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  • 8/13/2019 10843 CIRCUIT ELECTRIC






    Houston, TX

    Project #!"$

    DMP CORPORATION!! %r'nt %()*+

    Roc H-((, Sout. C'ro(-n' /01$/ U+S+A+

  • 8/13/2019 10843 CIRCUIT ELECTRIC



    Introduction 2Contacting DMP for Assistance 4

    Batch Treatment Process 5Neutralization Tank !"ater #ec$cle %DI& '$stem DI 'torage Tank 5Chemical (eed '$stem )Chemical #e*uirements +Pre,aration of -$drochloric Acid 2!Pre,aration of Precoat 2(ilter Press 22"et (ilter Cakes 2)Cloth "ashing 2.

    /0a,oration 14Main Control Panel 15CP Batter$ #e,lacement 42

    Alarms 3 "arnings 41Pum, Counter 4DMP ,- 'ensors 4.Cleaning 'ensors 4+Calirating 'ensors 5!6ar Testing 5

    Air 7ance 5'am,le Collection 5.

    Anal$sis #e,orts )28ee,ing #ecords )1"aste9ater 'egregation )4Concentrates )Pre0entati0e Maintenance )+"hat is ,-: 2"arrant$ 4#eturning Com,onents 5(A;

  • 8/13/2019 10843 CIRCUIT ELECTRIC



    The ,ur,ose of this manual is to familiarize the o,erator 9ith the DMP "asteTreatment '$stem= This manual 9ill not train $ou on 9hat uttons to ,ush ins,ecific situations= Training on the o,erator interface> control ,anel and

    e*ui,ment is ,ro0ided during the startu, ,hase of the ,ro?ect=

    No 9aste9ater treatment s$stem can function ,ro,erl$ 9ithout a ca,ale andtrained o,erator=

    The ,osition re*uires an o,erator ca,ale of learning and understanding the triedand ,ro0en ,rinci,les utilized in the DMP s$stem= The ,osition also re*uiresmonitoring of the s$stem> sim,le testing of 9ater from the s$stem> maintainingrecords as re*uired $ regulator$ agencies> ordering of the treatment su,,lies>,erforming normal and ,re0entati0e maintenance and trouleshooting thetreatment s$stem> if a ,rolem arises=

    As 9ith o,erating all e*ui,ment> o,timum results can onl$ e achie0ed as theo,erator gains e@,erience= During the learning stages> the o,erator 9ill ecomefamiliar 9ith the follo9ing areas

    = 8no9ledge of 9aste generating streamsa= 'ources= Contaminants

    2= (lo9 'chematic%s&

    1= /*ui,ment su,,lied

    4= Instrumentationa= ses= Calirationc= Cleanu,

    5= Treatment chemistr$

    )= Chemical reactions

    = Processing the 9aste9ater through the treatment s$stema= Pum,ing to the s$stem= (lo9 coordinationc= Concentrated dum,s

    = Dum,ing schedules2= Bleed rates


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    .= ,sets and mistreatmenta= Causes= Corrections

    += #ecord kee,ing

    a= Im,ortance= #e*uirements

    != Pre0enti0e maintenance

    = Check lists

    2= ood housekee,ing

    1= 'afet$

    /m,hasis is on the o,erator> since he or she has a 0er$ im,ortant role incontrolling the DMP treatment s$stem= As the o,erator learns the s$stem itecomes easier to run efficientl$ and attention to the s$stem is reduced to,eriodic checks=

    The amount of time this takes 9ill e de,endant on the ackground of theo,erator and the amount of time he or she can dedicate to o,erating the s$stemduring startu, and the earl$ o,eration of the s$stem=


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    Cont'ct-n2 DMP 3or Ass-st'nce

    DMP4s Tec.n-c'( Ser)-ce De5'rt6ent c'n 7e re'c.e* Mon*'8Fr-*'7et9een t.e .ours o3 " AM 'n* : PM e'stern st'n*'r* t-6e 't "!! ":8:!0 or "!$ $/8/!+ Ask for the Tec.n-c'( Su55ort De5'rt6ent 9here*ualified ,ersonnel 9ill e a0ailale to ans9er $our *uestions and hel,

    trouleshoot ,rolems 9ith the s$stem=

    In order to hel, $ou *uickl$ and efficientl$ 9e re*uest that $ou ha0e the follo9inginformation a0ailale efore $ou contact DMP

    W.o ou 'reour nameour com,an$ name and locationour ,ro?ect numer %4 or 5 digit numer located on all schematics&

    F(o9 Sc.e6't-c %(ue5r-nt;s oth ,arties can e looking at the same diagrams at the same time=

    H')e our TECH L-n ;-3 '55(-c'7(e< connect-on o5er't-on'(If $our s$stem is e*ui,,ed 9ith DMPs T/C- 7ink %/lectronic 'er0ice CallE,tion& 9e are ale to look at $our s$stem ,rograms from our facilit$= Man$times it is necessar$ for us to look at the ,rograms in order to sol0e a ,rolem*uickl$=

    Make 'ure

    = Po9er is on to an$ connection de0ices %router> modem> hu> etcF&

    2= If using a tele,hone line 0erif$ it is connected to the modem %the tele,honeline must e a direct connection from the tele,hone com,an$ to the DMPcontrol ,anel= If there is a fa@ or another ,hone connected to the DMP,hone line 9e ma$ not e ale to connect to the s$stem&=

    H')e s5ec-3-c -n3or6't-on on t.e 5ro7(e6 're'e@& GI am ha0ing a ,rolem 9ith m$ filter ,ress ,um, 9hich is ,um,(P(PHA=Ge@& GM$ ,- ,roe in Neutralizer 2 does not seem to e reading correctl$=G

    He(53u( re6-n*ersIf $ou ha0e een 9orking 9ith a s,ecific ,erson on a ,rolem ,lease ask for that,erson first= If the ,erson $ou re*uested is not a0ailale someone else 9ill e

    ale to assist $ou or lea0e a detailed message for that ,erson=

    I3 ou nee* to or*er 5'rts or .')e ' 5r-c-n2 =uest-on 5(e'se 's 3or t.es5're 5'rts *e5'rt6ent+If $ou 9ant to re*uest a P7C or -MI ,rogramming change ,lease fa@ thechanges to DMP ser0ice at %.!1& 124H51= This 9ill enale DMPs control staffto re0ie9 the re*uest and inform $ou if the change%s& are feasile=


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    %'tc. Tre't6ent Proce*ure'ingle Batch Tank '$stem

    Batch treatment is used to treat highl$ concentrated 9aste streams or 9aste streams

    that change fre*uentl$= The goal is to fill the treatment tank 9ith a kno9n amount> ?artest the atch> treat the atch and em,t$ the tank= Ence the tank is em,t$ a ne9atch of 9aste can e treated=

    C.e6-c'( Tre't6ent Process

    E,erator starts and monitors the automated atch treatment ,rocess from theo,erator interface at the DMP control ,anel= Instructions are read from the o,eratorinterface screens=

    Eil free 9aste9ater is to e transferred to the atch treatment tank for ,rocessing=

    "ater 9ill come from ',ent Alkaline or ',ent Acid tanks=

    The follo9ing ste,s e@,lain the atch treatment ,rocess

    Pro0ided the sum,> or holding tank> has reached the start ,um, le0el> the s$stem feed,um,%s& should start ,um,ing into the atch tank= "hile the atch tank is filling> makesure there are enough chemicals a0ailale to treat the atch=

    Ence the atch treatment tank full le0el control is acti0ated> the atch is read$ to e,rocessed= GE8 to TreatG 9ill a,,ear on the o,erator interface= Ence the 9orkingatch tank has reached the full le0el> an$ additional flo9 9ill e di0erted to the

    9aste9ater holding tank for storage until the ne@t atch is read$ to e ,rocessed= The9aste9ater 9ill continue to fill the 9aste holding tank unless a atch ,rocess has eencom,leted and is no9 a0ailale to e filled= At that ,oint> the ,um, from the 9asteholding tank> along 9ith the 9aste9ater feed> 9ill fill the atch tank=

    Insert the ,- ,roe into the treatment tank= The ,- of the solution to e treated 9ille indicated on the o,erator interface screen=

    Note Proes should e cleaned andJor calirated each atch to insure ,ro,ertreatment until a caliration schedule is estalished ased on e@,erience=

    Turn the atch treat tank mi@er to the MANA7 ,osition to allo9 the solution to mi@thoroughl$ %A,,ro@imatel$ 5 minutes&=

    Dra9 a sam,le for ?ar testing to determine treatailit$ ,rocess> and chemical reagentdosages re*uired to treat atch=

    Note #efer to ?ar testing ,rocedures section of this manual=


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    Conduct ?ar testing ,rocedure on sam,le and record amount of chemical reagentsre*uired to treat the atch ,ro,erl$= Calculate the settings re*uired for tank ca,acit$eing treated= #ecord this information=

    'et u, the ,rocess in the atch treatment control screen of the o,erator interface=

    H 'elect 'te,s and PausesH /nter amount of gallons re*uired for each treatment chemical=H /nter ,- set ,oints=H /nter times for mi@ 3 age> mi@ after floc and settling=H Place BT Mi@er into Auto=

    'tart the treatment c$cle $ ,ressing G'tart TreatmentG=

    ,on com,letion of the settling stage> the BT screen 9ill dis,la$ GTreatmentCom,leteG

    T.e c.e6-c'( tre't6ent 5ort-on o3 t.e 7'tc. -s no9 co65(ete 'n* re'* 3ortr'ns3er to t.e 3-(ter 5ress or 3(o9 t.rou2. tre't6ent sste6+


  • 8/13/2019 10843 CIRCUIT ELECTRIC


    Tre't6ent Notes

    Ence the o,erator has treated a numer of atches> the treatment ,rocess 9ill eginto e familiar and ma$ e similar in chemical makeu,= This is 9here ,ro,er ?ar testingcan result in sa0ed time $ reducing or eliminating ,auses et9een treatment ste,s=

    Ence the treatment is com,lete remo0e ,roe%s& from tank and store ,ro,erl$ in ana,,ro,riate container of li*uid %9ater or uffer solution is est&= This 9ill a0oid ,roefailure from ha0ing the ,roes e@,osed to air for an e@tended ,eriod of time=

    The ne@t automatic atch ,rocess can e started again after the tank em,t$ le0el isdeacti0ated=

    M'nu'( Tre't6ent

    our s$stem ma$ e e*ui,,ed 9ith a manual treatment mode= If so> either atch ma$e treated $ manuall$ adding chemicals and mi@ing from the o,erator interface=

    Manual Treatment Steps

    'elect Manual Treatment Mode=

    To run mi@er select Manual mode=

    'elect 9hich chemical to add and turn ,um, on=Note Pum, 9ill continue to run until turned off=

    #e,eat ao0e ste,s as needed to treat the atch=

    Force Tre't6ent Co65(ete

    "hen utton is ,ressed the s$stem 9ill assume the 9ater is treated in the Batch Tankand not allo9 further addition of chemicals=

    Reset Tre't6ent Co65(ete

    "hen utton is ,ressed the s$stem 9ill assume the 9ater is untreated in the Batch

    Tank and allo9 addition of treatment chemicals=


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    S(u*2e De9'ter-n2 Process

    All ,hases of the atch treatment are no9 com,lete and the decanting of the atchtank can egin= The filter ,ress can decant the clear 9ater from ao0e the settledsludge through the decant 0al0es or to use the ottom dra9Hoff 0al0e to ,um, all of

    the decant 9ater and the sludge through the filter ,ress=

    - Ne@t> select GDecantK> or GNE DecantK=

    Turn the ,ress on= The first stage of ,rocessing the 9ater through the filter ,ress is toeither ,recoat the cloths or start the initial fill of the ,ress=

