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.1Vol+20+(1864)/Sabbath... · r', '" , " ,{l: . .. 't;~. ' , WRSTERLY, R. 1., Flj~D'&Y" :OQ'l;OBER...

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/ r', '" , " ,{l: . .. ' , WRSTERLY, R. 1., :OQ'l;OBER 13, 1864. 11 'I ., .,':;:) t"ijl , ,! " , 41 ... , . " '-" 'lo' , , ''PpUfiltide; he great Tbe"Frencb;:EogIi8h, and' AUlltrlan Like 'IIxpre.sed himllelf in orae- nations interfel!ed '; and the relloll' of' under the j and went :aboot the matter wliii, that it. was laid 00. Porte, tbe WQIIJ)S; ,,8 proclaiming that .. the fore a comminioll compoted of tile themselve8, are At coDSuls of Eogland. RosBi&; bimllelf at Jeru ... iem,.he and ,Oil the lat of " ". J tbe Jews in the Oifomftn bet, .. firmUl. w..s issued, . I. lettM!re hI' which 00 ,Ullumed that the. iltJprilloned JewlI should ! 'iiI'tlie JlttJeohlld, C' h "'. B' . d h ." n klDdly acceDts glveD, .',,'H, .' ; ., 0 , e".., \rlll om i" .. tM Bet at liberty; all t e private secrl!- Lnt we wl'lh abll'l1l'ordllhould bll&ht of God ;" .. tM 8a.IJilJurof Is· tary of Mehe!beL Ali. in traosmitting . r " '". , and, strange to say." !ObtaiDled the firma& to MeuH. Monlefiore and , II.; riot only among tile Je .... s of Cremieus, added," Politic.. 1 circom· wiih Jbli8e: of Germany, stances dOollOt permit us to sobject ! .. I t 'lid Italy whb all held: tbem- the conduct of the Igcal a.1lIhoriliej! 111\1 pao8. '. . iu realtioe:8 to return to the iu 'this deplorable affair to tlevere in· CI ',y at the first 8i"'ual, ' vlietigation, we entreat vo. u, there· ",,"' "(I '.r In. I I!t tl A (Ollie. bluet.eyed bride', new prophet. " fore, to' fdr the W,.OM .... o b<lr IMiIe .Thl! diseiples ot the ne.' prescot firman, wlticb bas been 'ine .. lll ber " had ,ive'tI but, that he ""18 graDted. nollUl a matter of favor, but with miraculous po""ers j aud hie of justice." " to youtb; rapid It spreading' reputation began Tlii. WM ont)O of the'many i.allcilmt Tb. barque by le .. p •• '" tOBl!ed to ca,nle so'much e:reitemeb't, 'that fur persecuting It is very .. J. OR com .. to lIarbol'. whU.tll.. 8hlp the Governor of Smyrna wtluld have trne that the Circumstances attend· the rIght or the Je ..... Leu tempeRt-trled be lolt. . h' hI" seized and imprisoned bi\ll, had he 109 t 18 murder ave never been assembly'. eitbei- for t e ele,cUetn v. , not withdrawn, with a nomber of his clearly explailled and the report of depollition of the Chief Rabbi, or . A folIow!!n', arid departed for Coostan. the trial. pUb\ished in Italian, (tIl'. the adoption of any great. ·ale.-ure Mar. bide ... warm a h .... t as thlDe, tiuople. On his arrival in that city. nishell no rooin to doobt'that this which; the general 'J:hougb .. lnter'd .. wb.ltDo.... the Grand Vizir Kouprouli, little ra- horrible crime WIls'indeed petpet'rat- of' .TWs C01IDCil ·'ti. specting his pretended millsion. caUII- ed by the Jews j but· the authentici- . propoBes whatever" AlitMI!/ to th. w.arJeilllllll r ed him to be a,.rrested, and thrown ty of ·this report is quelltioued, and ters are fn question to 'the Usem Be r,eatb Ufe'. nqobday ,un; , Tbat fIalnt!nl.IDlllllu.OD 118"", info prison., Hither the Jew8, reo the matter etill remains involved io in lIach .. manoer that"the I .. tter Ere yet tb. fl&ht be ,:WO.D.. gardtng as the seal of mystery. . only, en reject , , •• ,1 '. propheoy, throngljd in crowdlltokiss This impoted crime. and others of Jndicial'aothorityie vested Good words, true woreta. 90011 dHdI. hill f!!et-a privilege' readily gr,.nted a like' natoie. the eoe.uiies bun'il,(B&(t.dten,) cODsisting h'thi·eerdiliellSe. Oil . to those who were willing to pay· for of ,the Jews with wellpotlS; W'hicll members, who are ChOllE!n Turkey, is in mr,."" , To abed upon our felloW-man it. T.he of Sabath .. r, lI\im· the, 'osed unsparingly p;tntil,.at last, .among 1he citizens who' are diction to the 'prece'pts of .lUI""""; 'l'he a1Ul8blDe of tbe beart. by hi' to the toost cOnspicooa:1\ for age. arises from their poverty, and , TIn. e:a;clte ,llOlIl!Dotlon, ID the city. He and, acter; __ se"ere InveSt1gatlOn, de· gence, and wiAdom, Tbi, tribonal their custofO of livio'g together io Then::tbough tbe "bRln tbat hlnda uaber;' 111'&11 therefore removed ti) the eaatle clan!d that the. catoblnieli w, 'eie' haa the power of deciding both civil lilliall" inconvenient dwelling... In By'death .whlle'bl rlftn, f b D d II d d d rid b P' 1 .... _" IInlu.llaUjolD 1I111n, 0 tear .ane es, all. from there to .oun e .i a I e p.romuq;awu and j and its lifO- .most citiell' they have a, pOrlion 'bell'alflled III 1I •• ven. toe Seragho at Adnaoople, as the an offiCial firman forblddlDlnlereecu. ceedlDgl .. re always characterized b)' 'apllrt for tbem. not so much rrom en· ... i"',LoNion. fame of his repQteltmiracies waa 80 tion in fotore. and renewing to the the Btrictest equity." !bitt·to them. as is uaoaJljY 80pposed. , great that Mohamlll,d, IV. to Jews all priv;i1eges which they There is no doubt that the Jewieh bot for their OWIl protection, and be- Fur lilt Sabbath _rdtr. interrogate in persoQ this selfiltyletl had hitherto enjoyed. tribunal. are admini.tered with more caose they prefer thns 'w herd to- . 'rml'xow; .. K,ing of . The Jews in the reg .. rd to joatioe tbali' of, an)' getber. Their JIllvcrty from . .ilI1I before the Sultao, he' replIed to the . t an 'Rabb' . Tid' other commonities sobject to lhe their to work; espe· - , , A SLAVE SIlGIJG .1.T JlIDnGBT. Low be saDI tlie P.aJm 01 navld. He a Degro aDd ellllaved; Bani of Israel'. victory, Sang of ZioD bri&ht ud lree. In that hour wben DI.dIt 18 callBellt; Sa.n& be from the He_'ll' :haIlIlIat, In a voice 80 nr.etu<lcl .... ThatI oould bot .hood·but beat- Sonp of trlumPll &I1d'IlIci1l!.\Im.' Sllch u reacbed the .wart J!li1lIiIau, Wben upon tbe Bed Sea ooast, Perlal1ed Pbaraoh. I.JId "<>It. . The vol ce of hiJ> devotion . ' " Filled my heart 1I1tb .tranp .motlbD; For ita tolle8 by tura'lfe'" Ilal, Sweetly 8olemb, wildly gllld. Paul abd SnU,In their ''pri.OD. Sang of Clu'lIt, tbe Lord an- ; an eartbqllake" arDi of mllbt Broke their dung."" ,at •• at of",t. But, a1u I ... hat holy alllet Bnnga the Iilave th .gIr4 I\'aDpn And wbat e&rthqoate .. , arm of ml,ht Brolte bta dungeon lit •• at DI&bt I " ' . -LOngfellow• - THE l.08IIGS BAn: TIIII!tIIJI ..... qolilltiolls put to him irl ball Turkillb. mOB.p, ID1SM. or,. a,mu ISta; Porte; nd it ofteu happe ... that eially from thell a't'ersion to airicul· PART o. .. You apeak' Yety ill for a Mellsiali," tha' 111, they regard too ,Talmud &II even tbe GreekS, tbeir inveterate' en. tore. And for this reason, all schemes BY IWI. cmLD. c ... PT.. I V . said the Sultan. "a Xessiab onght the Law, .. the Moelelbll .. regard the emies, appeal to the jodlmeut of the for. making them .n agricultoral pea. As }Ir. Recd, the ''''' Jiw.: tbe gift of tongues j' but, Koran. .The &II IS in Fer,rence to their Q.WII pie in the land of: their father. must, into the y .. rd on Monday mOlrnilil,; IbI!:fllltbt A great many Jew! no'w in. yoo can. work' miracles 7" known, 111 dl"lded Into MI.llhoa, II?be.e tribnll... 1Il baTe the necessarily, fail. Notwithstanding be met Georg. Joyce; one of .maln ••• habitlng Turkey, ate the descendantl .. Sdth&tjmes," W88 the modest re'ply t an . d ThethMlIlhna con· fin .. , imprisonlnent, their misery, however, theya.re au men. A fine intelligent man be 01 those who were driyen at various of' S.b'atbai. If The tbere· aids' he. ra h.ODI! e to Mnteeee to the galleys'; bot orderly, well disposed commoDity· and a very skillful workman. '" tillles from Spaiu. Expelled by the fore,' desiroos of trymg bis miracu, an t e thll are ,not; co1lipetent to eoodemn to their afFairll are managed with admi: .. Good morning. sir," , ..... ,,"". Obri81iao, tbey found sheltet and lous he IS death, a'priiilege held bY"he SUltan rable simplicity,' their taxes are paid .. Good morning," re(tlie,d}j:r, te t ' 'tb the U I I 1'15 d tID .. 1111' pllrlol I '..J Th' '4._ t I d I pro c Ion WI. ..08 em. n.. an 8e op f th 'th' d a on", e1r aentences 111.,-- exe· by lhose on y who are able to pay' to lIee you ' morn nr .' a body of Jl •• · emigrated mar·k b 0 eN Ir cen, coted by the Turkiah alth4ritlllll, ., them; their Synag0ItUe8 and religious partlcolarly, Joyce, .. k to you So', to Turkey, 'lilbere tbe1 were doUbel_; . . ameroua of Chi., Rlibbi. Thil establishment are supported by do- aboot a mistake on Batur- ki1ld'i recei'fed' b, \he SuIt11!" Mo- bl ... ··· , ..... wttUew .. poe t.he '..em· with becoming decency day!' ' n hammw I., aod" they finan, _tied .M: 00 means oppresaed by .. I am BOrey \t, .ir-l ... in tPe.capital of anslient Si. GQyermnent· on the con· not aware-I bope' no 'harm's donll, thynia, ',' 'l'he cnarm. of the purely , . .... , privileges sir." , orleot.1' it. cool IItreams, its w1lltitlldlo ' palaces and gardens. or being impiiled; ,baYe and til. rich' luxuriance' of the Bur. chose the former without bE'Bitation tbe century. on'ather later, by their OWD Rabbi8.; roundiog toGutry. reminded the ' a· 14ahommedarl. and the Rabbi Jochonon ; tbe Babl\onian at OaDltUltirlople haTOte tive qf th ir belov d Gra ad th b T "00 f to in the lath penlllry. bl' nabbi rao" '--Wttl." . s. e ell. a i ey uml la.l 110 ar &II bi. The B .. bylonlail Talmud is the ... ,... wllre IUduced to 8tep\\,; dQor-keeper ceDlli.t " aud werll recel.ed 'by :be Su\tao with for hill y.isionafY one follOwed at present. of The Sl tbat beneYolenoe wblcb the Kora6 To extenuate in "The Oriental J ewe reglrd the in tbe pronnCleIi i8 enjoinll toward.' .. U who volontarily di8giace' of so Ti. Talmnd lIB an em'aDation from the ' till' in the capital. Each Beek tPe "protectioo of the MOII\em!' , a' terminauon·tO.ihill Deity. It is their un' comm1lUity has 'ita Chief Rabbi, its bigotry. :.. In U99. a decrlie of Ferdinand pretenllious; he pretended that. chaDgeable and oniqoe raw j nothiog adllllnistrative cooneil, and ita Beit. I detllre to frjin4 of Isabella, equally cruel, bigoted mission'related merely to the 8obsti. io it lining tbe alighte6' or tribunal' of justice. The LA'ST ROUES OF ALBERT. "!5 _11 lIB impolitic., commanded" all Jews to totiOn'or the MOlllem for the Jewish modification. either as to the celebra· at tbe helld of each commliDi- The Belfast (Ireland) Northern. listen to J¥le. A. I , lelYefthe Spaoiah kingdoms wilblil aceoidinil: to 'the prenictionir tiM of tbe Jewish feBtivals, or the ty reprelJ6nta it to' the Pasba of the Whig uyll: There hae reached 01. on Saturday •. :01.'" four nth .. . . Thrls a observance of the most minute cere- Ia thie very simple sys· from ..broad a most interesting ex· lUg tbe post-office,.a Tb same 1e ar which SllO.- of Jewl!! were' brnught OTer mooiell of tbeir worllhip. Nevertha- tem, .. 11' iOIIICOIi are conferred byeleo- tract from a leiter which WIIB written ..nd were 000 J,ws from '; bot· tbe disgraced Sa- leu, the Jewl have beeo nnable to tfon; alld 1he tnOlt worthy candidate by a member of Qtleen's Ing 1O.to tbe Sumga .BUlk, eaw, Chlumbbii · ... ilIng frolli' serving for ten years as escGp-e the Manlcbaean. Bopefstitiolljl is Dnail, ebOlleu. The smaller com- hold .shortl,. after e of Prince a t> .. rt of tbeu: week. COlllltr;;:to'diilcMet'a"tlaneh.hflili of the8e cooveraions, which so ear1y penetrated 'inlo' all mUDitles are admini8tered inferior AlDer!: Tire extremely coofidentlai Ings; and It made IJI.Y, be.. rt glad to eillC8'bEitomll'tbe"reflJge o"the per. was exiled to the Mosea; whele, EaAierb creeds' .. They admIt' the Rabbis, who are .. ppointed pOsition which the writer held at the see amoogst them mati), of. my OWII sOQ_ted.-. Tbl.llarge body 'of exilell Bome time afterwardi, he died. The power of augels' aDa of of the prMmoe " .aM - -. time. not only gives the assurance of Bnt I pallsed on,- and lIB I dlvidC\d into twto parte-one of' whicb however, so' perSoaded' whom they regard Jebo"alt r--' ........ .-ro.r n. oW'n e:lpeudltul'Cs. p-crfect 1rQstworthinesB, but iovests came by Cattle'. Corner, J ... w yon found llrotectioDi aod a home witb of the divloe' mission or Sabathai, &8 the chiefs !Jll8".FJZ:-''i The tall: le't'Jed on the Jewieh Com- tile following lines with a very Itte· !l'nd Beveral otbera tutu ioto the L9-- the' pQpe;'at R'ome' j and the other for a loog time, they refn!Jed to is by two oC monity amoonts anDoally to aooot cial ioterest;.' After describing the lOgs Baok, there to dep08it yonr . b tb S I" C t' "I b I' . b' d ,}.--'" ; tile good on hiS right, tM b,:d $10,000. After paying tire tribule'to grief and fears of the whole house- wagee. Il's alwaYI a, pleuure to Wit e 0 tan' at onstln ID0t' l!; e leve 10 18 eath; which 6u 'his Ie. It h..nd·, and 'that. t.he air 18 th. Tnt' Lilh Government, the -o'idoe h h The d.olation' 'caused h ... tbe con ag d tb a ar c f ,b., " .. old for the Qoeen, the writer speaks me to pay my men t " money tbeY, J ' J e e ppe an e 0 aner.'-a £ew With malevolent 8Plrlts, 'Wbom is deYoted to charitable ..nd edo-- of the persoll" I 1000 lu0tal'ned lJl' the have so -ell earned, but I o-n, qoe.t IIf Turke, had nob yet been re- poster. caned , h If B h . .... & ft ft paired 'j !lnd the Bajllet II., . t e1 call &he im. , ot t e tion.. t'objeCtB. Tbe Syliiagogoee are death of 'Pnnoo Albert: Joyce, I grudged yon y.oora." twarmly welcomed thia body, of me.r. 1019. HI, I beheve. tbe only nev: er pronounced by 10ppOrted by pri ... te· 8owcription II The laat Sonday he paued on .. LOBi,ngs SlI: nk , Bid I 8!!PPOIM! chantM.lirtizans and ·lradp,,;;J;. .. ,LOblll which the Mve gIVeo any awe; and aUudlDg to tbeae and donations. ' eartb wail a yery·bleBsed. onidor the the Red LlOll' yoo!re t ..lk.!ng 'ell",' ...." grllated "tbein' to the Molllem authoriliee. tMy : genet.I1, use" ther' ex; TbeJe'wiBh·aetloiils a're' in PrincellB.Aliee to look back lIpon. He I did tarn in fot an bonr or two all of ltayahs, or Jleem to regard tlieir "those without!' On lhi proportion ,to \be pOpalation • but the 11'&8 ill ",nd very weak, and she spent a mate!' Vulll!fiIlau tike'itle maet!!ra with'far great. wbich precedee the eereatQDy of inst.rnctiOO i. meagre in the alooe with him,' whilst If Joyce, you are .. tbinkior mau. , IMlJiatated '. e.-good wiII tbalt they do their fel- the chUd ill lIever Bot little is taiJght, beSides reaqing j the othere were in chorch. He begged I know that by the w .. y ,-011 do ., Moitlelil. l, by' 'rellgionl low rayalll of tbe Greek faith. Tbeir of 8Ight.. of l"t8 fe'lf'lI8nte1itleli trom the 1'ahiJiid to h....e I hie 1I0fa drawn tv tbe win- wotk. Have you ever thougbt about weI'; tbeliJiert'y . of the Greeks is inveterate. be "b>: co'i1l"tnte the 'wJ:to1e dow, th .. t be might lICe the sky and this matter 7" . eromen( the detestation iB"retorned .. b, of the Schedlbl. (Extract , Tbe .clf1,ds 8ailing pasl He then .. Well. not tery particularly, th .. t clvll'a,nd religious a'alr8,' Greeks with Man, Literatore OSe(}'IS SpaDl8h: or German, IDter· &liked Iier to play to him, and sbe I know of. To my mind, there 1 .. '& . the streets of M081efu 'cities' mixed with mallY· TnrkiBlI and An· went throngh seyeral of bis favorite much to .aTe tIIat; ,Nter ,,:lOlllrl deloged with the btOdd' < It ill rematk'the . bic wordslilld phrue.. A good Span- hymns' Ind cboral8. Artn she had week's work, W. hard. ,if DIan Prolfe- .1_' ..... ' 'ami ·Greek. ,Not, ill tile peculi.rit)' 'Of mind' in . iab .cholar "ill be readily understood played .ome time, .. he looked round mURtD't. take a bit oC J'tltft .... .. religion. anima. it 1. . colitttrie.. The tbb Sepbardim. ot 8pinish JewlI; and aaw: him lying back, hi. hand. iDg taken to do for it betweeo the two. The two c1lLneir-tboile< wlio . be will tioDle'·diftiOOlty in fdlded lIB if in prayer, ..nd eyes &II If he had been lte'aling or ' olnit "an opportonity to the' authOrity of the . them , the lame shot. He lay 80 long without mov· dering" Greeb wheo it can. biIlietB': aod tbose'wbotrejeet the JewB. or ing. that ahe thought he had fallen .. Well, there ..re thtifUi alld tmpon1ty, ancI·thitfi8 K'ateitetJ (he Ubfiel1allBare allilep. Preseotly he looked ap and take place io ." I' b,. the Grseks with, terrible Intd twO ' , She saId, • Were you 18leep, more tban e't'er came b JI ' .. tellll!,aulC8. 01 dear papa .' Oh no,' he and jory ; bat theY .. 11I inaulta whicb the I , j only I bave such IIweet thoughts.' noted by Him who hllB eaid; .n" .... ..... - the bOdy of the Gt-eek PatrIarcli Duriog hiB ilIoeaa his bands bafeth his brotber ill ra.rde"f' ,!'4"",""" I Cooltantioople; wl\o·"u t'Wo re Qrteo fulded in prayC!r ; and, when ' whole . en •• tioll, ... did 110\ apeak', hi. terene face abow: whOle mOIlfl1 i. deBiro.'bf the n.\ionlll Greek party. it, the the .1e. p p,.c:thO-lJ8hla.! from them. Bot sbbw "ery )l1 .. inly wh..t·they would been $pP<Irted' wilh. bim, to )be end_ . what' I was'lIayibg, tia.e they bad the .PC1wer to iJljore. Jod .. ism. They .. The Prioce!'s Alice's fortitode hili reckoned up wh..t you depOBit the execotion, the Jews seized very respect .. ble amazed 08 all.' She saw from Lhe time you 'tllfB in r" , bod,. and, after dragging it Jews; bot are detested lirllt that both her fatber and mother's II Well, a Ihilling, it m.. y be, or through the 'rile'lt atteeitt' of the bioist1l with aU1hnaltcorwblcb II lirmnetls on her limne .. , two," said Joyce. ,," tbrew it i.IO the' &eL" Tllfll' any .. aim .. tel'die Medlberli' of • cog. teliirillu8 aod she set herself to the doty. He Mr. Reed, taking .. pencR' aod of the .ame oature, h.... e Date, thougb' dift'ereD't- faith. The to speak openly of his coodi· piece oC p ..per from h. pocke',,"bOOit ..elllOn 't'.':' .i·1 e llibittered tbe:mindaofboth .. Karaitell are a very moralaod trost· tion. and had many wimell:'to ex· handed tbem to JOJete,· and .akl, ana' 'no' oppOrtunIty )11' to wor,f.hy peopfe:· . Tbey receive the prees. He loved to hear hymos and "Let 011 look .. t it fully, and make' a P&IIS withont lome attem]!. .. t Inlary. Prophets. aa weIr 'all the' taw, and a,re prayeri/o He could: not epeak to the f.. ir calculation. .. .. ther. etrict in obJieniilg tbe letter 'Of QlIeeo of hilllB8lf. fQl' abe could Dot Yoo depoait your mOlley. and 10ilie 1hom .. , aU>ameac"i' III: 18'0, d6rci: law. Their 'prayer-bOok is a Th,.vl bear to Iisteo. and shut her eyes to it; t eel the Greeka one-' of theai opporto. beautifol compdlition; ..nd they do the danger. His daoj\hter law that Your time, and lOIIe it ; .. n.label·ita 't1 ".'Wi;l!l!i'}\ nidea, whieb they eagerly eeized. 110\ omit .. ny book' of the Old Testa· , ahe must act differently, and she Yonr character, .. nd lqe it; .' little bq.aeWwW .... lfII\IlIiI1ll1 •• /!.X:. Tbe recolleetioD or tbis eataatrophe ment. There ..re' tbe.llite of Solomon'l never Ie\. her "oice falter, or sbed a Yoor health of bodt, and JOIe 1& little cbUCtrea ',- ii ,till freih' ill \be 'putsIic' mind. 00 persed throughout Turkey, but eol iDw d..mp, l'llioJ[lle tear bo his presence. She sat Your IItreort;1l of milld,' a.nc1lotre Ii;, .. The;' to .... ,"",' r4 fifth of Febroai1: 1810, Fatb.,r is th .. t inhabiting deDB, many hy listeoed to .. U h" oid. . Yoor m..nlylndependence. aDd 10M ullw.r. ' . i ; . of the C,!oie .. .there are abOot C01Tm .. peated wbenlhe It; ,,' .. 1. ..... .oab'at Tbey are the mOB\ wblcb--lnfe<:tB .}i,n\,·; coold bear it no longer ..... ld walk Your telf .... pect, uacl low.it ; ... , _.- ,. ' I .. Amarab; Jew., meaidf haIr 'opfttd call1lfj td the door, and tbf!b YOllr of right nd .ronr ... ." .. " ,",' of tile a!l4 iSllalp bou_ ..way to het. room, retllrning-- and lOBe It . . no .' 'cOuld' be diiCover· of Alall .nIh. tbe).aame calm and. pale face, Yonr aell.coIltt'9 I , .ttl lOIIe'ft ; ed rot ... era\ \ dlYB, ."hen the bOdy tbat of a Iiyid without ally.ppearanOf of the Yo ... home _fori, q4 lc.l it ",V'WI f th . t, f' h r II til.led Yell bot .. alX,otl tion ,be bad f:D.e. h,. . Yonr WII'b'·li .. Dpi ..... ana o. e rig t u y_._mo._. ' th l_.l ... _.. "I a'd aever .. lD· te....:e..... Yonr childreo". o'.hl.', arrite4,'." found ID tbe-MWn- of llie cltl. . e ....... ,aou .. " .... b ' .......... of meagre, dre...-cal, with'the .ince. The &rst them i '- . P-. lic·r.lllb'Ypoilltedootitie.... a.ew.. ........ - time lib ""d, ' You can feel for me, Your OOIIo·.L'.honor:, hd 10M'" tlllII riebea' allCl moet reapected ... 001' . II(l :-. . y Kl ... Hebrew populatioo, ... the or ""atd appearatice, ·" ..... l you h ... e gone tbrougb tbi. tri .. l' our on alld h.".., th iii .harder, to which mltlly hor& Dluo of the Another time llbe aaid, bow .. It looD a black ••• -.... t1 ed "a- L f·-'- ..... i' ...... med 'Wbell llbe looked JOJ08. .. I did 00i ' II , .. , ·.1e' ... ltl were of coo..... ' add, -, 110 - ..,.,.. """" "' u ..... boW mucla for the Iqt aix 110 mu.,.. In it . and ' t bnfng eottbe. tllrOat oCtile . ,. , P. , had recciTed the blood,fa a the Mt1Ite: ltate'; . 4: . be _--" :... tbe -lebra':- a;iiri 'bad 10 ofteu toruW .. D.6T of aU ..... >tt. ..-,. - -- .I.l. ..... .;_. uilllMil' had 801 s.b' ." --Tit.· eTlI.' tie . I' . MI,JiII ,,- whl" _L '1" ... _ ..;.. L' ' u., t 4Q4111ll1. ,i.hita ..... .., .... .-. ;nillb better' alan! ,toU'r; ,.....a ••• ' .... , II... iR.lIa, , He - ODele 1MIid' 10 Iiet'; of the 'Week"' •• u.l .... Uoa ia don't bo'W in wW atawwe peDOJt .... ,,· ...... erihtl .... t..· / , ,.(,
Page 1: .1Vol+20+(1864)/Sabbath... · r', '" , " ,{l: . .. 't;~. ' , WRSTERLY, R. 1., Flj~D'&Y" :OQ'l;OBER 13, 1864. 11 'I ~, ., .,':;:) t"ijl 41 , ... ,! " , , . ..,~, " '-"


