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(1 of 2) Aseel Al-twaijer...Fibrocystic changes •The most common breast abnormality seen in...

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Diseases of the breast (1 of 2)
Page 1: (1 of 2) Aseel Al-twaijer...Fibrocystic changes •The most common breast abnormality seen in premenopausal women •Most likely a consequence of the cyclic breast changes that occur

Diseases of the breast (1 of 2)

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Aseel Al-twaijer
Page 2: (1 of 2) Aseel Al-twaijer...Fibrocystic changes •The most common breast abnormality seen in premenopausal women •Most likely a consequence of the cyclic breast changes that occur


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Unmarked set by ASEEL.J.T
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micro anatomy of the breast : lactiferous ducts open to the nipple each lactiferous duct gives a lobe now every duct give rise to smaller branches we call them interlobular ducts or terminal ducts each interlobular duct gives lobule inside each lobule there's ductule or tubule or intralobular ducts ductule + interlobular duct = terminal duct lobular unit ....remember that most commonly cancer arise from here also benign lesions like fibrocystic changes and hyperplasia mainly . large ducts: mainly arise mammary duct ectazia and squamous metaplasia of lactiferous duct(zuska disease)
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lactiferous ducts
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Polygonal Line
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terminal duct lobular unit
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terminal duct(interlobular duct)
Page 3: (1 of 2) Aseel Al-twaijer...Fibrocystic changes •The most common breast abnormality seen in premenopausal women •Most likely a consequence of the cyclic breast changes that occur

A histology introduction Normal ducts and lobules of the breast are lined by two layers of cells—a layer of luminal cells overlying a second layer of myoepithelial cells

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intra lobular stroma
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inside lobule: intralobular stroma between tubule is loose connective tissue (appears light microscopically and a little bluish anything appears blue on microscope we call it mexoid !! (not sure about the spelling) )
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interlobular stroma is dense connective tissue. eosinophilic and contain fibroblast and blood vessels .
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to the inside .....cuboidal cells
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to the outside have contractile properties .....resemble basal cells in prostate
Page 4: (1 of 2) Aseel Al-twaijer...Fibrocystic changes •The most common breast abnormality seen in premenopausal women •Most likely a consequence of the cyclic breast changes that occur

Fibrocystic changes

• The most common breast abnormality seen in premenopausal women

• Most likely a consequence of the cyclic breast changes that occur normally in the menstrual cycle…but not associated with OCPs

• Composed of nonproliferative and proliferative changes

-fibrosis -cysts…due to dilation of ducts

-epithelial hyperplasia…more than two luminal cell layers …typical or atypical hyperplasia -sclerosing adenosis

the most common type of fibrocystic lesions

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not tumor but like some tumors make illdefined lesions
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also myoepithelial cells may increase
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two types :
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Page 5: (1 of 2) Aseel Al-twaijer...Fibrocystic changes •The most common breast abnormality seen in premenopausal women •Most likely a consequence of the cyclic breast changes that occur

Nonproliferative changes, morphology

• Usually multifocal and often bilateral

• Ill-defined, diffusely increased densities and discrete nodularities on mammography

• Unopened, they are brown to blue (blue dome cysts) and are filled with watery, turbid fluid

• The secretions within the cysts may calcify, producing microcalcifications on mammograms

• Histologically: an epithelial lining that in larger cysts may be flattened or even totally atrophic

…frequently, the lining cells are large and polygonal with abundant granular, eosinophilic

cytoplasm and small, round, deeply chromatic nuclei. Such morphology is called apocrine


…A stromal lymphocytic infiltrate is common

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fibrosis in some areas and other areas sclerosis but doesn't form lumbs (tumor)
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maybe due to congestion of surrounding vessles or from the material inside them
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microcalcification is one the most important characteristics of DCIS( in situ) but it's not specific means that microcalcification may occur with other diseases like in fibrocystic changes .
Page 6: (1 of 2) Aseel Al-twaijer...Fibrocystic changes •The most common breast abnormality seen in premenopausal women •Most likely a consequence of the cyclic breast changes that occur

Proliferative changes, morphology

• Coexisting fibrous or cystic changes are usually present

• The ducts, ductules, or lobules may be filled with orderly cuboidal cells within which small gland patterns (called fenestrations) can be seen

• Sometimes, the proliferating epithelium projects as multiple small papillary excrescences into the ductal lumen (ductal papillomatosis)