    'econd stage of the filter ,ress c$cle is to decant the clear 9ater from ao0e thesettled sludge through the decant 0al0es %Decant& or to use the ottom dra9Hoff 0al0eto take all of the decant 9ater along 9ith the sludge through to the filter ,ress %NoDecant&=

    "hen a decant le0el control is deacti0ated> the suction of the filter ,ress feed ,um,9ill e transferred to the ne@t decant 0al0e le0el of the tank= This 9ill continue until thelast decant le0el control is deacti0ated> and the ,um, is transferred to the ottomdra9Hoff 0al0e of the atch tank=

    "hen the filter ,ress c$cle is com,leted> the filter ,ress is no9 read$ to dum,= The$ello9 light on to, of the DMP control ,anel 9ill illuminate to alert the o,erator=

    Preco'tNote It is e@tremel$ im,ortant that the filter ,ress cloths are ,recoated ,ro,erl$ to

    a0oid linding of the cloths= The ,recoat tank should ha0e een made u, ,re0iousl$,er make u, instructions=

    'hould all of the sludge e remo0ed from the atch tank and the filter ,ress is not full>the lo9 le0el control 9ill e deacti0ated> and the ,ress 9ill enter a rec$cle mode> 9iththe filtrate 9ater returning to the ,recoat tank= This is to maintain ,ressure inside the,ress to make certain that the ,recoat does not release from the cloths and allo9 the,recoat and sludge to sli, to the ottom of the filter cake chamer> e@,osing the clothsto contamination and linding= "hen the ne@t treatment ,rocess is com,lete> the,ress 9ill continue on in the stage 9here it left off efore recirculation=

    If the filter ,ress fills> and there is still sludge a0ailale to e ,rocessed> the ,recoattank must e made u, again ,rior to starting filter ,ress to ,rocess another load="hen all the sludge has een remo0ed from the treatment tank> the tank em,t$ le0el9ill e deacti0ated and the GTreatment Com,leteG dis,la$ed on the screen 9ill turn off=This is an indication that another atch ma$ e transferred to the atch tank for,rocessing=


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    S(u*2e De9'ter-n2 Notes

    The filter ,ress c$cle 9ill start onl$ 9hen the GTreatment Com,leteG for the a,,ro,riatetank is dis,la$ed on the status screen=

    It is ,ossile to turn the filter ,ress on during a treatment c$cle= If this is done> B/'#/ to ha0e the filter ,ress C7E'/D 9ith the h$draulics= This is not recommendedunless the o,erator includes this as a standard ,rocedure along 9ith ,ro,er filter,ress ,re,aration=

    #efer to the filter ,ress section of this manual for ti,s on cleaning and ,erformance=


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    Neutr'(->'t-on Tre't6ent Mo*u(e


    The neutralization module includes the follo9ing com,onents

    = #eactor tank2= Mi@er=1= 7e0els=4= ,- control 9ith sensor=5= Chemical feed deli0er$ s$stem for addition of acid and caustic=

    Instrumentation and chemical feed control e*ui,ment su,,lied for neutralizationtreatment modules are used to ad?ust the ,- of the 9aste9ater=

    The ,- ranges are estalished to insure o,timum conditions during thedionization stage=

    Anal$sis is ,erformed $ 0erif$ing the ,- in the reactor 9ith an outside calirated,- meter=

    5H Contro(

    The ,- control ,rocess has t9o set ,oints that control the reagent feed ,um,s toad?ust the ,- of the 9aste stream as re*uired=

    -igh 'et ,oint H AddsAcidto Lower,-7o9 'et ,oint H Adds Causticto Raise,-

    7ogic using the in,ut from the ,- ,roe com,ares the ,- reading from theo,erator entered set ,oints=

    "hen the ,- reading is greater than the -i 'et ,oint> the logic in the P7C 9illacti0ate the air solenoid for the Acid ,um,> and the automatic 0al0e on thedischarge side of the ,um,> to add Acid to the neutralizer tank= Acid 9ill continueto feed until the ,- reading is less than the -igh set ,oint= "hen the ,- readingis less than the 7o9 set ,oint> caustic 9ill feed until the ,- reading is greaterthan the 7o9 'et ,oint=


  • 8/13/2019 10843 CIRCUIT ELECTRIC


    W'ter Recc(e ;DI A?%< Sste6

    Dilute rinse 9ater is transferred into TH %/mergenc$ -olding 3 (lo9 /*ualizationTank&= There is also a ta, 9ater feed line if 9ater or dilution is necessar$=

    Process 9ater is fed through the neutralizer> high micron filters> caron> lo9micron filters> cation resin and anion resin= The end result is DI 9ater that isused for regeneration and for the ,rocess= After a certain amount of flo9 theresins 9ill e@haust and 9ill not e ca,ale of ,roducing DI 9ater= At this ,ointregeneration is needed to ring the resins ack to o,erating condition= The timeet9een resin e@haustions 9ill de,end on the flo9 rate and *ualit$ %conducti0it$&of the incoming ta, 9ater=

    -igh micron filters

    Dual filters are ,ro0ided to catch an$ fine ,articles that ma$ ,ass through theneutralization s$stem= Ene filter is run at a time= "hen a filter ecomes dirt$ thestand$ filter should e o,ened and the dirt$ filter should e re,laced= This 9illensure constant o,eration= The filters are manuall$ controlled 9ith 0al0ing=T$,icall$ a 2!,si or greater change in ,ressure 9ould call for changing the filter=

    Caron (ilters AJB

    Process 9ater ,asses through caron to remo0e an$ solids and detergents=/ither one or oth filters can e running= 'election 9ill de,end on the o,eratingconditions= The filters should e ,eriodicall$ ack9ashed= It is recommended

    the caron e re,laced e0er$ ) months or 9hen a test of the 9ater dischargesho9s suds 9hen shaken %noting detergents ,assing through the caron&=


    "hen a filter re*uires ack9ash DI 9ater 9ill run u, through the filter to eack9ashed= This 9ill remo0e an$ deris at or near the to, of the filter= Allack9ash 9ater 9ill e treated in the Batch '$stem=

    Back9ash is determined $ runtime or ,ressure increase= E0er time the o,erator9ill estalish a ack9ash schedule=

    Note the DI s$stem 9ill not o,erate during the ack9ash ,eriod=

    7o9 micron filters

    Dual filters are ,ro0ided to catch an$ fine ,articles that ma$ ,ass through thecaron s$stem= Ene filter is run at a time= "hen a filter ecomes dirt$ the


  • 8/13/2019 10843 CIRCUIT ELECTRIC


    stand$ filter should e o,ened and the dirt$ filter should e re,laced= This 9illensure constant o,eration= The filters are manuall$ controlled 9ith 0al0ing=T$,icall$ a 2!,si or greater change in ,ressure 9ould call for changing the filter=

    Cation 3 Anion AJB #esin Columns

    "ater is de ionized $ running through resin that remo0es the ,ositi0e andnegati0e ions= The ,ath of the 9ater takes it through a Cation resin then an

    Anion resin= "ater lea0ing the Anion resin 9ill e the final ,roduct= As ions areremo0ed the resin ecomes less ca,ale of remo0ing more ions= At some ,ointthe resin 9ill not e ca,ale of remo0ing an$ ions and the outgoing 9ater *ualit$9ill dro,= Ence this ha,,ens the resin needs to e regenerated 9here the ionsare remo0ed from the resin> 9hich rings the resin ack to a useale state=

    T9o sets of columns are ,ro0ided so that one set can al9a$s e o,erating 9hilethe other set is in regeneration or in stand$=


    #egeneration is the cleaning ,rocess for the resin= Chemicals are added to thecolumns and are allo9ed to sit %contact time& on the resin for a ,eriod of time=The chemicals are then rinsed out of the columns= This ,rocess releases theions from the resin= The solution that is rinsed out of the columns is concentrated%containing the chemical and the ions& and 9ill e treated in the Batch '$stem=

    -$drochloric Acid is added to the Cation resin and Caustic 'oda is added to theAnion resin for regeneration=

    The ste,s for regeneration are as follo9s

    stAcid Dra9Note the stacid dra9 9ill start $ running 9ater onl$ to the column to agitate theresin for acid addition=

    stAcid 'oak

    2ndAcid Dra9

    2ndAcid 'oak

    Cation #inse

    stCaustic Dra9Note the st caustic dra9 9ill start $ running 9ater onl$ to the column to agitatethe resin for caustic addition=


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    stCaustic 'oak

    2ndCaustic Dra9

    2ndCaustic 'oak

    Anion #inse 3 'ettle

    /ach ste, 9ill ha0e a timed set ,oint= Ence set the times generall$ do not needto e changed= A ste, can e ski,,ed $ ,utting zero as a set ,oint=

    It is im,ortant that the o,erator understands the ,rocess and 0erifies thatchemicals 9ere dra9n into the s$stem during regeneration= Periodicall$ theo,erator should check the s,ecific gra0it$ of the chemistr$ mi@ture to make sureit is 9ithin an e@,ected range=

    'et ,oints and s,ecific gra0it$9hich is referred to as the rams ca,acit$= Ence this ca,acit$ is reached theresin 9ill no longer e ale to remo0e ions and ,roduce DI 9ater= "e candetermine ho9 man$ grams are eing used $ tracking the incoming conducti0it$and outgoing flo9 rate= As these numers increase more grams are eing usedu,= Ideall$ 9e 9ant to make the grams set ,oint a little lo9er than the calculatednumer so the resin ne0er com,letel$ e@hausts=

    #egeneration can also e determined using other set ,oints such as total flo9through the resin> outgoing conducti0it$> runtime or ,-= An$ of the triggers cane disaled if $ou do not 9ant to use them=

    /ach of the ao0e triggers can e set on the o,erator interface= Ideall$ thegrams set ,oint 9ill e used and the other set ,oints 9ill e set as acku, incase something anormal ha,,ens=

    'tarting #egeneration

    It is u, to the o,erator to egin regeneration= Before starting regeneration $oushould 0erif$ there is enough chemistr$ a0ailale and 9alk through the s$stem to0erif$ manual 0al0e ,ositions=

    nder normal o,eration one of the regeneration triggers %such as grams& 9illsignal that regeneration is re*uired for a column= "hen this ha,,ens the otherset of columns 9ill go onine %assuming the$ are in stand$&=


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    Press the #egen 'tart utton to egin a regeneration se*uence= Ence theregeneration is com,lete the columns 9ill go into stand$ mode 9hich meansthe$ are read$ to run=

    Manual Mode #egeneration

    #egeneration can also e started at an$ time $ ,lacing the column into #egenmode= This is asicall$ a manual regeneration start= Ence the regeneration hasstarted $ou must ,lace the column ack into Auto if $ou 9ant the s$stem too,erate normall$= If $ou kee, the s9itch in #egen the columns 9ill turn Eff oncethe regeneration is com,lete=

    #egen #eset

    If a column is in regeneration $ou can ,ress the #egen #eset utton to com,letethe regeneration= The column 9ill go into stand$ mode and think that the resin

    has een regenerated so onl$ use this feature if it is necessar$=

    #egen Trigger #eset

    Pressing this 9ill zero out grams used> gallons used and runtime for that s,ecificcolumn=

    Eut,ut Di0ersion Control

    DI 9ater 9ill e di0erted if the out,ut conducti0it$ is ao0e the set ,oint or if theout,ut ,- is elo9 the set ,oint= After regeneration there ma$ e a ,eriod of

    high out,ut conducti0it$ as some of the regeneration chemistr$ ma$ not ha0eeen com,letel$ rinsed out= If the outlet conducti0it$ is ao0e the set ,oint oroutlet ,- is elo9 the set ,oint 9ater 9ill e di0erted to the 7ift 'tation until thereading is 9ithin range=


