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10 Reasons you need to Monitor Social Media

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Ten Reasons YOU Need to Monitor Social Media….
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Ten Reasons YOU Need to Monitor Social Media….

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The marketing game has changed

Fundamental shift from TRADITIONAL media to DIGITAL media

59% of marketers decreasing traditional advertising budgets

63% increasing interactive and digital marketing budgets

66% plan to market through social media channels this year

70% of worldwide Internet users get product information online


38 years


18 years


4 years


4 years

4 months!

Years to reach 50 Million users:

Sources: Alterian Annual Survey 2009, O’Dwyer’s PR magazine, Apr. ‘10 issue

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The marketing game has changed – but Just How Big is Social Media ?

Facebook added 200 million users in just one year

Twitter currently has over 115 million registered users, growing at 300,000 / day

160,000 Arabic blogs running on Arab social media site Jeeran

17 million Facebook users in MENA region

There are more Facebook users than newspaper readers in MENA region

Arabic is the fastest growing language on Facebook

Sources: Alterian Annual Survey 2009, O’Dwyer’s PR magazine, Apr. ‘10 issue

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Tens of millions of “conversations” happen daily across the Internet on social media platforms

“Social media will see the steepest growth of any channel over the next 5 years”

Forrester Research

How can you make sense of it all? Social Media Monitoring

Determining marketing effectiveness and ROI is no longer about measuring the number of

impressions or mentions

Marketing effectiveness is about how well your company establishes relationships with customers

Social media monitoring enables you to measure and analyze consumer engagement and

sentiment, as well as your company’s reach, influence and reputation

Brand Mentions

Al Islami Foods 346

McDonalds 1,602

KFC 213

Emirates Bank 352

Emaar 215

Zain 1,066

Emirates Airlines 218

MENA region user Mentions on 20/09/2010

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Consumers are talking about you and your competition every day – whether you know it or not

Social media monitoring enables you to “listen in to the conversations” and gain valuable

insights about how the market views you and your competition


• SocialEyez recently researched & analyzed consumer sentiment and perception of a leading

UAE bank including analysis of 2,400 comments over 2 months.

10 Reasons YOU Need to MonitorSocial Media…

Find out what the world thinks about you, your competitors & your industry1





SocialEyez Marketing Agency X

Cost66% lower cost

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Needed to better understand banking sector in Malaysia before expanding their network

Used social media monitoring to listen to 2 million conversations on blogs, discussion forums and

social networks and gain a better understand of consumer banking needs

Performed quantitative and qualitative analysis of the focus, volume, and sentiment of online



Identified 6 key issues Malaysian banking industry was lacking from a consumer perspective

Structured its marketing campaigns based on “consumer desire”

Understood competitor strong & week points from a consumer perspective

Cancelled a product offering that would have potentially cost millions but had

little demand

Source: BNSPulse Report, 1Q 2010 Edition

10 Reasons YOU Need to MonitorSocial Media…

Find out what the world thinks about you, your competitors & your industry1

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Identify conversations about your products or market, increasing sales opportunities

Bring all relevant conversations to you, improving your ability to build your brand with potential customers

Engage and influence newly-discovered sales leads early in the sales cycle before your competition gets there

Gain insight into product use and acceptance to develop new campaigns and incentives targeting new market segments

10 Reasons YOU Need to MonitorSocial Media…

Develop qualified leads by engaging consumers2

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10 Reasons YOU Need to MonitorSocial Media…

Develop qualified leads by engaging consumers2


After launching in 1500 Target stores, organic tea maker Steaz Teas’ ad agency Chemistry based a marketing campaign in part on social media and data gathered by SM monitoring sites. Key elements included:

PPC Search used to drive consumers to the coupon page

Facebook ads increased Steaz’s fan base

A 68,000-person e-mail list received two offers, so online coupons were pushed

Minimal marketing budget used social media monitoring sites to track consumer reactions and tailor campaign for maximum efficiency


50,000 coupon-downloads

20% redeemed coupons

6,000 social media mentions recorded

3,000 new fans joined Steaz’s Facebook page

Sales doubled in Dec. ‘09

Source: Talent Zoo, Inc. (talentzoo.com)

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Listening in on customer conversations in real-time enables immediate response to positive and

negative feedback

Monitoring customer sentiment helps identify areas for product or service improvement

