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109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)

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  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Proceedings of the 109 th Meeting of the State Level Expert AppraisalCommittee (SEAC) !arnata"a held on #0 th #1 st $ #% rd Septem&er #01%


    #0 th Septem&er #01%'Mem&ers present in the meeting

    1 Dr. S. Ganjigatti - Chairman2 Dr. B. S. Jai Prakash - Member3 Dr. Usha. N. Murthy - Member

    Dr. G. Srinikethan - Member! Dr. C. G. "usha#a$$a - Member% Dr. B. Man&j "umar - Member' Dr. Be#a (utshi - Member) Sri. M.B. Girish - Member* Dr. M.+.

    Ba#akrishnaiah- Se,retary

    he Se,retary S/0C e#,&me the members $resent. he Se,retaryS/0C $#a,e a## the ,&n,erne #es be4&re the Chairman an C&mmitteemembers 4&r a$$raisa# e#iberati&n an e,isi&n.

    he C&mmittee a4ter $erusa# an e#iberati&ns e,i e t& get thene,essary sh&rt4a## in4&rmati&n 4r&m the $r&je,t $r&$&nent in res$e,t &4 the4#& ing #es an $#a,e it be4&re the C&mmittee 4&r a$$raisa#.


    Pro*ect +etails at,re of LandShortfall


    1. Mining Pr&je,t5 /6$ansi&n in $r& u,ti&n &4 7uart8 4r&m % 999 P0 t& !9 999 P07uart8 an estab#ishment &4 ,rushing ans,reening $#ant &4 !9 P+ ,a$a,ity in M:22 9 at Sy. N&. 2! +&naga e ;i##age"ushtagi a#uk "&$$a# Distri,t < .*9 +a= &4 M>s "ir#&skar ?err&us @n ustries :t .

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    ) ay i## be treate in &rgani, ,&n;ert&r an the$r& u,t use as manure. @n&rgani, aste5 112* kg> ay i## be sent 4&rre,y,#ing. P& er5 &ta# P& er re7uirement5 '.* M 0 su$$#ie 4r&mM/SC ME Ba,ku$ P& er $r&$&se 5 DG sets &4 1* I !99 " 0 1 I 2!9" 0E &ta# /nergy sa;ings a,hie;e is !! &4 the t&ta# eman .Parking$r&$&se 5 1'*3 ,ars an !99 t & hee#ers.

    Detai#s surr&un ing the Pr&je,t5 Nethra;athi Ai;er- 1 kmE 0rabian SeaC&ast5 kmE Pi#iku#a Bi&gi,a# Park5 19 kms

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    04ter e#iberati&n the C&mmittee e,i e t& re,&mmen the $r&$&sa#t& S/@00 4&r issue &4 en;ir&nmenta# ,#earan,e a4ter &btaining the 4#& ingin4&rmati&n 4r&m the $r&$&nent5

    1. N C 4r&m MCC2. Detai#s &4 e6,a;ate earth an its is$&sa#.

    3. /nhan,e energy sa;ings. he $r&$&sa# as ,&nsi ere by S/@00 in its '1 st S/@00 meeting he# &n

    3 r Se$tember 2913 an the abstra,t &4 the $r&,ee ings is re$r& u,ebe#& 5

    @t is a $r&$&sa# 4&r ,&nstru,ti&n &4 & nshi$ ,&nsisting % B#&,ks

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913#) 78olden Panorama7 esidential Apartment and Cl,& :o,se at S-'

    os' ;# $ ;; !hata o' +C ( ) !. 1%4#910 8,&&alala 3illages. C#ean e,hn&gies. he $r&$&sa# as ,&nsi ere by S/@00 in its '1 st S/@00 meeting he# &n

    3 r Se$tember 2913 an the abstra,t &4 the $r&,ee ings is as 4#& s5

    he $r&$&sa# as re,&mmen e by the S/0C 4&r ,#&sure 4&r the reas&nthat the $r&$&sa# &es n&t meet the re7uirement &4 A&H ,riteria s$e,i ein the .M. ate 9'.92.2912 issue by the Ministry &4 /n;ir&nment an?&rests G&;ernment &4 @n ia. he 0uth&rity uring the meeting he# &n2'.9%.2913 ha e,i e t& e4er the e,isi&n &n the #e unti# a na#e,isi&n is taken ith regar t& im$#ementati&n &4 the .M. ate

    9%.9%.2913 issue by the M&/? in m& i ,ati&n &4 the ab&;e sai .M. &4

    9'>92>2912. he 0uth&rity n&te that the issue ith regar t& the a,ti&n t& be

    taken in a,,&r an,e ith the .M. ate 9%.9%.2913 as is,usse in themeeting he# &n 11.9'.2913 an 1'.9'.2913. Pursuant t& e,isi&n takenin these meetings the Prin,i$a# Se,retary Urban De;e#&$mentDe$artment ha;e been re7ueste t& take ne,essary a,ti&n t& ,&m$#y theire,ti&n issue in the .M. ate 9%.9%.2913 an t& in4&rm the M&/?a,,&r ing#y.

    he 0uth&rity 4urther n&te that the re7uirement &4 A&H 4&r high risebui# ings ma e in the .M. ate 9'.92.2912 stan s m& i e in the .M.ate 9%.9%.2913. 0s su,h n& s$e,i , ire,ti&n &r man ate is gi;en inthe m& i e .M. here4&re a $i,y e,isi&n has t& be taken un er thegenera# agen a uring this meeting t& ,&nsi er the $r&$&sa# in the #ight&4 the .M. ate % th June 2913 an t& insist that the higher &4 thema6imum r&a i th as $res,ribe by the ?ire Sa4ety De$t. an the :&,a#B& ies < i. e hi,he;er is higher = has t& be ,&nsi ere . @n ;ie &4 thise,isi&n the 0uth&rity e,i e t& re4er the #e ba,k t& S/0C 4&r 4urthera$$raisa# in a,,&r an,e ith the #a an kee$ing the ab&;e e,isi&n inmin .

    M>s. G en Gate Pr&$erties :imite ha;e a$$#ie 4&r /n;ir&nmenta#

    C#earan,e 4r&m S/@00 4&r their ne $r&$&se resi entia# a$artment$r&je,t at Sy. N&s. 2 "hata N&. DCA

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    an is s&ur,e 4r&m BHS SB. /6,a;ate /arth Management5 &ta#uantity &4 e6,a;ate earth generate 5 2! 999 CumE Ba,k ##ing 7uantity5112!9 CumE :an s,a$ing 7uantity5 999 CumE A&a #e;e#ing>?&rmati&n7uantity5 2999 CumE /6,a;ate r&,k &4 2!99 Cum i## be sent auth&ri8est&ne ,rushersE Ba#an,e 7uantity &4 !2!9 Cum i## be is$&se &O t& #ying areas. Haste Hater5 &ta# 7uantity generate is 21) ":D antreate in $r&$&se S P &4 esign ,a$a,ity 239 ":DE S#u ge generate is12 kg> ay an use as manure. Muni,i$a# Si Haste Management5 &ta#aste generate 5 )%9 kg> ayE rgani, aste5 !29 kg> ay i## be treatein &rgani, ,&n;ert&r an the $r& u,t use as manure. @n&rgani, aste53 9 kg> ay i## be sent 4&r re,y,#ing. P& er5 &ta# P& er re7uirement51) 9 " 0 su$$#ie 4r&m B/SC ME Ba,ku$ P& er $r&$&se 5 DG sets &4 2 I329 " 0 1 I 2!9 " 0E &ta# energy sa;ings is 29 E Parking $r&$&se 53* Numbers.

    Detai#s surr&un ing the Pr&je,t5 Subramanya$ura :ake5 2.2 kmED& akayasan ra :ake5 2.! kmE ther etai#s5 Aain Hater +ar;esting is

    $r&$&se . he $r&$&nent an en;ir&nmenta# ,&nsu#tant $resent e6$#aine the

    $r&je,t. he C&mmittee suggeste the $r&$&nent t& e6$#&re the$&ssibi#ity t& enhan,e the greenery &n natura# gr&un t& 33 . he #e;e#iOeren,e in the $r&je,t site is 3.)9! m B-B-B an the same 4&rthe "anaka$ura r&a is C-/-?. he $r&$&nent ,&mmitte an submittean un ertaking t& s$en As. 19 :akhs as a $art &4 his S&,ia# ,&mmitment$#an t& ar en;ir&nmenta# ,ause.

    04ter e#iberati&n the C&mmittee e,i e t& re,&mmen the $r&$&sa#t& S/@00 4&r issue &4 en;ir&nmenta# ,#earan,e.

    Action to &e Secretar- SEAC to recommend the proposal toSE5AA for environmental clearance'

    %) Prestige 5v- .erraces esidential Apartment at S-' o' >4#Panath,r 3illage 3arth,r :o&li =engal,r, East .al," =angalore

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    he $r&$&sa# as re,&mmen e by the S/0C 4&r ,#&sure 4&r the reas&nthat the $r&$&sa# &es n&t meet the re7uirement &4 A&H ,riteria s$e,i ein the .M. ate 9'.92.2912 issue by the Ministry &4 /n;ir&nment an?&rests G&;ernment &4 @n ia. he 0uth&rity uring the meeting he# &n2'.9%.2913 ha e,i e t& e4er the e,isi&n &n the #e unti# a na#e,isi&n is taken ith regar t& im$#ementati&n &4 the .M. ate

    9%.9%.2913 issue by the M&/? in m& i ,ati&n &4 the ab&;e sai .M. &4 9'>92>2912.

    he 0uth&rity n&te that the issue ith regar t& the a,ti&n t& betaken in a,,&r an,e ith the .M. ate 9%.9%.2913 as is,usse in themeeting he# &n 11.9'.2913 an 1'.9'.2913. Pursuant t& e,isi&n takenin these meetings the Prin,i$a# Se,retary Urban De;e#&$mentDe$artment ha;e been re7ueste t& take ne,essary a,ti&n t& ,&m$#y theire,ti&n issue in the .M. ate 9%.9%.2913 an t& in4&rm the M&/?a,,&r ing#y.

    he 0uth&rity 4urther n&te that the re7uirement &4 A&H 4&r high risebui# ings ma e in the .M. ate 9'.92.2912 stan s m& i e in the .M.ate 9%.9%.2913. 0s su,h n& s$e,i , ire,ti&n &r man ate is gi;en inthe m& i e .M. here4&re a $i,y e,isi&n has t& be taken un er thegenera# agen a uring this meeting t& ,&nsi er the $r&$&sa# in the #ight&4 the .M. ate % th June 2913 an t& insist that the higher &4 thema6imum r&a i th as $res,ribe by the ?ire Sa4ety De$t. an the :&,a#B& ies < i. e hi,he;er is higher = has t& be ,&nsi ere . @n ;ie &4 thise,isi&n the 0uth&rity e,i e t& re4er the #e ba,k t& S/0C 4&r 4urthera$$raisa# in a,,&r an,e ith the #a an kee$ing the ab&;e e,isi&n inmin .

    M>s. Prestige /states Pr&je,ts :t . ha;e a$$#ie 4&r /n;ir&nmenta#C#earan,e 4r&m S/@00 4&r their ne $r&$&se Prestige @;y erra,es$r&je,t at Sy. N&. '!>2 Panathur i##age arthur +&b#i Banga#&re /ast

    a#uk Banga#&re Distri,t un er )

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    Muni,i$a# Si Haste Management5 &ta# aste generate 5 )'' kg> ayErgani, aste5 !2% kg> ay i## be treate in &rgani, ,&n;ert&r an the$r& u,t use as manure. @n&rgani, aste5 3!1 kg> ay i## be sent 4&rre,y,#ing. P& er5 &ta# P& er re7uirement5 2229 " 0 su$$#ie 4r&mB/SC ME Ba,ku$ P& er $r&$&se 5 DG sets &4 I !99 " 0E Parking$r&$&se 5 *! Numbers.

