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i W0t4O E09CS Rart AAaivHritlrt AT.11l1Ht1 7w 05 "5 P G.VGNING BULLGTIN Evening Paper Published '1 W PGet ALL the News' on the Hawaiian Islands. . i.. X PRedcfyyMLL the Teople. Subscription 73c. a month. VVA- - tn08MMpiienmotiooMiooil OOOMOOHHOIIIIHIIIII . ' S Ks&y. Vol. III. No. 611. HONOLULU, H. I., SATURDAY MAY 15, 1897. Prior 5 Czrts. i) V v- - f THE EVENING BULLETIN. Published every day except Sunday at 210 King Street, Honolulu, H. I. BUUSCIUPTION IIATB8. Per Month, anywLcru In the Ha- waiian Islandi) 8 76 Per Year. 8 00 Per Tear, postpaid to America, Canada, or Moxico 1000 Per Year, postpaid, other Foreign Countrios 13 00 Paynblo Invariably In Advance. Telephone 260. P. O. Box 89. B. L. FINNEY, Manager. Warm Debilitating Weather. Many people, utter a long spell of" oppresslvo heat, suffer from lassi- tude, loss of spirits, and a general "run down" feeling. They need a courso of Aycr'5 Sarsaparilla, nxt medicino which has revived and restored to actlvo llfo and health thousands of such sufferers. A lady recently returned to England from South Africa writes concerning this tfi Wonderful Medicine" "Whllo in Capo Town tho past summer I suffered greatly from the long-continu- ed heat. I wa3 com- pletely worn out ; my Wood seemed to become as thin as water" and I lost all energy and interest in life. My friends recommended Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and a courso of this wonderful mcdlcino restored my health and spirits. My husband suf- fered in tho same way as I did, though not to such an extent, and ho also was greatly benefited from tho uso of AYER'S Sarsaparilla AYCH'SPILLSTWILO BUT EFFECTIVE Hollisler Drug Co., Ltd. Bole Agents for the Kepnblio of Hawaii. p.W.pc5midi!a$)rij! Von Holt Block, King Street, Are Marking Down all Their Goods to Auction Trices, the lowest ever heard of. They are also opening NewsGoods ex Australia. David Dayton, Real JSstate Broker. 209J4 Merchant Street. FOB BiLE. 1 Surrey in fine order; price $200. House and Lot, 715x155 ft., on No. 71 Young street) parlor, 3 bodroorae, kitchen dining-room- , eto. Lot on Wilder avenue 100x300 ft., fenced. Lots on Klnau and Pilkol streets. TO LET. House on Ropcllo lane, Falama: 3 dining room, kitchen, bathroom, carriage house and stable; large yard. ITonso on Beretanla street, near Pilkol street;" rooms, dining-room- , kitchen, bath, room and an empty lot to keep a hone. FRANCIS DUNN, Architect and Superintendent 3, Office: 305 ?ort street, Spreekols' Block, Room 5. ; . ,i. NO MORE IMPURE TEAS WILL BE BKCBIVED 1ST Till UNITED STATES. ' re Will Reject All Not Vp to Ntandard and Will Enforce llio Non Act of Coiiicre. Collector Wise of tho port of San Francisco received recontly from the Secretary of the Treasu- ry an important communication with reference to the now aot of Congress prohibiting the importa- tion of impure teas. The Treasu- ry Department is determined to enforce tho aot, and the tea trade of the United States will be revo- lutionized for the better. The cheap and trashy grades of tea will no longer appear in the market, and while the effect will be to raisothe price of this luxury, the publio health will bo the gainer thereby. The communication from the Sooretary of the Treasury notifies the Collector that there will be shipped to him from New York a line of samples of the standards established by the Board of Tea Experts. Tho information is also given that the Collector of Cus- toms at Now Yerk is packing half-poun- d samples for sale to impor- ters and brokers. Collector Wise is instructed to paok samples in convenient half-pou- nd packages representing the full line of the standards, which may be Bold to importers and brokers at cost; namely 20 cents per pound. After May 1 of this year it shall be unlawful to import into the United States any tea below the standard established by tho Trea- sury Department. The aot of Congress was ap- proved March 2, 1897. It author- ized the Secretary of the Treasury to appoint a board of seven experts in tea to submit to him standard samples of pure teas. On their report be has established the standards on their recommen- dation, and is now depositing in the Custom-hous- es of New York City, Chicago, San Francisco and Buch other ports duplicate samples of suoh standards, and a sufficient quantity of other duplicate sam- ples to supply at cost the import- ers and dealers in tea at all ports desiring the same. The act provides further that importers or consignees shall furnish samples of all lines of tea imported by them together with a sworn statement, that the samples are genuine, or suoh samples shall be obtained by the examining board. Should the tea be found inferior to the established standard the importer or consignee must give a bond with sureties that he shall export the tea outside the limits of the United States within six months. In the case of failure to export the condemned tea within six months, the Collector shall cause the tea to be destroyed. An appeal from the decision of the tea experts may be taken before a board of three United States General Ap- - raisers to be designated by the ecretary of the Treasury. Teas on board ships for ship- ment to the 'United Spates at the time of the passage of this hot shall not be subject to its pro- visions. The grades of tens, as recom- mended by the experts and estab- lished by the Sooretary of the Treasury, are as follows: No: 1 Formosa Oolong No. 2 Fooohow Oolong No. 3 Amoy Oolong No. 4 North China Congou No. 6. South China Congou No. d! India tea No. 7 Ceylon tea The maximum percentage of dust in the foregoing must be restricted to 10 per cont when sifted through a No. 16 sieve vith No. 26 brass wire. No. 8 '.Fingsuoy green tea No. 9 (a) Country greon toa CCS No. 10 (b) Country greon tro No. 11 Japan tea, pan fired No. 12 Japan tea, sun dried No, 13.... Japan tea, baskot-firu- d JNo. 14 ..Japan tea, dust or tannings No. 15.. .Scented Orange Fekoe No. 16 Capers Capers is a rouud curled leaf tea resomblinc tiunpowdor tea. No. 8, Fingsuoy greon toa, is oftnn labeled as Moyune, which is a superior quality of Pingsuey. No. 11, 12 and 13 must not cou-tai- n moro than 4 por cent of dust when siftedjthrough a No. 30 sieve with No. 31 brass wire. MEMORIAL BAY. There Will Be No, Exereliea In the KTonlnr. It baa been decided by the Memorial Day committeo of Geo. W. De Long Post, G. A. R., to have no literary exorcises at the Opera House in tho evening. The reason is that after the arduous marching in tho heat to and from the cemetery, with the standing Bomo time in that place between, none of the members on return ing homo will have any inclina- tion to go out again that evening. Even at cost prico for lights and caretaking, too, the expense of hiring the theater would make n sum that might bo moro usefully expended. As with probably from three to five war vessels in port at the time, lesidea an un- usually largo turnout promised, by the Hawaiian troops the parade is likely to bo upon an un- exampled scale, the publio has no right to complain of the omission of exercises in the evening. It is not given out who is to be the orator of the day. Whoever he may be, it is not desired that he shall occupy more than twenty minutes. i V. H. N, Attain Coming. The' U. S. S. Adams reaohed 'Hilo last Monday. She will leave there for Honolulu next Monday. Captain Gibson is the commander, and ho paid an official visit to Judge E. G. Hitchcock at Hilo. The foregoing is from a private lotter. In the Hilo Horald the following further particulars are found, inoluding this list of offi cers: W O Gibson, Commander. WR Harris, Lieutenant. F A Wilner, Lieutenant. J H Lee Holcom be, Lieutenant. O S Stauworth, Lieutenant. G W McElroy, P A Engineer. Francis J Soramos, Paymaster. L H Stone, P A Surgeon. F H Brown, Ensign. O England, Ensign. W D Ballard, Paymaster's Clerk. This is Commander Gibson's first trip to'Hawaii. Lieutenant Holoombe, however, is well known here and was on the Thetis in the cable surveying expedition. Several of the officers went to the Volcano on Wednesday. Japanese Jnurnallata at Work. Messrs. S. Suzuki, B. Seki and S. Furuya, visiting Japanese news- paper correspondents, were given a long ir terviow by Attorney General W. O. Smith this fore- noon, Mr. Seki, who speaks good English, aoted as - interlocutor. Mr. Smith gave tho gentlemen full information regarding the immigration laws, and their appli cation to their countrymen, es- pecially in the receut cases of misunderstanding. The visitors, who are bright and keen men, Boomed well pleased with tho pains the Minister took in giving them tho desired information. Warm weathor;is hero try a caso of our soda water it will please you. Hawaiian Soda Works, Tel. 632. If you contemplate ordering a portrait enlargement we invite your attention to tho superior work wo offer and would ask a comparison of prices and work- manship before placing your order. King Bros,, Hotel street. THE NANIWA'S OFFICERS ENrRarAiNru at dinner by JAPANKNK MtRCIIANTN. TWltlng Juiirtinll.t. Alio In Afft'iid-aiicn-L- or I luxe Prevent Tim Dinner unit Decoration!. The dinner tondored by the Jupatiese morchants of this city .to tho officers of, tho Japanese oruiser Nnniwo lust evening wbb an elaborato affair,' some four hours being ocoupied in discussing the elborato menu provided by the management. Dinner was served at 5:30 p. m. on the largo lanai of the hotel, which was beau- tifully decorated with colored elpctria lights, ferns and palms. The gtouuds wero also lit up ex- tensively. There was no political signifi- cance attached to tho affair what-ev- ur. It was merely a gathering at which tho prominent Japanese merchants in the city could mako the acquaintance of the officers of the cruiser and the visiting Tokio journalists who came down with them. Mr. Takedzawa of the Yo koharaa Specie bank acted as toaBt master in a very acceptable man- ner. But two addresses were made during tho evening, one of wel come by Mr. S. Hirai of the Le- gation and the response by Cap- tain Eurooka. Tho guests of honor were CouncillorAkiya-ma- , Captain Eurooka, Lieutenant Commander Knjikawa, Chief Ep, gineer Watouabo, Chief Surgeon Uino aim the hve press repreaenta tives, Messrs M Nishi, 13 Seki, S Furuya, S Suzuki, Y Ljuikawa. Other officers of the Naniwa present were Messrs. Yanebara, Hori-uo- bi, Fukuda, Yamesaki, Arima, Nagashima, Saito, Matsu- shita, Marinaga, Shigemura, a. Thoso present from this city were Messrs. S Hirai, H Takeza-w- b, S Eimura, S Ozaki, E Mima shi, Oh Niikuni, M Chiya, S Ko-jim- n, Dr I Mori, Dr J Uchida, Dr S Eobayashi, Dr S Kojinia, N Igarashi, T Matsuaka, Y Yamagu chi, S Segawa, H Mizuno, S Fu- kuda, Z Mitsutome, G Sato, M Asahina, E Furuya, Oh Saito, T Masuda, S Takemura. JUDICIARY JOrriNGH. Verdict for I'lniullft In Ejeelmcnt-Dlvor- ce Caie on Trial. The mixed jury trying Eanoii vs. G. E. Eaioipahia, G, L. Desha and MrB.Luning, eieotment, found a verdiot for the plaintiff, one juror dissenting. Mr. Magoon gave notice of motion for a new trial. R. W- - Holt vs. Goo Eim is still on before Judge Perry. Paul Neumann, attorney for plaintiffs, has filed an amended complaint in the case of William Eassio and Otto Schmidt vs. Wai heo Sugar Company. Judge Carter partly hoard and continued till noxt Saturday the divorco case of Julia Miranda vs. FrauciHca Miranda. Gorrea for plaintiff; no appearance of or for defendant The next divorco case was Helen Kamahalo vs. Robert Lindsay. S. E. Eano for plain- tiff; no appearance of or for de fendant. Ulllk Waicou Breakdown. One of the horses in a Honolu- lu Dairy Co.'s wagon became f raotious on Sponcer street yester- day afternoon, while the milkman was serving Mr. Busnoll, and throwing itself book on the swingletree broko the connections. Then when tlm trouble was being attondod to, the othor horse ran away into tho bush, taking tho milkman an hour to catch it. Thore was no spilled milk, how ovor, to ory over. WANDKRIlta BV CONFKNNES. Hone t Church Lend to the Capture of Thieve). t Chicago, April 30, A song rondorod by tho choir in tho church at Chicago avenue and Ada street two weeks ago was respon- sible for tho capturo of four mem- bers of the desporato Weir gang by tho police last night. Ah tho church was filled with tho song, 'Where Is My Wandering Boy Tonight? " Fred Dronkson, onn of tho members of tho gang, bowed his head in sorrow. The song marked a turning point in tho young man's lifo, and today he is a paroled prisoner and it is said will bo given his free- dom for assisting iu hieakiug up one of tho most dangerous gangs of criminals that over operated in this oity. Property worth many thousands of dollars had boon stolon, and tho police have twenty-eigh- t chargos against tho mem- bers of the gang. Since January Detective Hamilton has been col- lecting evidoncu auuiust the gang, and vith the confojuion of Dreuk-son- , which covered sixty-thr- ee typewritten sheets of paper, tho polico say that they have the caso complete. The four members arrosted are: Edward Ernst, Henry Weir, Mrs. Henry Weir aud Charles Zimmer- man, father of tho woman. A large quantity of tho stolon pro- perty was found at Woir'a house. BUDCIET (irATEMF.NT HEAD, Account Show a Hnrplaa of More than 13,000,000. London, April 29. The chan- cellor of the exchequor, Sir Miohael Hicks-Beach- , read the budget statement iu tho house 'of commons today. The balance in the account for 1896-9- 7 shows tho exchequer rovenue to bo 103,-950,0- 00 ($519,750,000), and tho expenditures 101,477,000 ($507,-385,00- 0;, leaving a surplus of (S12,365,000). The chancellor of the exchequor added that the national debt had been reduced 7,584,000 (837,-420,0- 00 during the year, and that, tho total value of British trade during the last fiscal year was 738,000,000 ($3,360,000,000), an increase of 5 per cent. The in creased income tax revenue ex- ceeded the estimate by nearly ($17,500,000). m Uncertain!! audn Certnlutjr. The attention of tho publio iB now fully occupied and diverted in tho consideration and discus- sion of several important current and prospective happenings., An- nexation, as yet nnseoure, Re- ciprocity threatened; the coming of the Naniwa, aud her mission after arrival; the outcome of the war between Greece and Turkey and, whether or no, all Europe will eventually becomo involved; the settlement of the quarantine squabble aro all themes of muoh conjecturo and uncertainty, and while opiuions are freely offered, none can accurately foretell the outcome of any of those matters. Nevertheless, it is beooming more apparent, as each day passes, that Buffalo, 'and JIofTbrau.-ar- o the favorite brows, aud it is gratify- ing that assurance is given that regular shipments of theso whole-som- o and strengthening bever- ages can bo depended upon, and that thay will, as heretofore, be dispensed at tho Royal, Paoifio aud Cosmopolitan Saloons, and that the interchangeable check system is au established faot. Nicely furnished rooms at the Popular House, 154 Fort street, from $1.00 per week up. Madam Yulo, who lately ar- rived from tho Coast, iB located at the Eagle House, Nuuanu stroot, where sho is propared to per- manently romovo moles, warts and superfluous hair, by olootrioity. Sho has also for salo an oxcollont face bleach, warrantod not to in- jure tho skin. Madam Yulo makes a specialty of oloctrio troatmont, MORE GRIME ON MOLOKAI OLD ANII BLIND LEPER TRIES TO KILL A IIIHI, RELATIVE. Refiiliir ni Rcqnc! to LIT 9 with lllm Kho VMI lllin nml In Kullcd. News was rocoived by tho steam- er Mokolii of au attorn pted mur- der at the Leper Settlement on Molokai, last week. Thoreport is that an old, blind man wanted a girl, a daughter or granddaught- er, to come and live with him, which the girl refused to do. The girl visited tho old mun, howover-Feelin- g for the girl's position, he suddenly began to stab her with a knifo while she Bat near him. One blow made a bad gash in the arm, and a second, ono made an ugly wound in tho victim's abdomen. Tho girl screamed and struggled with the-bli-nd assassin, aodbarcly'e'scaped with her life" 'The old man was put in jail, and at latest acoounts-th- e girl was alive. I'lrnry on the Ynngtae. Like tho avcrago policeman, the Chinese gunboats and revenue junks cannot bo overywhero at once; apparently they wero not at Nanchang, a few days ago, when five merchants travelling to Eia-kia- ng wero robbed and foully murderod. Tho unhappy men formed a party of six, one of whom escaped by diving over- board. They wore peacefully making their way to their desti- nation, when an unsuspicious looking boat bora Bwiftly down upon them and a fierce horde suddenly rose up from conceal- ment, boarded the merchants' boat,and overpowered tho boatmen. They first robbed the merchants and thon butchered them one after the other. Shanghai Mercury. Diplomatic Call. Acting Minister Ellis Mills of tho 'United States mado an official call on Minister H. E. Cooper at tho Foreign Offioa this morning. The guard was paraded in honor of tho, visitor. There was no- thing of great importance in the diplomat's business only an official notification regarding the alleged scuttling of the American ship Iudiann at Hilo. It is tb regular practise to parade a guard of honor whon a foreign represen- tative calls officially at the Execu- tive building. Tho Rain Rtoram. ,r There was a very hoavy fall of raiti baok of Tantalus last even- ing, the fall continuing moro or less during the night. At Frank Brgwn's place the total rainfall was .21, at Eapiolani park only .12. In town it averaged about .35. Although the fall of rain did not amount to much it will be o vast benefit. The storm was en- tirely local and there are no irw dications for its continuance. . nil Improvement. Plans and outline specifications for the proposed coutthouso addi- tion arrived by tho Einau. They were propared undor tho direction of Judge Hitchcock and other officials interested. Tho people of Hilo are in a state of olntiom over the prospectivo visit of Min- ister King and Suporint'ondeni Itowell, in connection with the projected wharf. V. S, Government Nnelalaed. The United States Supreme) Court on April 30 rondorod a de- cision in the case of Auglo-Cali-for- nia Bank vs. Sooretary of ths Treasury, which establishes th right of the government to collect duty on imported merchandise-withdraw- for consumption at the rates fixed by a tariff act whick has beon repealed, 1 ft) 4 :a

i W0t4O E09CSRart AAaivHritlrt AT.11l1Ht1 7w 05 "5 PG.VGNING BULLGTIN Evening Paper Published

'1 W PGet ALL the News' on the Hawaiian Islands.