  • 8/13/2019 10843 CIRCUIT ELECTRIC


    DI Stor'2e T'n

    The DI storage tank holds DI 9ater to e used throughout the facilit$ and forregeneration= Pum,s DITPHA 3 B 9ill circulate the 9ater ack to the tank and,ro0ide ,ressurization to the DI feed ,i,es for DI 9ater usage= "ater eing

    circulated is run through a L lam, to kee, the 9ater clean=

    Pum,s DITPHA 3 B 9ill not run if the tank is at a lo9 le0el=


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    C.e6-c'( Fee* Sste6

    Chemical feed ,um,s are utilized to deli0er reagent chemicals from the chemicalfeed tanks to the treatment tanks in the DMP '$stem= All chemical feed ,um,so,erate on demand from the control center= Acid and Alkali ,um,s recei0e their

    signal from the DMP Control Center ased on in,ut from the ,- instruments$stems= ChemH and (locculant ,um,s o,erate ased on feed rates in,ut fromthe o,erator at the interface=

    Determining the Pum, 'ettings

    enerall$> a 9ide degree of feed control is a0ailale $ 0ar$ing the ,arameters ofreagent concentration> andJor ,um,ing rate= "ith the DMP Pum, Counter'$stem the ad?ustment of the ,um,ing rate is easil$ and accuratel$ made fromthe o,erator interface= The o,erator sets the ,- set ,oints ased on informationthe$ get from ?ar tests the$ ha0e ,erformed and from e@,erience the$ ha0e

    gained o,erating the DMP "aste9ater '$stem= The feed rates for chem%s& andfloc are set $ the o,erator through the interface= The o,erator decides the feedrate for those ,um,s ased on information the$ get from ,erforming ?ar tests ande@,erience the$ gain from o,erating the DMP "aste9ater '$stem=

    'tronger reagents at slo9er ,um,ing rates reduce reagent refill fre*uenc$=-o9e0er> care must e taken 9hen mi@ing stronger reagents= If the reagent istoo strong damage to the s$stem could result= If the stronger reagent is ,um,edtoo fast the correction ma$ e too large and cause the sensing meters too0ershoot and start an o,,osite correction= This is 9asteful= Treatment tankmi@ers should e running at all times 9hile the DMP '$stem is running= This 9ill

    insure that the reagents are thoroughl$ mi@ed 9ith the 9aste9ater= If $ou desireto change the reagent concentration ,lease call DMP Technical 'u,,ort=


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    Re'2ents Use* -n W'ste W'ter Tre't6ent

    It is 0er$ im,ortant for the o,erator to ecome familiar 9ith the material safet$data sheets for all the reagents eing used= Most of them are strong andhazardous= 8no9ing 9hat to do for accidental contact and acting *uickl$ 9ill

    minimize ,ossile serious damage and in?ur$=

    Be sure to use ,rotecti0e clothing and face shields 9hen 9orking 9ith strongchemicals= A 6o6ent (on2er to 7e s'3e 6' 5re)ent ' (-3et-6e o3 cost(re2ret+

    Chemicals are corrosi0e to e*ui,ment= Chemical s,ills should e cleaned u, andthe area of the s,ill flushed 9ith 9ater immediatel$=

    /@,erience further sho9s us that ,urchasing de,artments often u$ reagentmaterials in ,ackages or grades that cost more than necessar$= Eur reagent

    outline discusses standard ,ackages and ,urities necessar$ for 9aste9atertreatment=

    A rief re0ie9 of man$ of the reagents used in "aste "ater Treatment= Not allof the reagents listed elo9 are necessar$ for $our s$stem %refer to startu, list ofchemicals&=

    Acid> 'ulfuric

    'ulfuric acid is a 0er$ hea0$> oil$ li*uid> 9hich is corrosi0e to all ,arts of the od$=It is usuall$ a0ailale in 5 gallon caro$s> 55 gallon drums> and ulk size=

    'ulfuric acid is a0ailale in se0eral commercial ,urities= "aste9ater treatmentonl$ re*uires a technical grade= 'ulfuric acid is used to lo9er ,- in 9astetreatment a,,lications=

    Caustic 'oda %'odium -$dro@ide&

    Caustic soda is a 0er$ strong alkali> 9hich is 0er$ corrosi0e to all ,arts of theod$= It is usuall$ a0ailale in 4!! ,ound or 5!! ,ound drums as eads or flakesor as 5! li*uid=

    The dr$ form is eas$ to handle as eads or flakes= 'e0eral grades or ,urities are

    a0ailale= "aste9ater treatment again onl$ re*uires a technical commercialgrade= 7arger users of caustic soda fre*uentl$ u$ a li*uid form called 5!li*uid= The dense li*uid contains aout )=4 ,ounds in each gallon= %A 55 gallondrum 9eighs !! ,ounds and contains aout 15! ,ounds of caustic&= 7i*uidcaustic freezes at )2 degrees (ahrenheit=


  • 8/13/2019 10843 CIRCUIT ELECTRIC


    Diatomaceous /arth

    A form of h$drated silica> also called fossil silica and infusorial earth= sed in9aste treatment as a ,recoat or od$ feed for the filter ,ress=

    (erric Chloride 42 degrees Baume(erric Chloride is a 0er$ corrosi0e acidic material> 9hich is sold in the li*uid form=Care should e taken to clean u, s,ills and flush them 9ith 9ater= "aste9ateronl$ re*uires a commercial or technical grade= The standard strength usuall$a0ailale is 42> 9hich contains a,,ro@imatel$ 4=) l= of ferric chloride in a gallon=Ether strengths are a0ailale 9ith less (erric Chloride in a gallon %1+ degrees O4=! l= 2) degrees O 2=4 ,ounds&= It is used as a treatment chemical=

    -$drochloric Acid %Muriatic Acid&

    This is a 0er$ corrosi0e fuming li*uid> strong irritant to e$es and skin> use,rotecti0e clothing> face shield and mask 9hen handling acids=

    Pol$mer %Pol$electrol$te Coagulant&

    Pol$mer is an organic chemical necessar$ in 9aste treatment= There are man$grades and t$,es of ,ol$mer= It is a0ailale in oth the li*uid form and the,o9der form= The li*uid is eas$ to use= The ,o9der re*uires e@tra e*ui,mentand s,ecial skills for its use=

    Not all flocculants 9ork in 9aste9ater treatment= Ene of the est is a ,roduct

    a0ailale from DMP called DMP 1H=


  • 8/13/2019 10843 CIRCUIT ELECTRIC


    C.e6-c'( Re=u-re6ents

    The follo9ing chemicals 9ill e used directl$ from drums or totes and are notdiluted=

    Caustic 'oda %for treatment and DI regeneration&5! Concentration (iltered #a$on or 7o9 Chloride rade

    'ulfuric Acid25 Concentration or less

    -$drochloric Acid %for DI regeneration&12 "ater "hite or 7o9 rade Iron


    != Concentration Anionic Pol$mer

    ChemH(erric Chloride 15 Q 4!> 42 degree Baume


  • 8/13/2019 10843 CIRCUIT ELECTRIC


    Pre5'r't-on o3 H*roc.(or-c ;Mur-'t-c< Ac-*%Commercial rade&


    Re3er to MSDS 3or 6ore -n3or6't-on=

    = (ill container or tank 9ith re*uired amount of 9ater=

    2= 'lo9l$ add the re*uired amount of -$drochloric Acid=

    1= Mi@ solution thoroughl$=


    (ailure to follo9 this ,rocedure could cause a 0iolent reaction= A(9'sadd acidto 9ater> ne)er9ater to acid= 'olutions stronger than 2! 0olume get 0er$ hotand 9ill ruin associated e*ui,ment=

    We'r 3'ce6's, 2(o)es, 'n* 5rotect-)e c(ot.-n2+

    A DILUTE-$drochloric Acid %-C7& solution is recommended for ,roe cleaning>filter ,ress cloth cleaning %9hen fouled 9ith metal h$dro@ide solids& and sandfilter cleaning=

    #ecommended makeu, is ! H 2! Acid 9ith 9ater=


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    Pre5'r't-on o3 Preco't%Diatomaceous earth&

    Re3er to MSDS 3or 6ore -n3or6't-on+

    = (ill reagent mi@ing tank 2J1 full of 9ater=

    2= Turn on mi@er=

    1= 'lo9l$ add the re*uired amount of ,recoat makeHu,=

    4= Add 9ater to fill tank> 9ithin 1G of the to,=

    5= 8ee, mi@er on at all times to kee, ,recoat material in solution until9ater le0el is elo9 the mi@er= Do not allo9 mi@er to run 9ith solution

    elo9 ,ro,eller= This can damage the mi@er=

    We'r 3'ce6's, 2(o)es, 'n* 5rotect-)e c(ot.-n2+

    Normal concentration is != to !=1 ,ounds ,er s*uare foot of filter surface area=


    H Measure length of one cloth in feet2 H '*uare result of %& %s*uare feet of one cloth&1 H Multi,l$ %2& $ numer of cloth surfaces on ,ress %s*uare feet of ,ress&

    4 H Multi,l$ %1& $ !=5 H Multi,l$ %1& $ !=1) H #esults of %4& and %5& is $our recommended range of material to use

    Example%cloth is 2=4 feet long and there are 54 cloth surfaces&

    H 2=4 feet is the length of each cloth2 H 2=4 s*uared O 5=.4 s*uare feet J cloth1 H 5=.4 s*uare feet J cloth R 54 cloth surfaces O 15 s*uare feet total4 H 15 s*uare feet R != l= O 1=5 l=5 H 15 s*uare feet R !=1 l= O +4=5 l=

    ) H #ecommended amount of ,recoat is et9een 1=5 and +4=5 ,ounds

    A good starting ,oint 9ould e to meet et9een the 0alues and usearound )! ,ounds=

    Note All reagent mi@ing ratios are a0erage concentrations= The$ ma$ ead?usted as conditions re*uire or ,ermit


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    T.e F-(ter Press


    The sludge de9atering e*ui,ment su,,lied $ DMP is a recessed> gasketed>

    ,lateHt$,e ,ressure filter ,ress=

    The sludge is transferred from the clarifier or sludge thickening tank to the filter,ress $ means of an air o,erated dia,hragm ,um,=

    During the startu, c$cle of the sludge de9atering ,rocess the ,um, 9ill c$cle*uickl$ until the filter chamers start to fill= As the c$cle ,rogresses> the solidsuild u, in the filter chamer and the ,um, c$cle slo9s do9n= Increased,ressure is re*uired to ,ass the 9ater through the filter cake= The sludgede9atering c$cle 0aries ased on the t$,e of sludge eing generated= A0eragefilter ,ress c$cle is a,,ro@imatel$ 4H. hours=

    To remo0e the cake from the filter ,lates sim,l$ o,en the filter and allo9 the filtercake to dro, out= If the sludge cake does not dro, out> use the s,atula ,ro0idedto dislodge the cake or to scra,e off the filter cloths=


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    T.e DMP Press M'n'2er

    De9atering ,reci,itated 9aste is accom,lished 9ith a filter ,ress= Thede9atering characteristics of the ,reci,itate can 0ar$ de,ending on changes tothe com,osition of the 9aste treated= The DMP Press Manager is a ,rocess that

    reacts to the 0ariale characteristics of the ,reci,itate and fills the ,ress in theshortest ,ossile time=

    This is accom,lished $ integrating feed ,ressure> feed flo9 rate> and feed0olume= (eed ,ressure is ad?usted to maintain the ma@imum feed 0olume= The,ress fills uniforml$ and de9atering is ma@imized $ ,re0enting ,remature ,latesurface linding that causes soft cakes=

