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1 T axon om y and Classificati o n U nit No t es Na me · 2 A dapted __ _ __ __ ma y fu rther s ubd...

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1 s e t o N t i n U n o i t a c i f i s s a l C d n a y m o n o x a T : e m a N ( Y A D Y R E V E S S A L C O T G N I R B , E S O L T O N O D ) f o e c n e i c s e h T : y m o n o x a T . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ y l p m i s h c i h w m r e t d a o r b y r e v a s i n o i t a c i f i s s a l C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o t n i s g n i h t g n i t t u p s n a e m . n i v i g s n a e m y m o n o x a T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ g . s g n i h t o t s i s e i c e p s A A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h t i w s m s i n a g r o f o p u o r g . s c i t s i r e t c a r a h c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e c u d o r P . g n i r p s f f o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r a l i m i S . y n e g o l y h P - e p s a f o y r o t s i h e h T y e h t s a s e i c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h g u o r h t e g n a h c m o r f e m a c o h W . ? m o h w t o h c i D o t r e s u e h t s w o l l a t a h t l o o t A : y e k s u o m o t e n i m r e t e d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e h e h t n i s m e t i f o . d l r o w l a r u t a n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n o d e s a B s e s u d n a . n o i t a n i m i l e d n a n o s i r a p m o c f o s s e c o r p s e s u n o i t a c i f i s s a l C y g o l o m o H _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n e e w t e b g r o s m s i n a
Page 1: 1 T axon om y and Classificati o n U nit No t es Na me · 2 A dapted __ _ __ __ ma y fu rther s ubd ivi de s p ecies in to su bsp ecies . Ca ni s lu p us artic us. The 3 domains of


setoN tinU noitacifissalC dna ymonoxaT :emaN


fo ecneics ehT :ymonoxaT .___________________ ylpmis hcihw mret daorb yrev a si noitacifissalC

_________________ otni sgniht gnittup snaem . nivig snaem ymonoxaT _____________ g .sgniht ot

…si seiceps A

A _____________ htiw smsinagro fo puorg .scitsiretcarahc

_____________ ecudorP .gnirpsffo ________________ ralimiS . ynegolyhP - eps a fo yrotsih ehT yeht sa seic

_________ hguorht egnahc morf emac ohW . ?mohw

tohciD ot resu eht swolla taht loot A :yek suomo

t enimreted ___________________ eh eht ni smeti fo .dlrow larutan

________________________ no desaB sesu dna.noitanimile dna nosirapmoc fo ssecorp

…sesu noitacifissalC ygolomoH – _____________________ neewteb

gro smsina

Page 2: 1 T axon om y and Classificati o n U nit No t es Na me · 2 A dapted __ _ __ __ ma y fu rther s ubd ivi de s p ecies in to su bsp ecies . Ca ni s lu p us artic us. The 3 domains of


_______ detpadA otni seiceps edividbus rehtruf yam

.seicepsbus .sucitra supul sinaC …rehtie si efil llA .efil fo sniamod 3 ehT

eahcrA a ________________ ayrakuE

fo eno ot sgnoleb efil llA .efil fo smodgniK ehT.eseht

Page 3: 1 T axon om y and Classificati o n U nit No t es Na me · 2 A dapted __ _ __ __ ma y fu rther s ubd ivi de s p ecies in to su bsp ecies . Ca ni s lu p us artic us. The 3 domains of



Page 4: 1 T axon om y and Classificati o n U nit No t es Na me · 2 A dapted __ _ __ __ ma y fu rther s ubd ivi de s p ecies in to su bsp ecies . Ca ni s lu p us artic us. The 3 domains of


8 evah sgniht gnivil llA .sknar cimonoxaT 8 ehT

.seman )1 niamoD – ______D )2 ____________K - gniK )3 mulyhP - __________ )4 ___________ – emoC )5 redrO - revO )6 ylimaF - roF )7 suneG - ________________ )8 ________________ – ttehgapS i

