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1 Yulia and Valodia Buriy, concert Friday, June 13.

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1 Yulia and Valodia Buriy, concer Friday, June 13
Page 1: 1 Yulia and Valodia Buriy, concert Friday, June 13.


Yulia and Valodia Buriy, concert Friday, June 13

Page 2: 1 Yulia and Valodia Buriy, concert Friday, June 13.


Page 3: 1 Yulia and Valodia Buriy, concert Friday, June 13.


Tentative:Camp Timber Lakes, WilliamsburgKS Prayer and Fasting Retreat, Sat., June 14 – Sunday June 14

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Page 5: 1 Yulia and Valodia Buriy, concert Friday, June 13.


Page 6: 1 Yulia and Valodia Buriy, concert Friday, June 13.


Page 7: 1 Yulia and Valodia Buriy, concert Friday, June 13.


$200 facilities rental$9/night tenting$89/ night motelMany alternatives between$8/ night usage fee

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Page 10: 1 Yulia and Valodia Buriy, concert Friday, June 13.


Page 11: 1 Yulia and Valodia Buriy, concert Friday, June 13.


Page 12: 1 Yulia and Valodia Buriy, concert Friday, June 13.


Vayikra ק�ר�א�� י ו

21.10-12 )Leviticus( )from(Emor )Speak(ר�מ א

Vayikra ק�ר�א�� י ו

)Leviticus( 21.10-12)from( Emor )Speak(ר�מ א

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Vayikra )Leviticus( 21.10aVayikra )Leviticus( 21.10a

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Vayikra )Leviticus( 21.10bVayikra )Leviticus( 21.10b

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Page 16: 1 Yulia and Valodia Buriy, concert Friday, June 13.


Vayikra (Leviticus) 21.10b

,6 96חו =ג;ל =ר@אשBCם ל@א י 6פGר;עו B6סו@ם ל@א ו 6; כ 96חו =שC;ל י6 אGת-רBאש9CיהGם יכ=ס=מו

 Yekhez/Ezek 44.20 They are not to shave their heads or let their hair grow long, but must keep their hair carefully trimmed.

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Vayikra (Leviticus) 21.10b

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2 Shmuel 3.31 But David said to Yo'av and all those with him, "Tear your clothes, put on sackcloth, and mourn over Avner. 2 K 5.8 But when Elisha the man of God heard that the king of Isra'el had torn his clothes, he sent a message to the king: "Why did you tear your clothes? Just have him come to me, and he will know that there is a prophet in Isra'el."  despair

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Ber 37.34  Ya'akov tore his clothes and, putting sackcloth around his waist, mourned his son for many days. 

The Cohen HaGadol, High Priest, who lives in the immediate presence of G-d, clothed in the garments of praise, is NOT to despair.

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Vayikra )Leviticus( 21.11Vayikra )Leviticus( 21.11

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Vayikra )Leviticus( 21.12Vayikra )Leviticus( 21.12

B =י יADONI.

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� �הו Mattityahu מת��ת�י

26.62-66 )Matthew(

� �הו Mattityahu מת��ת�י

)Matthew( 26.62-66

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Page 24: 1 Yulia and Valodia Buriy, concert Friday, June 13.



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Page 26: 1 Yulia and Valodia Buriy, concert Friday, June 13.


Possibly the Interrogation room

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Page 28: 1 Yulia and Valodia Buriy, concert Friday, June 13.


Matityahu/Mt 26.59-61 The head cohanim and the whole Sanhedrin looked for some false evidence against Yeshua, so that they might put him to death. But they didn't find any, even though many liars came forward to give testimony. At last, however, two people came forward and said, "This man said, `I can tear down God's Temple and build it again in three days.'"

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Mattityahu (Matthew) 26.62

•�ש��אל 62 ��דו�ל ו ה�ן הג �� ק�ם הכ

��ב�ר ד � מ�ש��יב �ך או�תו�: "א�ינמ�ע�יד�ים � ה ש�� א�ל מה על

"?� ��ך �ד נ גThe cohen hagadol stood up and said, "Have you nothing to say to the accusation these men are making?"

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Mattityahu (Matthew) 26.63•א�מר 63 ש��תק. �ע �ש�ו י �ל�ם או

�י "א#נ �דו�ל: הג ה�ן �� הכ א�ל�יו ��אל�ה�ים ב � או�ת�ך ��יע מש��ב� א�ם את��ה ��ים ש� ת��אמר ל�נו חי

� ן-ה�א ל�ה�ים?" המ��ש��יח בYeshua remained silent. The cohen hagadol said to him, "I put you under oath! By the living God, tell us if you are the Mashiakh, the Son of God!"

