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1. V 1 ; V s (es) + 2. do + V 1 ? (does) 3. don`t + V 1 _ (doesn`t)

Date post: 02-Jan-2016
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1. V1; Vs (es) +

2. do + V1 ?

(does)3. don`t + V1 _


1. V2(Ved) +

2.did+V1 ?

3.didn`t+V1 -

1. will(shall)+V1

2. won`t+ V1


amis + are

Was +





1. I have never been to China.(…or....?) 2. Some young people don’t like classical music.(What…?)3. Cute lost the top secret document yesterday.(Who…?)4. Mum had cooked supper by 6 o’clock yesterday.(… , hadn’t she?)5. Mrs. Larkin was making tea when she heard strange noise.(Was…?)6. I am asking a question now.(What…?)7. In ten years you will travel around the world.(Who…?)8. Next year you will be 14.(How old…?)9. The Titanic had been the safest ship in the world before it hit an

iceberg.(What kind of …?)10. We are happy to study English at school(… , aren’t we?)11. My parents and I visited St. Petersburg last year.(When… ?)12. Queen Elizabeth the first had been a prisoner in the Tower before she

became queen.( When… ?)13. I am speaking English now.( …or… ?)

1. Мы повторяем времена английского глагола сейчас.

2. Робин смотрел телевизор, когда Миша пришел домой из школы.

3. Ученики переводят предложения с русского на английский сейчас.

4. Мама уже приготовила обед.

5. Я читала « Гарри Поттера», когда мой брат спал.

1. We are reviewing English Tenses now.

2. Robin was watching TV when Misha came home from school.

3. Pupils are translating sentences from Russian into English now.

4. Mum has already cooked dinner.

5. I was reading “Harry Potter” when my brother was sleeping.

1. Они построили дом в прошлом году.

2. В прошлом году я прочитала две английские книги.

3. У тебя будет математика завтра?

4. В России мальчики и девочки в школах учатся вместе.

5.Я сделала домашнее задание до того, как мама пришла домой


1. They built the house last year.

2. Last year I read two books.

3. Will you have mathematics tomorrow?

4. In Russia boys and girls (learn) study at

school together.

5. I had done my homework before mum came


Mиша: Ты когда-нибудь видел тигра?

Робин: Да, конечно.

Миша: Где ты видел его?

Робин: Я его видел в зоопарке.

Миша: Когда ты видел его?

Робин: Прошлым летом.

Misha: Have you ever seen a


Robin: Yes, of course, I have.

Misha: Where did you see it?

Robin: I saw it in the Zoo.

Misha: When did you see it?

Robin: I saw it last summer.

Down: 1. Forget; 3. Throw; 4. Send; 5. Drink; 8.

Overtake; 9. Read;11. Sleep;12. Shine;14. Feel;15. Sit.


t hrew









m ea n

b o kr e

af l l

w ms o

l w

a u g h

1. By train, travel, ever, hello, I’m OK, where, when, have been, haven’t seen you for ages, to Moscow, Red Square, the Tsar Bell, the Tsar Cannon, like it there, sure, thanks a lot, bye- bye.

2. Hi, I’m fine, haven’t seen you for a long time, really, have been, visited, by plane, have come, from America, just, how interesting, of course, Big Ben, what else, see, the Natural History Museum and…,thank you, good bye.

3. Hello, I’m fine, ever, have read, when, you, going, where, to the library, to give back the book, what book, “Harry Potter”, read, like it, did, bye-bye, haven’t seen you for ages, see you.

4. Good morning, where, are going, how are you? Let’s go, cinema, together, what film is on? Taras Bulba, Oh! I have seen, last Thursday, alone, with my schoolmates, like it,enjoy yourself, very much

Across: 2. Pay; 4. Freeze; 5. Catch; 7. Break; 8. Sell;10. Hit;12. Tell;14. Write;16. Lie;17. Say;19. Blow;20. Wake;21. Put22. Meet;24. Hold;25. Bring.

Down: 1. Take; 3. Speak; 4. Find; 6. Hide; 7. Build; 9. Lose;11. Bear;13. Draw;15. Read;18. Do;19. Buy;22. Make;23. Tear.















p i d

r o z n

c a g t r o e n

s o h t

o lw i t e

l is i

l o w

w o k n p t e

e lb r o u g h

London. Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament

Moscow . Red Square. The Kremlin.

Moscow. The Bolshoi Theatre.

Moscow. The Tsar Bell.

Moscow. The Tsar Cannon.

Moscow. The Tretyakov Gallery.

France. Paris. The Eiffel Tower.

The United States of America. The Statue of Liberty.

China. Great Wall.

St.Petersburg. Peterhof.

Thank you for the lesson.Good – bye, everybody