Fast, proactive response to customer feedback improves customer satisfaction and boosts brand


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Monitor customer feedback more effectively3

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Example: Mashreq Bank’s recent engagement on Social media

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Customer satisfaction increases

Customers begin feeling that there is a 2 way relationship with their bank & their feedback is listened to

Before After

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Almost 60% of survey respondents use social media to “vent” about a customer care experience*

Monitoring provides insight into customer attitudes and experiences, enabling opportunities for product/service improvements

Social media monitoring provides opportunities to engage your customers in several ways to build your relationship:o Inform themo Thank themo Share information with themo Apologize to themo Redirect them

*Society for New Communications Research survey

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Improve customer relations by engaging them in their space4

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10 Reasons YOU Need to MonitorSocial Media…

Improve customer relations by engaging them in their space4


Lufthansa passenger posts negative comment about 3 hour flight delay in CDG airport, user has 2,400 followers on Twitter and is a C-level executive at a firm employing over 900

10% of followers re-tweet comment & negative viral effect begins, same passenger calls for co-workers to stop flying Lufthansa. Negative sentiment around brand increases by 33% in 48 hours

Lufthansa receives millions of passengers annually, many using social media to express opinions and experiences with Lufthansa–but airline is actively monitoring social media


Monitoring reveals who is leading the most relevant discussions, enabling targeted engagement Quantitative and qualitative data analysis enables Lufthansa to understand source of sudden

increased negativity Lufthansa engages passengers while showing proof flight delays were due to airport and were

beyond airline’s control Within 3 days, positive sentiment goes back up and negative goes back down

Source: Riverpoint Solutions Group LLC, dhs.com+ve-ve

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Listen in on employee blogs to gain unfiltered opinions about your company, products, and service

Social media monitoring often provides more accurate, honest data than surveys or interviews

Real-time data-gathering enables faster response to employee issues


54% of surveyed employees disclosed that they do not respond to internal HR surveys 100% honestly

10 Reasons YOU Need to MonitorSocial Media…

Find out what employees REALLY think about your company5

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Company wins Business Today award for “Best Employer”

Company employs 114,000 around the world


Staff read about the award and question its criteria, clearly showing dissatisfaction

Over 1,100 blog posts recorded all with negative sentiment towards company

Examples of posts “"you are asking us to work for 9.15 hours a day“

Through social media monitoring, company detects negative sentiment and starts by creating an

internal blog to allow staff to vent through, within a more “contained” environment

10 Reasons YOU Need to MonitorSocial Media…

Find out what employees REALLY think about your company5

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Traditional, easy-to-measure, narrow-channel advertising no longer effective

Consumers now control how and where they receive information across wide range of channels &


Social media monitoring enables numerous channels to be monitored & analyzed in real-time to

quickly determine what works and what does not

Highly targeted, effective, cost-efficient marketing now possible

10 Reasons YOU Need to MonitorSocial Media…

Gauge online AND offline marketing campaign effectiveness6

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High-end hotel chain launches offline marketing campaign for new hotel opening

Consumers react to marketing campaign showing excitement & anticipation for hotel opening

Consumers pose 1 key question about hotel Bar


Social media monitoring provided insight into customer sentiment and how they are reacting to

marketing campaign

Revealed what consumers are interested in and 1 key question 45% of conversations included

Hotel adjusted campaign to include pictures of the Bar in question

Consumers react positively and bar is fully booked for 12 consecutive days

10 Reasons YOU Need to MonitorSocial Media…

Immediately Measure effects of OFFLINE marketing campaigns ONLINE6

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Stay informed about your competitors’ marketing campaigns, blogs & new products and services

Effectively gauge competitors’ influence and acceptance in the marketplace

Gain insight into competitive strengths & weaknesses

Hear what your own customers are saying about your competitors

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Monitor your competition7

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Example: Automotive in Saudi Arabia

User posts a comment “I bought the Chrysler 300 last year but am very unhappy with its fuel

consumption so will trade it in for a Lexus – their cars will save me a lot – does anyone have



Lexus fans engage in conversation and convince the user to buy the Lexus RX

Chrysler loses a client to its competition - Lexus

Uncovered untapped opportunity to raise brand awareness and gain market share

10 Reasons YOU Need to MonitorSocial Media…

Monitor your competition7


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Social media are the ideal breeding ground for consumer trends

Online communities attract people with similar interests and influences

Major social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn encourage groups to exchange ideas

The average Facebook user is connected to 60 pages, groups, and events, enabling the rapid spread of ideas and trends

Social Media monitoring can identify trends as they emerge from online communities and influential websites

10 Reasons YOU Need to MonitorSocial Media…

Spot consumer trends as they happen8

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Security software developer BitDefender needed to monitor the social media landscape to spot developing trends in online security issues.

