: this church, lor £tl0,000, 88 a rc.>idonce for Princess Charlot te, on hor marriage many years diswod, except when burials took place in tbe with Prince Leopold of Saxc-Cobnrg. Hen-, on tht1 6th

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Napper E. baker, High et.rcet Sowden Wm. Geo. butcher, High et. TN 35 Newman Thoe. H. ironmngr. High st. TN 686 Spicer Jane (MiN), fancy draper, Portsmouth rolld Nightingale Ltonard Jas. yninter & docrtr. West End Stapleton Catherine (Mi.as). refreshment rooms, High street Nutting & Son, grocers, l igh st. TN 310 Stonard Alice R. (!Jiss), district. nurse, High st Otway Hy. Wm. The Prince of Wales P.H. West.Encl. TN li06 Thompeon Ellen Marx(Mrs.), farmrr, Garson form, West End Plowm1m Frank F. boot rcpr. West End & Church st Thompaon ?tlary J. (Mrs.), farmer, Wintn Honse frm. Weet End Poole Gertrude (Mrs.), Claremont restaurant., High st Tickner Ernest, oonfctnr. High st. ' l' N 51)5 Pratt F..dith (Mrs.), confectioner, Church street Trigg J. & Sons, grocers, High et. '].' N 122 Pyett John, tailor, Church street 1'utre1Hlargt. Louisa (Mrs.), Windl!Or Arms r. 11. lligh at Richards George Martyn, Dear hotel Twickenham & Teddingtcn Electric Supply Co. Lirnitoo Ridley Douglo.e, \Yheatahcaf P. JI. The Green. T :X 510 (branch). Hip street Ro berte J. P. & Son, tlnirymcn, Pound farm, St.At ion road Tyler & Co. Limited, wine & apirit merchanta, High etreet

(TN 301) & formcrs, l'ound farm, Ember lnne Viner Fredk. Jsph. wa t-Oh & clock mkr. High at Rosam ll!. ]~.(Mrs.), drcBSmn. 13 Park rd Walker Albt. nlnekbourne, hnirdrur. Church st Rouse Absalom, cabinet maker, High etreet Walker ~nald Field M.R.C.!!.Eng., L.R.C.J'.l.oncl. physician & Royal Mills Oarnge, motor engnrs. Hjgh st. T ~ 326 surgeon, l'he New houae, &her Park avenue Rylnnd Japh. E. draper, High st Watson John R. A.A.I. auctioneer, ace Oarrod & Watson Salcombe George (Mrs.). dress maker, Clnremont lo.no Westminster Bank Ltd. (branch) (G. R. Shcdt•I, mngr.): opOll So.ndown Pnrk <.:orner .House (0. Bradish, propr.), rcfr;;hmnt. daily, 10 to 3; snt. U to 12, High et.; )lC'nd office, 41 Loth·

rms. Port8mouth rd. 'J' N 319 bury, London 1! c 2 Sandown Pnrk Racccoureo Ltd. (N'e~ison A. Lornine J. P. Wheatley & Sona, buildcn1 •'- ~ntmctors, High street

mngr.; Douglas Ridley, enterer) Wheatley Hugh, iiuurnnce ngent, \\'olsey rond Scrimshnw Percy, insurance agent, Wolso,v road \\'illinme Jn. grocer, \\'«st End l:)hcdl'l G. R. IDnnnger \\'cstminstcr Dimk Limited & treasurer \\'insliip Hcrbt. A.A. I. cstntc ngt. E•hc·r st!ltion & Snmlowo

to the Urban District Council, lugh street cott. Ports mouth rd Smelt E rnest, house furni~hcr, High 8t \Y oodley Fnnny Pl rs.), insnr. ngt. l'nrk colt. Pnrk rd :-imeltFlorcncc ()Jiss). chi.in dlr. 2 HiglL st I Wooldridge George Richard, tailor, 8 Park road :::imith W. B. & Son, books1·llcrs, Rn ii way station Wyatt Robert Han·ey, privat~ !Chou!, ~ilbournc lime Soldiers', Sailors' & Airmen'11 Families A.ssooiation (Eahcr divi- WysOhns. oyclercpr. llenrct .

sion) (Rev. Mackenzie Gibson, hon. sec. Hillbrow cottage)

in tho grounds is I\ site Of IL banquclin~.hOll@(' belonging to tllt' p1'lace of Nonsuch, built by King Henry tho Eighth nnd situate<.! in Cuddington parish; the rcnrnius nrc snrroundi·tl by n wnll with bnstions at intcn·nls. Ewrll C'omt is t111• residence of Lawrence Jjowring Stoddnrt rsq. 'l'bc principal lnndownere are Sir Arthur Robert Glvn bnrt, J . P. l..awrer.cc liowring Stodd11rtesc1. ~laj.·Gen. Sir :Edward XortJicy o.c.l!.o., C.D. who is lord of tho mnnor of l~w<·ll, nnd Edmund lfonry Gadesdcn csq. J.r. 'l'he soil is cl11y ; subsoil, chalk. 'J'hc: chief crops are wheat, oats :.ntl bnrlt•y. 'J'hc nrea is 2,42i acres of land and 10 acres of water; rntcablc rnlu<-, H4,7!>0; the population in 1921 , ...-as i ,187

lJcputy Parish Clerk, George Charles Soowcn, Church street. Town Sub.Post, M. 0., T. & T. E. D. Office.-;\Jrs. Edith 1·:.

