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1. Organizational Structure

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  • 8/16/2019 1. Organizational Structure


    Lecture 11 & 12

    Organizational Structure

  • 8/16/2019 1. Organizational Structure


    Organizational structure

  • 8/16/2019 1. Organizational Structure


  • 8/16/2019 1. Organizational Structure


    Introduction $cont%• Developed in late 1th century and earlier

    2'th century(• )*O placed at the top and everyone else

    placed in layers do+n

     hin-ing and decision ma-ing +as made attop and physical +or- done by employeesorganized in departments

    • Such structure got popularity in pro!t, non

    pro!t and military organizations• he changing environment./

  • 8/16/2019 1. Organizational Structure


    0ey *lements of OrganizationalStructure

    1 or- Specialization2 Information Sharing erspective

    3 Departmentalization

    4 )hain of )ommand5 Span of )ontrol

    6 7ormalization

  • 8/16/2019 1. Organizational Structure


    1or- Specialization

    • or- specialization or division of labor thedegree to +hich activities in theorganization are subdivided into separate


    *ssence is to divide 8ob in number of steps,each completed by a separate individual

    • 9ot all employees have same level of s-ills

    • It is most e:cient +ay to utilize employeess-ills and improve through repetition

    • ;e

  • 8/16/2019 1. Organizational Structure


    or- Specialization $)ont%• It +as vie+ed as unending source of

    increased productivity• =ut from 16's researchers started arguing

    that it cause boredom, absenteeism, stress,poor llo+ing to do complete 8ob

  • 8/16/2019 1. Organizational Structure


    2 Information Sharing erspective• If the structure doesn?t !t the information re

  • 8/16/2019 1. Organizational Structure


    Aertical Information Sharing• Aertical lin-ages are used to coordinate

    activities bet+een the top and bottom of anorganization and are designed primarily forcontrol of the organization

    • Organization may use variety of structural devices,

    such as(• Hierarchical Referral $roblem can be referred to

    neCt upper level and the ans+er is passed bac- insimilar +ay%

    Rules and plan $if problem decisions are repetitionsthen rules or procedures are established to giveemployees direction for problem solving%

    • Vertical Information Systems $includes periodicreports, +ritten information, and computerbased

    communications distributed to managers%

    B t I t

  • 8/16/2019 1. Organizational Structure


    Bor zonta In ormat on ar ng$cont%

    • It overcomes the barriers of communication

    • rovides opportunities for coordination amongemployees to achieve unity of e"orts andob8ectives

    • It is horizontally among departments

    Information System• )omputerized information systems enable

    managers or frontline +or-ers throughout theorganization to routinely eCchange information

    about problems, opportunities, activities ordecisions

    Direct Contact

    • > higher level of horizontal lin-age is direct

    contact among employees +ho are a"ected

  • 8/16/2019 1. Organizational Structure


    Borizontal Information Sharing$cont%Task orce

    • If the problem is among various departmentsthen a temporary tas- force is created to solvethe issues, +hich is usually disbanded after thetas- accomplishment It is composed of

    representative from various departments +ho areinvolved in the issue

    ull!time Integrator• Enli-e the liaison person, the integrator does not

    report to one of the functional departments beingcoordinated Be or she located outside thedepartments and has the responsibility forcoordinating several departments

    B i t l I f ti Sh i

  • 8/16/2019 1. Organizational Structure


    Borizontal Information Sharing$cont%

    Teams• eams tend to be the strongest horizontal lin-age


    • eams are permanent tas- forces and are often usedin con8unction +ith a fulltime integrator +hen

    activities among departments re virtual team is one that is made up of

    organizationally or geographically dispersedmembers +ho are lin-ed primarily through advanced

    information and communications technologies

  • 8/16/2019 1. Organizational Structure


    3 Departmentalization

    Departmental Frouping• 7unctional grouping, divisionalgrouping, matriC grouping, horizontal

    grouping, virtual net+or- grouping

  • 8/16/2019 1. Organizational Structure


    7unctional Structure• In a functional structure, activities are grouped

    together by common function from the bottom tothe top of the organization

    • Buman -no+ledge & s-ills +ith respect to speci!cactivities are consolidated

     his structure is most e"ective(• hen indepth eCpertise is critical to meet

    organizational goals

    • hen the organization needs to be controlled and

    coordinated through the vertical hierarchy, and+hen e:ciency is important

    • his structure could be

  • 8/16/2019 1. Organizational Structure


  • 8/16/2019 1. Organizational Structure


  • 8/16/2019 1. Organizational Structure


  • 8/16/2019 1. Organizational Structure


  • 8/16/2019 1. Organizational Structure


  • 8/16/2019 1. Organizational Structure


  • 8/16/2019 1. Organizational Structure


  • 8/16/2019 1. Organizational Structure


  • 8/16/2019 1. Organizational Structure


  • 8/16/2019 1. Organizational Structure


    Airtual Structure

     he most +idespread design trend in recentyears has been the outsourcing of variousparts of the organization to outside partners

    • > fe+ organizations carry outsourcing to theeCtreme to create a virtual net+or-structure ith a virtual net+or- structure,sometimes called a modular structure, !rmsubcontracts most of its ma8or functions orprocesses to separate companies andcoordinates their activities from a small


  • 8/16/2019 1. Organizational Structure


  • 8/16/2019 1. Organizational Structure


    Bybrid Structure• @ost large organizations, in particular, often use a

    hybrid structure that combines characteristics ofvarious approaches tailored to speci!c strategicneeds

    • Organizations combine characteristics of functional,divisional, geographic, horizontal, or net+or-structures to ta-e advantages of strengths ofvarious structures and avoid some of the+ea-nesses

    • hey o"er greater #eCibility

    • One hybrid that is often used is to combine thefunctional and divisional structures

    • > second hybrid approach that is increasingly usedtoday is to combine characteristics of functional,

    divisional, and horizontal structures

  • 8/16/2019 1. Organizational Structure


    4 )hain of )ommand

    • It deals +ith !tting the +or- activities and

    departments together in the organizationalhierarchy

    • It is unbro-en line of authority that eCtends fromthe top of the organization to the lo+est echelon

    and clari!es +ho reports to +hom• *ach manager is given a degree of authority in

    order to meet hisGher responsibility

    • Enity of command is given to preserve unbro-en

    line of authority• Lin-s all persons on an organization and sho+s +ho

    reports to +hom

  • 8/16/2019 1. Organizational Structure


  • 8/16/2019 1. Organizational Structure


    6 7ormalization

    • Degree to +hich 8obs +ithin an organization

    are standardized• Incumbents have minimum amount of

    discretion over +hat, +hen and ho+ to do

    *Cpected to handle same input in same +ayresulting consistent and uniform output

    • *Cplicit 8ob descriptions, lots of rules,procedures

    • It eliminates employee alternative behaviorengagement

  • 8/16/2019 1. Organizational Structure


    Symptoms of De!ciency•Decision ma-ing is delayed or

    lac-ing in

  • 8/16/2019 1. Organizational Structure


    @echanistic & OrganicStructure

    High specialization


    nClear chain ofcommand

    "arro# spans ofcontrol


    High formalization



    teamsree $o# ofinformation

    %ide spans of


    &o# formalization