________________________ si eman suneG seiceps ,.dezicilati htob era yehT .ton si eman

)xE eragluv muidillidamrA

Page 5: 1 T axon om y and Classificati o n U nit No t es Na me · 2 A dapted __ _ __ __ ma y fu rther s ubd ivi de s p ecies in to su bsp ecies . Ca ni s lu p us artic us. The 3 domains of


noitacifissalC cimonoxaT snamuH - niamoD - _____________ - ___________ - ailaminA - mulyhP - atadrohC - ssalC - ______________ - __________ - eadtamirP - ylimaF - eadinimoH - suneG - ________________ - seicepS – s neipa

seicepsbuS - neipas

aerA aeahcrA :sucof fo ____________________ :aeahcrA taht smsinagroorcim

dna airetcab morf tnereffid yllaciteneg si.setoyrakue

O _________________ gnitibahni netf .snoitidnoc latnemnorivne

…sedulcni aeahcA

__________( selihpolaH ) __________ ekam( snegonahteM )sag __________ ni evirhT( selihpomrehT ) _________( selihporhcysP )

Page 6: 1 T axon om y and Classificati o n U nit No t es Na me · 2 A dapted __ _ __ __ ma y fu rther s ubd ivi de s p ecies in to su bsp ecies . Ca ni s lu p us artic us. The 3 domains of


cim fo desopmoc si airetcaB niamoD smsinagroor

aht _________________ erom hcum era t naht.erehwyna tsomla evil dna aeahcrA

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________________ oN( citoyrakorP lanretni on dna )


____________ llec a saH ____ . __________________ AND llec ni

Page 8: 1 T axon om y and Classificati o n U nit No t es Na me · 2 A dapted __ _ __ __ ma y fu rther s ubd ivi de s p ecies in to su bsp ecies . Ca ni s lu p us artic us. The 3 domains of


:sepyt owT ).1 aeahcrA – dlo eb naC( elihpomertxe ) B ).2 airetca – eurt B etca air – _______________ steg ,airetcab eurT morf

.nus ro doof ____________( erehpS depahS ) – iccoC . _____R depahs – illicaB - pS _____ depahs – alliripS ~ ______C :oirbiV , depahS - airetcab amsalpocyM – ____________________

.)modnar dna deggaj( mrof efil nwonk : ______________ = olpiD ________ fo spuorG = darteT :: _____________ fo spuorG = eanicraS :::: retsulC = olyhpatS niahC = otpertS ------------- _______C airetcab ’tI .)eagla neerg eulb regnol on( s

_____________________________ morf ygrene steg(.)nus

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iats marG ot desu euqinhceT :gnin

_____________________ .airetcab - ageN marG :deR dna kniP evit - elpruP kraD = evitisoP marG

oof lairetcaB eb nac ssenlli enrob d

__________________ .…yb - ______________________ fo rebmun laitini eht

.tneserp airetcab - noitaregirfeR – ____________________ llams eht

.yldipar gniworg morf airetcab fo rebmun

Page 10: 1 T axon om y and Classificati o n U nit No t es Na me · 2 A dapted __ _ __ __ ma y fu rther s ubd ivi de s p ecies in to su bsp ecies . Ca ni s lu p us artic us. The 3 domains of


- niyortseD reporp yb airetcab eht g___________________ .

- vA er gnidio - .noitanimatnoc________________ yletaidemmi draob gnittuc

.esu retfa

___________________________ :nillicineP syortsed taht.)ignuf( dlom nillicinep morf devired airetcab

citpesitnA - ga t tne eht stibihni ro sllik tah__________________ eht no smsinagroorcim fo

.ydob eht fo secafrus lanretxe euqalP ___________________ fo noitalumucca eht si

orcim dna - .htoot a no smsinagro qalp latned si ratraT _________________ sah taht eu .

of nac ratraT morf devomer ton si euqalp nehw mr .secafrus htoot eht

_________F yraniB a hcihw yb ssecorp ehT :

uiretcab ________________ ni gnittilps yb seilpitlum m .