Wicke, eub-postmistress. LcUers through Epeom Post, i\I. 0., T. & Telephone CnU Offic<-, \V(·st Ewcll-\\'nltt•r

Francis 1''alker, sub-postmnstcr. Lcttera through Epsom. Telegrams are diepl\tcbed, but not deliHrcd, & trlcgmph money orders issued, but not paid.

At Ewell (East) Railwny Station tclcgrnms nro dcliYorcd on sundaye at train times

Ewell Pariah Council Fi re Brigatlr, High strcc·t, Hobert C'apt•o, chief officer

P UBLIC OFFICF.RS. Clerk to the Pnrish Council, )Ira. )J. t'lt(Unbcl'lni11 (ncting),

High street )fcdical Officer &. l'ublic \"accinator, Ewell, C:hessington &.

Cuddington District, };psom Union, Joseph V. Cope ~l.l'., )!.D., u.ch.nub., F.R.c.s.1. CbUl'ch street

Stewards of tho Manor of Ewell & Cud<lingt.on, l\Jessrs. l~rer~. Cholmcley & C-:>. 2S Lincoln's Jun fields, London w c 2

Schools. Public Elcmcnt.~ry (Church of Enghtnd), built in 1861, nt. ·a

coat of £3,279, enlarged in 1893, tit a cost of £915, Cor 130 children; DaYid W. O. Jones, mnstcr

Public Elementary Council School (girls & infonta), opened in 1916, for 400 children ; Alisa Ko.le Sperriog, mistre11&; °MN. R. Bette, infnnt11' milltress

EWEL L, in Domesdny Et well, is a po.Tish and ple3snnt little town with a atntion hnlf a. niilo south, on the Croydon and Epsom branch of the Southern railway, nnd another half o. milo west on tho WimLlctlon to Lcnthcrheatl branch of the aamo railway; the parish is 13 miles from London, l north­co.et from EpllOm nnd 5 south.cast from Kingston, in the Epsom tlivision of the county, hundred of Copthome, petty sessional division, union and county court dist.rict of Epsom, rural deanery of Lcnthcrhead, archdeaconry of Surrey o.nd diocese of G11 ildford. It is lighted with gns by the Wandsworth, Wimbledon and Epsom District Gas Co. anti supplied with water by tho Sutton Wnter Co. 'l'he several fcedeu of the Ho~s Mill river rising in this parish form its source. The o.nc1ent church of St.. Mnry, wit.h the exception of the fino ivy.covered tower, till recently uACd ns a mortuary chapel for tho old churchyard, hns been pulled down ; the now parieh church, erected at n cost of £7, 174, and consecrated ~4 August, 1848, is of et.one, in tho Early :t:nglish style, and hae a tower containing a clock and 8 bells : thoro is n finely­carved mnrblo figure of Sir William Lewen, knight, alder­man o.nd lord mayor of London, who died in 1717, o.s well as several ancient brnsses and memorials remo~ed from the oltl cboroh, to the Monro, Calverley, Clyn Lewen. Dowdeswcll o.nd Bulkeley families, o.ud ten memorial windows ; in 1893 tho church we.a renovatod ; in 1898 a pulpit of alnbo.ster and marble w1111 presented, and in 1908 a west perch was o.ddod, both gifts of E. W. Martin csq. ; tho church now affords more than l,000 eittings, 430 being free. In the churchyard is a smnll Garden of Rerucmbronce, which is enclosed bv a dwnrf stone wnll: towards the bnck of the Gnrden i~ a stone· on which is inscribed the words : "To the Glory of God anti in memory or t.he men of Ewell, who died for their country, 1914-18." 'l'hc regi:itcr <lutes from the yc1n 1604. The living is I\ vionro.go, net yearly vnluo £517, in the gift of Sir Arthur Robert Olyn bni·t . .J.P. lay rector, and held since 1926, by the Jte,., Edwo.rd (.;uthbcrt Ushcrwoo<l M.A. of J(ing'3 colll•gc, C:nmbritlge. Tho vicarn"c ho11so was Luilt iu I 883, autl a Church ltoom was given by ~hc°lk'" John Thornton M.A .• vicar 1800·1001. The church of nil Suiuta, at West Ewell, is in tho Early Decorated style. There is a Congregntionnl chapel with a school and public lccLure hall ndjoining, built in 1864: the cbapd will seat Southern Railwo.y St.ntions. 300 pcrsoll8. l~xterusi\"C brick nntl tile works arc mtiintaincd Brighton section, Ewell Enst, A. W. Weaver, station mMU.r; on the Non.such estate, o.nd there aro two ltirge flour milla, South We@ll'm section, Ewell \\'t·st, C. A. \\'illinm,., stati<•11 worked by wntor and steam power from numerous springe ru'.\stcr rising in tho town and neighbourhood, fonning tbc hoo.d of tho C".nrricrs. Jloggs Mill rh·cr. C.:haritics of over £300 yeo.rly value arc Cn te p t & Co. Limitoo & l'ick(or,ls Limited to Loiulon tliijt.r1butctl in bread and clothing, anu scholarshipg; two· r r, a creon · thirds being given to this parish and onc.f.lutd to K.ingswood. daily :Ewell was tho birthplace in 1582 of Richard Corbet D.D. Conny1111e<'. bidhop of Oxford (16:!8·32), nod of Norwich (1632·5}. Ewell London General Omnibus Co. Ltd. run a tlaily, hourly acrvicc Castle, erected in I SO.Ji, i~ I\ mansion with embattled pnrnpct.11 (s.'\t, & aun. 30 minutes) (No. 107) from (.;lnpbnm Common to untl oct:•gonnl turn·ls at tho angles; it is tho!>rop(•rty of Dorking. This is au~mcnted on sundnys &. public holidP.~ JI. R :Uutlgell coCJ. and is now used as a schoo for boys; scn•icc by 7711 (King~ Cross to :Epsoni) every 12 minuteH