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Mattityahu )Matthew( 26.64•"את��ה 64 �ע: �ש�ו י לו� ה�ש��יב

ל�כ ם, �י א#נ או�מ�ר � אך ת��, א�מר�� ן-ה�א�ד�םמ�עת��ה ב א ת � או ת��ר�

ע�ם �ב�א ו ה �ר� ��בו הג ל�ימ�ין יו�ש��ב �י הש���מים." �נ ענ

Yeshua said to him, "The words are your own. But I tell you that one day you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of HaG'vurah and coming on the clouds of heaven."

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Daniel BoyarinDaniel Boyarin

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Daniel 7.13-14 "I kept watching the night visions, when I saw, coming with the clouds of heaven, someone like a son of man. He approached the Ancient One and was led into his presence. To him was given rulership, glory and a kingdom, so that all peoples, nations and languages should serve him. His rulership is an eternal rulership that will not pass away; and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.

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The Jewish Gospels, ch 2.Divine Messiah interpretation of Daniel 7 is in other ancient Jewish literature•Parables / Similitudes of Enoch•Fourth Ezra apocalypse

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Mattityahu )Matthew( 26.64•"את��ה 64 �ע: �ש�ו י לו� ה�ש��יב

ל�כ ם, �י א#נ או�מ�ר � אך ת��, א�מר�� ן-ה�א�ד�ם ב א ת � או ת��ר� מ�עת��ה

ה �ר� ��בו הג ל�ימ�ין ע�ם יו�ש��ב �ב�א ו �י הש���מים." �נ ענ

Yeshua said to him, "The words are your own. But I tell you that one day you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of HaG'vurah and coming on the clouds of heaven."

Page 36: 1 Yulia and Valodia Buriy, concert Friday, June 13.


Tehillim/Ps 110.1-2 A psalm of David: ADONI says to my Lord, "Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool."  ADONI will send your powerful scepter out from Tziyon, so that you will rule over your enemies around you.

Who is saying this?Who is this said to?

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Mattityahu )Matthew( 26.64•

"את��ה 64 �ע: �ש�ו י לו� ה�ש��יב ל�כ ם, �י א#נ או�מ�ר � אך ת��, א�מר�� ן-ה�א�ד�ם ב א ת � או ת��ר� מ�עת��ה

ה �ר� ��בו הג ל�ימ�ין ע�ם יו�ש��ב �ב�א ו�י הש���מים �נ ."ענ

Yeshua said to him, "The words are your own. But I tell you that one day you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of HaG'vurah and coming on the clouds of heaven."

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Daniel 7.13-14 "I kept watching the night visions, when I saw, coming with the clouds of heaven, someone like a son of man.Tehilim/Ps 18.9-10 He lowered heaven and came down with thick darkness under his feet. He rode on a keruv; he flew, swooping down on the wings of the wind.

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Mattityahu (Matthew) 26.65•

��דו�ל 65 הג ה�ן �� הכ ע ק�ר ��ד מ�י��ף ד "מ�ג �א�מר: ו �ד�יו ��ג ב א ת � ך צ�ר עו�ד � ��נו ל מה �א. הו��ע�ת כ ��ה ה�נ ��ע�ד�ים? ב

�ף. �ו ��ד ש��מע�ת� ם א ת הגAt this, the cohen hagadol tore his robes. "Blasphemy!" he said. "Why do we still need witnesses? You heard him blaspheme!

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Vayikra (Leviticus) 21.10b

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Mattityahu (Matthew) 26.66

• 66 :� ה�ש��יבו �ע�ת��כ ם?" ד מה

�א." � ן-מ�ו ת הו "ב

What is your verdict?" "Guilty," they answered. "He deserves death!"

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Yeshayahu/Is 53 He was wounded because of our crimes, crushed because of our sins; the disciplining that makes us whole fell on him, and by his bruises we are healed. We all, like sheep, went astray; we turned, each one, to his own way; yet ADONI laid on him the guilt of all of us.

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Yeshayahu/Is 53 Though mistreated, he was submissive - he did not open his mouth. Like a lamb led to be slaughtered, like a sheep silent before its shearers, he did not open his mouth.

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