r', '" ,


,{l: . .. 't;~. ' ,

WRSTERLY, R. 1., Flj~D'&Y" :OQ'l;OBER 13, 1864. 11 'I ~, ., .,':;:) t"ijl

, ,! " , 41 ... , . ..,~, " '-"

• 'lo' , ,

''PpUfiltide; he alF~cted great Tbe"Frencb;:EogIi8h, and' AUlltrlan Like thei~~i~a~i~~~E tjJt~lPY; 'IIxpre.sed himllelf in orae- nations interfel!ed '; and the relloll' of' under the ;:::!~~~:!;:~====:;::==::::::':2:. ti~~,,~i~e~::,a~;~ j and went :aboot the matter wliii, that it. was laid 00. Porte, tbe

~,J1WIOJr.l1IlLB WQIIJ)S; ,,8 proclaiming that .. the fore a comminioll compoted of tile themselve8, are

r;'~::.t:~g~I)~'itJ""J~~:~!;l~~!;alccomplillhed." At len~th. coDSuls of Eogland. RosBi&; Alflmi.~ tllellll~lyalo. "t.tilOrllej,lDkBI,~1M bimllelf at Jeru ... iem,.he and PruSB~ ,Oil the lat of

" ". J tbe Jews in the Oifomftn bet, .. firmUl. w .. s issued, or(l~ilill"tlli<iol[.

~ . I. lettM!re hI' which 00 ,Ullumed that the. iltJprilloned JewlI should ! 'iiI'tlie JlttJeohlld, C' h "'. B' . d h ." n klDdly acceDts glveD, .',,'H, .' ; ., 0 , e".., \rlll om i" .. tM Bet at liberty; all t e private secrl!-Lnt we wl'lh abll'l1l'ordllhould bll&ht of God ;" .. tM 8a.IJilJurof Is· tary of Mehe!beL Ali. in traosmitting

Tb'III.~ ~U~fO! ~v~~.: . r " '". , and, strange to say." !ObtaiDled the firma& to MeuH. Monlefiore and , II.; riot only among tile Je .... s of Cremieus, added," Politic .. 1 circom·

!lo1Ii",tothebrllh~liali'idbby, wiih Jbli8e: of Germany, stances dOollOt permit us to sobject ! ~C:'''l.~:I~D .. t~ Ii~' I t 'lid Italy whb all held: tbem- the conduct of the Igcal a.1lIhoriliej! I~ p~t 111\1 ~r pao8. '. . iu realtioe:8 to return to the iu 'this deplorable affair to tlevere in·

CI',y at the first 8i"'ual, ' vlietigation, we entreat vo. u, there· :;~~~:~.h~r~~~~~~ ",,"' ~1 "(I '.r In. ~ I I!t tl

A ~ (Ollie. bluet.eyed bride', new prophet. " fore, gent~eincn, to' a~ceJ:lt" fdr the W,.OM .... o b<lr IMiIe .Thl! diseiples ot the ne.' prescot ~bllr firman, wlticb bas been 'ine .. lllber"

F.Jr.~~~ea;;-~:tll":rab~~1:i. had ,ive'tI but, that he ""18 graDted. nollUl a matter of favor, but with miraculous po""ers j aud hie of justice." "

A.JI~Ii~ to tb~ W~YW~;d youtb; rapid It spreading' reputation began Tlii. WM ont)O of the'many ,exc\o!~ i.allcilmt Tb. barque by le .. p •• '" tOBl!ed to ca,nle so'much e:reitemeb't, 'that fur persecuting ~be ~ew8. It is very .~ ~f ~he legi.lati~.p(}w .. J.

OR com .. to lIarbol'. whU.tll.. 8hlp the Governor of Smyrna wtluld have trne that the Circumstances attend· the rIght or convoklO~' the p"~olJlal.l Je ..... Leu tempeRt-trled be lolt. . h' hI" seized and imprisoned bi\ll, had he 109 t 18 murder ave never been assembly'. eitbei- for t e ele,cUetn

v. , not withdrawn, with a nomber of his clearly explailled and the report of depollition of the Chief Rabbi, or . A ~~:'J:~ru~ 'h~!~~~":red DII~I1; folIow!!n', arid departed for Coostan. the trial. pUb\ished in Italian, (tIl'. the adoption of any great. ·ale.-ure Mar. bide ... warm a h .... t as thlDe, tiuople. On his arrival in that city. nishell no rooin to doobt'that this which; ~Dcerns the general hlt4~etltll

'J:hougb .. lnter'd .. wb.ltDo.... the Grand Vizir Kouprouli, little ra- horrible crime WIls'indeed petpet'rat- of' .TWs C01IDCil ·'ti. specting his pretended millsion. caUII- ed by the Jews j but· the authentici- . propoBes whatever"

AlitMI!/ to th. w.arJeilllllllr ed him to be a,.rrested, and thrown ty of ·this report is quelltioued, and ters are fn question to 'the Usem Be r,eatb Ufe'. nqobday ,un; , Tbat fIalnt!nl.IDlllllu.OD 118"", info prison., Hither the Jew8, reo the matter etill remains involved io in lIach .. manoer that"the I .. tter Ere yet tb. fl&ht be ,:WO.D.. gardtng per~outioo as the seal of mystery. . only, ~oca'ccept en reject 1''''~H;n

, ,,~'" , •• ,1 '. propheoy, throngljd in crowdlltokiss This impoted crime. and others of Jndicial'aothorityie vested Good words, true woreta. 90011 dHdI. hill f!!et-a privilege' readily gr,.nted a like' natoie. f~rnl8hed the eoe.uiies bun'il,(B&(t.dten,) cODsisting h'thi·eerdiliellSe.

Oil ~i.llorlolt.lI.art . to those who were willing to pay· for of ,the Jews with wellpotlS; W'hicll members, who are ChOllE!n Turkey, is in mr,."" , To abed upon our felloW-man it. T.he ~nn\rymen of Sabath .. r, lI\im· the, 'osed unsparingly p;tntil,.at last, . among 1he citizens who' are diction to the 'prece'pts of .lUI"""";

'l'he a1Ul8blDe of tbe beart. ul,,~~~ by hi' .pred~ctions. ~gan to the Ottom~~ a~tho!it!~II:jnte~fered; toost cOnspicooa:1\ for age. i~tellr arises from their poverty, and , TIn. e:a;clte ,llOlIl!Dotlon, ID the city. He and, acter; __ se"ere InveSt1gatlOn, de· gence, and wiAdom, Tbi, tribonal their custofO of livio'g together io

Then::tbough tbe "bRln tbat hlnda uaber;' 111'&11 therefore removed ti) the eaatle clan!d that the. catoblnieli w, 'eie' on~ haa the power of deciding both civil lilliall" inconvenient dwelling... In By'death .whlle'bl rlftn, f b D d II d ~ d d rid b P' 1 .... _" 1t.~I4ID IInlu.llaUjolD 1I111n, 0 tear .ane es, all. from there to .oun e .i a I e or~ p.romuq;awu and '~eligio1l1 qneati~s j and its lifO- .most citiell' they have a, pOrlion

'bell'alflled III 1I •• ven. toe Seragho at Adnaoople, as the an offiCial firman forblddlDlnlereecu. ceedlDgl .. re always characterized b)' 'apllrt for tbem. not so much rrom en· ,-9/IIWc/uncln,~ ... i"',LoNion. fame of his repQteltmiracies waa 80 tion in fotore. and renewing to the the Btrictest equity." !bitt·to them. as is uaoaJljY 80pposed. , ~ great that Mohamlll,d, IV. wis~d to Jews all ~he priv;i1eges which they There is no doubt that the Jewieh bot for their OWIl protection, and be-

Fur lilt Sabbath _rdtr. interrogate in persoQ this selfiltyletl had hitherto enjoyed. tribunal. are admini.tered with more caose they prefer thns 'w herd to-. 'rml'xow; .. K,ing of I8ra~t:' . O~. ,~ppe!lrior The Jews in ':'~rkey-are;for the reg .. rd to joatioe tbali' ~hOse of, an)' getber. Their JIllvcrty ~ri8es from

. .ilI1I before the Sultao, he' replIed to the . t an 'Rabb' . Tid' other commonities sobject to lhe their uliwi1lin~es~ to work; espe·


Low be saDI tlie P.aJm 01 navld. He a Degro aDd ellllaved; Bani of Israel'. victory, Sang of ZioD bri&ht ud lree. In that hour wben DI.dIt 18 callBellt; Sa.n& be from the He_'ll' :haIlIlIat, In a voice 80 nr.etu<lcl .... ThatI oould bot .hood·but beat-Sonp of trlumPll &I1d'IlIci1l!.\Im.' Sllch u reacbed the .wart J!li1lIiIau, Wben upon tbe Bed Sea ooast, Perlal1ed Pbaraoh. I.JId !II~ "<>It. . The vol ce of hiJ> devotion . ' " Filled my heart 1I1tb .tranp .motlbD; For ita tolle8 by tura'lfe'" Ilal, Sweetly 8olemb, wildly gllld. Paul abd SnU,In their ''pri.OD. Sang of Clu'lIt, tbe Lord an- ; An~ an eartbqllake" arDi of mllbt Broke their dung."" ,at •• at of",t. But, a1u I ... hat holy alllet Bnnga the Iilave th • .gIr4 I\'aDpn And wbat e&rthqoate .. , arm of ml,ht Brolte bta dungeon lit •• at DI&bt I " '

. -LOngfellow •

-THE l.08IIGS BAn: TIIII!tIIJI ..... IIO'fId.IIlI'I".lifO~lIJ'IINl'I. qolilltiolls put to him irl ball Turkillb. mOB.p, ID1SM. or,. a,mu ISta; Porte; nd it ofteu happe ... that eially from thell a't'ersion to airicul·

PART o. .. You apeak' Yety ill for a Mellsiali," tha' 111, they regard too ,Talmud &II even tbe GreekS, tbeir inveterate' en. tore. And for this reason, all schemes BY IWI. cmLD. c ... PT.. I V . said the Sultan. "a Xessiab onght t~ the Law, .. the Moelelbll .. regard the emies, appeal to the jodlmeut of the for. making them .n agricultoral pea. As }Ir. Recd, the 'b~naer,

''''' Jiw.: (Kls8es~ tbe gift of tongues j' but, Koran. .The .T~lmu~, &II IS gei1~rally Beit~eep. in Fer,rence to their Q.WII pie in the land of: their father. must, into the y .. rd on Monday mOlrnilil,; IbI!:fllltbt A great many ort~ Jew! no'w in. ~r~aps. yoo can. work' miracles 7" known, 111 dl"lded Into t~e MI.llhoa, II?be.e tribnll. .. 1Il baTe the necessarily, fail. Notwithstanding be met Georg. Joyce; one of .maln •••

habitlng Turkey, ate the descendantl .. Sdth&tjmes," W88 the modest re'ply tan.d thetbGbetmad~ ThethMlIlhna con· fin .. , imprisonlnent, their misery, however, theya.re au men. A fine intelligent man be "'\il~' 01 those who were driyen at various of' S.b'atbai. If The ~olt'an. tbere· aids' he. ra h.ODI! e to Mnteeee to the galleys'; bot orderly, well disposed commoDity· and a very skillful workman. '" tillles from Spaiu. Expelled by the fore,' desiroos of trymg bis miracu, an t e I~terpretatton ~f thll are ,not; co1lipetent to eoodemn to their afFairll are managed with admi: .. Good morning. sir," , ..... ,,"". Obri81iao, tbey found sheltet and lous comm~nded tb~t he an~ IS 1fIl~~toeed "~e death, a'priiilege held bY"he SUltan rable simplicity,' their taxes are paid .. Good morning," re(tlie,d}j:r, !:~:.~:~

te t ' 'tb the U I I 1'15 d tID .. 1111' pllrlol I '..J Th' '4._ t • I d I ~~~~~;~~~=~~;f:~~ pro c Ion WI. ..08 em. n.. • an 8e op f th 'th' d a on", e1r aentences 111.,-- exe· by lhose on y who are able to pay' ~ante to lIee you ' morn nr .' a hl~ge body of Jl •• · emigrated f~m mar·k (o~ b 0 eN Ir cen, coted by the Turkiah alth4ritlllll, ., them; their Synag0ItUe8 and religious partlcolarly, Joyce, to~ .. k to you So', S~lln to Turkey, 'lilbere tbe1 were doUbel_; . . ameroua of Chi., Rlibbi. Thil establishment are supported by do- aboot a mistake yo~ on Batur-ki1ld'i recei'fed' b, \he SuIt11!" Mo- bl ... ··· , ..... wttUew .. poe t.he '..em· with becoming decency day!' ' n hammw I., aod" they finan, _tied .M: 00 means oppresaed by .. I am BOrey ~o'he~ \t, .ir-l ~ ... in Bro~~, tPe.capital of anslient Si. GQyermnent· on the con· not aware-I bope' no 'harm's donll, thynia, ',' 'l'he cnarm. of the purely , . .... , privileges sir."