Online gaming is one of BitDefender’s major markets Social media monitoring revealed growing trend of game account hacking to steal personal

information Conversation analysis showed large percentage of gamers misunderstood game account security


BitDefender started monitoring specific forums and websites for conversations about anti-virus software

Identified relevant individuals to engage with product and solution information Built trust within gaming community, creating additional sales opportunities

10 Reasons YOU Need to MonitorSocial Media…

Spot consumer trends as they happen8

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Companies no longer have complete control over their brand identity

Consumers now control the content and timing of conversations about your products and services

Social media monitoring enables you to engage consumers when and where they are talking about you and help you steer the conversation

Qualitative analysis helps provide insight into positive and negative consumer sentiment, enabling you to take quicker, more effective action

10 Reasons YOU Need to MonitorSocial Media…

Protect your brand and reputation9

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Air carrier JetBlue flight attendant creates public sensation by losing his temper and abandoning his aircraft, sliding down an emergency slide at the terminal.

JetBlue faces potential nightmare Social media monitoring reveals 460% spike in social media conversations Media sentiment analysis shows mostly neutral conversations, but negative on the rise


JetBlue refrains from immediate response because public opinion was neutral to positive but as negative increased reaction was needed

Finally issued a 140-word statement Published it only on their blog to guarantee wide distribution PR crisis averted

Source: SocialTimes.com, “4 Reasons JetBlue Nailed Their Social Media Response to Crazy Flight Attendant”, Aug. 19, 2010

10 Reasons YOU Need to MonitorSocial Media…

Protect your brand and reputation9

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Traditional influencers – entertainment and sports celebrities

Social media influencers – anyone passionate about a topic or product, often bloggers

Blog readership has grown 300% in the past several years*

Currently over 35,000 active Arabic blogs

Blogs have evolved from “personal scrapbooks” to influential public opinion makers

Social media monitoring enables you to find and engage influential bloggers, websites, and forums

talking about your company, products, and industry

*BuzzLogic study

10 Reasons YOU Need to MonitorSocial Media…

Influence the Influencers10

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Example: Multinational FMCG

•Rumors begin around a certain food product sold in Egypt, being made from Pig fat

•Thousands of conversations start around the topic with calls to boycott the brand

•Over 6,000 discussions begin in 24 hours with 67% negative towards the brand


•Company is monitoring social media and detects rise in buzz volume

•Company contacts key Egyptian religious influencer with thousands of Twitter followers & Facebook

fans and presents truth to gain his support

•Within 48 hours discussion volume drops to normal levels and positive sentiment exceeds negative

10 Reasons YOU Need to MonitorSocial Media…

Influence the Influencers10


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Localized sources are key – yes Facebook & Twitter are huge globally, but the regional

sources often more important

Case: QZone in China has 300 million users!

Arabic Example:

Multi-lingual Social Media Monitoring & Analysis Service

The world’s first true Arabic social media monitoring platform

Native-speaking Arabic language experts

Providing unparalleled insight into the MENA region, with

analysts on the ground in 5 countries – understanding the local


Headquartered in Dubai, UAE

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Fact: If you did nothing but read Tweets throughout the entire work day, it would

take you over 3,000 years to get through what’s available today

Social Eyez provides:

Comprehensive insight into public opinion about your brand, market & competition

Customized, comprehensive search support for optimal results

Expert analysis unmatched by any competitor

o Native English-, French-, and Arabic-speaking social media experts

o Local and regional insight, expertise, and understanding

o In-depth knowledge of important regional social media

On-the-ground local language experts who understand regional dialects, slang terms,

and colloquialisms

Proactive account management

o Actively monitor both Arabic and non-Arabic social media

o Comprehensive, customized reports

o In-depth qualitative and quantitative analysis

o Social media alerts

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Thank You
