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Episcopal School of Dallas . 4100 Merrell Road . Dallas, Texas 75229 . 214.353.5827 . www.esdallas.org ESD ADMISSION APPLICATION 2013-2014 MIDDLE AND UPPER SCHOOL GRADES FIVE – TWELVE
Page 1: ESD€¦ · 1 Episcopal School of Dallas . 4100 Merrell Road . Dallas, Texas 75229 . 214.353.5827 . ESD admission application 2013-2014 Middle and Upper School GradeS Five – Twelve

1Episcopal School of Dallas . 4100 Merrell Road . Dallas, Texas 75229 . 214.353.5827 . www.esdallas.org

ESD admission application2013-2014

Middle and Upper School

GradeS Five – Twelve

Page 2: ESD€¦ · 1 Episcopal School of Dallas . 4100 Merrell Road . Dallas, Texas 75229 . 214.353.5827 . ESD admission application 2013-2014 Middle and Upper School GradeS Five – Twelve

2013-2014GRaDES FivE ThRouGh TwElvE

Episcopal School of Dallas admits qualified students without regard to race, religion, or national origin.

2Episcopal School of Dallas . 4100 Merrell Road . Dallas, Texas 75229 . 214.353.5827 . www.esdallas.org

admission procedures and deadlines

applicaTion and School viSiT/inTerview ForMS DEaDliNE: JaNuaRy 18, 2013

please submit the application information and School visit/interview Form, along with the $100 application fee, as soon as possible. interviews are a required component in the application process for grades five through twelve. eSd recognizes the time demands on candidates applying to several schools, therefore we are offering two different interview formats: an interview conducted during a half-day visit to the school or an interview-only conducted on one of two Saturday mornings or afternoons (please see the interview information Form for dates offered). There is absolutely no admission preference given to either interview format, so candidates and their families should choose whichever format best meets their needs.

candidaTe STaTeMenT and parenT STaTeMenT DEaDliNE: JaNuaRy 18, 2013These forms must be completed and returned to the office of admission no later than the specified deadline.

recordS releaSe ForM DEaDliNE: JaNuaRy 18, 2013parents must sign and forward the records release Form to an official at the applicant’s current school. The applicant’s school should return the requested materials directly to the office of admission.

Teacher evalUaTion ForMS: MaTh and enGliSh DEaDliNE: JaNuaRy 18, 2013please provide the applicant’s current math and english teachers with the corresponding evaluation form. The teachers are asked to return the evaluation forms directly to the office of admission.

adMiSSion TeSTinG DEaDliNE: FEBRuaRy 2, 2013applicants for grades 5 - 12 are administered the independent School entrance examination (iSee). The applicant must register directly with iSee and include the examination fee of $98 upon registration. please note the date your child will be testing on the back of the parent Statement. Applicants must register no later than three weeks prior to the test dates to avoid additional fees. You can contact ISEE at www.iseetest.org or 1-800-446-0320.

TUiTion aSSiSTanceFamilies who are interested in applying for tuition assistance should indicate this on the back of the application information Form. These materials will be mailed with acceptance letters on March 22, 2013.

Page 3: ESD€¦ · 1 Episcopal School of Dallas . 4100 Merrell Road . Dallas, Texas 75229 . 214.353.5827 . ESD admission application 2013-2014 Middle and Upper School GradeS Five – Twelve

Episcopal School of Dallas admits qualified students without regard to race, religion, or national origin.