Page 11: 1 T axon om y and Classificati o n U nit No t es Na me · 2 A dapted __ _ __ __ ma y fu rther s ubd ivi de s p ecies in to su bsp ecies . Ca ni s lu p us artic us. The 3 domains of


secudorp laudividni eno ,noitcudorper lauxesa nInirpsffo neg era taht g yllacite

__________________________ .flesti ot owt morf lairetam citeneG :noitcudorpeR lauxeS

oc slaudividni tnereffid yllaciteneg a otni senibm___________________________________ .gnirpsffo

)+( sevitisoP ( sevitageN -) - ecruoS dooF - rP htlaeH smelbo - _______w gnilcyceR - _________ syortseD - lairtsudnI - noitisopmoceD

ayrakuE :sucoF fo aerA weN

dnuob enarbmem a htiw sllec evaH ;ayrakuE niamoD _____________________ dnuob enarbmem dna


atsitorP :sucoF fo aerA weN tsitorP – gro nA citoyrakuE htiw msina

________________ seussit gnikcaL .seinoloc ro ,llec.doof rof sesopmoced ro ,sekam ,stae dna

alP tn - ___________________( stsitorP ekil toor on tub)sevael ro mets

- eaglA neerG

Page 12: 1 T axon om y and Classificati o n U nit No t es Na me · 2 A dapted __ _ __ __ ma y fu rther s ubd ivi de s p ecies in to su bsp ecies . Ca ni s lu p us artic us. The 3 domains of


- eaglA nworB - ____R eaglA - smotaiD

__________________ lehs .ssalg fo edam sl - ________________oniD - dionelguE

laminA - tsitorP ekil s _________( esu emos ,doof tae ,)nus - setailiC

ailiC - ____________________ A :ailiC / muiliC

;llec a fo ecafrus eht morf noitcejorp.noitomocol sedivorp

- ___________mA - setallegalF - pS )etisarap( naozaro

sugnuF - P ekil .)gnisopmoced morf ygrene teg( stsitor

- ___________ emilS - ___________ retaW

tuA to or cihp – ________________ sti sekaM .)sisehtnysomehC ,sisehtnysotohP(

cihportoreteH – doof staE cihportoxiM - ht msinagro na si hportoxim A a esu nac ta

im __________ fo secruos tnereffid fo x .nobrac dna

Page 13: 1 T axon om y and Classificati o n U nit No t es Na me · 2 A dapted __ _ __ __ ma y fu rther s ubd ivi de s p ecies in to su bsp ecies . Ca ni s lu p us artic us. The 3 domains of


cihportorpaS - F ralullecartxe yb gnidee______________( deyaced no gnideeF .noitsegid )llec forettam cinagro

Page 14: 1 T axon om y and Classificati o n U nit No t es Na me · 2 A dapted __ _ __ __ ma y fu rther s ubd ivi de s p ecies in to su bsp ecies . Ca ni s lu p us artic us. The 3 domains of


ailaminA :sucoF fo aerA weN .ailaminA fo scitsiretcarahC

- ____________ oN law .sl - nA __________________ fo doirep a evah slami

.tnempoleved - ______________ tae slaminA . - __________ slaminA . - laminA __________ elcsum dna suovren evah s . - citeneG .elcyc efil citnolpid evah slaminA

c noitamrofni dna rehtom a morf emoc na________________ _ )seiceps ynaM( .

.yrtemmys fo sepyt eerht evah slaminA

- .yrtemmys laretaliB ____________ no emaS .sedis

- .yrtemmyS laidaR ______ ni yllauqe degnarrA a morf snoitcerid

.tniop lartnec - .lacirtemmysA

H ______ gniva .yrtemmys

Page 15: 1 T axon om y and Classificati o n U nit No t es Na me · 2 A dapted __ _ __ __ ma y fu rther s ubd ivi de s p ecies in to su bsp ecies . Ca ni s lu p us artic us. The 3 domains of


dna smulyhP eht gninraeL :sucoF fo aerA weN


Page 16: 1 T axon om y and Classificati o n U nit No t es Na me · 2 A dapted __ _ __ __ ma y fu rther s ubd ivi de s p ecies in to su bsp ecies . Ca ni s lu p us artic us. The 3 domains of


.ailaminA modgniK eht fo smulyhP nommoC

- acsulloM mulyhP _______________ tfoS .sllehs evah emos dna

- atamredonihcE mulyhP – ________S denniks.smsinagro

yrtemmys laidaR - airadinC mulyhP – _________S .sllec

( C tneliS eerréd in ən .) __________ .yrtemmys

arefiroP mulyhP – segnopS _________________sA .

arefitoR mulyhP

Page 17: 1 T axon om y and Classificati o n U nit No t es Na me · 2 A dapted __ _ __ __ ma y fu rther s ubd ivi de s p ecies in to su bsp ecies . Ca ni s lu p us artic us. The 3 domains of


smsinagro deleehW .)egap no erehwemos lanruoj ni warD(

- adotameN mulyhP ________R ehT .smrow

- .sehtnimlehytalP mulyhP ________________F ehT .