l'RlVJ.T£ nESIDE.."'TS. Bolton ,\lrrc<l Edwtl. l'cnrnm, Reigate rtl j Brown·Doui;lns M~. F.1tell house, Ep~oro . . I Bowring Frederick Willinm, Kingston lo. road (for 'l' ~·~ sec gcncrnl li~t or Private Cheam rond ,Cnnn William Joshua., '!'be 0 1'ohMtl ,

Hesitlcnts at entl of liook.) Broadhuret Mrs. Ayagarth, Cbcssington I Cbcstcrlicld road Uartlctt George, Tarvcs, Reigate roa.d road Weet Ewell Cnrmichncl J. C. Gordon O.B.E., lit.II. llatho \\'illinm T imperlcy, 1''itznclls, Brock~·ell Mrs. Mdton Chcssington road, Gro\"C coU:1ge, Vhcam ro:1<l

t;hcssington ro!ltl, \\'cat Ewell West Ewell ' C"-NonJn. ~orman,l~cdcroft,\\'intlmillcnd Hell Ju.mes G. ;\, Stoncway, Vheam rond Brown-DouglM }'rancis C. The Red <!CoffiH Ralph Morley, Snc11 m ,Cbc~slng1cn lJbkc Edwin, Elinioa, Hc-ignt.c r1J11tl hous(', Church street l'OtHI, \\'csL Ewell

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Cole Fre<lcl'iek D. God ring, l'11rk lI ill re>a<l 1 Schue Albert Jsi<lorc, Whit1>gal<'s, Ch CB· D:wiC11 S. F:. {)lr·s.), 1·cf1'8lunnt.1·ms.High ~L Cop~ Alfred J ohn, ltcctory bo Church st sington ro11<l! West Ewoll Earle Fr~e~i~k, shopk?6p~r, High atr<;eL <:ope J oseph Victor M.C., JU.D. The Gables, Skeens Frederick H. Mayficl<l, Fulfor<l Epsom D1v1s1on Constttut1onnl Aasow•-

Uhurch street rood, \\'~tEwcll t.ion (Mr~. Ryecnrt, hon. sec.), 'l'ho: Corv-Pilc ~lontnguc The Cottage Hcigat.c Starkey-Smith .Mrs. FroJsh:iin, Rcignte rd Corner house, F.p~om rood

rc>nd ' ' Stoddart Lawrence Bowring, Ewell court Epsom, Sutton & Vistrict Sm:ill Holdings Currey Francis Alfroo, P it t ho. Cheam rd Stone Jolin l\lorris J. 1•. ~! n i t End cot, Society Limited (G. 1Villi11ms, sec.), 1)1n-ics Arthur Edw11rd r.T.c.o. Ran- Church ~trect Reigate road

more, High street 1Thc1tk Fr11nk, Highficlds, Chcnm roa<l Euinton George, gardener to Lawrence llickcnson Ernest C. Roscot, R.cignte road i 'J'hom1ts Percival, Olyn house,Chenm rond Bowring Stoddart e.sq. Ewell court Dudgeon Andrew Ti lst.011, l;p ring cottagc, j Thompson HcrL<·rL Cyril, Salis, Epsom rd Ewell Cnatle School (H. H.. llurlgcll 11.0.s ••