3Episcopal School of Dallas . 4100 Merrell Road . Dallas, Texas 75229 . 214.353.5827 . www.esdallas.org

applicanT inForMaTion

laST naMe FirST naMe Mi preFerred naMe

STreeT addreSS ciTY STaTe zip code

home Telephone ( ) Male Female Birthdate / /

Social Security number - - candidate for Grade current Grade

applicanT’S FaMilY inForMaTion

parent one

laST naMe FirST naMe Mi

preferred name

relationship to applicant

STreeT addreSS

ciTY STaTe zip code

home Telephone ( )

cellular phone ( )

work Telephone ( )

email address



Stepparent name

applicant lives with

during the application process, we can only send correspondence to one address. if parents are divorced or separated, to

whom should admission correspondence be sent? Mother Father

applicanT’S cUrrenT School inForMaTion

principal/School head School naMe

School Telephone ( ) STreeT addreSS

number of Years attended ciTY STaTe zip code

parent Two

laST naMe FirST naMe Mi

preferred name

relationship to applicant

STreeT addreSS

ciTY STaTe zip code

home Telephone ( )

cellular phone ( )

work Telephone ( )

email address



Stepparent name

application information


DEaDliNE: JaNuaRy 18, 2013

Page 4: ESD€¦ · 1 Episcopal School of Dallas . 4100 Merrell Road . Dallas, Texas 75229 . 214.353.5827 . ESD admission application 2013-2014 Middle and Upper School GradeS Five – Twelve

Episcopal School of Dallas admits qualified students without regard to race, religion, or national origin.


perSonal inForMaTion (opTional)

Black/african american asian/asian american other

Multiracial american white/european american

latino/hispanic american First nation/native american

Middle eastern american pacific island/pacific island american

1. is the applicant a sibling of a currently enrolled eSd student? no Yes

if yes, please state name and current grade: laST naMe FirST naMe Mi cUrrenT Grade

2. did applicant’s mother or father graduate from eSd or attend the former St. Michael School through grades 4, 5 or 6?

Mother: Yes no Father: Yes no

name of alumnus/a class of 19 laST naMe FirST naMe Mi Maiden naMe

3. has the applicant applied to eSd previously? no Yes if yes, for which academic years:

4. religious preference (optional)

if episcopalian, please provide parish name

TUiTion aSSiSTance

are you interested in applying for tuition assistance? Yes no

Tuition assistance materials will be mailed to accepted candidates on March 22, 2013.

*application fee waivers are available to qualified families. all application and registration fees are non-refundable.

please contact the office of admission and Tuition assistance for more information.

conFidenTialiTY policY and acceSS waiveri acknowledge that i waive my right of access and that of my child to all confidential information in his or her application file. This includes, but is not limited to, teacher evaluation forms, letters of reference, assessment information and documentation such as interview findings and evaluations, eSd school visit evaluations, and any additional testing results.

i further understand and authorize that my child’s name, test scores, and other related information may be released and shared with schools participating in common testing.

i understand that withholding or misrepresenting information requested in this application will disqualify our application to eSd. The signature(s) below affirm that all of the information contained in this application is correct, complete and honestly presented.

parent or Guardian Signature date

parent or Guardian Signature date

please return application by January 18, 2013 to: epiScopal School oF dallaS 4100 Merrell rd. • dallas, TX 75229

Page 5: ESD€¦ · 1 Episcopal School of Dallas . 4100 Merrell Road . Dallas, Texas 75229 . 214.353.5827 . ESD admission application 2013-2014 Middle and Upper School GradeS Five – Twelve

5Episcopal School of Dallas . 4100 Merrell Road . Dallas, Texas 75229 . 214.353.5827 . www.esdallas.org

applicanTS For GradeS Five ThroUGh Twelve,

Thank you for your interest in eSd. please take a moment to fill out the following information and return it to the office of

admission, along with your application information Form and fee of $100. we will make every effort to use this information

to match you with an appropriate host during your visit. half-day visits must be completed no later than February 2, 2013;

however, we strongly encourage all visits/interviews to be scheduled as soon as possible. once we receive this form, we

will contact you to confirm the date and time of your visit or Saturday interview or after school interview.

applicanT’S inForMaTion

preFerred naMe laST naMe

parents’ names

Most reliable contact phone numbers

School currently attending

candidate for grade: Family email address:

interests, activities, hobbies (include clubs, music, art, drama, student organizations, journalism):

viSiT reqUeST

please indicate one of the following choices:

A) HAlf-DAY SHADow VISIt AnD IntErVIEw rEquESt (Tuesdays and Thursdays only)