, orleot.1' c\~~ it. cool IItreams, its w1lltitlldlo ' palaces and gardens. or being impiiled; ,baYe ~rl and til. rich' luxuriance' of the Bur. chose the former without bE'Bitation tbe century. on'ather later, by their OWD Rabbi8.; roundiog toGutry. reminded the ' a· 14ahommedarl. and the Rabbi Jochonon ; tbe Babl\onian at OaDltUltirlople haTOte tive qf th ir belov d Gra ad th b T "00 f to in the lath penlllry. bl' ~be nabbi rao" "hal"-~~ '--Wttl." . s. e ell. a i ey uml la.l 110 ar &II bi. The B .. bylonlail Talmud is the ... ,... wllre IUduced to ~reat lh~lf 8tep\\,; dQor-keeper of:t~ ceDlli.t in""illl"'I'.I8itfW1!till&l~~~~~;!~!!~'J~

" aud werll recel.ed 'by :be Su\tao with for hill y.isionafY one follOwed at present. of The lI~tlm Sl tbat beneYolenoe wblcb the Kora6 To extenuate in "The Oriental J ewe reglrd the in tbe pronnCleIi i8 enjoinll toward.' .. U who volontarily di8giace' of so Ti. Talmnd lIB an em'aDation from the ' till' in the capital. Each Beek tPe "protectioo of the MOII\em!' , a' terminauon·tO.ihill Deity. It is their ~olute.- un' comm1lUity has 'ita Chief Rabbi, its bigotry. :.. In U99. a decrlie of Ferdinand pretenllious; he pretended that. chaDgeable and oniqoe raw j nothiog adllllnistrative cooneil, and ita Beit. I detllre to ~be frjin4 of Isabella, equally cruel, bigoted mission'related merely to the 8obsti. io it lining uoder~ooe tbe alighte6' or tribunal' of justice. The LA'ST ROUES OF ~OE ALBERT. "!5 _11 lIB tbeirmllB~." .1.~:~~#'~1H::~~ :5~::e!=: impolitic., commanded" all Jews to totiOn'or the MOlllem for the Jewish modification. either as to the celebra· at tbe helld of each commliDi- The Belfast (Ireland) Northern. listen to J¥le. A. I , lelYefthe Spaoiah kingdoms wilblil aceoidinil: to 'the prenictionir tiM of tbe Jewish feBtivals, or the ty reprelJ6nta it to' the Pasba of the Whig uyll: There hae reached 01. on Saturday •. :01.'" four nth.. . . propli~cielJ. Thrls a observance of the most minute cere- proT1o~. Ia thie very simple sys· from .. broad a most interesting ex· lUg tbe post-office,.a '~t:~:::~~?!II':':I~~

Tb same 1ear which SllO.- of Jewl!! were' brnught OTer mooiell of tbeir worllhip. Nevertha- tem, .. 11' iOIIICOIi are conferred byeleo- tract from a leiter which WIIB written :wor~ea .. nd ~eJr' ~ were

000 J,ws lloo~g from '; bot· tbe disgraced Sa- leu, the Jewl have beeo nnable to tfon; alld 1he tnOlt worthy candidate by a member of ~ Qtleen's ho~sa- Ing 1O.to tbe Sumga .BUlk, ~here to:"~~~~~~~~~~i~i~i~f~ eaw, Chlumbbii · ... ilIng frolli' serving for ten years as escGp-e the Manlcbaean. Bopefstitiolljl is Dnail, ebOlleu. The smaller com- hold .shortl,. after e de~tb of Prince ~ep08lt a t> .. rt of tbeu: week. e~~ COlllltr;;:to'diilcMet'a"tlaneh.hflili of the8e cooveraions, which so ear1y penetrated 'inlo' all mUDitles are admini8tered inferior AlDer!: Tire extremely coofidentlai Ings; and It made IJI.Y, be .. rt glad to eillC8'bEitomll'tbe"reflJge o"the per. was exiled to the Mosea; whele, EaAierb creeds' .. They admIt' the Rabbis, who are .. ppointed pOsition which the writer held at the see amoogst them mati), of. my OWII sOQ_ted.-. Tbl.llarge body 'of exilell Bome time afterwardi, he died. The power of augels' aDa of of the prMmoe " .aM - -. time. not only gives the assurance of Bnt I pallsed on,- and lIB I dlvidC\d into twto parte-one of' whicb popula~ ""er~, however, so' perSoaded' whom they regard Jebo"alt r--' ........ .-ro.r n. oW'n e:lpeudltul'Cs. p-crfect 1rQstworthinesB, but iovests came by Cattle'. Corner, J ... w yon found llrotectioDi aod a home witb of the divloe' mission or Sabathai, &8 the chiefs !Jll8".FJZ:-''i The tall: le't'Jed on the Jewieh Com- tile following lines with a very Itte· !l'nd Beveral otbera tutu ioto the L9--the' pQpe;'at R'ome' j and the other for a loog time, they refn!Jed to is cou8t8-"~ mp~~lI~ by two oC monity amoonts anDoally to aooot cial ioterest;.' After describing the lOgs Baok, there to dep08it yonr

. b tb S I" C t' "I b I' . b' d ,}.--'" ; tile good on hiS right, tM b,:d $10,000. After paying tire tribule'to grief and fears of the whole house- wagee. Il's alwaYI a, pleuure to Wit e 0 tan' at onstln ID0t' l!; e leve 10 18 eath; which 6u 'his Ie. It h .. nd·, and 'that. t.he air 18 th. Tnt' Lilh Government, the -o'idoe h h The d.olation' 'caused h ... tbe con ag d tb a ar c f ,b., " .. .~ old for the Qoeen, the writer speaks me to pay my men t " money tbeY,

J ' J • e e ppe an e 0 aner.'-a £ew With malevolent 8Plrlts, 'Wbom is deYoted to charitable .. nd edo-- of the persoll" I 1000 lu0tal'ned lJl' the have so -ell earned, but I o-n, qoe.t IIf Turke, had nob yet been re- poster. caned D~":'~ ~1i~a , h If B h . ~. .... & ft ft l!:~~,!~~= paired 'j !lnd the SU1t~II. Bajllet II., year~"~~" . (U~lCIOi.). t e1 call &he im. , ot t e n~e'ls tion .. t'objeCtB. Tbe Syliiagogoee are death of 'Pnnoo Albert: Joyce, I grudged yon y.oora." :=~i$==~j!<

twarmly welcomed thia body, of me.r. 1019. HI, I beheve. tbe only ~nstanee nev:er pronounced by ~em wltho~ 10ppOrted by pri ... te· 8owcription II The laat Sonday he paued on .. LOBi,ngs SlI:nk, Bid I 8!!PPOIM! chantM.lirtizans and ·lradp,,;;J;. .. ,LOblll which the ~,Jews Mve gIVeo any awe; and aUudlDg to tbeae and donations. ' eartb wail a yery·bleBsed. onidor the the Red LlOll' yoo!re t .. lk.!ng dllpop~l'tj,d 'ell",' .... " grllated "tbein' to the Molllem authoriliee. tMy : genet.I1, use" ther' ex; TbeJe'wiBh·aetloiils a're' nn!b~roiis in PrincellB.Aliee to look back lIpon. He I did tarn in fot an bonr or two all tbe"r,,,,.lte~ti of ltayahs, or Jleem to regard tlieir "those without!' On lhi proportion ,to \be pOpalation • but the 11'&8 ill ",nd very weak, and she spent a mate!' I;~~:~:=~~)t Vulll!fiIlau 'Qllj~c~. tike'itle maet!!ra with'far great. wbich precedee the eereatQDy of inst.rnctiOO i. meagre in the ~:ltreme. ~he'al'ternoon alooe with him,' whilst If Joyce, you are .. tbinkior mau. cO~~Ditlli*, , IMlJiatated '. e.-good wiII tbalt they do their fel- oirc~lDclllio,!;' the chUd ill lIever Bot little is taiJght, beSides reaqing j the othere were in chorch. He begged I know that by the w .. y ,-011 do ., Moitlelil. l, by' 'rellgionl low rayalll of tbe Greek faith. Tbeir of 8Ight.. of l"t8 pare!l~~ le~t fe'lf'lI8nte1itleli trom the 1'ahiJiid to h .... e I hie 1I0fa drawn tv tbe win- wotk. Have you ever thougbt about weI'; 'lilloW~d tbeliJiert'y . of the Greeks is inveterate. be 'sti~ed "b>: ~8cbemldl',1., y~ry oft~u co'i1l"tnte the 'wJ:to1e dow, th .. t be might lICe the sky and this matter 7" . eromen( .~d Inile}'l~n.dence the detestation iB"retorned .. b, of the Schedlbl. (Extract , c~orlt! ofi,blt~ocri?li. Tbe la~age .clf1,ds 8ailing pasl He then .. Well. not tery particularly, th .. t clvll'a,nd religious a'alr8,' Greeks with io.ter!l~t-, Man, Literatore OSe(}'IS SpaDl8h: or German, IDter· &liked Iier to play to him, and sbe I know of. To my mind, there 1 .. '& tbe~ . the streets of M081efu 'cities' mixed with mallY· TnrkiBlI and An· went throngh seyeral of bis favorite much to ~hink, .aTe tIIat; ,Nter ,,:lOlllrl

~D deloged with the btOdd' < It ill O.mOIl8'~ rematk'the . bic wordslilld phrue.. A good Span- hymns' Ind cboral8. Artn she had week's work, W. hard. ,if • DIan Prolfe- .1_' ..... ' 'ami ·Greek. ,Not, ill tile peculi.rit)' 'Of mind' in . iab .cholar "ill be readily understood played .ome time, .. he looked round mURtD't. take a bit oC J'tltft .... ~1U ..

religion. anima.it1. is~th~ . colitttrie.. The tbb Sepbardim. ot 8pinish JewlI; and aaw: him lying back, hi. hand. iDg taken to do for it a~m08t tr;~~~;,t~~~~o= betweeo the two. The two c1lLneir-tboile< wlio . be will ba~ tioDle'·diftiOOlty in fdlded lIB if in prayer, .. nd h~ eyes &II If he had been lte'aling or • ' olnit "an opportonity to the' authOrity of traditlo~ the . them , the lame shot. He lay 80 long without mov· dering"

Greeb wheo it can. biIlietB': aod tbose'wbotrejeet the JewB. or ing. that ahe thought he had fallen .. Well, there .. re thtifUi alld ~~~ltl;;'.;&;~I: iiO:~~h',fa!'::~l~II~~~~~~1'(~~;tl!d' tmpon1ty, ancI·thitfi8 K'ateitetJ (he Ubfiel1allBare allilep. Preseotly he looked ap and de~8 take place io 8~~~~'~'~~¥)~::~J~~ ." I' b,. the Grseks with, terrible Intd twO ' , !'~~~~~.~~;~'r~~::Y:~'~~lliniled.:' She saId, • Were you 18leep, more tban e't'er came b JI ' .. ~..,

tellll!,aulC8. ~'~~il~l~' 01 dear papa ~ .' Oh no,' he an8.we~. and jory ; bat theY .. 11I not.~· inaulta whicb the .~ewa )I~d I , j only I bave such IIweet thoughts.' noted by Him who hllB eaid;

.n" .... ~htI.lt:tl1't.~PI~.~t'·· ..... - the bOdy of the Gt-eek PatrIarcli Duriog hiB ilIoeaa his bands bafeth his brotber ill • ra.rde"f' ,!'4"","""

I Cooltantioople; wl\o·"u t'Wo re ~[~~~~; Qrteo fulded in prayC!r ; and, when ' whole . en ~ tlMt;t:~~~~g~~, ~~;~~~~i~~!!\~~~' •• u~h;ii'eonni"ii1J'cil tioll, ... did 110\ apeak', hi. terene face abow: whOle mOIlfl1 i. ~t.t:2==: deBiro.'bf the n.\ionlll Greek party. it, the ,:r.~~~~~~f~;l~i!. A.,~,u.I"'~ the .1e.p p,.c:thO-lJ8hla.! from them. Bot sbbw "ery )l1 .. inly wh .. t·they would been 'Clille~~~l~~:;~~~~.li~;~ $pP<Irted' wilh. bim, to )be end_ . what' I was'lIayibg, tia.e

they bad the .PC1wer to iJljore. Jod .. ism. They .. The Prioce!'s Alice's fortitode hili reckoned up wh .. t you depOBit the execotion, the Jews seized very respect .. ble amazed 08 all.' She saw from Lhe time you 'tllfB in r" , bod,. and, after dragging it Jews; bot are detested ~~I::~t~~~~::Dj~bl~,~!: lirllt that both her fatber and mother's II Well, a Ihilling, it m .. y be, or

through the 'rile'lt atteeitt' of the bioist1l with aU1hnaltcorwblcb II lirmnetls depen~ed on her limne .. , two," said Joyce. ,," tbrew it i.IO the' &eL" Tllfll' any .. aim .. tel'die Medlberli' of • cog. teliirillu8 aod she set herself to the doty. He Mr. Reed, taking .. pencR' aod ot~ra of the .ame oature, h .... e Date, thougb' dift'ereD't- faith. The to speak openly of his coodi· piece oC p .. per from h. pocke',,"bOOit

..elllOn 't'.':' • .i·1 ellibittered tbe:mindaofboth ~tie .. Karaitell are a very moralaod trost· tion. and had many wimell:'to ex· handed tbem to JOJete,· and .akl, enlr"lI~eQ ana' 'no' oppOrtunIty )11' IIDlFe~e~ to wor,f.hy peopfe:· . Tbey receive the prees. He loved to hear hymos and "Let 011 look .. t it fully, and make' a

P&IIS withont lome attem]!. .. t Inlary. Prophets. aa weIr 'all the' taw, and a,re prayeri/o He could: not epeak to the f .. ir calculation . .. The-mY1l~OQii'idll}'dt!fofr .. ther. etrict in obJieniilg tbe letter 'Of QlIeeo of hilllB8lf. fQl' abe could Dot Yoo depoait your mOlley. and 10ilie

1hom .. , aU>ameac"i' III: 18'0, d6rci: law. Their 'prayer-bOok is a Th,.vl bear to Iisteo. and shut her eyes to it; t ~~~: perha~,. eel the Greeka one-' of theai opporto. beautifol compdlition; .. nd they do the danger. His daoj\hter law that Your time, and lOIIe it ; .. n.label·ita 't1 ".'Wi;l!l!i'}\

nidea, whieb they eagerly eeized. 110\ omit .. ny book' of the Old Testa· , ahe must act differently, and she Yonr character, .. nd lqe it; .' little bq.aeWwW .... lfII\IlIiI1ll1 •• /!.X:. d;I;I-tt·~t·;;~"iII~;;II;~; Tbe recolleetioD or tbis eataatrophe ment. There .. re' tbe.llite of Solomon'l never Ie\. her "oice falter, or sbed a Yoor health of bodt, and JOIe 1& • little cbUCtrea ',-:~\~~\:rtcaelliiaell't'fJli,. ii ,till freih' ill \be 'putsIic' mind. 00 persed throughout Turkey, but eol iDw d .. mp, l'llioJ[lle tear bo his presence. She sat Your IItreort;1l of milld,' a.nc1lotre Ii;, .. The;' we~' to .... ~~W ,"",'

r4 fifth of Febroai1: 1810, Fatb.,r lar~lIt. oom!boDi~y. is th .. t inhabiting deDB, many fa~i1i's hy listeoed to .. U h" oid. . Yoor m .. nlylndependence. aDd 10M ullw.r. ' . i ; .

• 1.:II"I;tI,.j~~]~~ti:l~~~111!:~1:~~lheftpeiiortJf. of the C,!oie .. ~bei'6 .there are abOot theyare~featenng C01Tm .. peated hymn.,and~, wbenlhe It; ,,' .. 1. ..... ir.'~:"IW''''_ .oab'at Tbey are the mOB\ wblcb--lnfe<:tB .}i,n\,·; coold bear it no longer ..... ld walk Your telf .... pect, uacl low.it ; .~ ... , _.- ,. ' I ecl"ll!1l\i'J~'ralli .. Amarab; Jew., meaidf haIr 'opfttd call1lfj td the door, and tbf!b YOllr ~ of right nd .ronr ... ~....... ." .. " ,",'

i~~~~~~'!:~=~:~f~~ of tile Jew~ a!l4 iSllalp bou_ .. way to het. room, retllrning-- and lOBe It . . no .' 'cOuld' be diiCover· 'IfO~a of Alall .nIh. tbe).aame calm and. pale face, Yonr aell.coIltt'9I, .ttl lOIIe'ft ; ed rot ... era\ \ dlYB, ."hen the bOdy lI~i~ tbat .n~ of a Iiyid without ally.ppearanOf of the Yo ... home _fori, q4 lc.l it

",V'WI f th . t, f' h r II til.led Yell bot .. alX,otl tion ,be bad f:D.e. tbrou~' h,. . Yonr WII'b'·li .. Dpi ..... ana o. e pne~ rig t u y_._mo._. ' th l_.l ... _.. "I ba~" a'd aever .. lD· te....:e..... Yonr childreo". o'.hl.',

arrite4,'." found ID tbe-MWn- of llie cltl. . e ....... ,aou .. " .... b '.......... of meagre, dre...-cal, with'the poor.~oeen .ince. The &rst them i '-

. P-. lic·r.lllb'Ypoilltedootitie .... a.ew.. . ....... - time lib ""d, ' You can feel for me, Your OOIIo·.L'.honor:, hd 10M'"

~.e~;;:'~~.t:~:~~I'~~.ha-t. tlllII riebea' allCl moet reapected ... 001' . II(l :-. . y Kl ... Hebrew populatioo, ... the aa~ or ':IIpr_lI~ ""atd appearatice, ·" ..... l you h ... e gone tbrougb tbi. tri .. l' our on ~ alld h.".., thiii .harder, to which mltlly hor& Dluo of the \~m~. alM;"l~ t~e Another time llbe aaid, bow .. It looD a black ••• -.... t1 ed "a-L f·-'-..... i' ...... med 'Wbell llbe looked JOJ08. .. I did 00i '

II, .. , ·.1e' ... ltl were of coo ..... ' add, -, 110 - • ..,.,.. • """" • • ~L • "' u • ..... boW mucla for the Iqt aix 110 mu.,.. In it . and '

~ll~~rcti:DItA:: t bnfng eottbe. tllrOat oCtile . ,. , P. • , had recciTed the blood,fa a the Mt1Ite: ltate'; • . 4: . be _--" :... tbe -lebra':- a;iiri ;;;;efi;tf,~ 'bad 10 ofteu toruW .. D.6T of aU ..... >tt.

