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10g to 11g Upgrade Using 11g Rat

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10g to 11g Upgrade Using 11g Rat
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CASE STUDY Using 11g Real Application Testing to analyse the impact of making the following changes: 1) Upgrade the database from 10g to 11g 2) Convert from single instance database to a two node RAC database 3) Convert from file system based storage to 11g ASM Overview of Real Application Testing One of the best new features in Oracle 11g is the Real Application Testing option which enables us to test the result of a change without actually implementing the same in a production environment. Changes such as database version upgrades, optimizer changes, hardware and storage changes all carry with them an element of risk and uncertainty. Using this feature much of that uncertainty and guesswork can be avoided. Real Application Testing comprises of two components: a) Database Replay b) SQL Performance Analyzer (SPA) SPA enables us to test the impact of a change at the level of a particular SQL statement to see if any improvements or regressions occurred in the execution of the SQL statement because of the change. Database Replay enables us to capture workload real time in a production environment and then replay the same in a clone or copy of the changed production environment with the exact timings, concurrency and transaction characteristics found in the original workload. The AWR comparison and Database Replay reports can easily help us pinpoint any potential problems and errors as well any divergence in performance. This feature will afford businesses increased confidence and surety when faced with a system change as well as

CASE STUDYUsing 11g Real Application Testing to analyse the impact of making the following changes:1) Upgrade the database from 10g to 11g2) Conert from single instance database to a two node RAC database!) Conert from file system based storage to 11g A"#Overview of Real Application Testing$ne of the best new feat%res in $racle 11g is the Real Application Testing option which enables %s to test the res%lt of a change witho%t act%ally implementing the samein a prod%ction enironment& Changes s%ch as database ersion %pgrades' optimi(er changes' hardware and storage changes all carry with them an element of risk and %ncertainty& Using this feat%re m%ch of that %ncertainty and g%esswork can be aoided&Real Application Testing comprises of two components:a) )atabase Replayb) "*+ ,erformance Analy(er -",A) ",A enables %s to test the impact of a change at the leel of a partic%lar "*+ statement to see if any improements or regressions occ%rred in the e.ec%tion of the "*+ statement beca%se of the change& )atabase Replay enables %s to capt%re workload real time in a prod%ction enironment and then replay the same in a clone or copy of the changed prod%ction enironment with the e.act timings' conc%rrency and transaction characteristics fo%ndin the original workload& The A/R comparison and )atabase Replay reports can easily help %s pinpoint any potential problems and errors as well any diergence in performance&This feat%re will afford b%sinesses increased confidence and s%rety when faced with a system change as well as significantly red%cing the costs as well as