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  • 8/3/2019 106502-8181 IJET-IJENS


    International Journal of Engineering & Technology IJET-IJENS Vol: 10 No: 02 97

    Locating Bins using GIS

    I.A.K.S.Illeperuma1, Dr. Lal Samarakoon


    1Senior Lecturer dept. of CPRSG, Faculty of Geomatics2Director GIC Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand

    AbstractIn todays world solid waste management is

    a global environmental issue which creates

    significant health and environmental risk.

    This is a crucial problem in Sri Lanka too

    due to the lack of a proper solid waste

    management system.

    This study was conducted to improve the

    present solid waste management system of

    Maharagama Urban Council, Sri Lanka

    using GIS.

    Sample survey was done to collect the data

    about amount of waste generated from ahouse, number of people and income of a

    family and the households attitude towards

    the waste from randomly selected houses.

    GPS survey was carried out to find out thesensitive locations.

    Model was created to estimate the amount of

    waste generated from each house. GIS was

    used to identify the locations for bins and

    estimate the required capacity of them. It

    could be found that 1006 bins with 100m

    service area are required to cover entire area.

    Key Words: Urban Solid Waste

    Management (USWM), Bin location,

    Geographical Information System (GIS),

    Service area, Global Positioning System(GPS).


    Solid Waste Management (SWM) is a

    function of combination of various activities

    such as collection, transportation and disposal

    of solid waste. It also includes processing and

    treatment of the solid waste before disposing.

    (Robinson, 1986). The purpose of SWM is to

    create uncontaminated environment for people

    without disturbing natural resources (Worldresource Foundation, 1996; McDougall et al.,

    2001) and a proper SWM helps safe disposal,

    reduction of final waste and increase re-use and

    recycling. On the other hand a poor

    management system, on the contrary, leads to a

    filthy environment affecting the well-being of

    the people residing therein.

    At the present all over the world, due to the

    industrialization, urbanization and uncontrolled

    urban sprawl and improvement of living

    conditions and population growth, SWM

    become a monumental problem. Wastecollection, transportation and disposal methods

    may vary from place to place over the world.

    SWM system has improved with the help of

    new technology in developed countries.

    In Australia urban households have been

    given a bin to put their waste and those bins are

    emptied weekly by the local council. (ISWA,

    UNEP, 2002).

    Basic measures taken in recent years to

    control waste management in Japan include:

    pollution prevention, reuse and recycling,

    and waste incineration with air pollution

    control. (Sakai et al., 1996).

    Netherland government has

    implemented high land filling tax to make it

    less interest by the people and incinerationof waste is the favored method of waste

    treatment to reduce environmental risk

    (Bartelings, 2003).

    The most popular method of waste

    disposal in Canadian urban centers is

    curbside collection. But in rural areas people

    have to carry their waste to the transfer

    stations. Then waste from this transfer

    station is transported to landfill site (ISWA,

    UNEP, 2002).Studied carried out by Visvanathan et al.,

    2001 shows that in Asia waste disposal is aserious problem due to uncontrolled and

    unmonitored urbanization, and lack of

    financial and human resources trained in

    SWM system. According to this study the percapita generation of waste in Asian cities rang

    from 0.2kg/day to 1.7kg/day. Also ithighlighted that in Sri Lanka waste generation

    per capita rang from 0.4 to 0.85kg/day/person

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    International Journal of Engineering & Technology IJET-IJENS Vol: 10 No: 02 98

    due to increased consumption patterns as well

    as the movement of the people from the rural

    areas to urban centers.

    In Thailand people are encouraged to waste

    segregation at the source of waste generation.

    Therefore wastes are sorted into 3 types:

    recyclable, food and toxic and dispose them

    into 3 different dustbins. (Bui Van Ga, 2004).

    Similarly in many Indian cities and towns,

    solid waste is normally disposed in an open

    dump. (Mufeed, 2006).

    Although collection and disposal of the

    municipal waste have been improved in

    Vietnam, there is no safely disposed method.

    Recycling and reuse in Vietnam is an actively

    implemented by informal waste pickers

    (Vietnam Environment Monitor, 2004).

    Bangladesh is also experiencing the

    problems of solid waste management. Lessthan fifty percent of whole waste generated in

    Dhaka City was collected by Dhaka City

    Corporation and bins are not located

    sufficiently along the road. So it can be seen

    that waste are scattered over the area (Syed,


    Similar to most of developing nations, in

    Sri Lanka, solid waste, especially Urban Solid

    Waste (USW), is a critical problem and it

    becomes severe due to absence of proper solid

    waste management systems in the country. At

    present recyclable, reusable and organic wasteare collected together and being dumped in

    environmentally very sensitive places like road

    sides, marshy lands, low lying areas, public

    places, forest and wild life areas, water courses

    etc. causing numerous negative environmental

    impacts (Hazardous Waste Management Unit,


    There are no sufficient infrastructure and

    resources for the SWM in many Urban

    Councils of the country, and there are no

    enough and suitable services to dispose most of

    the solid waste from households and industries.(Levien et al. 2000).