..-,. - -- .I.l. ..... .;_. uilllMil' had 801 s.b'

." --Tit.· eTlI.' tie t~~~~~2~~~~~~~~r~~~~~~~ . e.t~ue.ftD I' . ~, MI,JiII ,,-=:r.~~::~~'" whl" _L '1" ... _ • ..;.. L' ' u., t 4Q4111ll1. ,i.hita L.~ ..... .., .... ~ .-. ;nillb i.teteltedul~ better' alan! ,toU'r; ,.....a ••• ' .... , II... iR.lIa, , He -ODele 1MIid' 10 Iiet'; • of the 'Week"' •• u.l

~.~r.~:r~~:;:~;:~ .... Uoa ia don't bo'W in wW atawwe peDOJt upnU[4rw~' .... ,,· ...... erihtl .... t..·


• , ,.(, ~"

Page 2: .1Vol+20+(1864)/Sabbath... · r', '" , " ,{l: . .. 't;~. ' , WRSTERLY, R. 1., Flj~D'&Y" :OQ'l;OBER 13, 1864. 11 'I ~, ., .,':;:) t"ijl 41 , ... ,! " , , . ..,~, " '-"

1 •


• •

OCTOBER 1&, 1864. , , THE

\. JIIS8 "',.;. - b I -"":.,.' the filii .... ·lterill cbataetflr, it tla' . Sooietbing'like a cru.ade cgiinBt of Septemtirr bf Ie bll heen to disreQ~lIrl:t

'RIUI! toa OUB Pal:80!1. rej.,ice .any bearts to om,.w,

" ", I.,.. ':D was a a'D!R I" ~

b b of the mislionl bave Ob IItiall Sabb.th,lnd to':pour _Illch God threltens upon t 0" w 0 Protest.ut Missionl in Tnrke7-hll8 cessfu) dorillg tbe ye~, 011](\111'1 tl!lipt JI9OIlIb& teaelting-,1Jr oot'mi&-• him •. The i~lta~t~nt~uI c;e- been g~ing Oil for lome montbs palt: bave 80tr"red leverely from bereavC" sionarle. of redemption aDd nl"ation

Ibe. Utthed Statell 8a~iit~rv J,IJjJ,IIi .. ,iOD h .. opened a Cf)mni'IIIl'l\(:ltii/lt·,t ",olit!p. voor'l. witb Qor ofticers and soldiers imp,ri.I:'~_IU.,,1 tlOn of lJeIDg, or nnDlhllatlOn, II all Tbe missionaries are charged with a ments, epidl'mi~. and, other caUlell. tbe merit8 of tbe blood of

instanta~eous ,.!~~n~tion. of a~1 tbe vi.9Jent and passioate promytiilll, There are now 22 mj,si(JnlS, 15Q. Ot· alone. _.:£be deelarltioll .-+"41-.11· ;n 'OI""~""''''''A:l!dt!''''Hl,mJeiir'''r ~'Ii";;~;:':~~~~~» ("oullies of beiag by wblob paID OIn lIud witb nsing bribery to accom- ilii.ined ~i~ioD'aries, abd no- female pealsagainst this movement aa and otber placea in tbe ... ad d T assilitants. There are elllployed Protestant nor,Obristian,

J: '" ., be,~, ,. ~~e,' bere can, then, be no pli~b tbeir objects. Some. of tbe 'l'tO native prescber8, teacber8, and iug tbe condemnation of all Tbrongh Lieute!!.ant,Oolonel ~&lo ID It, Ind co~lIequently no pun· newspaper articles on the Bullject belpers, There are four printing Cbristians. ford, Agent of Exchange at Charlel

RI,b,':here' it II well to fefer &0 Ilbment. 8peak 01 tbe .. gratuitous distriba establi8hment., wbicb i8sued last Dr. B Baid tbat in making t'ln, assurancclI have heen received I(l .... ;., ~,rol'8 Ihlt follow in tbe It will not do to try to escape tion of the Bible io tbe IItrll'lts," or year. 117,486.573 There are tbia de4~lllratiiolJ, there was 'no issoe from Major Lay, tbe

.. ah.o" 1 !fua\ralDent.h:lJiIiOf ma· 166 cbu all at tbe A -M ~~~'''~&~i~~!",~;~.t;='TZ~;:';::crtr;~j!:,~~~~~~", ::~~::t~~~~;~2~1'~~dtbe wicked arll to .. tbe uninteropted baiktorm with 2g:lit'l'mem. A or Iellt '-;: , bie retorn to his tl._.r~~·'''-·'';· ":~--:-~:;" " ap by-degreee, lind conBe- abuse directed by the missionaries bers, of wbom 5~2 bave been added but tbat this mi8sion pro speeilied kinds, and packee! '~'UI~ aflll. , .1'.,~qRtrllle o. ..~l Ilhoal do InFer, Thil is another tbe Mobammedan faith- duringtbe year. Tbe variou8l!cbooJe from a clique of politicil advi- specilied directiona, will, he Gnnnaor Bramlette 10t.!lf,j.1Ii 'be, ' .It ill a~ abandonment of tbe against the Prophet of the ,Koraa, e.tablisbed tiy'tlie Board have bad seX8 of tbe thrune of England, wbo forwarded to our men. A later n:-'Iuuu,<> not re.ch bill!. The .tueTle.

::i.~~i.~11* '~Ib'~!,~1 Ob d08ma, tba .. auwbilation is aud consequently against tbe SuI 10,317 scholars. :~a:ece!a!:~bea!~::~:t f:!tJ!~~::; port says : rendere!b~:~~~:~!D~~: ' ~ ~-,r.T~ II"'} ; tb~1iI cl~fiI;I tbat the me nt, 'Wbicb ie:, the point in dilpute. bimself, wbo represents and perloni· Iu tbe evenih(, meetings were beld own sel6eb aud polItical enels. He ". At tbe l8lit excbllnge of prillOu- aa,l'e. i __ (h.e bank,' Si. lI'pil.t

. 1OlIi\ .,. fro .. ~.eat" til) ~he ~uor. It ia pain to * lIentient being tbat fie! all these," of .. great contests" in two halls, at one of wbicb addres8' gave a bistory of tlJe movement whicb era at Cbarlelton, lleve.ly to IItart ill. life of. freedom, at the r.lldoll, Mid ~~D II, l~ouM4 .Ind , COllstitoteli punishmeut, An having taken plflCt", of the ad(Jption liS w:eremade byaeveral returned mi. had culminated in thie "Reformf'd of mooey, fifty of exprelll .aUer, present price of fjQI<I. M',tbeJefor. ulbili'tBAf. I~JMJ.lil.lcltedlaoul, ~d tion would end.that pain, and of .. a ... y~tem of mission8 in Tnrk"" sionariell!Jlan+ at tbe otber; tbe an- Calbolic Mission," IIbowing that it and two tbollsabndd~ui':8bofedclothing, abont $6,000, ' .. "1Ii~I.'!lhlAltlortl.Jl if ood i I b -" b&ll beeu e8talJli8hed and will reBult were seut to e Iltrl ut .mong " .• I,'. a. g on.; ut quently end t'!.e 'puni8hmeut. Truly, odapted ouly to 8avageD ," &c A· nnal sermoo was preacbed by Rev. bU" I ed tiil t. ~ w r in tbe interl'st of evil, and deserves t e olon pTlsoners recent y remol'

;tble'Jjte'r'*,'eli~ ,:;..! II,. tbl lilnce tbe tbeD, tbat which end II punisbment tboruugb iuvestigation relieved the Dr. Condict, prufessor in tbe Auburn the Beverelt reprehension of all good from AllderllOnville to Cbarleston, --:"c, .. ",e,,,''','.'.-, 'fId1/lt ~1I.Ii'lIl.t?be caollot be pun1l1hment, but a meat American missionaries of blame, and Theological Seminary, New YOIk. Obristians. Some cluthing fur rebel prisonere on Gun,

ddle.. It IS. aDothllat- welcome meBseliger. 1f there is such sbowed no real oaose of complaint It was a production of deep tbought Re.. Albert Barne8, of Pbiladel. Morri. llllaod, lent by Charlelt.onians, During tbe earl" pa~t Of I .. , 'week, e4,lill,(Ie'tb".aD • ... in .• ~ the J·adg. f' . bEl' . . and of I' pre al'-e eloq'oence and . was recei"ed, It it! lIaid, that aome " fi bt· I tb . I I i

1 . ,..... . , an act 0 • omDlpolence ever to occur agatnst t e.. ng Isb mlilsionam:&, ex· ,Ill ~D' ,pbia, reported II Beries of resolution8, 800 Uuion prisonerll bave beell in. all no g tDR' n e'. e II t1 .. llIt, ... 'Dd t~c!' I.tter' II the' as 11Inihilatillg a lleutient lJeing, tbat cept that tbey bad ciloulated a con. was listelled-to with clo.e attention sustaining the government and con· doced to taKe tbe oath of allegi.nce (If Ricbmond or Pllter,burg, Tilt

, of ·tbe act can aever be tbrea.tened or exe. troversial bouk wbich was ratber throoghout. The text W81 from Phil- demning slavery. The rule reqoiring to Jdt Dnito, and been liberated. weatber was Dar.'orable for mllitarl cuted IlII punisbmeut, bnt a8 a re' severe. One of tbe Americau mis. Iippians 2 i ~" Among ~bom a reference of rf'solutionll to a ~om. Tbey have all been put t(J wotk in operationa, ali4 botli .Ide. "ere oc­lease from botb pnni~liment and the sionaries, in commenting on the'l:alle, ye shine II in tbe ~orld, mittee, W&ll 8u~pended, tbe aud:ence sbops or.fn forts." cupied j~ IItre~gtbening' tbeir JlOlli. pOl!sibilily of it" commuoicates tbe followiog (acts: bolding fortlr·· ..... "ord of life." adopted them byrieing and applausl', 11 PATRIOTIC PBIE8T.-Fatber james lionR, ..

Tbl's view of annihilation obviatl's .. No Bibles have ever been distrib: 00 Ff\00rtb.1!91, tbe 'second day of and tben saog, "Our country, 'tis of k On Fl'iday, 0111, ,th, earl, lD tbe tb 'b t b II 'd d tboe." Hennesy, Pastor ()f St. Patrie'a h'orning, the re .. ...:II,m.de an allac" h • r 'be b oted gratnitously in Ihe streets, nor, e mee mg, t e vas a provi e ~ , I d r ~ "" ..

H ast'l t e nece88lty 0 aDswerlDg t 8U' • • I f tb' d' a th t A . . Cbapel, in DetrOIt, wall recent y ra t- "n our ~orcell near' Ohapln'lI Far"··1 , except ID exct'ptlOoa cases, any· or e seS810ns W!lS so crowe, a ',. b ld v J' or. telfuge Bometl1Dell 80Ug~t by affirm· . . I • m1SSIonarles meetmg was e ed in that city. Hill many friends at drove Kaotz'lI ca-alry tiroM thel-clell"'l wbpre else ID Cun@tantlDop e. it W&ll foond necesl!ary to provide' W hb • .., po. ing, tbat it i8 tbe dread of 8nnibila· II N ., t' e lD as urn Hall, Over fifty reo gatbered arollnd bim',.n.d pre,p' ~"'Ion, and 'A-k lIO-e,"'.'lle,", ..... Ie' o mll18Iunary or na IV otber plaees (f meeting. Tbe follow- "" >VY...,. ,~I tiou that keeps man riom sin; for has ever prpacbed or lectored in any turned mi88ionarifs, and tbe wives aratioos were made to furnish blm tben I!wept down low.rds Bir ' this i8 placin ... tbe dread "'of puniib- street or square or cotree house in ing' extracts indicate 1be principal and widows and cbildreu of mission- . b b' F tb H . , nt>y I

., t .". d' d t b d te WI.t a so stltate. 8 ~r .ennellY division who ",.ited.be .. tta· ... and ment instead o( punishment, if in. COn"tantinople or vicinity. Opl"" 18cusse a ea ,quar ra: aries, were present. A meeting of lIald' .. No, I caanot permit tb1B. My _, UA,

d d 'b I' Id be . b II No missionary or native bel per, .. IWv. Sel8 B. Treat, ooe of \be mothers and p88tors' wives was also cou~try bal! called opon me for ~r' repolsed tbe ~bel. with hea., tOtI. ee annl i atlOn cou PUDIS . 80 far as I can lea~n, bas ever preach lIecretarie!. Bobmitted a special paper held. 80nal service, and I Wilt ba.e 1\0 In the afternoon, oar troops took tbe

ment at all. ~d or lect~red agalDst Mohammedan· on tbe financial policy of the board. Tbe c108iog meeting ... held otber man go for me, I 'Will take off'elllli,e Ind dro." Ibe'tbels out of Bot there remains one otber fea· IRm even.lD tbe ~rolestant cbapels of The board rfquires nearly $300,000 my. own place in the Irm~," A De· tbe entr:ncbm!lntl tbl',. bad tallied

tare of this m.t~r1aliatic tbeory, to Constantmople. 10 any ot~er. w.o.y in bard monfY to mfet expenlles Sixtb diY morning. Farewell ·mis- Irolt pa~r eaya: .. Tbere IS no man , .. be noticed. It iI!I tbat wbicb does 1I0t tban 811 tbe defenlle uf ClIrI8IJamty abroad and therefore tbe finlocial lionary Iddreases were mlde by Mr. io tbe city who h .. more ~rllonal (rom. Kaotz. At 10 0 clodt jl) tbe

, nece8sarily ,implies ~be fal~ily of the policy is one of the graveat char.c- Doane and Mr. Jessup. Tbe Presi- fril'Ild8 than F..tber HcnneRY, and evelllng, Oen, Blltlor tcler,.pl,ed I bne the 1001 al111ibilated at deatb, KOIan and Its doctrlOe8, ler. The quelltion arisea: Oannot dent, Dr. lJopkins. and the:Re, v. Dr. wbile tbey tnly ill some 're8pects de· .. We bave1lJnch Ihe br,tof Ibe d.)'. but put 10 Blecopj to be awakened at "Tbe wbole nllmber of .Mohamme- tbis elppnditure in gold be rednood plore bill determiutioll thinking hI' k tb ..:.~ " •. - t

I T k b h be b Sweet8er, tben made brief iod el'>' ,WOl ; a ousauu '0 t_. ene." • the re8urrection. Now bellr in mind, d,ans in ur ey.w.o a!e • en .aJl" twenly·five per cent. r It can be cOllld be of more Iflrvice at bome in I k'lI d.1 A_.il' 'L IIzed by tbe ml~lllonarlea mclndmg d D b tt' ff' f tl . quent addfe88et. Tbe latter l.' lIaid in III', ~1'n'll!tratl'on", they wl'll yet ,--'-, e,aBt, .1 e Ir ... "'OUII.,..."" u."', IIOD, \be ad vocate. of tbi, theory deny .. ' 0 e y cu 109 0 some 0 Ie lOIS ~ • .,... w"men and cluldren, IS less lhan 8ion8. Bnt tbe clmfcbes cannot agree bis speecb : I tbat tile uample (if bis action will dred prl80lIl'rs, Illd I blood, repulae.

tbat tbe 80Ul' i. a IICparate entity fifty, und tbe largest congregation of to allaodun them. We can allSesl' "This was the third time ~fl board be of wide pnblic hen~fit." Gen. Gregg, comm.llding 'iI!ld's dl· from the body, and capable of ('xist· M."h"mruedans at.a Proteinant 8er· tbe twenty-five par Mot. on all A. ••• I d ... ·lled ' ~ ~ ...., had met bere-in 1811, in 18tt, and V1810n, 1S r .. por e ... , . ing witbollt it. Tbis inseparalJle eu· VIce I bave ever known or henrd of missionll, at-d .,.k Ibe mission ariel! to now in 186t-aod be dre. a con. THz SUNDAy·EcuooLcoonected witb No civilian~ are' ')III": '..lIowed to tity, this rel\llt ?f orgtl.niz~tion, tbis III TorkeYl ~a~ I,:~" t.ban twenty fioe give lip part 0( tbeir salaries" Tbe trftst betWI"f'Q Ibe meelings tiMon .Dd Rev. Mr, Beecher'lI Ohurcb, Brooklyn, pall beyolld Forlreal Monroe "'w.rd,

all told-SIX or eight I" a mOle com· nalive egencies might beoot:,talled or ,;,l. life of the bod" it is Baid, slel'p8 mon numb"r." IIcbO<lls be disbanded. BoUbis must now. Iu 1811, olle roof .,..eltered beld a two-daY8-or r.ther two e.en- tbe front. from death to tbe res,urrcction. Now, be dune onl .. as a matter of tbe dire@tlheboaldjonetablefedtbtmall.;iuga_fe8tivallutweek.On· tbe Poplar Cburch, recently takeD b ..

b As to tbe caoses of this crusadp, J and one parlur "Wal 811fficient for thelT .' I ' if it 81I'ep's, it 'mull, t slepp eit er in nece~8ity. Tbe clOI!Iest economy OIn I 6r~t eveDlDg the TWl'nlYoflecond reg G W . t oJ tl S "t1.

body Or out of it. If it remain tbe missiooaries thel1lselves appear not fix Ihe eJltimate for tbe incnme p ace of meeting. TIlt're were thUfie '. . en. arren, 18 no 0,\ le 0" ... to be agrped. They say that .. tbl're th L, d Ii tb bel $335 among us wbo remember the sermon imfnt band aDd tbe Hlitchinson F"m- lIide rlilrold, bot about .. four !Dllet

body daring this sleep, Qnd is P. una' or e year ow • tb h d Tb t t bet '1 f . h d tb ' d tb ~ I b f T k h' f b' b . eded Id en preac e , e con ral ween I y arnls e e mO.lr, an ere from it; Ind tbougb tbat road Is tbe body, (as I'S affirmed,) are arge num ers 0 ur s 11' 0 are $265.0000 w Ie IS ne in go . that time aDd now w .. great In dd ~ U Be L_ P

II' tb f' d f b L __ d '11 .. . were a rt'sses .Mr, ec""r, ro- tbreatenDd, tbe' rebel'" .... p:llnue;· ... , agitatiog tbe que8tion of some chan- e rleo SOl e IX .. r WI 1811 tb 00 6999 _, D ~.. ~" tben l:l.ody is not dead, and we give the dme all tbey did before ,0 contt! Uonl were.. j fessor Hitcbcock and Rev TbomaB .\ 11 b' . ges and refurml in tbe religious faitb io 1844, tbey were a quarter of a ': ose I , are a ur)l.l1g' ,our friends alive. the rise in gold, Ibey cao meet Ibi. million', and now tbey are Iwelled Street. On tbe 11I8t evenlDg, otbu . SHIRIDAN. But if it sleep'., "ut of the body, so of Turkey. Sume are in favor of amouot, maklDg allowances in their T lb' '" giving ap the outward rite! and tbe 'b' I th . . Id to over balf a million." addresses were delivered, there ..... he ateet accountll reprPICnt t a. tbal.tbe body 1'~''''''''ly wl'tboat I't, and M d fi eontrl utlODS or e rise In .... . d ' " .j th •• I f B wbolly d.ead, then it ia really a lepa. - all'nterpretatl'ou of t Koran. e" ,at , ,n"l, .an a •• e ,OoNGD·G'TION'L >:n~I"G.-'A geotl- • b tb t tb b lbe d

~ .... traditions of obaDlme anism ur a Th W ~ PIt h .. - M. more muslc, and tbe IU ience, com- oor ,orce. are I.. e .... Cll. ty 0 'f' read1/". tWa advance, aDd olb.r ..... _. ~~u" ~ prilling probably u many grown peo- rl80n urg; a ( pY. aYe ga re

rate entity, aod the wbole material are iu ra,or of tile partl PI' .CIOJI .. t..,.b6y. made loch wbo recently '\Vurshiped witb pIe as clJildren, 11''' bigbly deligbted immenee quantities of grafn aod fot· It ... eoflfabr.ie faUa to tbe ground. I rites 'Of adftDt.&ttiftMw t_tit caobedone. tbe Baptist Cburch in Aubllrn, N. Y., witb tbe proCf'edings. Tbe receipts age; tbat 80ppliel ofevery kind are

Bn~ lOok' -.i. p~ P.I'IJPoaed i. 10 rai.., wn"tea'to one of oor religiou8 ex· eX~DDded $10,000. abondant't aDd tbat tbe onlylrooble : -. ; 000 m _ .... _ .<;0.000 ill currenoy, ~.