    The result is the ailit$ to consistentl$ ,roduce the highest filter cake solids,ossile in the shortest time= Total de9atering time is reduced=

    The 9aste9ater treatment o,erator is full$ informed aout the condition of thede9atering ,rocess= DMP Press Manager also detects dirt$ filter cloths> ,luggedfilter ,ress feed lines> hast$ or ,oor settling> or a condition kno9n as channelingor rat hole=

    All functions of the ,ress manager reside in the control center= DMPs /lectronic'er0ice Call E,tion %T/C- 7ink& allo9s a DMP 'er0ice Center e@,ert to anal$zethe ,ress and sludge condition if necessar$ to hel, the o,erator=

    O5er't-on o3 t.e DMP Press M'n'2er

    The o,eration and set u, for the ,ress manager is accessed from the -MI= Tolocate the e*ui,ment select the main menu or s$stem o,erations ,age and selectthe filter ,ress o,tion= (rom the filter ,ress screen the control o,tions are to turnthe filter ,ress on or off and ad?ust the o,eration ,arameters for the filter ,ressfeed=

    O5er't-on P'r'6eters

    The controls for the ,ress manager can e ad?usted to suit $our a,,lication= This9ould de,end on $our s$stem o,eration=

    Precoat 'tage

    (irst loading ste, is set to a s,ecific time and ,ressure= T$,icall$ the settings arefor 5 to 2! minutes at 15 to 4! ,si= This 9ould a,,l$ for s$stems 9ith a ,recoatste, and to s$stems 9ithout a ,recoat= The first ste, 9ould e the same in eithers$stem=


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    'ludge 'tage

    The ne@t ste, is to look for a certain ,um,ing rate ,er minute= If that ,um,ingrate is not achie0ed then increase the c$cle $ a certain ,ercent or ,ressure=This ste, 9ill continue until the filter ,ress is full=


    Pum, should ha0e at least 5 c$cles ,er minute= If so> then kee, the ,ressure thesame= If not> increase the ,ressure $ 5 ,si=

    Press at Pressure %PAP& 'tage

    The last setting is for determining 9hen the ,ress is full= The DMP Controller islooking for 9hen the ,ress ,um, has more than one c$cle in a gi0en ,eriod oftime= If the c$cle rate is less than the ,reset amount> the ,ress is full=

    ExamplePum, should c$cle more than once in 1! seconds= If so> then kee, running= Ifnot> then the fill c$cle is com,lete= If the ,ress fill c$cle is com,lete then air lo9do9n egins=

    Air Blo9do9n

    Air is lo9n through the ,ress and ,i,ing for a ,eriod of time %t$,icall$ !H2!minutes& at a lo9 ,ressure %t$,icall$ 4! ,si&= Ence lo9do9n is com,leted the,ress c$cle is done and read$ to o,en=

    DMP Contro( Center -s '7(e to *eter6-ne 5ro7(e6s 9-t. t.e (o'*-n2 cc(e &F-(ter Press

    (ilter Press "arning Too much 0olume ,um,ed to the filter ,ress during theinitial loading stage=

    Possile causes can include

    - Clogged suction line

    - 'er0ice 0al0e%s& or ,neumatic 0al0e%s& closed on the suction line to the,um,


    Bottom alls on the filter ,ress ,um, ha0e deris in them

    (ilter Press "arning 2 Not enough 0olume ,um,ed to the filter ,ress during theinitial loading stage=

    Possile causes can include

    - Not enough air to the ,um,

    - Pum, counter on ,ress ,um, not 9orking


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    - Clogged discharge line

    - 'er0ice 0al0e%s& or ,neumatic 0al0e%s& closed on the discharge line of the,um, or filter ,ress

    - (ilter cloths are fouled

    (ilter Press "arning 1 The ,ressure on the DMP Press Manager is not changing,ressure during the loading c$cle fast enough=

    Possile causes can include

    - The all checks in the ottom of the ,um, ha0e deris in them

    - 'ludge has Grat holedG and is onl$ ,ulling 9ater

    - There is little or no sludge to ,um,

    (ilter Press "arning 4 The loading ste,s are changing to fast=

    Possile causes can include

    -'ludge densit$ has increased %not necessaril$ ad&

    - Poorl$ treated sludge

    - Pum, counter on ,ress ,um, not 9orking

    - Cloths are linded or fouled

    - Press is full %not em,tied last c$cle&

    Note:T.e 9'rn-n2s 9-(( not sto5 t.e o5er't-on o3 t.e 3-(ter 5ress+ It -s5oss-7(e to .')e 6u(t-5(e 9'rn-n2 con*-t-ons eB-st 't t.e s'6e t-6e+

    @ener'( M'-nten'nce

    The DMP Press Manager uses Gdr$ airG 9hich is generated at DMP Main Panel=The e*ui,ment used is a filter regulator set to !! ,si= (rom the filter regulator itthrough a !=! micron coalescing filter 9ith a ,ressure differential indicator= Thefilter for the coalescing filter should e changed once e0er$ si@ months or9hene0er the indicator egins to sho9= After coalescing the air goes through ano maintenance memrane dr$er to finish ,re,aring the air for the DMP PressManager Controller=

    Note If the s$stem is o,erated 9ithout the coalescing filter in ,lace the 9arrant$is LEID on the dr$er and the DMP Press Manager Lal0e= Both units 9ould ha0eto e re,laced=

    The onl$ other maintenance is to kee, a +! 9eight non detergent oil in the oilerfor the filter ,ress ,um,=

    Note 'et oiler to deli0er one dro, e0er$ t9o to four minutes of filter ,ress ,um,o,eration=


  • 8/13/2019 10843 CIRCUIT ELECTRIC


    Wet F-(ter C'es


    The filter ,ress feed ,um, stalls out and the air lo9 do9n c$cle is com,leted=

    -o9e0er> 9hen the filter ,ress is o,ened> the cake is solid near the cloth ut9ater$ near the center of the cake> or the contents are 0er$ soft or Gsou,$G=

    (iltration> as a,,lied in a 9aste treatment s$stem is the ,rocess of remo0ing thesolids from a ,reconditioned sludge slurr$= The li*uid ,asses through the filtercloths tra,,ing the solids and forming the sludge cake= "ith less li*uid content inthe filter cake> the hauling and dis,osal costs 9ill e lo9er=


    There are se0eral things that can contriute to a 9et or sou,$ filter cake= The

    most fre*uent causes are as follo9s=

    = Im,ro,erl$ conditioned sludge due to im,ro,er treatment=

    It is im,ortant that the solution e ,ro,erl$ treated 9ith all the necessar$chemicals added as re*uired> to ,roduce an easil$ de9atered sludge= #educingchemicals too much has een found to e a ma?or cause of im,ro,erl$conditioned sludge=

    2= The initial ,um, ,ressure is too high= The sludge is fed to the ,ress tofast=

    This can cause ,articles to form tightl$ on the filter cloth that can cause lindingout in the ,ores in the cloth= The filter ,ress ,um, should e started out slo9l$ toallo9 the cake to start to form slo9l$> and then the ,ressure is increased ats,ecific inter0als=

    1= 7ast stage air control 0al0e im,ro,erl$ set %4 stage ,ress onl$&=

    #eset 0al0e ,er instructions in manual=

    4= Pressure s9itch ,ressure set too lo9> or ,ress at ,ressure time set too


    #eset or change time as re*uired=

    5= Eil in sludge forming an im,ermeale la$er=

    Call DMP=


  • 8/13/2019 10843 CIRCUIT ELECTRIC


    )= Im,ro,er ,recoat of filter cloths %9hen e*ui,,ed&=

    The ,recoat is designed to act as the filter media instead of the actual filtercloths= The ,recoat is ,um,ed into the filter ,ress and coats the filter cloth=

    The ,recoat stage is ,erformed efore the sludge slurr$ is ,um,ed to the ,ress=Insure that the ,recoat filter media is of sufficient concentration to coat the filtercloths com,letel$= The dosage ma$ 0ar$ from = to =1 lsJft2ased onre*uirements= %'ee the make u, of ,recoat section of this manual&

    Note:(lo9 must not e interru,ted during the changeo0er from ,recoat c$cle tosludge c$cle= This 9ill ,re0ent the ,recoat from falling off the filter cloth= Al9a$str$ to a0oid a ,ressure dro, across the cloths until a self su,,orting cakethickness can e uilt u,=


  • 8/13/2019 10843 CIRCUIT ELECTRIC


    C(ot. W's.-n2

    (ilter cloths ,ro0ided 9ith the filter ,ress ha0e een selected s,ecificall$ for theuse of de9atering metal h$dro@ide sludges=

    Care and maintenance of the filter cloths is a 0er$ im,ortant factor influencing the,erformance of the filter ,ress= To eliminate the ,ossiilit$ of damaging the filtercloth> the nonarasi0e n$lon ,addle furnished 9ith the ,ress should e used toremo0e an$ cake that has not fallen free=

    "hen o,erating a filter ,ress> the filter cloth is the initial arrier that se,aratessolids from li*uid therefore> the filter cloth must remain ,orous to ,ro0ide highfiltration rates=

    During normal o,eration the filter cloth graduall$ ecomes fouled 9ith solids fromthe sludge eing filtered= This is a normal occurrence= These solids ma$ ,lug

    the ,ores in the filter cloth directl$ or indirectl$= Indirect ,lugging occurs 9hen thesolids ,enetrate the t9isted fiers that make u, the filter cloth and increase theirdiameter= #egardless of the method> cloth ,lugging is a normal occurrence of allfiltration=

    The material that ,lugs the filter cloth must e remo0ed ,eriodicall$ to maintainsatisfactor$ filter o,erations= 'atisfactor$ o,eration ,ro0ides high filtration ratesand drier filter cakes=

    C(e'n-n2 t.e C(ot.s

    The o,timum 9ashing c$cle for each filter must e determined $ o,erationale@,erience gained in the s,ecific filter ,ress a,,lication=

    (ilter cloth 9ashing is re*uired 9hen one of the follo9ing factors indicate,lugging has occurred to an e@tent that 9ill interfere 9ith satisfactor$ ,rocessresults=

    = Initial high filtration ,ressure=2= Increased filtration c$cles=1= #educed ,ercent solids content of cake=

    There are t9o ,rimar$ effecti0e methods of cleaning the filter cloths=

    = Pressure 9ashing H Ink> starch 3 late@=2= Acid 9ashing H Metal h$dro@ides=

    Ether effecti0e methods include

    - Detergent 9ashing H Eil 3 grease=

    - Bleach H /@cess ,ol$mer=


  • 8/13/2019 10843 CIRCUIT ELECTRIC


    Pressure W's.-n2

    Certain sludges such as starch> ink 3 late@ 9aste> are not effecti0el$ cleanedusing acid> and must e ,ressure 9ashed onl$=

    DMP suggests that a ,ressure 9asher of 25!! P'I ca,ailit$ is used 9ith cold9ater=

    Ac-* W's.-n2

    Acid 9ashing has ,ro0en most effecti0e in the cleaning of filter cloths ,lugged9ith metal h$dro@ide solids= Acid 9ashing is recommended in cases 9here filtercloth is ,lugged e@tensi0el$=

    There are t9o methods of acid cleaning= Both methods must e conducted 9ithgreat care utilizing all of the ,recautions re*uired in the handling of acids

    including the use of safet$ e*ui,ment and clothing=

    Method I

    This method re*uires a corrosi0e resistant tank of sufficient ca,acit$ to sumergethe entire filter ,late and large enough to hold the re*uired amount of ,lates to e,rocessed at one time and diluted h$drochloric acid> also kno9n as muriatic acid=

    /@treme care must e taken 9hen handling the acid= Add the concentrated acidto 9ater to otain a 25 solution $ 0olume of the concentrated acid=

