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101 HR Interview Questions

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I. COMMON QUESTION 1. Can you tell something about yourself? Dapatkah Anda menceritakan sesuatu tentang diri Anda? The most often asked question in interviews. You need to have a short statement prepared in your mind. Ini adalah pertanyaan Yang paling sering diajukan saat wawancara. Anda harus memiliki pernyataan singkat yang disiapkan dalam pikiran Anda. Follow the steps outlined below to ensure your response will grab the interviewer’s attention. Ikuti langkah-langkah di bawah ini untuk memastikan respons Anda akan menarik perhatian pewawancara. Provide a brief introduction. Introduce attributes that are key to the open position. Memberikan pengenalan singkat. Memperkenalkan atribut yang merupakan kunci untuk posisi terbuka. Provide a career summary of your most recent work history. Your career summary is the “meat” of your response, so it must support your job objective and it must be compelling. Keep your response limited to your current experience. Don’t go back more than 10 years. Memberikan ringkasan karir riwayat kerja terbaru Anda. Ringkasan karir Anda adalah "daging" respons Anda, sehingga harus mendukung tujuan pekerjaan Anda dan itu harus menarik. Jaga tanggapan Anda terbatas pada pengalaman Anda saat ini. Jangan kembali lebih dari 10 tahun. Tie your response to the needs of the hiring organization. Don’t assume that the interviewer will be able to connect all the dots. It is your job as the interviewee to make sure the interviewer understands how your experiences are transferable to the position they are seeking to fill. Ikat tanggapan Anda dengan kebutuhan organisasi perekrutan. Jangan berasumsi bahwa pewawancara akan dapat menghubungkan semua titik-titik. Ini adalah tugas Anda sebagai orang yang diwawancarai untuk memastikan pewawancara memahami bagaimana pengalaman Anda dapat ditransfer ke posisi yang mereka cari untuk mengisi. Ask an insightful question. By asking a question you gain control of the interview. Don’t ask a for the sake of asking. Be sure that the question will engage the interviewer in a conversation. Doing so will alleviate the stress you may feel to perform. Tanyakan pertanyaan mendalam. Dengan mengajukan pertanyaan Anda menguasai wawancara. Jangan meminta demi bertanya. Pastikan bahwa pertanyaan akan terlibat

I. COMMON QUESTION1. Can you tell something about yourself?Dapatkah Anda menceritakan sesuatu tentang diri Anda?

The most often asked question in interviews. You need to have a short statement prepared in your mind. Ini adalah pertanyaan Yang paling sering diajukan saat wawancara. Anda harus memiliki pernyataan singkat yang disiapkan dalam pikiran Anda.Follow the steps outlined below to ensure your response will grab the interviewers attention. Ikuti langkah-langkah di bawah ini untuk memastikan respons Anda akan menarik perhatian pewawancara. Provide a brief introduction. Introduce attributes that are key to the open position. Memberikan pengenalan singkat. Memperkenalkan atribut yang merupakan kunci untuk posisi terbuka. Provide a career summary of your most recent work history. Your career summary is the meat of your response, so it must support your job objective and it must be compelling. Keep your response limited to your current experience. Dont go back more than 10 years. Memberikan ringkasan karir riwayat kerja terbaru Anda. Ringkasan karir Anda adalah "daging" respons Anda, sehingga harus mendukung tujuan pekerjaan Anda dan itu harus menarik. Jaga tanggapan Anda terbatas pada pengalaman Anda saat ini. Jangan kembali lebih dari 10 tahun. Tie your response to the needs of the hiring organization. Dont assume that the interviewer will be able to connect all the dots. It is your job as the interviewee to make sure the interviewer understands how your experiences are transferable to the position they are seeking to fill. Ikat tanggapan Anda dengan kebutuhan organisasi perekrutan. Jangan berasumsi bahwa pewawancara akan dapat menghubungkan semua titik-titik. Ini adalah tugas Anda sebagai orang yang diwawancarai untuk memastikan pewawancara memahami bagaimana pengalaman Anda dapat ditransfer ke posisi yang mereka cari untuk mengisi. Ask an insightful question. By asking a question you gain control of the interview. Dont ask a for the sake of asking. Be sure that the question will engage the interviewer in a conversation. Doing so will alleviate the stress you may feel to perform. Tanyakan pertanyaan mendalam. Dengan mengajukan pertanyaan Anda menguasai wawancara. Jangan meminta demi bertanya. Pastikan bahwa pertanyaan akan terlibat pewawancara dalam percakapan. Melakukan hal ini akan mengurangi stres Anda mungkin merasa untuk melakukan.

2. What do you know about our company?Apa yang Anda ketahui tentang perusahaan kami?

The WORST thing you can say is "Not much." or "Nothing." Hal terburuk yang dapat Anda katakan adalah "Tidak banyak." atau "Tidak ada."RESEARCH the company first. Yep, whether you are applying at McDonald's or applying at a Fortune 500 Company. Do a search online. Look at their website. Find out who they are, what they do and why you'd want to work there. The WORST thing you can do is showing up at an interview knowing nothing about the company! Pertama kali PENELITIAN perusahaan tersebut. Yap, apakah Anda melamar di McDonald atau melamar di 500 Perusahaan Fortune. Melakukan pencarian online. Melihat situs web mereka. Cari tahu siapa mereka, apa yang mereka lakukan dan mengapa Anda ingin bekerja di sana. Hal terburuk yang dapat Anda lakukan adalah muncul di sebuah wawancara mengetahui apa-apa tentang perusahaan! Once you know about the company you can answer this question more easily (for example: "I've read about how this company's growth is on the rise and also how involved it is in the local community.") Setelah Anda tahu tentang perusahaan tersebut, anda dapat menjawab pertanyaan ini lebih mudah (misalnya: "Saya sudah membaca tentang bagaimana pertumbuhan perusahaan ini terus meningkat dan juga bagaimana hal terlibat di masyarakat setempat.")

