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10 Tips for Healthy, Glowing Skin this Winter

Date post: 17-Jul-2015
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10 Tips for Healthy, Glowing Skin this Winter Does the chilly weather outside seem frightful? And sitting by the fireplace, delightful? You skin feels the same! But just because winter casts a spell of dullness and gloom all around, your skin doesn’t have to be affected by it. All you need is a slight boost in your skincare regimen to keep those dreaded winter skin woes away. Say goodbye to dry, flaky, itchy and taut skin. With these 10 tips, you won’t be able to take your hands and eyes off your glowing, soft skin. 1. Moisturize Naturally, you must already have a preferred moisturizing product that works fine all year round. But the change in weather conditions calls for a change in your skincare routine too.

10 Tips for Healthy, Glowing Skin this Winter

Does the chilly weather outside seem frightful? And sitting by the fireplace, delightful?

You skin feels the same!

But just because winter casts a spell of dullness and gloom all around, your skin doesn’t have to be affected by it.

All you need is a slight boost in your skincare regimen to keep those dreaded winter skin woes away. Say goodbye to dry, flaky, itchy and taut skin. With these 10 tips, you won’t be able to take your hands and eyes off your glowing, soft skin.

1. Moisturize

Naturally, you must already have a preferred moisturizing product that works fine all year round. But the change in weather conditions calls for a change in your skincare routine too.

Opt for oil-based lotions and creams in winter rather than water-based; these will create a protective layer over your skin to trap the moisture within. However, try to avoid extremely greasy moisturizers as these tend to clog pores.

Hint: Products with almond oil, primrose oil, mineral oil and avocado oil work best during winters.

2. Never Leave Home without Sunscreen

“What!!!??? Isn’t sunscreen only for the summer?”

You were definitely mistaken if you thought so! The winter sun too can damage your skin and dermatologists recommend you protect your skin with an application of broad-spectrum sunscreen 30 minutes before you leave home.

3. Grease Up Before Bedtime

When’s the best time to moisturise?

Before going to bed!

Establish a beauty routine where you grease up your body before getting ready for bed. Look for creams and lotions labelled as “night creams” and those that contain glycerine and petroleum jelly as these act as better moisture-lockers in winter. Make sure you generously moisturize your body, especially your hands, elbows, feet and knees as these areas tend to dry faster. And before hitting the sack, slip into a pair of gloves and socks for an added moisture-lock layer.

4. Avoid Harsh Soaps, Toners, Packs & Peels

Yes, we know you’ve got to cleanse your skin, but the more soap you use, the more damage you cause to your skin. Soapy cleansers, alcohol-based toners, packs, and peels are known to rob your skin of whatever little moisture it has left during winter. That’s why it’s best to avoid such products during winter and switch to cream-based cleaners instead.

5. Avoid Long Hot Baths and Showers

Who doesn’t love a steamy hot bath or shower after frolicking out in the cold! Unfortunately, burning-hot showers and baths lead to tremendous moisture loss as the heat breaks down lipid barriers in the skin.

You can opt for a lukewarm bath or shower instead. But if you must experience the burning-hot sensation, keep it short or oil up before you step into the bathroom.

6. Use a Lip Balm all Day Long

Chapped lips are every man and woman’s nightmare. But you can keep the painful dryness at bay by moisturizing your lips all day long with a lip balm. Lip balm should be kept handy at all times; you never know when those kissable lips might come in demand!

7. Keep Hydrating

You’ve been hearing this ever since you were a child, “drink 8 – 10 glasses of water in a day.” And we’re repeating the same thing! This magical fluid is known to bring a soft, supple glow to your skin. Although you may not feel as thirsty in winter, make sure you keep sipping water during the day to maintain optimum skin health.

8. Eat Fresh

Your skin is a reflection of your eating habits. For healthy, glowing skin, include a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, especially during the winter, when your skin is more prone to damage due to moisture loss.

9. Exercise

Go for a run in the neighbourhood park and look into the mirror the first thing you’re home. Beneath those tiny droplets of sweat, you will notice a supple, unmistakable glow.

Exercising not only benefits the mind and body, but it also helps release toxins present beneath your skin. Whether you prefer yoga at home, an hour at the gym or a jog outdoors, make sure you exercise at least thrice a week for younger looking skin.

10. Visit a Specialist

Not everybody has the same skin type. Methods that work for some, may not garner the same results as others. In such cases, visiting a dermatologist or aesthetician is a good investment. A specialist can analyse your skin type, point out specific problems and tweak your skincare regimen to suit your specific needs.

Skincare is no rocket science; however, carving out time from your busy schedule to look after your skin’s health may be task! Nevertheless, once you establish a routine and vigorously stick to it, skincare becomes second nature.