    With the introduction of new policies for

    rapid economic changes during the last two

    decades it can be seen that rapid urbanization

    and also it is more difficult to find lands for

    disposal or waste treatment facilities in

    urban areas than in rural areas. Therefore

    people in those areas compelled to dispose

    their waste in improper manner creating

    environmental and health hazards. In

    contrast western province is highly

    urbanized and densely populated compared

    with the other provinces in the country. So

    the waste management problem is more

    severe in the western province (42 Sri

    Lanka, 2001). Thereby Colombo is the most

    severely affected area with the disposal

    generation of around 1500 tons per day

    (Perera, 2003). This problem is quite

    significant in Maharagama Urban Council

    (UC) which is in Colombo district. To

    minimize environmental and health hazards

    it is necessary to locate bins along the roads

    so that people can find a bin to dispose theirwaste easily. Therefore this

    study aims to identify the proper locations

    for bins along the roads using GIS in the

    Maharagama UC area.

    2. Study Area

    Maharagama UC is one of the largest

    Urban Council in Sri Lanka lies in the

    Colombo district in Western province. It is

    situated at 6.8460

    North latitude and 79.9280

    East longitude and is subdivided into 41 GN

    divisions for administrative purpose (Fig 1).It covers an area of 3775 hectares. Principal

    towns of the area are Maharagama, Mirihana

    and Kottawa and it has a population of just

    over 177000 people. There are about 28000

    households in the area. The UC officers

    were estimating per capita waste generation

    is around 2.5kg in the area. Rukmale West,

    Makumbura South and Kottawa East GN

    divisions and the Wijerama, and

    Pragathipura GN divisions are the lowest

    and highest populated GN divisions

    respectively. Most of the commercial landsand industries are found along main roads.

    There are more residential lands and

    relatively less agricultural lands in the area.

    (Table 1)

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    International Journal of Engineering & Technology IJET-IJENS Vol: 10 No: 02 99

    Table 1. Landuse data of Maharagama UC area

    From personal communication made with

    Officials in UC regarding urban solid waste

    management in Maharagama UC area, it could

    be known that UC provide polythene bags to

    householders to collect disposal materials and

    to deliver these bags to the vehicle at the time

    of collection or place them by the side of the

    road closer to their house or put them into the

    bin located along the road for the cleaners to

    collect these bags when they come to collect

    waste. From the UC officers, it was found

    that four compactors and two tippers are

    used in collecting waste along the main

    streets and ten tractors are used in lanes and

    small streets where trucks can not approach.Due to the unjustifiable command area of

    the existing dustbins located along the road,

    those bins are not used by most of the

    householders to dispose their waste and

    instead they use drains, roadside, water

    bodies or any other improper things. This

    creates poor sanitary conditions in the area

    due to animals: goats, dogs, cows, cats,

    crows etc. foraging for food. Further, this

    waste may causes to block the drainage

    system and creates flood during raining

    seasons making significant inconvenience topeople and also stagnant and harmful water

    pools may form making a better

    environment for sources of many diseases

    such as flies, cockroaches, mosquitoes and

    rodents. When these wastes are rotten and

    decomposed neighborhood make dirty, bad

    smelling. Lighter waste materials are

    observed to have been scattered by animals,

    Landuse Area (m2)

    Barren 197016.88

    Cemetry 17706.30

    Commercial 820892.91

    Industry 393868.83

    Marshy land 1013882.06

    Other agricultural land 1316884.96

    Paddy 4958619.18Playground 38522.72

    Public 867372.81

    Religious land 223419.15

    Residential land 26514910.94

    Scrub 345844.38

    Water bodies 327383.73

    Fig 1. Map of Maharagama UC Area

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    International Journal of Engineering & Technology IJET-IJENS Vol: 10 No: 02 100

    wind and vehicles adding unpleasant outlook to

    the area.

    All the wastes collected from households

    and other places by UC were transferred to

    open dump site located at Navinna GN division

    of the Maharagama UC area. Maharagama UC

    officials said that then these wastes are sold tothe private company. Company people sort

    them out at the site and bring to their place.