. i.. XPRedcfyyMLL the Teople. Subscription 73c. a month.

VVA- - tn08MMpiienmotiooMiooil OOOMOOHHOIIIIHIIIII. ' SKs&y.

Vol. III. No. 611. HONOLULU, H. I., SATURDAY MAY 15, 1897. Prior 5 Czrts.



v- -



Published every day except Sunday at210 King Street, Honolulu, H. I.

BUUSCIUPTION IIATB8.Per Month, anywLcru In the Ha-

waiian Islandi) 8 76Per Year. 8 00Per Tear, postpaid to America,

Canada, or Moxico 1000Per Year, postpaid, other Foreign

Countrios 13 00

Paynblo Invariably In Advance.Telephone 260. P. O. Box 89.

B. L. FINNEY, Manager.


Many people, utter a long spell of"oppresslvo heat, suffer from lassi-tude, loss of spirits, and a general"run down" feeling. They need acourso of Aycr'5 Sarsaparilla, nxt

medicino which has revived andrestored to actlvo llfo and healththousands of such sufferers. A ladyrecently returned to England fromSouth Africa writes concerning thistfi

Wonderful Medicine""Whllo in Capo Town tho past

summer I suffered greatly from thelong-continu- ed heat. I wa3 com-pletely worn out ; my Wood seemedto become as thin as water" and Ilost all energy and interest in life.My friends recommended Ayer'sSarsaparilla, and a courso of thiswonderful mcdlcino restored myhealth and spirits. My husband suf-fered in tho same way as I did,though not to such an extent, andho also was greatly benefited fromtho uso of


Hollisler Drug Co., Ltd.Bole Agents for the Kepnblio of Hawaii.


Von Holt Block, King Street,

Are Marking Down all

Their Goods to Auction

Trices, the lowest ever

heard of.

They are also opening

NewsGoods ex Australia.

David Dayton,Real JSstate Broker.

209J4 Merchant Street.

FOB BiLE.1 Surrey in fine order; price $200.House and Lot, 715x155 ft., on No. 71

Young street) parlor, 3 bodroorae, kitchendining-room- , eto.

Lot on Wilder avenue 100x300 ft., fenced.Lots on Klnau and Pilkol streets.


House on Ropcllo lane, Falama: 3dining room, kitchen, bathroom,

carriage house and stable; large yard.ITonso on Beretanla street, near Pilkol

street;" rooms, dining-room- , kitchen, bath,room and an empty lot to keep a hone.

FRANCIS DUNN,Architect and Superintendent

3, Office: 305 ?ort street,Spreekols' Block, Room 5.

; . ,i.



re Will Reject All Not Vpto Ntandard and Will Enforce llio

Non Act of Coiiicre.

Collector Wise of tho port ofSan Francisco received recontlyfrom the Secretary of the Treasu-ry an important communicationwith reference to the now aot ofCongress prohibiting the importa-tion of impure teas. The Treasu-ry Department is determined toenforce tho aot, and the tea tradeof the United States will be revo-

lutionized for the better.The cheap and trashy grades of

tea will no longer appear in themarket, and while the effect willbe to raisothe price of this luxury,the publio health will bo thegainer thereby.

The communication from theSooretary of the Treasury notifiesthe Collector that there will beshipped to him from New York aline of samples of the standardsestablished by the Board of TeaExperts. Tho information is alsogiven that the Collector of Cus-toms at Now Yerk is packing half-poun- d

samples for sale to impor-ters and brokers. Collector Wiseis instructed to paok samples inconvenient half-pou- nd packagesrepresenting the full line of thestandards, which may be Bold toimporters and brokers at cost;namely 20 cents per pound.

After May 1 of this year it shallbe unlawful to import into theUnited States any tea below thestandard established by tho Trea-sury Department.

The aot of Congress was ap-

proved March 2, 1897. It author-ized the Secretary of the Treasuryto appoint a board of sevenexperts in tea to submit to himstandard samples of pure teas.On their report be has establishedthe standards on their recommen-dation, and is now depositing inthe Custom-hous- es of New YorkCity, Chicago, San Francisco andBuch other ports duplicate samplesof suoh standards, and a sufficientquantity of other duplicate sam-ples to supply at cost the import-ers and dealers in tea at all portsdesiring the same.

The act provides further thatimporters or consignees shallfurnish samples of all lines of teaimported by them together with asworn statement, that the samplesare genuine, or suoh samples shallbe obtained by the examiningboard.

Should the tea be found inferiorto the established standard theimporter or consignee must give abond with sureties that he shallexport the tea outside the limitsof the United States within sixmonths. In the case of failure toexport the condemned tea withinsix months, the Collector shallcause the tea to be destroyed.

An appeal from the decision ofthe tea experts may betaken before a board ofthree United States General Ap--

raisers to be designated by theecretary of the Treasury.Teas on board ships for ship-

ment to the 'United Spates at thetime of the passage of this hotshall not be subject to its pro-visions.

The grades of tens, as recom-mended by the experts and estab-lished by the Sooretary of theTreasury, are as follows:No: 1 Formosa OolongNo. 2 Fooohow OolongNo. 3 Amoy OolongNo. 4 North China CongouNo. 6. South China CongouNo. d! India teaNo. 7 Ceylon tea

The maximum percentage ofdust in the foregoing must berestricted to 10 per cont whensifted through a No. 16 sieve vithNo. 26 brass wire.

No. 8 '.Fingsuoy green teaNo. 9 (a) Country greon toa


No. 10 (b) Country greon troNo. 11 Japan tea, pan firedNo. 12 Japan tea, sun driedNo, 13.... Japan tea, baskot-firu- d

JNo. 14..Japan tea, dust or tannings

No. 15.. .Scented Orange FekoeNo. 16 Capers

Capers is a rouud curled leaftea resomblinc tiunpowdor tea.

No. 8, Fingsuoy greon toa, isoftnn labeled as Moyune, which isa superior quality of Pingsuey.

No. 11, 12 and 13 must not cou-tai- n

moro than 4 por cent of dustwhen siftedjthrough a No. 30 sievewith No. 31 brass wire.


There Will Be No, Exereliea In theKTonlnr.

It baa been decided by theMemorial Day committeo of Geo.W. De Long Post, G. A. R., tohave no literary exorcises at theOpera House in tho evening. Thereason is that after the arduousmarching in tho heat to and fromthe cemetery, with the standingBomo time in that place between,none of the members on returning homo will have any inclina-tion to go out again that evening.Even at cost prico for lights andcaretaking, too, the expense ofhiring the theater would make nsum that might bo moro usefullyexpended. As with probablyfrom three to five war vessels inport at the time, lesidea an un-usually largo turnout promised,by the Hawaiian troops theparade is likely to bo upon an un-exampled scale, the publio has noright to complain of the omissionof exercises in the evening.

It is not given out who is to bethe orator of the day. Whoeverhe may be, it is not desired thathe shall occupy more thantwenty minutes.

iV. H. N, Attain Coming.

The' U. S. S. Adams reaohed'Hilo last Monday. She will leavethere for Honolulu next Monday.Captain Gibson is the commander,and ho paid an official visit toJudge E. G. Hitchcock at Hilo.

The foregoing is from a privatelotter. In the Hilo Horald thefollowing further particulars arefound, inoluding this list of officers:

W O Gibson, Commander.W R Harris, Lieutenant.F A Wilner, Lieutenant.J H Lee Holcom be, Lieutenant.O S Stauworth, Lieutenant.G W McElroy, P A Engineer.Francis J Soramos, Paymaster.L H Stone, P A Surgeon.F H Brown, Ensign.O England, Ensign.W D Ballard, Paymaster's

Clerk.This is Commander Gibson's

first trip to'Hawaii. LieutenantHoloombe, however, is well knownhere and was on the Thetis in thecable surveying expedition.Several of the officers went to theVolcano on Wednesday.

Japanese Jnurnallata at Work.Messrs. S. Suzuki, B. Seki and

S. Furuya, visiting Japanese news-paper correspondents, were givena long ir terviow by AttorneyGeneral W. O. Smith this fore-noon, Mr. Seki, who speaks goodEnglish, aoted as - interlocutor.Mr. Smith gave tho gentlemenfull information regarding theimmigration laws, and their application to their countrymen, es-

pecially in the receut cases ofmisunderstanding. The visitors,who are bright and keen men,Boomed well pleased with thopains the Minister took in givingthem tho desired information.

Warm weathor;is hero try a casoof our soda water it will pleaseyou. Hawaiian Soda Works,Tel. 632.

If you contemplate ordering aportrait enlargement we inviteyour attention to tho superiorwork wo offer and would ask acomparison of prices and work-manship before placing yourorder. King Bros,, Hotel street.


ENrRarAiNru at dinner byJAPANKNK MtRCIIANTN.

TWltlng Juiirtinll.t. Alio In Afft'iid-aiicn-L-

or I luxe Prevent TimDinner unit Decoration!.

The dinner tondored by theJupatiese morchants of this city.to tho officers of, tho Japaneseoruiser Nnniwo lust evening wbban elaborato affair,' some fourhours being ocoupied in discussingthe elborato menu provided bythe management. Dinner wasserved at 5:30 p. m. on the largolanai of the hotel, which was beau-tifully decorated with coloredelpctria lights, ferns and palms.The gtouuds wero also lit up ex-

tensively.There was no political signifi-

cance attached to tho affair what-ev- ur.

It was merely a gatheringat which tho prominent Japanesemerchants in the city could makothe acquaintance of the officers ofthe cruiser and the visiting Tokiojournalists who came down withthem. Mr. Takedzawa of the Yokoharaa Specie bank acted as toaBtmaster in a very acceptable man-ner. But two addresses were madeduring tho evening, one of welcome by Mr. S. Hirai of the Le-gation and the response by Cap-tain Eurooka.

Tho guests of honor wereCouncillorAkiya-ma- ,

Captain Eurooka, LieutenantCommander Knjikawa, Chief Ep,gineer Watouabo, Chief SurgeonUino aim the hve press repreaentatives, Messrs M Nishi, 13 Seki, SFuruya, S Suzuki, Y Ljuikawa.

Other officers of the Naniwapresent were Messrs. Yanebara,Hori-uo- bi, Fukuda, Yamesaki,Arima, Nagashima, Saito, Matsu-shita, Marinaga, Shigemura, a.

Thoso present from this citywere Messrs. S Hirai, H Takeza-w- b,

S Eimura, S Ozaki, E Mimashi, Oh Niikuni, M Chiya, S Ko-jim- n,

Dr I Mori, Dr J Uchida,Dr S Eobayashi, Dr S Kojinia, NIgarashi, T Matsuaka, Y Yamaguchi, S Segawa, H Mizuno, S Fu-kuda, Z Mitsutome, G Sato, MAsahina, E Furuya, Oh Saito, TMasuda, S Takemura.


Verdict for I'lniullft In Ejeelmcnt-Dlvor- ce

Caie on Trial.The mixed jury trying Eanoii

vs. G. E. Eaioipahia, G, L. Deshaand MrB.Luning, eieotment, founda verdiot for the plaintiff, onejuror dissenting. Mr. Magoongave notice of motion for a newtrial.

R. W- - Holt vs. Goo Eim is stillon before Judge Perry.

Paul Neumann, attorney forplaintiffs, has filed an amendedcomplaint in the case of WilliamEassio and Otto Schmidt vs. Waiheo Sugar Company.

Judge Carter partly hoard andcontinued till noxt Saturday thedivorco case of Julia Miranda vs.FrauciHca Miranda. Gorrea forplaintiff; no appearance of or fordefendant

The next divorco case wasHelen Kamahalo vs. RobertLindsay. S. E. Eano for plain-tiff; no appearance of or for defendant.

Ulllk Waicou Breakdown.

One of the horses in a Honolu-lu Dairy Co.'s wagon becamef raotious on Sponcer street yester-day afternoon, while the milkmanwas serving Mr. Busnoll, andthrowing itself book on theswingletree broko the connections.Then when tlm trouble was beingattondod to, the othor horse ranaway into tho bush, taking thomilkman an hour to catch it.Thore was no spilled milk, howovor, to ory over.


Hone t Church Lend to the Captureof Thieve).

tChicago, April 30, A song

rondorod by tho choir in thochurch at Chicago avenue and Adastreet two weeks ago was respon-sible for tho capturo of four mem-

bers of the desporato Weir gangby tho police last night. Ah thochurch was filled with tho song,'Where Is My Wandering BoyTonight? " Fred Dronkson, onnof tho members of tho gang, bowedhis head in sorrow.

The song marked a turningpoint in tho young man's lifo, andtoday he is a paroled prisoner andit is said will bo given his free-dom for assisting iu hieakiug upone of tho most dangerous gangsof criminals that over operated inthis oity. Property worth manythousands of dollars had boonstolon, and tho police have twenty-eigh- t

chargos against tho mem-bers of the gang. Since JanuaryDetective Hamilton has been col-

lecting evidoncu auuiust the gang,and vith the confojuion of Dreuk-son- ,

which covered sixty-thr- ee

typewritten sheets of paper, thopolico say that they have the casocomplete.

The four members arrosted are:Edward Ernst, Henry Weir, Mrs.Henry Weir aud Charles Zimmer-man, father of tho woman. Alarge quantity of tho stolon pro-perty was found at Woir'a house.


Account Show a Hnrplaa of More than13,000,000.

London, April 29. The chan-

cellor of the exchequor, SirMiohael Hicks-Beach- , read thebudget statement iu tho house 'ofcommons today. The balance inthe account for 1896-9- 7 shows thoexchequer rovenue to bo 103,-950,0- 00

($519,750,000), and thoexpenditures 101,477,000 ($507,-385,00- 0;,

leaving a surplus of(S12,365,000).

The chancellor of the exchequoradded that the national debt hadbeen reduced 7,584,000 (837,-420,0- 00

during the year, and that,tho total value of British tradeduring the last fiscal year was

738,000,000 ($3,360,000,000), anincrease of 5 per cent. The increased income tax revenue ex-ceeded the estimate by nearly


Uncertain!! audn Certnlutjr.