3. Why do you want to work in our company?Mengapa Anda ingin bekerja di perusahaan kami?

You have 2 main objectives in answering this question. Anda memiliki 2 tujuan utama dalam menjawab pertanyaan ini. You need to convince the employer that you like the company and think it is a place that you see as a good company This must be done without being to brash or sounding like it's sucking up. Anda perlu meyakinkan calon bos bahwa Anda menyukai perusahaan ini dan berpikir ini adalah tempat yang Anda anggap sebagai sebuah perusahaan yang baik dan ini harus dilakukan tanpa maksud untuk kurang ajar atau terdengar seperti itu menjilat.You must sell yourself by being professional and showing you have a knowledge of the company and have the skills and knowledge to bring something (yourself), to the company as a good thing. Anda harus menjual diri dengan menjadi profesional dan menunjukkan Anda memiliki pengetahuan tentang perusahaan dan memiliki keterampilan dan pengetahuan untuk membawa sesuatu (diri sendiri), kepada perusahaan sebagai hal yang baik. Example: "I enjoy working with the public and want to continue to do so with a reputable company as I believe yours is. I have viewed your website and can see this is a company with solid foundations and excellent values." Contoh: "Saya menikmati bekerja dengan orang banyak dan ingin terus melakukannya dengan sebuah perusahaan terkemuka yang saya percaya seperti perusahaan anda. Saya telah melihat website Anda dan dapat melihat ini adalah sebuah perusahaan dengan pondasi yang kuat dan nilai-nilai yang sangat baik.."

4. What are your strengths?Apa Kekuatan/ Kelebihan Anda?

Your strengths are a mixture of your talents, knowledge and skills. Write a positive statement on a paper that you can say with confidence:Kekuatan Anda adalah campuran dari bakat Anda, pengetahuan dan keterampilan. Tulis lah sebuah pernyataan positif pada kertas yang dapat Anda katakan dengan keyakinan:

"My strength is my flexibility to handle change. As customer service manager at my last job, I was able to turn around a negative working environment and develop a very supportive team. As far as weaknesses, I feel that my management skills could be stronger, and I am constantly working to improve them." "Kekuatan saya adalah fleksibilitas saya untuk menangani perubahan. Sebagai manajer layanan pelanggan pada pekerjaan terakhir saya, saya bisa memperbaiki lingkungan kerja negatif dan mengembangkan tim yang sangat saling mendukung. Sejauh hal ini dianggap sebagai kelemahan, saya merasa bahwa keterampilan manajemen saya bisa lebih kuat , dan saya terus-menerus bekerja untuk memperbaiki mereka. "When confronted with this interview question, remember the interviewer is looking for a fit. She is forming a picture of you based on your answers. A single answer will probably not keep you from getting the job, unless, of course, it is something blatant. Put your energy into your strengths statement -- what you have to offer. Then let the interviewer know that although you may not be perfect, you are working on any shortcomings you have. Ketika dihadapkan dengan pertanyaan wawancara ini, ingatlah pewawancara mencari kecocokan. Dia membentuk gambaran Anda berdasarkan jawaban Anda. Sebuah jawaban tunggal mungkin tidak akan membuat Anda mendapatkan pekerjaan, kecuali, tentu saja, itu adalah sesuatu yang terang-terangan. Menempatkan energi Anda ke dalam pernyataan kekuatan Anda - apa yang Anda tawarkan. Lalu biarkan pewawancara tahu bahwa meskipun Anda mungkin tidak sempurna, Anda bekerja pada segala kekurangan yang Anda miliki.

5. What are your weaknesses?Apakah Kekurangan/ Kelemahan anda ?

Never say you are a Workaholic, a Perfectionist, etc. because it sounds negative. Try to convert these negative biased qualities into positive ones. Jangan pernah mengatakan Anda adalah Workaholic, Perfectionist, dsb karena kedengarannya negatif. Cobalah untuk mengubah sifat-sifat bias negatif menjadi positif.For your weakness, just pick one that is not going to disqualify you from the job, and then follow up with - this is what really matters - the examples of what you are doing (or have done) to fix your weakness. Untuk kelemahan Anda, hanya memilih satu yang tidak akan mendiskualifikasi Anda dari pekerjaan, dan kemudian menindaklanjuti dengan - ini adalah apa yang benar-benar penting - contoh dari apa yang Anda lakukan (atau telah dilakukan) untuk memperbaiki kelemahan Anda. The most important point here is to show that you learn from your mistakes and your weakness, and you are taking the corrective action to fix the situation - and stress that! For example, if the job does not require public speaking, you can say that your weakness is you are afraid of speaking in front of the public. Then tell the interviewers that you have joined a Toastmaster club or public speech course to overcome the problem. Remind them that when you identify a problem, you actively take actions to correct it, and that is how you do things. Hal yang paling penting di sini adalah untuk menunjukkan bahwa Anda belajar dari kesalahan dan kelemahan Anda, dan Anda mengambil tindakan korektif untuk memperbaiki situasi - dan stres itu! Sebagai contoh, jika pekerjaan tidak memerlukan berbicara di depan umum, Anda dapat mengatakan bahwa kelemahan Anda adalah Anda takut berbicara di depan umum. Kemudian memberitahu pewawancara bahwa Anda telah bergabung dengan klub Toastmaster atau kursus pidato publik untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Ingatkan mereka bahwa ketika Anda mengidentifikasi masalah, Anda secara aktif mengambil tindakan untuk memperbaikinya, dan itu adalah bagaimana Anda mengerjakan sesuatu..

6. Why can you contribute to our company? Don't search for an answers if this in any browser or App.... just say what you feel and make it sincere. Tell them what you can do to help the company. The best thing to do in a job interview is walk and talk as if you are already have the job. Proceed like you have the most confidence in the world and there is no competition because you are the best. So what can you contribute to the company? The answer is simple my knowledge, my experience, my wellbeing and responsibility. I am the best candidate for this position if not better (confidence part) and I am ready to put my blood sweat and tears into this company (not literally but you know). If they say they what 100%.you say I am prepared to give you the full 300 plus more and that's what I can contribute to your company. Also brush up on the dictionary be inquisitive but not to the point were it is exasperating and don't be over exaggerate. Be yourself while at the same time being who they want as apart of these company. Trust me I work for the government.

7. Why do you want to leave your current job? Stay positive regardless of the circumstances. Never refer to a major problem with management and never speak ill of supervisors, co-workers or the organization. If you do, you will be the one looking bad. Sample AnswerI am really looking for a new challenge at an innovative company.In my discussions with manager I get the impression that you are really looking to create a foundation for your {program} I also get the impression that you are willing to try out new technologies and methods like {name technologies or methods}.While {My Current Company} does promote innovation, I think that {Your Company} really takes it seriously and that's the type of firm that I want to partner with.

8. How do you handle stress/pressure? The interviewer wants to know how well you handle pressure and stress. Give a positive answer, along with a real world example of how youve handled stress in the work place. Examples: Deadline ChangedOne Friday the boss let us know the deadline had changed from the following Friday to the following Monday. I got him to buy lunch, dinner and late night snacks over the weekend, so that the team and I could get the job done on time.