    Detai#s surr&un ing the Pr&je,t5 " C ;a##ey S P- 3.99 kmE theretai#s5 Aain Hater +ar;esting is $r&$&se .

    he $r&$&nent an en;ir&nmenta# ,&nsu#tant $resent e6$#aine the$r&je,t. he $r&$&nent in4&rme that the height &4 the bui# ing is '. 9 man the A&H in 4r&nt &4 the $r&je,t site is 1).1 m. he $r&$&nent in4&rmethat the UGD 4a,i#ities e6isting in the site. he #e;e# iOeren,e in the$r&je,t site is ! m. he $r&je,t is #&,ate a#&ng "a ubeesanaha##i A&aan ,&nne,ts t& Panathur main r&a an #ater ,&nne,ts t& AA."a ubeesanaha##i A&a ,&nne,ts t& Panathur Main A&a &n &ne si e anSarja$ur A&a &n &ther si e &4 the r&a . Panathur Main r&a ,&nne,ts t&Panathur &n &ne si e an AA &n &ther si e &4 the r&a . AA ,&nne,ts t&Maratha##i &n &ne si e an Si#k B&ar &n &ther si e &4 the r&a . hee6isting $r&je,te an m& i e :&S &4 the "a ubeesanaha##i r&a is B-B-Can the same 4&r the Panathur r&a is B-C-C. he e6isting $r&je,te anm& i e :&S &4 the AA is B-D-D. he Pr&je,t Pr&$&nent ,&mmitte ansubmitte an un ertaking t& s$en As. * :akhs as a $art &4 his S&,ia#C&mmitment t& ar s en;ir&nmenta# ,ause.

    04ter e#iberati&n the C&mmittee n&te that the #&,a# b& y has n&t$res,ribe anything ab&ut the r&a i th in re#ati&n t& the height &4 thebui# ing as $er the bye-#a s an hen,e e,i e t& re,&mmen the

    $r&$&sa# t& S/@00 4&r issue &4 en;ir&nmenta# ,#earan,e.Action to &e Secretar- SEAC to recommend the proposal to

    SE5AA for environmental clearance'

    ;) 7?alnir .erraces7 esidential Apartment S-'no'@ @41 (Part)o' @ Attavar 3illage Mangalore .al," +a"shina !annada

    +istrict &- M4s' osedale Associates (SE5AA 1;1 C6 #01#)'

    Name &4 the 0$$#i,ant5 Sri. Dr. /rr A.Pint& s. 0 itya /n;ir&nmenta# Ser;i,es P;t.:t .

    M>s. A&se a#e 0ss&,iates. ha;e a$$#ie 4&r /n;ir&nmenta# C#earan,e1

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    Mu#ti$ur$&se ha## ith ass&,iate amenities ,&nsists &4 2 basements Gr&un 1) U$$er ?#&&rs :an s,a$e area5 1!'* S7m &n natura# earth

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    Chie4 /ngineer t& submit ,&$y &4 the sai #etter. he Chie4 /ngineer a#s&in4&rme there is a +innakikere :ake #&,ate near the $r&je,t & nstreamsi e an there is a $r&$&sa# t& retain the #ake. he C&mmittee aske theChie4 /ngineer t& #ea;e a buOer &4 39 m maintain an reju;enate the #ake.

    he e6isting na#ahs are a#s& t& be retaine . he Chie4 /ngineer in4&rmethat *.2 M:D &4 ater eman t& the $r&je,t is $r&$&se 4r&m ShimshaAi;er. he ,hie4 engineer in4&rme that the buOer &u# be #e4t &n theeither si e &4 the high-tensi&n #ineE a$$r&a,h r&a t& the main r&a isbeing ,&nstru,te by PHD.

    04ter e#iberati&n the C&mmittee e,i e t& issue the &As 4&r the$re$arati&n &4 /@0 re$&rt in,#u ing the $#an 4&r e;e#&$ment &4 33 greenery.

    he $r&$&nent submitte a re;ise $r&$&sa# be4&re the S/@00 in 4&rm1 10 hi,h as re,ei;e in the te,hni,a# ,e## &n 31.91.2911. he $r&je,tetai#s &4 the re;ise $r&$&sa# are as 4#& s5

    &ta# site area &4 the $r&je,t is 39 !% *9! S7mE

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    he C&mmittee &bser;e that the $r&$&se $r&je,t site ,&mes in 0neka#ta#uk hi,h is a grey area an hen,e CGH0 ,#earan,e is re7uire . heC&mmittee a#s& &bser;e that the $r&$&nent is n&t e,i e ith regar t&the s&ur,e &4 ater 4&r the $r&je,t as t& hether it is s&ur,e 4r&mShimsha Ai;er BHS SB &r Grama Pan,hayat. he C&mmittee re7uestethe $r&$&nent t& enhan,e the greenery t& ser;e as a m& e# t& &ther$r&$&nents as it is a G&;ernment $r&je,t. he C&mmittee a#s& suggestethe $r&$&nent t& e6$#&re the $&ssibi#ity &4 the generati&n &4 $& er 4r&m&rgani, aste ,#e,te .

    04ter e#iberati&n the C&mmittee e,i e t& re,a## the $r&$&nent 4&r$resentati&n a4ter &btaining the 4#& ing in4&rmati&n 4r&m him.

    1. N C 4r&m CGH0.2. &$& sheet an rainage ma$ &4 the e6,ess earth is$&sa# area.3. /nhan,e #an s,a$e $#an ith number an s$e,ies &4 trees.. S,ienti , ana#ysis ith 7ua#ity an 7uantity &4 gr&un ater ith

    yie# ata &4 4un,ti&na# b&re e##s un er $eak &,,u$an,y s,enari&

    a#&ng ith #&,ati&n ma$.!. Ae &rk &n re7uirement &4 ater 4&r resi entia#>,&mmer,ia# 4&r 4u##

    e;e#&$ment a#&ng ith ,a#,u#ati&ns.%. :atest ater ana#ysis re$&rt.'. Pr&$er #&,ati&n &4 s#u ge sum$.). Detai#s &4 is$&sa# &4 e6,ess se age uring rainy seas&n.*. P#an 4&r ,#e,ti&n &4 h&use garbage.19. S&,ia# ,&mmitment $#an ith name &4 the &rk bu get an

    time4rame< #etter n&t gi;en=.

    he subje,t as $#a,e in the *' th S/0C meeting he# &n 1)-

    1*.91.2913 an the C&mmittee e,i e t& re,&mmen the $r&$&sa# t&S/@00 4&r ,#&sure 4&r n&n submissi&n &4 the &,uments s&ught ;i e #etterate 9!.11.2912.

    he $r&$&sa# as ,&nsi ere by S/@00 in its '1 st S/@00 meeting he# &n3 r Se$tember 2913 an the abstra,t &4 the $r&,ee ings is as 4#& s5

    @t is a $r&$&sa# 4&r e;e#&$ment &4 resi entia# #ay&ut ,&nsistingresi entia# area ,&mmer,ia# area $arks an $#ay gr&un s in ustries

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    0s $er the G&;ernment r er N&. ?// % /PC 2913 ate 19.9!.2913n& Pr&,essing ?ee has been $res,ribe 4&r the area e;e#&$ment $r&je,ts.

    he 0uth&rity a4ter is,ussi&n e,i e t& re-&$en an sen the #e t&S/0C 4&r a$$raisa# in a,,&r an,e ith the #a .

    he C&mmittee $eruse the re$#ies ma e by the $r&je,t $r&$&nentate 23.9'.2913 in res$&nse t& S/@00 #etter ate 2'.93.2913 an a$resentati&n as ma e in this regar by the en;ir&nmenta# ,&nsu#tantan /6e,uti;e /ngineer "+B ,&n,erne .

    04ter e#iberati&n the C&mmittee e,i e t& re,&mmen the $r&$&sa#t& S/@00 4&r issue &4 en;ir&nmenta# ,#earan,e ith ,&n iti&n that s. "AS /nter$rises.

    M>s. Sa#ar$uria Aea# /state P;t. :t . ha;e a$$#ie 4&r /n;ir&nmenta#C#earan,e

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    04ter e#iberati&n the C&mmittee e,i e t& re,&mmen the $r&$&sa#t& S/@00 4&r issue &4 en;ir&nmenta# ,#earan,e.

    Action to &e Secretar- SEAC to recommend the proposal toSE5AA for environmental clearance'

    ) Constr,ction Pro*ect 7Expansion of A,tomo&ile Man,fact,ringPlant7 at S-' o' 1@% 1= 1@;'# 1@;'; 1@;'> 1@;'@ 1@;' 1@>1@%'# 1@@ 1 0 1 1'1 1 1'# 1 1 1 ;'='1 1 ;'='% of M,mmigatti village and 1 0 1 # ; 1 @ 1 1 1 % > 1 @'11 @ A + 191 9% 19;'1 # 19>P 19@ 19 19 '1 # 199 #00#00P #01 @ #09 #1# #1; of eeralagatti village +har/ad .al," and +istrict of M4s' .ata Motors Limited (SE5AA 1%@ C6 #01%)

    Name &4 the 0$$#i,ant5 Sri. "umar S. s. ata M&t&rs :t . ha;e a$$#ie 4&r /n;ir&nmenta# C#earan,e

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913S#u ge generate "g> aySi Haste "g> ayP& erre7uirement

    " 0 1) M 0

    P& er S&ur,e +/SC MBa,ku$ $& er

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    !5A+= :,mna&ad 5nd,strial Area :,mna&ad .al," =idar +istrictof M4s' 3ir,pa"sha 6rganics Pvt' Ltd' (SE5AA ;% 5 + #010)'

    Name &4 the 0$$#i,ant5 Sri. G.Chan rashekhar Ae yName &4 the C&nsu#tan,y ?irm5 M>s. eam :abs an C&nsu#tants.

    M>s. iru$aksha rgani,s P;t. :t . ha;e a$$#ie 4&r /n;ir&nmenta#C#earan,e

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    Pr&je,t Detai#s5 :an 5 &ta# $#&t area5 ) a,resE the $r&je,t in;es,&nstru,ti&n &4 $r& u,ti&n b#&,k @ @@ are h&use uti#ity b#&,ks.:an s,a$e area5 11 3*% S7mE Hater Ae7uirement5 &ta# aterre7uirement is '9 ":D s&ur,e thr&ugh $ub#i, su$$#y. Se age generate39 ,um> ay ayE @n&rgani,5 1299 "g> ayE &ther si astes5 $r&,ess aste5!9 "G> ayE S#u ge5 299 "g> ayE ther etai#s5 he $r&je,t in;es 2b&i#er &4 3 P+ % P+ ,a$a,ity m&nth=.

    he subje,t as $#a,e in the '9 th S/0C meeting he# &n 1'-1) th June2911. he e6tra,t &4 the $r&,ee ing is gi;en be#& 5

    he "arnataka :egis#ature Subje,t C&mmitteeYs S$e,ia# re$&rt &n$#uti&n ,ause by $harma,euti,a# an ,hemi,a# in ustries #&,ate at"har @n ustria# 0rea at Bi ar !>2919-@0. @@

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    $#uti&n is ,ause by the ,hemi,a# an $harma,euti,a# in ustries. heC&mmittee a4ter e#iberati&ns e,i e that in ;ie &4 the absen,e &4 N&ti ,ati&n>Cir,u#ars> G&;ernment r ers by G&" $r&hibiting setting u$ &4 in ustries in Bi ar the ab&;e #iste in ustries ,an be taken u$ 4&ra$$raisa# as $er the $r&,e ure #ai & n by the M&/? G&@ a4ter &btaining#atest base#ine ata ith Aa$i /n;ir&nmenta# @m$a,t 0ssessment

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    re,&;ere . he in ustry has $r&$&se in i;i ua# / P but the C&mmitteea ;ise the $r&$&nent t& a &$t C/ P an make it ;iab#e. he C&mmitteen&te that the ater h ing ,a$a,ity &4 the $r&je,t site s&i# hi,h issan y s&i# is ;ery $&&r an this is #ea ing t& gr&un ater $#uti&n.

    he C&mmittee &bser;e that the /@0 submitte is n&t ,&m$#ete an

    satis4a,t&ry an &rst ,ase s,enari& is n&t ,&nsi ere . +en,e re7uestethe $r&$&nent t& submit the re;ise /@0 ,&nsi ering the 4#& ing as$e,ts5

    1. @m$a,t &4 gr&un ater 7ua#ity ue t& s$i##age.2. ?ugiti;e emissi&ns.3. Green ,hemistry $r&$&se .. /mergen,y $#ans 4&r st&rage &4 ,hemi,a#s in ,ase &4 4ai#ure &4 M//.!. P#an 4&r re,&;ery an reuse &4 sa#ts.%. Aisk assessment an isaster management $#an.'. Cumu#ati;e im$a,t &4 a## the ' $r&$&se $harma,euti,a# in ustries

    in +umnaba @n ustria# 0rea hi,h ha;e been taken 4&r a$$raisa# inS/0C.

    he $r&je,t $r&$&nent as a ;ise as $er $r&,ee ings t& submitre;ise /@0 ;i e #etter ate 91.9).2912.