    Re6e67er '(9's '** 'c-* to 9'ter+ Lolume concentrated acid1 Lolume 9ater


    - Clean filter cloths of all sludge cake 9ith nonarasi0e n$lon scra,er,ro0ided=

    - Immerse entire ,late in diluted concentrated acid solution for t9o hours=

    - #emo0e Plates and rinse thoroughl$=

    - #einstall ,lates in filter frame in ,ro,er se*uence> H1HH1HH1 etc= Plates

    are identified $ the numer of drilled dim,les in each ,late=- -eadliner ,late 9ill ha0e to e cleaned in ,lace on the filter ,ress=


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    Method II

    This method re*uires additional o,tional e*ui,ment in order to 9ash the filtercloths in ,lace on the filter ,ress=

    -Acid storage tank of sufficient ca,acit$ to fill ,ress and allo9 forrecirculation=

    - 7o9 ,ressure acid corrosion resistant ,um,=

    - Pluming re*uired to isolate ,ress from stream and allo9 for recirculationand draining of acid solution=


    - Clean all filter cloths of all sludge cake 9ith nonarasi0e n$lon scra,,er,ro0ided=

    - Close filter ,ress=

    -Isolate filter feed line from dia,hragm sludge feed ,um, 9ith 0al0e,ro0ided=

    - Close filtrate return discharge 0al0e=

    - E,en acid recirculation line ack to acid storage tank=

    - E,en acid feed line to filter ,ress=

    - 'tart acid feed ,um,= It 9ill take considerale time to fill all of the ca0itiesof the ,ress efore acid 9ill return to storage tank= Continuall$ ins,ectfilter ,ress for leakage during filling and recirculating=

    - Allo9 ,um, to recirculate for t9o hours=

    - Turn off acid feed ,um,=


    Close manifold 0al0es re*uired to ,urge acid solution ack to acid storagetank=

    - E,en air ,urge line 0al0e to ,urge acid from filter ,ress=

    - E,en filtrate drain line 0al0e to sum,=

    - E,en feed line 0al0e to filter ,ress from dia,hragm sludge feed ,um,=

    - (ilter ,ress is no9 read$ to e returned to ser0ice=


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    Deter2ent W's.-n2

    Detergent 9ashing has ,ro0en most effecti0e in the cleaning of filter cloths,lugged 9ith oils= Detergent 9ashing is recommended in cases 9here filter clothis ,lugged e@tensi0el$=


    This method re*uires additional o,tional e*ui,ment in order to 9ash the filtercloths in ,lace on the filter ,ress=

    - 'torage tank of sufficient ca,acit$ to fill ,ress and allo9 for recirculation=

    - 7o9 ,ressure corrosion resistant ,um,=

    - Pluming re*uired to isolate ,ress from stream and allo9 for recirculationand draining of detergent solution=


    - The size of the cleaning tank has een determined according to the size ofthe filter ,ress installed=

    - (ill tank to 2J1 le0el 9ith ta, 9ater=

    - Add o@ of standard ,o9dered detergent and mi@=


    - Clean all filter cloths of all sludge cake 9ith nonarasi0e n$lon scra,,er,ro0ided=

    -Close filter ,ress=

    - Isolate filter feed line from dia,hragm sludge feed ,um, 9ith 0al0e,ro0ided=

    - Close filtrate return discharge 0al0e=

    - E,en detergent recirculation line ack to acid storage tank=

    - E,en detergent feed line to filter ,ress=

    - 'tart detergent feed ,um,= It 9ill take considerale time to fill all of theca0ities of the ,ress efore detergent 9ill return to storage tank=Continuall$ ins,ect filter ,ress for leakage during filling and recirculating=

    - Allo9 ,um, to recirculate for t9o hours=

    -Turn off detergent feed ,um,=

    - Close manifold 0al0es re*uired to ,urge detergent solution ack todetergent storage tank=

    - E,en air ,urge line 0al0e to ,urge detergent from filter ,ress=

    - E,en filtrate drain line 0al0e to sum,=

    - E,en feed line 0al0e to filter ,ress from dia,hragm sludge feed ,um,=

    - (ilter ,ress is no9 read$ to e returned to ser0ice=


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    %(e'c. W's.-n2

    Bleach 9ashing has ,ro0en most effecti0e in the cleaning of filter cloths ,lugged9ith e@cess ,ol$mer fouling= Bleach 9ashing is recommended in cases 9herefilter cloth is ,lugged e@tensi0el$=


    This method re*uires additional o,tional e*ui,ment in order to 9ash the filtercloths in ,lace on the filter ,ress=

    - 'torage tank of sufficient ca,acit$ to fill ,ress and allo9 for recirculation=

    - 7o9 ,ressure corrosion resistant ,um,=

    - Pluming re*uired to isolate ,ress from stream and allo9 for recirculationand draining of leach solution=


    - The size of the cleaning tank has een determined according to the size ofthe filter ,ress installed=

    - (ill tank to 2J1 le0el 9ith ta, 9ater=

    - Dilute J2 gallon of 5=25 leach %NaECl& ,er cuic feet of filter ,ressarea=

    /@am,le5 cu ft filter ,ress O 2=5 gallons2! cu ft filter ,ress O ! gallons


    - Clean all filter cloths of all sludge cake 9ith nonarasi0e n$lon scra,,er,ro0ided=

    - Close filter ,ress=

    - Isolate filter feed line from dia,hragm sludge feed ,um, 9ith 0al0e,ro0ided=

    - Close filtrate return discharge 0al0e=

    - E,en leach recirculation line ack to acid storage tank=

    - E,en leach feed line to filter ,ress=


    'tart leach feed ,um,= It 9ill take considerale time to fill all of theca0ities of the ,ress efore detergent 9ill return to storage tank=Continuall$ ins,ect filter ,ress for leakage during filling and recirculating=

    - Allo9 ,um, to recirculate for t9o hours=

    - Turn off leach feed ,um,=

    - Close manifold 0al0es re*uired to ,urge leach solution ack to detergentstorage tank=

    - E,en air ,urge line 0al0e to ,urge leach from filter ,ress=


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    - E,en filtrate drain line 0al0e to sum,=

    - E,en feed line 0al0e to filter ,ress from dia,hragm sludge feed ,um,=(ilter ,ress is no9 read$ to e returned to ser0ice=


  • 8/13/2019 10843 CIRCUIT ELECTRIC



    "ater that is discharged from the filter ,ress cannot e retreated and used in thes$stem= This flo9 is run through an e0a,orator=

    "ater 9ill fill the (ilter Press (iltrate Tank= The 9ater is then ,um,ed into thee0a,orator 9hen called for=

    The ma?orit$ of the 9ater is e0a,orated 9hile a ,ortion is concentrated andhauled off=

    The e0a,orated 9ater is sent through a condenser and cooling s$stem= The,roduct is distillate> 9hich is sent ack to the s$stem for treatment=

    #efer to the /0a,orator manual for o,eration instructions=


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    M'-n Contro( P'ne(

    The main control ,anel is the GBrainsG of the 9aste treatment s$stem= It isdesigned to automaticall$ control the functions of the e*ui,ment su,,lied 9ith thetreatment s$stem= To maintain the control ,anel ,ro,erl$> the o,erator must

    kno9 and understand all of the circuits and functions that 9ere designed into thes,ecific control ,anel=

    'u,,lied 9ith the treatment s$stem

    = Instruction manuals2= /*ui,ment manuals1= /lectrical schematics4= (lo9 schematics5= /*ui,ment la$out dra9ings

    "ith this information the o,erator 9ill e ale to understand the functions of thecontrol ,anel and related e*ui,ment=

    The control cainet is e*ui,,ed 9ith man$ com,onents including motor starters>,rogrammale controller %P7C&> o,erator interface unit %-MI> MMI> EIP&> etc=The s$mols used for these com,onents can e located in the electricalschematic= 8no9ing and understanding ho9 the circuits o,erate is a 0alualeaid in trouleshooting=

    Contro( P'ne( Co65onents

    Transformer%s& 3 Po9er 'u,,lies

    T$,icall$ onl$ one ,o9er dro, is necessar$ to the control ,anel= Thetransformer%s& 9ill take that ,o9er and con0ert it to the necessar$0oltages=

    Programmale 7ogic Controller %P7C&

    #ecei0es in,uts from different locations of the treatment s$stem andcontrols out,uts according to 9hate0er functions are necessar$ ased onthe in,uts=

    E,erator Interface Panel %EIP& or -uman Machine Interface %-MI&

    The de0ice is mounted in the face of the control cainet= It is ho9 theo,erator controls and monitors the s$stem= This 9ould include and filter,ress control> ,- and E#P readings> le0els in tank> status of ,um,s>0al0es> mi@ers> filter ,ress stages> etc=> and other im,ortant information=


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    E0erload ,rotection

    'e0eral t$,es of ,rotection are su,,lied in the control ,anel for safet$=

    = Main Disconnect Breaker

    a= Manual disconnect= Thermal o0erload

    2= 7o9 Loltagea= Indi0idual circuit ,rotection is su,,lied $ circuit o0erload


    1= -igh Loltage %1 ,hase motors&a= Indi0idual motor starters= Thermal o0erload ,rotection

    Terminal connections 3 field 9iring

    All field 9iring is numered according to the electrical schematic> andconnected to the terminal stri,s located in side the control ,anel=


    /lectric acti0ated air solenoids for controlling air ,um,s> 0al0es> etc=> arelocated inside the control ,anel or at certain field ,oints for ,um,s and0al0es=


    Are used 9hen a higher Am, dra9 is re*uired than a P7C unit can,ro0ide=

    Dr$ Contact

    Pro0ided for customer use for ,um,sJ0al0es not in DMP '$stem=

    Chart #ecorders

    The recorders are a0ailale for ,-> E#P> flo9 rate and other readings=The$ sim,l$ record the signal on ,a,er or screen of 9hat the ,roe reads=

    Alarms 3 Indicators

    An audile alarm 9ill sound during alarm conditions along 9ith a red alarmindicator=


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    A $ello9 indicator 9ill illuminate 9hen a filter ,ress c$cle is com,lete=

    (ilter Press Transducer

    If e*ui,,ed a transducer 9ill take an air su,,l$ and regulate it 0ia an

    electrical signal to the filter ,ress feed ,um,= An air dr$er is su,,lied to,ro0ide high *ualit$ air=

    Air Conditioner

    An AJC unit is ,ro0ided u,on re*uest or on s$stems that re*uire lo9ero,erating tem,eratures=


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    The /HController is the ,rimar$ interface et9een the o,erator and the 9atertreatment s$stem= The main ,anel uses a gra,hic dis,la$ for informationtransfer= The e*ui,ment is generall$ referred to as the E,erator Interface Panel

    %EIP& or -uman Machine Interface %-MI& and consists of an industrial com,uter>soft9are and a screen=

    7og InThe /HControllerJ! has a securit$ ,rogram 9hich allo9s multi,le o,erators each9ith different ,ass9ords as 9ell as different securit$ le0els= The o,erator,ass9ords can e changed $ the s$stem administrator= This 9ill allo9,ersonalized access for each o,erator or a grou, of o,erators= The ,rimar$function of ha0ing different logins for each ,erson is due to the function calledG/0ent TrackerG= The e0ent tracker monitors and records all e0ents ,um,s thatare turned on and off> 9hen alarms sounded> 9hen the alarm ackno9ledged>

    9hen the alarm condition 9as satisfied ?ust to name a fe9= The information istracked $ time and o,erator=

    Alarm 'tatusAlarm status tells the o,erator 9here and 9hat the ,rolem is lo9 chem tank>loss of air ,ressure> high le0el in a tank> etc=

    Chemical CostingChemical costing is a real time tracker of chemical cost ased on in,ut from the,um, as to 9hat 0olumes of chemicals ha0e ,um,ed=