- adilennA mulyhP __s ehT _______________ .smrow

- adoporhtrA mulyhP _____ ,stnioj detnemgeS laretalib ,noteleks

.yrtemmys .adoporhtrA mulyhP eht fo sessalC ehT

__________nI aecatsurC ____________A adopolihC adopolpiD

- atcesnI ssalC

____ .sgel _____ .stap ydob _______ ,xaroht ,daeH __________ . .seye dnuopmoC ____ .eannetna ___________ ylnO .doporhtra

- aecatsurC ssalC ____________a dna daeH

Page 18: 1 T axon om y and Classificati o n U nit No t es Na me · 2 A dapted __ _ __ __ ma y fu rther s ubd ivi de s p ecies in to su bsp ecies . Ca ni s lu p us artic us. The 3 domains of


_______________ evah emoS sgel.sboj ynam htiw )+8(

citauqa era tsoM

adinhcarA ssalC _____ .sgel .sgniw ro eannetna oN _______ .strap ydob daeH .yrosnes dna .nemodbA _________ .dnal no evil

adopolihC ssalC knurt dna daeH tnemges rep sgel ynaM ________ sgniw eannetnA

Page 19: 1 T axon om y and Classificati o n U nit No t es Na me · 2 A dapted __ _ __ __ ma y fu rther s ubd ivi de s p ecies in to su bsp ecies . Ca ni s lu p us artic us. The 3 domains of


adopolpiD ssalC .sregnevacs era yehT .sedepilliM

mulyhP atadrohC

_______________b a gnivaH .drocoton ro - ehT( atadrohC fo sessalC )5 giB

ailammaM - riaH ailitpeR – _____________cS aibihpmA – w dna dnal ,efil elbuoD ,reta

sredamalas ,sgorf ,sdaot sevA - _______________B hsiF – woleb eeS

_____________( ahtangA ssalcrepuS )ssel

– inixyM ssalC – ___________________h – omodipsalahpeC ssalC ihpr - syerpmal

uS _________ htiw atamotsohtanG ssalcrep – rac( seyhthcirdnohC ssalC hsif suoenigalit -

_________ )syar dna – owt sah hcihw ,)hsif ynob( seyhthcietsO ssalC

:sessalcbus • yar( iigyretponitcA - _____________ )hsif

– yaR - .senips dna sekips htiw dennif – M ______ pu seka seiceps earbetrev lla fo

• ebol( iigyretpocraS - )hsif dennif

Page 20: 1 T axon om y and Classificati o n U nit No t es Na me · 2 A dapted __ _ __ __ ma y fu rther s ubd ivi de s p ecies in to su bsp ecies . Ca ni s lu p us artic us. The 3 domains of


redrO eht tuoba gninraeL :sucoF fo aerA weN.ailammaM

slammam fo sessalcbus 3

- _______________P :airehtuE .slammaM - .)slaipusraM( airehtateM - _______( semertonoM / airehtotorP iyal gn

.)slammam slammaM fo scitsiretcarahC

- ______________ evaH . - mraW - .ssendedoolb - yrammaM ________ htiw gnuoy hsiruoN :sdnalG . - ucriC ____________ derebmahc 4 :metsys yrotal . - taripseR ____________ yrev era sgnuL :metsys yro . - dorpeR vil gnuoY :metsys evitcu _____________ e

.oyrbme na ni - rene dna taF ___________________ yg . - ________________ :niarB .dlrow lamina eht ni - .tneserp era sdnalg yravilaS :metsys evitsegiD - ____________S rae ni senoB - .)slammaM tsoM( sdnalG taewS - ytnodoreteH :hteeT - rof dezilaiceps

.teid/gnideef - uM ___________ ylhgiH :metsys erutalucs hgih rof

.noitomocol deeps - ______________ rewol degniH .

