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1 Module - 1 Chapter - Advertiser & Perspectives on Advertising

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  • 7/29/2019 1 Module - 1 Chapter - Advertiser & Perspectives on Advertising



    Chapter 1.1: Introduction

    The trade of advertising is now so near to perfection that it is not easy to

    propose any improvements.

    ---Samuel Johnson

    The competent advertising man must understand psychology. The more

    he knows about it the better. He must learn that certain effects lead to

    certain reactions & use that knowledge to increase results & avoid

    mistakes. Human nature is the same today as in the time of Caesar. So

    the principles of psychology are fixed & enduring. We learn, for

    instance, that curiosity is one of the strongest of human incentives.

    --- Claude Hopkins

    The field of advertising management is made up of a system of

    interacting organizations & institutions, all of which play a role in the

    advertising process. At the core of this system are advertisers, the

    organizations that provide the financial resources that support

    advertising. Advertisers are private or public sector that uses mass

    media to accomplish an organizational objective. It is the decision to

    invest resources in purchasing time or space in such mass media as TV,

    radio, newspapers or magazines that basically distinguishes advertisers

    from non-advertisers. Advertisers make use of mass media. Non-

    advertisers do not.

    ---An Introduction


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    Chapter 1.2: Introduction to Advertising

    Advertising is a paid form of non-personal communication.

    Advertising promotes ideas, goods & services of an identified

    sponsor. The main purpose of advertising is to create sales.

    The five important messages from the above definition are as


    1. Advertising is a paid form of communication. It is paid bec the

    advertiser has purchased time & space.

    2. It is non-personal in nature, bec it is not directed towards anindividual, i.e., no face-to-face presentation.

    3. Purpose of advertising is to promote ideas about products &


    4. Advertising is done to create interest in goods & services.

    5. Advertising is issued by an identified sponsor; advertising is done

    by the source.


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    Chapter 1.3: Brief History to Advertising

    History informs that advertising is about 5000 years old. There

    were 3 forms of advertisements before the print form came into


    1. Trade mark

    2. Town criers

    3. Signs

    Trade mark: Artisans & craftsmen placed their mark on thegoods to get identified with respect to the skill they possess. Even

    today, we can see this practice.

    Town criers: The town-criers are paid to go around streets of thetown & make announcements. This practice is followed even

    today in some parts of rural India. The announcers use the drums

    to do the job.

    Signs: In this method, the product name is displayed on a rockthro painting. People, who pass by, notice it. This type of outdoor

    advertising is common even today (wall paintings, shop painting).

    Handbill was the first printed form of advertisement across UK.

    The first ad in the USA was printed in Boston Newsletter.

    Presently, there are 3 professional bodies in India which represent

    the advertiser, the agency & the media. They are:

    1. Indian society of Advertisers ISA

    2. Indian Newspapers Society INS

    3. Advertising Agencies association of India AAAI


  • 7/29/2019 1 Module - 1 Chapter - Advertiser & Perspectives on Advertising



    Chapter 1.4: The Advertiser

    The advertiser is the core institution of the field of advertising

    management & expenditures of advertisers provide the basis for

    estimates of the size of the advertising industry.

    Most are small, private or non-profit organizations utilizing

    broadcast or print media on a local basis in the immediate region

    or metropolitan area in which they are located.

    Small & large-scale advertisers can be distinguished according to

    the degree to which they use the facilitating institutions. Private

    Citizens & many local small-scale advertisers, for ex, buy media

    time or space directly & do not use an ad agency.

    The typical large national advertisers will have one or more

    advertising agencies under contract & will buy numerous types of

    research services.

    Advertisers differ according to the markets they serve, the goods

    & services they produce & the media they use. In the private

    sector, advertisers can be distinguished according to whether they

    are predominantly consumer, industrial or retailadvertisers.

    In many instances, advertising management is done by a brand

    manager who is responsible for managing all marketing-related

    aspects of the brand.

    Consumer product manufacturers (non-durables) use TVs, radio

    while that of durable manufacturers use print media, as the

    products are technical & need time for going thro &

    understanding the ads. Print is also made use of retailers.


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    Non-profit organizations, such as schools, churches, hospitals &

    libraries are increasingly making use of local advertising.


    Chapter 1.5: Brand Manager

    The brand manager makes the advertising policy decisions &

    interacts with the ad agency. He is responsible for all marketing

    aspects of the brand & internally, draws upon the full range of

    line & staff resources of the organization.

    In recent years, however, some large client companies have moved

    away from traditional brand management organizational

    structures. Many companies that market multiple brands within

    the same product category have introduced a higher-level post of


    The brand manager role is particularly important in the study of

    advertising management.