The attention of tho publio iB

now fully occupied and divertedin tho consideration and discus-sion of several important currentand prospective happenings., An-

nexation, as yet nnseoure, Re-ciprocity threatened; the comingof the Naniwa, aud her missionafter arrival; the outcome of thewar between Greece and Turkeyand, whether or no, all Europewill eventually becomo involved;the settlement of the quarantinesquabble aro all themes of muohconjecturo and uncertainty, andwhile opiuions are freely offered,none can accurately foretell theoutcome of any of those matters.Nevertheless, it is beooming moreapparent, as each day passes, thatBuffalo, 'and JIofTbrau.-ar- o thefavorite brows, aud it is gratify-ing that assurance is given thatregular shipments of theso whole-som- o

and strengthening bever-ages can bo depended upon, andthat thay will, as heretofore, bedispensed at tho Royal, Paoifioaud Cosmopolitan Saloons, andthat the interchangeable checksystem is au established faot.

Nicely furnished rooms at thePopular House, 154 Fort street,from $1.00 per week up.

Madam Yulo, who lately ar-rived from tho Coast, iB located atthe Eagle House, Nuuanu stroot,where sho is propared to per-manently romovo moles, warts andsuperfluous hair, by olootrioity.Sho has also for salo an oxcollontface bleach, warrantod not to in-jure tho skin. Madam Yulo makesa specialty of oloctrio troatmont,



Refiiliir ni Rcqnc! to LIT 9 withlllm Kho VMI lllin nml

In Kullcd.

News was rocoived by tho steam-

er Mokolii of au attorn pted mur-der at the Leper Settlement onMolokai, last week. Thoreportis that an old, blind man wanteda girl, a daughter or granddaught-er, to come and live with him,which the girl refused to do. Thegirl visited tho old mun, howover-Feelin- g

for the girl's position, hesuddenly began to stab herwith a knifo while she Batnear him. One blow made abad gash in the arm, and a second,ono made an ugly wound in thovictim's abdomen. Tho girlscreamed and struggled with the-bli-nd

assassin, aodbarcly'e'scapedwith her life" 'The old man wasput in jail, and at latest acoounts-th- e

girl was alive.

I'lrnry on the Ynngtae.

Like tho avcrago policeman, theChinese gunboats and revenuejunks cannot bo overywhero atonce; apparently they wero not atNanchang, a few days ago, whenfive merchants travelling to Eia-kia-ng

wero robbed and foullymurderod. Tho unhappy menformed a party of six, one ofwhom escaped by diving over-board. They wore peacefullymaking their way to their desti-nation, when an unsuspiciouslooking boat bora Bwiftly downupon them and a fierce hordesuddenly rose up from conceal-ment, boarded the merchants'boat,and overpowered tho boatmen.They first robbed the merchantsand thon butchered them one afterthe other. Shanghai Mercury.

Diplomatic Call.Acting Minister Ellis Mills of

tho 'United States mado an officialcall on Minister H. E. Cooper attho Foreign Offioa this morning.The guard was paraded in honorof tho, visitor. There was no-thing of great importance in thediplomat's business only anofficial notification regarding thealleged scuttling of the Americanship Iudiann at Hilo. It is tbregular practise to parade a guardof honor whon a foreign represen-tative calls officially at the Execu-tive building.

Tho Rain Rtoram.,r There was a very hoavy fall ofraiti baok of Tantalus last even-ing, the fall continuing moro orless during the night. At FrankBrgwn's place the total rainfallwas .21, at Eapiolani park only.12. In town it averaged about.35. Although the fall of rain didnot amount to much it will be ovast benefit. The storm was en-tirely local and there are no irwdications for its continuance. .

nil Improvement.Plans and outline specifications

for the proposed coutthouso addi-tion arrived by tho Einau. Theywere propared undor tho directionof Judge Hitchcock and otherofficials interested. Tho peopleof Hilo are in a state of olntiomover the prospectivo visit of Min-ister King and Suporint'ondeniItowell, in connection with theprojected wharf.

V. S, Government Nnelalaed.The United States Supreme)

Court on April 30 rondorod a de-cision in the case of Auglo-Cali-for- nia

Bank vs. Sooretary of thsTreasury, which establishes thright of the government to collectduty on imported merchandise-withdraw-

for consumption at therates fixed by a tariff act whickhas beon repealed,



4 :a



ppjPfHffwwiiPy'l1 WF




The Manufacturing HarnessThlei'Iione 228.

A omplete assortment of racingdpeoial. Wo keep In stoo'x


Yon "WillNever MissA. Shot

If You Get Your Clothes


Madeiros& Decker's

The Hotel Street Tailors.

A Perfect Fit Guaranteed.


UnderwritersCOMPOSED OF

Loudon and Lancashire FireInsurance Company ofLiverpool, England,

(Stock Compauy, Incorporated 1801 .)


Nerwalk Fire Insurance Com-

pany of Norwalk, Connecticut.

(Stock Company, Incorporated 1859.)

WW" A policy written by the abovecompany la doubly secure, an It repre-sents two of the largest Fire InsuranceCompanies back of it.

The Hawaiian Safe Deposit &Investment Company,

j Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.. 118 Yort HtreM ... TJonolnlo

mm mwwrW$&

tr r s

H&&.. s wi? w xl'tSPLJUnis 4

MM,'' rA ?!?S2 w

mWJ s t as 8gngBn J

& SS 33 Ms

untl 5s jo ?a no sr 5


MMHifralHlilliiM laSgas.


Co.P. O. Box 322.

Our Hand Made


SaddleWith Genuine

Hawaiian TreeLap Robes, liSSESWhips from'1 25c. to $10Loggins (all sizes).

equipments.and sell only our owu Manufacture.

& Couglilin.



Itfttna Aiilnmnllf ttnnl Mtimlinrlnry f

chine, repeats duplicates and numbersfrom I to 100,001). Best In tue


Safety Document Flic, enameled metalrase, stong manllla pockets, lock and key,suitable for oQlco or fiomc use.

Victor brand of Typewriter Ribbons forall make of machines. Acknowledged tbesuperior of all others. Try them once, andyou will utu no other.

Reglna Mislc Boxes, best in the world,plays your own selection of music. Orer

.1000 tunes to select from.

Ofllco Flllnc Devices) Agency for Shannonand National Files of all klcds.

Symphony Organs; superior and Improvedover the old ttjlu Aeolian. A child can playIt. Any class of music, over 5(00 selectionsof music now ready.

Wo manufacture all styles of RubberStamps, Datluf; Stamps, Paid and ReceivedStamps. No uccd to send out of the countryfor this class of work. We do It at Coastprices.

American Whist League, and TrophyWhist Playing Cards, best make, try them.

Blank Books, all styles and prices. Patentflat opening books alwajs in stock. Lurgestvariety to select from. Prices lowest.

Hoyal Pianos, best low priced Instrumentmade. Easy terms, $50 down tlo month,fully guaranteed. Also agent for the cele-brated Vosu it Sons and Kingsbury Pianos.

Agency for tho sale of the Hammond Typewriters, Franklyn and Brooks 'Iypewrlters,Improved models, three of n kind, all visiblewriters. Why not buy an up to date ma-chine and savi) time.

Basebull and Athletic goods, Tennis, Golfand Ojinnaidum Supplies. Largest stockand lowest prices.

Books and Novels, ocr 5000 Novels toselect from. Latest Issues received cadi mailfrom tbu Coast.

Oultars, Banjos, Autoharps, Accordcons,Mandolines, Zithers, Flutis. Piccolos, Cor-nets, and Band Instruments of all kindsHeadquarters for Hawaiian Ukuleles and

Taro-patc- u Oultars. Sheet Music and MusicBooks.

We solicit out of town trade, correspond-ence Invited. Carefal attention to tilling andpacking country orders.

Subscription received for any Newspaperor Magazine published. Authorized Agentsfor tho San Francisco Dally Call, Chronicleor Examiner. Only SI per mouth, deliveredanywhere on tbe Islands.

17 Many lines of goods which wc carryare omitted In this adv. for want of space.Inspection ol goods and prices Invited.

Yours faithfully,


Mechanics and Teamsters.

Anyone needing the service ofFlrst-clas- 9 Mechaulci, TeamsterH,Lunas, ota, can t o Htipplied by apply-ing to J. Alfred Mugoou, or to theHawaiian Hagey Iiihtllute, Telephone700 I WILBUR TON,

5S2 lin Manager.

The Honolulu Sanitarium1082 King Street.

A Quiet, Homelike Place, where TrainedNurses, MoRsnc", "Swedish Movoment,"liatlis, Electricity and 1'byulcal Trainingmay be obtnitted.

I S. KELLOaO, M. DTelephono 039. Superintendent.

To Let.

Cottage on Magazine street in goodorder. Large grounds well plantedwith fruit and ornamental trees. Ex-cellent hennerv, eto. Apply, telephone either 205 or 608, to

591-- tf JAMES LYLE.


Helping Mr. Illgglnj to Climb.Tho trail of Dog river ran through'

groves of cottonwood at iutervnls, and IWas pnssing tbrongh ono of tlieao groves.Tho hour was about noon, when a mansuddenly confronted mo with a gnn inhis hand and ordered me to dismountnnd shell out. Ten minutes Inter ho hadmy horse, pistol, watch nnd money andwns out of 'Sight. Two weeks later I ranacross hint at Chcrryvillo and had lilinarrested. lie hnd been in jnil nbout ituhour when ono of bis friends called uttho lintel to wo mo

"You nro ccitniu that ihero can bo nomistake nbout this?" ho begun.

"Veiy certain.""You uio ready to swear thnt 15111

Iliggins is tiio niun that lobbed you?""I mn.""It's just possible that it might linvo

been Hill,' ho went on, "jtiht posiliie.If it was lilin, and liu did it to build nchinch in tids town, you'd let up onhim, wouldn't yon?"

"No, sir. Ho isn't tho sort to buildchurches."

"No, I'm nfrnid not, but it's just pos-sible. I haven't talked with him, but Irather think ho feels for tho fntherlcsand wanted to start an orphan asyluni.If that was his motive, jou'd let up onhim, I tnko it?"

' 'It whs a bold faced robbery, and Ipropose to sco him punished."

"Ah, yes. I think I'd better go overand seo Bill and ask him what his mo-tive, was. I'll bo back in half an hour. "

When ho rnmo back, ho said:"If thires a chnuco for a fellow to

climb up yon are a man who'd givohim a boost, I Lope?"

"I would. Was Mr. Higgins seekingto climb to tho top of tho robbery busi-ness? "

"Not nt all, sir, not at all. He wantsto go to tho legislature, and he robbedyou to get fnnds toninko tho campaign.That's his ambition to become theHon. William Higgins. Stranger, areyou n Democrat in politics?"

"Yes.""So's Bill, and ho's suro of election

if yon let this thing slido. It's all inyour liuuds. If you prehs him, ho goesto piiton. If you let tip on bim, ho goesto tho Icgislutuio."

J didn't believe his statements, butas ho agreed to resturo nil my propertyand I did lint wnut tho troublo and do-l-

of a trial I accepted and went myway. Thrco mouths later I met the manon tho streets of tho cnpital city, andho reached out his hand and said:

"Ah! Glad to seo you again. Comeover to the hotel and havo u drink withme and tho Hon. William Higgins, whois cock of tho walk nnd carrying thislegislature in his vest pockot."

No Calamity Happened.Abont 15 miles from Ironton, on tho

side of tho Cumberland mountains, Imet n nativo on a niulo, beaded in thodirection of tho town. After giving mothe usuul salutation ho queried:

"Stranger, mebbo yo' passed lastnight in Ironton?"

"Yes, I did," I replied."Wus thrco or four peoplo killed in

town while yo' wus thur?""No; no ono wns killed.""But six or eight folks must hev bin

badly hurt?" ho insisted."I didn't hear of any ono being hnrt.""Shoo I Didn't a man git out on tho

pnhlio bqunr and whoop and hoot andjump on his bat?"

"I didn't fcco any such performance.""Didn't nobody roar liko u lion nor

screech liko n wildcat uud dcclnr' thatho could lick auythiu on legs in thattown?"

"Nobody did. Tho town was veryquiet hibt night."

"Shool Shoo! I can't make it ont.Was tho cotehouso tipped over on itssido or tho jail unroofed?"

"No, sir. I took particular notice ofthoso buildings, and they wero nil right.Hud yon cause to believe there wouldbo troublo in town last night?"

"Iliad, stranger. Iliad cause to thinkthings would all bo torn up by tho rootsdown at Ironton. Nuthin like a cyclonohit yo' 'bout tho tlino yo' reached Snicker's gap?"

"No, sir. Yon seem to havo expectedeorno grcut calamity to occur down thoroad."

"I did, sab, and I can't make it outMy son Dan'l got drunk on crab applocider yisterday mawuiu nnd started offon his mowl to lick tho hull stait ofTennessee. Didn't yo seo nuy deadfolks in tho road ns yo' cum along?"

"Not a singlo ono. Was your bouDaniel n young man with long hair anda coonsklu cap?"

"Ho was.btiangcr that's my Dan'l.""Had a long uo&o and a loud voico?""Exactly cxaotly. How many folks

did ho kill?""If that's your Daniel, then yon'll

find him ut tho Cornei h. He's lyingulonghido tho feneo asleep. I noticedthat some ono hail pulled out a lot ofhis hair, and that both of his eyes weroblacked and his nose was badly bkiuued.I think ho was in n row uud got badlywhipped."

"Never, sah novcrl" exclaimed thoman, as he straightened up. "My sonDan'l might hev tackled this yore moun-ting uud got tho wnst of it, or he mighthev met up witli an earthquake andlaid down to rest, but as fur beiu whop-ped in n fout it don't roil in tho funi'lyand couldn't hev bin possible I willmovo along down thar and see about it,and if yo' seo the. trees a Bhakiu'nnd thorocks a lollin down yo'd better git intoa hole sumwlmr, fur that will bu Dan'lrisiu his feet uud yclliu fur blood."

M. Quad,

Nicely furuishod rootna nt thePopular House, 151 Fort street,from S1.00 per week up.


Viiluable 13tisinca3 Proporly on

Nuuitnu street, bringing a good


Sevoral Lots near Punolibowl

nnd at Makiki, tbo Choicest Resi-

dence Proporty in tbo city. A

porfoct view from Diumond Head

to Ewa, Honolulu and Harbor. '

Four Houses and Lots on Punch-

bowl shoot, only fivo minutes

'walk from the Post Office.

We also havo Comfortable

Houses for sale on easy terms si-

tuated on the following streets;

Lunalilo, Kinau, Kukui, Hns-sing- er,

Berotnnia, Young, Vic-

toria, Green, Thurston Avenue,

Punahou, Liliha and Nuuanu,

Building Lots in all parts of thecity on the instalment plan.

Several well established Lodg-

ing Houses, , ,

Oofl'ee Lands on Hawaii and a

Pineapple Ranch with lime and

other fruit trees near Honolulu.


& 'CO.,

210 King Street.

Notice to Creditors.

The undersigned having been np.exeouturs of the will of M,

foiuted deceased, notice is hereby giv-en to all creditors of tbo deceased topresent their claims, whether securedby mortgago or otherwise, duly autnenticated, and with the propervouchers, if any exist, to the under-slgue-

within six months from thedate hereof, or they shall be foreverbarred. Aud all persons iudebted tothe said deceased are requested tomake immediate paymont to the

at their nfllce, corner of Fortand Merchant streets, Honolulu. .

Honolulu, April 20, 1807.E. A. MoINERNY,J D MoINERNY,

r W. H. MoINERNY,Executors of tbe Will ot M. Molnerny,

Deceased. 699-t- f


iain.ter,Paper Hanger and DecoratorIsland Ordors attended to with dispatch.All work carefully and promptly ex-


3T OmcEt Smith street, with SamuelKuholookalanlFaa. Kcsideucos Falama.

55b Cm

Canadian-Australia- n

Steamors of the above Lino running in connection with the

PACIFIC RAILWAYBetween Vancouver, B. O., and Sydney, N. B. W.. and calling at Victoria, B. C

Honolulu and Suva (Fiji),

XyCTS --A.T HODSTOIjTJ'IjTTOn or abont tho dotes below stnted, viz.:

Prmn Syilnej and Ham, for Victoria andVanontfver. 11 C.I

Strar"AORANai'' May 2Stmr "MIOWEHA" Jnuo 24Stmr "WAIUUMOO" July 24

Stmr"MIOWEltA" .".... August 24

Through TJekctH IssuedUntied staton


D. MoNiooll, Montreal, Canada.ltonBnT Kkhii, Winning, Canada.

M. M. Stehn, San Francisco, Cal.Q. MoL. Diiown, Vancouver, B. O.

Oceanic Steamship Company.

