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(108632885) Can Bus vs i2c vs Serial vs Parallel - Copy

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  • 8/13/2019 (108632885) Can Bus vs i2c vs Serial vs Parallel - Copy


    REPORT 1


    Serial port has all the advantages of serial data transmission:

    1. The serial port cable can be longer than a parralel port cable, as serial port

    transmits '1' as voltage from -5 to -12V and '0' as voltage from 5 to 12 V,

    !hile parralel port transmits '1' as voltage of 5 volts and '0' as voltage of 0

    volts. "t the same time the receiver of the serial port receives '1' as voltage

    from -# to -25 V and '0' as voltage from # to 25 V. Th$s serial port can have

    ma%imal s!ing $p to 50 volts, !hile parralel port has ma%imal s!ing of 5

    volts. Th$s the losses in the cable !hen transmitting data $sing serial port are

    less s$bstantial then losses !hen transmitting data $sing parralel port.

    2. The n$mber of !ires needed !hen transmitting data seriall& is less than !hen

    the transmission is parallel. s the e%ternal device has to be installed at a greatdistance from the comp$ter, the cable !ith three !ires is m$ch cheaper than

    the cable !ith 1( or 25 !ires if the transmission is parallel. Still one sho$ld

    remember that there are interface creation e%pences for ever&


    #. *$rther development of serial port is $sage of infrared devices !hich

    immediatel& proved pop$lar. +an& electronic diaries and palmtop comp$ters

    have inb$ilt infrared devices for connection !ith e%ternal devices.

    . "nother proof of serial port $niversalit& is microcontrollers. +an& of them

    have inb$ilt S Serial omm$nications nterfaces/, $sed for comm$nication

    !ith other devices. n this case serial interface red$ces the n$mber of o$tp$ts

    on the chip. s$all& onl& 2 o$tp$ts are $sed: Transmit ata T/ and3eceive ata 3/. 4$st compare that to minim$m of o$tp$ts !hen $sing

    -bit parralel connection.

    S$rel& eno$gh serial port has its dra!bac6s. The main one is that !hen organi7ing

    serial connection it is al!a&s necessar& to convert the data into serial code and vice


    Note : I2C and CAN are serial communication rotocols !so t"e# $ill %e

    comared to eac" ot"ers &

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    II-'o$ CAN()S *OR+S

    The "8 is a 9broadcast9 t&pe of b$s. That means there is no e%plicit address in the

    messages. "ll the nodes in the net!or6 are able to pic6-$p or receive all

    transmissions. There is no !a& to send a message to $st a specific node. To be more

    specific, the messages transmitted from an& node on a "8 b$s does not containaddresses of either the transmitting node, or of an& intended receiving node. nstead,

    an identifier that is $ni;$e thro$gho$t the net!or6 is $sed to label the content of the

    message. $t !hat !ill happen in sit$ations!here t!o or more nodes attempt to transmit message to the "8 b$s/ at the same

    time. The identifier field, !hich is $ni;$e thro$gho$t the net!or6 helps to determine

    the priorit& of the message. " 9non-destr$ctive arbitration techni;$e9 is $sed to

    accomplish this, to ens$re that the messages are sent in order of priorit& and that no

    messages are lost. The lo!er the n$merical val$e of the identifier, the higher the

    priorit&. That means the message !ith identifier having more dominant bits i.e. bit 0/

    !ill over!rite other nodes' less dominant identifier so that event$all& after the

    arbitration on the / onl& the dominant message remains and is received b& all


    "s stated earlier, "8 do not $se address-based format for comm$nication, instead

    $ses a message-based data format. ?ere the information is transferred from one

    location to another b& sending a gro$p of b&tes at one time depending on the order of

    priorit&/. This ma6es "8 ideall& s$ited in applications re;$iring a large n$mber of

    short messages e.g.: transmission of temperat$re and rpm information/. b& more than

    one location and s&stem-!ide data consistenc& is mandator&. The traditional

    net!or6s s$ch as S> or

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    cases, the net!or6 need not have a controller node= each node can easil& be connected

    to the main b$s directl&./

    The "8 ontroller stores received bits one b& one/ from the b$s $ntil an entire

    message bloc6 is available, that can then be fetched b& the host processor $s$all&

    after the "8 ontroller has triggered an interr$pt/. The an transciever adapts

    signal levels from the b$s, to levels that the "8 ontroller e%pects and also providesa protective circ$itr& for the "8 ontroller. The host-processor decides !hat the

    received messages mean, and !hich messages it !ants to transmit itself.