reso%rces associated with the testing phase&)atabase Capt%re is now s%pported in ersions 0&2&0&1 as well as 10&2&0&! and 10&2&0&2enabling %s to test the impact of %pgrades from both 0i as well as 10g to 11g& 3ote' howeer' that replay can only be performed in a $racle 11g database&At a ery high leel' the database capt%re and replay will inole the following steps:1) ,repare the so%rce database for capt%re2) Capt%re the workload!) Copy the workload capt%re files to the target machine2) ,repare the target database for replay and process capt%red workload files4) "tart the workload replay clients5) $nce the workload replay has finished' e.amine the generated reports and make the analysisScenario/e will be generating some workload in an $racle 10&2&0&2 database -T6"T)7) hosted on A89 with :;" %sing the "wing7ench load generation tool& The tool will sim%late a $rder 6ntry and "hipping application where c%stomers place orders and those orders are processed and then shipped& The tool will generate 24 %ser connections and will r%n for abo%t !4 min%tes going thro%gh the entire transaction cycle& The database capt%re process is initiated before the load generation starts and then the workload is replayed in a two node RAC database -7/)7A) r%nning on A"# storage&Prepare the source 10!0" #ata$ase for capture/e will create a directory to hold the capt%red workload files and then also create a filter so that only database operations of the %ser alter syste set pre_..g_enable_captureD3)'(;Syste altered.Start the Capture processSQL>exec dbs_!or"load_capture.start_capture$'.0205_3*_..g'&'20,3')(_D6)'&/'LL& '(72L'D('+;,L/SQL procedure success#ully copleted.6# !e go to t%e /u02/oradata/capture location !e !ill #ind soe #ilesas s%o!n belo! testdb4/u02/oradata/capture> ls 9ltotal .=9r!9r99r99. oracle dba ;;: Sep .. 0E4:= !cr_5pad0;5002E0u.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba 0 Sep .. 0E4:= !cr_cap_000.n.start9r!9r99r99. oracle dba .F0 Sep .. 0E4:= !cr_scapture.!dStart the workload generation using Swingbench testdb4/u0./oracle> cd /u0./oracle/loadgen/s!ingbenc%/bintestdb4/u0./oracle/loadgen/s!ingbenc%/bin>testdb4/u0./oracle/loadgen/s!ingbenc%/bin> export D6S,L0>D.0..0A..0:..A;40.0testdb4/u0./oracle/loadgen/s!ingbenc%/bin> ./s!ingbenc%Started S!ingbenc%& Bersion 2.F.0.522. 'sing con#ig #ile s!ingcon#ig.xl16 1eans Grap% Gersion H2.A.:.F2I (ngine Gersion H2.A.:.F2I6# !e Juery t%e database& !e can see an nuber o# ,L/SQL calls are being ade by t%e 2: connected user sessionsS' 3739999999999 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999S*(1(G6/ 4. 4D orderentry.ne!order$42&4F&45+; (/D;S*(1(G6/ 4. 4D orderentry.bro!seproducts$42&4F&45+; (/D;S*(1(G6/ 4. 4D orderentry.ne!order$42&4F&45+; (/D;S*(1(G6/ 4. 4D orderentry.ne!order$42&4F&45+; (/D;S*(1(G6/ 4. 4D orderentry.bro!seproducts$42&4F&45+; (/D;S*(1(G6/ 4. 4D orderentry.bro!seproducts$42&4F&45+; (/D;S*(1(G6/ 4. 4D orderentry.ne!order$42&4F&45+; (/D;S*(1(G6/ 4. 4D orderentry.ne!order$42&4F&45+; (/D;S*(1(G6/ 4. 4D orderentry.ne!order$42&4F&45+; (/D;S*(1(G6/ 4. 4D orderentry.bro!seproducts$42&4F&45+; (/D;S*(1(G6/ 4. 4D orderentry.ne!order$42&4F&45+; (/D;S*(1(G6/ 4. 4D orderentry.ne!order$42&4F&45+; (/D;S*(1(G6/ 4. 4D orderentry.processorders$42&4F+; (/D;S*(1(G6/ 4. 4D orderentry.ne!order$42&4F&45+; (/D;S*(1(G6/ 4. 4D orderentry.processorders$42&4F+; (/D;S*(1(G6/ 4. 