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10 Steps to Becoming a Keynote Speaker

Date post: 22-Jan-2018
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If you’re looking to become an experienced public speaker with keynote speech invites coming in your inbox every week, you’ve come to the right place.

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Perfect for entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, managers and any person who has to give a public speech or presentation, this guide will help you create an effective action plan to building your personal brand and mastering the art of public speaking.

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Start by being the best at what you do

“Work hard at your job and you can make a living. Work hard on yourself and you can make a fortune.”

 — Jim Rohn

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Keynote speeches are not handed out lightly. Event organizers have the tough job of finding the best people to speak but also the best people to teach.

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To be invited to hold a keynote speech at a conference, you need to be recognized as an industry leader in your community or niche.

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To be able to convey your expertise and your knowledge, you need to be an experienced speaker. That means attending many industry events, as a participant and, with time, as a speaker.

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With every speaking engagement, you make yourself known and also gain experience in interacting with an audience and conveying a clear message.

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Keynote speeches are 10 levels up from a regular speaking engagement. Attendees often pay upwards of $1,000 or more to hear from seasoned experts, which makes event organizers particularly picky about who they want to invite as a speaker.

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Aside from being a notorious industry professional and a good public speaker, a keynote speaker also has to be able to transfer some of their knowledge, in order to make that conference fee worth it for participants.

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Practical tips to help you get started

Publish articles in industry magazines

Start a blog

Get involved on Social Media


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Attend events

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You need to walk before you can run. An overnight expert is not credible. But people will trust you more after seeing you at 5 different events.

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Start locally by researching events, conferences and networking opportunities in your industry.

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National and international events will have a big impact on your development so make sure you try at least one or two.

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Use these events to connect with like-minded people but also to become better at what you do since this will be the base of a successful public speaking career.

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In a nutshell

Attend 3-5 local/national events in your niche

Attend an international event to get a sense of the Big league

Use these events to be better and do better

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Start speaking

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The scary part is here. The sooner you start, the faster you’ll improve. Don’t say no to speaking opportunities even if they aren’t the best events available or the most desired conferences.

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Every speaking engagement counts, it will give you a chance to learn essential body language, audience management and presentation skills.

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Try joining Toastmasters or other public speaking organizations where you can deliver short talks and improve your public speaking skills.

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Identify your weak points and work on improving them, one at a time. Ali Soheil recommends watching TED Talks of great presentations.

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Practical tips

If you’ve never done it before, start by reading a newspaper or magazine

to your family members.

Sign-up with organizations like Toastmasters, which promote the development of skills like public speaking and communication.

Participate in Startup Weekends, business conferences or other entrepreneurial events which

focus on sales, public speaking and communicating ideas.

If you're working on amazing projects, be on the lookout for competitions or conferences

where you can showcase them

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Get feedback

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Download the full guide here: http://bit.ly/2gZu00G

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