Spring street jTylcr HolJ<:rt, Lynton house, Epsom road P.R.o.s., A.C.r. J>rinrip:il). 'J' N J•:p!lom J>wolly Mrs. M. H. DMeonsficld \'iUa, • Upton .Mrs. Tabards, Church street 9224

Chcssingt.on ro:i.d, West Ewell Uehenvood Re,-. r:dw1ml CutJ1bcrt lt. A. Ewell Football Club (William Ellis, hon. EllisCnpt.Alhcrt OuzdwooJ,Chcs.•ington (vicnrl. The Vicarage, Church strcC'L soc.); hca!l quarters, King Williiurl

road West Ell';•ll Wnrncr l:~rC'dcriek \\'nt.kinR, Bridge side, JV. P.11. H igh street Eynon 1Qc'01·gc J,. Master ton, Rcignt.c road R<lig11tc road Rwcll (lnrnge J,imit·cd, motor cnginct.r.., Filer Frank Emc..,t, l'i rcro!t, Rcignte rd \\'clib Arthur H. C:. Xc\'i11, Rcigntc rond High street. '1' 't\ E p3om Gi5 Fros t Arthur C. T. Fairholme, Ueigaw rd Wells ~I rs. l~. ) I. J>urb<-rryahot, .l::pllom rd .F.wdl !lfotol'!!, motor <'ngiJ1<.-cra, motor Galloway L;idy, foveruric, lteigate roa.d I Whittle Robert N. The Nook, Rei!!nte rd car & «yclc agents, nccessorics &: wirc-l:cddcs Da1·id, The Old house, Epsom rdl Willi lrnS ~!rs. <:opU1<1rnc (lctt<!rS t.hrough less dealers, High st~t l~ (gan~gc),

· Gifford Wnl tcr Stanley, Chesterton house, \\'oreestcr Park ) London road. TN Epsom 394 Chc11Sington roa.d , West Ewell Willy Erncst'fhomns, !i C:h<'stel'fi<·ld rond, Ewell Pnri!!h Council Fil'c Brigndll (ltt.

Gil<lcr Frank William, l 'cntargnn, Re i. West Ewell Capon, chief officrr), Hi;;h st gale road \\'ithel's J oseph Sutton, H non, Cheam rd Ewell .'l<:wngo l~nrm ( Hcnry Cook,

C:lyn Sir Al'th. R t. bnrt. J, r. '£he \\'ell 110 Witlicrll Mrs. St 1\orm11n's, Cheam 1·ond foreman in chnrgc) C:ooscy Sy<lncy Willie, Lnnsdowno, Ches· \\'ood Mrs. Somen1by, Chcssington road, Ewell Tmding Co. (Eugene o·sulliv:rn),

sington road, \\'est Ewell WC11t Ewdl mcrs. Quince'.\' bldg. High st l:oss t;has. Phillip, Grey Roofs, Lon<lon r<l Wright Edward Miller, H ollycroft, Ep· Ewell Working .\Ion's In~titutc ~ Ren<ling <:rant J nJ<. Dnndns, Fnirficld, Rcigntc rd som road Room (Alfr<'<l W. Hmtnon, caretaker), Gta,y John George, '.l'he Four Winds, Younger Vh·inn, Thornlcigh, lkigntero;id High street

H.cigntc ro:1d Fnlker \\"niter F rnncis, Caney ~oods clralc:r Crovo l~ rn cst Geo. Erlscotc, Chessingt..on CO!IU!ERCr.u .. & sub-po:;tmnslcr, 4 °Kmg's wo.lk,

road West Ewell Early closing da.y, Wednesda.y. Chessington road, West Ewell Hall .Ernest St.anlcy, Chcssington loJgc, Adelnide Mo tor Engineering Works, Freeland :Florence A. (Mrs.), dairy, Chcs-

Spring street motor engnrs . .Kingston rd sington rd. Wcst Ewell Harriaon Wm. JM. Langshaw, Epsom rd All<lcr George, fornituro dealer, \\'cat st Fulker & Ch.ippcy, painters, 4 Roacbc1y Hart Chu. Wm. Trencrom, Reigate roadlAreher Percy, wheelwright, West street tcr. West Ewell Henderson Alexnndcr l>avidson, Lower1Ayling Joseph, boot repairer, \VC$t street Fulker Charles, painkr, Chl'ssington ro~d,