    In some of the areas wastes are collected by

    UC very frequently while in some other areas

    wastes are not collected at all by the UC. If the

    UC vehicle comes to collect the waste almost

    all householders are prepared to put their waste

    into the vehicle. Only the householders of those

    areas where the UC does not collect waste

    adopt alternative methods to solve their

    problem of waste disposal. Followings are the

    disposal methods used by those people todispose their waste.

    1) Collect and Burn.

    In this method all types of wastes together

    collect and burn.

    2) Dispose waste into a hole in the garden.

    People who have enough space to dispose

    their waste, prepare a hole in their garden and

    dispose their all waste into this hole.

    3) Collect all types of waste under the tree.

    4) Plastic / paper/ polythene burn and other

    waste dispose into a hole in the garden.

    In this method plastic, paper and polythene

    waste were separate from household waste

    and they were burned. Then rest of the waste

    was disposed into a hole in the garden.

    5) Put all waste into the UC vehicle when it

    comes to collect waste.

    Inquiries made from officials of the Central

    Environmental Authority and Maharagama UC,

    it revealed that government offices and schools

    have their own procedures to collect waste and

    they do not use bins located along the roadsideto dispose their waste. Everyday UC vehicles

    go to those places and collect those wastes.

    Further they stressed that commercial waste too

    is separately collect by the UC. Therefore in

    this study consideration was limited only to the

    residential buildings.

    3. Methodology

    Methodology followed in this study is

    included conducting questionnaire survey to

    collect data and GIS based analysis to find

    proper location for bins along the roads.

    Procedure of the study can be summarized

    as in Fig. 2.

    3.2 Data collection

    For this study, data from different

    sources were collected and were integrated

    to create database for the study area. Digital

    maps of Land use/Land cover, road networkof the area, streams, water bodies,

    population density map and foot print of

    buildings over the area were collected from

    Road Development Authority of the

    country. Digital map of building foot print

    with height attribute was collected from

    Survey Department of the country. Few

    questions were prepared to collect the data

    about amount of waste generated from a

    house, number of people in a house, income

    of a family and to have an idea about the

    peoples attitudes towards the waste. Then

    using this questionnaire, householders from

    randomly selected ten houses in each GN

    division of the Maharagama UC were

    interviewed. Altogether four hundred and

    ten households were used for this

    questionnaire survey. Same time GPS

    survey was conducted to find the location of

    GPS Survey Questionnaire Survey

    Identify the



    Models to

    estimate amount

    of waste

    generate from a




    Identify the

    locations for

    bins & calculate

    service area


    capacity of bin

    Fig. 2. Procedure of the study

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    International Journal of Engineering & Technology IJET-IJENS Vol: 10 No: 02 101

    these houses. Two sample bags which can be

    filled with one kilogram and half kilogram of

    waste were used to estimate the weight of

    waste generated from these households.

    Showing these bags, householders were asked

    how many bags of waste are generated from

    their house. Further to get the location ofsensitive areas such as school, religious places

    etc. where bin should not be located at the close

    proximity of them, GPS was used. Locations of

    bus stops over the area were surveyed too.

    3.3 Allocation of bins along the road

    Procedures conducted in this process

    mainly divided into two. Firstly analysis of

    sample survey data was done to create models

    to estimate the number of people in a house and

    amount of waste generate from a house per dayand income of a family. Allocation of bins

    along the road is the second and main part of

    this process. Fig. 3 summarized the work flow.

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    International Journal of Engineering & Technology IJET-IJENS Vol: 10 No: 02 102

    Centroids are within

    sensitive area

    Sample Survey data

    Model formation


    number of people in

    each household

    Approximate income

    of each household





    Identify households

    in residential area


    Waste density


    Estimation of waste generate

    from each household


    Identify centroids in

    high density area


    Exclude points

    Centroids are on the

    roadNo Yes


    Shift the points to

    the closest point on

    closest road

    Considercentroids as bin


    Calculate service

    area of initial


    Network data

    set (Road)

    Locate otherbins

    Calculate servicearea of bins

    Determine number of

    houses in each servicearea


    capacity of bins

    Fig. 3. Work flow for allocation bin along the roads

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    International Journal of Engineering & Technology IJET-IJENS Vol: 10 No: 02 103

    Generally it could be said that amount of

    waste generated from a house mainly depend

    on the number of people in that house,

    education level and income of the family. But

    household wise information was unavailable to

    collect. Also it is out of scope to conduct a field

    survey to gather information from eachhousehold in the area as time consuming.