    *ig 1-a

    t is li6el& that the more rapidl& changing parameters need to be transmitted more

    fre;$entl& and, therefore, m$st be given a higher priorit&. ?o! this high-priorit& is

    achievedA "s !e 6no!, the priorit& of a "8 message is determined b& the

    n$merical val$e of its identifier. The n$merical val$e of each message identifier andth$s the priorit& of the message/ is assigned d$ring the initial phase of s&stem design.

    To determine the priorit& of messages !hile comm$nication/, "8 $ses the

    established method 6no!n as S+") !ith the enhanced capabilit& of non-

    destr$ctive bit-!ise arbitration to provide collision resol$tion and to e%ploit the

    ma%im$m available capacit& of the b$s. 9arrier Sense9 describes the fact that a

    transmitter listens for a carrier !ave before tr&ing to send. That is, it tries to detect the

    presence of an encoded signal from another station before attempting to transmit. f a

    carrier is sensed, the node !aits for the transmission in progress to finish before

    initiating its o!n transmission. 9+$ltiple "ccess9 describes the fact that m$ltiple

    nodes send and receive on the same medi$m. "ll other nodes $sing the medi$m

    generall& receive transmissions b& one node. 9ollision etection9 / means that

    collisions are resolved thro$gh a bit-!ise arbitration, based on a preprogrammed

    priorit& of each message in the identifier field of a message.

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    *ig 1-b

    T?< term 9priorit&9 becomes more important in the net!or6.

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    d/ "nother $sef$l feat$re b$ilt into the "8 protocol is the abilit& of a node to

    re;$est information from other nodes. This is called a remote transmit re;$est, or


    e/ The $se of 83E encoding ens$res compact messages !ith a minim$m n$mber of

    transitions and high resilience to e%ternal dist$rbance.

    f/ "8 protocol can lin6 $p to 20#2 devices ass$ming one node !ith one identifier/on a single net!or6. >$t acco$nting to the practical limitations of the hard!are

    transceivers/, it ma& onl& lin6 $p to 110 nodes on a single net!or6.

    g/ ?as an e%tensive and $ni;$e error chec6ing mechanisms.

    h/ ?as ?igh imm$nit& to ase frame format


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    *rame and a re;$est for data from a remote node.

    c/ " ontrol *ield containing si% bits in !hich t!o reserved bits r0 and r1/ and a fo$r

    bit ata @ength ode @/. The @ indicates the n$mber of b&tes in the ata

    *ield that follo!s.

    d/ " ata *ield, containing from 7ero to eight b&tes.

    e/ The 3 field, containing a fifteen-bit c&clic red$ndanc& chec6-code and arecessive delimiter bit.

    f/ The "c6no!ledge field, consisting of t!o bits. The first one is a Slot bit !hich is

    transmitted as recessive, b$t is s$bse;$entl& over !ritten b& dominant bits transmitted

    from an& node that s$ccessf$ll& receives the transmitted message. The second bit is a

    recessive delimiter bit.

    g/ The it +onitoring.

    2. >it St$ffing.#. *rame hec6.

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    . "c6no!ledgement hec6.

    5. &clic 3ed$ndanc& hec6


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    enter the >$s Bff state, !hich means that the node doesn't participate in the b$s traffic

    at all. >$t the comm$nications bet!een the other nodes can contin$e $nhindered.

    To be more specific, an 9$s Bff, the other nodes !ill have a co$nt in their 3eceive

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    the local oscillator, m$ltiplied b& the val$e in the >a$d 3ate Fre-scaler >3F/ register

    in the "8 controller.

    #. " bit edge is e%pected to ta6e place d$ring this s&nchroni7ation segment !hen the

    data changes on the b$s.

    . Fropagation segment is $sed to compensate for ph&sical dela& times !ithin the

    net!or6 b$s lines. "nd is programmable from one to eight time ;$anta long.5. Fhase-segment1 is a b$ffer segment that can be lengthened d$ring

    res&nchroni7ation to compensate for oscillator drift and positive phase differences

    bet!een the oscillators of the transmitting and receiving nodes. "nd is also

    programmable from one to eight time ;$anta long.

    I. Fhase-segment2 can be shortened d$ring res&nchroni7ation to compensate for

    negative phase errors and oscillator drift. "nd is the ma%im$m of Fhase-segment1

    combined !ith the nformation Frocessing Time.

    H. The Sample point !ill al!a&s be at the end of Fhase-seg1. t is the time at !hich

    the b$s level is read and interpreted as the val$e of the c$rrent bit.

    . The nformation Frocessing Time is less than or e;$al to 2 time ;$anta.

