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10 things you should do right now!

Date post: 21-Aug-2015
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Drink WaterDrink water at each

meal, before during and after exercise.

Your body is nearly 70% water and it plays a role in transporting chemicals, provides a medium for reactions, regulates temperature and removes waste products.

Go without it and all body systems functions suffer to a degree

Thirst is like the gas gauge light…When it goes on things are getting serious.

Use tap water when you can… The price of bottled water is more than $6 dollars a gallon.

Water, water everywhere….The Earth needs water

to function properly just like our bodies.

The earth is 70% water like our bodies but only 3% is freshwater and only 1 % is drinkable.

If we want to keep our planet well… We must take care of our water.

Water in our everyday lives!One glass of water

shuts down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a University study.

Lack of water is a primary trigger of daytime fatigue.

Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain.

A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen.  

Drinking 5 glasses of water daily  decreases the risk of colon cancer ,breast cancer and bladder cancer.

Eat 4-6 Well Proportioned and Balanced Meals a Day

Choose fresh food when you can. As meals go, eat 2 or 3 meals a day, with 2-3 healthy snacks in between. A solid start to the day with a good breakfast, mid morning snack, moderate lunch, afternoon snack, balanced dinner and a fibrous evening snack

 Avoid the “Feast- Famine” cycle at all costs. Graze instead

BreakfastNever skip breakfast!!! Studies

reveal that people who skip breakfast (….the meal most often skipped) are more likely to take up smoking or drinking, are less likely to exercise, more likely to follow FAD diets or express concerns about body weight.

Breakfast eaters tend to consume less soda and French fries,  while consuming more fruits, vegetables, and milk!

Sleep on this tonight, Act tomorrow!!!

Sleep WellNearly 1/3 of your life

is spent doing it. It must be important!

  Sleep deprived people exercise less.

People with inadequate sleep tend to choose convenient junk foods.

Bad diet and poor sleep habits perpetuate each other.

ZZZZZZZZ’sSleep is cumulative; if you lose sleep one day, you feel

it the next. If you miss adequate sleep several days in a row, you build up a ‘sleep deficit’, which impairs reaction time, judgment, vision, information processing, short-term memory, performance, motivation, vigilance and patience.

Fatigued people also experience more moodiness, aggressive behaviors, burnout and more stress.

Going to bed, resting easy, well and deeply are a must for a healthy lifestyle Make it a ‘must’.

Tips for sleeping better: Low lighting before bed, keep a regular schedule, hide you clock if it tortures you, jot down all you worries and concerns, and be at peace!

Have a Life Garage Sale! When it comes to

emotional baggage, it is time to decide what is worth keeping and what is not.

Throw out what you is keeping you from being more organized and efficient .

Separate the valuables from the junk.

Straighten up. Clean out. Start fresh.Don’t throw away

good sentimental things that have meaning but it is not doing you any good pilling up in the garage of your life.


Exercise!Just become active in

ways that allow the body to operate and regulate itself as it was designed. Then challenge it, maximize the bodies’ ability to adapt.

Think of all the miraculous stories of survival and comebacks.

Add yourself to the list!

The F.I.T.T+E PrincipleFrequency- How often do you engage?Intensity- How hard do you work?Time- How much time do you commit?Type- What is the activity?Enjoyment- If you don’t enjoy then at

some level it really isn’t going to ever work!


Laugh More!Children laugh over

400 times a day….Adults….15

Not many things are as valuable to your health and wellbeing as a good laugh! Laughter is the best medicine!

Why do elders say “Enjoy your youth?” It is because we laughed all the time as kids, we laughed at nothing, we laughed at laughing.

When was the last time you time really laughed? We even let the TV laugh track laugh for us.

Come on! Is that how to live?

VolunteerHelp someone or an

organization for free at least once a week.

You heart controls more than just your blood flow.

The best way for a person to help themselves is to help another!

Focus!Believe in


Believe in yourself! Do anything that

allows you to peacefully connect to that which you believebut cannot prove.

Find Your CompassDefine what is true and important to you and move forward each day knowing that you are going the right direction.

How Can I do all of that?“Never give up on dreams you cannot go a

day without thinking about”. Anonymous

“Do what you can with what you have where you are.” T. Roosevelt -That is all you can do! 

Conquer emotional pain! You cannot re experience physical pain but you can emotional pain. Work with your emotional pain internally or with someone else until it doesn’t hurt anymore.

“Know when to hold’em Know when to fold’em.” Kenny Rogers, the Gambler Some times you fight. Some times you retreat to fight another day. Some days you win and all goes well and sometimes it is the opposite. ‘Head on’ is not always the best angle of attack, some times a juke and a spin move is what you need?

Admit you are flawed and cannot do it all. But don’t sell yourself short… You may be capable of a lot more than you think. Have goals but make them realistic.

 Have a vision of your efforts both short term and

long term. If you know you are making headway and you have take steps toward them, no matter how small… you will rest easier and be more positive about what you are doing or have done.

Be aware that the best things in life are not always things. Find comfort in things around you… Count your blessings.

Be prepared for your mind and opinions to be change. You need to know when you are as clearly “wrong” as you are “right”.

Once the correct action is clear- take it. Ethical people don’t have to think through each decision because their compass guides them. Too eager to please or acting without motive can prove to be the wrong move.

See yourself from a distance. If you are good the world will know it. Would you buy a car from a man who has to call himself “Honest John”.

Relax. Participate in anything that give you TRUE clarity. A golf swing is a natural motion not rigid and forced. A runner is fastest then he or she is relaxed and loose, when the “flow” takes over. Remember the chased butterfly will always elude you but if you stand still and be a part of nature it will lightly land on your shoulder.

Deal with your anger- Get angry once and see where you end up, If an unpleasant response occurs but you keep doing it, it is your own fault. Remember when you punched the wall to release that anger and all you got was another problem, a broken hand. 

Work on weaknesses. They won’t be weaknesses once you have improved them.

Keep a journal, talk to some one you can trust. Go to confession or find some sort of spiritual release. Don’t keep things inside. It will only fester and infect you in other areas of your life.  

“Do common things uncommonly well” -Modestly…People will notice and you will reap reward without knowing it. People really appreciate the smallest acts of consideration.

Keep things simple, your philosophies, your opinions, etc. As complicated as life can get, the real meanings are simple. Make a list of what is important or the virtues that you aspire to live by and do the best you can and be happy with that. Your heart will tell you if your compass is true.

Keep a journal, talk to some one you can trust. Go to confession or find some sort of spiritual release. Don’t keep things inside. It will only fester and infect you in other areas of your life.  

“Do common things uncommonly well” -Modestly…People will notice and you will reap reward without knowing it. People really appreciate the smallest acts of consideration.

Keep things simple, your philosophies, your opinions, etc. As complicated as life can get, the real meanings are simple. Make a list of what is important or the virtues that you aspire to live by and do the best you can and be happy with that. Your heart will tell you if your compass is true.

Let’s Review

Do not get into anything you cannot get yourself out.

Aim for great heights.

Stay focused on your job.

Exercise to maintain good health.

Practice Team work.

Have a trusted partner who will always watch your back.

Prepare for rainy days.

Rest and relax.

Always smile, even if you don’t feel like it, try to smile.

Remember, nothing is impossible!

Wellness is a concept beyond health. True wellness is largely determined by how you live your life. It is my hope that you choose to live

your life from this day forward with vitality and meaning. Ready for change and capable of

growth, Ready to make positive lifestyle choices.


