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1 Key Action II New methods of Work and Electronic Commerce Costas Paleologos...

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1 Key Action II New methods of Work and Electronic Commerce Costas Paleologos ([email protected]) European Commission - DG Information Society Information Society Technologies Information Society Technologies


Key Action II

New methods of Work and

Electronic Commerce

Costas Paleologos([email protected])

European Commission - DG Information Society

Information Society TechnologiesInformation Society Technologies


Key Action II : Key Action II : New Methods of Work and New Methods of Work and Electronic CommerceElectronic Commerce

Mission Mission Support the development and adoption of novel

IST solutions and practices for the digital economy aimed at empowering:

individuals, whether as workers, entrepreneurs or consumers

enterprises, whether for profit or not.


Business in the Digital EconomyBusiness in the Digital Economy

Complex organisation/Simple jobs

Assets: TangibleVision: ‘Efficient organisations’Setting:

• Certainty, little change

• Tangible resources

• The law of scarcity

• Mass markets

• Simple products &


Complex jobs

/Simple organisationAssets: Tangible + intangibleVision: ‘Learning organisations’Setting:

• Uncertainty, highly dynamic• Intangible resources• The law of abundancy• Customer focus• Value-added products

& processes




KA II: At the heart of the KA II: At the heart of the Information SocietyInformation Society

• 170 pan-European projects in strategic areas New forms of work and businesses, new markets, trust and confidence.

• More than 1000 organisations

• Broad range of activities • From technological development (intelligent agents, interoperability and

middleware, criptography, …) • To policy shaping.

• One of the largest set of digital economy applications and take ups projects in the world

KA II is a success! Now is time to cluster and focus efforts and ensure impact.


Key Action II in 2001 Key Action II in 2001 The IST Workprogramme

Focus• Visionary long term/high risk research

• High impact take up activities (supportive of eEurope objectives)

Priorities• Novel architectures and solutions for interoperability,

scalability, customisability, multilinguality and dependability• No support for short term, incremental RTD efforts

Structure• 11 Action Lines (RTD, take up, and socio-economic analysis)• Open to international co-operation • High involvement in CPAs• Calls: January and June


Key Action II in 2001Key Action II in 2001

Knowledge Management

Socio-Economic Analysis

High -Impact Take -up & Dissemination

Mobile & Ubiquitous e-Work & e-Commerce

High -Risk/Long -Term Research

Large -Scale dDemonstrators

Trust in Information Infrastructures

Enhancing Security in Electronic Transactions

IntelligentWorkplaces for All

Smart Organisations

Dynamic Value Constellations

Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS)

IST Support MeasuresCross-Programme Actions


Knowledge management Knowledge management (II.1.2 )(II.1.2 )

• Platforms to manage the knowledge lifecycleintra- and inter-organisational

• Personalised provision and sharing of knowledge

• Organise and exploit information sources heterogeneous, unstructured

• knowledge sharing, collaboration and socialisationintra- and inter-organisational

RTD and Combined projects



Solutions and practices leveraging knowledgein smart organisations and communities of practice

Capture, organise, maintain, mine, share and trade

Timely, relevant, context-, task-, and role-sensitive

Ontologies, self-organisation, semantic cross-lingual search


Mobile and ubiquitous e-Work and e-Commerce (II.1.3)

Visionary, multidisciplinary RTD


• Work outside offices

• Integration (context-sensitive) of services and processes

• Intuitive and novel interactions between people, artefacts and services

RTD and Combined projects

Anywhere, anytime e-CommerceUser centred models, solutions and practices



• 3GM / wearables / wireless systems• Human factors, organisational behaviour, facilities mangte


Exploratory high risk/long term research Exploratory high risk/long term research (II.1.4)(II.1.4)

• Novel concepts relevant to KA II

• Important industrial, economic and/or societal benefits

• Interdisciplinary proposals: technological & business innovation

RTD and Combined projects



Explore visionary concepts with a high potential payoff

• Short assessment proposals (e.g. one year) • Full scale projects Exploitation plans (as relevant for longer-term, exploratory nature of the work)


Intelligent workplaces for all(II.2.1 )

• Participation in knowledge work Attractive easy to use workplaces

• Sustainable development. Novel work practices / Efficient use of resources

• Innovative shared e-Work facilities. Telecentres. Synergy with Regional Funds

RTD and Combined projects; Concerted Actions



Creative work environments and practices for all Support policy priorities of the Lisbon Summit and the eEurope Action Plan

Interdisciplinary projects (Technology + Human factors & social sciences)•Emerging technologies (wireless, multimodal, wearable)

+• Innovative office and workplace designs


Smart organisations Smart organisations (II.2.2 )(II.2.2 )

• Architectures, platforms and pre-standards for interoperability of enterprise applications

• Industrial co-operation and pre-standardisation support

• Interoperable solutions, models and methodologies to support co-operation, workflow management and planning across virtual organisations