TIME TABLE.Fino BteaMers This Liuo Will and



connection with above- - steamers,prepared intending passengers, through

railroad from San pointsUnited States, and from

For further apply

G. IRWIN & GO. Ltd.,

W. G. Irwin Go.

forWestern Sugar Eefinory of

.Francisco.Baldwiu Locomotive Works of Fhiln-delphi- a,

S.Newell (National

Shredder), York, S.N.Ohlandt & Chemical fertilizers.

& Sous, high grade fertil-izers CorTeo.

Reeds Steam Pipe Covering

AlsoOffer forPamfflno Faint P ,1c B Paints

Papers; Lucol Linseedboiled.

water paint)

Filter Press Cloths,Bricks,

Wm. Irwin & Co.

.I JWm. Irwin, - President ManagerGlaus Hpreckels, - - - nt

Giflard, - Secretary TreasurerTheo. Porter,

Sugar FactorsCommission Agents.



Imported : JeWetoy


Quality, Style and FinishGUARANTEED. ,

Repairing a specialty.




Steamship Line


Vlclnrln unci Vnncmitttr, II. toand Hjrilnnyl

Stmr 'MIOWBlA"..i MayStuir "AOKANOI" .Tune 18

JoblaBtnir " WAIIHIUOO"

from Honolulu CiWKirtn,J'uropc.

Vrotrtllf n,i1 Pnaanmi .! nilGeneral information, apply

THE0. H. DAVIES & CO.,Agents Hawaiian Islands.



Tho Passenger Arrive atLeave Port Hereunder.


In the sailing tho tho Agonstto issue, to coupon

tickets by any Francisco, to in thoNow York by any line to all

European ports.

particulars to

WM.Agents Oceanio S. S. Co.


AgentsCo. San

Penn.. U. A.Universal Mill Co.

Cane New U. A.Go's

Alex Crossfor Cuno and

SaleCo's andand oils, raw

Indurine. (a cold in whiteand colors.

Cement, Lime and

607-t- f


Q. and

W. M. and0. ... Auditor


07 TUB


Per "Australia" by




From C,Mutn


Btinr"MIOVEllA"JAngust 16




L'dfor tho











Wife's .Steamship Co'sr


Capt. J. A. KINO, PortSnpt.

Stmr. lINATJ,CLARKE, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu at 10 a. m,, touching atLahaina, Maalaea Bay and Mukena thesame day; Mahukona, Kuwnihao and Lau.Eahoehoo tho following day, arriving at

same ovoning.


Tuesday May IS Friday May UFriday May 28 Tuesday.. ..May 25'Tuesday... .June 8 Friday Juue 4Friday Juue 18 Tuesday,. .June 16

Returning, will leave Hilo at 1 o'clockP. m., touching at Laupahoehoe, Mahu.kona and KawaihBe saiue day; Makena.Maalaea liay and Lahaina the followingday; arriving at Honolulu tho afternoonsof 'luesday and Fridays.

Will call at Pohoiki, Puna...W"0 Freight will be received aftei12 coon on day of sailing.


Will leave Honolulu Tuesday at Sp.m.itouching at KahulnL Hana, Hamoaand vfKipahulu, Maui. Returning arrives at VHonolulu RnnrlAV mornings

inn cau ainuu, Kaupo, on second tripoi eaon montn.

'Vn FrAlnltf .(!! l.A t a ..r. m. on day of sailing.

This Company will resorves the rlaht tomake phauges in he time of doparture andarrival of its steamers without notice andit will not be responsible for anyconse.qnences arising therefrom.

Consignees must be at the Landings toreceive their Freight; this Company willnot- - hold Itsoif responsible for freight afterit Iibb been landed.

Live Stock only at owner's risk.This Company will not bo responsible

for Money or Valuables of passengersunless placed in the caro of Pursers.

Passengers aro requested to purchasetickets before embarking. Those (ailing todo so will bo subject to an additionalcharge of twenty-liv- e per oent.

Cream ! Cream !

In Pint and Half PintContainers



Lewis & CosIW- - Telephone 210. 597-t- f

y "ML . ... .J.J .,,., ,.. .. M ',.,, , i. . t. I iU..Urii' ri J 'l.-'- i P "&, V. i;i- - I. ,.1 ,',, .J,.. I r . . .



'mirtMiM WKVHtotojy k&kLUi.

wjuppn- - wumpw i w W wwiiiiyn'npjjiM



New GoodsMTTiRA.T.A. & CO.


Fine Japanese Matting, Rugs, &cFine Crepe Shirts Any Style!

t& Cheapest in the City. Sf

MTJRATA & CO., 391

CLi.ua Sprsckxls. Wh. 0. Ibwih.

dlaupfeckeluo.BAjiCErS- -


Ban FrancUco Agent Tan Nkt ADA Bank orBah ftuscisco.


8am Francisco The Nevada Bank of SanFrancisco.

London The Union Bank of London, Ltd.Nw York American Exchange National

Bank.CniOAOO Merchants National Bank.Farts Comptolr National d'Escompt de

Paris.Birlin Dretdner Bank:HONOKONO AND YOKOHAMA Hongkong &

Shanghai Banking Corporation.Nkw Znaland and Australia Bank ef New

Zealand.Victoria and Vancouver Bank of British

North America.

Traisact a General Banting and EiiMge Business

Depols(s Received. Loans made on Ap-proved Security. Commercial and TravelersCredits Issued. Bills of Exchange boughtand sold.Collections- - Promptly Accounted Fob.'

Established 1858


Transact a General Bankingand Exchange Business.

Commercial and Traveler'sLetters of Credit issued, avail-

able in all the principal citiesof the world.

The . . .

s Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

. Cor. Alakea A Halekauwlla SU.

Has a largo assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly on hand.

Estimates given for house wir-ing and Electrical plants.

Marine Wiring a specialty.

THEO. HOFFMANN,82-t- d Manager.

Building Lots!At WAIKIK1 on oar line and on

ROAD near FertilizingPlant

These Lota are Very Cheap and Boldon Easy Term.

Desirable Aore Tracts near the city and. ether Properties lor sale.

j BRUCE, WARING & CO.,Dealers in Lota and Lands,

312 Fort Street, near King.TKT.HPHONB 607. P. O. Box 821,

w. c: ACHI & CO.,

Brokers & Dealers

REALJESTATEtST We will Buy or Bell Deal Estate in

all parts of the group.rjr We will Bell Properties on Season-

able Commissions .

OFFICE, 10 West King Street

Consolidated Ma later Co., LI

Esplanade,Corner Allen & Fort Stt., Honolulu.

HOLLI8TER & CO.,Agents.


DENTIST.Hew Love's Building, Fort Stroet.


Nuuanu & 2 Hotel Streets.

Robinson Block, Hotel Street.

Look at Our Bargain List

Fine Straw Hats, 25 c. up.Crepe Pajamas, $1 a suitColored Bosom Shirts, 65c.Ladies Kimonos, $1 up.Gents Sox, ,4 pairs for 25c.

Paper Napkins, 30c. a 100.Ladies Leather Purses, 25c.Silk Embroidered Pillow

Covers, 75c. a piece.

IWAKAMI,'' Robinson Block, Hotel Street.

TJje Yokohama Specie BanLIMITED.

Subscribed Capital Ten 12,000,000Paid Op Capital Yen 4.600,000Deserve Fund Ten 4,130,000


BRANCHES' AND AGENCIES.Kobe, London, Lyons, New York,

San Francisco, Shanghai,Bombay, Hong Kong,

Transacts a General Banking and Exchange Business.

Agency Yokohama Spetie BankNew Bepntllc Building. Ill ting St. Honolnln.

W. W. AhanaMakes Clothing to ORDEB of thvery best materials and in the verylatest style. , , ,

A. Perfect Fit 'Guaranteed




Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty


Just' ReceivedCrookery and Ivory ware,Embroidered Fans,Shawls, Screens,Wicker and Steamer Chairs,

WING WO TAI & CO.,214 Nnnann Street, Honolnln .

SHTJN LOY,623 Fort Street, Yee Sing Tal Building.

LadlBB Dress MakBr,

r Jnne worit a specialty. Also, veryfine Underwear made to order. All workguaranteed. 447.6m

TOM CHUNG KEE,t. 913 Nuuanu Street.

Dealer in Ladies' and Gentle-omen- 's

Shoes.Boots and Shoes to order. I use the best

material. Goods warranted towear well. 143- -


--A.ttornev at Law14 Kaahumanu Street.

Telephone No. 082. 493.6m

ROBERT GRIEVE.Book and Job PrinterMerohant Street, Honolulu, H. I,

Over Hawaiian News Company'scook Btore. my 18,


iPainter,Paper Hanging & Decoration

Neatly done. All work promptly and carefully attended to. Telephone 816. Bestoeaos, jLnaiuat street, oaf-o-

'1 - ' '

Just like Gold Coin.

For more, than fifty yearshas PERRY DAVIS' PAINKILLER stood tho testagainst all remedies preparedto eradicate pain, and todaystands at the head of the listamong the medicines that areso essential to keep at hand inthe home.

It is not a new fangle remedynor do the proprietors layclaim to any wondertul revela-tion of the ingredients that enter into tho manufacture ofthis over popular remedy.

It is perfectly harmless, youneed have no fear of becominghabitually inclined to its use.

lor Uolic, Cramps, Dysen-tery, Colds, and all painfulaticctions, a lew doses will certainly give relief. - You cannotanord to be without a bottlein tho house.. Your forefather's used it

and found it beneficial.Why experiment with some

remedy that is new and its effecton the system unknown?

it has many rivals but noi '

equal.ffi-- I he now 35c. size con

tains over double the quantityot the 25c. size.

Hollister -:- - DrugCompany,

Sole Agents for the Islands.


Art -:- - Fotos

The Most Complete

and Artistic Seriesof island Views EverExhibited. -

The Latest Applicances for FineWork pertaining to Photography.

521 J Fort St. Tel. 151


. IV :. Mil

HAVING ESTABLISHED A MODERNplant for hulling, polishing and assortingoonee, we are preparea 10 ouy ana cleanoonee in tne parenment.


Apply to

avsm H. EaGKFELD & GO,

Crayon and Water Colors


From SB 00 up. Samples to be seenat my Studio, 22 Beretanla Street.

B. LICHTIGr.6013m

iWhere do I get my clothes made? Yon

are the tenth man that has aked the ques-tion. At J. F. Bodrlgues of course, and mydress suits especially please me vary much,

J. P. Bodrigues,Fart street.

A Guilty raltn.

"?"FoodoTa, yor havo bin of

me. Yer hnnd tolls me yor have binmarried twicot." Life.


"Tho pictnro is all right,' but Ithought I ordered a sunsot. "

"Just stop lhlml the curtain for onomoment, and it shall bo done.".


's 4


AMUSEMENTS.The Goddrd Lectures. The second

of the Goddard lectures was given lastnight before an audience which wasthoroughly in accord with the lectur-er cud listened to his splendid descrip-tions of the art of brewing "Rainier"beer. He remarked that only the bestof hops and malt were usee" thus in-

suring a healthful beverage. On tapor in bottles at the Criterion saloon.

Madam Yulo, who lately ar-

rived from the Coast, is located attho Eagle Houbo, Nuuanu stroot,where she is prepared to per-manently remove moles, warts andsuperfluous hair, by eleotrioity.She has also for salo an excellentfaoo bleach, warranted not to in-

jure tho skin. Madam Yule makesa specialty of oloctrio treatment.




Curry Powder as made by us is prepared after the OriginalRecipe from tho Purest Ingredients.




527 Fort Street, corner Hotel.

THbo. . DVibs $ Co., :



Commission . Agents!Dry Goods,

Hardware and

Groceries.EVERY - MM - HIB - OWN - HDHSE - DDCTDH.


tob tub cube or disease! ort

Item, Cittli, Ship, Dogi, Swini, and Pultrr.ALSO'

The Morrelous Hair Kenedy which prevents


Solo Agent, Honolulu.Jpff" Neat pamphlet free en application. F, O. Box 202, Telephone 20.

Honolulu, April 21, 1806.Mr. 0, W. Mactaiilane: It affords ma pleasure to recommend, to any on whose halt

is fulling ont, thenKe o( Bit. I'OTTIE'N IIA1UOIL. My hair was coming ont atsuSa rate aa led me to believe that I would soon beoomo bald. After using the oil for five weeksthis ceased entirely; none whatever is now falling ont. I consider It the best and oakyworthy remedy for this trouble and ahto recommend it as a stimulant to new growth.

60S-i- f Yonrstrnly, J. B. DANIELS.


TKLKl'llUNE B- -


QEftetyn, 'jvEejlijtoiE--AND-

and Dealers in- -

-- f.o. box a

Plantation Supplies.

H. HACKFELD & CO.201 to 215 Fort Street.


Groceries, Provisions and Feed.New Goods Becelved by Every Packet bom the Eastern States and Europe

FRESH CALIFORNIA PRODUCE BY EVERY BTEAMERJAll Ordeni falthfolly attended to and Goods Delivered to any

Part ot the Oity FBEE

Islaxd Obbkbs Bouomn SAnsrAonox BvtouMwmQ







panpgtrr T JagwM




I- -



in t i




Dkpautment of Finance,Honolulu, H. I., May 10, 1897.

Holders o Hawaiian Governmeat Honda o the following datesand denominations aro herebynotified that on and after maturityof tho next coupon, during themouths of June ami July of 1807,iutorest will cense.

The principal of said bonds willbe paid ou presentation at thonext dato of tho coupon.

ACT OF AUOUHT 5, 1882.

Stock A Bond No. 395, datedJn. 27, 188a for S1UUU.

Stock A Bond No. 390, datedJan. 27, 1883 for 81000.

Stock A Bond No. 397, datedJan. 27, 1883 for S1000.

Stock A Bond No. 398, datedJan. 27, 1883 for S1000.

Stock A Bond No. 457, datedJuno 28, 1883 for $1000.

Stock A Bond No. 458, datedJuno 28, 1883 for 81000.

Stock A Bond No. 4G0, datedJan. 4, 1884 for $1000.

Stock E Bond No. 277, datedDo. 2, 1882 for $500.

Stork E Bond No. 279, datedJan. 3, 1883 for SuUU.

Stock E Bond No 230, datedJan. 3, 1883 for 8500.

Stock E Bond No 281, datedJan. 3, 1883 for 8500.

Stock E Boud No 282, dated.Tnn. a. 1883 for 8500.

Stock E Boud No. 283, datedJan. 3, 1883 for 85Q0,

Stock E Bond No. 284, datedJan. 3, 1883 for 8500.

Stock E Boud No. 285, datedJui.3, 1883 for SoUU.

Stock E Bond No. 28G, datedJan. 3, 1883 for 8500.

Stock E Bond No, 287, datedJan. 3, 1883 for 8500.

Stock E Bond No, 288, datedJan t. 1R83 for S500.

Stock E Bond No. 300, datedJune 19, 1883 for 8500.

Stock E Boud No. 301, datedJune 28, 1883 for 8500.

Stock O Bond No. 307, datedJan. 8, 1883 for $100.

Stock O Boud No. 308, datedJan. 8, 1883 for $100.

Stock O Bond No. 309, datedJan. 1(5, 1883 for $100.

Stock O Bond No. 310, datedJn. 27, 1883 for 8100.

Stock O Bond No. 311, datedJn. 27, 1883 for S100.

Stock O Bond No. 312, datedJan. 27, 1883 for $100.

Stock O Bond No. 321, datedJune 19, 1883 for 8100.

Total $14,200.HENHY E. COOPER,

Minister of Finance ad interim.GOG-G- ts.

Irrigation Notice.

Holders of water privilege, or thosepaying water rntes, are hereby noti-

fied tint the hours for Irrigation pur-pt-

n't' (root Oto 8 o'clock A. M. uud

from 4 to 6 o'clock v. M.

AS OKBW BROWN,Suut. Honolulu Water Worka.

Approved: J. A. Kino, Minister ofInterior.

Honolulu, H. I., April 0, 1897.577-- tf

51? Euerjir Bulletir;,


SATURDAY, MAY 15, 1897.

