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100 Health And Wellness Tips - STRONG Fitness Magazine · 100 Health And Wellness Tips ... hummus,...

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100 Health And Wellness Tips Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Medical advice should always be obtained from a qualified medical professional.

100 Health And Wellness Tips

Disclaimer: This publication is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice.

Medical advice should always be obtained from a qualified medical professional.

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1. Listen to your inner voice…it always knows best!

Take control of your healthcare! Your doctor knows a lot but it’s always best to explore

all your healthcare options, including alternative treatments to be sure that you get

optimal and comprehensive care.

2. A holistic medicine practitioner

offers women a well-rounded

program to ensure the health of

mind, body, and spirit.

3. Meditation, aromatherapy, tai

chi, visualization, yoga and

massage as well as herb and

vitamin supplementation can add

life to your years by keeping you

mentally and physically fit.

4. A woman's weight, diet, and level

of physical activity influence

whether or not she develops breast cancer. These are controllable risk factors, which can

be modified in the hope of preventing the disease.

5. Overweight women have an increased risk of developing breast cancer. This becomes

more likely following menopause. Excess body weight encourages the body to secrete

higher levels of estrogen and insulin, which can contribute to cancer growth.

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6. Massage does more than feel good. It relieves pain, provides relaxation, and improves

sleep. It also strengthens immune function, helps alleviate PMS symptoms, improves

mental alertness and clarity and

eases headaches and decreases

headache frequency. Moreover,

it improves appearance of hair

and skin, relieves stress, anxiety,

fatigue, and depression, and

increases and improves

circulation in the body. It also

eases muscle tightness, knots,

aches, pains, and enhances

energy and feelings of well-


7. Black cohosh, wild yam, licorice,

chasteberry and ginseng herbs

are widely used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to alleviate perimenopausal and

menopausal symptoms.

8. Phytoestrogen rich foods like alfalfa, almonds, beets, cabbage, cashews, chestnuts,

hummus, miso, oats, olive oil, olives, papaya, peas, soybeans, and soy sprouts naturally

help menopausal symptoms.

9. Exercise and mind-body activities like meditation, yoga, and tai chi relieve stress and ease

menopausal symptoms.

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10. Being a super woman is a health concern that threatens you mentally as well as

physically. Taking time for yourself is not selfish… it is necessary.

11. When we take time to relax, we allow our bodies to wind down and rest allowing

for physical, mental, and spiritual reparation.

12. Yoga eases anxiety, depression, and stress

and brings peace and calm to women

looking to significantly boost their wellness.

13. Soy contains molecules that mimic the

effects of female estrogen that can help

with menopausal hot flashes.

14. For women, strength training is a skill of

freedom, power, and control… it gives them

a sense of independence and allows them

to better themselves both mentally and


15. Meditation serves women in easing chronic

pain, reducing anxiety, lowering risk for

heart disease and lowering blood pressure and cholesterol.

16. Healthy aging begins in a woman’s twenties when she pays attention to lifestyle choices

and chooses to make her health and wellbeing a #1 priority.

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17. Women who take the time to care of themselves are happier, healthier and have more to

give to the ones they love.

18. Women are more likely to die from a heart attack than men are and heart disease is the

#1 killer of women… making healthy lifestyle choices and assessing your risk factors is key

to prevention.

19. Homemade essential oil skin

care remedies are 100%

natural options that eliminate

the chemicals found in

commercial products.

20. Clary sage and eucalyptus

essential oils heal dandruff


21. Chamomile essential oil

provides super sheen and

softness to hair.

22. Lavender essential oil regenerates skin cells and helps sunspots and scarring.

23. A woman’s emotional health bears a great impact on her physical health and unlike in

men, a woman’s emotional state can contribute to heart disease.

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24. Women are twice as likely to suffer from depression as men are, though science does not

yet know why this is so, experts believe that hormones play a key role. Look for signs of

depression, such as difficulty concentrating and making decisions, uncommon fatigue,

loss of energy, hopelessness, feelings of guilt and worthlessness, insomnia or sleeping too

much, restlessness and irritability and loss

of interest in activities you used to enjoy.