Mill house, Kin"ston ro:id llaker Geo. li$bmngr. High st West Ewell Ili~1moro J,ady~ Ha.rbybro\fe (letters Baker Walter, shopkeeper, Chcssington Garner Geo. bldr. Gresham cott. Ep3om rd

t.hrough Worcester Park) rood, West Ewell Gnrson John George M.t>., i:,.n.o.s.11din. H odges Alf rod, Dorset house, Cheam road 13aldwin Brothers, bu to here, H igh .street.. physician, Ewell grove, Cheam road. Hodgins Jlliss, Goldings T N Epsom 794 TN Epsom 64.9 Hodgton Miss Margaret, Ewell park, llarclays Bank Ltd. (lirnncl1) (T. O. Glass Emma & Annie (Misses), drapers,

L ondon road MMters, mngr.), High st.. ; head office High street Hope H. 'Edward, Deepdenc. Epsom rond 64 Lombard st. Lomlon .E c 3 GO ODSHI P & SAUND ERS unil<l. Howe .frcdk. Chas. Hillsboro', llcigat.c rd .Bnt;cs ~onard: motor cngnr. High s t. High ~trect. '.I.' N Epsom 4j4 l.rij,

Jacques Mrs. Elvaston, Epsom rood 'I N Epllom 381 . Lambie J\Jiss, Woodliam, Windmill end Baty Wm. Chas. poultry frmr. Reigate rd Gooclslup Arthur H. shopkeeper, Wc11t st Langley J\Jrs. Holmdenc, Epsom road Beams Evelyn (i\lies), draper, High street Gr~cn George, Cl\rm11n, Church stroot . Lester Mark Eric cottage London road Bums Harry George shopkeeper l King'• Grmstead George Loxton M.r.s. chemist Mackie Jam~ DouglasGo~on, Woodgate, walk, Chessington ~n.d. West Ewell & droggi~t, H igh. st. T N Epsom 3~

Lon<lon rood Ueama Wm. paintrr & decorator High st lla.ll & Davidson, millers (water & steam) • .:llnrtin Ed"nrd \V. J'.r.jThe:Mo.nor house, Boll Eva Louisa (Mrs.), drcs; maker, Ewell mil~._ •r N Epe?m 244 · ,

Cheam rond 17 Heathcrsidc roo..I West Ewell Hnrknett \\ 1lfred CyT1l, nurs<'rymo.11, :\ln.st.cl'B Thomas Oswald, Bank house, Benstcnd Conrad lf. ;bopkpr. l North· Ch~i:~g~ou ~oad, West Ewell.

Jfjgh stJ-oet view Yillas, Kin~'S ton rd Hams " ilham rhomn,, draper, High st .McCallum Mrs. I m·ermcrc, Epsom road j Blllko F. J . . (R. P.) & Son, t-lcctrcl. Herbcrtson, CoJ>.C &. Horsfall, phygcn.q. Meade Wm. J oyce, Woodbury, Reigate rd cngnr3. 6 High st . .Church s~ &_ Chcssmgton .rd Mercer Mra. Chessington ho. ::ipring street Blue James, beer retailer, London road Higgs &. \\ams, aolct.rs. High st. T N Millar Cecil, Old Mill house, Kingston rd Bl't\dley & Arthur, bldrs. High st Epsom 9902 Mullett Edward Norman, The ltowans, Crinbrook Lndic.s' College (Mrs. Cusack Hil I J , & Son , linildcrs, dccoro.tors.

Chesterfield road, West E well i...L.A. hons.)princ.), Doumc hall, High At plumbers, sanitary engineers, clccLrical Xicholson Leslie Chnrks, Holly linnk, C<trmicl.Jncl J. C Gordon o.u.E., .r.r.n., work & gencrnl house repairs , Ohos.

Chcssington ro11d, West Ewell c h.D.Edin., D.P.H.cantnb. Grove cott. sington road, West Ewell Xorm:\n Geoffrey, Upend, St .. Jnmcs's a,., Cheam rel. T N Ep3om 294 Hiscox Ethel Dlount ('.llrs.), confctnr. O'Hlcin :\!rs. Cler<loun, Epaom road Carpenter William, baker, lligh street High st Owen Thomas \\'illinru, Clonlly, Chess- Carter Wm. James, hAir dre33Cr, West sl Hodges Lewis, draper, High street

ing ton roncl, WC'at. Ew<'ll lCIUlmberalin M. (Mrs.), assistant O\'crscc1· Huggins Frank, The Green Mau l'.11. High Pallllcr Francis Arthur Herron, The &clcrktopnri.sbcouncil(acting),Highst street. •r 1\ Epsom 349

Chostnut.s, Kingston ro"d ChAndl('t" J~ph. hlocksmit.h, Plough rd. Jc:i.I George Stevenson, picture fmmo l'crkins Major Norman C. The Grange, ! West Ewell · 'maker, West street