British residents of Shanghaikavo decided to commemorateQueen Victoria's Diamond Jubi-

lee by establishing: "The VictoriaNursiug and Training Institute"This form of memorial was ohoson

in preforonco to the two otherpropositions of a statue of thotjneou and a Victoria Park. Onthe linul vote thore wero only two

dissentients among 2G voters.There is to bo a popular day'solobration besides at Shanghai.

Some charitablo foundation hoemato have the proforenco almost

very whoro over a show memorial.This is in accordance with tho

royal suggestions put forward.

There has been another swap-

ping of horses in midstream attho Philippine Islands. An off-

icial telegram from Manila, April1G, is published by tho ShanghaiMercury, saying: "On account ofilliaoBB, General Palavieja rosign- -

od and loft today for Spain, Gon --

oral Lohauibro taking ohargo asGovernor and Captain-Gonor- ol

pro torn." Look out for nows of

carnage now, while the new war--lincan afrivna fn mnlrn A TftP.nrn.

Ho will bo all right if, liko Woy-l- er

in Cuba, ho scouro control ofmails and telegraphs.

Dr. Sun Yalsen, with tho assis-tance of an Englishman, delivereda locture recently in St. Martin'stown hall, on "Things Chinese"Tho locturor is reportod to havo"sketchod tho history of Chinaand dilated on tho abuses practis-ed by tho officials. The crueltiespractised, aud tho impositions bywhich the people wore robbed,called for tho intorposition ofcivilized natious; and ho hopedthe day was not far distant whenthe sympathies of Western Europewould bo enlisted on behalf ofChina, and she would bo freedfrom misrule, and kopt from fall-

ing under tho powor of anotherTartar avalanche, which Russiathreatened to pour over the coun-

try." 8uch a leoture in an Eng-lish town by a Chinaman may botaken as a faint streak of civiliza-tion's coming dawn in theFlowery Kingdom.

By a law passed iu the closingdays of tho late Congress, provi-sion is mado that tho cup that notinebriates not poisons its partakereither. An article reprinted else-

where gives a list of grades of thoteas that are to be permissible forimportation.

Tho Chinese Government hassecured from the British Admiral-ty the services of Captain Dundas,R. N., for tho training of cadetsfor tho future Chinese Navy. Howould appear to be a first-cla- ss

man, from the fact that tho Boardof Admiralty chose him unani-mously on the first ballot.


imiitmr Cooper Declares No Nllulll la,71 on n I lo llm Fount, iKtatts

Minister Cooper spoke to aBulletin man about reports hehad hoard that members of theProas were taking it very hard ofhim that he should havo refusedthe services of tho band for thePress diuuor at tho ilnwuiiauhotel this evening.

It waB not true, the Ministersaid, that tho baud was sent totho dinner given iu honor of theJapanese cruiser Nauiwa's officerslast night. Friday is the band'sprescribed weekly holiday, incompensation for their labor atthe Sunday baud concerts. Bund-maste- r

Bergor asked permissionto detail a few membersof the band to play at tho dinner.The whole band, however, assem-bled in uniform and played at thedinner. It was a breach of thorule in such cases made and pro-vided, and Mr. Berger bad boongiven to understand this morningthat the attendance of tho band inuniform was disapproved.

Roplying to other alleged in-stances of varianoo from the rule,the Minister said he had not beenaware of any such. In ono casementioned tho late husband of tholady favored had been a Ministerin the Goverumont. Another casecited was that of tho marriage ofati officer of' tho military, and itcame cloarly'within tho rulo ofofficial occasions when tho bandmight play.

Moreover, Minister Cooper saidhe would readily consent to hav-ing a portion or tho whole of thoband play for the Press dinuer, ifBandmaster Borger had been ask-ed for the service and the musici-ans wero willing, provided onlythat they did not appear iu uni-form or otherwise under oflioialguise.

Tho interviewer was grateful forthe dear and courteous explana-tion given. And tho band playedonl

Kroocor Pianos.swootest in tone.Jus.W. Borgstrom, solo agent, cashor installments. Warorooms atG. Wost'B, Masonio Toraplo. Of-fic- o

at Thrum's Book Storo. Tun-ing and repairing. SfiiT" Telo-phon- o



(Prom Report to Vctlicr 8crylce.),

Kiev. Fall.Stations Feet. Inches.


Waiakoa 50 3.11Hilo (town). 100 3 CG

Kaumana... 1250 7.22Ponahawai . 1100 6.71Popeokeo ... 100 3.02

300 3.37950 G.G1

200 3.06. . . 4.1710 ....

900 ....400 5.48250 3.71760 3 50300 2.58

1200 ....425 3.1G700 3.21200 1.42350 1.40585 1.G0234 1.51

2720 1.931100 ....950 2.01

1510 ....1580 4.08800 1.07

1250 1.45G50 041

1250 1.3515 ....

310 0.20850 0.58

1650 G.212G00 8.01

750 3.38110 3.2510 3.19

650 3.428 2.29

10 0.4415 ....15 0.00

'266 '.'.'.'.'.

1800GO 1.58

180 i.241400 2.4620004000

I Monomu . . .jllonomu....HnkalauHonohinaLaupahoohoo

i Laupahoohoo'OokalaKukaiauPaauiloPaauhauPaauhauHonokaaKukuihaoloNiuliiKohala Ostrum ....Kohnla Mission. . . .

Kohala MillWnimca i . . . .Awiui RanchKniluaLanihauKealakekuaKalahikiKalahikiNaalehuNaalohuHonunpoHileaPahala . ..Olaa (Mason's)....PohakuloaWaiaknhouluKapohoPohoikiKamailiKalapana


KahuluiKnnunpnli ! .

OlowaluLahaiualunaHaua Plantation....HanaHamoa Plantation...Wniopai Ranch...PainPuuomaloiHnleakala Ranch...Kula

JIOLOKAI-Mapuloh- u.

. 70 163LANAT

Koolo IGOO 0.93


Makiki Reservoir. . . 150Punahou W. Bureuu 50 1.40Honolulu (Groeust) 100 1.33

50 0.9515 1.0210 0.06

10050 2.143050 1.7G

250405 2.78730 1.63850 2.95

G ....300 0.79100 ....350 1.03

2.--1 O'tl

KuluokuhuaKine, St. (Kowalo) . .Kapiolam ParkMnudaPnnoaInsane AsylumNttuanu (School st.)Nuuanu (Wyllio st.)Nuuanu (Eleo. Stn.)Nuuanu (H'f-way-

Nuuanu, Luakaha..NiuMaunawiliKnueohoAhuimanu"WaimnnaloKahuku 25 0.85Wnianao 15Wuianae 1700 1.79Ewa Plantation GO


Lihuo, Grove Fnrm . 200 1.16Li hue, Molokoa.. 300 1.29Hanamaulu 200 0.70Kilauoa 325 ....Hnnalei 10 2.17Wainwa 32 0.24Makawoli 50 ....

April Averages.Hawaii Stations Average, by

Districts 3.20Maui Stations Avorngo by

Districts 1.22Onhu Averago by Distriots.. 1.27Kauai Averago by Districts.. 1.15Hawaiian Islands by Dis

tricts 1.71,JNormal.Avorago lor April... doU

O. J. Lyons,In Chargo of Weather Bureau.Tho abovo figures wore based

on data furnished up to 7 o'clockthis morning, since which timoFrank Browu's gaugo shows ouadditional fall of 0.26 inch,making about an avorage of halfan inch in tho city.

Edwin Gonnor will speak at theGospel meeting Sunday eveningat 6:30 o'clock. Every ono is in-

vited to bo presont.

If you aro interested in the sub-ject of enlarged portraits, it wouldho worth your while to soo thosamples nt King Bros, nt pricesrouging from S5.00 to S10.00frames and all. They can't bo beat,


pmeiy J.opie

MONEYmakes the mare go, is $ well-kno- wn

saying. We have some-thing that will make the sor-riest old nag ever hitched to awagon go at a regular lacinggait, and for very little moneyat that. Our Carriage Whipscan be had in almost-an- v

I quality and price, from $1 to

We have still a good stock ofCart and. Buggy Harnessto suit the purse of anybody;we sell a first-cla- ss harness for

16 and then "there are others"better in quality at $2$, $0and $15.

Young men like to take theirbest girl out for a drive, andthe beautiful moonlight nightswe are just now enjoying, inviteamorous swains to go a moon-ing with their lady loves.

We have a dandy lookingDog Cart that is just thething for a drive around the)ark; it is easy riding, com-brtab- le,

with plenty of roomfor two. It is the only one ofits kind in Honolulu, and aswe are not in the carriagebusiness, we do not intend toget any more, so you do notrun the risk of having thesame style as everybody else.Will be sold very cheap.

By the last Australia wereceived a lot of Brass Stirrups, light and neat looking,and besides carry a full assort-ment of Carriage Sponges,Chamois Skins, Lap Robes,Bits, Buokles, Etc., Etc.

THEHawaiian Hardware Co.


Opposite Spreckela' Bank

Sale of Coffee Lands


South Kona, Hawaii.

Under instructions from the OwnerI will Bull Ht Public Auction ut mySalesroom, Quoeu stieet, Honolulu,

On Saturday, May 22,at 12 o'clock noon,

The following Property situated atHookena, South Kona, Hawaii.

One Twentieth Share in th Ahu-pua- u

of Honoku'i, South Kona. Theabove Interest Is entitled to about 32Sacres of the above Abupuaa. Sixty,acres of the above have been parti-tioned and are now In use by theowner, of which about 15 acres areplanted iu coffee, prop of 1895 was 27sks of cleaned coffee.

268 of mauku Lauds in Coffee Belt,oombrise balance of the land. Allimprovements including New Cot-tage and Tank, Fencing aud Walls, etc.

This property is on the malri Gov-ernment Road, 3 miles from the ship-ping port of Hookena.

For further particulars, apply to

JAS. P. MORGAN,COO.td Auctioneer.

Meohanics' Home, corner Hoteland Nuunnu streets, lodging byday, wool: or month. Torms: 26and 60 cento per night. $1, and81.25 per week.

City Carriage Co. , J. S, And.rude, maunger. If you want a

haok with good horse and care-ful driver ring up Telephone 118,oorner of Fort and Merchantstreets. Haok at all hours.

Don't bo persuaded to accoptwhat is not really good in en-

larged portraits, just booauso youhavo given an order for ono.King Bros, will give you some-thing infinitely bettor and oheap-e- r

than you can get anywhore elsoin town.

Universal Stoves $ Ranges!The 33esfc and the Cheapest !

"""- -

Dandy Co6k, No. 7, 4- -7 inch Hole's, Oven 15x17. Price $ 8 00Westekn, No. 7, 4--7 inch HolesOvon 10 4x17. " 15.00PniZE Eanoe, No. 7-- 18, 6- -7 inch Holes, Ovon 18x18 inches.

Prico 23 00Welcome Range, No. 7-- 18, 6- -7 inch Holes, Ovon 18x18 inches.

Prico 27 00Arroixo Eanoe, No. 7-- 18, 6-- 7 inch Holes, Ovon 18x18 inchos.

Prico '30 00

Supeiiu Univeksal Banqe, No. 7-- 18, 6- -7 inch Holes, Oven18x18. Price 35 00


Pacific Hardware Co., Ltd



Grocer fo- r-








Why, wo have as many callstoday for them as nt any timesince they were first thought of.And wo aro constantly addingto thoir number.


Meritorious Designs

havo boon m'ado by us, andeach succeeding one is an im-provement on tho one that wentbefore.

Our latest is a beauty mostpeople think it the best we haveever produced, and a tray fulllasts just about a day. Allhands aro building thorn, how-ever, and thero will be ono foryou in timo for this or any mailthat may follow.

Wo lie awake nights thinkingof now designs, aud each dayadds something now to ourstock of




Union Mill Company.

At the Annual Meeting of the aboveCompauy held on May 2, 1807, atKohala, Hawaii, the following offi-

cers were elected for the eusulog year:

James Benton..., PresidentH. H. Kenton Vice PresidentF. M. Swuuzy TreasurerH. H. Reutou SecretaryT. K. Key worth Auditor

T. R. WALKER,Secretary pro tem.

Kohala, May 2, 1807. 600 3t

For Rent or Sale.Neat Cottage anil grounds on Nuuanu

near Knkui street, only two minute walkfrom the business portion of the city.CW-t- f A. V. GEAR & CO.

For Rent.

Furnished House; Parlor, DiningRoom, two Bedrooms, Kitchen, Bathetc., all in first class condition, Stableroom and servants' quarters; groundsiu elegant condition. Location upperLlliha street: possession given June 1.Apply at Bulletin Oulce. 602-l- m



Offioki 203 Merchant street, CampbellBlook rear of J. O. Outer's offlce, . O,Boi33fl


I- t-' "iiwycWID"





Two vessels arriving withinpast ten days brought slathersof goods to our Grocery De-

partment utid wo now have alllines complete. Tho deliciousDried Fruits you failed to se-

cure because tho demand waslarger than the supply are nowhere and will bo promptly de-

livered if you ordor them:Pears, Peeled Peaches, Apri-cots, Figs, Apples and Cher-ries. These are the choicestfruits ever brought to thismarket. t

Another delicacy is KipaOlives, practically unknownhere and infinitely better thanthose you have been used tobuying.

Russian Caviare, elegantfor lunch sandwiches. Levi'scelebrated California Epicurean Delicacies fresh by Australia. These aro tho finest"air tights" in tho world. RedKidney Beans, Lunch Oysters,Lobsters, Shrimps with tomatosauce, Boston Baked Beanswith tomato catsup. Thesegoods aro recommended only tothose who enjoy good things.

Other people put up thesegoods but they will hardlystand comparison with the"Epicurean" lines.

J. T. WATERHOUSEQueen Street.

We take pleasure- - in announcingthat with the last Australia we havereceived our full line of Men's, Boys'ami Children's Washable Suits.

Conslntlng of men's linen crash,$8.60. Men's linen ora-- h, $7 50. Boys'Sailor Suits, fioui $2 00 aud up. Boys'D. B. Suits, from 2.50 aud up. Boys'Long Pants riallor ults, sizes, 4 to 7,in white duok, the latest creation.Mn's White Duck, extra pauts, S1.25to $1.50.

JJ2S?e K00(,H are tu latest style and"THE KASH" Is the only placewhere you can get them at prioea tosuit. A full line of Bicycle Suits.

"The KasL"9 Hotel Street : : Wayerley BIOClC

We Make Shirts to Order.

A"c 4


J. 'iW



Hawaiian Soda Works.Stars vs. Regiments at 3:30 this

afternoon.Company A will elect a captain

tonight.Ool. G. V. Little and 0. 8 Brad-

ford of Hilo are in the city.A fine display of suiting and

skirting at Schmidt & Sons.Amoricnn and Hawaiian silk

flags, all sizes, for bbIo at the I.X.L.

Company G will give a ball attbo drill shed on the 2Gth of thismonth.

The Government band will playat Emma square this afternoon at4:30.

Officers of the Naniwa willshortly givo a ball on board thatvessel.

J. T. Moir, liond luua of theOnomoa Sugar Company, is overfrom Hilo.

Paul Jarrett, manager of tboParker stock ranch, is ovor fromWaimea, Hawaii.

Order your soda-wat- er for Sun-day from the Hawaiian SodaWorks. Tel. 632.

The Mokolii's old crew havehad enough of jail and have con-cluded to return to work.

The afternoon's play in the ten-nis tournament commences at thePacific grounds at 4 o'clock.

John Hind, manager of theHawi Mill and Plantation Com-pany, came over on the Kinau.

The program of the Makeo Isl-and band concort tomorrow after-noon appears in another column.

Superintendent Rowoll says thoPali road contract will come be-

fore an Executive Council meet-ing on Monday.

Kev. H. W. Pock of the Motho-die- tchurch will discourse on the

topic "Heaven on Earth" tomor-row evoning.

Dr. H. B. Elliott, Captain H.Henderson, Prof. A. Eoch and H.T. Stoekel were among the pas-sengers by tho Einau today.

A two weeks' clearance sale willbegin Monday at Wall.NicholsOo.Everything marked down,must besold to make room for new stocksoon to arrive.

Tho Government has as yot received no intimation of tho reported intention or Judge (Jartor toresign from tho Jnrst Judgeshipof the 1 irst Circuit Court.

