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10 Reasons Explaining Why One Should Choose Parse Over Cloudkit

Date post: 19-Feb-2017
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10 Reasons Why To Prefer

Parse Over Cloudkit

It’s Universally Known

CloudKit and Parse framework provides data transfer API to move the data from iOS devices to iCloud

But, there are some people who opt for

CloudKit as opposed to Parse

Why?Is cloudkit not worth its


Explore the reasons that will showcase where

CloudKit falls behind in and Parse excels

The DashboardA recent trend in design, especially user interface design, is to streamline and streamline until there's nothing but the bare essentials, or even less, in CloudKit's case. The Dashboard is incredibly limited compared to Parse's.

AnalyticsThere is a common saying, you simply cannot compete in this age without knowing analytics, even if you have deep technical expertise.

With Parse, you get support for data-based analytics, allowing you to monitor all the numbers you need to track.

Easy Importing & ExportingWith Parse, it's easy to back your data up in JSON to make sure that

it's there for you when you need it, and it's just as easy to import it back in. This makes it very easy to transfer data if you get a new phone, laptop or other device.

If you make sure to back up every night, or just right before you make the switch, you can pick up where you left off without skipping a beat.

Background TasksYou don't get Background Task with CloudKit. You do with Parse. This makes it very easy to automate and streamline your process in development, analytics and design.

Cross-Platform CompatibilityWith Parse, you can work on OS, iOS, Windows and Windows Phone, and Android. If you don't have an Apple product, you can't use CloudKit. This can create serious problems if you're working with a team and you'd like for everyone to be on the same page.

HostingYou can create a website and grab a domain name right from inside of the Parse app. But, with CloudKit, you'll need to find your own web host and then figure out how you're going to get your work from the app onto that site.

Also, with Parse, it's easy to import and export to and from website and publish web content directly from the app. CloudKit, not so much.

Rest APIREST API allows you to access third-party libraries in order to receive and transfer data. Parse offers REST API support, where CloudKit does not. Simply, accessibility is key in all aspects of Parse's design, and REST API is a big part of that accessibility.

Social Network SupportThis is the age of social media. Parse lets users log in through Twitter, Facebook and other social networks, and then it stores their data in a Users table. CloudKit is a little archaic in this regard, as it does have a Users table, but there's no built-in function to collect data when users log in through their social networks.

Server Side LogicParse uses CloudCode, allowing developers to implement tasks on the server. Calculating data or accessing a library is very easy with CloudCode. CloudKit has nothing like this.

Support for Local StorageParse offers support for local storage and enables you to store locally anything that you need to. There's no feature in CloudKit that let anyone choose whether to store data locally or in the cloud.

Deploy the application leveraging the framework that you prefer

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