    This bit time is programmable at each node on a "8 >$s. >$t be a!are that all

    nodes on a single "8 b$s m$st have the same bit time regardless of transmitting or

    receiving. The bit time is a f$nction of the period of the oscillator local to each node,

    the val$e that is $ser-programmed into >3F register in the controller at each node,

    and the programmed n$mber of time ;$anta per bit.

    ?o! do the& s&nchroni7e:

    S$ppose a node receives a data frame. Then it is necessar& for the receiver to

    s&nchroni7e !ith the transmitter to have proper comm$nication. >$t !e don't have

    an& e%plicit cloc6 signal that a "8 s&stem can $se as a timing reference. nstead, !e

    $se t!o mechanisms to maintain s&nchroni7ation, !hich is e%plained belo!.

    ?ard s&nchroni7ation:

    t occ$rs at the Start-of-*rame or at the transition of the start bit. The bit time is

    restarted from that edge.


    To compensate for oscillator drift, and phase differences bet!een transmitter and

    receiver oscillators, additional s&nchroni7ation is needed. The res&nchroni7ation for

    the s$bse;$ent bits in an& received frame occ$rs !hen a bit edge doesn't occ$r !ithin

    the S&nchroni7ation Segment in a message. The res&nchroni7ation is a$tomaticall&

    invo6ed and one of the Fhase Segments are shortened or lengthened !ith an amo$nt

    that depends on the phase error in the signal. The ma%im$m amo$nt that can be $sed

    is determined b& a $ser-programmable n$mber of time ;$anta 6no!n as the

    S&nchroni7ation 4$mp Cidth parameter S4C/.

    ?igher @a&er Frotocols:

    ?igher la&er protocol ?@F/ is re;$ired to manage the comm$nication !ithin a

    s&stem. The term ?@F is derived from the BS model and its seven la&ers. >$t the"8 protocol $st specifies ho! small pac6ets of data ma& be transported from one

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    point to another safel& $sing a shared comm$nications medi$m. t does not contain

    an&thing on the topics s$ch as flo! control, transportation of data larger than "8 fit

    in an -b&te message, node addresses, establishment of comm$nication, etc. The ?@F

    gives sol$tion for these topics.

    ?igher la&er protocols are $sed in order to

    1. Standardi7e start$p proced$res incl$ding bit rate setting2. istrib$te addresses among participating nodes or 6inds of messages

    #. etermine the la&o$t of the messages

    . Frovide ro$tines for error handling on s&stem level

    ifferent ?igher @a&er Frotocols

    There are man& higher la&er protocols for the "8 b$s. Some of the most commonl&

    $sed ones are given belo!.

    1. an Gingdom

    2. "8 open

    #. F)F

    . evice 8et

    5. 41(#(I. BS

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    III- ISC 'O* IT *OR+S,

    J is a m$lti-master, lo!-band!idth, short distance, serial comm$nication b$s

    protocol. 8o!ada&s it is not onl& $sed on single boards, b$t also to attach lo!-speed

    peripheral devices and components to a motherboard, embedded s&stem, or cell-

    phone, as the ne! versions provide lot of advanced feat$res and m$ch higher speed.The feat$res li6e simplicit& D fle%ibilit& ma6e this b$s attractive for cons$mer and

    a$tomotive electronics.


    The basic design of J has a H-bit address space !ith 1I reserved addresses, !hich

    ma6es the ma%im$m n$mber of nodes that can comm$nicate on the same b$s as 112.

    That means each J device is recogni7ed b& a $ni;$e H-bit address. t is important to

    note that the ma%im$m n$mber of nodes is obvio$sl& limited b& the address space,

    and also b& the total b$s capacitance of 00 pf.

    The t!o bi-directional lines, !hich carr& information bet!een the devices connected

    to the b$s, are 6no!n as Serial ata line S"/ and Serial loc6 line S@/. "s the

    name indicates the S" line contains the data and the S@ !ith the cloc6 signal for

    s&nchroni7ation. The t&pical voltages $sed are 5 V or #.#V.

    @i6e the "8 D @8 protocols, the J also follo!s the master-slave comm$nication

    protocol. >$t the J b$s is a m$lti-master b$s, !hich means more than one )device

    capable of initiating a data transfer can be connected to it. The device that initiates the

    comm$nication is called +"ST

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    T"e real communication:

    "s !e sa! alread&, the active lines $sed for comm$nication in J protocol are bi-

    directional. oth the master and slave can receive or transmit data

    depending on !hether the comm$nication is a read or !rite. The transmitter sends

    -bits of data to the receiver, !hich replies !ith a 1-bit ac6no!ledgement. "nd the

    action of data transfer contin$es.

