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10 TEACHER’S GUIDE Luciano Pavarotti

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Number of Words: 1776 LESSON 10 TEACHER’S GUIDE Luciano Pavarotti by Stephanie Sigue Fountas-Pinnell Level S Biography Selection Summary Luciano Pavarotti was one of the most celebrated opera singers in the world. He was legendary for his talent, his presence, and his good works. Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner unless such copying is expressly permitted by federal copyright law. Permission is hereby granted to individual teachers using the corresponding (discipline) Leveled Readers to photocopy student worksheets from this publication in classroom quantities for instructional use and not for resale. Requests for information on other matters regarding duplication of this work should be addressed to Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, Attn: Contracts, Copyrights, and Licensing, 9400 SouthPark Center Loop, Orlando, Florida 32819. Printed in the U.S.A. 978-0-547-32261-2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0940 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 If you have received these materials as examination copies free of charge, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company retains title to the materials and they may not be resold. Resale of examination copies is strictly prohibited. Possession of this publication in print format does not entitle users to convert this publication, or any portion of it, into electronic format. Characteristics of the Text Genre • Biography Text Structure • Third-person narrative organized into eight chapters • Photographs help reader visualize the information Content • Life and career of Luciano Pavarotti • Opera as theatrical performance including singers, costumes, and sets • Notable composers in the opera world Themes and Ideas • A special person can touch the lives of many. • Luciano Pavarotti’s talent drew a new generation of opera lovers. • A singer like Pavarotti is very rare. Language and Literary Features • Factual information Sentence Complexity • A mix of short and complex sentences; multiple items in series • Dashes and exclamations Vocabulary • Musical terms, some of which may be unfamiliar: libreto, partitura, soprano, tenor Names of composers and operas: Mozart, Las bodas de Fígaro, Don Giovanni Words • Multisyllable words such as desanimaron, internacional, extraordinarios • Names with accents: La Bohème Illustrations • Photographs • Captions for pictures Book and Print Features • Eleven pages of text with photographs on most pages • Table of contents and chapter headings • Sidebar on composers Verdi and Puccini © 2006. Fountas, I.C. & Pinnell, G.S. Teaching for Comprehending and Fluency, Heinemann, Portsmouth, N.H.

Number of Words: 1776

L E S S O N 1 0 T E A C H E R ’ S G U I D E

Luciano Pavarottiby Stephanie Sigue

Fountas-Pinnell Level SBiographySelection SummaryLuciano Pavarotti was one of the most celebrated opera singers in the world. He was legendary for his talent, his presence, and his good works.

Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner unless such copying is expressly permitted by federal copyright law. Permission is hereby granted to individual teachers using the corresponding (discipline) Leveled Readers to photocopy student worksheets from this publication in classroom quantities for instructional use and not for resale. Requests for information on other matters regarding duplication of this work should be addressed to Houghton Miffl in Harcourt Publishing Company, Attn: Contracts, Copyrights, and Licensing, 9400 SouthPark Center Loop, Orlando, Florida 32819. Printed in the U.S.A. 978-0-547-32261-2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0940 15 14 13 12 11 10 09

If you have received these materials as examination copies free of charge, Houghton Miffl in Harcourt Publishing Company retains title to the materials and they may not be resold. Resale of examination copies is strictly prohibited.

Possession of this publication in print format does not entitle users to convert this publication, or any portion of it, into electronic format.

Characteristics of the Text Genre • Biography

Text Structure • Third-person narrative organized into eight chapters• Photographs help reader visualize the information

Content • Life and career of Luciano Pavarotti• Opera as theatrical performance including singers, costumes, and sets• Notable composers in the opera world

Themes and Ideas • A special person can touch the lives of many. • Luciano Pavarotti’s talent drew a new generation of opera lovers.• A singer like Pavarotti is very rare.

Language and Literary Features

• Factual information

Sentence Complexity • A mix of short and complex sentences; multiple items in series• Dashes and exclamations

Vocabulary • Musical terms, some of which may be unfamiliar: libreto, partitura, soprano, tenor• Names of composers and operas: Mozart, Las bodas de Fígaro, Don Giovanni

Words • Multisyllable words such as desanimaron, internacional, extraordinarios• Names with accents: La Bohème

Illustrations • Photographs• Captions for pictures

Book and Print Features • Eleven pages of text with photographs on most pages• Table of contents and chapter headings • Sidebar on composers Verdi and Puccini

© 2006. Fountas, I.C. & Pinnell, G.S. Teaching for Comprehending and Fluency, Heinemann, Portsmouth, N.H.

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Expand Your Vocabulary

aria – en una ópera, pieza vocal para una sola persona con acompañamiento instrumental, p. 7

libreto – el texto de una obra musical dramática, p. 6

partitura – la forma escrita de una composición musical para la orquesta o los cantantes, p. 6

tenor – la voz más aguda entre los hombres adultos, p. 7

Luciano Pavarotti by Stephanie Sigue

Build BackgroundHelp students use their knowledge of music to build interest. Ask questions such as the following: ¿Alguna vez vieron o escucharon una ópera? Si lo hicieron, expliquen en qué se diferencia de otros tipos de música. Read the title and author and talk about the photograph on the cover. Note the chapter heads. Tell students that this is a biography about Luciano Pavarotti, who was an important opera singer. Ask them what kinds of information they would expect to fi nd in the biography of an opera singer.