Grades 5 - 6: Morning 7:50 - 12:30

afternoon 11:40 - 3:00

Grades 7 - 8: Morning 7:50 - 12:30

Grades 9 - 12: Morning 7:50 - 1:30

B) IntErVIEw onlY

Saturday, January 12, 2013 Morning (times will be scheduled in 30-minute intervals)

Saturday, January 26, 2013 Morning (times will be scheduled in 30-minute intervals)

after-school interview (to be scheduled on an as-needed basis)

school visit / interview information form

Page 6: ESD€¦ · 1 Episcopal School of Dallas . 4100 Merrell Road . Dallas, Texas 75229 . 214.353.5827 . ESD admission application 2013-2014 Middle and Upper School GradeS Five – Twelve

2013-2014GRaDES FivE ThRouGh TwElvE

Episcopal School of Dallas admits qualified students without regard to race, religion, or national origin.

6Episcopal School of Dallas . 4100 Merrell Road . Dallas, Texas 75229 . 214.353.5827 . www.esdallas.org

Please complete and return this form no later than January 18, 2013.

To The candidaTeplease complete this form without assistance. Thank you for the time and effort you will put forth in applying to eSd.

applicanT’S inForMaTion

laST naMe FirST naMe Mi preFerred naMe

candidate for grade School currently attending

please explain how you heard about eSd and why you would like to attend our school.

what do you think you do well, outside of school? how would you use this talent to contribute to student life at eSd?

candidate statement

Page 7: ESD€¦ · 1 Episcopal School of Dallas . 4100 Merrell Road . Dallas, Texas 75229 . 214.353.5827 . ESD admission application 2013-2014 Middle and Upper School GradeS Five – Twelve

Episcopal School of Dallas admits qualified students without regard to race, religion, or national origin.

7Episcopal School of Dallas . 4100 Merrell Road . Dallas, Texas 75229 . 214.353.5827 . www.esdallas.org

our goal during the admission process is to learn more about you. please take a moment to tell us something you would like for us to know (i.e. your goals, your family, a role model, a trip, a recent book or experience, etc.). Feel free to write about whatever is important to you. You may also submit an essay that you wrote for any of the dallas area iSaS school

applications. You may attach one additional sheet if necessary.


Page 8: ESD€¦ · 1 Episcopal School of Dallas . 4100 Merrell Road . Dallas, Texas 75229 . 214.353.5827 . ESD admission application 2013-2014 Middle and Upper School GradeS Five – Twelve

2013-2014GRaDES FivE ThRouGh TwElvE

Episcopal School of Dallas admits qualified students without regard to race, religion, or national origin.

8Episcopal School of Dallas . 4100 Merrell Road . Dallas, Texas 75229 . 214.353.5827 . www.esdallas.org

Please complete and return this form no later than January 18, 2013.

applicanT’S inForMaTion

laST naMe FirST naMe Mi preFerred naMe

candidate for grade School currently attending

please list your child’s school and the two previous schools attended, if applicable:

School: Years attended:

STreeT addreSS ciTY STaTe zip code

School: Years attended:

STreeT addreSS ciTY STaTe zip code

School: Years attended:

STreeT addreSS ciTY STaTe zip code

please comment on what you consider to be your child’s greatest strengths.

what factors contributed to the decision to apply to the episcopal School of dallas?

what are your child’s greatest areas of need and what steps have been taken to address these concerns (i.e. tutoring, academic support, etc.)?

has your child ever skipped or repeated a grade? no Yes if yes, what grade(s)?

parent statement

Page 9: ESD€¦ · 1 Episcopal School of Dallas . 4100 Merrell Road . Dallas, Texas 75229 . 214.353.5827 . ESD admission application 2013-2014 Middle and Upper School GradeS Five – Twelve

Episcopal School of Dallas admits qualified students without regard to race, religion, or national origin.