    Ae;ise /@0 as re,ei;e 4r&m the PP ;i e their #etter ate 31.9).2912an the PP as aske t& $resent the /@0 in the S/0C *3 r meetings,he u#e 4&r 23.11.2912. But PP e6$resse his inabi#ity t& be $resent inthat meeting ;i e his #etter ate 29.11.2912.

    Subse7uent#y PP as re7ueste t& make /@0 $resentati&n in S/0C *' thmeeting s,he u#e &n 1) th Jan 2913. 0gain PP e6$resse inabi#ity t& be$resent an e;en re7ueste t& ith ra the a$$#i,ati&n ma e. here4&re

    the C&mmittee e,i e t& re4er the #e 4&r ,#&sure. 0#s& S/@00 in itYsmeeting he# &n 2! th ?eb 2913 e,i e t& ,#&se the #e an the,&mmuni,ati&n as ma e t& PP ;i e #etter ate 2'.93.2913.

    ?urther PP ma e a submissi&n ;i e their #etter ate 1%.9'.2913 t&MS S/@00 4&r e6tensi&n &4 ;a#i ity &4 &A an 4&r an &$$&rtunity t& submitre;ise /@0. 0#s& in their #etter ate 2%.9).2913 PP ha;e re7ueste t&re,&nsi er their $r&$&sa# as they &u# resubmit /@0 ith ,&rre,ti&ns ann&t ith ra ing their a$$#i,ati&n as ,&mmitte ear#ier.

    PP ha;e submitte /@0 t& MS S/@00 ;i e their #etter ate 2).9).2913.S/@00 in itYs '1 st meeting he# &n 3 r Se$ 2913 is,usse the $r&$&sa# ane,isi&n has been t& re-&$en the #e an 4&r a$$raisa# in S/0C. he C&mmittee n&te that regar ing the $r&je,ts at +umnaba

    @n ustria# 0rea the sub,&mmittee ha ;isite the site an re,&mmen e,ertain initiati;es 4r&m the State G&;ernment in terms &4 the re7uirein4rastru,ture name#y ,&mm&n area 4&r han #ing si astes an C/ P.@n a iti&n the sub,&mmittee ha esire st&rm ater rains 4&r thein ustria# estate. hese are ,riti,a# sin,e hea;y $ena#ty $&ints area ar e in the ,a#,u#ati&n &4 C/P@ S,&re 4&r arri;ing at ,riti,a##y $#uteareas. he C&mmittee n&te that these $&ints ha;e been ,&mmuni,ate

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  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    t& S/@00 an the matter at $resent is ith the State G&;ernment. heC&mmittee &n,e again e,i e t& re7uest the S/@00 t& take u$ thematter ith the State G&;ernment an a#s& take u$ these issues hi#e,&nsi ering issue &4 en;ir&nmenta# ,#earan,e t& the $r&je,t. 0#s& theC&mmittee 4e#t that the G&;ernment &4 "arnataka sh&u# earmark #an4&r su,h h&m&gene&us $#uting $harma,euti,a# in ustries an estab#ishC/ P as reiterate &n ear#ier &,,asi&ns s$e,i ,a##y 4&r $r&$&sa#s &4 $harma,euti,a#s in +umnaba &4 Bi ar Distri,t.

    he subje,t as 4urther e#iberate an the C&mmittee &bser;e thatthe 7uantity &4 astes is m&re an &u# be isa ;antage&us t& treat inthe $r&$&se / P. he PP a mitte t& e#ete the 4#& ing $r& u,ts here$#uti&n #&a is m&re 4r&m the $r&$&sa#5

    1. Cita#&$ram +Br.2. /s,ita#&$ram 6a#ate.3. ?#urbi$r&4en.. Sumatri$tan Su,,inate.

    he C&mmittee e,i e t& re,&mmen the $r&$&sa# 4&r issue &4 /C iththe ,&n iti&ns that the $r&je,t $r&$&nent5

    1. Sh&u# n&t manu4a,ture Cita#&$ram +Br /s,ita#&$ram 6a#ate?#urbi$r&4en an Sumatri$tan Su,,inate.

    2. Uses a#ternati;e sents 4&r MDC a,et&ne an a,et&nitri#e an4&r ,h#&rinating agents su,h as su#$hury# an thi&n#y# ,h#&ri e< here;er use =

    3. 0;&i s br&minati&n $r&,esses < here;er 4#& e =. Ae,&;ers :ithium sa#ts 4r&m the eXuents here;er :ithium

    ,&m$&un s are use in the rea,ti&ns.

    !. 0 &$ts G&& Management Pra,ti,es

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    he etai#s &4 the $r& u,ts &4 t & gr&u$s are gi;en be#& 58ro,p 1

    Sl'o ame of the Prod,cts


    1 0,e,#&4ena, 1.!92 0t&r;astatin ,a#,ium 2.993 C#&$i &gre# bisu#$hate 1.99

    /s,ita#&$ram &6a#ate 1.!9! /s&me$ra8e magnesiumtrihy rate 9.!9% ?e6& n ine hy r&,h#&ri e 9.!9' M&nte#ukast s& ium 9.!9) Penta$ra8e s& ium 1.99* Setra#ine hy r&,h#&ri e 1.9919 rema hy r&,h#&ri e 9.!9

    .otal 10'008ro,p #


    oame of the Prod,cts Bt-'

    M.4month1 Ci$r&F&6a,in-hy r&,h#&ri e-m&n&hy rate 1.99

    2 /Oa;arenge 9.!93 Gem,itabine +C@ 9.!9

    :e;& Cetri8ine i +C@ 1.99! :ami;a ine 1.99% #mesartan 9.!9' S$arF&6a,in 1.!9) a#sartan 1.99* &ri,&na8e 9.!919 (i &;u ine 1.99

    .otal '>0

    &ta# ater re7uirement i## be )9 ":D 4&r b&th &mesti, an in ustria#$ur$&se i## be met 4r&m $ub#i, su$$#y. &ta# 7uantity &4 aste atergenerate i## be 3) ":D &ut &4 hi,h 3%. 9 ":D i## be tra e eXuentgenerate 4r&m $r&,ess ashing uti#ities s,rubber A D an 1.99 ":Di## be &mesti, aste ater. he eXuent i## be $um$e t& the ACC

    tanks 4&r st&rage an neutra#i8ati&n an then the eXuent i## be sent t&mu#ti$#e eOe,t e;a$&rat&rs. Sa#ts 4r&m the M// e;a$&rati&n system i##be ,#e,te an sent t& SD?. D&mesti, aste ater i## be sent t& se$ti,tank.

    Si aste generate #ike &rgani, si aste i## be sent t& ,ement$#ants 4&r in,inerati&n an in&rgani, si aste an ?// sa#ts are sent t&

    SD? 4&r se,ure #an ##. C&a# ash 4r&m b&i#er i## be s t& buyers.

    he subje,t as $#a,e in the %9 th S/0C meeting he# &n 2'.11.2919an the seni&r &L,er 4r&m "SPCB $resent in the ,&mmittee e6$#aine theremarks &4 the State :egis#ati;e C&mmittee an e,isi&n sh&u# be takena4ter e6amining the re$&rt submitte by the sai ,&mmittee. he

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  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    C&mmittee e,i e t& issue the &As 4&r $re$arati&n &4 /@0 a$art 4r&me6amining the ,&mmittee re$&rt.

    he $r&je,t $r&$&nent as ire,te t& 4urnish the ,hara,teristi,s &4 ramateria#s use a$art 4r&m te,hn&gy a &$te 4&r 8er& is,harge.

    he subje,t as $#a,e in the %) th S/0C meeting he# &n 39.9 .2911an the $r&$&nent has submitte the /@0 &n 93.93.2911. But the /@0 n&t,&;ere the 4#& ing &As an n&t $re$are by the a,,re iteen;ir&nmenta# ,&nsu#tant.

    1. Design etai#s &4 / P b&i#er s,rubbers.2. 0mbient air 7ua#ity at % #&,ati&ns ithin the stu y area &4 19 km.

    aeria# ,&;erage 4r&m $r&je,t site. :&,ati&n &4 &ne 00 MS in& n in ire,ti&n.

    3. 0mbient air 7ua#ity m& e##ing 4&r $#ant.. ne seas&n ata 4&r air ater an N&ise m&nit&ring in,#u ing

    PM19 S 2 N 6 C#2 +C# an Cs.

    !. 0n a,ti&n $#an t& ,&ntr an m&nit&r se,&n ary 4ugiti;eemissi&ns as $er CPCB an their ,&ntr.%. Determinati&n &4 atm&s$heri, in;ersi&n #e;e# at the $r&je,t site

    an assessment &4 gr&un #e;e# ,&n,entrati&n &4 $#utants 4r&mthe sta,k emissi&n base &n site-s$e,i , mete&r&gi,a#4eatures.

    '. Permissi&n 4&r the ra # &4 gr&un ater 4r&m the CGH0. Haterba#an,e ,y,#e ata in,#u ing 7uantity &4 eXuent generatere,y,#e an reuse an is,harge .

    ). Gr&un ater m&nit&ring minimum at % #&,ati&ns sh&u# be,arrie &ut. Ge&gi,a# 4eatures an Ge&-hy r&gi,a# status &4

    the stu y area an e,&gi,a# status < errestria# an 07uati,=.*. he etai#s &4 si an ha8ar &us astes generati&n st&rageuti#i8ati&n an is$&sa# $arti,u#ar#y re#ate t& the ha8ar &usaste.

    19. Aisk assessment 4&r st&rage an han #ing &4 ,hemi,a#s>sents in,#u ing engineere systems an +0( Pstu y.

    11. 0n a,ti&n $#an t& e;e#&$ green be#t in 33 area12. S&,i& e,&n&mi, e;e#&$ment a,ti;ities sh&u# be in $#a,e.13. N&te &n ,&m$#ian,e t& the re,&mmen ati&ns menti&ne in

    the CA/P gui e#ines.

    1 . Detai#e /n;ir&nment management P#an reuse>re,&;er te,hni7ues /nergy ,&nser;ati&n annatura# res&ur,e ,&nser;ati&n.