~~lL!~~~I~~~!~~~~f.t~w~o~~~~~~~~o~,.:the~.~~~~~~~~~ 1401~t'.1 II"'¥! cbanges, tbat be .. bas not bad, for they bue il from goerrOl... There for the e~ndilorep, the legacies -,

tb., many being reliEd up<ln for tbe latter, and many a day, so ricb a . treat of con· NEGROES are cert_inly T481ng in .re 1!0 IIKoI'''' ad caeM), bEotween especially, the chorchee fDrnisbiDg tbe (ormer. gregational singing, 88 npon that oc' the estimation of -tlcuthern nabobs. the gwps oC tbe Dht6'RicJge' and bead·

. ' adopted Frencb In6delily. ".Re.Y. Dr. AllderlOn preeented a easion. It Willi grand, 80nJ..lltirring, Gen. Lee \bM proposed to exchange q !laTten. the gape are beld by rebel lleparate eIlllte1lce, Thll!P vadOOIi ~artie8 l:ave',Slven to' special paper on tbe interference by b ' sleeps from deatli lothe ...... n __ .:" ... the present 'lurklsh ministry no lit· tbe Higb Cbnrcb party in England 8U lime. After tbe goodold~cotlil!lb 1111 tbe prisoneu taken in front of cavalry, and 1t is ~pppoaed tb"

of COllr$l':'ft it is tie t'ronble, 3S they -biave natorally wilh Ibe work in .tbe Sandwicb let.: custom, tbe precentor stood in (ront Peterllburg, negroea iucloded. The Early bu. gone to Richmond "itb the body, ii~aBt IIleep io the mingled political 8chemes more or ands. iTbey bave ~ent oot there a of tbe c')ngregation, al tbe foot of Riohmond E.cam.i ner, of Oct. 6tb, the relilnant 0' hi. force, lea,ior ,

. !eBs with their religions ideM. The body j but if it., have no body to 0 k ad C tb I' . h' BIshop and tbree Presbyters, wbich Ihe pulpit 8tairs, and led witlI power. favors m, akiog soldiere of negroes, caulry to /liapute. oor aha.llee. \

ree s a a u IC8, 8eeIDg t elr is an ionovation bitherto unknowo I IIleep.in, tben "hap Where do tbe opportonity, bave rep.resented to the Tbat man, we know him not; but we and' giving such negPOes their free- altlJlJU.M. ' lIouls of Latimer, and of Cranmer, government and to' the Sultan bim- in the work of miesionll. coming in do know that be wall born, to lead dom if tbey escape tbe caeaaltiel of Tbe rebel. are trying liard tn In.

f J b R I b self, tbat the Prote8taot-mis"innari~ 3S tbey du aflfr tbe Americao chorcb· . I . nL I and 0 0 n "gers, 8 eep, w ose ~o e8 bave rai8ed tbe }"Iands to a Cbri. congregatIOn a ainglng. .Die ball a battle. It urges opon Ooogresa to terrnpt Sberman's commonfc!ltiool, bodies were burned to asbes, lind :t:;i~::\lY ::dtbep~~~~'::t of :X!~ee~~ tian nation-to introdnce priuciples generoos moutb, and i. not ubamed purchase 250,000 lIt-groes, to pre· but .Ccohntll op to Tbllt,daye'~I1II1I. 8cattered to the 1I0r winds of hen· Hence tbe plan w""-h waR adopted and syalems wbicb, if sueces8fol,owill to opeu it wide, alld pou~. fortb • bent tbem ~itb tbeir freedom, and show tbat good liead.I,' il )14l\nl

? P I ,;. b d' I '<;"' ulldo tbe noble work wbich has beeo fi d f • I d II' I :b . ''';' bib en oor 11011 a'-nO 0 lell to 8 et.!p to destroy tbe Protestant mis8io ..... ;.. 00 0 mU81ca soon ~,ewe log ike t en arm, eqoip, drill and fight made aga1nllt I "orrest, w 0 a t II in, and can't ~ti8t separate from tbe expect ali on tbat socb action therp, aDd produce an entire the billows of old ocean. "'fbe con- them. bead of tbe iDterferenDe. ForM

t woul.d -trengtl,en Ibe prescnt minis- '''~"I.¥iPo among tbe people. The • II . . 'n tboae bodies', wnat will you do? 0 Cilmm\l~ d tb .. f gregation anited unlveru of" for tbe I"'jor General ueor(e B. try witb the Sultan and tbe people,· ~"I!'\r e ml@Slon 0 J~ F T E Tbere are only two ways out of tbill Bishop Stan ey 811""6"_ - '0' ~_ toPell were such that all cow1d sing, IlUNCUL BOOLEI IN' IlQUBD Ire Thom., have fIIQted JIOot'ward from and at tbe same time put an end to evil tban good to tbe Protestant com· ~ the first WB15 ';q JJondretil ') and repprted. .. MesBrI!, Saalfeld'. liabll. "'''' I " :iI

tanllled web of follies and contradic tbe i,:Buence excitrd by tbe Protest· wunity tbere. 'd d b tb . b ' ' , LouIsville and . .l'IlIlIb." e, aD .. ,.'C I M b II eye organ In I e g-. we iti_ will amount to £100,000 ;" .. the be d 1. # "I

tioul. Tbe one is down tbe awfu aut missions in weakening 0 am- " Rev. Dr. Bacon, from a commit· bave not beard soond more lsoblime T B uow driving t rill en o;1l.ore .Ielll, Iteeps of nihili8m as man's destiny; medanisID. tee appointed to cOlillider 'be liubject I ftdd~, Bnking Company bave stop- wbile tbe attentioo pf GeDer.1 Sher.

I I f tb I t · f t since we stood and listenl>d a.we· pe ; ~ m •• u.r-.len l'roD mut r . . , -alld tbe otber is up tbe 8ublime 0 ru es or e e ec Ion 0 corpora e r IKJ, - ... e ,III man ill' diJ'eCted to' tb ••• 1. rebel f Cb " 1" b ed THE A:HERIOAN BOARD, reporled a IQrie" of, rules, atruck at tbe roar of mnsketty in tbe • ()ff' to New York,' o ..... ~ .. .t'.l\0 000 ," arm"" :tichl'ilyor

beigbts 0 TIIIt s re 19lOn, aA on The fif:y.6rtb annual meeting of the which provided,_tbat all corporate:- baltlell of tbe Wildernesl .. i Cungre- .. cotton ill falling~'" credit 'il e:.. " .",.u ... mau's sprrit~al nature. ~nd ~apped American Buard of Commisi!ioner. members IIbonld be elileckd by ballot galional 8ingiog, bow glorioluB it is I dangered;" II otber failun!l(-ere ex. of .ith tbe sUbliltlllfact of Ibe Immor- -one-Ibi~d IIhall be aymeo Ind ont'- Wb h dr? peeted j" 8ucb is tbe inteJlLrence. ~e4~h;1~~:;;rJJ~t tality' of tb~t nature. If the Boul for Foreign 1\[issioos, 'Was beld tbird clergymen; tbat, &I the poIIition y canoot we .. e more it" ... ... ... _ ....

. I week at Worce8ter, MaM. The nom- III not onD -, honor merely bllt of' • I Tbere i8 • general heli"f, in Lon401" nr'lv,.D mall. all nPrailW'Uy claimed, 18 on y ~ . ",. ,

... ber of perEOOS in attendance -from bigb trust, nn man .boold he elected A MISBlON.lBY F.llIlLy,-Rev, Jonas and Liverpool, tbat a leriQUI of tbe -tltganization <If bis who WI')1 Dot attend t1.- --tin.... King ror the last tb' t . I mercial crilli. il ne.r at hln" •

.ct til. abroad wall over three tbollsand, con- ! .... -" e- , ". Ir YofllX I years a tI

phfllicl.l, or(&n .. , ·.ben tbat e cient .) . b • perforlll\ tbe dutiell devolving llpoo miuionary to Greece. I','a "at'l-e of - b trasting striklDg y WII . a pre.lons . h ' • "T' I Cl8IUSle, tbat, organization, ce&llell, t e him i erery person acceptlllg t e Hawley, Mall8achoJletts. .Herec€ln'ly WOImr CoN8mnrMG.-Tbe Boston etreot or tbat; ur the sonl, celllJe8 ~eeting beld at Worce8ter in 1,811, office to till consider~d .. pledged to ... Christian Register lay. tbere"~, a~ witb.!t ',. et:'" aD etreat caD. exil' iD wben the Boa.rd consisted of qjne altend tbe meetior, .nd perform attended the Fraoklin coun tl confer­'be Ib~Ance'~'ot l'tS ca·u·sll. But not ,member.. ThIll contrallt. Willi appro- 8ucb dotie., exception fK!oiDg made e~~ a~uutb ~eerfiel?, in th.~ Slate, a moderate compatation, &,e • ..., I d d lid d in case of tboae who "Ive pUll- glvlDg 8(>me IDterest\ng statemeoll BInd faitbful clergymen io 'rarion. only tatimer aDd Cranmer lOBe their priatelY.llo e to, a It W&IIBtate ed sevenly years of age, and ID regard to bill millsion. He .. now parts of the North, who .. re.' tbis orgauization aiad go back to elemen· that donng tbe year 1811, the Board bave atlen~d lifteen meetings; that sevenly·tbree years old, and propo4jes momCjllt in tbe deepest perplexity u

. dust :gain, but 80 do all the receive.d and sent ont,. w.itb fe. ar and tbe Dumber' O( corporate membera to retnrn to Greece after a httle ea-t II the firs' ISSlonarles wbo Khall not e ceed one boudred .bd BOO of relt. Hi. wife, a native ~ tbe means of lIIaintaiuin, tbeir

bur!.....ll mlll1'ona ~n the L_-om of m~ rem I 109, • m. ,. G 1..' '. b' , f '1' d' b . . n:u.. UVII ~ flyer went from tbis coon try, .is; fifty, exclu~i e of tbose over seventy ree., I'ln t III country, TtJeir only ami lee orlDr t e comIng winter.

tber earth, go back to dusl, al,dt~eir MesC!18. Judson, Hall, Newell, Non; yearll of age and there shall be elec son, a young man of ninet~n, wbo Let cOll8iderat;e parlshonerl take Iw •• lf •• n:.l1in

'WllJlJllldert,alie toescajle organi¥aliOn cea8eS forever, Now, tions only _ &11 vacancil'l; ihat accompanied bi" falber, proposes to lea.rlv aod becoming measurell 1<>

where. are tbeir aoul., wb!cb.Jlame of and Price. Wben- tbe Board agreed 611ing ncan es, lOme reference shall 8\U~~ la~ in ~ew York. . ~r. King keep the wolf hom tbeir doorl. trotb, tb', ~au'li tba~ organiu(ion, aod wbich canoot to send tbem oot, tbey bad only aboot ~ bad to contributions fro:n the b&ll ve aug tera, all martied, aDd

IICi·uJ::!tUlpC, blil,'b9dy, ,b"t,.~melhiDg $1,000 in the treuury, and needed Htatel, ond t deDOOlinationll in tbe tbree of tbem in tbill couotry. The IU tbe fullae8' exist 'separate from it? Tbey too Ibns :,ntrihnting " tbat air hU8band of oQe, baving .toidied hi~ CO)l)(onOu JOHN A.: WINJILOW, .nd

II . b 'r b' b tb' $5,000', still, tbey re~olved 10 go r • • B b I.,f 1l1~"'D.clcl ... :beiJJlr,'-hen l'tldalllv mUlt I perls, I t IS e elr con· Benteei8Jll fro \breeFDCfleSlli... pr"~"UIQQ"D OIlton, il no", '" deD- rave companionl of tbe Kear-I' "" > .. 1'...... Titc TCMd$' i. · ..... hich the.., - . •. 0 t . I d " It,e~!~WlJt;.;I'flUlIQD or being:1 and thus humanity, I • ings, witboot Bli5factory e.xcoee, u~. I~ uua antlDop e ; an .be hUI BIrge, are expected loon in New

, ... bfett do". to ·,sa.'. men were to 8ail fur Asia were uoa· h II k't d f b band of another I' th t ,~ , .. " "'.,', _ '. .,lorioulI, work, goea down in 8 a ma e I e oty (J t e plr'y I e 1Je0'i6 ary York. 'Tbe Chamber of Commerce '1."1 .: '.< • ed • I pecledl .. detained tbree weeb. In tbDaabllent to i-n fortbwitl., Tbe lej/ation tp tbe Britiah amb~or " ' , murky depth of r emption eSI! J .. " S ' P . 'bas mail r .. t to' th .. ",e_ .-t .. ubeuoJlOondaelll tbe mean time tbe cbnrcbes beard of rule. were exp ined by Dr. Bacon t. etersburg. i e ar ang",mell I gIve em

.. .-. nibilillm. Tbere is tben no fnture for d' d . od a I 't bl t' d t Of 'IUDibnatioli i!bt!linll~ I tbe life youog men wbo bad conle- u ~slgne to JOtr uce younger 01 a e recep lon, aD i'ropoeea 0 . . man; and wbat wor8e hall'the worst ' men JOto tbe rd, and to make it P.l.UPER CHILDREN IN ENGLiJ,Nn.-Of raile tweDty-be thoUlaDa'dollll1'l to

Ip'~~llitI.~II@,I~,~::: It 'i~ thuI'· itated by atlKiiem ~v'er taugbt? . crated tbemlelves to the work of more etrective. he report" w .. dis· orpbans- or forsaken children tbere porcballe medals and other teltimo-'!1'be (oture' pUDilbment Foreign Missionl. and before tbey cU8il1'd by Jodj[e Terry of Connecti-

.i'~kf>d' will not be ad ,elldlese Out of thill'dreadful embarked $6,000 bad been received cut, Rev. Dr. Co William E. Dodge Are 11,000 orpbanl and 2,000 deBert· nial. wbicb m.y be deeMed Initable. -reilctlr~al.WID. iu mia'n",. bat a total by tbe Treallnrer. From tbat time of New York, a Rev. Mr. Smith. ed children in the panper Icbool, of t" " I[t . -'- ted" the 6'6 kho f E I d d A TIN WIDDIIIIQ VIS"; w .. m-"e to Irrtiihitatiou." DId it till tbe present, botb men .lid means was unulmoo y """p , t wor alles 0 og. an an .. au

:'ci!~r,l'Q;o~r' -llell'all'III'C ,.n· nl'- d II b b 0 Fiftb-day ~ 'd d t Wales; tberemainderof tbe cbildren Rev. A. F, Spaidinr, of WarreD,oD .v ... b..-e been beyon a t.t wall t en n ,wae "eel e 0 eduoated' tbere and amouDting t

"'(lI'lil,*" ,.u" ... ".llr from .naibi. Ilnticipated. This !mall mustard lieI'd bold tbe .n. ex.t .mr.ting at Cbicago. to. 000 m.ore, a~ lub;ect to dischlfrg: Friday, Oot. 'llh, tbe twelrth .nni.er· R D K k f b J lary of his marriage. Varion arti·

has become greatest among berbs. ev. r. If, 0 O8ton, waa c Olen Wlt'J tb~Ir parent", and cinnot be in. At tbe opening meeting, in the preacber; Re.. r. TbompllCln, Of eluded 10 t~e ranu of pllupe.ra. cres of tinware were left, inclnding

ft f Oct ttl> pOrtioDS of tbe New York, altern teo panper children are kept In schl:JOl.I I box wbicb cOotai~cl·.i8'l. , a ernoon 0 ". , ulltll tbey are foorteeo yearll old, and . , Annall Repor~ .. ere read, from wblcb . Rev. Dr. presented an im· in some unioua two year, longer, and Go. ,llARa w.. in coUnltalioD it appeal'that se,en corporate memo portallt report tbe interference or are then ,pllced in lien ice, or, 1(. with UTe. War DeptirtmeD.- t.\ W

.enl[itY·.~1 ber. Dave. died aince tbe lut IInuual tbe Eoglisb Churobmen_.Jrith pJace .~nnot be fouad, are employed ingtall lallt "'ee~ aDd it 1. d~~tt!'~1 meeting; ten personll bave ' .. tered the mi8sion.ry in tbe Sandwicb In ~altlng upon the matrons of lbe probable tbat be will "ioon ,etllr.ll

. - k ti b ... • I I d unlOOI. . , , . DPOU ml811Ioniry wor or 1 e lUst • an 8: ------'-:..-.--- New Orlean., time ; Ind sixteen b.ve retorned to The itatea th~t. after 'WILU~ Cu~ BIIY.I.1I1', ~ditor (if . • their rellpeeti.e fields of labor, aller _r.,_" the Board bad the N. Y. E1JeIllr.g Pa.t, will CIP.8I.-lete A RUXJ,.1I'AT Sun" O ..... 'l'UJQ /I Ilf 8ojoorning in tbe United S ... tea for • tbe··~· •• iiiall people· bad hi. ~Oth leaf on the 3d of .No.eIDbt!l', J 00LD.-A. remarkabla' 01IIII, in \he •• lIIber ~e .. tln ; ooly two yoong men are beclOID,eable tbefr t~ Oen. llln' Club h.. Police Oo'Ort io CinciDnlti, II 'felllOrt c~yj'lrJ,; • ..ai,!!'!'~~'''~~.~~~'+ onder appointml'nt who are expect~d ".. to engage ill tbil The in- to hold. ceJebtation, ·bim. ed io the' OtJuUe. A Illte

q~eDc:1I-1 come 01 the iUIi FrOID on the lad. Loni' Str&ttoia recentl,: r,.Il.&"'., doniiltic!DS, .,. •• g ••• ~_& l4. ; this from Itia IDIIwr. ""a G"Jlilrre' ti,:iDf

ilia' 'to' l,oaif~lluw, Lo~inille, t_i., whla 111m· ··.I"jlhl.J1 rDa •• ;, tbouuDII 11011 .... of

?~~i~5~S~~~ ':P't9~~,,·l\i.'~"'Iill gold, .H ..... lil • • ,,- nati, ~1tt~"~I:::~~;=~.~ ~ ... ~,t~'I~~IH 1M} ili4i1ilttJj~1P.1l'" •. 00.. '..Ai .!W'

<.' ',': /.. ~

/ ,

Page 3: .1Vol+20+(1864)/Sabbath... · r', '" , " ,{l: . .. 't;~. ' , WRSTERLY, R. 1., Flj~D'&Y" :OQ'l;OBER 13, 1864. 11 'I ~, ., .,':;:) t"ijl 41 , ... ,! " , , . ..,~, " '-"


• •

THE SJ!. BB4"(JJH OOTOBBR '18, 1.86~ --::::::::::::::==:::::=:::====. - ~ -;-

rrom Pilot KOAb Ib 1M $010, With alt captored otl' WllminKton NO, SIDIle f8Cllrt or ~i1,i, ,neli. lIl. 1'1l,~ .. , Augollt l~t A IIl1t of them h. from PIll't Kllob W~.S ouwul .. at .. d UR beel) publlsbed \11 ab. ui< twenty mllea from ijar,i Ii. uew calD~ t ,t reb,,! pn~oners "' FilII Stutum, wherelhe rebelll attllc~ed to be ~lIt .. bhllb"d Oil H"rt'li llliand, IIiP 10 rorce, bllt were drlveo back Dear Ne.Yt:lrk. SJ)'lI~ tentbooland by nrtllle,;)" wltb lQ1"~ Two olber are espl'cted soon to occopy It allHckll were mode, bQt_ ~r: WhlCb Fllfelgll new~ IIldn!a'es the rebel Iffre I ~Plllll"d. On a".-illll ., Har. cause BS Jl&st falhnl( 10 Europe Tbe rison Stallon 4JU Wlldueliday DIJ(ht, re.elecUon of Mr Llllculn St'emll to be erected lome IIligb, brellcworb, be ack:nllwl"dg"d by the people and planted canllOn\ aDd fuught the ene- a part of tbe pres!', and thpy pfedlc~ 'il1 uou. S,uutday after· a IIplend\d 111 tore ~ ,r oor conntry u' n, B~'rerldge. w Itb A CItizen of M"ryland- wa~ tried ill I S\!,enll'entb lUi 10 WaIlIJlo"'ton, O"t 6th on & char .. a

(rom RoIIB. aud" " Elirly on Sator of cundoctlD.! a rebel furce lOtn

j Ihat State B' was funnd gOllty. COIIHllllnd starleu d

polll' they reached an Bentenc!'d to a tel m uf Imp"11-II)! wllh abuut sevrn flomeut ID New York

all the alllllery" The pay dlle to Uuion suldlers 10 commJllld frum southern prlSOn8 can be oblalned by

~1~J[ml0g or tbe slej(e 41f Pilot tbeL~ wIves. 011 prese!ltatloft by let· j\.u,.t','.ll ... al)()~I'tbree huodred, mOHtly ler of proper voocberll to the PllY

department ID Waabmgton


.. BUll1U..BY or JEWS. The- Se-eretary of the Trellary

noaocetl 4ba"!te .ill rteet" prupOll all untJI October Ulh. for fortI mil hool of 5 20 bond., The 6 IIOIl hue

IlIe1 LltlktI"ld, of .wilford, lh.~ , eel~brated h,a 88th Hrthd .. y recentlJ. tt" h .. e held tbe appointment of J UII­lIee ot tbe Peace rrum (our Kn,ern' alwa1.1 ~ aD poPu)Ir tbat .. llberal or9 holding the 9f11ce h'!lQtl-eigfl~ pre"uulIl \I RlpeetEid, lod • cuoaider· ye~ra. He baa- been deputy ~eritr able .~oqot Will probably be taken eight years. town cIerI; tourleen on forelga accouot. yearp, drum major ten 'yeal'll, aod a 1 Rev Myron Wjn~lo'lll' is now on Hcboftl teacher foorteeo yeara. Be hi. way to New York' has Irved With hiS present wire al· five ye8rs he has been mo~t 111xty·foor yeafs. HI8 el~ter, 15'lth tbe Nmerican Board of lli'lI8iion:... aged nlnety-two years, aDd a btotber, and bA filled varlo08 POeitioo;s aged e'gbtyone yeare, were Pl'f'lIt'ot. trost and bonor 10 Mlldrl.'. the umled ages of the three belDg tornll to tblll coulltry 'lll'lIh iml)alred 261 yeafl~ b .. ltlt.