School teachers are being paidby drafts on tho special deposit ofSchool tax in tho treasury. A setof books to keep tho run of thofund is required at the EducationlOffico.

Harry Wilder will take his oldElaco behind the bat today in tho

match, Albert Cunha be-

ing disablod by an injury to hisright foot. Babbett will play tomake up tho Star's nine.

The Hawaiian Mission Chil-dren's Society holds its regularmonthly meeting at Mr. FrankGooko's at 7:30 this evoning. Asmatters of importance will bebrought up, members are earn-estly requested to attend.

It'a one thing to take an orderfor a portrait and quite another

fin H .t:-:i- ., w: Tj.oiportraits havo always been known

f lo blvo OUWBIUCWOU uuu now IUUI. they have reduced their prices so

low, an extra inducement is offer-ed. See what they have beforeyou invest. -

Tim TTunaii Qnniol DliiV. nnantheir new quarters this eveningto their visiting friends with aninformal High Jinks, ovor whichBobort S. Scrimgeour will preside.A number of kind friends havevolunteered to assist in makingtho evoning pass morrily, andamong others are ProfessorsDorgor and Yarudloy and Messrs.Helms, Mackintosh, Harrison,Hennessey, Thomas and White.

Schilling's Besttea biking powdercofle flavoring extractssoda and iplce.

Try one after ariother andget your money back if youdon't like them at yourgrocer's.


, i j

Reward is offered for two smallplans lost.

The Kameliamoha club will playand sing at the 0:30 service tomor-row at tho YiM. 0. A.

Order a case of soda water, hop (

aie, pineapple, koib, raspDorry,oto. etc., from tho Hawaiian SodaWorks. Tel. 632.

The, finest of breakfast sausagosaro to bo had at tho Central MoatMarket on Nuuanu avenue. Tele-phone 104.

Members of the H. A. A. C. willbegin training on Monday o,t thebaseball ground for tho VictoriaJubilee sports.

Now suitings and pants patternsare arriving by overy mail steam-er for L. B.Korr. Ho sells a singleyard at wholosalo prices.

Remington Bicycles A com-plete outfit of extras for this po-pular wheel is to bo had at thePacific Cycle Co., JFort street.; Torchon ;(ind Valenciennes laces

aro still in great demand. L. B.Kerr has a choice lot, which ho isselling at lowest possiblo rates.,

Thoro was a row between mem-bers of the band at the Hawaiianhotel las.evening during Profes-sor "Berger's temporary absence.

The arrests made this morningwero ono Chinese for ohefa play-ing and anothor for desertingcontract servico at Malohu, Ha-wa- u.

Sponges, slates and slatepenoilsare no longer allowed in tho pub-lic schools of Cambridge, Mass.Paper); pens and pencils have beensubstituted.

Millions of men in India live,marry and are apparently happyupon an income which, even whentho wife works, is rarely above 50couts a week.

Teams of athletes from the U.S. ships Philadelphia and Marionwill probably tako part in thesports, if tho vessels are in port,on tho Victoria Jubilee day.

Before giving your order for aportrait, see what King BroB.Lave to show in crayon enlarge-ments and judge for yourselfwhether they can givo you thobest value for your money ornot.

President O. L. Wight of theWilder Steamship Company lefton the Belgio last night. He tr.

to bo away a month or sixweeks and to place an order for anew steamer in his, absence.

The semi-quarantin- e supposedto be kept ou Pacific Mail wharfduring the time the Belgio was inport was n perfect farce. It wasoven violated by ono of thoso in-

strumental in causing it to be putin forco.

The Hawaiian Cycle & Manu-facturing Co , buildors of the Ha-waii Bicycles, say that they arenot obliged to run down otherwheels in orclor to raako sales, asthe Hawaii is sold strictly on itsmerits.

When you have a portrait en-

larged see that you get yourmoney's worth. King Bros, havereduced prices to $5.00, $6.50,$7.50 and $10.00 for work thatthey guarantee to bo firstolass.They invite comparison.

There was only one case on thepolice court calendar this morn-

ing, that of ono Thael, arrestedfor disturbing the peace and quietof tho night. Mr. Thael failed toput in an appearance and his bailof $10 was deolared forfeited.

At the Christian churoh tomor-row morning Rev. James M. Mon-

roe will spoak on "The Irrepressi-ble Power of tho Truth." In theevening his thomo will be "TheSotting Up of tho Kingdom."Tho ordiuanco of baptism will beadministered after tho oveningsermon.

Thoro was anothor mooting ofdelegates of the Hawaiian RowingAssociation last evoning, thomatter under discussion beingamendments to tho bylaws whiohrequiro ouch club to tako part inrowing events at least once a year.The amendments aro now readyfor submission to tho roBpeotiveclubs.

A bioycle race with a pantherwas tho exciting cxporienco of anEnglish lady in Singapore oneevening. When riding slowlyhomeward along a road outsidetho town tho cyclist found thatsho was boing quietly stalked bya lingo black pnnthor. Sho hadtho presence of mind to start offat, full speed aud soon distancedher pursuer.



AKlKtiPOWDERAbsolutely Pure.

Celebrated for Its great leavening strengthand hcaltlifulnci s. Assures the food againstalum and all forms of adulteration commonto the cheap brands. HorAL IHkino Pow-der Co , New Yoiik.

Attention, Company A.Aiimory CoiirANv A., N. G. II.,

Honolulu, May 15, 1897. JEvery Member of this Commune! is

A hereby ordered to report at the DrillShed THIS (8turdny) EVENING,May 15, at 7:30 o'clock, forelection of Captain.

PAUL SMITH,6U.lt Captain Commanding.


Between Pnnchbowl and Beretaniastreets and Hopper's Mill on Fort street,two small plans, suitable reward paid fortheir return to this office or Jas. Nott, Jr.

811 3t

Makes Island Concert.Professor Berger has arranged

)he following selections for theband concort at Makeo Island to-

morrow afternoon, commencingat 3 o'clock:

PART I.The Old Hundred.

Overture-T- bo Thieving Magpie RossiniTorchlight Procession MeyerbeerEuphonium Solo iuuihluo and llala...

BlumcnthalMr. Kaaua.'

Grand Selection Marituna Wallace

PART II.Cornet Solo Qlen Island(nuw) Short

Mr. Charles Kreuter.Fantasia Golden Blonde (new)....EllebergPotpourl Popular Airs ConternoFlnato Campcrdowa Clode

Hawaii Pocol.

At Emma Hqaare.Following are tho selections to

be played at Emma square thisafternoon by tho governmentband, commoncing at 4:30:Overture The Armourer LortzlngGavotte Circus FllegeCornet Solo Specialty Uazcl

Mr. Charles Kreuter.Melodies of Northern Europe KuhncrFantasia Angel's Dream HermanQuadrllle-Tt- ie Times Coote

Hawaii Ponol.

Death of Mm. Luce.

Mrs. Mary Elizuboth Luoe, wifeof V. S. Luco, died at her homeon Wyllio street yesterday, aftora lingering uud painful illness.The funorul will t.tko plaoo ut 4.

o'clook from St. Andrew's cathe-dral. The following will actuspall bourer:

Messrs M. D. Monsamt, E. W.Jordan, T. May, T. R. Wulker,F. B. Aiiprbach, R. L. Auerbach,J. S. Wiilkor. W. L. Stanley,G. P. Wildor. J. M. Monsarrut.

Diphtheria Oast,

Another case of diphtheria is

reported. It , is a child of Wm.Wagoner, the well known builder.Distressing to relate anotherchild in the same family is downwith lockjaw. A local doctor in-

forms the Bulletin that he doesnot believe there is any realdiphtheria in Honolulu. Thereis a false diphtheria with symp-toms extremely hard to distinguishfrom the real.

Syrups of any flavor, and plainsoda in siphons. Mako your owndrinks. Hawaiian Soda Works.Tel. C32.

Dry and fancy goods are sellingat Zb per cent discount on tneactual cost at tuo JLeinplo otFashion.

Summer dress goods 50 porcent cheaper at tho Templo ofFashion than elsewhere. Com-pare prices with those quoted byother firms; every pieoo marked inplain figures.

Printed ducks aro just as good,if not bettor than anything olsofor boys' shirt waists. They wrash

and wear well, two very importantconsiderations. Kerr has thorn ina largo variety of patterns at eightyards for one dollar.


A natural aperient water, bottled attbo TJJ Hunyadi Spring, Hungary,stands today at the bead In popularityas an aperient water In the estimationof the medical profession. The leadinghospitals la the United States andEogland prefer it to all other mineralwaters.

Nature'sThe Lancet, The British Medical

Journal, The Edinburgh Journal, TheMedical Press and Circular all com-mend It with strong and forcible lan-guage to people who are suffering fromConstipation, Biliousness, Fatty De-

generation,, and in all cases where anaperient is needed.


At this season ot the year a mildaperient taken before breakfast, willassist nature to throw off the Impuri-ties in the system that tend to wreckour health and make life miserable.

APENTA WATER is a true springwater.

Agreeable to take.Exceptionally efficacious.Cheaper thau moat waters.PRICES : 15 and 25 cents per bottle.

Hollister Drug Co.,

Bole Agents.

Thpso troods


Fancv Art Tickings, 'This is tho very latest material forPortieres, Curtains, Pillows, etc'.

Organdie Muslins, Printed .Lawns,in new designs and colorings.

GHace Linings for Organdies,in all colors, saraq effect as silkand is very cheap. - 'V

'Brocaded A.lpaoa and Mohair. r"


A New Assortment of

Ladies Swell Shirt "Waists, '

The very latest In

Kid Gloves and Ladies Bolts- -....A Hample Line of....

Children's Reefer Jackets,Only One of a Kind!


N. S. SACHS,52Q Fort Street : : Honolulu.

Since We Must Eat to Live, Let's Have the 'Best.

Just. Opened Up' anInvoice of . . . r

SctyiLLiiiq's Besj Tisconsisting op

Japan Flavor, English Breakfast and Ceylon.

SCHILLING'S BEST BAKING POWDER.Give them a trial. Money back It you doa't like the lb. Also, jast received

Block Butter, Kits Creamery Butter,Fidelity Brand Bacon, Crackers and Cakes,

Mild Cheese, Smoked Beef,Humboldt Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc


New EuropeanFull Line Linen Damask and


Chas, Hustace,street, next to the Arlingto:


Table Napkins


Ladies' and Children's English Black Hose

(Fast Colors, Sanitary Dye) JfJ. '.

(. '

W&-- These Goods are in the Plain, Ribbed, Balbriggan and .Lace'V'Patterns and aro guaranteed first-clas- s.

. (

Navy Blue Coating and Waterproof Serges,.

45-INC- H PILLOW LINEN (All Qualities),

Damask and Turkish Towels


Swiss Muslins, French Confection, Batiste,Plain Black and Figured Mohair.

are nowlv imported from Europe and 'are cuaran- - '.".teed to bo tho very finest tho market both in

prices aro suro to suit you.

3E3- -

I -





finish and quality. The s

v' ': ''V.



.l&A Ati ,, m.--V .'.


J t ,



, irl





- Y


Y Art ,S'



The Sunlight is

Glistening on

Those " Orange Kims,"

but unfortunatoly for us it isnot glistening on thorn in thiscountry, as our shipment of8TEAHNS wheels was put ontho"W. H.Dimond," so is notduo herd for a. week. OurCOLUMBIAS also are stillout of wheeling range, as theygot to S. F. the day boforotho steanior sailed, and nomoro freight would bo re-ceived, but they will conioalong soon, and in tho iuuiid-tim- e

wo want you to knowthat wo received 97 BAM-BLE11- S

by yeBtearday'sBtonrm-r- , ana can fit you outwith either a "JG or '97 wheel,aud wo know wo can suit you.Tho 1896 BAMBLKli ie thobargain of tho year and thoohanco to buy a well knownhigh grade wheel for $76 and$80 will not last long, as weare informed by tho makersthat this is the last lot of '96wheels they can furnish, for,as the write, "our sules havobeen phenomenal, aud youtook the last '96 wheols we hadin stock."

B We bent bicycles by thohour, day, week or mouth, and werent high grade now wheeU, suchas HAMBLERS, STEARNS,and COLUMBIAS, so if youwant a short ride or a long ride,want to rido single or want to ridodoublo,dropin and see how nicelywo can fit you out. You will getjust as good a mount if you tele-phone us, and wo will send yourwheel to your door. Your chaucoto buy a '90 RAMBLER cheapwill only last a few days, don'tmibs it.

E. 0. HALL & SON,Corner Fort and King Sts.

Eagle -- :- HouseNTJTJANU AVENUE.

Mrs. Harry KlammB, - - Prop

New Management.Commodious Rooms.


Palatable German Dishes.

Real Estate Transactions.Subscribers are famished with from fivt

to six lists per week, giving an accuralrecord of all deeds, mortgages, leases, re-

leases, powers of attorney, etc., etc., whichare placed on record. A1m a list of alldistrict court judgments.

Subscription Frice, $2.00 per Month.

A V. GEAR,210 Einc St, Honolnln

C. B. DWIGHTTakes contracts for all kinds of STONE

WORK, monument work, cement andStone sidewalks and curbing. I have onhand the best Hawaiian stone, Chinesegranite, etc Fine stone for monumentalwork. Estimates given and lowest pricesassured. Telephone 833.



Oor. Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu.


Wholesale Importers and Jobbers of

European and American Dry Goods

Fort and Queen Streets.


Dealers in Lumber and Coaland Building Matorials of .allkinds.

Queen Street, Honolulu,


Mercantile Agency210 King street.

Difficult Collections a Specialty

Have You

An Account?

This is a serious question,one at which some folks takeoffense, yet salesmen are undertho necessity of asking it.Some folks deal near homo,settlo infrequently, never in-

vestigate to sec whether theypay moro than they should andtoo often allow their accounts togo long over due. If you don'tcare what tho family expensesare it's a poor way to do if youwant to leave your children inaflluent circumstances whenyou aro gone. 'Now it is quitean advantage to have an openaccount at a well-know- n house,who con cxecuto your orderpromptly. Often persons saythey don't want an account andwill pay in a few days. Butwe cannot keep memoranda ofcharges; it isn't safe,or goodbusiness. The stock found inordinary stores is usually'stale,uninviting and inferior, whilethe stock in our store' is turnedso frequently and so caiefullywatched that it is at all timesfresh. Our stock in trade con-

sists of the luxuries and deli-

cacies from every civilized na-

tion. Send for our catalogueand prices and note the varietyoffered. Telephone us 240.We supply all nationalities.

LEWIS & CO., importersand exporters of table luxuries,wholesalers and retailers, con-tractors to tho U. S. Navy,supplying U. S. and other na-tions' Men-of-w- ar on the Pacif-ic Station.


Nuuauu Valley, Kalllil anil Plain"(laity 10:30 A M. aud 2:30 p. M.

Wuikikl Mondays and Tliurnlays2.30 p.m.

Mail orders promptlyexecuted.

Lewis & Co.,GROCERS.,

Hurt Street. Honolulu,

jBliaving:,Like line cabinet work, am only be done

by the Best Artists.

Hie CriterionBarber gliop


Best Tonsorial ArtistsIS HONOLULU.

Paoheco & Fernandez.

Now suitings aud pants patternsare arriving by evry mail steam-er for L. J3. Korr. Ho sells a singleyard at wholesale prices.

Sharkey will defeat Mnbor iflie drinks the new O. P S. Wbibkey that ie just put ou tho marketat tbo Anchor Saloon. Also,Half-and-H- alf and Seattlo Beer.

Kroegor PianoH,sweotest in tone,Jas.W. Borgetrom, sole agent, cashor installments. Warerooms atG. West's, Masonic Temple. Of-fice at Thrum's Book Storo. Tun-ing and repairing. 10 Tele-phon- o


Our work is bettor and ourprices aro lower for enlargedportrait work than anyone else's.We aro not making much at it,hut don't lot that worry yon. Ifyou havo anything in this lino toho done seo our samples first,and yon won't regret it. KingBroa., 110 Hotel street.

Bingors load tho world. Over18,000,000 mado and sold. Highest awarits at tuo Worla's Uolumbian Exposition for excellence ofconstruction, regularity of motion,eiiso of motion, groat speed, ad-

justability, durability, oaso oflearning and convemonco of

B. Borgorsen. agent,161 Bothel streets.


For a Chance.