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    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    1%. ne seas&n base#ine ata &n air ater s&i# n&ise et,,#e,te a4ter issuan,e &4 &As ith &rigina# #ab re$&rts.

    he $r&$&nent is re7uire t& submit re;ise /@0 $re$are by thea,,re ite en;ir&nmenta# ,&nsu#tant in,&r$&rating ab&;e &A $&ints.

    he C&mmittee is,usse the $r&je,t in the #ight &4 there,&mmen ati&ns &4 the "arnataka :egis#ature Subje,t C&mmitteeYsS$e,ia# re$&rt &n $#uti&n ,ause by $harma,euti,a# an ,hemi,a#in ustries #&,ate at "har @n ustria# 0rea at Bi ar Pharma,euti,a# @n ustries sha## be $ermitte in the Bi ar Distri,t.@n a iti&n the M&/? G&@ has a#s& e,#are "har @n ustria# 0rea Bi ar asQse;ere#y $#ute R base &n C&m$rehensi;e /n;ir&nmenta# P#uti&n @n e6

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    Pr&je,t $r&$&sa#s #&,ate in Bi ar Distri,t ere br&ught be4&re the S/0Cmeeting &n 39.9 .2911 4&r a$$raisa# 4&r en;ir&nmenta# ,#earan,e. 04tere#iberati&ns it as e,i e t& &btain ,#ari ,ati&n 4r&m the Se,retary t&G&;ernment D?// hether the $r&je,ts $r&$&se in Bi ar Distri,t ,an betaken u$ in the S/0C 4&r a$$raisa# 4&r en;ir&nmenta# ,#earan,e.

    Member Se,retary S/@00 in his ,#ari ,ati&n ate 2'.9!.2911 has statethat the e;e#&$menta# $r&je,ts in this ,#uster nee t& be a$$raise by theS/0C 4#& ing the $r&,e ure #ai & n at $ara .2 &4 the sai .M. heS/0C sha## take e6tra $re,auti&n uring a$$raisa# &4 $r&je,ts t& be #&,ate inthis ,#uster an $res,ribe stringent sa4eguar measures s& that theen;ir&nmenta# 7ua#ity is n&t eteri&rate 4urther. Member Se,retary S/@00has a#s& suggeste t& ,&nsi er the re,&mmen ati&n &4 the "arnataka:egis#ature Subje,t C&mmitteeYs S$e,ia# Ae$&rt an the &r ers &4 theG&;ernment i4 any hi#e a$$raising the $r&je,ts $r&$&se t& be estab#ishein Bi ar Distri,t.

    he C&mmittee n&te that n& N&ti ,ati&n>Cir,u#ars> G&;ernmentr ers ha;e been issue $ursuant t& the re,&mmen ati&ns &4 the

    :egis#ature C&mmittee Ae$&rt. he Seni&r /n;ir&nmenta# L,er &4 the"SPCB h& as $resent in the meeting in4&rme that the $r&$&sa#s in theBi ar Distri,t 4&r C&nsent are $en ing be4&re the "SPCB e,hni,a#0 ;is&ry C&mmittee < 0C= 4&r ant &4 en;ir&nmenta# ,#earan,e as $er the/@0 N&ti ,ati&n 299% an a genera# $i,y e,isi&n nee s t& be taken inthis regar .

    he C&mmittee &bser;e that the Ae$&rt &4 the :egis#ature C&mmittee1! years an the en;ir&nmenta# situati&n has ,&nsi erab#y ,hangean a#s& the $resent $#uti&n #&a is n&t kn& n a#th&ugh the highest

    $#uti&n is ,ause by the ,hemi,a# an $harma,euti,a# in ustries. heC&mmittee a4ter e#iberati&ns e,i e that in ;ie &4 the absen,e &4 N&ti ,ati&n>Cir,u#ars> G&;ernment r ers by G&" $r&hibiting setting u$ &4 in ustries in Bi ar the ab&;e #iste in ustries ,an be taken u$ 4&ra$$raisa# as $er the $r&,e ure #ai & n by the M&/? G&@ a4ter &btaining#atest base#ine ata ith Aa$i /n;ir&nmenta# @m$a,t 0ssessment

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    2. Ae$&rt &n the a;ai#abi#ity &4 gr&un ater in +umnaba @n ustria#0rea.

    he $r&$&nent has submitte the ab&;e etai#s &n 9).9!.2912. he$r&$&nent has submitte the na# /@0 re$&rt a#&ng ith /MP &n9'.9%.2912.

    he subje,t as $#a,e in the )% th S/0C meeting he# &n29>21.9'.2912 an the $r&$&nent an en;ir&nmenta# ,&nsu#tant $resente6$#aine the /@0. he $r&$&nent in4&rme that the /@0 has been$re$are taking int& ,&nsi erati&n ,&mbine im$a,t &4 a## the e6istingin ustries. he $r&$&nent submitte that the 4#& ing are the #ist &4 by-$r& u,ts5

    S#.N& Pr& u,t Name uantity < PM= uantity

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    4&r $arti,i$ati&n uring a$$raisa# &4 the ab&;e $r&je,t $r&$&sa# as $er thee,isi&n &4 the S/0C.

    04ter e#iberati&n the C&mmittee e,i e t& re,a## the $r&$&nent 4&r$resentati&n a4ter &btaining the 4#& ing in4&rmati&n 4r&m the$r&$&nent5

    1. Detai#s &4 ati#e rgani, C&m$&un s < Cs=2. C&m$rehensi;e hy r&gi,a# stu y an ;ariati&n &4 atertab#e in the area.

    3. S,ienti , assessment &4 gr&un ater a;ai#abi#ity in,#u ing7ua#ity as$e,ts an the etai#s &n ,urrent uti#i8ati&n >abstra,ti&n ata.

    . S&i# $r& #e using a$$r&$riate m& e# 4&r generating,&n,entrati&n ,&nt&urs in ,ase &4 s$i##age an im$a,t &ngr&un ater.

    !. /O&rt $ut in ith $r&&4 4&r a &$ting Green ,hemistry.%. Aisk assessment base &n P @ iagram.

    '. C&nsi er a## air $#utants an &rst ,ase s,enari&s

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    in4rastru,ture name#y ,&mm&n area 4&r han #ing si astes an C/ P.@n a iti&n the sub,&mmittee ha esire st&rm ater rains 4&r thein ustria# estate. hese are ,riti,a# sin,e hea;y $ena#ty $&ints area ar e in the ,a#,u#ati&n &4 C/P@ S,&re 4&r arri;ing at ,riti,a##y $#uteareas. he C&mmittee n&te that these $&ints ha;e been ,&mmuni,atet& S/@00 an the matter at $resent is ith the State G&;ernment. heC&mmittee &n,e again e,i e t& re7uest the S/@00 t& take u$ thematter ith the State G&;ernment an a#s& take u$ these issues hi#e,&nsi ering issue &4 en;ir&nmenta# ,#earan,e t& the $r&je,t. 0#s& theC&mmittee 4e#t that the G&;ernment &4 "arnataka sh&u# earmark #an4&r su,h h&m&gene&us $#uting $harma,euti,a# in ustries an estab#ishC/ P as reiterate &n ear#ier &,,asi&ns s$e,i ,a##y 4&r $r&$&sa#s &4 $harma,euti,a#s in +umnaba &4 Bi ar Distri,t.

    he subje,t as e#iberate 4urther an C&mmittee &bser;e that the7uantity &4 astes is m&re an &u# be isa ;antage&us t& treat in the$r&$&se / P. he PP a mitte t& e#ete the 4#& ing $r& u,ts here

    $#uti&n #&a is m&re 4r&m the $r&$&sa#5 1. Cita#&$ram +y r&br&mi e2. /s&me$ra8e Mg. rihy rate3. Gem,itabine +C@. :ami;u ine!. M&nte#ukast S& ium%. Sertra#ine +C@'. (i &;u in

    he C&mmittee e,i e t& re,&mmen the $r&$&sa# 4&r issue &4 /Cith the ,&n iti&ns that the $r&je,t $r&$&nent5

    1. Sh&u# n&t manu4a,ture Cita#&$ram +y r&br&mi e/s&me$ra8e Mg. rihy rate Gem,itabine +C@ :ami;u ineM&nte#ukast S& ium Sertra#ine +C@ an (i &;u in.

    2. Uses a#ternati;e sents 4&r MDC a,et&ne an a,et&nitri#e an4&r ,h#&rinating agents su,h as su#$hury# an thi&n#y# ,h#&ri e< here;er use =.

    3. 0;&i s br&minati&n $r&,esses < here;er 4#& e =.. Ae,&;ers :ithium sa#ts 4r&m the eXuents here;er :ithium

    ,&m$&un s are use in the rea,ti&ns.!. 0 &$ts G&& Management Pra,ti,es

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    Areas +evelopment =oard (!5A+=) =engal,r, >@0001' (SE5AA#9 5 + #01#)'

    Pr&je,t Pr&$&nent5 C/ /6e,uti;e Member "@0DB/n;ir&nment C&nsu#tant5 M>s. Aamky /n;ir& /ngineers :imite

    M>s. "arnataka @n ustria# 0reas De;e#&$ment B&ar

    he Pr&$&nent has submitte the Ga8ette N&ti ,ati&n un er ru#e 2)< =

    &4 "arnataka @n ustria# 0rea De;e#&$ment Au#es 1*%% issue by C @De$artment 4&r #an 0,7uisiti&n 4&r the sai $ur$&se.

    he subje,t as ,&nsi ere in the *3 r S/0C meeting he# &n 23 r 2 th N&;ember 2912 an the C&mmittee a4ter e#iberati&n e,i e t&,#assi4y the $r&je,t un er B2 ,ateg&ry an re,a## the $r&je,t $r&$&nent 4&r$resentati&n a4ter &btaining /n;ir&nment Management P#an

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    Pr&$&nent assure the C&mmittee that 4&r n& the $r&$&sa# is &n#y t&ha;e Green range ,ateg&ry in ustries. he $r&$&nents erein4&rme that i4 Ae ,ateg&ry in ustry has t& ,&me u$ in the samein ustria# area that $arti,u#ar in ustry re7uires taking a se$arate,#earan,e 4r&m a$$r&$riate auth&rities.

    C&mmittee suggeste that there sh&u# be ?ire Stati&ns in Ci;i,amenity sites $r&;i e in the #ay &ut taking int& a,,&unt the ire,ti&n&4 in as re ha8ar in ustries are a#s& t& be #&,ate in sa4e 8&nesn&t aOe,ting any &ther imme iate neighb&urh&& as $er in r&seiagram .

    he $r&$&nents ere aske t& 4urnish in4&rmati&n &n the &rks$r&$&se >taken u$ b&th in terms &4 $hysi,a# nan,ia# as C&r$&rateS&,ia# Aes$&nsibi#ity.

    he C&mmittee man ate that the "@0DB sh&u# a##&t the $#&ts &n#y 4&r&range an green ,ateg&ry in ustry in the $r&$&se in ustria# area.

    04ter e#iberati&n the C&mmittee e,i e t& re,&nsi er the $r&$&sa#a4ter &btaining the 4#& ing in4&rmati&n 4r&m the $r&$&nent5

    1. :an $&ssessi&n re,&r .2. Break u$ &4 ater re7uirement 4&r &mesti, an n&n-

    &mesti, $ur$&se as e## as s&ur,e.3. G&;ernment &r er regar ing ater su$$#y t& the in ustria#

    area.. S&,ia# ,&mmitment $#an a#&ng ith &rk etai#s time 4rame

    an bu get a##&,ate .

    he $r&$&nent ha 4urnishe the in4&rmati&n ;i e their #etter ate11.93.2913. +& e;er &n &bser;ati&n &4 the &,uments it as 4&un that4&r a,7uisiti&n &4 #an &n#y 2)< = N&ti ,ati&n is $ub#ishe an there is n&&,ument as $r&&4 t& $&ssessi&n &4 #an ith "@0DB. here4&re the

    $r&$&nent ere in4&rme ;i e #etter ate 2!.93.2913 t& 4urnish $r&$er#an re,&r s.

    he subje,t as taken u$ 4&r re,&nsi erati&n &4 $r&$&sa# in 192 n S/0Cmeeting he# &n 2% th 2' th 0$ri# 2913 an the C&mmittee n&te that the$r&je,t $r&$&nent ha n&t submitte the #an $&ssessi&n &,uments inthe name &4 "@0DB in res$&nse t& S/0C #etter ate 2!.93.2913 e;ena4ter e6$iry &4 39 ays. he C&mmittee a4ter e#iberati&n e,i e t&re,&mmen the #e t& S/@00 4&r ,#&sure.