At St Peter~borg, RO'Sla, lately, Deacoo Isaac 'Bromley, a Catholic church tombled to tbe celebrated tlie 60tb alloiv'erllar'V'J groond when It "'''!I ur ,Wded wltn hIS marnage on the wor~blpers. and as many A 100 youngest brother prellf'nt per .. oD!'l were borled baoeatlt the ra married" years, o,lle 5Z 3'ear." 108. Not ooe W8a uged .hge In oue 4,9 ~ears Oue brOlher ~me many cases 1here were no relatiVe. rourteeu hundred mIles to aLtend Lbl: present 10 claim the bodies that were festIval recuvered. as the whole f.mlly bad A fire occurred to a hook.-tore 1D

been killed Tbe church bad bee~ Hartford on Suoday, and a lady"" coosldered ufla"fe, alld ml a-UrNI 109 Ul the tenement over It, who ",all

DeCidedlv tbe most horrible all O\f were t"ken to repair it, Lnt the work very III lit the lime, wascarned 10to tbat haa been recorded for many men did 1I0t c lOslder It sare to WOI k the Btreet, and died 8000 Ilfterwardll year~, IS the late atroCiOus ma8~a upon, and b"d all left It rrom tbe eil','CtB ()f the excitement. ere of 8014.her8 aod CitIzens on the GettIDg dmnk, and then gOlOg to Her name Wllif HamIlton.

Celve A 8pPClal du.patch to the Boston

Journal sayt' thRt Gen Ro"ecrons las 01 d, red all traitors alld spies canght llttpmpllng' to cnmmun'cate Wit" tbe rebel furces iuvadmg MIS' 8flUri to be aliot 00 the spot

Nurth M,ssoOrl ralloa<L at and near ~~e~~~yt~: ~~~:t·c~~:~s 1a;~~I~:~! Cenlralla. by • gang of busbwback be a very common tbIDg In B08ton: kerB undtlr tbe IOTamOIlS Bill ~ Aboot tWice a week tile papers or dursou ThiS time Aud~rB()o eveo that City make mentIOn "fsumetblng eclipsed tbe butcher QJlantrell HIS (If t!lIS kmd John Douahoe Wa~

found on Thursd"y Dlght III a help gang nnmber aboot 165 men Tbey les8 Clludillon. With $1.8iO 'U IlIlII! had been chased out of M JOrDe coun· and e:old 10 hiS pocket A few w~ekf! ty, and suddenly made their appear· ago he was foond under IImliar Clr ance at Centralia, on the North MJs comstances, wtlb$2000 about bls per· SOUri Rallroad The po~tmaster ,It HOn

.,. A IhIutILq: Q!rUTDLY x.mm otthe litaelltlve Lo..rd of the SevllDt ..... y Bapt\lt IIIu10DlLry SocIety will be beldat WelterlT. II. I" 09- Fourth day, Oot lItb, at' ,,'cloct. A- Il. A I;I. LEwu. Bee. Sec',..!

• , ... Fao¥ the army bOlpltal-4be bloody

battle.lIeld-tlle mansIon 01 the rlcb,Mld IInm ble abode or tb, pOQJ'~from tbe IImce tbeJlaCred des1l:~rom tbe mOlllntain top, tan! vallett and far-olIlslandsonh.e OC.an­fl'O. every nook &1111 cornet of tbe CivilIZed world--4. pollrlog In tbe evldenca of tbe .... loDlablng elfeetsof Ouu', PL1",U',6,. Bno

ThOlliauds apon tholl8&nds or letton like the !oll<JwlDg miLY be seeD at oor omce

Bedaburv, Wls , Sept. 16. '. • • • I have been hI tbe .. rmv

pltal. fur fourteen mqnth.--speeeble.& neany deMo At Alton. III • tbey gave me a buttle of Plantation Bitter. * • • 'fbree bottles restored ray speecn "nd cnred me"


Soutb Wa"""w, 0 ,.l:oly 2I!, 1863, 4(. • .. Orte youlig ... n, who bad hee n and not ont or tbe nOJUe for t ... o Scrofula alld );rj·8ip'el..... navllDll

doctors o~er been cored by teo DO'lie~


MeXICO, tbe DlX~ statl~n, Mr Jeft'rlls. The En~h8h malla brmg fon par· forD,lllhes an accouut of what fol. ticollirs of the deatb of Capt.,n

Speke, the Afrlcau explorer He was ·.nCln'I7,lt send me two h(ltties

Rlcbmond pllperB Itive gloomy pic­InieR of the consternation eSi8ting at that point A nniveraal conscrip­tion touk place. Sick, .onnded, ~grd youlbil, all were called out

lowed He says: suddenly killed 00 tbe 15th Sept, by ~4~i1;i~~~~~!:~~: Billers. My Wile hil. I The cll1zens at firpt took them the acclilenlal d,scharge of bls own their nse ljUdHIN, PhiladelphIa'

for the St&tp M,hlla Shorlly aftff gilD, whde Jt.hootlDg 111 thc ne'ghbor Do,ver,ol Ihpir arrival a gravel. constructlOO hood 01 Oo[sh 1m. WIltS The charge bave lieen a gre"t sulTerer

The rebel pappu print 8 llpeecb of Jdl'rrllml DavIs at Macon, in wblcb he admit' the rebel tailore!!, bnt oom· forls the p,t'ople With tbe aSpurance tbat be ia lloiog to trllp Sherman He 8a,. that two \hi'rda of tbe relll'l almy are abAent from the field, mOlt of Ihem wilbout leave

d I b b b t 1 b I from.Dy.spepsla. and had to ahalldon preacb tra).D came alung, wblch was se zed paSBe t Iroog IS c es c ose to 19 Il)ILnta\lon Bitler. have aod stopped. A (eW mlDnte!! later, a IIPart, and be died 111 teO' mlDuws The Commercial Bulletm 8ay8 tbe .. ~,;-."" JlKv J :; CUBO.N. paQsf'nger tralO from SI L(JU1s 8r HIS age was thlrlYofliltht years The greate~t coocert .. n record was when Rochester, NY" rlvlld, wh'ch tbey 101110 ImOledlatt.ly remalna were conveyed to bl8 fa\her's the Boston Fife Department p"'yed seIzed. Three C1vlllall8, who made bume at llmtoster on Plgbty plauofortes at olle tIme, at some re81~tance. wpre shot In tlic It IH estimated tbat at lea!!t nne the btJrnlDg or Hallett &: D" .... 's

... • • Send us twenty foor drzen more of your PI .. ntatloo lImer., tbe popu I .. my of which are daUy' IlIcr .... lOg with tbe gueltil or oUr house

cars. and either k,lIed or wounded, IHlrd of the slave element of the manufactory. SWl<ES. CIl.lDIVICI: .t Co • Proprietors W,n",rd. Hutel. W .... blDgtun "

Hnd were left un board The other soolh h81 now been coovertfd Illto The Maille papers 8ay that all tbe p""spngers. IOclodlOg' between thIrty the J'~d .. ral servll:". mlhtary and elv, erop& 10 the State h"ve come to ma ..... I have gIVen tbe Plantation Bit and furty soldiers, were all ordered II, aod that thiS element DOW c,mBn. turtly, wilh an avel'llge Yield, and ters to bondreds of our dl.abled suldl .....

b t II With. the most ... tonl.btng elIect

G E ~:~~~~i~]~:J~~~;J~;~'~~. forll,J. R. l.y. D R Jared Kenyon.


uut of tbe cars, and plnndered of tutf'8 neariy one tblrd ortbe F .. deral t e pl' ktoe crop"l be tbe lar·gelst'l G 'III' 0 ANDU'I'S, K1SCELLANEOU8 ITEIIS tbelr money and valuables force employed, dIrectly aod lDd,rect. the State b8B produced for many Superintendent Soldiers' Home, OlDolnnatl "

On Thursday night, Oct. Glh. a "As spon a8 tbe 8tnpplOg was Iy, ID the 8UpprefllllOn of the rebel years gang of guerrillas cr08sed over compl"ted. the Vile miscreants com· 1100 The colored element 1B oor A cl'lat teamster named Butler mto Maryland at Sandy SprlOll', tblr. menced firlDg upon their captives. Irmles, partloularly ill the labor de· went to a. .. wake" In Charle8town tp~n n.,lpA from Washington, and tbe nnarmed soldierB, Borne of whum partmeut. can bardly be realized out· Mass, recently, fell asleep 10 an ~tJ')le $\3000 worlb of properly Mr attempted to escape by -.DlOII' IDtn Ilide of the army hmlts open wlUilow, tell oot, aod broke IllS

". • • The PlantatIOn Bitters have cured me ot hver complaint. of ,..blCh I WM laid op proitr/ne .. nd bad to ab"pqun my bQ 81ness H B KINGSLEY, CleveliUld, U ..

... • • The PlantatIon Bitters have cured me of a derangement of tbe: kj dneS8 IWd urinary org&lIS tbat b". distressed me 101

All pRJ'IIlentB for the &BUTll RlCou .. al'fl ;~~~~~~~~~~~I~~~~ ackuvwledged frum we.k to weel In the paper PerRonR sendIng money, tbe re celpl of wbleb is Dot duly &otbowleclged, should give 01 early 1I0lice oHhe 01Dl1'

alon .,,,"0 Vol So Abra'm Dunham New Kartet. '2 00 21 80 Jam"" Weed. 8CIO. NY. 3 on 21 II IIrs E EllluoderB. Alfred. N. Y , 2 1i0 21 59 Trail, 01 B .ker's detectlvf'B, puraned, the bouses aud out Inlo the fielrls, The mlDeral mlDlDg bobble collaps Deck

and recaptnred the property, an tlllt w~re por.oed and Bbot down hke ed Wlth tbe panIC of M .. rch and Apnl It was $300 instead of $100 whlcb .mporlant mall from the sooth. and Wild game Twenty·four or tbese laBt, and now the oleaglOouB miolDg the tr08tees of Amberst College late­olle prulllner Waher B()wle, the no. s(lldlerll were tbns bOlChered, seven bubble 18 bemg Inflated, aud <>11 Iy 90ted to the profesllors of tbat m ~"'f1ue olltla .. , was killed, and an. of whem were uf the Ist Iowa ca.. atocka are the seu80tIOn of the day, slitutloo The presldeot received a olh, r woond~d. airy. stahuned at Mt'x1co, and ten of alld nearlv two hundred compames donatton of $'00

A refnltee from Richmond Bay~, whom were d,18charged S Idler~. vet wltli a nlJimoal captlal affiollnung I~ The Dlltcb ladleB, wbo attempted the city IS ooe 'II'allt RlIhtary camp eralls. retorlllng to their homell from tbe aggregate to a hondred mllhoul to explore tbe White Nile, have beell E<prv male between tbe agol'S of 12 Atlallta. alter a, falthfol tbree years of dollars, mure orIelS, are paradlDg compelled tQ aband'JD tbe'enterpflBe RDd 70 18 in umform Theile yonng and four month .. serllllle ID the ca1l8e the,r respective merits before tbe t:lwmg h the bos\lhty of the nalive' and old men are enrolled ID the mi. or theu counlry, tbe four montbs be- pubhc eye mercLantB 10 the IDterlor 1,lla. and moat bold tbemselves 10 109 extra sel vice generously given by The Sliver from the masoDio J·ew· M E (J K h· h .Ad them to tbe goveroment Arler these It. nlg. 81 preBell..., to le.lIme,. to answer tbe Sl1mmons to b t d d h t e s £mnd 10 the rUlDa of tbe WID the cuy of Pbd.delpb,a tbe gig for· .rms Tbey are cnmpelled to at dmen wtehre ~IlUd8 uo e bea,n tS, IJ throp HJose at Boston, after the fire merly uWDed by Stephe~ Girard t~nd drills [at 8tated p"rlllds, and uwn, elf U les were a en, lelr Iff ver I I!I tba a"'o was 8ent to the f tl>d d II be I d head8 cnt off or hacked wilh SWOI d~ U· ad SOO ", d h 1£ d 11 gl t wall ICcep ,an WI pace noth'ng IS d'8CI18Sf'd bllt tbe prospect d bl d t a o,te tates- mlDt, an 10 0 ar on the Girard College. property 'br beMlg called mto activIJ8erv,ce. an egery P08S1 e HI Iglll Y In Ict plecea cIIlDel1 from It, whlcb have

The New YIll k CommerCial Ad"er. ed upoo tli"m. Mr. R ,land, expr~a8 been sold 10 the members of tbe dlf· A deserter was rOAted to deatb ItsP.T says that lbe Hurrender of agent at Ceutralia, Was al .. o amoniC ferent Irdgps encampments &c hy crawhug nnder the bUller of the Athen8. Ala. to Ihe rebels. WaH Ih~ the killed The I1orderoos WOI k Thpse are tbe 'ollly fifty cent 'pIeces steamer S D M. '8SY as sbe was tak

havlDg been accoml"'Mhed. the torch cUlDed thlll year 109 80me recrolts from, Bllston to most dl8graclful aft'''1r that hos oc was -apphed to tbe depot, and the Th te 0 t f N t Gallop'~ llilaud. ~lIrrfd dnrlllg the war. not eJlcpptmll' tram CfJDlallllng tbe tbr~ woonded h e s d a;er I y d f ew~r wa~ The bears are un080ally pleoty m C"I M,11'8' 8nrr""der or Ultrper'a Clvlhans wallfir~ aod startpd up the C ~tere d 0 proceeS dom ewp!' MlDnesota tbl8 season To!o bave Ferry CII~. OtlmJll:wIl, the officer 10 ruad It rau about 81lt miles wht!'11 10 roVI ence. one on;t.y re~ent y. been killed in the ImmedIate vlcilllt command, bad 1300 men pollted be· j! stopped and wall slowly cousum to convl'yooe pas <cog"r, a "enl e nlOn f S CI d h' Y illJd vely strong forIl6(:ati'D", and I\"d' bavlng orgent bU81OeillO New York 0 t .ou Wit 10 two weeb, Borne

Yet held thf'm only Ion'" enoogb to I Tb b d II d d on Monday and wbo wII.hed to take of them InsldH of tbe corporation. ... • e an t en passe fin. an 10 ' kill and wound tblrt, rebels abollt one hoor waS follow .. d by Ma. the tralD 10 Provldpllce Souday eve~ If yoo meau to make your a,de of

The central State of OhIO haB won Jor John~on and hiS command Two Ding for that city. He probably paId tbe arg.ulDen' appear plausibh,', do a RlOgnlJlr dhdmctlOo ID thl" war. m or tbree miles beyond Centraha 10 tbe largest fare for Doe man ever not preJudice people agalllBt what the nnlnher of eminent genar,,11I It B lone county on the farm of Mr charged 00 tha,t roote. you tblnk troth, by your pII.ioDite

Ran"om Blcts Providence, 1 00 21 J H. LonsdlLle.' 1 00 21

ye.... Jt "ctsllke " charm. I C C. MOORB, 2.' Bro!UlwllY, N. Y "

, The l'lantat!on BItters make the weak atronr, the languid bnU,ant and are ex· hausted nlLture'a grel\t re8torer~ They are composed of the celebr-... ted CaUsay& BaN<. Wintergreen, Su3afras, Roots, Herbs, &c., aU preserved lD plTlectly pure 8t Croix

To LEARN PlANO FORTE PLA YlNG Eaolly ,,~d Tborollgbly,1I881be


... -1860 -x I h Ii An Improvement npon a I 01 e .. In Pro-Person of sedentary bablts troobled wltb gress, ve :A.rrangement, AdaptlltlOn anC! Sim

weakness.lasSltode, palpitatlOD of the heart, pllclly Fonrded upnn .. new and 11 ... 1 .... 1 I k f fie I Id ~ran. and lIiustrltled by a MrI .. of Itlatell "c 0 appetite. distre.. .. r e,.t ng. torp shOWing the proper poshlon of the bandJi and liver. constipation. &c ,deserve to sulIer II lingers they will not try th,mb The popularity 01 tbls

Th d d b th h h t eqoaled by tb"t of anyolmllar ey sre recommen eye 'g es Tnousand Coplesl",e sold medical autborlties. and ;ore willrranted to teachers and all w'~i~o~:~~:;~;:~:f~~~~~i~ prodoce .. n ,mmed,aie benellclal ~lIect Tbey 11l'0nnunced superh.r a"e exoeedlngly ~gr .... tlle. perf~"lIy PQre. • ther' Melhods • I and the Book Ihat • ad haraleu .rquiremeot of a t.nowledge • f

!ronoL-Any person preten~IDg to sell Pia,," ~ rte playIng I It adJipted to .U Pl,,"tatlon Bitters 10 buill or by the gallon IS grade. of tUlllon, from the rudimental Ito

die. of toe young~sto to the stod,es Mnd eur a SWindler and Imposter It .. put np only Cises of .. dvallced pupils 1 wo ed,tloal ltfe

ID our 'Patent log cabin bottle. Be ..... r. Of I.uhllshed. one Kdoptln~ Am.rloKn the other bottles redlled "Ith Im,htlOR deleterlons F.>relgn dn~erwg When tbe wort I. order

ed If no preference 18 dealgn .. 'ed. tbe ecIlUo,o stull', for whleb severalllWlOns are alroady .... ,th AmerIcan fingering will be 88nt. In prllOD. See th.ot evef)' bottle h ... our ., Be sure tb .. t In orderln!fltyoUKI'fll'ar private United S"'189 Stamp over the cort. t'cu .... In speClf}lng the' NEW IlRTBOO" onmntllated, and s'gn&ture 00 steel plate Price '3 15 Mailed. poot paId. ~u ,.n1 "d· dress Sold hy .. n Kus,o Dealers Iide label OLIVER DlrSON .t CO • Publliben.