    . Chen the comm$nication is complete, the master iss$es a stop condition indicating

    that ever&thing is done. This action free $ps the b$s. The stop signal is $st one bit

    of information transferred b& a special '!iggling' of the S")S@ !ires of the b$s.

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    1. evices !ith +aster capabilit& can identif& themselves to other specific +aster

    devices and advise their o!n specific address and f$nctionalit&.

    2. Bnl& t!o devices e%change data d$ring one 'conversation'

    The tric6 of open-drain lines D p$ll-$p resistors:

    The b$s interface in J is b$ilt aro$nd an inp$t b$ffer and an open drain transistor.

    Chen the b$s is in 9idle9 state, the b$s lines are 6ept in the logic 9high9 state. The

    e%ternal p$ll-$p resistors are $sed for this condition to achieve. This p$ll-$p resistor

    as seen in the fig-1 is act$all& a small c$rrent so$rce. f the device !ants to p$t a

    signal on the b$s, the chip drives its o$tp$t transistor, th$s p$lling the b$s to 9lo!9

    level. S$ppose the b$s is alread& occ$pied b& another chip b& sending a 9lo!9 state to

    the b$s. Then all other chips lose their right to access the b$s. The chip does this !ith

    a b$ilt-in b$s mastering techni;$e.

    >oth the b$s lines S" and S@ are initiall& bi-directional. This means that in a

    partic$lar device, these lines can be driven b& the itself or from an e%ternal device.

    n order to achieve this f$nctionalit&, these signals $se open collector or open drain


    The !ea6 point of open-collector techni;$e is, in a length& b$s the speed of

    transmission comes do!n drasticall& d$e to the presence of capacitive load. The

    shapes of the signals alter in proportion to 3 time constant. ?igher the 3 constant,

    the slo!er !ill be the transmission. "t some point, the s !ill not be able to sense

    logic 1 and 0.

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    "nd also it can ca$se reflections at high speed, !hich creates 9ghost signals9 and

    corr$pt the data, !hich is being transmitted.

    This problem can be overcome b& $sing an active J terminator. This device consists

    of a t!in charge p$mp, !hich can be considered as a d&namic resistor instead of the

    passive p$ll-$p resistors $sed/. The moment the state changes, it provides a largec$rrent lo! d&namic resistance/ to the b$s. This action !ill charge the parasitic

    capacitor ver& ;$ic6l&. Bnce the voltage has risen above a certain level, the high

    c$rrent mode c$ts o$t and the o$tp$t c$rrent drops sharpl&.

    ifferent states, conditions D events on the b$s:

    Ce sa! several $ni;$e states and conditions on the b$s in o$r e%planation: ST"3T,

    "3it 0 of this b&te

    determines the slave access mode '1' K read ) '0' K !rite/. 3emember, b&tes are

    al!a&s transmitted +S> first. The 3)C bit '0' indicates the master is !illing to send

    data to the slaves. Then the intended slave !ill respond bac6 !ith "G signal,

    indicating that its read& to receive. "nd the comm$nication contin$es.

    n the same !a&, a b&te can be received from the slave if the 3)C bit in the address

    !as set to '1', i.e. 'read'. >$t no! the master is not allo!ed to to$ch the S" line.

    +aster sends the cloc6 p$lses needed to cloc6 in a b&te on the S@ line, and

    releases the S" line. nstead, the slave !ill no! ta6e control of this S" line for

    data transfer. "ll the master has to do no! is generate a rising edge on the S@ line,read the level on S" and generate a falling edge on the S@ line. The slave !ill not

    change the data d$ring the time that S@ is high. This se;$ence has to be performed

    times to complete the data b&te.

    Some of the addresses are reserved for 9e%tended addressing mode9, !hich $se 10-bit

    addressing. f a standard slave node, !hich is not able to resolve this e%tended

    addressing receives this address, it !on't do an&thing.


    "s !e 6no! the "G signal is send bac6 to the master !henever the address or datab&te has been transmitted onto the b$s and received b& the intended slave node.

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    The slave after sending "G signal !ill drive the S" line to lo! stat$s immediatel&

    after receiving the th data bit transmitted b& the master or after eval$ating received

    address b&te. So to signal the completion of transmission, S@ p$lled to lo! b&

    master, !hereas S" is p$lled to lo! b& slave.

    To repeat the transmission, master drops a cloc6 p$lse on the S@ line and slave !illrelease the S" line after receiving the cloc6. Cith this, b$s is no! read& again for

    master to send data or to initiate a stop condition.

    n the same !a&, the master m$st ac6no!ledge the slave device $pon s$ccessf$l

    reception of a b&te from a slave.