    S/@00 in its %' th meeting he# &n 2! th May 2913 is,usse the $r&$&sa#an ha e,i e t& gi;e &ne m&re &$$&rtunity t& the $r&$&nent. +& e;erPP ha;e submitte #an &,ument ;i e their #etter ate 1%.9!.2913 anthe $r&$&sa# as is,usse in the '1 st S/@00 meeting he# &n 3 r Se$2913 an the e,isi&n has been t& a$$raise the $r&$&sa# in S/0C.

    he C&mmittee $eruse the #an $&ssessi&n re,&r s in the name &4 "@0DB submitte &n 1%.9!.2913 by "@0DB. 04ter e#iberati&n the

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    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    C&mmittee e,i e t& re,&mmen the $r&$&sa# t& S/@00 4&r issue &4 en;ir&nmenta# ,#earan,e.

    Action to &e Secretar- SEAC to recommend the proposal toSE5AA for environmental clearance'

    11) 5nd,strial Pro*ect 8reen eld Chlor Al"ali Pro*ect /ith ca,sticsoda mem&rane cell plant and val,e added prod,cts in for/ardintegrationD at 8raseline +ivision !,marpatnam :averi +istrictof M4s 8rasim 5nd,stries Limited (SE5AA 1 5 + #01#)'


    M>s. Grasim @n ustries :t . ha;e a$$#ie 4&r /C 4r&m S/@00 4&r theirne 2'! PD Green e# Ch#&r-0#ka#i $r&je,t ith ;a#ue a e $r& u,ts atGrase#ine Di;isi&n "umara$atnam Near +arihar +a;eri Distri,t un er S#.N&. < = &4 s,he u#e &4 /@0 N&ti ,ati&n 299%

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    ins$e,ti&n. he ins$e,ti&n team i## as,ertain

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    4e &4 the em$#&yees ere n&t earing $ers&na# $r&te,ti&n e7ui$mentsan the h&usekee$ing in the &bser;e area as m& erate.Clari cations sought

    1. Sin,e Grase#ine treate aste ater is $r&$&se t& be use in themanu4a,turing $r&,ess the treate aste ater 7ua#ity ata has t& be4urnishe

    2. he e6$e,te ra ater 7ua#ity 4&r the $r&$&se $r&,ess has t& be4urnishe an a,,&r ing#y any 4urther treatment re7uire ay &4 treate aste ater is i;erte 4&r the $r&$&sein ustry the re u,ti&n in i#uti&n &4 +P? an Grase#ine eXuents an4urther im$a,t &n ri;er ater sh&u# be sh& n. ay i## be use 4&rgreen be#t e;e#&$ment. he $r&je,te rinking ater nee is t&&high an a#s& the treate Grase#ine eXuent ,ann&t be $r&;i e 4&rrinking $ur$&se. Sin,e the treate aste ater ,&ntains high

    S& ium it ,an be ire,t#y use 4&r irrigati&n 4&r $#ants. Justi ,ati&n isre7uire in this regar

    !. Hater ba#an,e has t& be $r&;i e sin,e it is in i,ate that there i##be 8er& is,harge.

    %. @n the $r&$&se in ustria# aste ater treatment F& sheet etai#s&4 si8e &4 ea,h unit $r&,ess streams 4&r neutra#i8ati&n F&,,u#ants t&be a e s#u ge ty$e in ,#ari ,ati&n unit ba,k ash 4re7uen,y in#trati&n an is$&sa# &4 same is n&t $r&;i e . Sin,e the $r&$&nentis running a simi#ar in ustry e#se here base &n the 7ua#ity &4 eXuent the aste ater treatment $#ant ,an be esigne sh& inge6$e,te treate aste ater ,hara,teristi,s.

    '. ?e &4 the ra materia#s 4&r manu4a,turing Pya#umina Ch&ri eCh#&rinate ParaLn an 0#uminum ?#&uri e is sh& n t& betrans$&rte by $i$e#ine but this may n&t be 4easib#e an hen,e them& e &4 trans$&rt may ha;e t& be ,hange .

    ). Sin,e air 7ua#ity $re i,ti&ns ha;e been ma e 4&r &ne seas&n it isesirab#e t& ,arry &ut 4&r a## the seas&ns &4 a year.

    *. he $r&$&nent has t& take ,are &4 se,&n ary $#utants 4&rmati&nsin,e the emitte ,h#&rine 4r&m $r&$&se in ustry might mi6 iththe $#utants emitte 4r&m e6isting sta,ks &4 Grase#ine an +P?in ustries.

    19. ?r&m the s,a#e &4 t&$&sheet it is &bser;e that the Aane BannurB#a,k Bu,k i# #i4e San,tuary is at a istan,e &4 % kms 4r&m the$r&$&se $r&je,t site but /@0 re$&rt sh& s that the buOer 8&ne is#&,ate at % kms istan,e an the ,&re 8&ne is #&,ate 1! kms a ay.

    he $r&$&nent nee s t& get a #etter 4r&m ,&n,erne DC? regar inga,tua# ra ia# istan,e.

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    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    he C&mmittee a4ter e#iberati&ns e,i e t& &btain thein4&rmati&n> etai#s &n the ab&;e ,#ari ,ati&ns s&ught by thesub,&mmittee 4r&m the $r&je,t $r&$&nent an re,a## the $r&$&nent 4&r$resentati&n be4&re S/0C.

    @n4&rmati&n 4r&m PP as re,ei;e ;i e their #etter ate 2 .9 .2913

    an there4&re the PP as aske t& $resent the 4a,ts &4 the in4&rmati&nbe4&re the C&mmittee.

    n e#iberati&n &4 the subje,t the C&mmittee a$$re,iate the ,&n,ern&4 the $r&je,t $r&$&nent in abating $#uti&n 4r&m $r&$&se in ustry by a$r&;en te,hn&gy an a ;ise the $r&$&nent t& try t& re,&;er the usesa#ts by re,&;ery &4 e#ements an e,i e t& re,&mmen the $r&$&sa# t&S/@00 4&r issue &4 en;ir&nmenta# ,#earan,e a4ter &btaining #etter 4r&m the,&n,erne DC? regar ing the istan,e &4 the $r&je,t site t& the b#a,k bu,ksan,tuary.

    he subje,t as $#a,e in the 19! th S/0C meeting he# &n 2) th 2* th

    June 2913 an the abstra,t &4 the $r&,ee ings is re$r& u,e be#& 5@t as in4&rme t& the C&mmittee that the $r&$&nent ha;e re7ueste

    4&r e6tensi&n &4 ue ate t& submit the in4&rmati&n ti## 1!.9'.2913 ;i etheir #etter ate 11.9%.2913. he $r&$&nent ha;e a#s& en,#&se t& their#etter ate 1 .9%.2913 a #etter 4r&m PCC? < i# #i4e= an CHH Banga#&rea resse t& $r&je,t $r&$&nent here in it is menti&ne that the $r&$&sa#4&r e,#aring e,& sensiti;e 8&ne ar&un Aanebennur B#a,k Bu,k San,tuaryis a aite 4r&m 0C? H: Sub Di;isi&n Aanebennur an hen,e the istan,et& $r&je,t site 4r&m the $r&$&se e,& sensiti;e 8&ne &u# be $r&;i e t&$r&je,t $r&$&nent &n,e the 4&rma# $r&$&sa# 4r&m CC? Dha a Cir,#e is&btaine .

    he C&mmittee a4ter e#iberati&n e,i e t& a,,&r $ermissi&n t&$r&je,t $r&$&nent ti## 1!.9'.2913 as re7ueste 4&r submissi&n &4 in4&rmati&n an the $#a,e the subje,t in the S/0C meeting a4ter re,ei$t &4 the same.

    Subse7uent#y ;i e #etter ate 12.9'.2913 PP ha;e re7ueste t& takea 4a;&rab#e ,a## &n their $r&$&sa# an in4&rme that they are $ursuing thematter ith ?&rest De$artment an &u# submit the re7uire in4&rmati&n&n,e they re,ei;e the e,isi&n &4 ?&rest De$artment &n b&un ary &4 e,&sensiti;e 8&ne. 0 ,&$y &4 ,&mmuni,ati&n ate 9%.9'.2913 4r&m PCC? t&Prin,i$a# Se,retary t& G&;ernment D?// is a#s& en,#&se t& their #etter.

    he C&mmittee in itsY 19% th meeting he# &n 1* th 29 th Ju#y 2913$eruse the #etter &4 $r&$&nent an the en,#&sure ma e t& that #etter. @tas &bser;e that in the en,#&se #etter &4 the PCC? ?&rest De$artmenthas re7ueste the Prin,i$a# Se,retary ?&rest /,&gy an /n;ir&nmentDe$artment t& re,&mmen the $r&$&sa# &4 ?&rest De$artment 4&r re-esignating the B#a,k Bu,k San,tuary as /,&gi,a# Sensiti;e 0rea

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    C&mmittee e,i e t& re,&mmen the $r&$&sa# t& 0uth&rity 4&r takinga$$r&$riate e,isi&n as a## &ther $&ints are ,#eare uring a$$raisa#.

    S/@00 in itsY '1 st meeting he# &n 3 r Se$tember is,usse the $r&$&sa#an re4erre the #e ba,k t& S/0C t& a$$raise the $r&$&sa# as $er,&n iti&ns #ai & n in the /@0 N&ti ,ati&n regar ing e6em$ti&n 4r&m

    $ub#i, ,&nsu#tati&n an &n the istan,e t& b#a,k bu,k san,tuary. he C&mmittee t&&k n&te &4 the $r&,ee ings &4 the 0uth&rity an

    e,i e as gi;en be#&

    he $ub#i, ,&nsu#tati&n as e6em$te as $r&$&se unit is t& beestab#ishe ithin the e6isting in ustry an the eXuent ,hara,teristi,s4r&m the e6isting in ustry as e## the air 7ua#ity are being regu#ar#ym&nit&re . he resu#ts ere &btaine an a4ter &bser;ati&n theC&mmittee e,i e t& e6em$t 4r&m $ub#i, ,&nsu#tati&n. 0#s& the reas&nsere reFe,te in the $r&,ee ings &4 the )' th S/0C meeting hi,h is

    re$r& u,e hereun er5

    1. he $r&$&se ,austi, s& a $#ant is base &n membranete,hn&gy.

    2. he $r&je,t is e,&-4rien #y an ith 8er& is,harge.3. he ungabha ra ri;er ater is taking m&nit&re .

    +& e;er PP ha;e n&t 4urnishe $r&$er in4&rmati&n &n istan,e &4 the$r&$&se Ch#&r 0#ka#i unit 4r&m the B#a,k Bu,k San,tuary.

    Sin,e the istan,e menti&ne in the ?&rm-1 is % km an #ess than 19km an there as n& 4urther ,#ari ,ati&n 4r&m the G&;ernment &n there;ise a##& ab#e istan,e 4r&m the B#a,k Bu,k San,tuary. he

    C&mmittee e,i e t& re,&mmen the $r&$&sa# t& S/@00 4&r ,#&sure sin,ethis nee s a$$raisa# as ,ateg&ry Z0Y $r&$&sa# at M&/? G&@.