Sold by respectable dealers tbrong bout tbe I_..:....:..----c.:...,..-.,-----..:..B-oo.:.:t.:.:on:,: • ..,. habitUal globe P H D ..... u & Co •

202 Broadway. New Yort.

ha1 fnrnlshpd to the country /,lrant, Folleo~elder. 'AlHlell,n Illd hiS men S Marcy, of Hartland. Vo!rm'lDt mauner of defendlDg It Sherm .. " R ,,*,cran,,. Mitchell. Sher,' '0 the bnRbee, and .. waited bls pur bas 00 bi~ farm a twio bE'acb tree Tbere is talk io Paris of estabh.h. lfBWYORXVARXETS-OOT. 10, 1864: hn, &lcPherBllO, Gllm Ife. Weltzpl, slters MaJ.r Johnsoo approachilli eacb of the trullks bemg thlrty.6ve ing a BibITcal tbeater where will be -A.he8-Potl!. SIO 50@1075 Pearls. 11 50@ G lTIlon Granger, tbe McGooks, Gar· tbe ambosb. was fired UpOIl He 1m· \Dcbes 10 ciroomference two feet from I'layed ouly pIeces d;amallzed flom 11 75 6~ d, Hchpnck Oro .It, lI.z u. St;t.oln)', mediately wltlldrel'" hi. command, diS Ihe gronnd, twenty ooe mebes apart, tbe lucidents 1>f tbe Old Telltament ~FIo~~~ur~~~~:>;r~~~!~l;f 7 75~5~9 f~~ ;:r r~!~;~:j~~'~~i~ Sill. Steadman. Kirby Sl1\lth. Bnd Ly mounted them, alLd-iormed lD hoe 01 and unlllOg at tbe helgbt of mne wili.i."iit1'>ldebrands, t I b k II d t 0 k The increalle 10 the collection of 113 II~ Flour e I W "WI&I I e a ~IC amau~a. battle At tbIB m'lmebt the goerrlli8B feet There Ie uo VISIble mark lOd" ~:l~~~~h:~:~~.~~@'1 °5:;'S 25 !i',e~bl' to m ,lie

th ..... b t doUep III 8 ""10, for tbe nlDe monlhs n "" -." are e namea wulC occur 009 bu,st from their Indll,lg pl"ce With catlDg hnw or when they became'" ,_.'ti:::rkl~:.(r."Ch""'j(osprlng THE LADlE"'1<14VORITE Fan 35 '::I~:lel

An IIhMls regiment arrived at 8t 6, ree yells aud rapId finng Maj.r nue, A they ito fr<lm the place of of 186', above thc Dloe monthsM Club 1 88@1 9~ for No Ma~.zJOe has" been able to e L th b h J b ' h k r h d f • 1863. IS $1,637 986 '1 '~I",". 1 92@1 91 for Amber with It Noae Ktlempt It ~UI8. 00 elr way ome, 00 t Il 0 n80n I oritea too llg t an Ie I lOllctloo. 1I'!;~~io~l: 9.@200forCanada"'GRIp .....

31 or October, the term of IIllrVlce b,m aod hla men to wage the unpqual A Shanghai te1egtam of J oly 22 1n OahforDia. tbe r,ecent statistics • Corn. I 50@t 51 for OODE .. S BE ." f -h d h d t t ~ t Tt h d dId of the IOMane asylums IIhow one ID 1111' •• ,.rn rnr e\'erv department of a bOlblehnld. Th ...

o • e comml\n avmg erptre • con es on 100 ley a e 1gere aonoooce! that tbe city of CausllIgs 801/-1 35 ill 100 Ito,. for S(llpplDg. alone are .. ortb tbe prIce nt the Bn, t.. Tbe 001 mel called the men together, bot ooe volll'y wben tbe goerrlllR8 had been captured A camp of III' eVt'ry eight bundred of the popol.. 1 ,-,@I 55 ~'r relalllots. M. del Cottag •• (no other Kagazlue glvea

it w,," uoau'mooslv resolved to were npon tbem, RhootlDg. liacklllg "trucllOn had, bel!:n fiQrmed under \Ion to be 108ane [email protected]"'@S2ofornewthem} ... h dl .. ~r&"", .~itil:io GR' h d J' b h d r r Geo "Ilandlnr, of B I .' pro1)lS\ons-Pork 3d OOrG39 00 fn. '>rIme.·' ORA. WING LE"SOS'S FOB THB YOUNG I' en JlICorans tl) e Ment &n 8 aylDg tl) t e rig t all e t Col Gordon for the purppse of tralO U ~ e cnertowo. 3900 for nld mess", (O OO(i;U uofor )jew Beet Gndev.

frout Rfter the rebel Geollral .The militIa made no Itand. but scat- 109 tbe CbIDese troups AdvlceB re MA8, baa luld: $3i5 worth of Bp 1 60@10 00 for country prlms-,10 OO@" 00 tla relLr Otber b ed d 0 d II d E " ! b h d f for country mea Lo<rd 19i~1Ic Botler. worn out mUlle;

t e reglmeot wa~ .cco,," ter an u to a Irectlfln!l I~IJ celved frOID St. Peterlburg "lao r~ p I'a \ II Bea80n, frow an orc ar 0 30@3tiC f .. r Western 3~5p for ~. Y SI .. te to o.octey get It befol'\l ~\lIlrly m \rcbed to tbe leaC of war ty IIX of tf,ielr: oumber. lncfudIDII()[a-, port tbe captole of NallklD by tbe 15 tree. Chee.e. 1~@2Ic for comn on to prime. 14 NlIlIIIJ!!" , j)f JuhntlOlJ, were killed I~ the very Imperlah til. Pbiladelphla hall Jo~t voted Olle du~~~~!! ~~!1~~1~@3l>. OUoerseed. Ir tliilre"~.ay; ge;ra~ ill Ollr. Ie,' 6"ld where the,dIlJmouute~J Ten- olb Out of the tbree hundred people mllhon of d"llars for new acbool. 7Wlo"""'15~@16lc

flc .. who cteA.:i'ild t e b,me or the era were fuund dead 10 tbe pramI' d k I bOUBeIl. Tbe money 111 to be ralst'd Wool"-l)omeslic Fleeoe. SO@85c "Youqjf ~"I@ebn that treOerall1 toward Q"nt'alla. Oot'of the wholl! who on ertoo recent y to crus" a bva loan Pblh It. Sberidltn; 1D the .. bort comm"lId, f aboot o"e bOlldred aod nve' near Cracllw, Polaod, ID a grllD J 1lABRIED 8p.!ll!/~ au. "eell. bill ,tm- foll"ht Bfty men, twenty-liee were all tbat barge, ou tbelf returo frum &; rehgl Buth the Catholio aDd U niverslIilet • 1",,'Willea gained 'wo .;8al ;,& 161 late8\ a,hlce. had ellCape<\." ou.. celewalloo, one hllndred and clergymeo or tbe tOWIl of lll(ldl~ Elt\t:,a~1 ~~::"\!~~!.~~ S~i;=~I~ 1~~!. hlflell "HI 'putlJul!d the demoralized ' twenty &ve were drowned 'hrOugh toWllj OotiD, were drafted receDtly. of S1Wkeu'a Harbor, N Y.,lInd Ilisa L. UIIIII1

and tify~eli,,\coIOiDOI1:lf E4ttyelgbty. UMION PRI80NU8.-A I~Jter dated !~: ~:t!:~- and carel_lIC18 of A hoase wall let on tire 10 Sou LJ.1~=:in~~~~~: 2UII. 1866 by Bev 8 seveD ml" Ob I t Se t 2Zd .. Tb Bo.ton Tecentl)" hi luodhog a 8te &llaU".'JIr No •• '" H Cltuoca and Itn RAJ<

ioj,j.iYl> , " d" al 1'8 on. p • 8ay': e The Bostoo Traueler Rayl tbat the tbe .tQ9'e wltb kerokne oil .... &. BlJmlJr. alt 01 Hoplllnton • . J:~ p~~ io lCatll)llI1 are, tbat Andersonvllie prisonerll ba"e been preAent year b0&8 been noprecedented 0 f b Oct 1st. 1864, by Bev 8

Adm".1 F1trr*gu' -Ill ClOn"loue lU U b f I De 0 t e IItodeuts flf Har~rd. AI"'''I! •• r •. '.iUJ,RL' •• H 4LEnNDn, of Ricb • - • pa-Sl'og tbroogb thl. cIty Tbere .re 10 ... ""sac nsells or t Ie p .. oclty of b I '0 ,. co makd bf 11 W t G If - as ost an arm, tbe 1"f'IIIIIt of a pllltOi ANN A L.u<I'H1l .... ofRopklD

m t I' e& era ~ some aix tbousaod bere now Their f.lll1r"8 tbe oumber belOg' bot few ~bot by au outra .... d Frellhmao BlosbdiDI ~nadron, illat. ad of be- I and (0,' alDall aml1untl Au .. moo; .,- l'-'II1<V. N Y. Oct lat. 186'. by Eld Inll tra~"r .. rred t.1l that of the Nnrtb IInffermg8 are and have been terrlb C of an IOsolllent eourt In tbat Stale The govllrom!'ot of Moldavia al. ~b,'rll'$JIlO9~le:~. Mr J.llIU WSBD o! Free TEBllS otOODEY'S LADY'S

Atl.r.tJCQ';'na(fton a~ receutly wid Too Olin not Imagme them Eljlillt 10'111'8 wldowR wbo pay tues to ,ote M .... NAJ<O~ TRUJUI(, or (Ftom""llchl1ten!ca"bet06~·i4tO"".) ;~~~~~~~~IIIIII~ I ""l' ". thon.and out of twentt-Bve thno$aod lIays tbat for the paet two monthB I .J.u. Tbe followlog .. 1'fl the term. of ..... ' ••• " y a.allll'd. Tbe latter, a. la known. died of dfllealOC" at A.'nileri!onvllie dur~ tbe uoort has been actually out 01 10 muolclpa e."tlOol In Vel"'DlL. Boot. for 1865. At pre",.t, .. elobr",*, tho velleel" on the Nor~h b08106>lS Ooe Boston firm h8l109t .:lIJ,UUU. rt!8ldence sobscrlbe .... t the f.,liowjlll Caroho" CO&At. Arlmlral Porter h8B mil; the month~ flf Jol1 and Aogd8t T • aurl&nolbe.r $30,000. hv tbe .f1!(:IiDI8,-l c.Blar• t.e.ilr tice w,lI be given it we ate obliied been urdered to Ite commahd, and NlDeteen bnodred or the SIX thouaaod he aale nf goods mann..faclur~d -J '" v&nce. whICh 'WIll depend opoll WIll wllho". del" te b' hflre are totally lDcapable of belplbg by tbe AndrnecoltglD Mdt., 10 Lewli III the prlee of floor rn Veron". N. Y • Oct 6tb. 1864.. by Rev 1 paper. -

... ..yen t opun II be' ,.. M d th. Presldeot Lincolu TeeeDtly _Ant a B Clarks. at tb6 residence or tbe bride's f. One copy. one year, POOl pl'i!ta~l~ dallel tbelllMllvf's MOJIIt of I m lire 10· ... n, 1&me, orllrlf I' pas. year. = ther, D';a. Ira Greene, ilr J.JI "UBI: ;ond Two eople8, one )'Mr, 5 60 ~:~:~.i:~~t~{.~:r:~':,~~~

Le sane. F,ft, of onr rpglmeot went to amountl'd to $2 250.000, and the pro- repreBeotatlYe recrOlt to the atlllY KISS OuaiiS GIIIIltI. all 01 Verona Thrt!e copieR. 'QIle ye .. ,. • 1 60 , andpr :It Deese a prt,,~(o, aol· A d II i A il d' J I fi's to .. ' '0,000. or .. per cent on In B k tOt 9th 18" b Eld H Fourcopletl.ooe ye~r, • • 1000,..., •••

d r 0 S II e-on'l I' n pr an 10 U'" ,t't .... op 1ft on. c ..... y enry Five copIes. one ~e"r, and Oft e-ra ter" liP&. troo-e'. c .... alry, wali wben'r 181' heard fro'; -iii corporal ~i tbe c .. ,,1I1&1 N~xt to the Pepperdl SPE""u BOTIOES. C1arke,l[r PETla BROWNING -and 1l18ll[ur copy to tbe p81'801l1ll1ldlnl the ci~b, a8Ma8tnDa~d 10 Prl"l1 towolblli "ou th I t II I' U.LAJ.I .A... C ..... ND ... L, both of South KmgstoD ma.lting 1i11: copl •• , • • .. r ",., .. my company, there were bu· twelve among e arge cot on ml s, t liS J86' t 3 'I t. oe coo t P B "*. • a 0 c oc cople~, one rear. and an extra

n y, enn. e WA ooe UI a ahve; probably th!'yare all dead by bas beeo tbe mOllt aOCCC88ful in tbe QuUft&Ly IlIftI"G~'l'be Jlext QUArterly lit; sOtve.,th.,iI..-y BKptl8t Vh .. ····' -c-q

to tbe peronn .ondllli the cillb. 1qllad 'f meu e~g.~d io ",'ViDg Ibl& tIme I "now thi. to be a facl, coulltry Keetlnl of the Chorch .. In Northern WI.. Burdick, BOaT miiIiI~,gmne copIes. ., 21 00 ft 111ce- Upon d rt~" Be" Be U Dat. d Col Ilnd Ibl8 JULU. 0 .... <re .... and 1Ul ""tra .. rll .... men WIl8 f II I h h bee'" A V" t' th conliD. r n, ota, "u 010&, WIll be d Ph NV , It I d rO.\!!Jb eerll lere W 0 a,e u cnO· ermou. paper men lona e an e person Mndln, the Chlb. T:~ lime I and abot through the ~e.ad Boeil 10 boeplt"l wl~h tile meu. -The cue of a (armer who .&IIt fall drove lIeld WIth the Ctlorch at BerllD.commenclng No barda. m;'~i~:~:t:welve COplll, 275\)

r ..... , n were atreated 00 .oaplcloo bealth of the olBeer.:" p .... ty ... ood" np to hia barn 3'0 IIheep to wioter on the eyamo, bete,. the third Sabbath III -.,.,..;'---...,.,...---.- A to any of I'-above Jilubl," IiO Q "",n" tbe """ ,~ <~ .. October. D. & L1IWIlI, Chnr~h Clerk. :DIED JlQbocrlber

II mU<uererl!. Be 1I0ld 8' lamba and fat -.heep for • I Goday's Lady" Book and Arthur I BOIIIe L ~n p"gt'I, "bo II .. beeo esamined TH- v.f.Tlov.f.L D"- The -port market (or t/)56 He aold his chp of _11t1tt l'lmd&lDD, b~ 0 DUson.t Co. In Chuleatowu Oct 5th, 186'.Knr Il&ar IrIl&Kzlne will be Mot. e.oh one year, 00 f.· ve,ure a (j "I' t NO" J.'" ..... -.~ I r • h d fI .. ' 811IFPra.n. ag.d '13 \yea,.. CfI'pt of " 60 -lea e IllIet 0 war lilt elf r of our lIatlltn,,' debt at toe cTo..e 'If wnn .or 15&, and &ben • a ooa htoo, lIaIL, .. 81and, Father AbraMm, In Sooth KlDptown Oct. 3d, 186(. GlOM"' We bave 00 olub • .nth AIl1 other KaiIl!liI~I· tb,'I~. ou llul cbarge or deatr.oymg s.-ptember ahowl a \ntal inMPBIII' of 10 bead more thao he had In lbe faltbfllt&'1d true," Ron,aD4ehorol Word. C Bncool:.aced'13 ,ean. or New.pKper. 01 F _0, kll •• r, ......... c aud mooittolllll durtng tbe month of tn (OS 4,Sa fall by 8. C IIllrdlolt; tll1lld by J. II. 8tilllUll tn Sbaa,:bKfl Cblna. Jol), 17th. IS" Rlgbt The mfluey miIlt all he IfIllh.l,n;;,.·jllill.,r"r·P!··!!Ir.. .I".au.

deredT,~ ~;,g~:'~~it~dd Barren· the IIlue of 8 per ".nt. oom::,uJld Prof_or Aga,.,.proprnoes to give A~::!~=:!.::e!~to :;.I:~':~:i:O~!d~sy~"I;~!..:;;':;::I'ai9~lj~n~u":~!~~~i~1~.~~i!~::,: 1DRtitiiiCf~~~iil; 11' "rc",,' lII\flre~t nntf'a ha~ lhcreaaed ~U,UO, • coarse flf tCOllIl'I" 00 Frida)., be- J • lIftLur In New Kanet. N. I., Sept.,; lStb. 1&14. orl'

• 118, tlie Ilrd ~Iw.r, P"O"iog III 000 alld tbat of tbe deb' certt6~t!!$ glOnlDg Oo\o,",r H,tb, a~ the Musenm • '-'liD 111, a. dlphthert ... ALLII T • Ion 01 WID A and lie :;~CIUU8 •• OPD. IfilHltl>!lU trao"'e,. lIea~J1 twenty IeVeD million Of the. IG Camhrldge,oa tbe .. N ataral BII1- way, r. ~':f::t· Bop .. , .,eU year, 3 .1I111!~ :'Dd

d~. ~a wut\<lllp ~ Venda, tbe goo Dew •• en 1blrl,IoIiID thirty qllihan tory of Dume.Clcated Amm .... " All ;~In~:N~e::w~.~~ar::t.re;t. If 1 • Sept, 2lat,l!lG* of ", .. '~': hl9'1'_ jllli iii abQQ" t;o mat', a wen! luhticrt~ 10l dllrmg tbe moDlh, fllrmer. aod dairymen will he admIt· CLj.W.."II. dau,bter ot I.. . ....... : .. ,1&' •.• :;

~rD JIII&,. '," and r..t tW HI ~O l(~~n tbe IllJhllorlp wd free. .> r .. ,,",".- C1aWlOn,ln the 6tfi ye.r or !d~8j Ir G"IIf~if'tln(jle, IiU-8II1I1Il' tlo". of the mflntbr1l'ere t"o mtllluD A larp blac\ luak. WII killed io c. ··I!§~~~~~I~~~~~i~i IIIJ!l\NllDlID4 "of lbe )iorlhei'JI ~p.d· aDd. half The 1I0paid l'fflqllttfoDII the woodf Ileaf. S-', 11888., a few I,~til. it: Iae~aqoartf''' a' CiPciJlO' ba". dimjQi.bed forty·flOur mlllio .... da}. ~iCf'o; wbieb me .. uM .... fD ::C:iI_;-:\I&t. O'OJ6Ckoa~:5~m~;~ril~~~~:~:~;~~~t;.~ flrtfi.red M,IO',., i\1i,.r 8/!!rill..lli40.. ' ! j I! \ I r.t in lenlt1h. Be W wlthi. In. "'::. :!,,<: ::11 ~ft=~~!i~~~~!'.=::: I! r ~ '0 r!!pill'l It W~I". , n~ OM!III ..... ~lR:JIIl" baR". ,liM ItriPr,d /lqqirrela aoel ,Jar,. hII tIIII fI ~-.~·~::r''::~~~'~,'~~'''I~;

I If b.l9fliJdI r~""'''' _8'" " .... ia& It", ~oatU. ~~ or ffllll. * .. at l1li ~..,. ~ t J", t,:

Page 4: .1Vol+20+(1864)/Sabbath... · r', '" , " ,{l: . .. 't;~. ' , WRSTERLY, R. 1., Flj~D'&Y" :OQ'l;OBER 13, 1864. 11 'I ~, ., .,':;:) t"ijl 41 , ... ,! " , , . ..,~, " '-"

• , , ,

- •

• -

~ r.. ... I G R 0 ,!:'E,S T E E,N' 1I;. CO. j I' •


det'()t.it'to:~~~~~~J~{~~~!s~!:: 11le1fl."~

". BBOADWj,TjlllEW' yOBJt. ,

• ____ to PrilJilbte'1'ltlliplety Uj~ ~H .ft .... : '.1r.oltlnt 10110Ji, at th, l&'I'1ith .. ,., •• i.~;

Invited to Ou)' liJew Soale 7 o.tan ao.e1f'Dod ,,--.-- ·()b'~I,""."t,o til. '~~~aI4111i'J~~;;' vUI.auuthe fIIUb '" 1 tlu. Ita