    Therefore regression analysis was done using

    sample data to estimate number of inhabitant in

    a house, income of a family and amount of

    waste generated from a house per day and

    Minitab statistical software was used for the


    Generally it can be assumed that number of

    people in a house depends on the education

    level of the family, size of the house and

    number of storey in a building. During field

    survey it was noticed that there were nohousing complex in the area and no multi

    storied houses. Although there are two storied

    houses, one family with three or four members

    are living in most of those houses. Therefore a

    number of storeys in a building were not

    considered when estimating the number of

    people in those houses. Since education levels

    of each and every household of the study area

    was not available only the size of the house

    was considered to estimate the number of

    inhabitant of the family. Regression analysis

    was done to find out the relationship between

    Number of people and area of the house.

    Following equation obtained with P value zero.

    Then this equation was used to estimate the

    number of people in the house when analysis

    the whole dataset.

    With the available data, income of the

    family is estimated by using the area of the

    house. Regression analysis was done to find outthe relationship between income and the area of

    the house. Following equation was got with the

    P value zero and it was used to approximate the

    income of a family when considered whole


    Finally to create the equation to estimate

    the amount of waste generated from a house,

    regression analysis was done following

    relationship was created.

    In this calculation it is assumed that all

    people in the house generate equal amount

    of waste though it depend on various


    Normally people use a road to go to the

    bin to dump their waste. Hence the service

    area of a bin which is a region including thehouseholds that dispose waste to the bin in

    consideration can not be a circular area. In

    GIS software Network Analyst function

    facilitate to find service area of a particular

    distance around any location on a network.

    A network service area is an area that covers

    all accessible roads which are passing

    through that location and have specified

    length. As an example, in Fig. 4-B brown

    colored area is a 100m service area of a bin

    calculated using network analyst function of

    ARC GIS software without using trim

    length. This area covers all road sections

    which are passing through the bin location

    with 100 meter length from the bin and

    service area polygon is created by joining

    end point of these roads. Therefore this

    service area polygon may exclude some

    householders who can reach to this bin by

    walking maximum distance of 100 meters or

    less than 100 meters. In Fig. 4-A service

    area of a bin was calculated same as in Fig.

    4-B but using trim length. Therefore thispolygon covers more householders who can

    reach to this bin by walking 100 meters or

    less than 100 meters. Therefore this method

    was used to calculate the service area of a

    bin in this study.

    Number of people = 0.0315 * Area of the house

    Income = 208 * Area

    Amount of Waste = 0.174*Number of people

    in a house + 0.000021*Income

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    International Journal of Engineering & Technology IJET-IJENS Vol: 10 No: 02 104

    As a first step of determining service area

    polygons of bins, Network data set which is

    made of network elements: edges, junction

    and turn has to be created. Then service area

    analysis layer has to be created to determine

    the service area polygon of each bin. Fig. 5shows input and outputs of service area

    analysis layer.

    Fig. 5. Input and outputs of service area

    analysis layer

    Impedance which is cost attribute of

    traversing along road, polygon break which is

    extent of the service area to be calculated and

    trim polygon length is a length that trims the

    edges of the polygon to a specified distance

    are input of the service area analysis layer.

    From questionnaire survey data it could be

    found that 98%of the householders

    maximum preferable walking distance to thebin to dispose their waste is 100m. Therefore

    bins were located at the maximum preferable

    walking distance of 100 meters by computing

    service area of the each bin, considering road

    network data. 20m buffer zones were created

    around schools and religious places and 30

    meters buffer zones were created around

    water features to avoid locating bin at the

    close proximity of them. Though people

    requested to keep a bin near to the bus stop,

    four meter buffer was created around bus stop

    to avoid locating bin very closer to them.As a guide to locate initial bins, waste

    density map is prepared to identify the high

    density waste generation area and first bins

    were located at the centroids of the high

    density area. First step of doing this, waste

    generation point map is converted to raster

    map with cell size 100m and cell value of this

    raster map calculate as bellow.

    Cell Value = Sum of the attribute of all the

    points within the cell

    Where attribute is amount of waste generate

    from the point.

    Then waste density map was prepared

    using the following equation.

    Waste Density = Cell Value / Area of the cell

    Network data


    Network location

    (Bin locations)

    Service area


    Roads within each

    service area





    Fig. 4. 100m service area polygon

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    International Journal of Engineering & Technology IJET-IJENS Vol: 10 No: 02 105

    To identify the centroids of the high

    density areas this density map was

    polygonized and polygons with their

    centroids at the high density areas were

    shown in the Fig. 6. Then centroid of this

    high density area was considered as location

    of the bins and check whether they are within

    the buffer zones of sensitive area or not.