Page 21: 1 T axon om y and Classificati o n U nit No t es Na me · 2 A dapted __ _ __ __ ma y fu rther s ubd ivi de s p ecies in to su bsp ecies . Ca ni s lu p us artic us. The 3 domains of


.ignuF modgniK :sucoF fo aerA weN niK itluM :ignuF modg - ______________( ralullec )dellec

prosba yb doof stsegni taht smsinagro dna noitudorper ______________ gnisu sec .

aw llec evah osla ignuF fo ylegral gnitsisnoc sll______________ .esolullec fo daetsni

ignuF fo sevitageN dna sevitisoP

sevitisoP sevitageN - _________ pleh yehT -

sisoibmys - stneirtun elcycer yehT - _____________ A ecruos - noitaidemer noitulloP - thgif nac nillicineP


- __________ esuaC –citisaraP

- _____________D doofytreporp dna

- ?esu gurD - cigaM ,smoorhsum

- eht fi kcis uoy ekam naC.netae si dnik gnorw

iD snoisiv ignuF fo

- ignuF evitimirP / atocymoidirtyhC ____________ no eviL .retaw dna .sresopmoced taerG

- sdloM / atocymogyZ ni ignuf lazihrrocyM ___________ .

- :ignuF caS / atocymocsA .ignuF lla fo %57

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.tsaeY noitatnemreF - )negyxo _____( ciboreana ehT

revnoc ____________ fo nois nobrac otni .tsaey yb lohocla dna edixoid

hctI kcoJ .selffurT

- :snehciL / atyhpocyhpocyM )citoibmys( rehtegot evil eagla dna ignuF

eaglA :nehciL ____________( ) __________ dna gniworg

.pihsnoitaler citoibmys a ni rehtegot T ________ tcartxe ignuf eh f ,tnemnorivne eht mor

________ eht elihw si sihT .citehtnysotohp era.sisoibmys citsilautum snehcil fo sepyt eerht ehT

� __________ a smroF :esotsurC evomer ot tluciffid ,.gnilbmurc tuohtiw

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� ________L :esoiloF htiw kcor ffo deleep eb nac ,.efink

� F ____________ ybburhs smroF :esocitur ylisaE ..dnah yb devomer

- :ignuF tcefrepmI / atocymoretueD

srevotfel ehT . cnI _A sedul ___________________ .toof

- :ignuF bulC / atocymoidisaB .smoorhsuM _______________ fo noitisopmoceD .

ignuF fo seloR 3 ehT

- utuM stnoibmys citsila – ___________ sugnuF .worg )stnalp( smsinagro

Page 24: 1 T axon om y and Classificati o n U nit No t es Na me · 2 A dapted __ _ __ __ ma y fu rther s ubd ivi de s p ecies in to su bsp ecies . Ca ni s lu p us artic us. The 3 domains of


- uilecyM eht fo traP / eahpyH m- trap ehT dna ,sworg ,sdeef taht sugnuf eht fo

u _______________ a ecudorp yam yletamitl . - ciborpaS - ______________________ daed

selcycer dna ,sesproc ,secef ,sgol…sgniht.stneirtun

- citisaraP - sbrosba ignuF )HCNOPS( stneirtun ____________________ morf c .slle

.ignuF no sthguoht lanif wef A

___________ .noitneverp .noitatnemreF

yb ecudorper ignuF ,yllauxesA

- S / gnidduB ______________ ni gnittilp . - .worg dna ffo kaerB / noitatnemgarF - ps sesaeler / noitaluropS ynit era hcihw sero

____________________ eidob .s

es ecudorper ignuf emoS diolpah owt erehw ,yllaux_____________ .diolpid a mrof

- sorcim era seropS eht hguorht levart dna cipoc___________ serops tub pleh sreniatnoc egarotS .