London rond 1Charm1m John (Mrs.), insur. ngt. High st Loe Herbert, Eight .Bells r.n. Kingston rd l'billips D. M. Beaumont, Epsom rond <.:olo l!'rcderick H enry, Glyn Arms P.H. Lefever A. (Miss), milliner, Cbe.ssingto11 Phillipa Reginald, ChCt!t.crfield houae, Chcnm rd. T N Epsom 747 road, West Ewell

Kingston road jCook Charles, Queen Adelaide P.IL King. Lefever Frank, con! k coke mcrch11nt, l'ilides S John, E1vcll lodgc, Cheam road , ston road Chcssington rood & Southern Rail-l'ricc Hnrry, '.l'hc Orchard,l'nrk Hill roa:d ,Coombe H arry Geo. boor rot.Jr. High at way station. TN Epsom 250 l'rice Leonard Charles, Eseex lodge, Cope J 'sph. Victor 111.c., 111.n., B.cb.oub., Longlmrst A.lfred, builder, King:iton road.

Cheam road :r.11.0.s.1. physcn. & surgn. &, medical T N Epaom b88 Ha.hbula Ernest A. Orchard cottage, officer & puhlic vncciMtor, Ewell, Longhurst E wart, motor cngiorcr, King-

Chcesington road, \\.cat E\Yell I Chcsaington & Cuddin::;ton di:otrict, eton road. T N 688 Radcliffe-Walters Mrs. Pen16cld, Epsom rdl Epsom union, The Gable<!, Choroh at. Longley & Broadhood, estate agt.s.Uigh st Ratclilt John, Cornfields, Rcigato road T N E~om 569 ~!arks Henry, bnker, Kingston road Richards E. Hamilton, Mulberry cottage Courtneidge Frederick Thomas, boot Marsha.II Claude Hcrbt. nurseryman,

Epgom rond repairer, Cbessington road, West Ewell '.l'he Turrets Hoe J oseph, Holmlield, Cheam roa.d Cuoknell Jamea William, butcher, High Mn.yes Cyril Douglas, shopkeeper, f> Rooth .Arthur Frederic, The Laurels, et.rcet. T N Epsom 404 l!lough road, Wcat };well

Cheetorlicld rond, West Ewell C URTI S C I (DAIRY FARMER) Mo.yo Frank Edwin, boot rcpr. Hig h at ~yoo~rt J!.!rs. The Corner ho. J<:psom rd I . ' . ' , ' ~foger &. Co. Ltd. coal mcra . High at. :::>ndle1.r ~1 1111, Wilmar lo<lgc, Epsom. roa.d ' da1ryincn, H1gb at. '.I: N Epsom 310 TN Epsom 284 . :>argent Louis, Oak Dcnecottngc, Chester.l

1c urtiaWilliam ThOB.farmer, Ewell Crt.!rm Morton Albert Edward, King William

field rond, West Ewell Davico Datid Sydney, grocer, Iligh at IV. P.H. High street. TN Epsom. t 6l

Page 13: 1. - eehe.org.uk · 164 ELSTEAD. SURREY. 1127 Marked thus• receive thci1· lcttcrs through ;Atkins Fretkrick, shopkeeper l'urn ~idu


Nix H erbt. Geo. insur. agt. l\lill fa Rolls Royce Ltd. motor demonatmlion Turk Amelia (Mrs.), P lough inn, Chessing· Nutball & Co. grocers, Cheam rd. T ~ school, Seleng ho. Epsoiu rd. T N ton rd. WmtEwell

Epsom 401 Epsom 556 Uridge Wm. Stanloy, grooor, -High st. Perry Wm. Jn. fruik. High at. TN Sandberg Rev. Kenneth Gmham, pre. ~TN Epsom 521 •

Epsom 786 pa.rnlory school, Park aide, Kingston rd Wmtminster Bank Ltd. (aul>-bronoh) Pnrk Hill School (Miss I. J. Shaw & C. J. Sa.vngo Fredk. fishmngr. High st. T N (H. Holmm, mngr.); opon daily 10.30

M. Shaw B.A.. principals), boys & ~iris Epsom 685 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. & sat. 10.30 a.m. to preparatory achoo!, Park Hill r<I. l' N Scott .Brothers, farmers, Jiuxloy form. 12 noon, High st.; head office, 41 Epsom 300 Scowen George Charloe, · deputy p1msb Lothbury, London i;: o 2

Phillipa Harry, beer retailer, Kingston rd clerk, Warwick co~tngo, Chu.rob etrcot We6t Ewell Socilll. Club (F. J. Rawson, Pi.ko H. Spring hotel, London road. TN Senrle Artb. bldr. High st. 'I' N Epqom hon. sec.), Chessmgton rd. W011t Ewell.

