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108&3 .&44(&4 - Tinder Seduction · It complements the girl, ... The first text message you send...

Date post: 27-Apr-2018
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First of all I want to congratulate you on taking action towards improving your dating-life, and also your life as a whole.

A lot of people talk about wanting to improve, but very few people actually do anything about it! Whether it’s Tinder dating or other areas of their life, they keep doing the same old things and just hope that something miraculous will happen. It’s summed up exactly in one of my favorite quotes:

Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again,

but expecting different results.


But unlike most people, you have initiative and have taken a concrete step to personal improvement by using our articles on TinderSeduction.com and Dating App Cheat… And I really admire that.

These POWER Messages are the Tinder lines that have the highest reply rates and will start your off on a successful seduction. They work well because they are rare – very few people know about them.

We know what works and now we’re giving you that knowledge.

I’m absolutely certain these POWER Messages will help you get what you want from Tinder!

- Marcus and the TinderSeduction.com



OPENERS .................................................................................................................... 3

POWER MESSAGE #1 ......................................................................................................................... 3

POWER MESSAGE #2 ......................................................................................................................... 3

POWER MESSAGE #3 ......................................................................................................................... 4

POWER MESSAGE #4 ......................................................................................................................... 5

BONUS: A Tinder Routine to Use When Travelling ....................................................... 5

FINAL WORDS ............................................................................................................. 7




These messages are only available from TINSANITY & Dating App Cheat and

will really make you stand out in the crowded Tinder jungle.

Enjoy the POWER that you’ll have with these messages, they will improve your

results noticeably. I’m sure you’ve been in the situation where your mind goes

blank and you just don’t know what to say on Tinder... well that won’t be a

problem anymore!

Note 1: Please keep in mind these messages won’t work every time… there is

no opener that will work with every girl every time, but you can definitely

expect better responses overall.

Note 2: Please don’t share this document with others. One of the reasons these

messages work so well is because very few people know about them and use


With that said, here they are!


We're both obviously playing hard to get, so how about we agree to put

our egos aside in the name of lust and skip to the part where we flirt

outrageously with each other.

This one sentence can be your go-to message in two different scenarios:

Use it as a recovery message to revive old conversations that have gone stale -

it has an exceptional response rate that is always positive.

Or you can also use it as an opener - it slices through tension and breaks the

ice in a way that's witty, poetic and humorous. Conversation has a very

smooth and open flow after this is used. It is perfectly suited for times when

you match with a girl but neither of you comment for a few days.


As cute as _____ , I'm afraid _______.

After getting matched on Tinder you need to have a great Opener to get the

conversation started with the right vibe - this is one of my favorite (and most

successful) openers I've created which achieves that vibe immediately:

It's a flexible Opener template that can be used in any situation, with any girl,

either on Tinder, dating websites or in-person. Here's a couple of examples:

As cute as those dimples of yours are [Her name], I'm afraid that selfie of

you in the public bathroom is still a little weird ;)



As cute as that smile of yours is [Her name], I'm afraid that I'm going to have

to find out more about you before I take you on an amazing first date ;)

As cute as that smile of yours is, I'm afraid you're going to have to tell me

more about yourself before I sweep you off your feet;)

As cute as those long legs of yours are in your profile pic, I'm afraid that

they might only be good for show, and won't be able to keep up with me on

the dance floor....

But don't just use those two examples (well you can, and they will work), but

make up your own as you go along... it's more fun that way! Plus it's easy:

after "As cute as" you add a unique compliment, and after "I'm afraid" you

add a playful jibe, but don't be mean. And don’t forget the smiley-face wink!

Why does this Opener Template work so well?

It's tailorable - the more specific you can be with your target's qualities

when Opening the conversation, the more notice and excitement is


It complements the girl, but also includes a playful jibe which

completely changes the compliment into one that puts you in the power

position and makes her think... "was that a compliment or an insult?"

It sets the tone immediately to a conversation that is playful, light, flirty

and a bit competitive - providing the perfect environment for seduction

It provides conversation fodder - an actual topic that can be pursued,

rather than a generic "cheesey" opener that has no follow up potential.

The word "cute" has a funny effect when you use it on girls - it's not the

same as "hot" or "beautiful". It is actually a slight insult itself, as cute is

something lower on the compliment food-chain.

Don't be afraid to play around with this template and modify it into something

that works best for you and your personality.