Loss of interest in sex, overeating, or loss

of appetite and body aches are also signs

of depression. Headaches, sadness, and

feeling empty inside along with suicidal

thoughts can occur in depression. If you

see these signs, seek professional care to

get it under control.

25. Laughter eases stress and stimulates the

release of feel good hormones in the brain

that improves both physical and mental


26. Never skip breakfast, women who eat

breakfast every day weigh less than those

who do not, and breakfast starts the

energy meter for the day. Choose high

fiber foods to fuel your body and keep hunger at bay.

27. Get at least seven hours of sleep every night to live longer and reduce stress, brainpower

and memory. Getting sufficient sleep also keeps the body’s hunger mechanism healthy.

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28. Stay emotionally well by being aware of and taking care of your needs and desires.

29. Fill your plate with bright colorful foods, like green and red vegetables, they provide

essential nutrients, antioxidants and

fiber, which helps to manage weight


30. Oxygen fuels fat burning, so be sure to

breathe deeply through the mouth and

nose during your workouts.

31. Breath work, like that found in

meditation, Qigong, Yoga and Tai Chi

helps release stress from the mind,

body, and spirit.

32. 10 minutes of high intensity interval

training is more effective than 1 hour

of traditional cardio.

33. Spinal health plays a key role in our overall health; make sure to work on keeping a

straight posture at all times.

34. If your skin is chronically dry you maybe dehydrated, and dehydration causes excessive

wrinkles, so drink sufficient amounts of water every day.

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35. If monthly fluctuations in mood are so severe that they are affecting your quality of life,

and your relationships, you may be suffering from PMDD or premenstrual dysphoric

disorder. See your doctor as there are treatments that can help.

36. Don’t settle for a doctor that you do not feel meets your needs; keep searching until you

find one that does.

37. Learn to read food labels;

this skill can save your life

and your waistline.

38. Always leave at least ½ of

your dessert on the plate.

39. Keep your relationship with

your significant other

healthy; make it a priority,

no matter how busy you are.

When we are happy, and

fulfilled emotionally, we are

healthier physically.

40. Experts recommend novelty for a healthier sex life. New experiences boost levels of the

brain chemical dopamine, which soars desire and satisfaction.

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41. Eat more organic fish that is high in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids but low in mercury

and PCB contaminants. Wild caught Alaskan salmon, farm raised rainbow trout, and farm

raised oysters and bay scallops are good choices.

42. Getting your eyebrows shaped and trimmed can erase years off your face.

43. Learn to identify real hunger versus emotional hunger; yoga can help by teaching you


44. A hot bath with chamomile and

lavender essential oil can naturally

relieve post workout aches and


45. A daily dose of 1 teaspoon of raw

or powered ginger can relive post

exercise muscle pain by 25%.

Ginger is a versatile food that can

be added to salads, stir-fry, and

other tasty dishes.

46. Plan your meals and be prepared for oncoming hunger, being famished leads to

haphazard eating.

47. Learn the art of positive thinking. It is so effective for the health of mind, body, and spirit

that exponentially improves your quality of life.

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48. Meditate every day to gain self-awareness, introspection and calm the mind allowing you

to better handle stress, and accept life on life’s terms.

49. Fight disease with fresh herbs and spices. Your best choices are Cloves, Cinnamon,

Thyme, Sage, Tarragon, Oregano, Garlic, and Turmeric.

50. Get a cholesterol test regularly, heart disease is the #1 killer of women.

51. Calcium helps prevent osteoporosis.

Women ages 19 to 50 need 1,000

milligrams daily; this translates to three

to four servings of calcium rich foods

that need to be taken with vitamin D for


52. Take your down time as seriously as you

do your work.

53. Be social and maintain friendships as

these connections are associated with greater longevity, and loneliness is believed to

pose a greater risk of heart disease.

54. Limit alcoholic drinks to no more than one per day, to help prevent heart disease, breast

cancer and avoid weight gain.

55. Gum disease is linked to an increase for heart disease and diabetes. See your dentist

regularly for cleanings and checkups.