    Action to &eta"en

    Secretar- SEAC to recommend the proposal toSE5AA for clos,re'

    1#) Mining Pro*ect 8reen B,artF MinesD at S-' o' #@!,mminghatta 3illage :olal"ere .al," Chitrad,rga +ist' of Sri'!' M' Mohamed AFiF' (SE5AA M5 #010)'

    Name &4 the Pr&$&nent5-

    Sri. ". M. M&hame 08i8

    Name &4 the C&nsu#tant5- M>s. ".A. S. /nter$rises

    Sri. ". M. M&hame 08i8 has a$$#ie /C 4&r the $r&$&se ne green7uart8 mining &4 ,a$a,ity 22 999 P0 at M. :. N&. 11*) at Sy. N&. 2%"umminghatta i##age +a#kere a#uk Chitra urga Dist. &4 e6tent 9. '+a. C&st &4 $r&je,t is As. 2 :akhs. he mining is &$en ,ast manua#. hes&ur,e &4 ater is nearby b&re e##. Hater re7uirement is 9.! ":D. @BMa$$r&;a# is &btaine ;i e #etter N&. 2'*>1923>99*>BNG ate 21.9 .299*an is ;a#i 4&r ! years.

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  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    he Pr&$&nent has a$$#ie 4&r rene a# &4 mining #ease t& De$t. &4 Mines an Ge&gy. he De$t &4 Mines Ge&gy has re7ueste &n1*.9*.299) t& submit /C 4r&m the De$t &4 an N C 4r&m "SPCB. he"SPCB has gi;en en &rsement ate 2!.9!.2919 t& the $r&je,t $r&$&nentt& submit /C as it attra,ts /@0 N&ti ,ati&n 299%. he a$$#i,ant has&btaine N C 4r&m DC Chitra urga &n 2*.9.299' N C 4r&m i##agePan,hayat &btaine &n 9'.91.2919. he $r&$&nent has submitte $r&je,tre$&rt an /@0>/MP re$&rt.

    he subje,t as $#a,e in the %! th S/0C Meeting he# &n 2% th ?ebruary2911. he $r&$&nent an en;ir&nmenta# ,&nsu#tant $resent e6$#aine the$r&je,t. he $r&je,t $r&$&nent in4&rme that the mining is &$en ,astmanua# mining using &n#y han t&s ith sma## ri##ing an ith&utigging. he mining &4 green 7uart8 is e6tra,te 4r&m a sing#e &ut ,r&$ &4 '!9 m #ength 3-% m i e ith a e$th &4 3-! m. Hater s$raying is n&tre7uire . here is n& ater b& y. he $r&$&nent in4&rme that the t&ta#e6tra,ti&n is ab&ut 22 999 P0 < &rks &ut t& 1 12! PM ,a$ita $ers&ns 4&r rinkingis n&t justi e . he green be#t e;e#&$ment is n&t rea#isti, as e6a,t#y 199$#ants &4 iOerent ;ariety are sh& n t& be $#ante . he C&mmittee&bser;e that the /MP is n&t rea#isti, an ,&nsistent.

    he C&mmittee a4ter e#iberati&n re7ueste the ,&nsu#tant t& re &the /MP a4ter ;isiting the site an submit t& S/0C.

    he $r&je,t $r&$&nent in4&rme t& submit the same ;i e #etter ate2'.93.2911 2!.9!.2911.

    he subje,t as $#a,e in the '1 st S/0C meeting he# &n 9'-9).9'.2911. he C&mmittee is,usse the status &4 the #e $#a,e be4&rethe ,&mmittee in etai# an e,i e t& re,&mmen t& S/@00 4&r ,#&sure4&r n&n-res$&nse 4r&m the $r&je,t $r&$&nent e;en a4ter remin ers.

    he subje,t as $#a,e in the 2 n S/@00 Meeting he# &n 22 n Ju#y2911. he 0uth&rity &bser;e that the $r&$&nent ha;e re7ueste 4&r thetime ;i e #etter ate %.%.2911 hi,h has been a,kn& #e ge by theSe,retary S/0C &n *.%.2911. +& e;er n& ,&nsi erati&n a$$ears t& ha;ebeen gi;en t& this #etter as $er the $r&,ee ings &4 the S/0C. here4&ree,i e t& sen ba,k the $r&$&sa# t& S/0C 4&r $r&;i ing &ne m&re

    &$$&rtunity as re7ueste 4&r an a$$raise base &n a;ai#ab#e re,&r s. he subje,t as $#a,e in the ' th S/0C meeting he# &n 1%th 1'th

    Se$tember 2911. he C&mmittee t&&k n&te &4 the ire,ti&ns &4 the+&nYb#e Su$reme C&urt banning a## mining a,ti;ity in the entire umkur Chitra urga Distri,ts unti# 4urther &r ers. 0,,&r ing#y the C&mmitteee,i e t& re,&mmen the 4#& ing $r&$&sa#s t& S/@00 4&r ,#&sure

    irres$e,ti;e &4 hether &As ha;e been issue &r n&t by the S/0C.

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  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    he Pr&je,t Pr&$&nent has submitte the G&;t. N&ti ,ati&n 4&r grant &4 #ease issue by C @ De$t &n 1%.19.299* 4&r ! years N&C 4r&m GramPan,hayat an #an A C re,&r &,ument.

    he Subje,t as $#a,e in the *1 st S/0C meeting he# &n 12 th ,t&ber2912. he $r&je,t $r&$&nent as $resent in the meeting. he C&mmittee

    n&te that the $r&je,t $r&$&nent has n&t submitte the 4#& ingin4&rmati&n5

    1. Pre-?easibi#ity Ae$&rt.2. Mining $#an a$$r&;e by Mines Ge&gy De$t.3. Sur;ey &4 @n ia &$&-sheet u#y marking the $r&je,t site.. N0 :an C&n;ersi&n &r er 4r&m DC.

    ?urther the C&mmittee a#s& n&te that the materia# is a#s& n&t,ir,u#ate t& the members 4&r a$$raisa#. he C&mmittee a4tere#iberati&n e,i e t& &btain the ab&;e sh&rt4a## &,uments an re,a##the $r&$&nent 4&r $resentati&n in the S/0C meeting.

    he $r&je,t $r&$&nent in4&rme t& submit the same ;i e #etter ate39.19.2912 ithin 39 th N&;ember 2912. he Pr&$&nent has n&t s& 4arsubmitte the same.

    he subje,t as again $#a,e in the *) th S/0C meeting he# &n92.92.2913 an the C&mmittee e,i e t& &btain sh&rt4a## in4&rmati&nithin 39 ays &4 issue &4 na# n&ti,e t& the $r&$&nent.

    he $r&je,t $r&$&nent in4&rme t& submit the in4&rmati&n ;i e #etterate 13.92.2913. he $r&$&nent ;i e their #etter ate 22.9 .2913 ha;ere7ueste 4&r ! eeks &4 time e6tensi&n t& submit the re7uirein4&rmati&n s&ught 4r&m S/0C.

    he subje,t as again $#a,e in the 192 n S/0C meeting he# &n 2%-2'.9 .2913 an the C&mmittee is,usse the status &4 the #e $#a,ebe4&re the C&mmittee in etai# an e,i e t& re,&mmen t& S/@00 4&r,#&sure.

    he subje,t as $#a,e in the %' th S/@00 meeting he# &n 2! th May2913 an e,i e t& $r&;i e &ne m&re &$$&rtunity 4&r submissi&n &4 thein4&rmati&n s&ught by S/0C.

    he $r&$&nent ha;e 4urnishe the in4&rmati&n ;i e their #etter ate

    19.9'.2913 in res$&nse t& this &L,e #etter ate 22.9%.2913. he subje,t as again $#a,e in the '1 st S/@00 meeting he# &n 3 r

    Se$tember 2913. he auth&rity e,i e t& re4er the #e ba,k t& S/0C 4&r4urther a$$raisa# in a,,&r an,e ith the #a .

    he $r&je,t $r&$&nent an en;ir&nmenta# ,&nsu#tant $resent e6$#ainethe $r&je,t. he $r&$&nent ,&mmitte an submitte an un ertaking t&s$en As.19 999 as a $art &4 his S&,ia# ,&mmitment $#an t& ar s,&nstru,ting t&i#ets an $r&;i ing ater 4a,i#ity t& the nearby s,h&s.

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  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    04ter e#iberati&n the C&mmittee e,i e t& re,&mmen the $r&$&sa# t&S/@00 4&r issue &4 en;ir&nmenta# ,#earan,e.

    Action to &e Secretar- SEAC to recommend the proposal toSE5AA for Environment Clearance'

    1;) Mining Pro*ect 7.hagad,r =lac" 8ranite B,arr-7 at S-' o'# 4%(Part) .hagad,r 3illage an*anag,d, .al," M-sore +istrict' (#1 acres) of Sri' 5na-ath,lla"han (SE5AA % M5 #01%)'

    Pr&je,t Pr&$&nent5 Sri. @nayathu##a "hanA P5 +.B asantharaj

    Sri. @nayathu##a "han has a$$#ie 4&r /C 4r&m S/@00 4&r their $r&$&seNe uarrying &4 B#a,k Granite at $r& u,ti&n &4 *2) Cum>annum atuarry :ease N&. Ne at Sy.N&. 2)>3

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    he subje,t as $#a,e in the %) th S/@00 meeting he# &n 2'.9%.2913. he 0uth&rity $eruse the $r&$&sa# an t&&k n&te &4 the re,&mmen ati&n&4 S/0C. he 0uth&rity a4ter is,ussi&n e,i e t& $r&;i e &ne m&re&$$&rtunity 4&r submissi&n &4 re7uire in4&rmati&n thr&ugh a #etter un erAegistere P&st a,kn& #e gement ue.

    he $r&$&nent ha;e 4urnishe the in4&rmati&n ;i e their #etter ate2*.9).2913 in res$&nse t& this &L,e #etter ate 19.9'.2913.

    he Member Se,retary S/@00 has &r ere &n the #e t& re4er ba,k the#e t& S/0C 4&r ,&nsi erati&n &n 29-21.9*.2913.

    he C&mmittee $eruse the in4&rmati&n submitte by the $r&je,t$r&$&nent &n 2*.9).2913 an a4ter e#iberati&n the C&mmittee e,i et& re,&mmen the $r&$&sa# t& S/@00 4&r en;ir&nmenta# ,#earan,e.

    Action to &eta"en

    Secretar- SEAC to recommend the proposal toSE5AA for environmental clearance'

    1>) Mining Pro*ect =,ilding Stone B,arr- S-' o' #4 An*anageri=etageri 3illage Soma/ara Pet .al," !odag, +istrict (1 Acres)(0';0 :a') of Sri' +' Anand =asappa (SE5AA #0 M5 #01%)

    Sri. D. 0nanBasa$$a ha;e a$$#ie 4&r /C 4r&m S/@00 4&r their $r&$&se Neuarrying &4 Bui# ing St&ne *'!t&nnes>m&nth ith !) 299 t&nnes 4&r !years $r& u,ti&n at uarry :ease N&. Ne at Sy.N&. '2>'&4 0njanageri-Betageri i##age S&ma ara Pet a#uk "& agu Distri,t &;er an area &4 10,res &4 Pri;ate Patta :an un er S,he u#e 1 ben,h system > Semi-me,hani8e . ManP& er5 1!E &ta# $r&je,t ,&st5 As. 1 Cr&res.

    he Pr&je,t Pr&$&nent has submitte uarrying P#an a$$r&;e byMines Ge&gy De$t &n 21.12.2912 an /n;ir&nmenta# ManagementP#an

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    1. Pr&gressi;e Mining C#&sure P#an

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    0,res= &4 G&;ernment

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    he $r&je,t $r&$&nent an en;ir&nmenta# ,&nsu#tant $resent e6$#ainethe $r&je,t. 04ter e#iberati&n the C&mmittee e,i e t& re,&mmen the$r&$&sa# t& S/@00 4&r issue &4 en;ir&nmenta# ,#earan,e ith ,&n iti&n thatthe $r&je,t $r&$&nent sh&u# s$en ,ertain am&unt t& ar sen;ir&nmenta# ,ause near the area.