    A product or a specific version of a product a brand is thus a

    major reference point for the study of advertising management.

    We use the term product o r object in a general sense

    throughout to refer to the reference point of advertising.

    It can be something tangible like a product, a service like

    insurance or even an idea like Just Say No in an anti-drug

    campaign. As noted, the organizational role most often used to

    identify the manager of day-to-day advertising operations in a

    great # of cases is that of the brand manager.


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    Chapter 1.6: Facilitating Institutions

    All advertisers, by definition, use some form of media to

    accomplish organizational objectives. Where significant amounts

    of media expenditures are involved, the advertiser will also use

    the services of an ad agency & one or more research suppliers.

    Together, these 3 types of institutions make up the primary

    facilitating institutions of advertising management.


    Advertiser Agency Media

    Research Suppliers

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    Much of the organizational dynamics of advertising management

    is best understood by observing the role of the facilitating

    institutions in relation to the advertiser, as shown in the figure



    Chapter 1.7: Facilitating Institutions (Contd)

    First, note that the ad agency is represented in a position

    between the advertiser & the media. A major role of the ad

    agency is the purchase of media time & space. The agency, on one

    hand, is interacting with the advertiser, & on the other hand, with

    one or more media organizations.

    Second, note the role of research. Most large firms, at each of the

    levels of the advertiser, agency & the media, will have their own

    internal research departments & will each will also be purchasing

    research data externally from some outside research supplier.

    The research output to the system is a vital aspect on which many

    of the formal models, theories & decision aids are based.

    Another aspect from the figure is that a typical ad campaign

    evolves from the activities of a project or a planning group

    composed of representatives of the advertiser, the agency & one

    or more research suppliers.

    Basically, many meetings of this group will take place over the

    course of campaign development. Oral presentations of creative

    ideas & media plans will be made by the agency reps.


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    Similarly, research suppliers will make oral presentations on the

    results of a consumer survey, a copy test & so on. Much written &

    telephone communication also takes place during this process.


    Chapter 1.8: The Ad Agency/the Media/Research Suppliers

    A unique aspect of advertising is the advertising agency, which, in

    most cases, makes the creative & media decisions. It also often

    supplies supportive market research & is even involved in the

    total marketing plan. The fixed-commission method of

    compensation is still the one used most often in the ad agency line.The basic compensation for most agencies is a fixed 15%, which

    they receive from the media in which the ads are placed.

    On non-commissionable (non-media) services ( such as

    preparing brochures & collateral materials), an agency usually

    marks up the suppliers invoice cost by 17.65% so that it still

    keeps 15% of the total cost to the client company (of $ 85, a cut of

    17.65% results in the agency getting its original 15%


    Media developments have dramatically influenced the thrust of

    advertising thro the years. The largest media category has been

    newspapers. The newspaper is really the domain of the local


    Next the radio has emerged as an exciting ad-tool. In the 1960s,

    radio started to make a comeback, finding a useful niche for itself

    by providing entertainment, news & companionship particularly

    for those in a car.

    TV, delayed by the World War, began in 1940s. The advent of

    cable TV, pay TV, video recorders & videodiscs promises to bring

    to TV same level of special audiences that magazines now deliver.


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    Various types of sales promotions can also be considered by the

    advertiser & represent yet another kind of media.

    The final type of facilitating institution is made up of companies

    that supply research services to advertisers, ad agencies & themedia. There are many research agencies that supply all kinds of

    research information for ad-planning purposes & for specific

    decisions, such as copy & media decisions.


    Chapter 1.9: Perspectives on Advertising

    In addition to handbooks & historical perspectives, advertising

    has been approached thro a variety of paths & tradition. Several

    books with an economic perspective were published in the 1920s.Critics argued that advertising inhibits competition. The evolution

    of advertising as an economic force in society has continued to

    receive attention over the years.

    The writings of sociologists, religious leaders, philosophers &

    politicians are also extensive, many reflecting critical views of


    Another approach to advertising, descriptive in nature, typifiesthe introductory texts covering the principles of advertising that

    have appeared from the early 1900s to present. They describe

    such institutions of advertising as ad agencies & the various

    media, often from a historic perspective.

    Since 1913, there has been a steady stream of books firmly tied to

    the behavioral discipline. This approach is largely concerned with

    the analysis of the communication process, using behavioral

    science theory & empirical findings.

    The research tradition in advertising parallels the development of

    the various media research services. It has also done much to

    motivate academic work on basic advertising research & studies

    of advertising effectiveness.


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    The managerial tradition is really more recent in origin. Here, the

    nature & role of advertising institutions & advertising techniques

    tended to be the points of emphasis.