4D orderentry.bro!seproducts$42&4F&45+; (/D;S*(1(G6/ 4. 4D orderentry.processorders$42&4F+; (/D;S*(1(G6/ 4. 4D orderentry.bro!seproducts$42&4F&45+; (/D;S*(1(G6/ 4. 4D orderentry.bro!seandupdateorders$42&4F&45+; (/D;S*(1(G6/ 4. 4D orderentry.bro!seproducts$42&4F&45+; (/D;S*(1(G6/ 4. 4D orderentry.bro!seproducts$42&4F&45+; (/D;S*(1(G6/ 4. 4D orderentry.ne!order$42&4F&45+; (/D;S*(1(G6/ 4. 4D orderentry.ne!order$42&4F&45+; (/D;S*(1(G6/ 4. 4D orderentry.ne!order$42&4F&45+; (/D;S*(1(G6/ 4. 4D orderentry.ne!order$42&4F&45+; (/D;2: ro!s selected.6# !e go to t%e 20,3')(_D6) location !e can see a nuber o# 8.rec #iles are also generated. 3%ese are t%e binary !or"load capture #iles.testdb4/u02/oradata/capture> ls 9lrttotal .=9r!9r99r99. oracle dba .F0 Sep .. 0E4:= !cr_scapture.!d9r!9r99r99. oracle dba 0 Sep .. 0E4:= !cr_cap_000.n.start9r!9r99r99. oracle dba ;;: Sep .. 0E4:= !cr_5pad0;5002E0u.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba 0 Sep .. 0E4:A !cr_5pad0#s00F!2%.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba 0 Sep .. 0E4:A !cr_5pad0#s00FsFJ.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba 0 Sep .. 0E4:A !cr_5pad0#s00F%==.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba 0 Sep .. 0E4:A !cr_5pad0#s00F%:#.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba 0 Sep .. 0E4:A !cr_5pad0#s00F5Au.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba 0 Sep .. 0E4:A !cr_5pad0#s00F00u.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba 0 Sep .. 0E4:A !cr_5pad0#s002!0!.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba 0 Sep .. 0E4:A !cr_5pad0#s002s=c.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba 0 Sep .. 0E4:A !cr_5pad0#s002E5n.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba 0 Sep .. 0E4:A !cr_5pad0#s002E.2.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba 0 Sep .. 0E4:A !cr_5pad0#s00FsF5.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba 0 Sep .. 0E4:A !cr_5pad0#s00Fs00.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba 0 Sep .. 0E4:A !cr_5pad0#s00Fn:".rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba 0 Sep .. 0E4:A !cr_5pad0#s00FE:5.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba 0 Sep .. 0E4:A !cr_5pad0#s00FEF#.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba 0 Sep .. 0E4:A !cr_5pad0#s00F52n.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba 0 Sep .. 0E4:A !cr_5pad0#s00F5.".rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba 0 Sep .. 0E4:A !cr_5pad0#s002n:n.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba 0 Sep .. 0E4:A !cr_5pad0#s002%0%.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba 0 Sep .. 0E4:A !cr_5pad0#s002c=".rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba 0 Sep .. 0E4:A !cr_5pad0#s002E5=.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba 0 Sep .. 0E4:A !cr_5pad0#s0025FJ.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba 0 Sep .. 0E4:A !cr_5pad0#s0020.J.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba 0 Sep .. 0E4:A !cr_5pad0#s00F%Fc.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba 0 Sep .. 0E4:A !cr_5pad0#s002!Fn.rec3%e S!ingbenc% tool %as been con#igured to run #or F: inutes and !ill autoatically logo## t%e 2: S*( user sessions once t%at tie period %as elapsed.Stop the Workload Capture and Generate the AWR export SQL> exec dbs_!or"load_capture.