“Good morning, sweetheart"… Just imagine, one day you could be waking

up and hearing me whisper that in your ear, rather than having to roll

over and read it from me on Tinder ;)

This opener has one of the highest response rates that you'll see. The method

in which you use this message will eliminate almost all of the competition that

you're up against on Tinder.

During the morning the only messages girls read are those which have been

sitting on her phone unread from the night before - by that time they are stale



and ineffective. Unlike all other message that she'll ever read, this message is

tailored to be used early in the morning. Send this to the girl at 6.30am - she'll

wake up, read your message and send you a reply. You'll then have her full

attention on Tinder for the rest of the morning, giving you enough time to get

her number, long before any other guy has even thought of messaging her.

Cool huh?!

Cheat tip: Although it can be used any day of the week, sending this message

on Saturday mornings will give you the best result because people generally

have more free time to reply.


Hey it's [Your Name], I'm looking for my Tinder crush with the cute smile,

seen her? ;)

The first text message you send after getting a girls number can be difficult,

you have to introduce yourself which can be awkward. This is a flexible

template that can be modified to use in almost any situation - plus it playfully

removes any first-text-tension.

Cheat tip: Add something to the message that you've already commented on.

For example, if you have spoken about going on a fun date together, your first

message would be:

Hey, this is [Your Name], I'm looking for the girl who's about to go on the

most amazing first date of her life, seen her? ;)

Cheat tip: Use POWER Message #2 (mentioning her cute smile) as your initial

Opener on Tinder, it will set you up perfectly for this POWER Message once

you get her number.

BONUS: A Tinder Routine to Use When Travelling

In addition to the POWER Messages, I thought I’d give you an extra bonus that

comes in very handy…

Tinder is your number 1 wingman when you’re travelling overseas.

But there’s a big problem that you’ll have when you’re matching with Tinder

girls from a non-English speaking country… What they hell do you say to

them!? Should you try and speak their language? Or just write an English


Well this routine is made exactly for those situations – it’s THE ONLY opener I

use when travelling around a country that speaks a foreign language.

The routine starts with this opener…

[Her Name] I hope that you can speak English, because I don’t think that I

can seduce you with my poor [Her language] ;)

Below is an example:

The opener is in Spanish and says “Carla I hope that you can speak English,

because I don’t think that I can seduce you with my poor Spanish ;)”.



If you’re in a foreign speaking country, just type that opener into Google

translate and translate it into the local language – instant foreign opener that

girls really love, plus it will help rapidly filter your matches.

Read these conversations from left to right.

Here’s that routine again with a different girl:



FINAL WOR If you want to develop a complete Tinder text game that

will take you to the next level, TINSANITY has everything you need.

With our Tinder Seduction system you can stop letting all of your Tinder matches go down the drain, never to be seen again.

If you’ve ruined a conversation before, if girls have gone cold and stopped responding to your messages or if you haven’t been able to progress a conversation then you need


As I’ve mentioned before, these messages won’t work for you every time -after all no method works 100% of the time.

But these POWER Messages will start you off on the right track and give you the best chance of starting a great conversation.

Want More?

The tips, tricks and lines that I’ve shown you are taken from TINSANITY, our Tinder Seduction System. If you want to develop a complete Tinder text game that will take you to the next level, TINSANITY has everything you need.

One last quote

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.


I hope our website and Dating App Cheat have really opened your eyes to the possibilities of Tinder. Really, it’s not difficult to get what you want once you know the right things to do and say – you’ve seen that and you’ll experience that soon enough.

This is just a small taste of knowledge that will help you for the rest of your life – not only on Tinder, but in everyday interactions with girls as well.

Once again I just want to say how great I think it is that you’ve taken this step to personal improvement. I’m incredibly grateful that you chose to do it with us.

- Marcus and the TinderSeduction.com team :)

[email protected]



to stop the bleeding now… all of those missed opportunities could have been prevented with TINSANITY.

Don’t let any more hookups slip away.

Use the lines and methods in TINSANITY and you’ll see instant results (that means more hookups quickly)…

Here’s what Luis says about TINSANITY:

“This is working wonders. I’m now getting dates with girls who wouldn’t even say hello to me after matching, it’s really awesome how great this has been! This guide is a real eye-opener… Simple, clear and straightforward, you are a genius, Marcus!!” – Luis Enrique

And here’s an email from another TINSANITY user:

Don’t let any more hookups slip away. Use TINSANITY to take your Tinder game to the next level instantly…

Check it out at www.tinderseduction.com/tinsanity/