    Chemical (eed #atesChemical feed rates are the 0olume of chemicals to e ,um,ed= The set ,ointsare generall$ in gallons> gallons ,er minute> and gallons ,er hour> *uarts or*uarts ,er hour=

    Concentrate (eed #atesThe interface 9ill allo9 the o,erator to feed a certain amount of s,entconcentrates %generall$ in gallons ,er hour&= The dis,la$ 9ill sho9 0olume,um,ed and set flo9 rate=#inse (lo9 #ates

    The interface 9ill allo9 the o,erator to feed a certain amount of rinse 9aters%generall$ in gallons ,er minute&= The dis,la$ 9ill sho9 0olume ,um,ed and setflo9 rate=

    Trending 3 Data CollectionCharts se0eral functions of the s$stem o0er a ,eriod of time= Data is sa0ed andcan e ,ut into s,readsheet form for e0aluation and record kee,ing=


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    Pre0entati0e MaintenanceE,erator can in,ut 0alues for s$stem to 9arn of u,coming maintenance ons$stem com,onents=


    'creen 9ill sho9 current status of in,uts and out,uts= This is a good tool fortrouleshooting=

    '$stem 'tatusenerall$ colors are used to de,ict action=

    reen H Action is occurring> ,um, running etc=#ed H Alarm condition

    The e(ectr-c'( sc.e6't-cis the ,rimar$ source of information regarding the,h$sical la$out= All of the 9iring> fuses and air lines are laeled according to theelectrical schematic= "hen trouleshooting the s$stem ,lease ha0e the electricalschematic ,resent=

    The main ,anel usuall$ includes the follo9ing utilities

    - Com,ressed air= #efer to the e*ui,ment la$out for s,ecific airre*uirement=

    - Communication line re*uired for DMP Cor,oration to e ale to contact

    the main ,anel= This is t$,icall$ a LPN or D'7 line=

    Note:If using a tele,hone line it needs to e either a direct dial u, or gothrough an automated s9itchoard= The line should e suitale for a fa@machine to 9ork=

    - Three ,hase ,o9er 9ith earth groundH,o9er source for larger mi@ers andlo9ers=

    - 2! L H ,o9er source for P7C and controls

    - 24LDC H ,o9er for in,uts and signal 9ire

    Note:The main ,anel is t$,icall$ the onl$ ,o9er dro, to the s$stem= That,o9er is transformed into other 0oltages=


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    O5er'tor Inter3'ce ;HMI or OIP 0al0es> set ,oints and other 0ariales=

    The screen is connected to an industrial PC that runs the screen soft9are andcommunicates 9ith the P7C= Data collection files are stored in the PC=

    Pro2r'66'7(e Lo2-c Contro((er ;PLCoccasionall$ situations re*uiring correcti0e action do occur and it is im,ortant toe ale to *uickl$ identif$ the source of such situations and correct them=

    Ene of the most common situations is the CME' memor$ ackHu, atter$=(ailure of the atter$ ackHu, can result in CME' memor$ loss in the e0ent of,o9er failure= If the atter$ fails and ,o9er is lost re,rogramming of the CPma$ e necessar$=

    The follo9ing ,re0entati0e maintenance measures are recommended=

    'tock in the control ,anel a s,are lithium atter$ or locate in an area 9here it isreadil$ a0ailale=Maintain ,o9er on to the ,rogrammale controller at all times %! 0olts&=

    /stalish a dail$ ,re0entati0e maintenance check of the ,rogrammale controllerand insure against ackHu, atter$ loss=

    Co65'ct Lo2-B

    - Is E8 light on:

    - Is #N light on:

    - Is BATT %atter$& light on:

    - Is (7T %fault& light off:

    An$ one of the conditions listed ao0e can e cause for concern= If the atter$

    light is on re,lace the atter$ at once= After re,lacing the atter$> e@amine the,rogram or test the s$stem o,eration= If a fault is located contact DMP=

    Crisis Maintenance Ls= Pre0entati0e Maintenance

    Although all atteries are dated and manufacturers ha0e estalished shelf lifetimes and o,eration times for their atteries> it is unkno9n ho9 man$ times theatter$ has een called for ackHu,= 'ince the$ are not rechargeale theremaining life of the atter$ is not kno9n= DMP therefore recommends

    - 8ee, ,o9er on unit at all times=

    -#e,lace atter$ $earl$ 9hether needed or not= The atter$ re,lacementcost is minimal 9hen com,ared to re,rogramming cost and do9n timeincurred=


  • 8/13/2019 10843 CIRCUIT ELECTRIC


    %'tter Re5('ce6ent

    To re,lace the atter$ ,roceed as follo9s=

    Co65'ct Lo2-B

    -#e,lace atter$ 9ith ,o9er EN=

    - #emo0e atter$ door $ sliding it for9ard=

    - n,lug atter$ 9ire harness connector and remo0e atter$=

    - Plug in ne9 atter$ connector and install ne9 atter$=

    - Close atter$ door $ sliding it ack until it clicks into ,osition=

    WARNINGObserve the following precautions when handling a Lithium battery !o notdiscard the battery in fire !o not attempt to recharge the battery "he

    battery may burst or burn or release ha#ardous materials

    $A%"ION!o not attempt to remove the circuit board from its module housing&ailure to observe this caution may result in an electrostatic buildup anddischarge resulting in damage to 'O( circuits !ischarge of the non)rechargeable Lithium battery may occur if the board contacts a conductingsurface* causing loss of memory contents


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    A('r6s& W'rn-n2s

    Alarm conditions are indicated audil$ and 0isuall$= There is a ell or horn at themain ,anel for the audile alarm and a red light on to, of the main ,anel for0isual alarm= "hen there is an alarm condition oth audile and 0isual alarm 9ill

    acti0ate= The o,erator can ackno9ledge the alarm and that sto,s the audilefrom ringing> ut the red light 9ill remain on until the alarm condition is corrected=

    There is an audile reminder= If the alarm condition e@ists for se0eral minutesthe alarm tone 9ill sound for se0eral seconds= The reminder 9ill continue untilthe alarm is corrected=

    "arnings are generall$ indicated 9ith a $ello9 indicator on the screen along 9itha message= "arnings are meant to notif$ the o,erator of ,ossile ,rolems 9iththe s$stem= The s$stem 9ill not shut do9n 9ith a 9arning=

    Note Not '(( '('r6s or 9'rn-n2s 9-(( '55( to our sste6+

    Loss o3 A-r"hen air su,,l$ to either the main control ,anel or main solenoid ,anel dro,selo9 a ,reset ,ressure an alarm 9ill sound= T$,icall$ set to 4! ,si anad?ustale ,ressure s9itch in the ,anel 9ill cause the alarm=

    I65'ct on t.e sste6%flo9&The main feed ,um,%s& 9ill shut do9n flo9 to the s$stem until a minimum air,ressure is restored= Ence ,ro,er air ,ressure is restored the alarm 9ill cease=The main feed ,um,%s& 9ill return to normal o,eration=

    I65'ct on t.e sste6 %atch&Treatment to the s$stem 9ill sto, until a minimum air ,ressure is restored= Ence,ro,er air ,ressure is restored the alarm 9ill cease= Treatment 9ill return tonormal o,eration=

    Lo9 Le)e( C.e6-c'( T'n"hen one %or more than one& chemical tank ecomes lo9 the alarm 9ill sound=This ,re0ents the s$stem from treating 9ithout the ,ro,er amounts of chemicals=

    I65'ct on t.e sste6 %flo9&The main feed ,um,%s& 9ill shut do9n flo9 to the s$stem until the chemicaltank%s& are filled to ao0e the lo9 le0el= The main feed ,um,%s& 9ill return tonormal o,eration=

    I65'ct on t.e sste6%atch&Treatment to the s$stem 9ill sto, until the chemical tank%s& are filled to ao0e thelo9 le0el= Treatment 9ill return normal o,eration=


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    H-2. Le)e( C.e6-c'( T'n"hen one %or more than one& chemical tank ecomes near an o0erflo9 le0el thealarm 9ill sound=

    I65'ct on t.e sste6If there is an automatic 9ater or chemical fill the ,rocess 9ill cease so that the

    tank does not o0erflo9=

    If the tank is eing filled manuall$ the o,erator must shut off the source=

    H-2. Le)e( -n ' Ho(*-n2 T'n"hen the le0el in a holding tank ecomes high the alarm 9ill sound= Action muste taken to a0oid a tank o0erflo9= The alarm is sho9n as either -igh 7e0elGTank NameG or -igh 7e0el GPum,%s& that remo0e 9ater from the tank=

    %/@am,le -=7= /mergenc$ -olding Tank or -=7= P!A 3 P!B=&

    I65'ct on t.e sste6The s$stem 9ill kee, running or filling %as long as there are no other shutdo9nalarms& to tr$ and lo9er the tank= If e*ui,,ed> ,um,s that feed the tank 9ill alsoshut do9n=

    No M-B-n2If a mi@er reaker tri,s an o0erload signal 9ill tell the s$stem them mi@er is notrunning=

    M-stre't6entIf ,- andJor E#P readings ecome out of set ,oint range> reagents are added toad?ust the s$stem= If the s$stem is not ack in range 9ithin three minutes themistreatment alarm 9ill sound=

    I65'ct on t.e sste6The main feed ,um,%s& 9ill shut do9n flo9 to the s$stem until the ,-JE#P isad?usted ack into range= Ence the ,-JE#P is ack in range the alarm 9illcease= The main feed ,um,%s& 9ill return to normal o,eration=

    H-2. Le)e( %'tc. T'nIf for an$ reason the full le0el in a atch tank fails the tank 9ill fill until it reacheshigh le0el= Ence in high le0el the alarm 9ill sound=

    I65'ct on t.e sste6"hen in high le0el the feed 0al0e to the atch tank 9ill close along 9ith an$ othersources to the tank %as long as the 0al0es are in auto&=

    H-2. Pressure Me*-' F-(tersThe media filters ha0e a high ,ressure set ,oint on the -MI= If ,ressureincreases ,ast the set ,oint an alarm 9ill sound=


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    I65'ct on t.e sste6The main feed ,um,%s& 9ill shut do9n flo9 to the s$stem= The sand filter feedtank 9ill drain 0ia sand filter feed ,um,%s& until a lo9 le0el= The ,um,%s& 9ill shutdo9n= Ta, 9ater 9ill fill the tank until a start le0el is attained= The ,um,%s& 9illturn on and ack9ash the sand filter %2 sand filters& or each sand filter %1 or more

    sand filters&= This generall$ rings the ,ressure do9n= If the ,ressure is still toohigh additional ack9ashing 9ill e necessar$= An acid cleaning ma$ enecessar$ if the high ,ressure still ,ersists %Call DMP if the filters ha0e gotten tothe ,oint for further guidance&=

    H-2. Le)e( Me*-' F-(ter Fee* T'nIf the le0el in the media filter feed tank ecomes high the alarm 9ill sound=

    I65'ct on t.e sste6The main feed ,um,%s& 9ill shut do9n flo9 to the s$stem so the media filter,um,%s& ma$ lo9er the le0el in the feed tank= Ence the le0el is elo9 high range

    the main feed ,um,s 9ill return to normal o,eration=

    Loss o3 Pr-6e"hen a centrifugal ,um, 9ith a ,riming circuit did not ,rime=

    I65'ct on t.e sste6The s$stem 9ill shut do9n until the ,rimar$ circuit is reset and restarted=

    Run'9' Pu65If a ,um, counts more strokes then ,rogrammed $ the o,erator the alarm 9illsound= This alarm detects suction ,rolems or a reak in the discharge line=

    I65'ct on t.e sste6Pum, 9ill shut do9n until alarm is ackno9ledged and restarted=

    Pu65 5roB A('r6Certain ,um,s are re*uired to achie0e an amount of strokes ,er minute= If thestroke count is not met the alarm on the screen= If the alarm is sho9n theo,erator should 0erif$ that the ,um, is running and the DMP ,um, counter issending a signal to the control ,anel=

    Run'9' Pu65 A('r6Certain ,um,s c$cle on and off due to time and the re*uired amount of li*uid toe ,um,ed= If the ,um, strokes the re*uired amount too *uickl$ the alarm 9illa,,ear on the screen and the ,um, 9ill shut do9n= This 9ill ,re0ent a largemess if a ,i,e has roken=


  • 8/13/2019 10843 CIRCUIT ELECTRIC


    Pu65;s< On Too Lon2 W'rn-n2If a chemical addition ,um, runs for a certain time 9ithout sto,,ing the 9arning9ill a,,ear on the screen= This ma$ indicate a ,rolem 9ith a counter or ,roe=


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    A-r Pu65 CounterProB-6-t S9-tc.