    Action to &e Secretar- SEAC to recommend the proposal toSE5AA for environmental clearance'

    1 ) Mining Pro*ect =,ilding Stone B,arr- S-' o' ;0; Galagadahalli 3illage Chi""a&allap,ra .al," $ +istrict' (1 00acre) of Smt' !rishnamma H4o Sri' M' avi (SE5AA ; M5 #01%)'

    Pr&je,t Pr&$&nent5 Smt. "rishnamma H>& Sri. M. Aa;i.A P5 Dr. ".S. Aaghu;eera

    Smt. "rishnamma H>& Sri. M. Aa;i ha;e a$$#ie 4&r /C 4r&m S/@00 4&rtheir $r&$&se Ne uarrying &4 Bui# ing St&ne ith 1' 9%% M. . $erannum $r& u,ti&n at uarry :ease N&. Ne at Sy.N&. 9 a#aga aha##ii##age Chikkaba##a$ura a#uk Distri,t &;er an area &4 9. 9 +a

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    2. N&C 4r&m DC. he $r&je,t $r&$&nent in4&rme t& submit the same ;i e #etter ate

    31.9!.2913 ithin 1! th June 2913. he Pr&$&nent has n&t s& 4ar submittethe same.

    he subje,t as again $#a,e in the 19! th S/0C meeting he# &n 2)-

    2*.9%.2913 an the C&mmittee is,usse the status &4 the #e $#a,ebe4&re the C&mmittee in etai# an e,i e t& re,&mmen t& S/@00 4&r,#&sure.

    Subse7uent#y the $r&$&nent has submitte the in4&rmati&n t& S/@00;i e #etter ate 92.9).2913 an ha;e re7ueste t& issue /.C.

    he subje,t as $#a,e in the '1 st S/@00 meeting he# &n 93.9*.2913. he 0uth&rity a4ter taking n&te &4 the submissi&n ma e by the $r&$&nent

    e,i e t& re4er the #e ba,k t& S/0C 4&r a$$raisa# in a,,&r an,e ith the#a .

    he $r&je,t $r&$&nent an en;ir&nmenta# ,&nsu#tant $resent e6$#ainethe $r&je,t. he C&mmittee e,i e t& re,&mmen the $r&$&sa# t& S/@004&r issue &4 en;ir&nmenta# ,#earan,e ith ,&n iti&n that the $r&je,t$r&$&nent sh&u# s$en ,ertain am&unt t& ar s en;ir&nmenta# ,ausenear the area.

    Action to &e Secretar- SEAC to recommend the proposal toSE5AA for environmental clearance'

    Agenda-2: iles placed for discussion on closure: !il" Agenda-#: $econsider Pro%ects for Appraisal:1' Constr,ction Pro*ect 7Pride S"- 3ille esidential Apartment7 of

    S-'no'%>4% +odda"allasandra 3illage

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    )9 ":D treate in $r&$&se S P &4 esign ,a$a,ity *9 ":DE S#u gegenerate 5 .! kg> ay use as manure. Muni,i$a# Si Haste5 &ta#generate 5 32! kg> ayE rgani, aste i## be treate in &rgani, ,&n;ert&ran $r& u,t use as manure. @n&rgani, aste i## be sent 4&r re,y,#ing.P& er5 &ta# Ae7uirement5 11 * " 0 4r&m B/SC ME Ba,ku$ P& er5 DGsets &4 2 I !99 " 0 Parking5 2)' Numbers. Pr&je,t surr&un ing etai#s5

    huraha##i Aeser;e ?&rest K ! "m. ther etai#s5 Aain Hater +ar;esting is$r&$&se .

    he subje,t ,&nsi ere in the *! th S/0C meeting he# &n 1 -1!.12.2912 an the $r&$&nent an en;ir&nmenta# ,&nsu#tant $resente6$#aine the $r&je,t. he $r&$&nent in4&rme that the height &4 thebui# ing is 1 .*! m an the A&H in 4r&nt &4 the $r&je,t site is 12 m. henearest re stati&n is ! km a ay 4r&m the $r&je,t site. he $r&$&nentin4&rme that "h& ay 4a,t&ry is #&,ate ne6t t& the $r&je,t site b&un ary.

    he C&mmittee suggeste the $r&$&nent t& im$r&;e the #an s,a$e &nthe $eri$hery ith ta## trees an & &ur masking F& ering trees.

    he $r&je,t site is #&,ate near "&nankunte ,r&ss "anaka$ura r&aD& aka##asan ra. he e6isting $r&je,te an m& i e :&S &4 "anaka$ura r&a remains at /. the same 4&r the interi&r r&a

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    $resentati&n in a,,&r an,e ith the $rin,i$#es &4 natura# justi,e. he0uth&rity there4&re e,i e t& re,&nsi er these $r&$&sa#s an re4er ba,kt& S/0C 4&r $r&;i ing $r&$er &$$&rtunity t& the $r&$&nents ith $ri&rintimati&n thr&ugh the Aegistere P&st 0,kn& #e gement Due an thensen ing the re,&mmen ati&n eeme t either 4&r issue &4 /.C. &r 4&r thereje,ti&n as the ,ase may be.

    Pri e Sky i##e Aesi entia# 0$artment at Sy.n&.3!>3D& aka##asan ra i##age Uttaraha##i +&b#i Banga#&re 11 th "M"anaka$ura A&a J.P.Nagar * th Phase Banga#&re by M>s Pri e gr&u$s. S&bha 0ssets P;t. :t . ha;e a$$#ie 4&r /n;ir&nmenta# C#earan,e1 !>20 %>1 %>2 %>3 '>1

    '>2B )>10 1 >10 1!>1 1!>2 1 >2 13>20 13>3 13> '>20 %> 1 >1B &4 Byatarayana$ura i##age e#ahanka +&b#i Banga#&re Urban Distri,tBanga#&re un er )banks>4&& ,&urts he ,&mmer,ia# ,&m$#e6 ,&nsists &4 Ma## ?&&,&urt Mu#ti$#e6 +&te# L,e.

    Pr&je,t Detai#s5 :an 5 &ta# :an area5 1 21 9 .'! S7m

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    '9 99 kg> ay use as manure. Muni,i$a# Si Haste5 &ta#generate 5 )'%2 kg> ayE rgani, aste5 2**2.) kg> ay treate in &rgani,,&n;ert&r an $r& u,t use as manure. @n&rgani, aste5 )*.2 kg> ayaste i## be gi;en t& auth&ri8e re,y,#ers. P& er5 &ta# Ae7uirement51% )9 "H 4r&m B/SC ME Ba,ku$ P& er5 DG sets &4 ! I 2999 ! I 2999 3 I !99. Parking5 !91' Numbers.

    Pr&je,t surr&un ing etai#s5 0mruthaha##i :ake K 2.99 km. Naga;ara:ake K !.99 km. +ebba# :ake K !.) km Bya#kere Pea,&,k Aeser;e K 11.*km. Bannerghatta Nati&na# Park K 3'.99 km. he $r&je,t site is,&nne,te t& Banga#&re t& +y eraba

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    he subje,t as $#a,e in the 19' th S/0C meeting he# &n 1% th 1' th0ugust 2913 an the C&mmittee $eruse an is,usse the e6tra,t &4 the$r&,ee ings &4 the %) th S/@00 meeting he# &n 2' th June 2913 in res$e,t&4 the 4#& ing $r&$&sa#s hi,h as ,ir,u#ate t& the Members5

    he 0uth&rity re,&nsi ere the 4#& ing $r&$&sa#s hi,h ere

    ,&nsi ere uring the $re;i&us meetings an e,i e t& ,#&se 4&r ant &4 in4&rmati&n an &ther reas&ns. he 0uth&rity n&te that the $r&$&nentha;e n&t been gi;en $r&$er &$$&rtunity in ,ertain ,ases. he 0uth&ritya4ter is,ussi&n &$ine that the #es ,an be ,#&se $r&;i ing $r&$er&$$&rtunity 4&r 4urnishing the re7uire in4&rmati&n &r t& $arti,i$ate in the$resentati&n in a,,&r an,e ith the $rin,i$#es &4 natura# justi,e. he0uth&rity there4&re e,i e t& re,&nsi er these $r&$&sa#s an re4er ba,kt& S/0C 4&r $r&;i ing $r&$er &$$&rtunity t& the $r&$&nents ith $ri&rintimati&n thr&ugh the Aegistere P&st 0,kn& #e gement Due an thensen ing the re,&mmen ati&n eeme t either 4&r issue &4 /.C. &r 4&r thereje,ti&n as the ,ase may be.

    0gri,u#tura# Market an C&mmer,ia# C&m$#e6 at Sy.N&. !>1 !>20 %>1%>2 %>3 '>1 '>2B )>10 1 >10 1!>1 1!>2 1 >2 13>1 13>20 13>3 13>'>20 %> 1 >1B &4 Byatarayana$ura i##age e#ahanka +&b#i Banga#&reN&rth a#uk Banga#&re Urban Distri,t M>s S&bha 0ssets P;t. :t .

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    BHSSB. /6,a;ate /arth5 &ta# uantity &4 e6,a;ate earth5 3'12* CumEba,k ##ing 7uantity &ne bet een 4&un ati&ns5 13'3) CumE ba,k ##ing t&be &ne &n the ba,ksi e &4 retaining a##s un ergr&un tanks is ab&ut1113) Cum ##ing &ne t& ##-u$ the #& #ying areas at site is ab&ut )1%)Cum an #an s,a$ing 7uantity5 9)!CumE Se age5 &ta# 7uantitygenerate 5 19* ":D treate in $r&$&se S P &4 esign ,a$a,ity 119 ":DES#u ge generate 5 - 21kg> ay use as manure. Muni,i$a# Si Haste5

    &ta# generate 5 %9% kg> ayE rgani, aste5 3%3.% kg> ay treate in&rgani, ,&n;ert&r an $r& u,t use as manure. @n&rgani, aste5 2 2.kg> ay i## be sent 4&r re,y,#ing. P& er5 &ta# Ae7uirement5 **! " 0 4r&mB/SC ME Ba,ku$ P& er5 DG sets &4 2I1!9 " 0E Parking5 2!1 Numbers.