9Episcopal School of Dallas . 4100 Merrell Road . Dallas, Texas 75229 . 214.353.5827 . www.esdallas.org


please use the chart below to record any activities in which your son or daughter has participated in the last four years. activities may include athletics, creative or performing arts, community service, clubs or activities.

iSee TeST inForMaTion

please list the date your child will be taking the iSee exam:

SiBlinG inForMaTion

please list other children in family, including name, age and school.

name age School

name age School

name age School

we welcome any additional comments. if you wish, you may write additional comments on a separate piece of paper.

we feel a parent’s perspective of the applicant is quite valuable in getting to know the student.

parent or Guardian Signature date

please return this form to: epiScopal School oF dallaS office of admission 4100 Merrell rd. dallas, TX 75229

applicant extra-curricular / community service activity chart

no. ofYEArS

AVg. HrSpEr wEEk

Do You plAn to contInuE At ESD?DEScrIBE Your pArtIcIpAtIon

Page 10: ESD€¦ · 1 Episcopal School of Dallas . 4100 Merrell Road . Dallas, Texas 75229 . 214.353.5827 . ESD admission application 2013-2014 Middle and Upper School GradeS Five – Twelve

2013-2014GRaDES FivE ThRouGh TwElvE

Episcopal School of Dallas admits qualified students without regard to race, religion, or national origin.

10Episcopal School of Dallas . 4100 Merrell Road . Dallas, Texas 75229 . 214.353.5827 . www.esdallas.org

To The parenTafter completing the portion below, please forward this form to an official at your child’s current school (head of School, principal, director or registrar). Your child’s school should forward an official copy of his/her transcript, including first semester grades from the current school year, to the eSd office of admission prior to the January 18, 2013 deadline.

applicanT’S inForMaTion

laST naMe FirST naMe Mi

Birthdate / / candidate for grade current grade

i hereby authorize release of the materials requested below to the office of admission at the episcopal School of dallas.

parent’s or Guardian’s Signature date

To The head oF School, principal, direcTor or reGiSTrarThe student whose name appears above is applying for admission to the episcopal School of dallas for the 2013-14 academic year. when available, please send the following information to eSd prior to the January 18, 2013 deadline. For our records, please indicate below which of the items are being sent. if your school does not issue grades or comments, please send a letter acknowledging receipt of this form, noting that you do not issue grades.

Thank you for your assistance.

pleaSe aTTach:

current year-to-date grades, 1st semester or trimester grades are preferred

grade reports from the two previous grade levels

all standardized test scores

teacher evaluation forms

citizenship/conduct reports

school profile

explanation of grading system

Signature and Title of School official

please return this form and requested materials to: epiScopal School oF dallaS office of admission 4100 Merrell rd. dallas, TX 75229

records release form

Page 11: ESD€¦ · 1 Episcopal School of Dallas . 4100 Merrell Road . Dallas, Texas 75229 . 214.353.5827 . ESD admission application 2013-2014 Middle and Upper School GradeS Five – Twelve

Episcopal School of Dallas admits qualified students without regard to race, religion, or national origin.

11Episcopal School of Dallas . 4100 Merrell Road . Dallas, Texas 75229 . 214.353.5827 . www.esdallas.org

To The parenTplease submit this form to your child’s current teacher, allowing time for completion and return by January 18, 2013.

applicanT’S inForMaTion

laST naMe FirST naMe Mi

i waive my right of access and that of my child to this teacher evaluation form.

parent or Guardian Signature date

aTTendance record number of absences (year-to-date) number of tardies (year-to-date)

pleaSe SelecT FroM one oF The FollowinG recoMMendaTionS: highly recommend


recommend with reservations because

do not recommend because

common confidential englishteacher evaluation form


Knowledge of Basic Skills

oral communications

reading Skills

writing Skills

intellectual curiosity

ability to Grasp new concepts

response to Feedback/redirection

academic achievement

Future academic potential

pattern of completing work on Time

top 10%clASS



pErSonAl AttrIButES


attention Span


ability to work independently

ability to work in Groups

relationship with peers


emotional Maturity


Management of conflict/criticism

top 10%clASS



Page 12: ESD€¦ · 1 Episcopal School of Dallas . 4100 Merrell Road . Dallas, Texas 75229 . 214.353.5827 . ESD admission application 2013-2014 Middle and Upper School GradeS Five – Twelve

2013-2014GRaDES FivE ThRouGh TwElvE

Episcopal School of Dallas admits qualified students without regard to race, religion, or national origin.