• Occasionally, hyperplasia produces microcalcifications on mammography

• There is also atypical ductal hyperplasia (resembles ductal carcinoma in situ) and another lesion called: atypical lobular hyperplasia (resembles lobular carcinoma in situ

Both atypical ductal and atypical lobular hyperplasia are associated with an increased risk of invasive carcinoma

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epithelial changes: **hyperplasia : increased number of epithelial cells either : 1-ductal hyperplasia: inside terminal duct enlarged and filled with cuboidal cells with small glandular patterns (psudoglandular spaces )called fenestrations can be seen. 2- lobular hyperplasia : tubules inside the lobule are filled with cells so the whole lobule is enlarged
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papillary projections with fibrovascular coarse
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both are precancerous lesions
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to compare between the atypical ductal hyperplasia and DCIS ; 1- the fenestrations are irregular in the atypical ductal hyperplasia ...while in DCIS are regular all around the duct 2- no cell polarity in the atypical ductal hyperplasia ....while in DCIS cells are monotonus ..nuclei and cells in the same directions.
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florid hyperplasia
Page 7: (1 of 2) Aseel Al-twaijer...Fibrocystic changes •The most common breast abnormality seen in premenopausal women •Most likely a consequence of the cyclic breast changes that occur

Proliferative changes, sclerosing adenosis

• less common than cysts and hyperplasia

• Significant because its clinical and morphologic features may mimic those of carcinoma

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agressive fibrosis between glands
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benign proliferation of glands
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one of the characteristics of cancer is desmoplasia : exaggerated stromal reaction around cancer glands like fibrosis so to not be confused between them we make immune stain to show the myoepithelial layer(it's present in sclerosing adenosis)
Page 8: (1 of 2) Aseel Al-twaijer...Fibrocystic changes •The most common breast abnormality seen in premenopausal women •Most likely a consequence of the cyclic breast changes that occur

Relationship of fibrocystic changes to breast carcinoma

*Bilaterality & multifocality of proliferative epithelial changes and related cancers are common

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with or without atypia
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Proliferative fibrocystic changes usually are bilateral and multifocal and are associated with increased risk of subsequent carcinoma in both breasts.
Page 9: (1 of 2) Aseel Al-twaijer...Fibrocystic changes •The most common breast abnormality seen in premenopausal women •Most likely a consequence of the cyclic breast changes that occur


• The most common benign neoplasm of the female breast

• Typically appear in young women with a peak incidence in the third decade of life

• A biphasic tumor composed of fibroblastic stroma and epithelium-lined glands

…only the stromal cells are clonal and truly neoplastic

• Usually manifest as solitary, discrete, mobile masses

• There is a role of estrogen:

…fibroadenomas may enlarge late in the menstrual cycle and during pregnancy

…after menopause, they may regress and calcify

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mainly the neoplastic component is the stroma although there's a lot of glands but the true neoplasm is in the stroma (intralobular stroma)
if irregular , hard immobile we are afraid of malignancy with the presence of exceptions : some cancer are mobile and well-circumscribed and vise versa : some fibrocystic changes maybe irregular lesions
Page 10: (1 of 2) Aseel Al-twaijer...Fibrocystic changes •The most common breast abnormality seen in premenopausal women •Most likely a consequence of the cyclic breast changes that occur

Fibroadenoma, morphology

• Discrete masses, 1 cm to 10 cm in diameter and of firm consistency

• Cut section shows a uniform tan-white color, punctuated by softer yellow-pink specks representing the glandular areas

• Histologically: …loose fibroblastic stroma containing duct-like, epithelium-lined spaces of various shapes and sizes …as in normal breast tissue, these glandular spaces are lined by luminal and myoepithelial cells with a well-defined, intact basement membrane

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not hard
Page 11: (1 of 2) Aseel Al-twaijer...Fibrocystic changes •The most common breast abnormality seen in premenopausal women •Most likely a consequence of the cyclic breast changes that occur

Fibroadenoma, morphology…cont’d

Page 12: (1 of 2) Aseel Al-twaijer...Fibrocystic changes •The most common breast abnormality seen in premenopausal women •Most likely a consequence of the cyclic breast changes that occur

Phyllodes tumor

• Biphasic, being composed of neoplastic stromal cells and epithelium-lined glands