    Centroids which are in buffer zones were

    excluded. However bin should be located

    along the roadside. Therefore to check

    whether the other centroid points are on the

    road, they were overlay with the road


    If a road crosses over the centroid points

    then centroid location is considered as a bin

    location. If not firstly locate the point at

    centroid then it is shifted to the closest point

    on the closest road of that point. It was done

    by drawing a perpendicular line from the

    centroid to the closest road. Then the

    intersection point of that line and road was

    consider as the location of the bin since it is

    the most closest point on the road to that

    particular centroid.

    Thereby service areas of these bins were

    calculated by using network analysis. To

    locate the next bins trial and error method is

    used with the aim of avoiding much

    overlapping of the service areas, cover more

    areas and all the sections of the road network

    by service area. If these points produce

    satisfactory results, then proceed to find the

    location of the next bin. Self judgment will

    be applied to select a location for the bin.

    This way all the points will be located (Fig.


    Fig. 6. Polygons with their centroid over the high waste density area.

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    International Journal of Engineering & Technology IJET-IJENS Vol: 10 No: 02 106

    Fig. 7. Location of bins along the roads

    After locating bins, amount of waste

    generated within service areas of each bin

    which is the capacity of bins to collect the

    waste within a day can be easily determined

    with ARC GIS software. This is the capacity

    of bins to collect the waste within a day.

    There by considering present waste collection

    frequency by UC, capacity of bins were


    4. Results and discussionFrom questionnaire survey data analysis it

    could be found that mainly three methods are

    used to dispose the household waste in this

    area (Fig. 8).






    Open dumping

    Put into the UC vehicle

    Disposal methods practice i n the Area

    Fig. 8. Disposal methods

    All these methods create environmental and

    air pollution and create an inviting

    environment for such pests as flies,

    mosquitoes, cockroaches, rats etc. Therefore

    the danger of spreading diseases like Dengue,

    Malaria, Brain fever, Pylaria etc. is there too.

    People in this area adapted to these disposal

    methods since there is no proper waste

    collection procedure by the UC. Hence it is

    necessary to locate bins along the road so that

    people can find the bin easily to dispose their

    waste. Using Network Analysis function in

    ARC GIS software 1006 bins were located tocover entire area (Fig. 9). Thereby amount of

    waste generated within service areas of each

    bin were determined. Fig. 10 bellow shows

    the amount of waste generated within each of

    the service area per day. According to the Fig.

    10, amount of waste gathered into a bin per

    day range from three kilograms to hundred

    kilograms in the UC area. Bins with same

    capacity can be located along the roadside.

    Then there might be some bins which get

    filled within a day or even in a less time while

    some bins get filled in two days or take evenmore time. So capacity of the bin determines

    the waste removal frequency of the bin too.

    Then when deciding the capacity of the bins it

    is better to consider the frequency of waste

    removal from bin and optimum path of the

    UC vehicles to transport the waste from bin to

    landfill site too.

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    International Journal of Engineering & Technology IJET-IJENS Vol: 10 No: 02 107

    Fig. 9 Location of bins along the road

    Fig. 10. Amount of waste generated within service area polygon per day

    From the questionnaire survey it could be

    seen that in some of the areas wastes are

    collected by UC very frequently while in

    some other areas wastes are not collected at

    all by the UC. Table 2 given bellow shows

    that the percentage of households of different

    frequencies of waste collection by the UC.

    Fig.11 shows the frequencies of household

    waste collection by the UC in different GN


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    Table 2 Frequent of waste is collected by the UC and percentage of households

    Fig. 11 Frequency of households waste collection by the UC

    (Households shown in the figure are houses used for questionnaire survey)

    It is necessary to make an arrangement to

    extend the present waste collection procedure

    to cover entire area. Further waste cannot

    keep in the bin for long time it better to

    collect waste from bin twice a week. With this

    waste collection frequency required capacity

    of each bin to accommodate waste dispose by

    the people within the service area polygon

    each bin is shown in the Fig. 12.

    Frequent of waste


    % of


    Every other day 4.88

    Once a week 53.17

    Twice a week 7.32

    Not collected by UC 34.63

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    International Journal of Engineering & Technology IJET-IJENS Vol: 10 No: 02 109

    Fig. 12. Capacity of bin

    5 Conclusion

    Service area of a bin can be calculated

    accurately using Network Analysis function

    in GIS software instead of creating circular

    buffer around it. Therefore it can be conclude

    that GIS can be used to locate bins along

    roads accurately based on road network.

    Further in this study amount of waste generate

    within the service area of a bin was

    determined with the help of GIS. Also it can

    be conclude that GIS based computation for

    waste generation estimation can ensure

    accurate design of capacity of bins.


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