12Episcopal School of Dallas . 4100 Merrell Road . Dallas, Texas 75229 . 214.353.5827 . www.esdallas.org

pleaSe checK The wordS ThaT BeST deScriBe ThiS applicanT:

anxious Cooperative Kind Manipulative Positive leader

articulate Shy honest Perfectionist Follower

assertive Social Distractible Motivated Self-Centered

Cheerful Disobedient independent Negative leader Self-Disciplined

Confident Easily Discouraged insightful irritable Conscientious

would you recommend this student for an honors course? no Yes

Please list applicant’s strengths:

Please list applicant’s weaknesses:

has outside help, enrichment, tutoring or testing been recommended? no Yes

if yes, please elaborate:

Parental expectations, support, and attitude toward applicant and school:

additional Comments (Please attach additional sheet, if needed):

Teacher Name School

Teacher Phone Number Teacher Email

Grade Taught Number of years Teaching Student

Page 13: ESD€¦ · 1 Episcopal School of Dallas . 4100 Merrell Road . Dallas, Texas 75229 . 214.353.5827 . ESD admission application 2013-2014 Middle and Upper School GradeS Five – Twelve

Episcopal School of Dallas admits qualified students without regard to race, religion, or national origin.

13Episcopal School of Dallas . 4100 Merrell Road . Dallas, Texas 75229 . 214.353.5827 . www.esdallas.org

To The parenTplease submit this form to your child’s current teacher, allowing time for completion and return by January 18, 2013.

applicanT’S inForMaTion

laST naMe FirST naMe Mi

i waive my right of access and that of my child to this teacher evaluation form.

parent or Guardian Signature date

aTTendance record number of absences (year-to-date) number of tardies (year-to-date)

pleaSe SelecT FroM one oF The FollowinG recoMMendaTionS: highly recommend


recommend with reservations because

do not recommend because

common confidential mathematicsteacher evaluation form


Knowledge of Basic Skills

oral communications

reading Skills

writing Skills

intellectual curiosity

ability to Grasp new concepts

response to Feedback/redirection

academic achievement

Future academic potential

pattern of completing work on Time

top 10%clASS



pErSonAl AttrIButES


attention Span


ability to work independently

ability to work in Groups

relationship with peers


emotional Maturity


Management of conflict/criticism

top 10%clASS



Page 14: ESD€¦ · 1 Episcopal School of Dallas . 4100 Merrell Road . Dallas, Texas 75229 . 214.353.5827 . ESD admission application 2013-2014 Middle and Upper School GradeS Five – Twelve

2013-2014GRaDES FivE ThRouGh TwElvE

Episcopal School of Dallas admits qualified students without regard to race, religion, or national origin.

14Episcopal School of Dallas . 4100 Merrell Road . Dallas, Texas 75229 . 214.353.5827 . www.esdallas.org

pleaSe checK The wordS ThaT BeST deScriBe ThiS applicanT:

anxious Cooperative Kind Manipulative Positive leader

articulate Shy honest Perfectionist Follower

assertive Social Distractible Motivated Self-Centered

Cheerful Disobedient independent Negative leader Self-Disciplined

Confident Easily Discouraged insightful irritable Conscientious

would you recommend this student for an honors course? no Yes

Please list applicant’s strengths:

Please list applicant’s weaknesses:

has outside help, enrichment, tutoring or testing been recommended? no Yes

if yes, please elaborate:

Parental expectations, support, and attitude toward applicant and school:

additional Comments (Please attach additional sheet, if needed):

Teacher Name School

Teacher Phone Number Teacher Email:

Grade Taught Number of years Teaching Student

Page 15: ESD€¦ · 1 Episcopal School of Dallas . 4100 Merrell Road . Dallas, Texas 75229 . 214.353.5827 . ESD admission application 2013-2014 Middle and Upper School GradeS Five – Twelve

Episcopal School of Dallas admits qualified students without regard to race, religion, or national origin.