#inis%_capture;,L/SQL procedure success#ully copleted.SQL> declarecapture_id nuber;begin select ax$id+ into capture_id#ro dba_!or"load_captures!%ere status D '2*?,L(3(D'; dbs_!or"load_capture.export_a!r$capture_id+;end;/,L/SQL procedure success#ully copleted.testdb4/u02/oradata/capture> ls 9lrttotal 2::559r!9r99r99. oracle dba .F0 Sep .. 0E4:= !cr_scapture.!d9r!9r99r99. oracle dba ;;: Sep .. 0E4:= !cr_5pad0;5002E0u.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dbaA. Sep .. 0E4:E !cr_5pad0Jc00Fc2".rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dbaA. Sep .. 0E4:E !cr_5pad0Jc002n00.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dbaA. Sep .. 0;42. !cr_5pad=0n002sA0.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba ;E. Sep .. 0;42F !cr_5pad.tE00202#.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba2:5EF; Sep .. 0;42A !cr_5pad0#s00FsF5.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba2F55E= Sep .. 0;42A !cr_5pad0#s00F00u.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba20EEE5 Sep .. 0;42A !cr_5pad0#s002s=c.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba2.=;:5 Sep .. 0;42A !cr_5pad0#s002%0%.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba2.0:E= Sep .. 0;42A !cr_5pad0#s002c=".rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba2220E: Sep .. 0;42A !cr_5pad0#s00Fs00.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba2.EA=E Sep .. 0;42A !cr_5pad0#s00F5Au.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba2F=02= Sep .. 0;42A !cr_5pad0#s002!Fn.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba222=:2 Sep .. 0;42A !cr_5pad0#s002E5n.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba2FE5.A Sep .. 0;42A !cr_5pad0#s002E5=.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba2F;F=: Sep .. 0;42A !cr_5pad0#s00Fn:".rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba225E=F Sep .. 0;42A !cr_5pad0#s00F%Fc.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba2F0;F5 Sep .. 0;42A !cr_5pad0#s0025FJ.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba22AF=E Sep .. 0;42A !cr_5pad0#s0020.J.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba2F.:2F Sep .. 0;42A !cr_5pad0#s00F52n.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba22=EF= Sep .. 0;42A !cr_5pad0#s00F5.".rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba22AE.. Sep .. 0;42A !cr_5pad0#s00FsFJ.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba222:.0 Sep .. 0;42A !cr_5pad0#s00F%:#.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba22F50E Sep .. 0;42A !cr_5pad0#s00FE:5.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba22.EE: Sep .. 0;42A !cr_5pad0#s00FEF#.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba2F;2:0 Sep .. 0;42A !cr_5pad0#s002n:n.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba22;.2: Sep .. 0;42A !cr_5pad0#s002!0!.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba25205; Sep .. 0;42A !cr_5pad0#s002E.2.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba220AA0 Sep .. 0;42A !cr_5pad0#s00F!2%.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba222:.F Sep .. 0;42A !cr_5pad0#s00F%==.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba ;EF Sep .. 0;4FF !cr_5padEuc00FE:n.rec9r!9r99r99. oracle dba 200 Sep .. 0;4FF !cr_#capture.!d9r!9r99r99. oracle dba 5A;.= Sep .. 0;4FF !cr_cr.%tl9r!9r99r99. oracle dba 2FE2= Sep .. 