.retne syawla lliw dlom tneverp oT … htworg

________________m timiL w timiL )doof etaregirfer( serutarepmet mra

Page 25: 1 T axon om y and Classificati o n U nit No t es Na me · 2 A dapted __ _ __ __ ma y fu rther s ubd ivi de s p ecies in to su bsp ecies . Ca ni s lu p us artic us. The 3 domains of


iL ________ esu( serops tim )sreniatnoc dna _________ elbaliava timiL ydlom evomer( secruos

).puorg eht morf doof

.eatnalP modgniK :sucoF fo aerA weN _________ sllec evaH :stnalP kam dna e nwo rieht

_____________________( doof fo rewop eht kcal dna ,).noitomocol

sisehtnysotohP – __________ ekam stnalP .thgilnus morf

rut si ygrene thgiL ________( ygrene lacimehc otni den – .)desab nobrac

_____6 H6 + 2 C = ygrene thgil + O 6H 21 O6 _______6 +

sisehtnysotohP ______________ secudorP .ygrene morf ______________ ni ylno sruccO .stsalporolhc htiw

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.decudorp si negyxO _________________ .desu si .desu si edixoid nobraC ________________ ni sruccO .

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poyrB :1 noisiviD )sessoM & strowreviL( atyh )mutolisP( atyhpolisP :2 noisiviD

)sessoM bulC( atyhpocyL :3 noisiviD )sliatesroH( atyhponehpS :4 noisiviD

)snreF( atyhporetP :5 noisiviD )sdacyC( atyhpodacyC :6 noisiviD

)ogkniG( atyhpogkniG :7 noisiviD G( atyhpotenG :8 noisiviD )aihcstiwleW & muten

)sburhs & seert gniraeb enoC( atyhporefinoC :9 noisiviD )stnalP gnirewolF( atyhpohtnA:01 noisiviD

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eaglA – dna ,doof era yehT !tnatropmi era yeht yhWekam _____________ .

� .citehtnysotohp era yehT ________P era yehT tonP modgniK eht ni .eatnal

noN / setyhpoyrB :sucoF fo aerA weN - .stnalP ralucsaV

noN - .…stnalp ralucsav � _______________ skcaL eht ni )seussit ralucsav(

___________ gnirb ot tnalp dna pu doof dna .nwod

� ____________ ecudorp ton oD .srewolf ro � ____________ yrev erA aceb eht kcal yeht esu

.dnal no troppus rof yrassecen eussit ydoow � non fo noisiviD :setyhpoyrB - av taht stnalp ralucs

______________ on evah dna sevael ro ,smets ,.noisuffid gnisu stneirtun tropsnart

…edulcni setyhpoyrB

� __________________M � strowreviL � oH strownr

Page 29: 1 T axon om y and Classificati o n U nit No t es Na me · 2 A dapted __ _ __ __ ma y fu rther s ubd ivi de s p ecies in to su bsp ecies . Ca ni s lu p us artic us. The 3 domains of


.stnalP ralucsaV sseldeeS :sucoF fo aerA weN

F :snreF ________________ sseldees dna sselrewol ,tnalp lrucnu taht sdnorf dna ,emozihr a morf stoor eurt gnivah

dna ;sdrawpu _____________ lauxesib htiw secudorper .

stnalP deeS

deeS :mrepsonmyG -b sa hcus ,stnalp ralucsav gnirae.srefinoc dna ,ogknig ,sdacyc

_____________ ro seluvo ehT ni desolcne ton era .yravo na

p ,dees derevoc ,gnirewolF :mrepsoignA sdees ecudor

______________ a ni desolcne .yravo/

.stociD dna stoconoM :sucoF fo aerA weN

onoM snodelytoc

Page 30: 1 T axon om y and Classificati o n U nit No t es Na me · 2 A dapted __ _ __ __ ma y fu rther s ubd ivi de s p ecies in to su bsp ecies . Ca ni s lu p us artic us. The 3 domains of


� __________ sah gnildeeS nodelytoc � .lellarap era fael ni snieV � _______ ni era slatep rewolF .s’ � ________________ reveN . � .derettacs era seldnub ralucsaV

naM toconoM


� ___________________ era fael no snieV . � strap rewolF ____ fo spuorg era .5 ot � .ydoow eb nac htworg yradnoceS � ____________ a ni era seldnub ralucsaV .