    The ,ro@imit$ s9itch is used to count the strokes of a ,ositi0e dis,lacement,um,> such as the air dia,hragm ,um,s used on the chemical feed deli0er$s$stem= The information from the s9itch is stored in the P7C 9here thecon0ersion is made to dis,la$ the gallons ,er hour %P-& or gallons ,er minute%PM& for oth dis,la$ on the E,erator Interface> as 9ell as control of the ,um,0ia setting the rate of ,um,ing from the E,erator Interface=

    !asic Procedure

    The ,ro@imit$ s9itch is located on the air 0al0e asseml$ on the air dia,hragm,um,= It can e found $ locating the incoming air su,,l$> and then looking for

    shrink tuing leading into the air 0al0e asseml$= The ,ro@imit$ s9itch isinstalled $ threading into the ,lug of the air 0al0e asseml$= It is additionall$held in $ a doule nut against the ,lug=

    To ad?ust the s9itch ,roceed as follo9s

    "ith the ,um, running

    - 7oosen the doule nut on the threaded ,art of the s9itch=

    - Turn the s9itch clock9ise until the light of the a,,ro,riate in,ut %use theelectrical schematic& is illuminated 9ith e0er$ stroke of the ,um,=

    -If the in,ut light is illuminated constantl$> turn the s9itch counterclock9iseuntil the in,ut light illuminates 9ith e0er$ stroke of the ,um,=

    - Tighten the doule nuts to secure=

    Pro,er ad?ustment is essential to insure chemical feed deli0er$ to the treatments$stem= This ,rocedure should e ,art of $our ,re0entati0e maintenanceschedule=


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    DMP 5H Sensors

    Man$ treatment reactors use ,- sensors to control addition of chemicals= Thesensors are one of he most critical ,ortions of the s$stem and must e in goodo,erating condition at all times=

    The DMP ,- sensors are designed and look the same= Belo9 is a list of thecom,onents=

    Proe 'taffThis is the com,lete unit> 9hich consists of the electrical connection et9een thetransmitter and fle@ cale> ,i,e of sufficient length to sumerse the unit in thetank> transmitter and electrode= The fle@ cale has a ,lug in connector> 9hichconnects to a conduit o@ near the ,roe staff location= This allo9s for a *uickconnectJdisconnect of the ,roe staff= The connection ma$ e hard 9ired onolder s$stems or s$stems 9ith e@cessi0e corrosion=

    TransmitterThis ,iece connects to the ,i,e on the ,roe staff= The electronics are housed inthe unit and the cale for connection runs out of the to, into the ,i,e of the ,roestaff=

    /lectrodeThe electrode is the interface et9een the solution eing measured and thetransmitter= Care must e taken 9ith the electrode face since it is relati0el$ thinglass and can reak= The electrode cannot e ser0iced outside of cleaning=T$,ical electrode life is ) months to 2 $ears ut is de,endant on the solution it is

    eing used in and the care it recei0es=

    /lectrical ConnectionsThere are a fe9 electrical connection ,oints on the sensor circuit= If the sensor isnot functioning each connection should e checked= If a 9ire is loose> roken>touching another 9ire or corroded then it ma$ need to e re,aired= T$,icalconnection ,oints are at the to, of the ,roe staff> on the male ,lug at the end ofthe fle@ cale %remo0e ruer oot and ca,&> on the female end of the ,lug%inside the conduit o@& and in the main control ,anel= #efer to the electricalschematics for a detailed la$out=

    TrouleshootingIf a sensor is not reading correctl$ %9ithin one ,- unit& check the follo9ing- Is ,roe staff ,lugged in:- Is electrode clean and calirated:- Is glass on electrode roken: %re,lace electrode&- Are all electrical connections E8:

    If all of the ao0e check out then the transmitter ma$ need to e re,laced=


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    C(e'n-n2 5H E(ectro*es

    Periodicall$ electrodes 9ill need to e cleaned= If a sensor is not reading 9ell>calirating or has e@cessi0e uildu, follo9 one of the ,rocedures elo9= /ach

    sensor should e checked at least once ,er da$ and cleaned or calirated ifnecessar$=

    Ac-* C(e'n-n2%Most Common&Acid clean 9hen a uildu, of solids is noticed on the electrode or the sensor isnot reading or calirating 9ell=

    H Pre,are a dilute -$drochloric %Muriatic& Acid solution 9ith 9ater %! ,arts9ater to ,art Acid&=H Place the sensor in the solution and let sit for 5 minutes=H #emo0e the electrode and rinse in 9ater=

    H #e,eat ao0e ste,s if the electrode is not clean=H Calirate sensor efore ,lacing ack into ser0ice=H Use c'ut-on 9.en 9or-n2 9-t. HCL

    Deter2ent C(e'n-n2Detergent clean 9hen a uildu, of oil or grease is noticed on the ti, of theelectrode=

    H Pre,are a solution of detergent and 9ater %1 ,arts 9ater to ,artdetergent&

    H Place the electrode in the solution and let sit for 5 minutes=

    H #emo0e the electrode and rinse in 9ater=H #e,eat ao0e ste,s if the electrode is not clean=H Calirate sensor efore ,lacing ack into ser0ice=

    H'n* C(e'n-n2%Enl$ 9hen necessar$&-and clean electrode ti, 9hen acid or detergent cleaning does not 9ork= seonl$ a soft cloth to 9i,e uildu, off of the electrode= An$thing arasi0e coulddamage the electrode=


  • 8/13/2019 10843 CIRCUIT ELECTRIC


    C'(-7r't-n2 5H Sensors

    'ensors should e calirated 9hen the$ do not read correctl$= It isrecommended to check each sensor dail$ in a kno9n solution and calirate if


    (ollo9 the caliration directions on the DMP E,erator Interface to ,erform acaliration=

    ou must use ,- 4 and ,- ! uffer solutions to calirate ,- sensors= The DMPs$stem is s,ecificall$ set u, for these uffers=

    (resh uffer solution should e used for e0er$ round of caliration as the solution9ill get contaminated from e@,osure and continual mo0ement of electrodes fromone solution to another=

    If a caliration is out of limits make sure the correct uffer solutions are eingused and that the sensor is o,erating correctl$=


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    'r Test-n2

    The ,hrase G6ar TestingG is commonl$ used in the 9aste treatment industr$= It isused in reference to a method that 9ill determine treatailit$ of a solution orestalish a se*uence of ste,s re*uired to achie0e treatailit$= 6ar Testing is

    used as a tool to determine 9h$ ,ro,er treatment is not eing achie0ed=

    In G6ar TestingG a small ,ortion of the sam,le or 9aste stream is used= Thea0erage size of the G6ar TestG sam,le ma$ 0ar$ from !! to !!! milliliters= Thisalso allo9s for smaller 0olume additions of treatment chemicals= It is easier to9ork 9ith a small sam,le=

    G6ar TestG e*ui,ment re*uired can 0ar$ from an elaorate laorator$ setu, 9ithurettes> ,i,ettes> multistation eaker mi@ing station> etc=> or it can e scaleddo9n to a sim,le kno9n 0olume container such as a glass or ,lastic ?ar> along9ith a means of determining a,,ro@imate 0olume of additions of the treatment

    chemicals and an ine@,ensi0e ,- meter=

    The G6ar TestG ,rocedure can e used in a atch treatment t$,e s$stem or it cane used to du,licate the ,rocess in a continuous flo9 s$stem=

    Minimum e*ui,ment re*uired for 6ar Testing

    Beakers to -old "aste (or Test

    H 1 eakers 5!! ml to !!! ml de,ending on size of sam,leH ) eakers of 25! ml ca,acit$ for treatment chemicals

    H se0eral ,lastic s,oons for stirringH Portale ,- meterH Dis,osale ml ,i,ette %,lastic in J4 ml increments&H -e@a0alent chrome test kit %if testing for -e@a0alent Chrome&H Potassium 'tarch ,a,er for leach %if testing for C$anide&H Ether ,ortale or *uick tests as necessar$

    Cr-ter-' 3or ' success3u( tre't6ent 're 's 3o((o9s

    H Clear su,ernate %9ater on to, of sludge&=Note a slight tint to the 9ater is E8 as long as the 9ater is clear=

    T$,ical for inks are a ,ink> orange or cham,agne color=H Particle size once the flocculant is added= 7arger ,articles take much lesstime to form a filter cake=

    H #ate of settling H ho9 fast does the sludge se,arate and settle=H Lolume of sludge after it settles=

    Note T$,ical flo9 through is 5 H 1! $ 0olume in the eaker=/@ !! ml in a 5!! ml eaker is 2! $ 0olume=


  • 8/13/2019 10843 CIRCUIT ELECTRIC


    H T$,ical atch tank 9ill 0ar$ de,ending on 9aste= Possile 5 to +5sludge $ 0olume=


  • 8/13/2019 10843 CIRCUIT ELECTRIC


    'r Test Proce*ure 3or %'tc. T'n

    The elo9 is a asic outline for a ?ar test ,rocedure= Do not limit $our test to theelo9 0alues= There are s,ecial cases that re*uire a gross e@cess of chemicalsto treat the 9ater=

    DMP Technical 'er0ice and 7aorator$ is a0ailale for *uestions concerning ?artesting='am,le size

    The sam,le should e re,resentati0e of the atch tank size=5!!! gallon atch tank should use a 5!! ml sam,le size2!!! gallon atch tank should use a 2!! ml sam,le size=

    sing the ao0e ratio ml of chemical addition is e*ual to ! gallons of chemicalin the atch tank= To determine $our o9n ratio use the follo9ing formula=

    gallons in atch tank R ml of chemicals O gallons ofchemicals intosam,le size in ml from ?ar test the atch tank

    Note Enl$ change 0ariale 9ith each test=The 0ariales> 9hich can e modified> are amount of chemH %chem=H2 etcF&> ,-range and flocculant dosage=

    Note Make sure the sam,les are 9ell mi@ed %se0eral minutes& efore ,ullingfrom the tank

    "ith three sam,les add the follo9ing to the sam,les as a starting ,oint=

    'am,le add R ml of chemH'am,le 2 add ml of chemH'am,le 1 add S ml of chemH

    Then raise the ,- to R on each of the sam,les and add

    'am,le add R ml of (locculant'am,le 2 add R ml of (locculant'am,le 1 add R ml of (locculant

    7et the sam,les settle for se0eral minutes then 0isuall$ ins,ect the results=

    #efer to the criteria for successful ?ar test to determine if more testing isnecessar$= If unsuccessful 9ith the first set of tests re,eat and change onl$ one0ariale= If 0ar$ing the chemH is unsuccessful then 0ar$ the ,- or amount offlocculant=


