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1 Intro & Review of DC Circuits

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  • 7/23/2019 1 Intro & Review of DC Circuits


    Phys 645/445 Electronics for

    ScientistsDr. Jamie Holder

    [email protected]


    mailto:[email protected]://www.physics.udel.edu/~jholderhttp://www.physics.udel.edu/~jholdermailto:[email protected]
  • 7/23/2019 1 Intro & Review of DC Circuits


    Lecture 1 Overview

    # $ntroductions

    # Sylla%us# &ourse description

    # 'e(ie! of simple D& circuits

  • 7/23/2019 1 Intro & Review of DC Circuits


    )ho am $*

    # &ourse $nstructor Dr. Jamie Holder# +ni(ersity of ,eeds- + Physics !ith strophysics

    # +ni(ersity of Durham- + 0amma1'ay stronomy

    # +ni(ersity of 2o3yo- Japan &0' project# +ni(ersity of Paris- rance &E,ES2E project

    # +ni(ersity of ,eeds- + 7E'$2S project

    # +ni(ersity of Dela!are- +S 7E'$2S project

  • 7/23/2019 1 Intro & Review of DC Circuits



    Situated at 1250m altitude at the Whipple Observatory near Tucson

    All four telescopes operational since March 2007

  • 7/23/2019 1 Intro & Review of DC Circuits



    se 12 meter diameter reflectors to detect !amma"rays #very hi!hener!y photons$ from astrophysical sources #Supernova remnants%active !ala&ies% blac' holes% neutron stars$

  • 7/23/2019 1 Intro & Review of DC Circuits



    Telescope ArraysTelescope Arrays

  • 7/23/2019 1 Intro & Review of DC Circuits


  • 7/23/2019 1 Intro & Review of DC Circuits


    0amma1ray stronomy

  • 7/23/2019 1 Intro & Review of DC Circuits


    )hat does any of this ha(e todo !ith electronics*

  • 7/23/2019 1 Intro & Review of DC Circuits


    )ho are you*

    6 0rad students- 8 seniors- 9 sophomore:ajors half Physics- half :echanical En;ineerin; s ,a!s &urrent ,a!- 7olta;e ,a!= D& circuit analysis Element com%ination- mesh and loop analysis

    # & circuit re(ie!= & components &apacitors and inductors in & circuits

    = & circuit analysis &omple? num%ers/ phasors# ilter circuits

    = ,-'-& &ircuits !ith a freuency dependent response

    # 2ransient circuit analysis= &ircuits !ith a time1dependent response

    # Semiconductor components non1linear elements= Diodes= 2ransistors

    # perational mplifiers= pplications ideal amps- mathematical operations- comparators

    = ,imitations real !orld considerations

  • 7/23/2019 1 Intro & Review of DC Circuits


    Syllabus: Digital

    # Di;ital &ircuits= )hy di;ital*= ,o;ic and Aoolean al;e%ra= &:S ;ates

    = Di;ital &ircuit desi;n and analysis arnau;h :aps# &om%inational ,o;ic= output depends on present inputs

    # Seuential ,o;ic= output depends on present and past inputs

    = inite state machines :ealy and :oore# )a(e Shapin;

    = Producin;- cleanin; and modifyin; Di;ital pulses

    # nalo; = Di;ital con(ersion# Pro;ramma%le lo;ic de(ices and P0s

  • 7/23/2019 1 Intro & Review of DC Circuits


    Reference materials

    # o one %oo3 co(ers the !hole course

    # 2e?t%oo3s are not reuired- %ut recommendeduseful te?ts include=

    D. Aarnaal- Bnalo; Electronics for Scientific pplicationC= '.E. Simpson- B$ntroductory Electronics for Scientists andEn;ineersC

    = Horo!it and Hill B2he rt of ElectronicsC

    # 'eference copies a(aila%le in the electronics la%

    # ,ecture notes a(aila%le on the !e% after the lecture

    # http//!!!.physics.udel.edu/"jholder/

  • 7/23/2019 1 Intro & Review of DC Circuits


    Course Structure# Lab 30%

    = )or3 in pairs

    = ,a% reports due one !ee3 after the la%= Pair reports accepta%le your choiceF= ,a%s must %e !ritten up on a computer and include

    # Introduction Ariefly descri%e !hy you are doin; this la%- and !hat o%jecti(es are.# Experiment Descri%e ho! you do the e?periment.# Results Present measured results# Analyses nalye the results and research the conclusions. Ha(e you achie(ed your

    o%jecti(es* Ho! accurate are your results- !hat are the error sources- ho! !ould youimpro(e the e?periment- etc. 2his is the most important part. Aad e?perimental data orresults do not mean you !ill ;et (ery %ad ;rade. $f you successfully point out !here you!ent !ron;- you may still ;et a ;ood ;rade.

    # Summary 2ell the readers a fe! may%e just oneF important findin;s from this e?periment.2ry to !rite in such a !ay that the reader !ill still learn a fe! thin;s e(en he just reads thissection of the report.

    # Weekly assignments 0%

    = (aila%le from my !e% pa;e usually on 2hursdayF= Due in class on the day indicated usually on 2hursdayF= Legiblehand!ritten solutions = Dra! circuits neatly. Sho! your !or3in;G

    # Lab pro!ect 0%# "id#term Exam $0%# inal Exam # 0%

  • 7/23/2019 1 Intro & Review of DC Circuits


    PreliminaryGrade scale

    0rade scale


    I 1

    K5I AL

    KI A

    65I A1

    6I &L

    55I &

    5I &145I DL

    4I D

  • 7/23/2019 1 Intro & Review of DC Circuits


    Good Lab Practice

    # EEP 2HE ,A 2$DM.

    # 'eturn components to their %o?es.

    # :a3e circuits neat

    # &hec3 circuit %efore turnin; po!er on# 'emo(e po!er %efore chan;in; circuit elements

    # Do not touch circuit !ith %are hands !hen thepo!er is on

    # :a3e sure the ;roundin; is ;ood

    # Do not short (olta;e sources or open currentsources

  • 7/23/2019 1 Intro & Review of DC Circuits


    Good Lab Practice

    ADG 0DG

  • 7/23/2019 1 Intro & Review of DC Circuits


    Simulate irst

    Simulation Soft!areElectronic )or3 Aench E)AFe?t !ee3Ns la%.

  • 7/23/2019 1 Intro & Review of DC Circuits


    Lab Organisation

    # ,a% Hours are 2uesday O )ednesday 9pm to 4pm-SH,96

    # irst ,a% on 2uesday 6thSept

    # 2 support a(aila%le Sajan umarF

    # 2he la%s are difficult- and time consumin;G $ e?pect= Prep !or3 = read the la%s in ad(ance.

    = $ndependent pro%lem sol(in;

    = 2ime mana;ement and o(ertime !hen necessaryF

    = ,a%s !ill %e open outside of usual hours %y reuest- %ut no 2

  • 7/23/2019 1 Intro & Review of DC Circuits


    Lab Organisation

    2uesday:atthe! Aihler

    0aura( PandeyPhilip Qandona

    Jin;lian; Qhan;



    )ednesdayJoseph Arosch

    Erin 0race

    li Jafri

    ,ei &hen

    Halise &eli3


    # eed e(en num%ers- and eual attendance