The ILttention or the publlo .and ir~

PIANO FOBTES, whicb for volume- and pu. open W tIq (&d'l'~al)y p, ~IJ JlII/II'IIII •• .:

• ......orree wide lr. __ IIkel,. 10 11 ... , rlty of tODe &~ unrivaled by Iny hitherto ooadtilon ot"oHI~tT,lllfl1" Q l1 /We

'_U·"I··· 111'_ ' .. : I brl ' 0", 114'~'I. ofered In thlll market. They oOl:ltaili jill the 0 ~ .... De I~" and tIllllUHl.IIl" Ihe •

ODDS AND EliDS. Aif oJticial report-on the c()ttage

~;~~::~~~~~~I .. It would- requil'll fifteen or- tweil' liiel;4riea of Grut Britain _tdell that 'tY,minutea lOr'S line of sOMiiers to ,. .... n wuts on ao.. Merage 2i;600 gellbp tl\e stockade, Wno otbe!" ene- grlWlII,ol carbon aOO 1,530 grains of my·were opPOtling i but to do it in Iniitn:lgen per diem. Only ODe class the face of a ~eavy and deadly fite of operati.res get enough nitrogen ; ftQll1 ~ WeAn Ii /lecne position wouTd .and as to carbo~, a fifth of aU agri­

cf'~~:~~.~~~~~jl~(jDb'IIt.,tbetime Con.ulDed. It would cnltural laborera _ have toli little, C~,~:~!~tl:E~~;;:.rhIJi,i~~o'~d:: a abeer. imppssibility for any BOI· while it is probable t,h&t. among wo-,.;, dier. to face a death: aO certain, the i, 'milch: greater

ropteli, by moat..of our attacking foree OIust Somersetahire abd Ox. would have been perfect madnepti to . reachin1r" the stocUdee. Even people have not enough

In them ten thollsand meD bll.ck a thousand., land on which ti)elle people Uve are have held oor whol&- woq.& in. general the rich~t and ,happiest clate which any length, .of, time. \!Ie' city; on, all ever existed in history, most-· of· them Sberman' •.• trategy b... 04 the Dortb,aad wesL having incomes of .50,000 a year. tbe olistructiQ,ns 10 btl 'WIly. along their worbll,

the. Twel1t~tb, (onr strong forts, and In the Brattleboro Insane A1!ylum, I-Sl,OQU to the batteries of heavy artillery!' recentlY, tbere were two XlJang la·

the . I dies from Middlebury, each'l named rellllaiilder of 1'~(IST.u; Clara; and each the daughter of a for JonesborDugh, IJ KOIEY ORDER SYBTElL widow. One \If tbem died recently, south·west of Atlanta,. learn from ,the' N. Y. J!ifJ1fflWllg the Bame day a" brother of tbe Railroad. ~The rellult was,' that the Post, tllatoperatioos under the po:statjliviog one called to see hia eister, Twentieth e.nWred tbe enlmated city order law will wall informed that IIhe died _rly last Friday a tnoon. daring the current month. The cen· that mordioA', looked at thel corple,

On tho Thllflday night prllce,iling,1 tral lmrein of the system is to be aod gave orders for haviog ber b<Jdy ""A_A had. been BeeD a Wasbington, onder tbe charge of ,ent home. 00 ibis way to tbe botel,

of Atlanta, O. F. McDonald. The banking bnsi· he met an as.istant physician! ",ho in-and rapid neslI of all tbe offices will be done at rormed him that the' OIara m> wiRed

, "aved., tn I .... L'l.ter"',. an4 'lntell!'eJl~t II' modern Improvemenu, FrBnlJh, QNnd.icl,.,., p .. ttlDentil,oare I. tHen' to larotih III ft'

. adapted to' tbe .atit. and t&l~ 1\ If! earp Pedal, kon Frame, 'O-oer·SfJrung lJau, pl&88 ot read.,.. " II of .,'"

., and each IIIIItrument beina made under The TeriD. orSiibabtiptloli tol' the I).' are: 'Two Don.t. and ,-•••.. , the personalsupern!!lon of Mr. 1. H. Gre.vei,·1 tea." paYlLble In adtano ••

teen, wh<> has had a practical experlenoe not)p.ld "lthin three lIMIiltbt ginning of tbe yelLr, wfll be liable to

over 30 years In their manufacture, II fully addltlonlLl charge ot IIfty 01.1a

warranted in every parUmIlIl1'. bel'll wlshlpa ~o IIlIloo,nlm'DiI.th"lr m uat pay aU an.ar'alE". pUblisher of >U."U.'.IK.

The" Grovesteen Plano II'orte " recelnd the "tll

h,gbest afird ef merit over all

others at the Celebrated

• World's FaIr,

• Where "ere exhibIted illl1trument. from

best maken of London, PlLI'Is, Getmany,

Philadelphia, Baltimore, Boston, and New

York; and rJ,oo-",t tbe Amerioan In8t1tute

for live Race est"" yeall, th • ..,ld and ml.-er

IIIedals from both of Wh1ch can be Been

our ware-room.

By tbe introduction of improvelllents we •


-Tb L4" 0, H .... PA' ....

1. BUbaorlbllrl who do Jlot alve "Prill notice to tbe contr .. ry, ar" "o~lld.red .. lI'lsbfDi to cobflllne th e)t IU bhrJptlona

2. If subscribe" order til. 'leoOlltln~'be of their papers, publflhen IIIlLy oontinue ~ send tbem un til ,.U 1111118 'd •• are paid.

3. If 8nbacribe" neglect er reJul~ tQ \"1 their plLpn. ,'to. tile 0.08'10 "1I~'li. are !lreCl.fd, tbe, a,e held re'~'I~I. Ql til tu~tll .... eJlafd What Ii dlle,'&iid order~ tbelr p.".... I,.""tllltle\l-l. " ,

'np"l-Ibling a heny the New York office. Postm~ter. _ wa" not dead, and r.tuning bere at .tbe river in all oLthe money order alices will to the u,lnmj the.,bro~er aDJlllilter make a still m0l'8 perrett PlaD() Forte, and

draw OD the POlt .... terat New York met.

4.. ~f ,aubiorJbe" .• emov."ttpt", ,,114. wltbout iDforlllliill tbe pv.II/lab.,. 11.1111 lJil paper 1& aeut !Ii {bif 'lIltJll_l'dltllltClillio tbl) are helll r.JPonalble. , j : ,

fierce battle between and ~ tb . it f -'- d all by m.&nufactllrlni IlLraely, with a strictly tho rebels. But subsequent informa· or e reqols e on"", &II m01l81 It Is not generlLlly knoirn, that

'!>~~~~~~~l'~i~'l received for order. will be lent to ded I h h ;;~~~I;r.~~.;;;~'~;J,l) one to tion cleared away this theory, as we poun I um posdll8et1 t e power cas .}'Item,v. enabl&d to olrer thllle In· er, neither piercing- nor brilliant; learned tbll.t Sherman, Wal hi~he nnOlbsr of offices designated to purify water. A table-lipOIOnful Itruments at IL price wldch"m preclude all

6. TII~ law deolare.-that all,. .JI,non II whom IL periodl".II .. ent ,ia lIiPti"~"I. ,. paymeDt, If he reoelvea tne p.",~r lIIIIkll use 01 It, ·nen 10M 'hll' lIevi't a"tIbldtlbtd lor it -Or hili ortlered it ,toVJItd, H/._1I1 In sU6b a oa •• 18, not to take the PlIl'e'1t~ the oJllo, or perlOlI to .... h_lt II .'bt,liut Ie notify thll pubUaber tht he do •• DOt .. lib I L

the mouth well ,cIoled, bnt common, twenty.five miles away, What then pulyerized alum sprinkled t into a 1 h 7 R 'd' as money-order offices at p.-eaent il h _L ad r .- (tb t .tli· • ..;lt ~ tbe, elr-llsrge, the bands and,feet cou d it ave beeu I IIIg og ... e 0 WI..,. aWl er compeu ... en.

,. d' one hundred and f(lrty·aeven. It is the·· ) III f lonr and thin; the gait a little roll- the railroa track the~lty '11 a t same ,Ime w , a ter' a I:'-but' ~rm and acti'fe. In "n'IIIt,1 to the soutbern we expected that the number WI be bounl, by precipitating to the bot-

- increased, wbello the practical ont~r.-f t th . '_1 'r manner there w-u not tbe slight- came to the cbarred remains . h 1 r ed om e lmpne partlV1et1, II\! pun y I bon 8 al have perleet i tb '. '11 be f d _ Pretension., De. spoke rapidly, is estimatt:d. at over ten mil ions' t at h WI Cin to I poeeee.

b f b I . . Tb of -the system, and proved the e.J:1le-1 I aU th f h nd I and generally, witb all' inqoillitive wort 0 re e ammuDltlon. e near '1 e ret neea a c earllellll 1 I dieney of its (urtber extension. f h I:. t' 'A'f smile. To tbis emt:mble 1 mnst add of tbe oud exp osions () t e unell eprlDg waUl. I pal -

L ' 1 Ni only offices designated in Rhode fl'" 1'- b a "atwhicb W&ll the reverse of dig. nigbt was 110 ved, mety Islaod are at Providence and New. u OOI1talDlDg .our g.a ",ns/ may e nified or distinguished-a simple felt with fixed ammunition, h h M purified by a Bingle teallpoooful or port. At eac of t eae 0 ces ordera at alrair, with a round crown and droop- a Dew brass battery that had never may be obtained upon aoy other or. um.

brim"and you have as fair a de- been uled, several locomotives, large fice. The .designlLted oMees are to A gentleman informs us, and we of, General Sherman's ex· quantities of cotton, bacon, acd b f .•. d h . ted have DO TealOn to doubt his veracity,

h ld . d e urnlsue wit pnn formll for otdleJ'oiI·terP!lu~"aa, 1 cau w atevercoo not became away applications for orders, and for or- that ten years ago be bought a piece

SelltitJ,l!' b:lmllelfon a stick of cord· army wagons, was added to the COo- ders with instructions indorsed or of enameled cloth for a tahle coyer,

l,:~r~~~:;~~~no:~~~;~~;.~~~lwood hard. by tbe fence, he drew a flagrati1>n. Tbis ill indubitable evi· annexed. Tile ratell of commission on which there WI. at that time, and ; of pencil from his pocket, and dence that the movements of Sher· has been ever 8ince, a smaU bunch, . b bel to be paid by the applicant are all

Qt:~:~~;~l::l.lIIlrel.ding .. :.a... piece oLnote paper on man were a snrpnse tl) t e Ie lollows : apparently in the make of the cloth. ill w{Qte with gg:'.t.ra~,\di~1 general. ; else why should they have A. day or two lIinee, a child of hi.

ty. Long columna of aolreriid tbe immeuse amonnt of am· Charged for money ordera: scraped witll a knife tbe· bnbch, tb d r. rd' f t 't' t b d t d A. r On orden nat aceeding '10 ...... )0 cents. b • ,-" be~ b I' I e roa & Ill'" ya I III ron I mUDI Ion 0 e e8 roye . lew OYer 'IOandnotheeeding '20 .... \ScentL W en 0110 cra,!,,,,,, a to ug, as \ge y and beyond, the road, malll!ed in a hours' notice, and they coold have Over 120 and up to '30 ••.•••..... 20 c.ntL and bappy aa ever, but looking like aeriell of spreading, green fielde, a run it safe back to Macon. But the a Uuion prisoner just escaped from l'bole diVillio.n or infantry was w~it- iron grasp of Sherman grappled tbe From the printed instructions, it Libby prison. . t ~ h J. f b th olltle t , and Hood and his rebel hOilt app~ar. that great precantions are IDg t~ a...e IIp t e IDe 0 marc, e f be t k &0 l' II r the _ .. ty Scurvy ill still a prenlent 'disea!J(f bl k I t • t tb were forced to beat a hAsty a en nile ... e

De ran s c ear ou agaID8 ever· from tbe city, leaving o':tr corps to tbe remitted order and its payment alDong British lIIilonl. In the toyal dant backgroond.. Those who were to t ~- party The utmost navy, it may be said to be extinct,

elr epera oo ... e a 1m cu,·, I'. to be ~qul'red 1'0 the bot in tbe merchant eer_vlce many

PriJle~.-No. 1, Beven Octave, round cor·

liei'll, Rooiewood platu 0_, $316.

No.2, Ben ... Octave, round eomerl,tBolLe

wood heavy mouldlnK. saoo.

No.3, 8nen oAe, rouud oornen,lIoM·

wood, Loul. XIV .tyle, $325.


Descriptive Circuhtrs sent fre •. !

THE mUHLAND W ATE& CURE Is again Atted up for tbe reoeptlon of

patlanta. H. P. BURDICK. M.D.,

,1.0 1lRB. IURY BBYANT aURDICK, )(. II".,

PIll"lIIOUNB. Send for IL Circular. Address, Alfred, Allegany Co., N. Y.



f~i~i~~~~E~i~~~ij th . G II 1.- d t h' take qlliet pOil/leSQion of the great"" • rioUIIl .. , fo~ in BQ large an central city of Georgia and of the Q'~ r h .litll!lWIIIII .. Sooth of the payer ate or. ownet8 are too mean to allow a suM· lIolcljer aeee l1i1! '. ! der, of the remitter of it. A let- cicncy either nf lime juice or 'Vel{et,a-J FIRST, SECOND. AND THIRD CLASS b\ll ~c..~I\:\om.; , Page page w.aiI THE DEFENOES OF ATLABTA. ter of advice is to be Bent. by the bles, and "of ,tbe men Teceiyt~ TIOKETS, AT LOWEST BA'J~, Ii leu b, tbe Gellera.1'II.nimble pencil, . postmaster by whom the order is the Sailors' Home, London, abou\ To all points

• c,ilo'/.l~cl.' 1,iiitltellJatltTand displ\.tC1bed. The Cleveland II.erald pnbhshes I drawn to the office where it ill balf are sulfering from scorvy, and WEST, NORTH·WEST AND SOUTH·WEBT. FQt a"lm!(hout letter from an OhIO surgeon, dat~d ble, contlLining all tbe the •• parh. a tweutieth part 273 Broadwo.y,cor.Chamber .. st..N.Y.

I at Atlanta, September 12th, descnb· nece1!sary for the proper delivery and lerinuly diseased!' The Liver· GOO. E. JABVIS, Agent. ing the rebel defences of tha~ city, as payment of the order. After the or. IIhipt! are peculiarly' Iffiibted NAViGATION AND

L 0 CAL A. G E N TI3 ),0& ,.a'


~ )fa .. YOaE.


Adams-Ot. C, D. PoUn Alftt!d-Uhatlf. !? Liio.';'o,tlll A.LIi'ed \lenlv-_II:.II HJrWO' II. V. B.iI. BrooldlelC1-1hoh .... iSIWtiI.:.. I18tlin-J .Uyron Whitford • Ceres-WID. ft.. AlltXI<ID. , • D,Uurter-Banl>/J U .i!lUlllnab. Pers".-lIelo8 (). Burdick. (lene.ee .... )J. H. Crandall. Indel18ndenoe"",,,obn 1'. LluWnoYe. LeQll.Ud8vllle-rjlBIL •• "'6&t. ~ NJl6-Ezeklel ~. CJ",!!; •• port'lIIe~Albett B .Crand'all.· poland-Abellltillmlln. Petersburg-HamUliOn Clarke. &iahltUrllb ..... Ohll' •• Cotthlll. Slate Brl<ip-'-.lOll8ph Wed. Stepbentowll-JQ8buII1I.lll1noll. Sank.elt '8 Bar bot-EllailJ'rlnk. 8eot~1l1ron L. Bllllbe~, South BrookJ1eld-lI."mall A. 'BIIII. VeroQ&-JJbe"rt ,B .. bco~k. ' W •• c'(Jen .. cJII....J:JIMM l.' liIKUon Wlluon ..... D. f, WUUllm.. • We8tEdme8t~n-Ephralm.".0I1.

eOJlllBtrnctt. MY.Uo 1Iridle-8. fI.OY:l ..... ld. W atetford-Oliver Itllllon,

RIIODI 1810,&111>. 1st Bopklnton'­Book'l'iUe-wbbeul)(. CoUr.lI.

"." 'nun . N ... KlLrket-Taooba. tlll'll"otlb. Plainlleld-JlILlIC Il, Dunn., Shiloh-Walt ar B. Gilletle. Jla~lbclro....J. C. Bel1,lIlI,

~~::~~~i:=~~~:::~~~~~~1:~3:~ ~:ft~~~~lfolloWS : der is once paid, by whomsoever pre- tbis-diselUle. COMPANY, for t~::fpif~:~~::j;~,~:~i: the Pust Ollice Department A eolOilel of OM1lf tbe regiments p:~~[~~~NglE~W;. LONDON, , I ( iii will not be liable for ita payment attached to the army of the Pot~ ~'l~~~~~~N~~~ NEWPORT,

TiMl order is negotiable, was (eCentiy complaining at ~

l'1Il1ll1ttL'I':Utt ... I

Dunda lJ-D. U:KlliltOb:' \ CroalinavIU._Jen .lIte)~. Hebrou-Geo. W. S 1I1111LD.


fire oilf oor il~i~~~~,~~1 !t~J~tttwl.enec,: of which wall .evEiry1~Ji/!te': ~ 1'~~~~::~:~;I'~: .een, ii WIIS not BO

aoo,n.. p I coyer. Some of' the inblabhtll1tll brongbt oo.t tobacco and to the aoldiera, as . i. ' , e'idenUy. Their, f.w hpJlr. :before work

only, and \liat by; indoraement party, tha.t· !from the llI:[tcH a PI!l'BOA partiCIJiar,iy nao:ied; rance and inattention of the offiCers;

and all orders are required to be pre- he wae obliged to do the whble d o!~i;~~~~w,~~rJ'~~;'6~.ILI~u~~a:J :If:it,I!~~: san ted within from their of the regiment.; Said" he: .. I ner

The SUID fOT which an my own . major, DlY 01l'n cal~tai.rr,;m:~.· SIIIONS, Aa;ent. will js one dollar, ud own lieutenant, New York, Nev. 2,186ff. ,

dollarB. No Qr- and"-" Your own SAPETY, AND ,OOM,FORT; for any a lad, present.. , it is announced Tbe petroleum produced in the j,:wQ&co~rr.!ll~,

tb:~~f;~~I~~,~·".r.-.· the .,..tem will go into State ,of, PeDD8ylVADia was sold at I;.'~·'~~~.r .. ':' I. in New York on the 16th the wau. f(lt t56,OIKl,OOO during the

npuu.~lltlki',to\l<et. lallt twel .. e'lIlollths. and the iron and ._ f coal of Pennsylvania I!r~ldui~IHJir'Y'<ifB:O~~OO'l!r&1lLdiiIT~''oP coUt .. 0 151000 00&1 111:tr~~:~e!~lt~

daily- ;8~tl\t' ofp

till! ,~~:~:::~b~oard are over

Lost Creek-Wm.l!:M.:'~" Ne .. Jlllloll..-J.J'. Pl.:' ,


Jaokao/l C.ntu....J.oo/lll.iB .. ".ot.\ . :wI.OOllllX.' t .... ~ ~~

• Mblpnw. Jl. Wood, JOIL\lulL Cla1!k .. lkIrlln..:.natu81,E. Leivls. DSkOtt--OscllLr nt.\illlldk •• Ed&6jtOJ;l .... J~ c. "'aere.' MUton..:...J OB"fh OeodJ!ob., I Utlc!,-:-Zurt~ e&)/JP'pll~, Weat1lliItQn.i-.laidJ.., PWoel' Wall'4rth-;-Bl1Ii'fll 'if .'IIjlIl'olph,


80utb&mpton-Truman 8a'!-ilder.,

.') of NoleQm I~~;~~~:!~~!~~·~~~!h!

abont 1501 ~~7::::~·~~··~1 ~~~~l~~~~f.!~!f:7: ~'''W''!''01:'' abOut 80. iF, ii!;