Epsom 614 · 9114 TN Epsom 246 Pocock Thomas, carman, Marsh cottnges, Sharp William Thomae, ehopkeoper, Whitney Frederick Albert, beer retailer,

Chellllington road Kingston road Cheam road Pollard Arthur, grocer, 29 Elm rood, Smith William Jeffrey, poultry farmer, Wilkins Harry, baker, High etroet. TN

Kingston road . Chcssington road, West E well Epsom 321 Pollard Geo. Alid. Organ P. IL London road Snooks S&muel & Son, atone m11110M, Williams & Son, vrotch repairers, High at Powley Edward, boot maker, High street Stntion yard, Southern rnilwa.y Williams Edwd. H. J. St..'\tnr. Higl1 st. Pro.tt & Roff, jobbing gardeners, King. South Emeo!t, fmitr. :? High st·. T N T N Epsom 173

aton road E(lllom 508 Willis John Ordway, ironmonger, H igh et Pri~hard Elizh. (Miss}, millin~r, High st S~ncer Allred J~~c.3, grocer, High ~~rc~t WILTSHIRE'S ESTATE OFFI CE Qumcey Jane (Mrs.), confr. High street Strike Edwcl. Philip P. grocer, 2 1'.ing s ' Ralph 'Henry T. blacksmith, Kingston rd walk, Chcssington rd. WC8t . E well. ootate agents & auctionoers, High street R icharcls Alfd. Tbos. boot reprs. Cheam rd '1' .N Epsom 441 & Station appronch T N's Epsom Rioho.rclsLe5lieJohn,gara.ge, Woetstrect. Sycamore Caroline (~frs.), confctnr. 4

66 '· ·- ·

TN 619 West st 5 u-; 6'2 R off George, jobbing gardener, see Pr:ltt Thcltou Jns. Sydney, butcher, 3 King's Winsborrow Ernest Alfred, baker, High st

& R oll walk, Chcssington rd. West Ewell. Wyhl Albert, shopkeeper, 10 Woodley Rollings George F. The \Yheotsheal P.H. '1' N Epsom 873 terrace, Plough road, West Ewell . Kingston road Young Arthur l>ydney, tailor, High street

EWHURST is a parish and village, 3 miles north.cast from Cranleigh station on the Guildford and Horsham section of the Southern railway, 35 from London, 12 south.east from Guildford and 11 from Dorking, in the Guildford division of

esq. is situated partly in Ewhurst and po.rtly in Ornnleigh ; n description of the mansion is gh-en under Cranleigh. Wool· pits is the residence of Henry Lewis Doulton caq. The principRI landowners arc Reginald Arthur Bray csq J.P. who is tho prin· cipallord of the manor, Lord Abinger, Edwnrd Donald llforton esq. & Cha.rlC8 E . Allan esq. The soil is various; subsoil, clay and sand. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and turnips. The area is 5,419 ncres; rateable valuc,£10,275, tho population ol the civil pariah in 1921 was 1,199 and of tho ecclesinticnl parish (which includes part of Wonersh) 1,221.

Sexton, Herbert Miwhener. !'oat, l\1.0., T. & T. E. D. Oflice.-Mrs. Hilda Pobgcc, sub.

postmistress. Letters through Guildford. Police station, Regin.ald Arthur Turley, constable

Public Eleineotary Schools. Ewhurst (mixed), built in 1840, for 130 children; llli.ss Nor&

llookmnn, bend mistress Ellen'a Green Council (mixed}, built in 1870, for 60 c.hildren;

M.iaa E. Pengelly, mistress

-the county, hundred of Blackheath, petty aessional division of Guildford, union of Ho.mblcdon, county court di.strict of Guildford and Godalming, rural deanery of Ouildfortl, arch· dcnconry of Surrey and dioce&O of Guildfo!d. The church of SS. Peter o.nd Paul, restored in 183S., is o. cruciform building o! atone in the perpe ndicumr etylo, 11Jtd hns o. central tower with spire, containing a. clock and 6 bcll8: in the nave is a brlMIS tablet, bearing the names of the parishioners who fell in tho Great War, 191'1·18: the.re aro 306 sittiugs. T he register dntes from the year 1614. Tho living is a. rectory, not yearly value £679, with residence, in the gift of tho Lord Chancellor, and held since 1913 by the Rev. Andrew John Hamlyn. The Church Hall waa erected in 1909. Here is a CongregationnJ chapel A charity of £132 yearly, lc!t by Henry Smith, of Wandllworth, and alderman of London, who wed 30 Jan. 1628, is distributed by trustees appointed by tho Parish Council. There is a cross, erected in 1920,aa a memorial to tho men of Ewhurst who fell in tho Gre11t \\'ar, HH4- 18. C?.rriors. BayJ111rcls Park, the property an~ residence of Charles E . Allan Pcscud & Cooper, call from Cranleigh

Marked thus t receive their letters Heit Scccombo Edwards Nmvton, haulage contl'ctr through Rudgwick via Horsham. Hindley :'lliss, Sunny Corner· Evans Louis, grocer, sec Kennett & Evans

Hughes )liss, Shnnge hRll Farmer J ohn. farmer. Oadbl'idge fnrm Hume·Williame Lady, Hapsloy Forrest Stores Ltd. grOCCl'S

PRIVATE RESIDE:lrt'S. Humphrey Miss, Lilyfields Forshaw Willfam Herbert r.R.c.s.Eng.