    Still another approach to advertising, even more recent in origin,is the model-building perspective originating from the fields of

    OR & Statistics. Although it had early predecessors, it really

    began in the late 1950s with the development of decision models

    concerned with allocating the media budget.


    Chapter 1.10: Benefits of Advertising

    Benefits to the advertiser:

    1. An advertiser is able to establish a link bet the consumer &

    himself thro ads.

    2. It enables manufacturers introduce new products/services.

    3. Ads help the manufacturer keep the consumers well-informed.

    4. It helps in brand building exercise.

    5. It helps in product adoption process.

    Benefits to the consumers:

    1. Acts as a guide in choosing the product.

    2. It saves time.

    3. Many products & services contribute to customer welfare.


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    4. Provides necessary information with regard to availability &

    price of the product.


    Chapter 1.11: Role of Advertising

    Communication with the consumers: Advertising is a majorway of establishing communication bet the firm & the consumer.Advertising acts as a reminder to the existing consumers &

    attracts new consumers. Ads act as an effective communication

    vehicle with the target audience.

    Persuasion: Ads attempt to persuade the buyers.

    Catalyst for change: Create ads lead to the change in perceptionof the consumer. Ads induce the consumer to change the brand.

    Contribution to economic growth: Ads help in developingnewer market segments. These developments result in more

    demand, more production, more income & employment

    opportunities. Therefore, ads are potential weapons to improve

    the economic growth of the country.

    Need for non-commercial ads (NCA): The non-commercialads are mainly done in the public interest: Indian Cancer Society

    campaigns with respect to How to prevent cancer. Advertisingfor a social cause is a part of non-commercial advertisements.

    Normally NCAs are released in the press, cinemas & outdoor

    events. Many business organizations support this type of ads &

    fund them in a big way.


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    The social cause may be to collect funds for a particular activity.

    Advertising is a very effective method of communicating to the

    public with regard to the purpose for which it is advertised such


    Children immunization against polio

    Anti-dowry campaigns


    Chapter 1.12: Functions of Advertising

    There are 3 basic functions of advertising:

    1. Social function

    2. Psychological function

    3. Economic function

    Social function: Consumer protection is achieved by educating

    thro ads. Ads help solve social causes, such as fighting chronic

    diseases etc.,

    Psychological function: Ads appeal to psychological motives of

    human being such as soft drink companies ads trying to meet the

    psychological needs of the consumers like thirst.

    Economic function (value/price equation conveyed to customers):

    Brings attitudinal change in the customer to make him buy

    products offered by the firm.


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    It helps sales in an indirect manner.

    It establishes a rapport with the customer.


    Chapter 1.13: Types of Advertisement

    Types of advertisement focus on:

    Target group

    Type of impact required

    Geographical area

    Target group: Following are the types of advertising:

    Consumer advertising (includes surrogate indirect -


    Industrial advertising (to ensure consumers ask for their

    product Exide)

    Trade advertising (retailers/wholesalers)

    Non-profit advertising (polio ads)

    Geographic area:

    National advertising: There are firms which advertise across

    the nation. It encourages customers to buy their products

    wherever they are sold. Most national ads concentrate on

    the overall image.


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    Local advertising: This is generally done by retailers &

    wholesalers. This is practiced to give a specific location

    where the promo is being undertaken.

    Global advertising: This is resorted to by companies, whichare globally present, such as IBM, Intel, Compaq etc., IBM

    advertises Men should think; machines should work This

    highlights the company or the technology with which it is


    MODULE 1: FIELD OF ADVERTISING MANAGEMENTChapter 1.14: Advertising & Marketing Mix

    Advertising & Product: When a firm develops a product, it isnecessary to keep the bundle of benefits expected by the target

    segment. The classification of its product is important in defining

    the marketing mix. There are several ways of classifying the

    product, like buyers, use, usage etc.,

    Advertisement & Place: For distribution of the product, 2 basicmethods are employed: direct & indirect. The role of

    advertisement depends on the variety of distribution carried out:

    (a) Intensive distribution soft drinks, (b) Selective distribution

    cooperative ads & (c) Exclusive distribution company


    Advertising & Promotion: Promotion relates to thecommunication bet seller & buyer. Promotion mix constitutes

    personal selling, advertising, sales promos, PR etc.,


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    Advertising & Price: Price influences advertising. It isimportant to know how prices determine a product. Factors such

    as competition, demand, cost of promotion, distribution have its

    bearing on price.