Hon Dlumentoff I am zo bloosedyou liko it, Mcca Prown. It is a locdlosing of my own.

Miss Drown Yon sorpriso no, HerrBlumontoff. Now play mo somethingoriginal.

A Itfl Handed Complimeat. '

1 i M


"Is dat yon, Chimmy?""Yes.""D'yer know ycr ain't so bad lookin

whcnyoraiadoupl" Life. e

A Mlchtjr liad Fix.

it i


A Rnatlc."There la a good deal of knack in se-

lecting an eugngiiuent ring," said theyoung man with the botrothal habit"In the first place, it shouldn't be boexpensive that the girl won't give itback, and in tho second place it shouldnot bo bo obviously cheap that she willgivo it back as soon as she gets it "Cincinnati Enquirer.

ViicortBlmle nudnCertitlntjr.

Tho attention of tho publio isnow fully occupied and divertedin tbo consideration and discus-sion of several important currentand prospective happenings. An-

nexation, as yet unsecure, Re-ciprocity threatened; tho comingof the Naniwa, and her missionaftor arrival; the outcome of thewar between Qroece and Turkeyand, whether or no, all Europewill eventually become involved;the buttlomoot of the quarantinesquabble nro all themes of muchconjecture and uncertainty, andwhilo opinions aro freely offered,none can accurately foretell theoutcome of any of thoso matters.Nevertheless, it is becoming moroapparent, as each day passes, thatButValo and Hollbrau are thofavorite brews, uud it is gratify-ing that assurance is given thatregular shipments of these whole-some and strengthening bever-ages can be depended upon, andthat thay will, as heretofore, bedispensed at the Royal, Pacificand Cosmopolitan Saloons, andthat the interchangeable oheoksystem is an established fact.

Ileiuioiia Why

There aro two reasons whypeople aro now paying car fareall tho way from Waikiki to thoPalama Qrocory and back. Reason1. It is tho only placo on theIslands whoro tho celebrated Sal-

vation Army toa is sold. Reason2. After paying car. fare bothways patrons find they aro moneyin pocket by dealing at this "liveand let live" establishment. Wealso deliver goods, between Dia-mond Head and Moanalua freo.

Hamiy Gannon,Palama Grocery.

Opposite Railway depot, KingBtroot. Tel. 755.

J. S, Walker,

Real - Estate Broker.-




Dealer inReal Property,Improved

orUnimproved.Has for Sale and Lease on

Liberal Terms.


1. Large Lot, Makikl street, fonced, 228feet frontage

2. Lot on Kinan street between Alapaiand Kapiolanl streets 140 feet frontage.

3. Lot on Lunalilo street between Alapaiand Haokfeld streets.

4. 3 large Lots on Prospect street.6. House. and Lot on Green street be-

tween Kapiolanl and Victoria.6. The Building XnownaaThomaa'Blook,

2 stories and embracing 5 (rented) storeson leased ground.

7. Lot corner of Kinan andPiikoi streets.8. Itice Land at Waiiane, Koolan.0. Lot on corner of Heulu and Keeau.

mokn street, between residence of W. A,Bowen and lot of W. M. Giffard, baringfrontage on Heulu street 260 feet,

10. Lots 8 and 7 with House, Kalla.Waikiki road.

11. Half Acre Lot in Hilo Town.


1. 3 Cottages on Queen street near Punch-bowl street.

2. 3 Cottages at Old Waikiki.3. Store and Dwelling, comer Wyllie

and Nuuann, ready for occupancy.4. Lot corner Merchant and Richards


Properties Managed, Collec-tion of Kents, Loans Nego-tiated and Advances made onReal Estate.

JOHN S. WALKER,Spreckels Block, Honolulu.P. O. Box. 830. Tel. 831.

John Nott,Importers and Dealers in

Steel and Iron Ranges,



121 & 123 King Street.


WHAT?'My f10.00 Bath Tubs, lined with best

quality, No. 10 ilno, 6 in. Pipe, Chain andPing, with wood rim all complete. Otherdealers are dumfounded, and resort to allmanner of Tricks and Excuses.

Bo not deceived, these Bath Tuba havebeen sold for $M'until I reduced the prioe.

I am prepared to do all work in my lineand guarantee satisfaction! Estimates fur-nished.

If yon want a good Job cheap for Cash,ring up Telephone 844, and I am yourmam

JAS.NOTTJB,Tinsmith Plumber


Carriage Manufactory613 to 621 Fort Street.

Carriage BuilderAMD ltErAIHEIU

Bladssxaitbing in All Its Sranches.

W. W. WRIGHT, Proprietor.(Sueoessor to G. West)

AMERICANLivery and Boarding Stables

Corner Merchant and Richards Bta.

LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES.tST" Carriages, Burreya and ITacks at all

hours. TELEPHONE 100.



T-i-a Intimidad,


La Espanola,La A.fricaria,Henry Olav & Bock-l- Go.

Corner Fort &

Patent Shaft- - Springs

Invented Patented by W. W. WRIGHT.

It Obliterates AM Horse Motion.This device can be attached to Any Brakewith Straight Shafts

E2k. For particulars, call on or address

, W. W. WRIGHT,K6'tt Proprietor Honolnln Carriage Manufactory, Fort street, above Hotel.

CLUB STABLES,Fort Street, - - - - Tel. 77

BOARDING, -:- - SALE -- ;. AND -:- - LIVERY.


HlAJRISTESS -:-- AJSTDA specialty.




Merchant Sts.






St., pear Tel. 802.


1N HONOLULU.The best of riven to animals with us. Carefnl drivers remainattendants promptness, flacks, Brakes. ' '

r--: AT THE:- -,

GiW Furniture Store,of Fort and





Main Office Telophone No. B3. P. O. 222 Branch Office Telephone

Oahu Lumber and Building Co., L'd.Lumber Uiiehanti, Contractor! & Builders.

AND DEAI.ERS rN- -Doors, SaBheB, Paints, BnilderB' Hardware, Popora and

Eto. Manufacture Kinds of Moulding.Office, Leleo, King street. Branch and Planing

Bethel streets. Lumber Yards, Leleo and Lot near K. B. Depot. Private connect-in- gO. It. & L. Co. R. K. runs through our yards to B. R. wharf any ofand Waianae

Bulletin, 75c. der MonthJAS. MORGAN,


No. 45 Queen Street.

Expert Appraisement of RealEstate and

The Evening Bulletin, 75 centspr tponth.






nnd Emtmloie



Subsoribe for the Bdl-liti- n

per month.





Box No. No. 838.


Oils, "WallMatting, All

Main Office Mill, corner Kinn andtraok

with and partEwa stations. 483--tf












'1 ' ,!,

o jWJtBKtgjaraSiaHsssssM- rroBlWmMHKMitiMyWsMisssssM c

We are now prepared showa Range Cook Stove ever mado.

They are the world's best" Call and satis-fy yourself to quality, beauty and price.

Household Supply Dept.



J. 'Wallkb - - - Manager.



Naw Contractors.Refrigerated Poultry


Fresh Salmon


Metropolian Jjeaii tlo.

Telephone 45.

RING UP 104!The Central Meat Market

214 Nuuanu Street.

For Your ChoiceOrders


Always on Hand. Orderspromptly end carefully attend-ed to. i t .

HERBERT GARES,Sole Proprietor.

Fresh GroceriesBy Each Stoamer.

Table .'. DelicaciesA specialty at

VOELLER & CO.'S,20 Boretanla Street, Waring Block.

WS Telephone G80 -

BRUCE CARTWRIGHT,General Manager of

The Equitable Life Assurance Society

Of the United States for the HawaiianIslands,

Orrxxi Merchant street, Honolulu;

A. V. G-EA-

Tdephoae SS8


No. 310 King 8t

to you as fine



A. V. GEAR & CO,,

Omce: 210 King Street.


general Business ents

Loans Negotiated and CollectionsMade.

Stocks Bought and Sold.

Books Audited and Accounts Adjusted.

Bills Bought andNotosDiscounted, ' ,

Fife and Life Inance Agei

Commissioner of Deeds


State of California.


Having been appointed and commissionedCommissioner of Deeds for the State of Cal-

ifornia, I am preparedTo administer and certify oaths.To take and certify depositions and affida-

vits.To take.and certify the acknowledgment or

proof of powers of attorney, mortgages,transfers, grants, deeds or other instrumentsor record.

A. V. GEAR,Telephone 250. 310 King Street

Pioneer Building andLoan Association.

Assets July, 1896, $106,643.16

Money Loaned on Approved Security,A Savings Bank for Monthly Deposits,Houses Built on the Monthly Installment

Plan.Thirteenth Series of Stock now open.

For further particulars apply to

A. V. GEAR, Seorotory.Chamber of Commerce Booms.Office hours, 12:30 1:30 P.M. 373-t- f

J. S. WALKER,General Aoent rort Hawaiian Islands.

Boyal Insurance Company.Alliance ABsnrance Company.Alliance Marino and General Assurance

Company.Bun Life Assurance Company of Canada.Willtelmaof Madgeburg Insurance Com

pany.Scottish Union and National Insurance


Room 13 8preckels Block, Honolulu, II. I.

H.MA.Yco.,Wholesale and Retail Groceries,

515 & 517 Fort St., Honolulu

Telephonor 253 P.O. Box 470


pwrwp5rjpfw WMJV Vflff fPpW!


A V. B.

x ..'- -


Tho Lady Como nlong, ducky. Hoain't no pent, that ho niu't

Tlio Ducky 'Is ulosin nn not nbloomin copper. (Indignantly) Maytho blcssin ov God follow you, au uiv-o- r

ovortako yol

Feeling Far Straight.

LifeRather Dlfflcult,

Captnln of tho Muddlcston volunteerfiro brigado to old Hnggins, who hasarrived late, just as tho firo is got under

Why tho dickens can't you got heroin time, eh?

Ltaggins Well, it's not my fault Ilive a long distnnco from tho firo.

Captnln That's no oxenso. You mustmove nearer, that's all Woudor.


She And .what would you bo now Ifit weren't for my mouoyr

fie A bachelor.

BY POLICE AT CALLAO.Inquiry here confirms the sory com-

ing from Lima to the effect that theState Department has lodged a demand with tho United States chargeof legation nt Lima for the release ottlio mate of tho American bark "UncleJohn." Ho was ashore on December10 last at Callao, and vras arrested be-

cause of his constant demand for "Rai-

nier Beer." On tap or in bottles at theCriterion Saloon.

Printed ducks nro just as good,if not bettor than anything olsofor boys' shirt waists. They washand wear well, two very importantconsiderations. Kerr has them ina largo varioty of patterns at eightyards for one dollar.

Wo don't expect you to'givo ustho preference if what we have tosell is inforior or our pricos high-o- r

than our rivals, but when wooffor a suporior articlo for lessmoney, you do yourself a wrongby not looking into tho inattor.Gall and peo our samples ofportrait work. King Bros., 110Hotel stroot


Peu Pictures of tlm Bible fromGenesis to Kev, I nun. .

1B2 Beautiful Illustrations.Topographical Maps of Pulestluo

from recent and accurate surveysmade by The Pulestlno ExplorationFund of Loudon, glvlnpevery Journeytnnde by tlio Bavlour from tlio flluhtinto Egjpt to the AhuuiipIqii. Thebest aid to Bible study ever offeredthe public. For sale ut tli9


BAZAAR)V We are now prepared to do

all kinds of

Copperplate EngravingWedding Invitations in the verylatest styles, and Calling Cards aspecialty

J. M. WEBB,No. 316 Fort Street.A GOOD THING

4 XJ SOOhia, Algeroba and Fine Firewood

Cat and Split (ready for the Stove),i Also,



At Lowest Prices, delivered to any part oithe City.

TBbEPHONB t I i 414

HUSTACE & CO.,31 Queen Street.

p&to&ii&n Fertilizing

COMIPA.lSrYIs prepared to furnish

4000 Tons Cane FertilizerTo order for 1896.

In .Quantities to Suit:Orders solicited for a future de.

tiverj.A. 7. COOKE, Manager.


Contractor and Builder.

Offices and Stores fitted up andEstimates given on


HT Offlco and Shop: No. 019 Fort street,adjoining W. W. Wrick's Carriage Shop.

W. H. BIOKARD,General Business AgentWill attend to Conveyancing In

all its Branches, Collectingand all Business Matters

of trust

All Business, entrusted to himwill receive Prompt and CarefulAttention. Office:

Hcnokaa, Hamakua, Hawaii

A Now Abstract Office.

As a result of 15 year's experi-ence in the Abstract Business, Iam prepared to make Abstracts ofTitle in a most thorough, accurateand complete manner, and onshort notice.

F. W. Makinnby.In W. O. Smith's Office, 818

Fort Street. 215-t- f


Blouse Sets,Hat Pins,





LUMBER,DB-u.ild.ex- s'


Paints, Oils and Glass

Wall Paper, Mattings,

Etc., Etc., Etc.


473 Fort Street, Telephone 20.

LIIHK and FIREIpOpiflE AllEpT.


New England Mutual Life In-

surance Co. of Boston.

.Etna Fire Insurance Company

. of Hartford.0. BREWER & COMPANY, LIMITED,

Queen street, Honolulu, H.I.

AGENTS FORHawslltn Agricultural Company, Onome. SurtrCompany, Honomu Sugar Company, WallukuSujar Company, Walhee Surar Company, Make.Suar Company, HaleakalaTunch Company,

Ranch. - Planter!' Lin San FrandacoPacket!, Chat. Brewer 8z Co.'a Lin. of BoatonPacketa.Anta Boaton Board of Underwriter!.Agents Philadelphia Board of Underwriters.

usr or omoEsaiF O Jones, President; George H Bobertson,Manager; E F Bishop, Treasurer and Sec-retary; Col. W F Allen, Auditor; OM Cooke,H -- Waterhonse. A W Carter. Directors.

Beaver Saloon,fl. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.

The Best Lunch in Town

Tea and Coffeeat, all nouns.


Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS ON HAND.


1 SCxcmse. rop.Per Day 9 aooPer Week , 12.00

apodal Monthly StartMlThe Beat ot Attendance, the Beet Situa-tion and the Finest Meala in this City


Established 1874.

King St. noar Thomas SquareHome-Mad- e BREAD,

- Cakes : and : PiesIW Served Frosli Every Day

H. F. SINGER.Tolepbopo 872. 80I0 Prop'r.

Oyster Cocktails


The Elite Ice Cream Parlors

in HOKNjE3 ai. ZI&! ZE3 mbi "32 I

Hotel street, near Fori!

BREAD, PIES and CAKESOf all kinds,

fjSF' The Finest Imported and Home,made Confectionery,

Real Estatefm2iraim

ITor Sale.1 Two Stores on Nnnanu streut.a Lot on Magazine Hill. l'JUi3i)l feet,

commanding an excellent view of the cityand harbor.

it Lot on UackTcUl street, 80x100.4 --A Choice Itetldence on Luu&Ulo street,

ba Ini; all modern Improvements.5 Four Houses and 'Lots on Punchbowl

Uriel, all rented at a monthly rental of J10S.Thlii property Is in feet on l'unchbowl a tree,with a depth of 'HI feet running to the. drillgrounds or armory, with a frontage on samelor i or 5 more cottnjrus, The ventral loca-tion of the property makes It most available.

ft A Fine HcsIilLiice centrally located,containing lb rooms. Lot 1 .'0x20(1 ft. Twosmall vottngis on thu lot bringing in goodrental.

7 AOorxmodlons Itctldcnco on llaeslnterstreet, fUtecl with all modern conveniences. Orwill trade lor suburban property.

8. A House and Lot on Younir street.U House and Lot corner Victoria and

Ueretaula streets, opposite '1 nomas square,house contains tl rooms.

1U House- pud J.ot on Yonng snfit UJ

the resltlenee Oi the HeV, Mr. II) dc. LotUOxIlU. House contain; fight rooms.

11 Pearl City Property.12 Desirable Tract of "ColTce Land on Ha-

waii.13 Anio.it Desirable Home on Thurston

avenue. Large grounds ami beautiful flow,er garden; houso furnished throughout Inhard wood with all latest improvements.Excellent view ot the city and ocean, andone which cannot be cut off.

14 A Large Lot and Coramodiotm Dwel-ling on Green Street, commanding an no.obstructed view ot the city and harbor.1 Nechoicer residence is to be had in the cityevon by tho most fastidious.