    S" and the S@ line are in f$ll control of the master. The slave !ill release the S"

    line after sending last bit to the master and ma6e the S" line high. The +aster !ill

    no! bring the S" line lo! state and p$t a cloc6 p$lse on the S@ line. "fter

    completion of this cloc6 p$lse, the master !ill again release the S" line to allo! the

    slave to regain control of the S" line.

    The master can stop receiving data from the slave at an& time, $st b& sending a stop



    8"G means 98ot "c6no!ledge9. onf$sedA on't conf$se it !ith 98o

    "c6no!ledge9. >eca$se, 98ot "c6no!ledge9 occ$rs onl& after a master has read a

    b&te from a slave. "nd 98o "c6no!ledge9 occ$rs after a master has !ritten a b&te to

    a slave. "gain conf$sedA @ets anal&7e this in detail.

    This happens !hen the slave regains control of the S" line after the "G c&cle

    iss$ed b& the master.

    @et's ass$me the ne%t bit read& to be sent to the master is a 0. The slave !o$ld p$ll the

    S" line lo! immediatel& after the master ta6es the S@ line lo!. The master no!

    attempts to generate a Stop condition on the b$s. t releases the S@ line first and then

    tries to release the S" line, !hich is held lo! b& the slave. So in short, 8o Stop

    condition has been generated on the b$s. This condition is called a 8"G.

    No AC+:

    f, after transmission of the th bit from the master to the slave the slave does not p$ll

    the S" line lo!, then this is considered a 8o "G condition.

    This condition ma& be created d$e to the follo!ing reasons:

    1. The slave is not there in case of an address/

    2. The slave missed a p$lse and got o$t of s&nc !ith the S@ line of the master.

    #. The b$s is 9st$c69. Bne of the lines co$ld be held lo! permanentl&.

    n an& case the master sho$ld abort b& attempting to send a stop condition on the b$s.

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    The stop state is sent to the b$s onl& after the message transfer has been completed.

    The master-+ first releases the S@ and then the S" line. This condition is atr$e indication to all the chips and devices on the b$s that the b$s is idle or the b$s is

    free and available again for another comm$nication.

    " Stop condition denotes the

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    T"e ris o0 data corrution:

    The operation of the b$s !ith one master node seems to be ver& eas&. >$t !hat

    happens if there are t!o masters connected to the b$s and if both of them start

    comm$nicating at the same time. @et $s tr& to anal&7e this sit$ation in detail.

    Chen the first + iss$es a start condition and sends an address, all slaves !ill listenincl$ding the second + !hich at that time is considered a slave as !ell/. f the

    address does not match the address of the second +, it !ill hold bac6 an& activit&

    $ntil the b$s becomes idle again after a stop condition.

    "s long as the t!o +'s monitor !hat is going on, on the b$s start and stop/ and as

    long as the& are a!are that a transaction is going on beca$se the last iss$ed command

    !as not a STBF, there is no problem.

    >$t, !hat !ill happen if one of the +'s missed the ST"3T condition and still

    thin6s the b$s is idle, or it $st came o$t of reset and !ants to comm$nicate.

    The ph&sical b$s set$p of the J helps to solve this problem. Since the b$s str$ct$re

    is a !ired "8 if one device p$lls a line lo! it sta&s lo!/, its possible to find!hether the b$s is idle or occ$pied.

    (ene0its and Dra$%acs:

    Since onl& t!o !ires are re;$ired, 2 is !ell s$ited for boards !ith man& devices

    connected on the b$s. This helps red$ce the cost and comple%it& of the circ$it as

    additional devices are added to the s&stem.

    $e to the presence of onl& t!o !ires, there is additional comple%it& in handling the

    overhead of addressing and ac6no!ledgments. This can be inefficient in simple

    config$rations and a direct-lin6 interface s$ch as SF might be preferred.


    - "8 is differential, and is more imm$ne to noise

    - 2 does s$pport arbitration and m$ltiple masters!hile can has onl& onemaster s$pport

    - i2c !as reall& designed for tal6ing bet!een chips on the same board !hile can

    is $sed to connect m$ltiple boards

    - "8 onl& allo!s b&tes to be sent at a time, i2c is essentiall&


    - Mo$ can broadcast !ith i2c, altho$gh i2c $ses node addresses for mostmessages.

    - 2 t&picall& re;$ires more + overhead than "8, beca$se most of the

    "8 controllers implement all of the lo! level ms in ?C.

    - 2 slave devices can stretch the cloc6 to adpat the speed do!n. This is not

    good if the cloc6 gets stretched indefinitel&.

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