(Jo'o.r T N's see general list of Prh·ntc Jones Herbert, l!'irethorn physician & surgeon, Slytbchurst Residents at end of book.) )fonzics Robert, Garlands tFrancis Wm. beer rotlr

Abbot.. Young Ml!.jor Edric ehnrk s, Morton Edward DonalJ, l\fulquoit.s Grout Ernest, T he Crown r.11 North Breach tNicholson Miss, The Auld pl11co Hamshire Jas. E. grocer

Abinger Lord, Brookhurst; Inverlochy O'Neil ~orman, Losely Hamshicc J sph. poulterer. T N 65 Caatle, Fort William, Inverness-shire ;IRolands Robert Pugh o.B.E. Hurtwood tHendersonFmnk Wm. former, New Barn & CoJ\llervntivo club, London , Eclgo t Henley Stephen, ro:id contr.Ellons Orcen

Agar William, Hurtwood house, Pilch hill I Sartorius :llisscs, Hurtwood, Holm bury Kennett & Ernns, grocers. T )I 4.2 Alexander John Taylor, Lily sbnw, (letters through Dorking} Lazzell Arthur, motor 011r propric.1.or,

liia.plo Dra.kes Snvage Lt. -Col. Gerald D.S.o. Little Ewhurst hill Allan Charles E. Ba.ynarcls Pal'k Woolpits Ledger George, assistant overseer & clerk t Amcer Ali, Pollingfold manor Soulsby .Ba.•il Harringtou 11'.S •• \. Heath to the Parish Council l3elcbcm Frederick I house, Pitch hill Ledger Jn. blacksmith. T N 28 Canbnm Ernest He1·bert, Onktrc-cs ·StephcM Michu.el, Covcrwood Lloyds Bank Ltd. (sub.branch), open ll Clerk Sir Dugald ILB.E., J.I'., J'.R.s.,IStreet ::\frs. Highways a.m. to 2.30 p.m. friu11ys; head oflice,

D.SO. Lukyns tSwithinbank Crossley, Maybanks 42 & 44 Grncechnrch strl°Ct, London Cooper Warren, Rozell Watson Herbert J. Old Placo E c 3 Crombie Mrs. The Fields Wood bliss, Gasson (posta l &<!dress, Luff Alfd. Jn. bldr Doulton Henry Lewis, Woolpits Penslake, Gomshnll) Luing Geo. butcher. '1' N 18 Drayson Donald, Greensido Y eulctt Squire Edwnrd, Brnckehhurst t~Iuggeridge Moses, farn1cr, Hill House fm Evcrshed John, Highbroom Young Kenneth Harmon, Upper houao Osgood HMTy, bldr. Brookside. TN 5'.l Few Col. Robert J. D.s.o., T.D., D.l.. Percy Henry, farmer, C'.oneyhurst farm

Conoybt1rst CO:ID1£.ar.1AL. tl'ort Wm. bhlr. TN Rudg"ick 50 Forshaw William Hcrhcrt l'.!l.C.S.Eng. tltcnmsnt Middleton, former, Su.nsoma

Slythchtirst l\Jnrkcd thus 0 farm 150 acres or over. Richardson R<l. poultry former,. \\'est· )fowler P. M. Dowohurst Attwell Percy Billman, chemist lands. '1' N 24 l>'r.i.ewell Lndy, Woodland Cho.rman Frank, outfitt.er, Sunnyside Ryall 'l'homM, Carmer, l.luildingR form Grimvillo Dowager Countess, Radnor, Cheeseman Henry, pork butohor tSaddlor Ja.mcs, farmer, Pollingfold fnn

Holmbury (letters through Dorking} Clarke Wm. former, Lt~ Quint.I\ Salsbury D. l'l!. & M. P. (MiJJscs), dairy tHall Capt. D'Arcy, Ellens Rudgwick Coldman Bros. shoe mkrs. TN 22 farn1ers, Sayer's Croft. TN 54 Hamlyn Rev. Andrew J ohn [rector], Collins Alice (Miss). district nursu &•lsbury .Hcrbt. poultry farmer, Sunny·

Tho Rectory Cumber Tbomrui, carpenter brook Harrison Lawnncc Alexandor, Moon Ede Edwin Alfd. grocer s.~ndbar Walt. Bull's Heall hot.el. TN 47

hall, Pit.ch bill .Edwarcls ;n. boot repr Stemp Abrohnm, [nrmcr, Low. llrc~h frm