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    T$,ical ,- ranges are )=5 to =!> .=5 to +=5 or !=5 H =!= If using chemicals notrecommended $ DMP ,lease ask $our chemical su,,lier for theirrecommendations on treatment=


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    'r Test-n2 F(occu('t-on


    Ad?usting the ,ro,er amount of flocculant to e added is est done 0isuall$=

    "hen the flocculant DMP 1H is added to treated and neutralized 9ater> the,reci,itated contaminants congeal to form larger ,articles that 9ill ecomeo0ious 9hen looking in the flocculator=

    The ,ro,er formation of the flocculated 9aste is go0erned $ oth the ,- and thedistriution of the flocculant to ,ro,erl$ treated and neutralized 9aste= Thee@treme ,- range for the o,eration of DMP 1H is 5=5 to 2=! the o,timumrange is =5 to +=!= /0en though flocculation 9ill occur out of the o,timum range>the stailit$ of the flocculated ,articles is ad0ersel$ affected=

    DMP has de0ised a relati0el$ sim,le test for ,ro,er GflocG de0elo,ment= Thisconsists of collecting t9o clear containers %2!!H5!! ml& of flocculated 9aste=#a,idl$ stir one of the containers 9ith a scoo, or stick for a fe9 seconds= TheGflocG should reHform to a,,ro@imatel$ the consistenc$ of the other containers=

    If the ra,id stirring reaks u, the GflocG or makes it cream$> the GflocG is incorrect=The most likel$ reason for the cream$ condition of the flocK is a too high ,-=

    Normal additions of flocculant are in the range of one gallon of DMP 1Hconcentrate ,er !!! to 1!!! gallons of 9ater treated= /@cessi0e amounts ofsolids to e ,reci,itated can re*uire e0en stronger concentrations of flocculant=

    Normal and a0erage *uantities of sludge 9ill re,resent from 5 to 1! of an$9aste 0olume 9hen settled=


    Pro,erl$ flocculated 9aste 9ill ha0e large curds of ,reci,itated contaminants="hen the mi@er is sto,,ed> settling 9ill ra,idl$ occur= The time re*uired 0ariesgreatl$> ut is t$,icall$ minute for sludgeJ9ater se,aration> to 2! minutes forcom,lete settling=

    If settling takes too long or no settling occurs> ?ar test the 9aste efore theneutralization stage $ getting a sam,le of the 9aste efore treatment= Certain9astes do not form the t$,e of ,articles that 9ill readil$ settle= 6arHtest usingdifferent amounts of chemH addition> different t$,es of chemH> or change the,- settings=

    Call DMP for hel,> or send us a sam,le of the 9aste to e e0aluated=


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    'ometimes the amount of solids is so great that ra,id settling cannot occur= This9ill e e0ident if the sludge takes o0er 2! minutes to see sludgeJ9ater se,arationat the to, of the ?ar= If this is the case> go ack to the source of the 9aste to see ifthe 9aste streams ha0e changed= If ,ossile> check to see if an$ concentrated9aste has een dum,ed into the rinse stream=


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    An air lance or air 9and as it is sometimes called is a useful tool in the 9astetreatment area= It consists of a length of PLC ,i,e> a,,ro@imatel$ 1! feet offle@ile air line and an air flo9 control 0al0e= An air lance is used to agitate

    sludge eds in clarifiers> sludge thickeners and lamella t$,e clarifier ho,,ers= Itis es,eciall$ useful in cleaning the lamella ,lates=

    'ome sludges are 0er$ gelatinous and 9ill not slide to the ottom of the clarifiersto e dra9n off and de9atered= This is es,eciall$ true of sludges that ha0e ane@cess of flocculant=

    This condition is noticeale in clarifiers and sludge thickeners 9hen an area ofthe sludge ed de0elo,s a cone t$,e ca0it$ in the ed= This is due to 9ater andsludge taking the ,oint of least resistance 9hen eing dra9n off for de9atering orthe ne9 sludge is rat holing through the sludge ed=

    This condition can e noticed in the slant ,late t$,e clarifiers %lamella& $ sludgeuild u, in the ,lates or solids ,assing u, through some of the ,lates and 9henincreasing the sludge dra9Hoff does not hel, the condition=

    Air lancing is to e done onl$ 9hen the flo9 through the s$stem has een shut offand the 9ater le0el in the clarifier has een lo9ered enough to insure that sludgecannot e s,lashed o0er into the discharge stream=

    Control air 0olume through the air lance carefull$= A small amount of air cangenerate sufficient agitation to loosen the sludge 9ithout 0iolent agitation and


    Note Not '(( sste6s 're 5ro)-*e* 9-t. 'n '-r ('nce+ It -s s-65(e to 6'e -3ou 3-n* -t necess'r=


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    sam,les 9ere taken> ho9 the$ 9ere taken> and 9hat 0olume or flo9 the$re,resent=

    All rinse 9ater %or 9ash do9n& sam,les should e mi@ed together and !H2!liters %2H5 gallons& of sam,le sent to DMP to e used for testing and anal$sis='ome sam,les should e frozen and then ,ro,erl$ ,ackaged ,rior to shi,ment=This 9ill hel, ,reser0e the sam,les for anal$sis= The sam,les should e shi,,ed$ the *uickest method a0ailale %ne@t da$ P'> (ed/@ or D-7 for e@am,le&=

    "aste9ater ma$ e *uite dilute 9hen generated $ 9ashing do9n e*ui,ment orma$ e *uite concentrated if there is a tank full of some ,rocess chemical or anonHo0erflo9ing rinse tank= If there are tanks of concentrated material that aresometimes dum,ed then it is a good idea to collect a small se,arate sam,lere,resenting the dum,= The size of the dum, and the dum, fre*uenc$ should erecorded= A 25!H5!! ml= sam,le should e taken ?ust ,rior to the dum,ing of thisconcentrate if ,ossile= 'uch concentrate sam,les should e ke,t se,arate fromthe com,osite sam,le=

    If the sam,le is taken from a sum, or ,it it ma$ necessar$ to mi@ the sum,efore sam,ling in order to collect solids that ha0e settled to the ottom=-o9e0er> if the sum, contains a large accumulation of solids it ma$ e etter notto mi@ first so that the sam,le does not contain an unusuall$ large amount ofsolids= It is u, to $ou to decide 9hich a,,roach 9ould gi0e the more realisticsam,le=

    "hen sam,ling from a sum, or collection ,it it is im,ortant not to gra floating oiland grease= "e need the 9ater H not the oil= In a treatment s$stem floatingmaterial 9ill e remo0ed ahead of the s$stem= It is im,ortant for us to kno9 that

    the oil$ material 9ill e ,resent ut 9e do not need a sam,le consisting of oil$material=

    There is also the collection of sam,les from a treatment s$stem that is ino,eration= T$,icall$ 9e 9ant a sam,le of untreated 9ater in the *uantit$ of 2liters=

    'am,les for a (lo9 Through '$stem

    A t9o liter sam,le of untreated 9ater=A one liter sam,le from the flocculation tank 9hile it is in o,eration=

    A one liter sam,le from the clarifier=Ene small zi,lock ag of sludge from the filter ,ress=

    'am,les from a Batch Treat '$stem

    A t9o liter sam,le of untreated 9ater=A one liter sam,le of treated 9ater=Method of treatment


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    ;uantit$ of chemicals=Ene small zi,lock ag of sludge from the filter ,ress=

    The other sam,le is for anal$sis of treated effluent 9ater= De,ending on thet$,es of anal$sis to e run> the sam,les should e ,reser0ed accordingl$ to

    insure that accurate test results are otained= 'am,le ,reser0ation methods arelargel$ ,- de,endent therefore an accuratel$ calirated ,- meter is essential tothe ,rocess=

    The follo9ing sam,le ,reser0ation ste,s should e follo9ed=

    'am,le containing metals onl$

    = Determine and record ,- 0alue of sam,le=

    2= #ecord date and time sam,le taken=

    1= Measure !!! ml sam,les into clean ,ol$eth$lene ottles=

    4= Decrease ,- to less than t9o %2& 9ith a kno9n amount of concentratednitric acid= #ecord ,- 0alue and amount of concentrated nitric acidadded=

    5= 'eal containers=

    )= Cooler and ice are not necessar$=

    'am,les containing c$anide

    = Determine and record ,- 0alue of sam,le

    2= Collect sam,le in clean ,lastic ottles of !!! ml size or larger=

    1= Add 2 ml of ! N sodium h$dro@ide ,er !!! ml of sam,le= %,- should egreater than or e*ual to 2=&

    4= #ecord ,- 0alue and amount of sodium h$dro@ide added=

    5= 'eal containers=

    )= Cooler and ice are not necessar$=


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    'am,les containing oil and grease

    = #ecord ,- of sam,le=

    2= Collect sam,le in clear glass ottles of 5!!m size or larger=

    1= 'eal container=

    4= 7ael ottle=

    5= Cooler and ice are not necessar$=

    ,- Anal$sis

    'am,le should e collected in a clean container anal$zed as soon as ,ossileafter collection date= #ecord the time that the sam,le 9as taken= 'am,le ottleshould not e o,ened efore anal$sis=

    I3 ou .')e 'n *ou7t on 9.'t to *o 5(e'se cont'ct DMPs L'7or'tor orTec.n-c'( Ser)-ce 3or 2u-*'nce+


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    An'(s-s Re5orts

    Anal$sis re,orts are used to determine ho9 9ell a treatment s$stem is o,eratingand as a 0er$ im,ortant tool in trouleshooting and correcting treatment,rolems=

    There are t9o t$,es of sam,ling ,erformed on most treatment s$stems=

    Com,osite 'am,le

    This is a sam,le that is accumulated $ taking a small sam,le of the flo9 o0er as,ecific ,eriod of time= It can e dra9n on a time or ,ro,ortion to flo9 asis=

    Anal$sis of the com,osite sam,le 9ill tell $ou ho9 the s$stem o,erated duringthis ,eriod of time= This anal$sis is usuall$ the one that is re*uired in $ourre,orting ,rocedures=

    ra 'am,ling

    This is a sam,le that is taken at random= The anal$sis of this sam,le 9ill tell $ouho9 the s$stem is o,erating at the time the sam,le 9as taken= ra sam,lesare also taken at s,ecific treatment tanks in the s$stem to determine if ,ro,ertreatment has taken ,lace using s,ot test kits> such as test kits for free c$anide>he@a0alent chrome> etc=

    In order for an anal$sis re,ort to e an effecti0e tool in trouleshooting it mustcontain all the information on all the ,arameters of concern in the 9aste eingtreated=

    'am,les should e laeled 9ith all ,ertinent information relating to the sam,lesuch as> location> date and t$,e of sam,le= If the sam,le is to e ,reser0ed> thisinformation should e ,art of the anal$sis re,ort=


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    ee5-n2 Recor*s

    The im,ortance of kee,ing records cannot e o0er stressed and is done for thefollo9ing reasons=

    H It is re*uired under $our /n0ironmental Protection Agenc$ discharge,ermit=

    H It 9ill make the o,erator more efficient in that he 9ill e ale to ,redict thechemicals re*uired=

    H If treatment difficulties are encountered> the information is essential forra,id trouleshooting=

    H It reduces the chances for mistakes=


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    W'ste9'ter Stre'6 Se2re2't-on, Co((ect-on 'n* W'terM'n'2e6ent

    "aste9ater from the ,roduction ,rocess is often a lend of rinses andconcentrates from the 0arious ste,s in the ,rocess= This 9aste9ater is

    contaminated 9ith a 0ariet$ of chemicals= These chemicals are to@ic> hazardousand their discharge is regulated=

    "aste 9ater treatment egins at the source of contamination and good 9atermanagement=

    Eccasionall$ the total effluent is treated 9ithout se,arations or 9ith sim,lese,aration of the rin