    Chapter 1.15: Influence of Pricing Strategy on Advertising

    Skimming strategy: Assume you are the only firm selling a

    product. Till it faces competition, you can keep a high price &

    skim the market. The ad released for the product will feature

    convenience as the key to promote the same.

    Penetration pricing: To penetrate the market & to boost the sale,

    penetration pricing low price -- is adopted. Once the product is

    stabilized, the prices will increase. Therefore, initial ads may

    emphasize low prices, while subsequent ads promote the product

    quality, service, choice & location advantages.

    Comparative pricing: You run ads for audio & video equipments.

    You can show the regular offer with special package. By

    comparing the two, the customer gets the impression that thestore offers discount prices on everything.

    Competitive pricing: The ads will show wide range of products

    with price of each item in bold format. Example like Big bazaar is

    one such type.


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    Promotional pricing: Promotion drive could clear the old stock at

    the cost of a new product. Buy 1 , take 2 is one such type. Most

    consumer durable companies follow this during the festive time.

    Prestige pricing: In this method, the retailer of AV equipmentdoes not compete with prices. He may like to offer finest

    equipment, best service & very good ambience. In this case, the ad

    will not mention the price. The retailers want only those

    customers who could pay higher prices in exchange for quality &

    better services.


    Chapter 1.16: Influence of PLC on Advertising

    All products pass thro # of stages such as introduction,

    growth, maturity & decline. The entire cycle thro which

    a product goes thro is called PLC. The extent at each

    stage in PLC is conditioned by factors like:

    1. Benefit derived over competitive products

    2. How much of consumer needs does the product fulfill

    3. Substitute product availability

    4. Change in taste, preference & lifestyle

    Similarly, when a strategy is developed, some questions

    need to be answered:

    1. What is the product worth in the eyes of the consumer?


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    2. What need does the product satisfies the customer?

    Lifecycle model of advertising has 3 stages:

    1. Pioneering stage

    2. Competitive stage

    3. Retentive stage


    Chapter 1.17: Ad PLC: Pioneering Stage

    Manufacturer often thinks to introduce new products or modify

    the products, customers to attract. Many times consumers may

    not even bother bec they dont feel the need of it. Unless

    consumer recognizes the need, they wont buy. This stage of

    product is calledpioneering stage.

    Advertising mode in the pioneering stage must impress that this is

    an improved product. What was once thought to be a product

    with limitation has been overcome. Advertising at pioneering

    stage should not just present the product but must suggest any of

    the following:

    New usage & Habit change

    In this stage, the pioneer advertiser spends money to educate the

    public regarding the advantage of new product. Advertiser at

    pioneering stage risks more bec if the ad is successful, will jump

    into the fray.

    Whether to pioneer the advertisement or wait for others to

    advertise will depend on his being the leader or not. If he is a

    leader, people will remember him very well. Ex: Despite several

    insurance companies, LIC still scores over others.


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    In simple terms, pioneering advertisement is done:

    To educate consumers about the product/service

    To convey the message that the new product meets theneed

    Some unmet needs get fulfilled

    In the pioneering stage, the consumer asks:

    What the product will give him?

    Is the change significant?

    Consumer acceptance will take a long time.


    Chapter 1.18: Ad PLC: Competitive Stage

    When pioneering product gets customer acceptance, more people

    will enter leading to acute competition.

    The consumer knows the benefit from the product. The question

    before him is which brand to buy?

    When this happens, we say that the product has reached the

    competitive stage & advertising done so is called competitive


    Generally speaking, the pioneer will have the advantage of



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    There are many products of daily use which compete heavily, like

    toothpaste, cosmetics, food items etc.,

    The purpose of competitive advertising is to communicate the

    product difference to the consumer.

    It shows the unique product features.

    These ads wont advocate the customer to use them but tell him

    why they should select a particular brand?


    Chapter 1.19: Ad PLC: Retentive Stage

    This is at the maturity stage of a product. Reminder advertising

    will find useful at this stage. When a product is accepted, the likes

    or dislikes of product is known, then, why should they advertise?

    The main objective of advertising is to hold on to those customers,

    as there is a tendency among consumers to forget the product if it

    is not advertised & reminded to them. The ad reminds them that

    the brand still exists.

    This type of advertisement banks on high visual content and the

    name of the brand being emphasized. The ad uses very few words.The body copy will be missing bec consumers dont need this


    Very few companies can think of reaching a point where their

    product has reached the reminder stage. Usually, there will be

    products of other companies challenging the leadership position.


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    The aim of reminder advertising is to prevent the customer from

    moving on to other products/defect. Products in the retentive

    stage are the most profitable since the development cost is already

    recovered. Channel of distribution is established & the customerbase is steadied.