9. Why should the company hire you? While answering this question, You should focus on providing reasons to hire you over someone else in the best way you can. The interviewer wants to hear how you are going to create value. Therefore, focus on value creation when answering. Example: "From our conversations, it sounds as if you're looking for someone to come in and take charge immediately. It also sounds like you are experiencing problems with some of your database systems. With my seven years of experience working with financial databases, I have saved companies thousands of dollars by streamlining systems. My high energy and quick learning style enable me to hit the ground and size up problems rapidly. My colleagues would tell you I'm a team player who maintains a positive attitude and outlook. I have the ability to stay focused in stressful situations and can be counted on when the going gets tough. I'm confident I would be a great addition to your team."

10. Where do you see yourself in five or ten years from now? Think carefully about your plans. The interviewer is looking to find out a few things with this question. First, are you the type of person who plans ahead and sets goals? You should be. Second, do your goals match those of the company and the position? Your goals need to fit the career path for the job. They don't want to lose you in a year or two. Example:After 5 years I would see myself to be better skilled in my profession .I would like that people would admire me for my work and the company would grow more with my help.I would like to be a leader for my juniors and you will be proud to have been recruited me.Thank you !

II. GENERAL QUESTIONS1. What is your experience in this field? Job applicants with years of diverse and relevant experience will have no problem answering the question.But what do you say if you are just fresh out graduate school or have barely any experience you think is probably not even relevant? An experienced professional AnswerThe employer would want to know that not only you can do the job but you can make the difference and bring significant contribution Simple as that.No doubt that this is your time to perform and present yourself You have to introduce/sell yourself to the interviewer. Prepare your answer based on your qualification, professional experience and what youve already achieved in your previous jobs. This is your time to express why you think that your professional abilities fit into the job and its requirements. If you have little to no experienceBe confident and enthusiastic. Show interest in the specifics of the position and of the company which offers it. Demonstrate that you are talented, active and already familiar with some relevant technology and technique.Above all You are capable of learning.If you do that, it is likely a company will prefer a young applicant with little experience, but who is enthusiastic and able to learn, to an experienced, expensive, less enthusiastic, and in the long run much less efficient "veteran."

2. Do you know anyone who works for us? Be careful how you answer this question if you do have friends in the office. Is your friend well regarded in the office? If your friend has a bad reputation around the office, they may paint you with the same brush. Also, if the person you know is a relative, be sure to know the policies surrounding relatives working in the same company.

3. Have you ever been fired from a job? Everyone should have some perspective on their value in the work that they do. This is serious. Do not make light of it or in any way seem like you like to fire people. At the same time, you will do it when it is the right thing to do. When it comes to the organization versus the individual who has created a harmful situation, you will protect the organization. Remember firing is not the same as layoff or reduction in force.

4. How do you get along with co-workers? I generally get along very well with coworkers Occasionally I might run into a conflict with someone. When this happens, I usually focus on what the conflict is about rather than on personalities. I find that approach helps me to maintain a successful relationship with anyone -- and often leads to resolution and strengthened relationships

5. Have you applied for any other jobs? Guidelines - Be honest. This question is often used during graduate recruitment. Your approach to job hunting indicates how you approach challenges. Employers are aware of the competitiveness of the job market. They would be most surprised if you indicated that you have not applied for other jobs and may question your initiative or motivation. If you are not a student/graduate participating in a university recruitment programme, you may wish to approach this question more carefully. The interviewer may be looking to ascertain how focused and clearly defined your job objective may be.

6. How do you know you are successful in your job? Several ways are good measures:You set high standards for yourself and meet them. Your outcomes are a success.Your boss tell you that you are successful

7. What is a work achievement you are proud of? Remember that interviewers are most interested about your suitability for the job. So make sure that, if you are asked this question, you talk about a work achievement that you are most proud of. The best kinds of achievements focus on benefits that you achieved for other people such as: Increased customer or client satisfaction. Greater revenues or profit. Cost reduction. Reducing the workload for a colleague. Improving a process.

8. What do you enjoy doing in your free time? The interviewer is simply trying to get to know you better. The best answer to this question will show that you have passions outside of the classroom. The question allows you to show that you are well rounded. Within reason, it doesn't much matter what you do in your free time as long as you do something. Your transcript will show that you are a good student. Your answer to this question will show that you are also someone who has diverse interests that will enrich the campus community.

9. Do you consider yourself successful? You should always answer yes and briefly explain why. A good explanation is that you have set goals, and you have met some and are on track to achieve the others.

10. Can you give an example of something you have learned on your own that has helped you in your professional life? To prepare for this interview question, think back as far as you can for examples from your life. If you have done your homework, then you already know what challenges this employer faces. Are there specific ways in which you can suggest improving your job skills to help the employer? For example, show that you are willing to research and analyze solutions creatively, and that you have a record of implementing cost-effective and innovative solutions.

III. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT1. Can you give an example of something you have learned on your own that has helped you in your professional life? To prepare for this interview question, think back as far as you can for examples from your life. If you have done your homework, then you already know what challenges this employer faces. Are there specific ways in which you can suggest improving your job skills to help the employer? For example, show that you are willing to research and analyze solutions creatively, and that you have a record of implementing cost-effective and innovative solutions2. How does this job fit in with your overall career goals? I aspire for the job which gives me my career balance between technical skills and domain knowledge. I feel I am technically competent for the position and this position will help me gain more and more domain knowledge.3. How do you keep current about your job and/or industry?I am big on reading the industry websites I subscribe to a couple RSS feeds that really help me keep on top of the latest developments. I check out webinars whenever I can. I used to attend workshops on a regular basis, but I have found that now I can teach most of them. I actually do give workshops at conferences occasionally. I belong to a couple of industry groups and sometimes they ask me to do that. The main thing is to find out whats being said, and form my own opinion. There are a couple pundits that I have found to be accurate again and again, and these I trust. The rest is just food for thought.

4. What are your aspirations beyond this job? Again, don't fall into the trap of specifying job titles. Stick to a natural progression you see as plausible. How should this job grow for the good of the organization? Then turn your attention once again to the job at hand. If you seem too interested in what lies beyond this job, the interviewer will fear that you won't stick around for long. "Beyond this job as a marketing assistant, I see myself moving up through marketing analysis into brand management and eventually running a category. I'm aware that there are several skills I need to develop in the interval, and I believe with your continuing-education program and my own motivation for self-improvement, I'll have those skills when the opportunities arise for greater responsibility. That's why I'm determined to learn from the ground up, starting as a marketing assistant."