15Episcopal School of Dallas . 4100 Merrell Road . Dallas, Texas 75229 . 214.353.5827 . www.esdallas.org

in an effort to help prospective families get to know the episcopal School of dallas, the office of admission hosts several

events each academic year. please review the options below and join us at one, or more, of our programs. we look forward

to introducing eSd to your family!

adMiSSion preview daY

when Saturday, december 1, 2012 9:30 am - 12:30 pm

where Susan M. Frank center for the arts and humanities at the Middle and Upper School, 4100 Merrell road.

whaT The admission preview day is an opportunity for applicants and their families to learn all about eSd.

The morning will provide an overview of the academic programs, athletics, fine arts, student life, the

wilderness program, classroom technology, admission processes and tuition assistance. Guests will hear

from a student panel and visit with teachers in the classroom. in addition, a rotation of two information

sessions will be presented throughout the morning.

inForMaTional ToUrS For parenTS

These student-led tours of the campus are designed with prospective parents in mind. please visit www.esdallas.org for

dates, additional information and to make a reservation.

reGiSTraTion inForMaTion

please make a reservation for the preview day and the Tours. You may register for eSd admission programs by calling or

emailing the eSd office of admission, 214-353-5827 or [email protected].

admission events

Page 16: ESD€¦ · 1 Episcopal School of Dallas . 4100 Merrell Road . Dallas, Texas 75229 . 214.353.5827 . ESD admission application 2013-2014 Middle and Upper School GradeS Five – Twelve

2013-2014GRaDES FivE ThRouGh TwElvE


applicaTion checKliST deadline

application information Form and fee of $100 January 18, 2013

candidate Statement January 18, 2013

parent Statement January 18, 2013

records release Form January 18, 2013

Math Teacher evaluation January 18, 2013

english Teacher evaluation January 18, 2013

School visit / Saturday/after school interview February 2, 2013

iSee testing February 2, 2013

adMiSSion deciSionS March 22, 2013

all applicants who adhere to the deadlines stated above will be mailed a notification letter on the date above.

all applications received after January 18, 2013 will be considered late and will be reviewed after March 23, 2013,

as spaces become available. The fee to process late applications is $125 for all grade levels.

Episcopal School of Dallas admits qualified students without regard to race, religion, or national origin.

admission checklist and important dates

Page 17: ESD€¦ · 1 Episcopal School of Dallas . 4100 Merrell Road . Dallas, Texas 75229 . 214.353.5827 . ESD admission application 2013-2014 Middle and Upper School GradeS Five – Twelve

Episcopal School of Dallas . 4100 Merrell Road . Dallas, Texas 75229 . 214.353.5827 . www.esdallas.org

oFFice oF adMiSSion conTacT inForMaTionMonday through Friday • 8:00 a.m - 4:00 p.m.

lower School inqUirieS 214-353-5738

Middle and Upper School inqUirieS 214-353-5827

FaX 214-353-5872

eSd operaTor 214-358-4368

ruth Burke, chief advancement officer ext. 5601

cindy newsom, associate director of admission, Grades 9 - 12 ext. 5944

Shelle Montgomery, assistant director of admission, Grades 5 - 8 and director of Tuition assistance ext. 5827

ashley Beck, assistant director of admission lower School ext. 5738

corey henderson, admission coordinator ext. 2503

ESD lower school middle and Upper schoolBeginner – 4th grade 5th – 12th grade4344 colgate ave. 4100 merrell rd.dallas, tX 75225 dallas, tX 75229

lBJ FreewaY (635)

walnUT hill lane

roYal lane

Merrell road


ForeST lane

norThweST hiGhwaY



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