Page 31: 1 T axon om y and Classificati o n U nit No t es Na me · 2 A dapted __ _ __ __ ma y fu rther s ubd ivi de s p ecies in to su bsp ecies . Ca ni s lu p us artic us. The 3 domains of


.stnalP fo noitulovE :sucoF fo aerA weN

.selcyC efiL tnalP deeS � owt( noitcudorper lauxes ogrednu stnalp llA

ap __ dna mreps eht nehW .)srentr _______ emoc.tnalp ybab / etogyz a teg uoy rehtegot

� noN :mrepsonmyG - ,gnirewolf yllausu sdees______________ a no degnarra .

� rewolF :mrepsoignA ecudorp ,dees derevoc ,gni_______________ .yravo/ tiurf a ni desolcne

____________________ :elbategeV o trap si taht tnalp a f

.cte ,toor ,sevael ,klatS .dees ro tiurf teews a ton

_______________ evitcudorper ehT :rewolF taht tnalp a fo .dees eht sekam

Page 32: 1 T axon om y and Classificati o n U nit No t es Na me · 2 A dapted __ _ __ __ ma y fu rther s ubd ivi de s p ecies in to su bsp ecies . Ca ni s lu p us artic us. The 3 domains of


.rewolF a fo straP :sucoF fo aerA

nematS – ___________M .)mreps( rewolf fo trap

� eht stroppuS :tnemaliF ________________ . � fo traP :rehtnA eht sdloh taht nemats eht


.)gge( rewolf fo trap elameF :litsiP � ___________ ykcitS :amgitS fo retnec eht ni eht

____________ eht sevieceR .rewolf .sniarg � __________ :elytS is amgits eht taht klats pot no st

.fo � ____________ nO :yravO eht sah ,rewolf eht fo

sniatnoC .tiurf eht otni snrut dna edisni sdees .seluvo eht

� __________ eht fo trap ehT :eluvO semoceb taht .sdees eht

� eht fo trap thgirb netfo ,lufroloc ehT :lateP_ tcartta yehT .rewolf _____________ era dna

ytterp �. � erG :lapeS eht revoc taht sevael ne

ot dub rewolf a fo ________________________________ .snepo ti erofeb rewolf eht

Page 33: 1 T axon om y and Classificati o n U nit No t es Na me · 2 A dapted __ _ __ __ ma y fu rther s ubd ivi de s p ecies in to su bsp ecies . Ca ni s lu p us artic us. The 3 domains of


)stiurF( seiravO derutaM :sucoF fo aerA weN

derutam ehT :tiurF _______________ .litsip eht ni sniatnoC .dees eht

Page 34: 1 T axon om y and Classificati o n U nit No t es Na me · 2 A dapted __ _ __ __ ma y fu rther s ubd ivi de s p ecies in to su bsp ecies . Ca ni s lu p us artic us. The 3 domains of


.tiurf a fo straP � pracipE / pracoxE ____________O : fo gnirevoc

”niks“ .tiurf eht � ___________M :pracoseM ”hselF“ .gnirevoc � _____________I :pracodnE aera ffits eht ,gnirevoc

”tiP“ ”enotS“ .dees eht dnuora

tiurf fo sepyT F yhselF stiur ot eno sniatnoc taht _______ yhself A :yrreB

_______________ ynam )reyal ynots oN( . eparG ,otamoT

ynots a sah taht tiurf yhself fo epyt a si epurDrenni ____________ elgnis a gnidnuorrus reyal .

hcaeP ,mulP __________ a sah tiurf sihT :emoP rt eht sa eu

doog yhself a yb dednuorrus s’ti dna ,tiurf yhself.reyal yrossecca

raeP ,elppA gerggA yhselF morf poleveD :stiurF eta

____________ .slitsip ynam htiw yrrebkcalB ,yrrebwartS

tluM yhselF ______________ a morf mroF :stiurF elpi .srewolf lareves fo

elppaeniP giF ,

necsiheD _________ A :stiurF yrD t ta stilps taht tiurf .sdees eht gnisaeler ytirutam

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mugeL _______ detagnole nA :)tiurF yrD( e)snaeB( .smaes owt gnola gnittilps

yrD tnecsihednI _______ ton seod pracireP :stiurF .nepo

niatnoc yllausu stiurf esehT )stuN( dees eno ylno

yhpruM .P nayR 0102 © thgirypoC