• The stromal element of these tumors is more cellular and abundant, often forming epithelium-lined leaflike projections (phyllodes is Greek for “leaflike”)

• Much less common than fibroadenomas

• Can be benign, borderline or malignant …but mostly benign

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Arise from intralobular stroma
Page 13: (1 of 2) Aseel Al-twaijer...Fibrocystic changes •The most common breast abnormality seen in premenopausal women •Most likely a consequence of the cyclic breast changes that occur

Phyllodes tumor, cont’d

• Features suggestive of malignancy: -Increased stromal cellularity -Anaplasia -High mitotic activity -Rapid increase in size -Infiltrative margins

• Benign phyllodes is well-localized and is removed by excision

• Malignant lesions may recur, but they also tend to remain localized

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in stromal cells
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recurrance is more than metastasis but it may metastasize
Page 14: (1 of 2) Aseel Al-twaijer...Fibrocystic changes •The most common breast abnormality seen in premenopausal women •Most likely a consequence of the cyclic breast changes that occur

Intraductal papilloma • A benign neoplastic papillary growth

• It is most often seen in premenopausal women

• Typically solitary and found within the principal lactiferous ducts or sinuses

• On histologic examination: …they are composed of multiple papillae, each having a connective tissue core covered by epithelial cells that are double-layered, with an outer luminal layer overlying a myoepithelial layer …The presence of a double-layered epithelium helps to distinguish intraductal papilloma from intraductal papillary carcinoma, which can present with clinical features similar to benign papilloma


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may occur in cancer and maybe in fibrocystic changes
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Arise : 1- small parts from intraductal papilloma may arise from terminal duct lobular unit 2- bigger papillomas arise from lactiferous ducts.
Page 15: (1 of 2) Aseel Al-twaijer...Fibrocystic changes •The most common breast abnormality seen in premenopausal women •Most likely a consequence of the cyclic breast changes that occur

Acute mastitis

• Bacteria, usually Staphylococcus aureus, gain access to the breast tissue through the ducts

• The vast majority of cases arise during the early weeks of nursing, when the skin of the nipple is vulnerable to the development of fissures

• Clinically, staphylococcal infections induce typical acute inflammatory changes, which can progress to form single or multiple abscesses

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or any skin erosin or wounds with poor hygiene the bacteria may gain access to the breast
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Mammary duct ectasia

• A nonbacterial chronic inflammation of the breast associated with inspissation of breast secretions in the main excretory ducts

• Ductal dilation and eventual rupture leads to reactive changes in the surrounding tissue that may present as a poorly defined periareolar mass with nipple retraction, mimicking the changes caused by some cancers

• It is an uncommon condition usually encountered in parous women between 40 and 60 years of age

• Periductal lymphoplasmacytic inflammation is the most distinguishing feature microscopically

expansion of ducts
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lactiferous duct
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collection of secretions cause expansion of ducts and subseqent rupture and inflammation around it (no infection)
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who gave birth before in their life
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ectasia is not enough to tell that the patient has mammary duct ectasia we must see chronic inflammation and specially plasma cells.
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Fat necrosis

• Uncommon, innocuous lesion that is significant only because it often produces a mass…may be very similar to cancer clinically and radiologically

…as a painless palpable mass, skin thickening or retraction, or

mammographic densities or calcifications

• Most women with this condition report some antecedent trauma to the breast

Page 18: (1 of 2) Aseel Al-twaijer...Fibrocystic changes •The most common breast abnormality seen in premenopausal women •Most likely a consequence of the cyclic breast changes that occur

Fat necrosis, morphology

• During the early stage of traumatic fat necrosis, the lesion is small, often tender, rarely more than 2 cm in diameter, and sharply localized

• Eventually is replaced by scar tissue or a cyst consisting of necrotic debris

• Calcifications may develop in either the scar or the cyst wall

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Squamous Metaplasia of Lactiferous Ducts (Zuska disease)

• Painful erythematous subareolar mass that clinically appears to be a bacterial abscess…women and sometimes, men

• More than 90% of the afflicted are smokers

• Squamous metaplasia causes keratin plugging in the ducts, followed by rupture and superimposed infection…recurrent subareolar abscesses

• With recurrence, a fistula tract opens into the edge of the areola

as a reactive change due to recurrent keratin plugging and rupture there will be epithelial proliferation that form a passage between lactiferous ducts and outside of the nipple( on skin)
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