    Pr&je,t surr&un ing etai#s5 Bannerrughatta Nati&na# $ark K 11kmSingsan ra :ake +&sa #ake S&masan ra$a#ya :ake :ake e #ake aresituate at a istan,e &4 near#y 2 t& ! km 4r&m the $r&je,t site. theretai#s5 Aain Hater +ar;esting is $r&$&se .

    he subje,t as $#a,e in the *2 n S/0C meeting he# &n 29.19.2912an the auth&ri8e $ers&n as $resent in the meeting. +& e;er theC&mmittee &bser;e that the $r&$&nent has n&t signe in the ?&rm-1 10 an hen,e the subje,t as e4erre t& the ne6t S/0C meeting a4ter&btaining signe ?&rm-1 10 4r&m the $r&je,t $r&$&nent. ?urther itas e,i e that the $r&$&sa#s ith in,&m$#ete a$$#i,ati&n> ith&ut theman at&ry in4&rmati&n n&t t& be #iste 4&r a$$raisa# an instea a #ist &4 su,h $r&$&sa#s ,&u# be $#a,e be4&re the ,&mmittee 4&r $erusa# t& ,a##4&r the re7uire in4&rmati&n.

    he Pr&$&nent has submitte the ab&;e in4&rmati&n &n 2!.19.2912 inres$&nse t& the ab&;e $r&,ee ings.

    he subje,t as $#a,e in the *3r S/0C meeting he# &n 23r &4 N&;ember 2912 an the $r&$&nent an en;ir&nmenta# ,&nsu#tant $resente6$#aine the $r&je,t. he $r&$&nent in4&rme that the height &4 the bui# ingis 1 .*!m an the A H in 4r&nt &4 the $r&je,t is 1!m. he $r&je,t $r&$&nenta#s& in4&rme that the $r&je,t is #&,ate a#&ng "u #u main r&a hi,h,&nne,ts "u #u ;i##age r&a &n &ne si e an +&sur r&a +ar#ur r&a &n the&ther si e. he e6isting $r&je,te an m& i e : S &4 "u #u main r&a is B-D-D

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    C#ari ,ati&ns s&ught ;i e #etter ate 19.91.2913 &n $r&$&nentssignature ;ariati&n an a#s& t& submit N C 4r&m BHS SB ithin 1! ayshi,h is n&t yet submitte s& 4ar an the subje,t as $#a,e in the ** thS/0C meeting he# &n 1 -1!.92.2913 an the C&mmittee e,i e t&re,&mmen the $r&$&sa# t& S/@00 4&r ,#&sure.

    he subje,t as $#a,e in the 19' th S/0C meeting he# &n 1% th 1' th0ugust 2913 an the C&mmittee $eruse an is,usse the e6tra,t &4 the$r&,ee ings &4 the %) th S/@00 meeting he# &n 2' th June 2913 in res$e,t&4 the 4#& ing $r&$&sa#s hi,h as ,ir,u#ate t& the Members5

    he 0uth&rity re,&nsi ere the 4#& ing $r&$&sa#s hi,h ere,&nsi ere uring the $re;i&us meetings an e,i e t& ,#&se 4&r ant &4 in4&rmati&n an &ther reas&ns. he 0uth&rity n&te that the $r&$&nentha;e n&t been gi;en $r&$er &$$&rtunity in ,ertain ,ases. he 0uth&ritya4ter is,ussi&n &$ine that the #es ,an be ,#&se $r&;i ing $r&$er&$$&rtunity 4&r 4urnishing the re7uire in4&rmati&n &r t& $arti,i$ate in the

    $resentati&n in a,,&r an,e ith the $rin,i$#es &4 natura# justi,e. he0uth&rity there4&re e,i e t& re,&nsi er these $r&$&sa#s an re4er ba,kt& S/0C 4&r $r&;i ing $r&$er &$$&rtunity t& the $r&$&nents ith $ri&rintimati&n thr&ugh the Aegistere P&st 0,kn& #e gement Due an thensen ing the re,&mmen ati&n eeme t either 4&r issue &4 /.C. &r 4&r thereje,ti&n as the ,ase may be.

    Aesi entia# 0$artment at Sy.n&. )>1 "u #u i##age Sarja$ura +&b#iBanga#&re Urban Distri,t by Sri P.A. Sam$ath "umar

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    2. Detai#s &4 e6,a;ate earth an its is$&sa#.3. Hater ana#ysis test re$&rt &n /-Ci $arameter. S&,ia# ,&mmitment $#an 4&r As. % :akhs as ,&mmitte by the

    $r&$&nent uring the meeting. he $r&$&nent has submitte the in4&rmati&n &n 1'.9*.2913 in

    res$&nse t& S/0C #etter ate 9%.9*.2913. he C&mmittee $eruse thein4&rmati&n submitte an a4ter e#iberati&n e,i e t& re,&mmen the$r&$&sa# t& S/@00 4&r issue &4 en;ir&nmenta# ,#earan,e ith a ,&n iti&nthat ay an use as manure. Muni,i$a# Si HasteManagement5 &ta# aste generate 5 2%2.! kg> ayE rgani, aste5 1!'.!

    kg> ay i## be treate in &rgani, ,&n;ert&r an the $r& u,t use asmanure. @n&rgani, aste5 19! kg> ay i## be sent 4&r re,y,#ing. P& er5 &ta# P& er re7uirement5 1999 " 0 su$$#ie 4r&m B/SC ME Ba,ku$ P& er$r&$&se 5 DG sets &4 2 I !99 " 0E Parking $r&$&se 5 1*3 Numbers.

    he ,&n,erne #e in the 0uth&rity as ,#&se $ursuant t& there,&mmen ati&n ma e by S/0C.

    he 0uth&rity $eruse the in4&rmati&n submitte by the $r&$&nent;i e #etter ate 31.9!.2913 an re7uest ma e by the $r&$&nent 4&r

    Page 52 of 202

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    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    re&$ening the #e. he 0uth&rity a#s& n&te that the $r&$&nent ha;e $ai$r&,essing 4ee as s$e,i e in the G&;ernment r er.

    he 0uth&rity a4ter is,ussi&n e,i e t& re-&$en an re4er the #e t&S/0C 4&r 4urther a$$raisa#.

    he subje,t as $#a,e in the 19% th S/0C meeting he# &n 1* th K 29 th

    Ju#y 2913 an the C&mmittee re e6amine the #e an n&te the ,&ntents&4 the $r&,ee ings &4 the meeting &4 the 0uth&rity. he C&mmitteee,i e that the PP ha;e t& submit s,ienti , assessment &4 Grama

    Pan,hayat ater. +en,e the C&mmittee e,i e t& re,&nsi er the$r&$&sa# a4ter &btaining the s,ienti , assessment &4 Grama Pan,hayatater.

    he $r&$&nent has submitte the ab&;e in4&rmati&n &n 92.9).2913.

    he subje,t as $#a,e in the 19' th S/0C meeting he# &n 1%-1'.9).2913 an the C&mmittee $eruse the in4&rmati&n submitte by the$r&$&nent an 4e#t that the gr&un ater a;ai#abi#ity in the $r&je,t area

    has been ,arrie &ut in 2 b&re e##s. he re$&rt &es n&t menti&n the,&&r inates &4 the entire Sarja$ur i##age an a#s& #&,ati&ns &4 the e6istingb&re e##s ater tab#e ;ariati&n 8&ne &4 gr&un ater m&;ement an itsim$#i,ati&n &n the yie# &4 a## in i;i ua# b&re e##s &n s,ienti , basis 4&r4urther a$$raisa#. he C&mmittee a#s& 4e#t that sin,e se;era# su,hin4rastru,ture $r&je,ts are ,&ming in an ar&un the Sarja$ur +&b#i theymay be e$en ent &n gr&un ater ith same s&ur,e. here4&re the$r&je,t $r&$&nent nee s t& &btain re#e;ant in4&rmati&n 4r&m the,&n,erne auth&rity an re,a#,u#ate the ater re7uirement ,&nsi eringthe &ther ,&m$etiti;e users in the area.

    he C&mmittee a4ter e#iberati&n e,i e t& re,&nsi er the $r&$&sa#a4ter &btaining the 4#& ing in4&rmati&n 4r&m the $r&je,t $r&$&nent5

    1. :&,ati&n &4 the e6isting b&re e##s.2. Hater tab#e ;ariati&n an b&re e## yie# re$&rt 4&r #& me ium

    an high (&nes < hi,h are re$resentati;e= a#&ng ith ater7ua#ity re$&rt.

    3. @n4&rmati&n 4r&m the ,&n,erne Grama Pan,hayat regar ing N Cgi;en t& simi#ar $r&je,ts in their juris i,ti&n.

    he $r&$&nent has submitte the in4&rmati&n &n 13.9*.2913 inres$&nse t& S/0C $r&,ee ings ate 1%>1'.9).2913. he C&mmittee

    $eruse the in4&rmati&n submitte an a4ter e#iberati&n e,i e t&re,&mmen the $r&$&sa# t& S/@00 4&r issue &4 en;ir&nmenta# ,#earan,eith a ,&n iti&n that

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    SE5AA for environmental clearance'

    ' Mining Pro*ect M,lti Colo,r 8ranite S-' o' 1 Sala&anni3illage !odihalli :o&li !ana"ap,ra .al," amanagara +istrict'(> acres) of Sri' :' M' am, (SE5AA ;@ M5 #01%)'

    Pr&je,t Pr&$&nent5 Sri. +.M. Aamu

    Sri. +.M. Aamu ha;e a$$#ie 4&r /C 4r&m S/@00 4&r their $r&$&seAene a# &4 uarrying &4 Mu#ti C&r Granite ith 2 99 Cum>annum$r& u,ti&n at uarry :ease N&. ') at Sy.N&. 1) &4 Sa#abanni i##age"anaka$ura a#uk Aamanagara Distri,t &;er an area &4 !-99 0,res &4 G&;ernment Semi-me,hani8e .Man P& er5 !2E &ta# $r&je,t ,&st5 As. 39:akhs.

    he Pr&je,t Pr&$&nent has submitte Pre-4easibi#ity Ae$&rt uarryingP#an a$$r&;e by Mines Ge&gy De$t &n 2 .91.2911 uarry :easeissue by Mines Ge&gy De$t grante &n 2).9 .2999 ith ;a#i ity 4&r19 years .e.4. 9*.11.2911 Sur;ey &4 @n ia &$&-sheet /n;ir&nmenta#Management P#an

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    $resentati&n a4ter &btaining the $r&$er m&nit&ring ata as $er there7uirement &4 the base#ine ata 4&r /MP a#&ng ith &rigina# #ab&rat&ryre$&rt an N0 ,&n;ersi&n &,ument 4r&m the $r&je,t $r&$&nent.

    he $r&je,t $r&$&nent has re7ueste time e6tensi&n u$ t& the en &4 0ugust t& submit the re7uire in4&rmati&n ;i e #etter ate 2'.9'.2913 inres$&nse t& S/0C #etter ate 13.9%.2913.

    he C&mmittee a4ter e#iberati&n e,i e t& re,&mmen the $r&$&sa#t& S/@00 4&r ,#&sure sin,e there as n& res$&nse 4r&m the $r&$&nent.

    Action to &eta"en

    Secretar- SEAC to send the le for clos,re'

    9' Mining Pro*ect 8re- 8ranite J,arr-ing at S-' o'14# Malleharav,3illage Mola"alm,r, .al," Chitrad,rga +istrict (;'#0 Acres) of Sri ! M a*ashe"ara M,rth- (SE5AA 1@ M5 #01%)'

    Pr&je,t Pr&$&nent5 Sri " M Aajashekara MurthyA P5 Sri. B.N. "rishnamurthy

    Sri " M Aajashekara Murthy ha;e a$$#ie 4&r /C 4r&m S/@00 4&r their$r&$&se Ne uarrying &4 Grey Granite ith 1299 Cum $er annum$r& u,ti&n at uarry :ease N&. Ne at Sy.N&.1>2 Ma##ehara;u i##ageMaka#muru a#uk Chitra urga Distri,t &;er an area &4 .290,res &4 Pri;ate Patta :an un er S,he u#e 1 Semi-me,hani8e . Man P& er5 33E &ta# $r&je,t,&st5 As. 199 :akhs.

    he Pr&je,t Pr&$&nent has submitte Pre-4easibi#ity Ae$&rt uarryingP#an a$$r&;e by Mines Ge&gy De$t &n 2).9%.2913 A C menti&ning

    the #an be#&ngs t& Sri " M Aajashekara Murthy Sur;ey &4 @n ia &$&-sheet /n;ir&nmenta# Management P#an

  • 8/11/2019 109th SEAC meeting (20,21,23.09.2013)


    Pr&,ee ings &4 the 19* th S/0C meeting Date 29 th 21 st 23 r Se$tember 2913

    he $r&je,t $r&$&nent has n&t submitte DC? re$&rt instea they ha;esubmitte the DC re$&rt ;i e #etter ate 93.9).2913 in res$&nse t& S/0C#etter ate 2%.9'.2913.

    0s $er the .M. ate 9*.9*.2913 issue by the Ministry &4 /n;ir&nment an ?&rests G&;ernment &4 @n ia the genera# ,&n iti&nssha## a$$#y &n#y 4&r the $r&je,t &r a,ti;ity &4 m&re than ! +a &4 mining#ease 4&r min&r minera#s hen,e the C&mmittee e,i e t& re,&mmen the$r&$&sa# t& S/@00 4&r issue &4 en;ir&nmenta# ,#earan,e ith