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56. If you are doing things you don’t want to do just to please someone in your life, like a

man, see a qualified therapist. You will be happier and healthier once you learn to live for


57. 57 million people in the U.S. have prediabetes but don't know it, getting an A1C test from

your doctor can identify if you are at risk for type 2 diabetes. Regular exercise, weight

loss and a high fiber, low carb diet can

keep blood sugar levels healthy.

58. Keep your stress in check; it increases

the risk for heart disease, the #1 killer of


59. Broccoli, spinach and other high fiber

vegetables can stop cravings for sugar

and dessert in their tracks.

60. Having purpose in your life has been

shown in studies to reduce risk for cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease.

61. It is never too late to change anything in your life or within yourself that makes you


62. Try every single method possible until you find one that allows you to quit smoking!

63. Boxed food is addictive, choose whole real food to boost energy, give the body the

nutrients it craves and control weight.

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64. Stop dieting, start eating real food in appropriate portions.

65. If your fertility clock is running out, you can freeze your eggs for later.

66. Choose birth control wisely, many methods are available each with their own set of


67. Sex reduces stress and plays a role in disease prevention, but this is only true when you

enjoy it. If dryness or pain is preventing sexual fulfillment, talk to your doctor.

68. Doctors can now use genetic screenings to test for breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and

chronic disease risk, talk to your doctor to then consider preventive measures.

69. Women are prone to anemia and symptoms include, brittle nails, thinking hair, sensitivity

to cold, headaches, and depression. Get iron from whole foods, like, leafy greens (kale

chard and spinach), lentils, tofu, sesame seeds, and navy beans.

70. Stand naked in front of the mirror and say, “I love you.” regularly.

71. Take care of yourself; you are the only one who can.

72. Don’t take responsibility for other people’s feelings or comfort. We are all responsible for

our own.

73. Stay independent, learn to rely on yourself.

74. Never fear being alone, you are your own best company!

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75. Balance exercises are as important as cardio and weights, especially for healthy aging.

76. Functional fitness serves to make us better in our daily tasks.

77. Find what motivates you to exercise and use it!

78. The Kettlebell Swing is one of the most efficient exercises available and works all major

muscle groups, burns fat and makes you strong.

79. Television can distract from the mindfulness necessary for a good workout, especially

when strength training. Focus on the moves, and not on the program.

80. Ditch the scale and use a fat caliper and tape measure to assess your body’s fitness.

81. Challenge yourself every time you workout, change it up to keep the body guessing and

boost progress.

82. Stop overwhelming yourself in diet, exercise, work, and family. One day at a time is much

more accessible than one or two months from now.

83. Family dinners feed yours and your family’s spiritual and emotional health.

84. Never be sorry for being yourself!

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85. Look deeper for motivation to stay fit and healthy. Besides wanting a great body, or

flossing that hot bikini, how about living a long, healthy life for your kids or spouse and of

course for yourself?

86. Portion control is the most important consideration in weight loss because in the end it’s

all about crunching the calorie numbers.

87. Surround yourself with healthy, functional people,

it will keep you focused and in the right mindset.

88. Focus on each moment of the day, yesterday has

passed and tomorrow might never come, all we

really have is the moment to find joy, peace, and


89. Material possessions can never truly fulfill us. Real

fulfillment comes from within.

90. Take a few moments each day to visualize. Imagine

a peaceful place to alleviate stress and illicit the

relaxation response, or visualize your goals and dreams to make them a reality.

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91. Treat yourself as well, as if someone was paying you a million dollars to do so.

92. Turn up the heat in the last few moments of your workout, to give the body a final quick

blast of power.

93. Make a list of all the healthy

habits you strive for, and then

follow it each and every day.

94. Never skip lunch, or else you

will over snack in the afternoon

or eat too much at dinner.

95. Unplug! Yes, really!

96. Practice acceptance each and

every day, it will greatly boost

your stress coping skills and is

the ultimate life hack tool.

97. Stop starving yourself, your body needs food, the right food in the right portions.

98. Lower or eliminate your sugar intake. Sugar is a drug, and it does nothing good for the

body, the less you eat it the better.

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99. You are a mom…a wife… a sister… a daughter…an employee…a student…a teacher…and a

friend. But don’t forget you are also yourself!