    Advertising now is matter of routine nature. Companies prefer to

    have their products as long as possible in retentive stage.

    Retentive stage is the critical moment in the PLC, when important

    decisions are taken by the management.

    Here, the company manages to maintain market share. Products

    in the retentive stage need not cut marketing & promotion

    strategies than pioneering or competitive stages.


    Chapter 1.20: Ad Spiral





    New New NewRetentive Competitive Pioneering


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    The bottom half of the ad spiral needs absolute creativity.

    New pioneering stage: This stage attempts to make more people

    use the product in 2 ways: the 1st

    method is by productmodification. This is relatively minor, which involves changing the

    shape, color, flavor, packaging, ingredients etc., this can be seen in

    ice creams, chocolates, and shampoos.

    In the 2nd method, there is a complete change of product such as

    model in a car, a/cs, fridge etc. Sometimes advertising alone may

    drive new consumers to the product. Archie cards started off as

    wedding anniversary & birthday cards but graduated into other



    Chapter 1.21: Ad Spiral Beyond New Pioneering Stage

    At this point, advertising may enter another cycle called new or

    pioneering stage and it may ask more people to use the product.

    The biggest challenge at this stage is How to make the non-user

    use the product. To do this effectively, we should know Why

    people were not using our product earlier? Pepsi & Coke came out

    with Diet Pepsi, Diet Coke at new pioneering stage.

    The focus of advertising in the new competitive stage is to get to

    more people buy the brand. Saffola cooking oil moved fromretentive to new pioneering with an advertising position rather

    than to product adoption.

    It was positioned as low cholesterol cooking oil. The product took

    advantage with more people joining the health-conscious segment,

    by promoting the product qualities.


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    New pioneeringcan be the result of reworking of original product

    or even a line extension with a new formula. Ex: Clinic Plus. This

    is related to original product clinic All Clear. Some of the phrases

    used in new pioneering stage ads are Newly introduced, Micro-cleaning quality, Advanced new formula etc.,

    It is not easy for a product manufacturer to move from new

    pioneering to competitive or retentive stage. Either he must go for

    product innovation or practice positioning strategies & make the

    product look different in the eyes of the customer.

    As the product moves into new stage, # of prospects will decrease.

    It is also true that the product entering additional stages does not

    return to the point from where it started.


    Chapter 1.22: Significance of Advertising in Marketing

    Importance of advertising:

    Advertisement creates an

    awareness of product & services.

    Advertising acts as a

    promotion tool in marketing. Advertising provides support

    to sales.

    Advertising contributes for

    strong customer base.


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    Advertisements influence to

    achieve market leadership.

    Advertisement action process --- a cycle:

    The manufacturer gives the

    advertising segment to an ad agency.

    Design & preparation of

    effective campaign content & selection of media.

    Preparation of suitable ad to

    reach the target group thro various sections of the


    Persuade the target group

    toward point of purchase.

    Payment realization (monitory

    commitment of the ad).


    Chapter 1.23: Advertisement in Action

    A product idea has to be conceivedand manufactured. It must

    be put to use to meet the customer needs from the time of concept

    to get acquainted with the product, thro 3 stages:


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    Stage1: From a product idea, new product is made ready. At this

    stage, first advertisement tells the customers: (we should

    remember the customer still uses the old product)

    How the new product is different in features? What are the advantages in buying the new


    Ex:Roll over from pagers to mobile phones.

    Stage 2: By now, the usefulness & benefit of the product is known

    with competitive market the producers still fight to establish. Ads

    at this stage would try to establish on the ground, Why customer

    should prefer this product?

    Ex: Gradual switching on to mobile phone from pager & landline


    Stage 3: Now the product is established. Customers are convinced.

    Affordability in terms of price is established. The role of

    advertisement at this stage would be to snatch the share from


    Ex:Many mobile phone companies compete to get market share.


    Chapter 1.24: Summary

    Advertisement is an integral part of the marketing



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    Appropriate message is a communication intended to

    make the customer act in a desired or pre-determined


    There are several formulae thro which the customer is

    lured to buy products.

    Ads benefit the marketer as well as the consumers.

    There are several impacts of advertising such as the

    impact on the product, price, promotion, competition,

    consumer preference, value addition etc.,

    Advertising also spans over social, psychological,

    economic functions.

    There are several types of advertisements each havingunique features.

    The elements of marketing mix must be integrated with

    advertising decision to achieve the desired goals.

    Life cycle model in advertising allows the product pass

    thro various stages of advertising spiral as a

    management tool.

    Advertising makes the consumer pass thro several

    stages. Advertiser uses several strategies such as pull or push

    depending on the circumstances.