15 A New House ot seven rooms withelectric .lights throughout, bath, patent WC, servants quarters and stables. One blockfrom car line at Punabou.

16- - Only 4 of those Lots left near Kameho-meb- aschool.

17 Two Houses and Lots on Lillha street.18 A House and Lot on Alakca street.19 A Beautiful UtilldhiK Lot at Kalihl,

lUOxSOO, cleared, fenced aud water laid on.20 A Ocntly Sloping Lot on Thurston

avenne, 210x125, having a frontauc 011 Urecastreet of 10S feet, and commanding a bird's-ey-e

view of the city and harbor.81 ElcKant,Beach Property at WalklkL83 House and Lot on Peterson Lane,

House contains O rooms. Lot7SxllO23 Dwelling House ot 9 rooms, titled wit

all modern conveniences Lot lSSxlMSituated at Palama.

24 Vacant Lot on WalUxl Road, IPOxllo.25 House and Lot on Nuuauu street.

House, contains eight furnished rooms.Very conveniently located near tho businesscenter of the city.

SB Elegant Residence at Punahou. Houseof 7 rooms with all modern conveniences.Lot Ioox2oo, nicely planted with fruit andornamental trees.

2712 Suits of Furniture complete andthe rental of the most desirable and cen-trally located Lodging House in tbt. city.

23 Pineapple ltanch 25,000 fruitingplants, 600 lime trees, 60 Avocado eaitrees, peaoh trees and Alfalfa crop. TwoDwellings, barn, etc. An Al investment.

29 A Lodging House ou Fort street con-sisting of twenty furnished roomk, all occu-pied by lodgers. A bargain for the rightperson. -

and Lot, corner Wilder avenneand Kewalo street, beautiful grounds, welllaid ont, an excellent view of the mountains.The lot is UK) feet front on Wilder aenue bya depth of 11(1 feit on Kewalo street. Housecontains eight rooms and outbuilding.

HI House and Lot, Bltuato a few feet offKing street, Just opi oslte Lillha street.

Notice: Can Negotiate Loans on any ofthe above property lor .purchasers desiringsame at from 50 to 75 per cent of tho value.

A. V. GEAR & CO.,210 King street.

" "

TO LET!New Two Story House on rrospect street

UusurpaBscd vluw of the harbor.6 Room Cottnpo, Ltlltia street, near 8ctioot

Street- - Neulv 1namtin ,.AA.rroom. Large yard.

6 Room Cottage. MnklU strcst, faclarCTripket frnllnil In fiMt.nl... ..n.ltriA.llcautlful grounds.

. r6 Room Collage, Lillha street near King.

Largo basement. Carriage house and stable.7 Room Cottage, Punchbowl street. 2 Roosa

Cottage in yard. '2 NeatCottsges.Chrlstley place.Fort street.0 Room Cottage, River street near Ht.Loata

CotUgc. Newly repaired throughout,9 Room Cottage, corner Alapai and Bereta

nla streets.


599-- tf Next to the Po'st OBIee.


For the Enuine Table in theway of all kinds First Class

HAY, GRAIN & PEEDAro on sale by the


138 Fort St. Tol.'422.

''IK' LWfl


Tho celebrated EnterpriseBeer on Draught and inBottles. .



225 Quoen stroot, Honolulu, H, I,




. Mf





Retiring From Business

Goods Must be SoldAlmost Given Away!

25 Per Cent Below Actual Gost

25 Per Below Actual Cost

25 Per Cent Below Actual Cost!

All Goods Marked in Plain Figures.

All Goods Marked in Plain Figures.

50 Cent Cheaper Than Elsewhere!

50 Cent Cheaper Than Elsewhere!

Compare Our Prices OthersCompare Our Prices Others


i h

w ,


r .


rw--"- '

, Don't Eorget the Discount

25 Per Cent Below Actual Cost!

On All Goodsi ' Wfc.

Temple of Fashion,



' m

g: smv.,






:F"o2rfc V

i Prop... i

PPTWKHFpHMHHNHHCBESSrTlBHHHHHpiHMW- -' n 5awiMFli.' ;"' W.i HTr.'WWBrWKTt t: ' ? J "T" ViNrwisJs'(TltBfflHPMI




'xvJF vJT"",



Ship IHrlico Spoken-Simm- er Klnaufrom Hawaii aud Mntit-AU- ag

Ihc cllr Front.

Tomorrow, high tide largo 3:25a m; high tide small 2:55 pm; lowtide large 8:35 a m; low tide small11:25 p m.

A large shark was soea nearPaoifio Mail wharf this morning.

Tho ship Indiana sailed lastSunday from Hilo for New York.

Captain Sachs is now first oflicorin the steamship Kinau.

Tho schooner Anna arrivod atMahukona yesterday morningfrom Han Francisco.

Tho James Mukoe reports heavyrains on Kauai.

Tho ship Reaper is at tho railroad wharf to discharge coal.

The ship Henry Villard andbark Santiago will sail from Hilonext Week with full cargoes ofsugar.

A party of sportsmen, headed byJ A Cummins, will leave foil BirdIsland in the steamer J A Cum-mins at 4 o'olock tomorrow morn-ing.

.The Eaena will sail on Mondayat 9 for Waialua ports, the JamesMakee at 4 for Eaapa and theMokolii at 5 for Molokai, etc.

Dingo Bpokeu.

As the steamer Einau was leav-

ing Mahukona yesterday, CaptainClarke received a note from theschooner Anna. The note report-ed that the Anna spoke the shipDirigo, from Newport for SanFrancisco, On May 2, in Lai; 29-- 39

N and Long 132-- 11 W. TheDirigo wished to be reported tohor agents.

Fight Iter Beefrteak.

Two of the crew aboard thosteamer Amarapoora had a littlescrap this morning over a plato ofbeefsteak, of which both claimedto be the owner. Growling ateach other like two dogs over abone, they had a regular tug-of- -

war over the coveted object. Jun al-

ly one of them lost his temper,and strnok the other in the face.Then the fun began. Whilothotwoscrappers hammered each other,their shipmates seized tho plate ofbeefsteak, and "divied." Afterdamaging each other's good looksa bit, the pugilists got tired andreturned to breakfast.


From Maui and Hawaii, perstmr Einan, May 15 0 S Brad-ford, H V Dickenson, G- - F Little,J T Moir, F G Fison, S R Moore,O Eawa, J Willoock, Dr H BElliot, H T Stoepel, Paul Jarrott,J Hind, E Olding, Ah Mai andwife, Ed Dowsett, J E Bush, T FSanborn, Captain H Henderson,A V Peters, W Lorenzen, Prof AEoch and 103 deck passengers.

From Eauai, per stmr JamesMakee, May 160 Waller,. Mr.Fernandez and 8 deok passengers.

From Eauai, per straer Waiale-al- e,

May 15 Dr Mitainura, MrEahiliua, Nan Ohu and 4 deckpassengers.

From Molokai, Maui andLanai,per stmr Mokolii, May 15 MrHine, Mrs Emma Dudoit, MrsCapt Peterson and 4 deok passen-gers.


For San Franoisoo, per O. &. O.S. S. Belgio, May 14--0 L Wight,Rev and Mrs W S Ament, F HWheelan, Mrs Turton, W A John-son and Miss Wyett.



UBS Philadelphia, Cotton, San Diego, April(J 8 S Marlon, Greene, Han Diego, March 13.U 1 J H 8 NanlwaKao, Knrooka, Japan,' May 5.


(Coasters not tncludc'd in this list.)Am bktn Newsboy, Mollestad, Newcastle,

April IS.Ger bk Paul lsenberg, Wnllman, Liverpool,

April 25.Am sblp W H Macy, Amcsbury,8 F.Aprll 30.Am tear w II TaiDot,Uluum.Westport,Mayl,Am ship Snequebanna, Bewail, Japan, May 6,aiu ujmu iiiuKuru, ouuiumi, o , Diuy ju.Am acbr Robert Lowers, Goodman, S F,Mv 11

Am brgt V Q Irwin, Williams, S F, May

Ilaw bk R P nttbet, Thompson, S F,May 10.

Am ship Reaper, Youdr, Newcastle, May12.

Ilktn Eoseacda, Toyes. Newcastle. May 13.

shipping intelligence.


Fhidat, May 14.

Stmr J A Cnmmlni, Senile, from Oahuporu.

Stmr Kacna, Wlleon, from ports onOahu.


Stmr Klnau, Clarke, from Hawaii andMaul.

Stmr Mokolii, Bennett, from Molokai,Maul and Lanal.

Stmr James Mnkee, Tullctt, from Kanal.

8tmr Wnlaltato, Parker, from Kauai.


Ex stmr Klnau 12.S8? bass sugar. 280 bagspotatoes. Si'U bucs corn, 8U3 bdls hides,koa boards, 85 ps, i horses, 165 pkgs sun-dries.

Ex stmr James Makee -- SCV) bas suirar.Er stmr Waliriealc SOIL bigs sugar, 121

bags paddy.Ex stmr Kaena 015 bags suir.Ex stmr J A Cuinralns-7- 10 bags sugar, SO)

bags rice.Ex stmr Mokollt lu bag taro, 01 hldis,

and sundry pkgi.Ex stmr Kllaueahou 2S'J5 bags sugar, 100

oogs cuuee. f


Vessels Where trom DueScUr Louis Newcastle8chr Novelty NewcastleSchr (loltltu chore. ..NcucimtloScur Echo XeuidatleHawbklolanl Npw York .... Kay 31Bk NuuaLu ;m i'nrkAm bktu Amelia, Pugct SoundAm bk Fresno, PugU SoundOr ship H F Glade Hreinen. ..,.. July HISSMlowera Vancouver May Itl8 8 Doric..;'. 8 F... May 18

8 8 Peru Yokohama .... i...May 288 8 Warrlmoo Sydney lny 248 8 Australia 8 F May US

8 8 Maripota Colonies May 27Bk Colorado NewcastleBk Mauna Ala NewcastleBk Helen Denny ...NewcastloSulpLoustana Newcastle 1.Bktu 0 0 Funk NewcastleBk Chas B Kenny... Newcastle


LUCE At her home, Wylllo street, May 11,leU7, Hary Elizabeth, uiarly beloved nlfaof W. 8 Lute.


New Light on Some Writ Known AndPopular Fancies.

To sit 13 at a boarding hemso tahlo iaconsidered unlocky by all except thosenear tho carver.

If the p.ilm of tho left hand Itches, itsignifies that yon will meet a strangerwho will endeavor to separate youfrom a dime.

To see tho now moon, the old moonand 44,780,433 stars over your rightthonldcr in winter is a sign that thereis ice on tho pavement. In summer itsignifies a banana skin.

A hairpin working itself out of ayoung lady's hair is a sign that it willgo on nil exploring expedition down th'ohack of her neck if sho doesn't discoverIt in timo.

To stub your left too when you stum-bi- o

is a token that you will laud onyour right cnr. If you stub your righttoe, you will reach terra firm a by meansot your left car.

To find a horseshoo in your omeletat breakfast is a sign that the cook isabscutminded.

Whilo walking under a ladder goodluck is yours that is, if the brick staysup.

To remove tho wedding ring is con-

sidered unlucky everywhere except inChicago.

If when yon givo up a room you alsogivo up your trunk, it is an omen thatyou haven't paid your rent.

To meet ft load of hay and make awish is a sign that tho bunko man willget you if you don't watch out.

To spill ink is bad luck. That is whyso many would be authors fall by thewayside. They spill too much ink.

It you wako up in tbcTnipbt, thinkyon hear burglars, aud find instead ablack oat with a whito star in its fore-head trying to forco an entrance intotho refrigerator, it is an omen that thafreo aud unlimited coinage of swearwords will go into effect right away.New York Sunday World.

Felt Slipper.

I A'Th

V Mil UKf 1 J

Johnny says that felt slippers do keenyou worm I Ally Slopcr.

Lovo. and Science.

"You say you bavo biought mo hereto propoeo to me, but why do you wantto go through it so deliLeratcly?"

"Well, yon ,sco, I'vo got a friend intho kinetoscopo lino over there- behindthat trco, and I promised him to maketho movements slow and distinct. Now,all ready I" Cleveland Plain Dealer.

ciiunon NKIIVIOES.

Wliero Honolulu I'coplo Mjjr Wor-ship Tomorrow.

Central Union Church. Cor-ner Beretania and Richards stroot,DouglaB P. Birnio, minister. Sorvi-oe- s

Sunday, May 16th: At 9:55j a.m., Sunday school and Bibloclasses; 11 a. m., public worshipand sermon; 3:30 p. m., Junior En-deavor; 6:30 p. m., Y. P. S. O. E.prayer meeting; 7:30 p. m., publicworship and sermon, Pala-m-a

Chapol Rev. J. M. Lewisin charge. At 9:4C u. m., Sundayschool; 7:15 p. m., gospelservice. Sunday schoolsJapan-ese in Lyoeura at 10 a. m.,Portuguese on Punohbowl streetand Hotel street mission at 2:80'p. m. Prayer meetings: Wed-nesday, 7:30 p. ra., at tbo churoh,and Friday, 7:1C p. in., at PulamaUhupol. A cordial wolcouio forall at every service.

First Methodist EpiscopalChurch. Corner of BoretnnianndMiller streets. Kov. 11. W. Peck,pastor. Suuday, May 16th:At 10 a. m., Sunday School andpasture Bible class; 11 a. m.,addniBS to childron; 11:10 a.m.,sermon by pastor; 6:30 p. m.,Young People's Epworth League;7:30 p. m., Bermon by pastor,1'earl City: 2:45 p. m., SundaySchool; 3:30 p. in., sermon by pas-tor. Ewa Plantation: 3:15 p. m.,Sunday School; 3:45 p. m ser-mon and song service. Wed-nesday, 2:30 p. m., JuniorEpworth Lenguo; Wednesday,3 p. m., pastor probationer'sclass; Wedneuday, 7 p. m., classmeeting; Wednesday, 7 M0 p. m.,prayer service; Friday, 7 p. m.,"Pentecostal Mooting." A cordialwelcome to all services.

Christian Church, Alakeasheet near King. J. M Mouroo,pastor. Services for Lord's Day,May 16th: Preaohing at 11 a.m., and 7:30 p.m., by tlie, pis-to- r;

morning theme, "The Irre-pressible Power of the 'Truth;"evening subject: "Tho Set-ting Up of the Kingdom:" theordinance of Christian Bap-tism will be administered afterthe sermon. Sunday schoolat 9:45 a. m. ; commu-nion service at 12 m.; SmithSt. Mission at 3 p. m.: young peo-

ple's meeting, 6:30 p. m.; prayermeeting, Wednesday eveniug.Ladies prayer meeting, Friday tat 2:30 p. m. A cordial invitationto all to attend the services.

Roman Catholic Cathedrai,Services will bo as follows: 6 and7 am, Low Mass with Holy Com-munion; 9a ra, Mass with Englishinstruction; 10:30 a m, High Masswith native sermon; 2 p m, Ronaryand native instruction; 4:30 m,native instruction aud Benedic-tion; Weekdays, Lew Mi' as at 6and 7 am.

Latter-Da- y Saints Reorganized Church nf Jexua Christ ofLatter-Da- y Saints; Mililani Hall,rear of Opera House. Serviceswill be held on Sunday ns follows;10a. m., Biblo diss 11:15a.m.aud 6:30 p. m., preaching.

Y. M. O. A. Sunday, 11 a. m.,service at Oabu jail ; 3 p. m., boys'mooting in Association Hall;praise service in Y. M.C. A. Hullnt 6:30 p. m

A. V. GEAR & CO,,

Office: 310 King Street.


general Business Agents

Loans Negotiated and CollectionaMade. '

' t tStooks Bought and Sold.

Books Audited and Accounts Adjusted.

BillB Bought andNntBBDlBCDuntaa, ' ,

Fire and Life InufancB Ageq

J. S. WALKER,General Aosnt ton IUwiiun Islands.

Boyal Insurance CompanyAllianoo Assurance Company,Alliance Marine and General Assuranoe

Company.Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada.Wilhelmaof Madgeburg Insurance Com-

pany.BoottiBh Union and National Insurance

Company, J

Room 13 Spreckcls Block, Honolulu, II. I,

.iH -- Lt '. it,f i aw idiWfciMti ;U,kMiZ,



1 .