Introduce the TextGuide students through the text, noting important ideas, and helping with unfamiliar language and vocabulary so they can read the text successfully. Here are some suggestions:

Page 4: Have students look at page 4 of this book. Point out the place names that may be unfamiliar—Hyde Park, Madison Square Garden, el Hollywood Bowl—and explain that these are large theaters or performance spaces. Suggested language: El texto dice que la fama de Pavarotti “cruzó todas las fronteras”. ¿Qué creen que signifi ca esa expresión?

Page 5: Direct students to the term papel característico, at the bottom of page 5. Explain that the term refers to a singer becoming closely associated with a particular character in a famous opera. People think of the singer and immediately think of the character, or vice versa.

Page 8: Read the fi rst two sentences on this page aloud. Explain that a tenor voice is a relatively high male voice. Ask: ¿Qué creen que signifi ca la expresión “voz de oro”?

Ahora, vuelvan al comienzo y averigüen cómo fue que Luciano Pavarotti se convirtió en una estrella internacional tan importante.

2 Lesson 10: Luciano PavarottiGrade 4© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

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ReadHave students read silently while you listen to individual students read aloud. Support their understanding of the text as needed.

Remind students to use the Analyze/Evaluate Strategy and to use the details in the text to analyze or evaluate the information provided.

Discuss and Revisit the TextPersonal ResponseInvite students to share their personal responses to the book. Suggested language: ¿Por qué creen que Pavarotti fue capaz de lograr tantas cosas en su vida?

Ways of ThinkingAs you discuss the text, help students understand these points:

Thinking Within the Text Thinking Beyond the Text Thinking About the Text

• Luciano Pavarotti won many opera awards around the world.

• Pavarotti sang every important tenor role.

• He raised money to help refugees.

• People can achieve their dreams through hard work and dedication.

• People can use their good fortune to help others.

• Special talents do not come along very often.

• The photographs help the reader visualize the people and places in the book.

• The author includes details to clarify information.

• The chapter heads organize the text in a logical, sequential manner.

© 2006. Fountas, I.C. & Pinnell, G.S. Teaching for Comprehending and Fluency, Heinemann, Portsmouth, N.H.

Choices for Further Support• Fluency Invite students to read the section “Pavarotti y sus amigos” beginning on

page 12, as a reader’s theater. Remind them to pay attention to phrasing, and to use punctuation, especially commas and quotation marks, to guide their phrasing.

• Comprehension Based on your observations of the students’ reading and discussion, revisit parts of the text to clarify or extend comprehension. Remind students to go back to the text to support their ideas.

• Phonics/Word Work Provide practice as needed with words and word parts, using examples from the text. Provide help as needed with pronunciation of English names Hyde Park (p. 4), Madame Butterfl y (p. 7), and Joan Sutherland (p. 9).

3 Lesson 10: Luciano PavarottiGrade 4© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

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Writing about ReadingCritical ThinkingHave students complete the Razonamiento crítico questions on Hoja reproducible 10.8.

RespondingHave students complete the activities at the back of the book, using their Cuaderno del lector. Use the instruction below as needed to reinforce or extend understanding of the comprehension skill.

Target Comprehension SkillAuthor’s Purpose

Target Comprehension Skill Remind students that the author’s purpose is the reason

for writing the book. Model how to add details to the Graphic Organizer, using a “Think Aloud” like the one below:

Think Aloud

El objetivo de la autora es demostrar que Pavarotti fue un gran cantante. Esto queda claro con muchos de los detalles en el texto. En la página 9, dice que Pavarotti alcanzó nueve “do de pecho” mientras cantaba un aria en el teatro Metropolitan Opera de Nueva York. Anoten este dato en una de las casillas que dicen “Detalle del texto”.

Practice the SkillEncourage students to identify other details in the text that help them decide on the author’s purpose(s). For example, how do you know that Pavarotti had a big heart and wanted to help people?

Writing Prompt: Thinking About the TextHave students write a response to the prompt on page 6. Remind them that when they think about the text, they refl ect back on the text. They should notice and evaluate language, genre, literary devices, and how the text is organized.

Assessment Prompts• The author organizes the selection by


• What is the meaning of libreto on page 6?

• The purpose of the section “Pavarotti and Friends” is to show that


4 Lesson 10: Luciano PavarottiGrade 4© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

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Razonamiento críticoLee y contesta las preguntas.

1. Piensa dentro del texto A Luciano Pavarotti le gustaba mucho

cantar. Musicalmente era muy talentoso. ¿Por qué trabajó como maestro

al principio?

2. Piensa dentro del texto ¿Qué hizo que Pavarotti fuera una leyenda?

3. Piensa más allá del texto ¿Te interesaría en escuchar la música de

Pavarotti? Explica por qué.

4. Piensa acerca del texto La autora describe en detalle tanto la ópera

como a Pavarotti. ¿Por qué crees que la autora hace esto?