Time management has become a necessary factor in productivity. Give an example of a time-management skill you've learned and applied at work. When answering this question, describe a time-management technique you've applied to work that's allowed you to save time and resources. In such areas as public relations time is precious, and the interviewer will want to see that you have an idea of how valuable your time is. Try to give an example that demonstrates how you've managed to increase productivity because of effective time management. "I regularly use scheduling software, which helps me effectively plan for the day, week, month, or year. It also has a to-do-list feature and an alarm option, which is helpful for meeting timely deadlines. In general, though, I'm very goal oriented and self-disciplined. I like to focus clearly on one project at a time for a set amount of hours. In the past I've found that this has helped me save time, which in turn has given me the opportunity to implement new procedures that have ultimately saved the department time and money."Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYWhat have you done to improve your knowledge in the last year? You should match your answer to employers job qualifications.Try to include improvement activities that relate to the job. A wide variety of activities can be mentioned as positive self-improvement. Have some good ones handy to mention.Every should learn from his mistake. I always try to consult my mistakes with my kith and kin especially with elderly and experienced person.Natural curiosity has a direct effect on ones problem solving skills. College courses, self-study, learning a new software/program (or any other goal-oriented and not work related activities) are good examples.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYHow do you measure or evaluate the quality of your work? I would measure my performance through various means including and not limited to KPI , KPA . Also if I am achieving my JD , Duties and ResponsibilitiesShared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYHow do you stay up to date with technology I read blogs on my lunch break (or on my own time). or I just picked up this book on query tuning or I read the ________ newsletter/magazine or I go to SQLSaturdays and the PASS Community Summit.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYWhat positive things would your co-workers say about you? Recall good things that your co-workers have said like, "My manager, Mr. Santos, once told me that I am a very organized person". Recall good things that your co-workers have said like, "My manager, Mr. Santos, once told me that I am a very organized person". You are a team player who isnt afraid to help out to get the job done, whether it is part of your job description or not.You act as a situational leader for the team when there is a conflict or a non-critical decision to be made.You like to have fun and build up team morale because you know that positive-minded employees tend to be more productive.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYWhat negative things would your co-workers say about you? This is a different way of asking your weakness. For your weakness, just pick one that is not going to disqualify you from the job, and then follow up with - this is what really matters - the examples of what you are doing (or have done) to fix your weakness. The most important point here is to show that you learn from your mistakes and your weakness, and you are taking the corrective action to fix the situation - and stress that! For example, if the job does not require public speaking, you can say that your Mr Tom one told me that I am afraid of speaking in front of the public. Then tell the interviewers that you have joined a Toastmaster club or public speech course to overcome the problem. Remind them that when you identify a problem, you actively take actions to correct it, and that is how you do things.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYWhich was the team experience you found most rewarding and enriching? While answering these types of questions, relate to your lack of expertise in a certain aspect of a job and how your team mates helped you out and you were able do your job better. For example, if you had no technical qualification and have landed in a tech support job, then you can elaborate how your team mates initially helped you in the technical aspects which eventually improved your performance. Such an answer shows that you are open-minded and willing to learn.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYHave you been in a situation where others you were working with on a project disagreed with your way of working? What did you do? Give a suitable example of such a situation and describe that you explained the thought behind the process and also asked others for suggestions and how a mutual agreement to work in a certain way was reached upon. If you have never been in a situation like this simply state it and then hypothetically state the explanation and suggestion path.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYWere you in a situation where a colleague was not completing their share of the work? Did you report it to your manager? What actions did he take? I think reporting a colleague to the manager would be indulging in politics. If someone is not completing the given share of workload, the manager will eventually understand it and will take the required action.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYDescribe a major change that happened in a previous job. How did you deal with this situation? The interviewer wants to know how well you handle change (as well as whether you view change as a natural part of the workplace). Sample Response: As the director of a grant-funded educational program, I was committed to that programs continued funding, improvement, and growth. In order to accommodate the improvement and growth, much more of my time had to be dedicated to the preserving of funding. The nature of my job changed to being a grant writer, and I found that I was having less and less time to be actually working with students and staff. Keeping in mind my desires for the overall success of the program, I was willing to adapt to what changes were necessary. It meant re-examination of my time and re-prioritizing of duties... all of which I was willing and able to do for the best interest of the program.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYWhat do you do when priorities change quickly? Give an example. Here Interviewer wants to know, Are you flexible? Can organization still be maintained in a flkexible environment? Sample Response: When priorities change, the first thing thats generally impacted is my schedule. I establish my schedule according to priorities, so in redoing my daily/weekly timeline, I place those things that are most important in time slots where I am most productive. As always, I make sure to first address the most unchallenging, unpleasant or mundane tasks, getting those out of the way before anything else. When the nature of my job switched from teaching to proposal development, I established a pattern where research and statistics were at the top of the daily list. Creative directions and innovations toward growth were addressed in my most energized period of the day.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYCan you work overtime, or at nightshifts or weekends? / How flexible are your timings? It is crucial that you give straightforward answers. Working overtime or in shifts are situational expectations, if the need arises. Working extra to meet targets or clients demands is normal. You must be clear with the job description as some jobs may require working in shifts due to international business environment. Time flexibility is necessary sometimes, but you should keep in mind your other priorities as well.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYIf required, will you be able to relocate or travel? Again, your answer must be truthful. If you agree, only for the sake of getting the job you will end up in murky waters. Certain companies have multi city/national setup. You may have to relocate for a project or on promotion, as the case is. Some profiles include extensive travelling. You must talk about these possibilities with your family before coming for the interview and give an honest answer.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYHow would you manage if two projects require your time? Candidate should able to demonstrate that he was able to set priorities and manage time flexibility. A perfect answer can be, "I checked the deadlines for each of the projects and accordingly set out the priorities. I discussed both projects with supervisors and explained them the situation. With their guidance I was able to allot time to both projects in a way that my focus will not be wayward and I would be able to carry out both responsibilities with ease."Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYWhat actions of yours prove that you take initiative at work? It is very important to have answers for these types of questions as any interviewer will like an applicant who takes initiatives. Never answer, I have done many that indicate initiative at work, so I can't think of specific answers". It indicates that you are not prepared. Think about steps you must have taken to save time or an idea that saved money, or led to increase in sales or output. Prove that you are a self-starter, a go-getter, someone ready for responsibility. Your answer should have examples like, you with a suggestion in a certain aspect and how you came up with a plan, by guidance from your superiors, within stipulated time and how it changed into a new tracking method for something. It shows that your initiative as well as the positive outcome.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYHow have you kept up with professional development over the last three years? This is an ideal opportunity to exhibit that you are a doer. Never give answers like you don't have time to go for specialized trainings for some reason, but are still good at the job at hand. It shows lack of initiative to keep improving by attending professional training or giving lack of time as an excuse. You can reveal that you are someone who likes to keep updated to the latest technology and keep on improving your skills. You can also state the trainings you have attended or measures you have taken to improve your skills.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYDescribe a recent experience/project that you found enjoyable and demanding? Enjoying tough situations is a quality that proves you are an enterprising person, something any organization looks for. It is another chance to show that you like taking things head-on. Many applicants have difficulty in enlisting their achievements. If you cannot answer this type of question with zeal, it shows that you are monotonous and it does not go down well with the interviewer. It is important not to give a generic answer; give specific examples. Have a thoughtful answer ready by noting down various aspects of the job that you enjoy despite challenges. An ideal answer would be where you volunteered to do a demanding task and how you accomplished it. It should affirm your ability to communicate with the various departments concerned and how you got them involved in a plan. It should end with the overall outcome of your actions yielded over a predetermined period of time.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYYou are asked to step in your boss' shoes for a couple of months as he is under the weather, how would you go about it? Don't show off any sarcastic humor while answering these types of questions. Humor is something all perceive differently, so keep it out of the interview. It may be a big turn-off for some interviewers even if all you are trying is to be witty and unusual. Make sure that you do not sing your own praises. State that the supervisor being sick is not the best reason to step in his shoes; it shows that you are caring. Think carefully and respond. Say that you will call the team for a meeting and draw up a plan for the period of the manager's absence. Check out the responsibilities others have and how you will motivate them to pitch in and make sure all targets are met in the superior's absence. It exhibits your sense of responsibility and the drive you have to get things done.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYWas there a time, when you went that extra mile' and beat all expectations? Every organization expects employees to be on their toes and perform better with limited resources. Give an instance when you took over a task which needed the expertise you possessed in a certain area ant it proved to be critically important to the overall result. Explain how everyone understood and cooperated and things that you set out to achieve were completed smoothly.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYDid you ever adopt a process which eventually enhanced the existing methods? It is a basic expectancy that all job seekers should be able to improvise the existing methods to get the job done in a better way. Everyone should be able to comprehend the areas that need to be/can be improved for a netter output. An applicant must have the confidence and the dexterity to implement new processes and bring about positive changes.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYWhat do you do to stay current with changes in the industry? I am big on reading the industry websites I subscribe to a couple RSS feeds that really help me keep on top of the latest developments. I check out webinars whenever I can. I used to attend workshops on a regular basis, but I have found that now I can teach most of them. I actually do give workshops at conferences occasionally. I belong to a couple of industry groups and sometimes they ask me to do that. The main thing is to find out whats being said, and form my own opinion. There are a couple pundits that I have found to be accurate again and again, and these I trust. The rest is just food for thought.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHY

Do you think, in today's worked up schedules, you have the time to finish all your duties? Sample answer: "We live in the modern times of technology where we are surrounded by so many machines and gadgets that our life has become easy. It is now very effortless to mange out time efficiently. With tools like mobile communication with others is quick. Computers and internet also help in, not only communicating, but also in research and automation. In most industrialized countries the transport facilities are also very competent. These developments have made it inevitable that we manage our time well. This can be done by avoiding the unnecessary activities when at work and prioritizing and scheduling everything. By doing this you are bound to find time for the activities so that you are able to finish your duties in time."Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYHow do you think procrastination can be avoided by planning your time? Sample answer: "The most important part is to think before committing. Examine all aspects of a project and then carefully set a time frame. Always give more time to the task than you feel is needed to tackle unforeseen situations. Identify all the pros and cons of the project. Set time for each task and note it down; make a detailed timetable. It will give a definite idea of the time set for each activity. This way you can also track the developments and review your plans. Entrust tasks to others. There are some things that others can do it better than you. Trust them, give responsibility with time frames. If tasks are well organized and executed accordingly, you can always meet the deadlines and avoid procrastination."Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYHow often do you take work home? This is a tricky question. The interviewer wants to actually ask, if you are willing to take work home. Your answer should be smart and short. The more you talk about it, bigger will be the hole you dig for yourself. An ideal reply would be, "I manage my time very efficiently at work, hence I usually don't need to take work home. At certain times when you are short of the mark, you need to take work home to meet the cut-off dates. But with me, it's not very often."Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYHow many weekly hours do you put in? Be considerate and careful while answering this question. You should have checked the work culture of the company in advance. Most companies expect the employees put in 40 to 45 hours a week. So stick to the standards. And more importantly, working long hours is not always a welcome sign. It states that you are not time efficient. A perfect answer would be, "I work for as many hours as standardized by the company policy. I manage to complete my tasks within the stipulated amount of time. And if the need arises, in some emergency situations, I can work for a longer period of time.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYHow do you manage a sudden increase in workload? Another way of finding out your efficiency in time management, especially in crisis situations. Your answer should show that you have calmness and presence of mind in handling such situations. Describe how you were able to discuss and plan things out with colleagues, supervisors and other departments. State that you were able to draw a plan which capitalized on hourly costs and without any major changes were able to meet the deadline. Give a specific example as to how you managed things when your company took over some other company, or there was a new order. Explain how you were able to streamline things to get the desired results.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYHow do you think is the tempo of your work? Another tricky question. No company would want an employee who goes about his work at a feverish pace as it would hamper the quality of work. Neither would any company want a person who is too sluggish and would find it difficult to meet time limits. Companies expect employees to maintain a stable pace at which deadlines as well as quality are maintained. Given above are interview questions to assess the applicant's ability to manage time. The answers are a guideline for job seekers to show that they posses this skill.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYDescribe a typical work week. Interviewers expect a candidate for employment to discuss what they do while they are working in detail. The more you can connect your past experience with the job opening, the more successful you will be at answering the questions. Keep your answers focused on work and show the interviewer that you're organized ("The first thing I do on Monday morning is check my voicemail and email, then I prioritize my activities for the week.") and efficient.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYHow do you manage your time? Obviously, your answer should reflect that you are a self starter and never put things off. They want to hear that you set goals for your work and how you prioritize them. I only have so many hours in the day to get my work done and I have found that if I dont create daily, weekly, and monthly goals, it seems like nothing ever gets done. I keep track of all my responsibilities and goals in spreadsheet and review them daily. I mark down when I am first assigned a task, how long I think it will take, when it needs to be completed and how much time I will need to spend on it each day to complete the job on time. This helps me in so many ways, but mainly it keeps me on track with what is important. It also helps me from getting overbooked and promising more than I can deliver. Now, I can always deliver what I promise and be on-time.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYWhat procedure do you employ in solving problems? All organizations want people with problem solving ability as you can come across complex situations in any job. Describe your analytic skills in decoding problems you face and underscore your ability to research and find logical solutions to them. Show your flair in focusing on the way out and a step by step approach towards resolving problems.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYDescribe a problem you discovered in your current job. How did you solve it? It is not always easy to give good examples on short notice and in the pressure of interviews. You must know the competencies required for the job by examining the job description and requirements. Be prepared with examples accordingly. Describe circumstances you were involved in and steps that you took to reach a resolution. Make it a point to state the outcome of the steps you took and the accomplishments and learning experience. Give definite and suitable examples. It is very likely that you may be asked follow-up questions for additional information.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYDescribe a win-win situation that you have negotiated. Any job involving teamwork will have many stakeholders and for them, their issues will be of prime concern. Effective problem solving involves finding the best solutions that will deal with all issues and no compromise of the others concerns. You should be able to explain that you have the confidence to communicate necessary information and provide alternate ways and gain approval. You must have ability to understand the core issue as well as concerns of team members and arrive at a solution accordingly.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYWhat did you do when you discovered that a problem was a direct effect of inappropriate service by your organization or team member? Describe your skill to take exact course of action after studying all the aspects of the problem. Affirm how you analyzed everything and quickly resolved the issue by using your problem solving ability and followed a rational way to get positive results. Solving problems of customers or clients is of prime importance for any organization as it is directly proportional to its business. Any organization would like to have employees who have the ability to handle customer/client grievances.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYWhat are the frequent problems you have been facing in your current job which you would like to get rid of, but have not solved it yet? You should never have any unsolved problems in a job, particularly if they are recurring. You must come across as someone who initiates in solving a problem. Emphasize that you make it a point to resolve matters in a timely manner and don't like to keep problems pending or procrastinate. Every company likes people who are not only good in resolving problems but also tackle them upfront. Individuals who drag their feet are not what a company is looking for.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYIllustrate an experience when you had to put your fact finding ability to solve a problem. How did you scrutinize them and reached a resolution? You should be able to demonstrate that you never go about solving a problem without thorough examination. Stress on the points that you decode the complete problem, analyze it and then find a step-by-step and rational solution. Be specific in your answer and don't over-state anything.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYWhat types of problems are you called upon to solve in your current position? This behavioral interviewing question is intended to investigate your capability to recognize, examine and resolve problems. Your answer should be based on the profile you are holding. It should demonstrate that you have the knack of solving any problem that you may come across and is within the demands of your responsibilities. If you have any experience wherein you have successfully solved a problem beyond the call of your duties, make it a point to share it. It will emphasize that you not only have problem solving skills but also have leadership abilities.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYDescribe a situation where you had to adapt and manage change but were having problems. What did you do? Change management is an important task for any profession, but these are questions asked usually for leadership positions. Show that you are good at it and can acclimatize to altering demands successfully. Any good leader must be able to implement change. You must show how you analyzed all the aspects of a required change before endorsing or employing it. It is important that you can plan the change not only in the procedure but also in the people handling the process. People to accept change is difficult. So the problem of implementing a change can be solved by preparing a thoughtful step-by-step path and avoid any resistance to it. You should be able to elaborate how you planned carefully so that the change could be easily adopted.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYAccording to you, what is the most important aspect of effective communication? Communication is a to and fro process. To establish effective communication, all the parties involved must be receptive. The most important aspect of communication is being a good listener. One must understand the difference between hearing and listening. A good listener will be able to understand better and hence will be able to put across his point in a better way.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYHow good are you in presentations to small or large groups? Giving presentations is a skill, so I would not like to rate myself. However, while making presentations I make it a point to keep my audience involved all the way through by asking them questions and using a bit of humor. If its a large group I am presenting to I make sure that even those at the back are actively listening. The most important point is that I keep it short and to the point because usually the attention span of people is short.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYIn the past, has any colleague criticized you in front of other? What was your reaction and how were your terms with that person afterwards? Yes, a couple of times it happened. Once when I thought that the colleague was not correct, I explained it to him politely. On the other occasion I found out my mistake, thanked him for the suggestion and worked on to correct myself. However, both times my relation with the colleague did not change as we understood that it was said and done in the best of interests.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYWhich was your best experience in public speaking? Once in college, I had to give a welcome speech for the chief guest. It was my first experience in public speaking. I had done my research about the guest and had also done some mock practices in front of my friends. But I got nervous on the D-day. One of my teachers helped me to calm down and I pulled it through with a couple of fumbles. But it gave me a huge confidence booster and after that I have been into public speaking regularly.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYWas there a time that you were able to communicate to a difficult person successfully, when others in your team could not manage? Once an old manager left and we had to work under a new one. We had all developed a great rapport with the old manager. The new manager had a direct approach towards getting things done. All the team members were perplexed about communicating with him. In an interaction I found that he too had a cool temperament and only his way of working was different. Once I understood this, communicating with him was easy, the only thing was one had to be to the point with him. I even discussed it with the team members and everything was smooth there on. I realized that it was not a difficult person we were dealing with, but a difficult situation.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYIf you receive some information which you believe is untrue or classified, and you have received it from the grapevine, what care would you take so that the communication doesnt get out of control? First, I will check about what the information is about and who is the person concerned. I will discuss the same with that person and would request him to give the right information to everyone if it is untrue. If the information is confidential as I would find it by discussion with the concerned parties, I would maintain the confidentiality.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYAccording to you, what are the five most important aspects of organizational communication? The first most important thing is CLARITY in communication. Its important in any communication not just organizational. It should be WRITTEN wherever necessary. Then it should be RECEPTIVE so that feedbacks and suggestions can be easy. It should be PRECISE so that the point is made short and sweet. And last but not the least, it should be TIMELY. Timely communication is very important in any organization for effectiveness. There can be other aspects as well, but these are the most important ones according to me.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYWhen you join a new organization, what efforts do you take to build a relationship with your colleagues and supervisors? With the supervisors or reporting staff I usually ask questions about my job responsibilities initially and also ask for feedbacks to improve my performance. It is an easy way to communicate with your superiors as they will definitely like to see a team member looking to improve performance. With colleagues, I dont try to impose myself. Initially I just share smiles and wish them and then gradually ease into a rapport by sharing a joke or two and sharing lunch. I also ask them for ways to get the task done smartly.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYHow would you put your point across in a meeting, knowing that most people will be reluctant to listen or accept it? The reluctance must be because people are unaware of all the facts behind it. I would give them valid points to explain myself and convince them. I also have the confidence to put across a point and speak my mind where I have to defend the goals & interests of the company.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYYour boss gives you a target that you find is almost impossible to achieve. How would you handle the situation? I will logically explain the boss as to why the target cant be met or how unrealistic the target. But if he insists that it can be achieved I will ask for inputs from him to achieve it. I am sure that if he believes the target is realistic, then he should be able to suggest me ways to accomplish it. If I am convinced I will definitely achieve the mark. And if he doesnt sound convincing, I will tell him that I will give my best shot and will keep him updated about the progress.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYDECISIONS MAKINGAre you firm on your decision? How many times do you regret a decision or you reconsider or change decisions? Sample Answer: "I take decisions very carefully. I think about all the possibilities and outcomes; put a lot of logical thinking behind it and after considering all the pros and cons I take decisions. Once I decide, I usually stay with the decision taken. I dont really re-collect, when the last time I reconsidered or changed a decision was. As for regretting, I dont think there is any point doing it, even if may have gone wrong for someone. Because that person might have already acted upon a decision and reached a point where he/she should have or should not have. So if things do go wide of the mark, I take it as a learning and move on to the next thing."Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYDescribe the most difficult decision that you had taken till date. What made it so difficult? While answering this question, the candidates must relate something that they had but had to give-up for some personal or professional desire. It must show that you were ready to come out of a comfort zone, take risk and ended up with something more fruitful.Sample Answer: "After I finished my degree/diploma, I got through an internship in the same city of my graduation. After internship the company offered me a job which was paying fine. But it was far from my hometown. I had to decide whether to continue with the job or get back home and look for a new job. I decided on the latter. It was difficult because I was getting paid there, and at home I would have to start from scratch. Thankfully I did not have to wait long to get a job at home, but yes that was the most difficult decision."Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYCan you elaborate about the decisions you reach quickly and the ones you take more time? Sample Answer: "Quick decisions are usually taken in emergency situations, when you have to act quickly so that the final outcome is not affected. Apart from that I take quick decisions when matters are in concern with me as an individual. When it comes to decisions involving anyone other than me, I thoroughly examine all the potential consequences and the situations of others involved in the decision and then reach a conclusion. Such decisions take time as one has to consider many aspects.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHY

If you come across a situation where you have to choose between a highly experienced candidate and a highly qualified but not so experienced contender for promotion, what would you decide? Sample Answer: "There are many factors to be considered. It depends on the position in consideration. For some positions experience alone may be the best qualifier. But there are positions where other factors like educational background can be important. Then other factors may include enthusiasm and age. For example if the position requires a lot of travelling, then energy and age will be considered. I would take a decision after examining all these aspects."Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYWhat do you believe is the best way to take decisions, independently or by seeking guidance? Sample Answer: "It depends on the circumstances. There are times when taking decisions individually is the best way out. At such times its important to have a presence of mind and logically reaching a decision. But there are times when you have to decide about something you never had before or a situation you have not faced. This is when looking for guidance is essential, especially from those who have been there and seen it all.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYIf you come across a situation where you have two or more options to accomplish a goal, and each one as good as the other, which option will you choose? Sample Answer: "Not all options can be as good as the other even though it may seem so. One has to scrutinize all the options, check for the available and required resources, analyze the cost-benefit ratio and choose the best option, put it to work and accomplish the objective."Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYHow do you react when you have to make important decisions but have to make them quickly? The answer should show that the candidate has presence of mind and is up for a challenge if the situation demands. Some decisions can be precarious, but can prove to be important in ones career path. To reach at a decision quickly one must be mentally tough and must be able to take risk, but must be sensible at the same time."Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHY

LEADERSHIPWhat steps would you take to motivate all team members and keep their morale high? Sample Answer: "I think it is very important to develop a sense of respect towards all the team members. You should also let them know that they are as important to the team as anyone else. They should be encouraged to try new and innovative ways to get a task done and should be credited for every good accomplishment. This will keep them all motivated and keep their morale high."Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYWhat type of leadership can lead to success of any team and why? Sample Answer: "I think Participative leadership is the best model to follow in any team or organization. It seeks participation from all the members and keeps them thinking of new ideas to achieve better results. It also gives the members a sense of responsibility and enhances their self-esteem which will eventually lead to team success."Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYHow do you appreciate any special achievement by a team member? Do you praise them publicly? Sample Answer: "It is very important to praise team members who perform exceptionally well. It is usually done during the team meetings that the special feat is talked about and I urge rest of the team members to congratulate their colleague. It gives the team member recognition and motivation to perform better in the future."Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYWhat is the importance of team building? What are the kinds of team building activities that you indulge into? Sample Answer: "Team building is very important. A closely knit team will perform in a well-organized and cooperative way and will excel in the tasks at hand. For team building I encourage members to assist each other in doing their jobs and help the weaker members in any challenges they might face. We also have small celebrations whenever we achieve our targets and go for occasional outings."Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYDo you think competition within the team is important? If yes, how do you encourage it? Sample Answer: "Competition within or outside the team is essential, as long as it is healthy. It brings out the desire to perform better than others and lead to improved outcomes. To encourage competition there are various company policies for awards and recognition. We also give out certificates and gifts to the best performing members within the team, something that I have always found encouraging as company policies have a broader perspective, but recognizing small achievements within the team is very important."Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYWhen a team you are leading does exceptionally well do you give credit to the team? And how is it when the team fails? It is important that the applicant understands the importance of teamwork and benefits of giving credit to the team when a task is completed exceptionally. He should elaborate the hard work put in by the team to achieve it. He should show the "we did it" attitude. In times of failure he should be courageous to take the responsibility with assurance to not repeat the same in future. He should be able to show how he could inspire the team and boost their morale to do better.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYWas there a situation where you got a task done which others were having difficulty doing? Candidate should be able to highlight that he is a go-getter and lead by example. If he can underscore the fact that he was able to accomplish something that other could not, it shows leadership qualities and ability to inspire others to follow him in getting difficult tasks completed.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYWas there a time when you had to coach a colleague? How worthy was it professionally and personally? The applicant's answer must show his enthusiasm to help co-workers as their personal development can only lead to achievement of the ultimate objective of the team or organization. It should state that the candidate does not wait for orders to help out others and he can go out of the way for the team he is involved in. It also is a boost to the self-esteem if you coach someone and the other person gets the point and starts performing better.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYWhat steps would you take to transform a poorly performing team member into an efficient one? Sample Answer: "The answer is simple, but the process is complex. You have to project to the team member that you are far more capable and you can do much better than what you are performing. This make the person to push towards the performance that is projected. He strives hard and eventually become an efficient performer. I had learned this from one of my teachers in high school."Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHY

MOTIVATIONWhat is your definition of success in your chosen field of career? Sample answer: "Success, for me is a journey and not a destination. Irrespective of the field one has chosen for a career, one has to keep getting better at the job at hand. I believe that competing with others is good, but the best competition is with self. Keep beating your previous performance and success will follow. It is very important to enjoy the journey and the day to day work that you do."Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYYou have tried to complete a task and failed many times. How do you motivate yourself to keep going until the task is done? Sample answer: "The biggest motivating factor is the goal that you have set for yourself. Failures can never hold you back if the goal is important for you. It's the goal that keeps you motivated to keep on trying till you achieve it. And what are failures? Failures are stepping stones to success. They teach you ways for not doing things. Once you know how not to do things, you will automatically know how to get things done."Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYYou have tried to complete a task and failed many times. How do you motivate yourself to keep going until the task is done? Sample answer: "The biggest motivating factor is the goal that you have set for yourself. Failures can never hold you back if the goal is important for you. It's the goal that keeps you motivated to keep on trying till you achieve it. And what are failures? Failures are stepping stones to success. They teach you ways for not doing things. Once you know how not to do things, you will automatically know how to get things done."Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYWhat is the most important habit one needs to acquire to make a person more effective in everything one does? Sample answer: "The most important habit that one needs to acquire is positive thinking. It not easy, but it can be acquired by thinking consciously. Positive thinking encourages positive action and eventually brings out positive results. By thinking positively we project good things and that is what we get as an end result. It does not mean that you will not come across obstacles or failures, but it is easier to tide over them if you have a positive frame of mind."Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYHow do you react when faced with many hurdles while trying to achieve a goal? How do you overcome the hurdles? Sample answer: "We won't value anything if life was a smooth ride, in fact we won't value life itself. Hurdles make the ride enjoyable. If I come across hurdles, I try to jump over them or walk around them. The important part is you must keep an eye on the goal, never let it out of sight. That helps in going on. I think that if you keep banging the door the door will either open or break. That is how I approach the hurdles and keep going."Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYIf you find yourself working with a team that is not motivated, how do you keep yourself motivated and motivate others? Sample answer: "First I'll try to find out the reason behind them being de-motivated. I will try to keep positive vibes going as I have found out that energy is contagious, positive or negative. So it's important that you remain positive. Then try to create a warm and fun filled atmosphere so that they start to enjoy what they are doing. And the most important part would be to remind the colleagues about the motive of doing the job. Once they understand their objective they will sure get motivated."Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYOver a period of time, the job you are doing becomes a routine and you lose passion. What would you do to retain the passion? Sample answer: "Once the job becomes a routine you are bound to stagnate. One must choose a career very carefully in the first place. It must be something you always wanted to do. That will keep the passion going. Always remember the first day of your job. Have a mental note of the energy and enthusiasm you had then. Keep on working as if it is your first day. And if it does happen that you still lose the passion, take a break. Go back and do activities that you like, have fun, spend time with family and friends. Completely disconnect yourself from the job. Rejuvenate yourself and then get back to work. It's difficult at times, but if you really like your job, the passion will be back."Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYWhat kind of managers bring out the best performance of yours? Sample answer: "I am comfortable working with all types of managers. The important thing is to develop a rapport and be responsible. Look for feedbacks and suggestions, any manager will be happy to assist you in that. And I am a self motivator and enthusiastic. So as long as I do my duties with zeal and responsibly I don't think any manager will have a problem with me. In fact they will encourage me to keep going and doing better at my job."Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYCan you maintain self-motivation when you experience a setback on the way to achieve your target? How do you do it? Sample answer: "Maintaining self-motivation is very essential in these competitive times. The key is to enjoy the job. If you enjoy the process it keeps you motivated. I don't think too much about the outcome. The journey is important. If you can get pleasure from the passage even a failure won't bog you down."Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHY

ANALYSISDescribe a task that tested your ability to analyze. You must be able to show how you were able to locate a problem and use logical reasoning to decode it. Then you must underscore how you examined all aspects of the issue and thoughtfully reached a solution. You must remember that analysis is more about how you break down an issue into minute parts to understand it completely so that the best possible solution could be reached.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYCan you describe an experience where you were asked to prepare a report on something?Preparing any kind of report needs a lot of analysis and it covers studying many aspects as you have to collect and go through a lot of data. You must describe the situation or the report that you had to prepare and the time frame to do so.Brief about the kind of data you needed and how you communicated with the various people involved getting that data in a timely manner. After collecting the data, explain how you divided it into all the required parameters for detailed analysis and then after examining all the aspects, how you prepared the final draft of the report and presented it.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYWhy do you think that man holes are round in shape? This may seem to be a weird way of finding the analytical abilities in a candidate, but it is a very effective one. The answer to it is also very simple. "If man holes are of any other shape, they can fall through at some certain angles exposing the passersby to danger. Round shapes are uniform from all sides; hence there is no chance of them falling through. Round shaped man holes are the safest options to cover the drainages."Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYHow do you think your skills and experience match the job we have on offer? This is one of the favorite questions asked to check the candidate's ability to analyze. It is a good chance for the candidate too to show his ability of analysis. You must have read the job description carefully and analyzed the details and then concluded that this job can be a good prospect for you. That is the reason why you are at the interview in the first place. Choose your words carefully and you should be able to give a good answer to this one.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYIf you come across circumstances where you have two or more ways to achieve a goal, and each one as good as the other, which alternative will you select?The interviewer can easily check your analytical skills when it comes to professional dealings using this question.A model answer can be, "Not all options can be as good as the other even though it may seem so. One has to examine all the options in details, check for the accessible and necessary resources; evaluate the cost-benefit ratio and choose the best option, put it to work and realize the goal."Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHYWhy do you think our organization can be the right employer for you?You can answer this question by including the analysis of many features and parameters that an organization can offer. The most important thing would be how you have thoroughly examined the job profile you are looking for is on offer, and how it can help you achieve your professional growth.The scrutiny of the achievements of the organization as to where it stands in the business and the growth prospects that are seen and the steadiness it offers. You can state that you have checked that this is a growing company and you want to be a part of it as it will help you grow as well.You can talk about the work environment, logically stating the reasons that you have read on the internet about the vision and future plans you have read on the companys website. It shows that you have carefully analyzed the organizational profile thus emphasizing on your ability to analyze.Shared using http://bit.ly/1sgyxHY