RTD and Combined projects; AM; Thematic Networks



Towards the Smart Organisation A new generation of distributed and interoperable enterprise applications and services

knowledged-based, Internetworked, Dynamic


Dynamic value constellations Dynamic value constellations ((II.3.1 II.3.1 ))

• Dynamic creation of highly customised products and services

• E-Market mediation, Selection of partners, Negotiation, Auctioning, Contractual arrangements

• Full life cycle management of products and services across value constellations, Extended products, Alternative dispute resolution

RTD and Combined projects



Systems, technologies and models to support value constellations

Suppliers and consumers come together dynamically in response to new market opportunities


Trust in information infrastructures Trust in information infrastructures (II.4.1 )(II.4.1 )

• Trust and security technologies

• Scalability and interoperability of security mechanisms

• Assurance methods and techniques to guarantee security and quality of service

• Technologies to prevent, detect and react to attacks

• Tools and methods to model security policies for networked organisations

RTD and Combined projects



Enhance trust in information infrastructures to support e-Work and e-Commerce


Enhancing security in electronic transactions (II.4.2 )

Technologies for:

• Security audits and auditability (authenticity, non-repudiation, integrity, privacy and confidentiality)

• Privacy, confidentiality and integrity

• Secure transactions, management and trading of data, content and value

International forum on copyright management

RTD and Combined projects. Thematic Networks



Build trust in the use of information infrastructures securing electronic transactions and content, and enhancing privacy


Cross-Programme ActionsCross-Programme Actions

• Home environments• Multi-sensorial, multi-modal and multilingual interaction • GIS • Dependability• Smart cards• Next Generation Networking• Socio-economic impact and indicators• eLearning for youth in the digital age • Grid computing and challenging applications• Regional pilot actions and demonstrations for the new economy• Nanotechnology and applications in health, environment,..• Applications Service Provision

• Advanced Digital Signal Processing and applications


Regional and sectoral pilot actions and Regional and sectoral pilot actions and demonstrations for the digital economy demonstrations for the digital economy

(V.1.11 CPA11 )(V.1.11 CPA11 )

Pilots and demonstrations • Access of SMEs to the digital economy

Interaction with other companies, trade associations, public administrations, training and research centres, consumer and cultural organisations, content providers, etc.

• Public services in the digital agee-Democracy, health, culture, road transport and environment, e-communities, cross-border interactions

Support measures• Co-operation, benchmarking and best practices among regions• Information society strategies and initiatives

RTD and Combined projects; Best practice; AM



Novel IST solutions and practices as catalysts for broader adoption

•European added value•Mid to large scale projects•High support from the key regional players•Capable of leveraging additional funs for full deployment


KA IIKA IIFocus efforts to maximise impactFocus efforts to maximise impact

• Focus on strategic objectives

• Ensure impact

• Achieve critical mass

• Link to major on-going initiatives

• Influence the course of events

Clusters Driven by industry The path to future research initiatives


What proposals do we want to encourage?What proposals do we want to encourage?

Visionary scope

• 5 - 10 years from now, addressing real Information Society needs

Multiplier effect Benefits beyond project participants Technological, industrial, economic & societal impact Supporting standards & European policies

Key players • Consortia of appropriate size and composition involving

key European players


A Successful Proposal: A Successful Proposal: Apply Common senseApply Common sense

A Convincing Proposal

Balanced ConsortiumBalanced

ConsortiumClear Views

Participants’ Interest

Three Elements:


Participants’ InterestParticipants’ Interest

A proposal is in the participants’ interest

• Do not make a proposal if you do not see your interest

A proposal meets a need

• Organisation expertise

• Belong to the organisation strategy

A proposal fits the financial objectives

Community Contribution aloneis not a Legitimate Driver


Balanced ConsortiumBalanced Consortium

Partners should complement each others No token partners

European balance: beyond legal requirements, do not force European spread

Number of partners depends on the workplan Balance partners workload

Involve the right people from each partner


Clear ViewsClear Views

Read carefully the workplan

• Proposal should meet the call requirements

Make a candid description• Write simply what you want to do

• Avoid inflation of words and concepts

Have realistic expectations• Check your timeframe

• Have meaningful Deliverables

• Align the project cost with the work to do


A Convincing ProposalA Convincing Proposal

• Successful proposals are simple

• They are realistic

• They show proposers know what they want to do

Ask an outsider to assess your proposal Ask an outsider to assess your proposal


For further information ….For further information ….

IST helpdeskIST helpdeskFax : +32 2 296 83 88Fax : +32 2 296 83 88E-Mail : [email protected] : [email protected]


- Official Journal (call text)- Official Journal (call text) - Workprogramme- Workprogramme - Guide for Proposers- Guide for Proposers - Evaluation manual- Evaluation manual


For further information ….For further information ….