Hacer conexiones Muchos de los conciertos de Pavarotti servían para recaudar fondos para las víctimas de la guerra. Describe a alguien que utiliza su talento para una buena causa.

Escribe tu respuesta en tu Cuaderno de lectura.


Luciano PavarottiRazonamiento crítico

Lección 10H O J A S R E P R O D U C I B L E S 1 0 . 8

Razonamiento crítico © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Grado 4, Unidad 2: ¿Entiendes lo que quiero decir?

Nombre Fecha

Una carrera en música era difícil. Sus papás querían que pudiese ganar

su� ciente dinero para mantenerse.

Pavarotti tenía una voz cálida y potente. Cantó en innumerables

conciertos y recibió muchos premios, pero también recaudó fondos para

la caridad y ayudó a desarrollar nuevos talentos.

Sí. Especialmente me gustaría escuchar el aria en la cual Pavarotti

alcanzó nueve “do de pecho”, ya que el autor dice que esto es algo


Porque Pavarotti era un cantante de ópera excepcional, y porque

muchos jóvenes no conocen bien la ópera; los dos temas son difíciles

de separar.

Respuestas posibles.

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Author’s Purpose Make a word web around the word beautiful. What words do you know that have the same meaning as beautiful? Copy this word web and add more words.

EscríbeloChoose a special place that you think is beautiful. Write one paragraphs describing the place. Include three of the words from the chart in your description.

1515 15

El texto y tú Escribe dos párrafos acerca de un artista o intérprete a quien admires. Describe a la persona y presenta detalles para persuadir a los lectores para que estén de acuerdo con tu opinión.

Responder Propósito de la autora

¿Cuál piensas que era el propósito de la autora al escribir el libro? ¿Qué detalles utiliza para apoyar su propósito? Copia y completa el siguiente cuadro.

Detalle del texto


Detalle del texto


Detalle del texto


PropósitoPersuadir a los lectores de que Pavarotti era un gran cantante y una gran persona.

¡A escribir!

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5Grade 4© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

Lesson 10: Luciano Pavarotti

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Nombre Fecha

Luciano PavarottiPensar en el texto

Piensa en las siguientes preguntas. Después, escribe tu respuesta en dos o tres párrafos.

Recuerda que cuando piensas en el texto, reflexionas sobre él. Prestas atención y evalúas cosas como el lenguaje, el género, los recursos literarios y cómo está organizado el texto.

Pavarotti no era como los demás cantantes de ópera. Su biografía afirma que Pavarotti era una “leyenda”. ¿La autora logró convencerte de que era Pavarotti una leyenda? ¿Por qué sí? ¿Por qué no? Fundamenta tu conclusión con detalles del texto y otros elementos, como fotografías, nombres de capítulos y gráficos.

Lesson 10: Luciano Pavarotti6© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

Grade 4

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Razonamiento críticoLee y contesta las preguntas.

1. Piensa dentro del texto A Luciano Pavarotti le gustaba mucho

cantar. Musicalmente era muy talentoso. ¿Por qué trabajó como maestro

al principio?

2. Piensa dentro del texto ¿Qué hizo que Pavarotti fuera una leyenda?

3. Piensa más allá del texto ¿Te interesaría en escuchar la música de

Pavarotti? Explica por qué.

4. Piensa acerca del texto La autora describe en detalle tanto la ópera

como a Pavarotti. ¿Por qué crees que la autora hace esto?

Hacer conexiones Muchos de los conciertos de Pavarotti servían para recaudar fondos para las víctimas de la guerra. Describe a alguien que utiliza su talento para una buena causa.

Escribe tu respuesta en tu Cuaderno de lectura.

Lesson 10: Luciano Pavarotti7© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

Grade 4

Luciano PavarottiRazonamiento crítico

Lección 10H O J A S R E P R O D U C I B L E S 1 0 . 8Nombre Fecha

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Estudiante Fecha Lección 10


Luciano Pavarotti • NIVEL S Luciano Pavarotti Registro de lectura


109Behavior Code Error

Read word correctly ✓lobo 0

Repeated word, sentence, or phrase



Omission lobo 1

Behavior Code Error

Substitution lodolobo 1

Self-corrects lodo sclobo 0

Insertion el

lobo 1

Word told Tlobo 1

page Selection Text Errors Self-Corrections



¿Quién fue esta persona? Fue uno de los cantantes de

ópera más famosos del mundo, y su fama cruzó todas las

fronteras. Su nombre es Luciano Pavarotti. Durante toda su

larga carrera, el talento de Pavarotti sobrepasó el de todos los

demás cantantes.

Luciano Pavarotti nació en Módena, Italia, en 1935. Su

padre, un panadero, era un cantante de ópera aficionado que

cantaba en el coro de la ciudad. El amor por la música y las

canciones lo acompañó desde pequeño, dado que la música

animaba la vida en su hogar. Sus padres no lo desanimaron.

Comments: Accuracy Rate (# words read

correctly/96 × 100)


Total Self-Corrections

Lesson 10: Luciano Pavarotti8© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

Grade 4

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