0;4FF !cr_cr.text9r!9r99r99. oracle dba 20==A Sep .. 0;4F= !cr_ca.log-rw-r-----1 oracle dba 72007! Sep 11 0"#$ wcr%ca&d'p(repare the target database )or Workload Repla*6n noral circustances& !e !ould %aGe ta"en a bac"up o# t%e source database be#ore !e started t%e load generation and t%en restored t%e bac"up on a test serGer to run t%e replay. 1ut in t%is case& !e are using a pre9created ..g )02 database !it% t%e reJuired S*( sc%ea obKects so t%at t%e replay can be run on t%is. /ote t%at t%e databaseis %aGing t%e 0S? storage as !ell.-e !ill create t%e )eplay directory and t%en oGe all t%e captured !or"load #iles #ro t%e source ac%ine $deGu00A+ to t%e target ac%ine $.0...2.0.2.+. 3%is is one o# t%e nodes in t%e cluster& t%e ot%er node being .0...2.0.22.SQL> create directory replay_dir as '/u0./oracle/replay/';Directory created.SQL> grant read on directory replay_dir to public;Grant succeeded.testdb4/u02/oradata/capture> scp 9rp 8.8 .0...'s pass!ord4!cr_5pad0;5002E0u.rec.00M;;: ..0@1/s 00400!cr_5pad0#s0020.J.rec.00M222@1 222.0@1/s 00400!cr_5pad0#s0025FJ.rec.00M22=@1 22:.:@1/s 00400!cr_5pad0#s002E.2.rec.00M2F=@1 2F=.5@1/s 00400!cr_5pad0#s002E5=.rec.00M2FF@1 2F2.E@1/s 00400!cr_5pad0#s002E5n.rec.00M2.A@1 2.A.5@1/s 00400!cr_5pad0#s002c=".rec.00M20=@1 20:.A@1/s 00400!cr_5pad0#s002%0%.rec.00M2.2@1 2...;@1/s 00400!cr_5pad0#s002n:n.rec.00M2F5@1 2FF.=@1/s 00400!cr_5pad0#s002s=c.rec.00M205@1 205.0@1/s 00400!cr_5pad0#s002!0!.rec.00M225@1 22F.E@1/s 0040.!cr_5pad0#s002!Fn.rec.00M2F0@1 2F0.:@1/s 00400!cr_5pad0#s00F00u.rec.00M22;@1 22;.0@1/s 00400!cr_5pad0#s00F5.".rec.00M222@1 22..:@1/s 00400!cr_5pad0#s00F52n.rec.00M22=@1 22=..@1/s 00400!cr_5pad0#s00F5Au.rec.00M2.5@1 2.F.=@1/s 00400!cr_5pad0#s00FEF#.rec.00M2.A@1 2.=.A@1/s 00400!cr_5pad0#s00FE:5.rec.00M2.E@1 2.E.2@1/s 00400!cr_5pad0#s00F%Fc.rec.00M220@1 2.;.=@1/s 00400!cr_5pad0#s00F%:#.rec.00M2.A@1 2.A.F@1/s 00400!cr_5pad0#s00F%==.rec.00M2.A@1 2.A.F@1/s 00400!cr_5pad0#s00Fn:".rec.00M2F5@1 2FF.E@1/s 00400!cr_5pad0#s00Fs00.rec.00M2.A@1 2.=.;@1/s 0040.!cr_5pad0#s00FsF5.rec.00M25;@1 25E.;@1/s 00400!cr_5pad0#s00FsFJ.rec.00M222@1 222.:@1/s 00400!cr_5pad0#s00F!2%.rec.00M2.=@1 2.:.=@1/s 00400!cr_5pad0Jc002n00.rec.00M A. 0..@1/s 00400!cr_5pad0Jc00Fc2".rec.00M A. 0..@1/s 00400!cr_5pad.tE00202#.rec.00M;E. ..0@1/s 00400!cr_5pad=0n002sA0.rec.00M A. 0..@1/s 00400!cr_5padEuc00FE:n.rec.00M;EF ..0@1/s 00400!cr_ca.dp .00M A0F2@1 =.;?1/s 00400!cr_ca.log .00M [email protected]@1/s 00400!cr_cr.%tl.00M 5A@15=.E@1/s 00400!cr_cr.text.00M [email protected]@1/s 00400!cr_#capture.!d .00M200 0.2@1/s 00400!cr_scapture.!d .00M.F0 0..@1/s 00400(rocess the workload repla* )iles on target*n t%e ..g target database !e need to process t%e captured !or"load #iles. -e need to do t%is al!ays on t%e ..g side o# t%ings and t%is needs to be done only once. 6n ot%er !ords& !e process once but can replay any ties.SQL> exec dbs_!or"load_replay.process_capture$')(,L0>_D6)'+;,L/SQL procedure success#ully copleted.+atabase Repla*-%ile all t%e steps entioned %ere can be per#ored using t%e D1?S_-*)@L*0D_)(,L0> 0,6& !e !ill deonstrate t%e sae using t%e G'6 ..g (nterprise ?anager $Database 2ontrol and not Grid 2ontrol+-e need to clic" on t%e NSo#t!are and SupportO tab and t%en go to t%eNDatabase )eplayO lin".Since !e %aGe already #inis%ed t%e 2apture -or"load and ,reprocess 2aptured -or"load tas"s& !e need to clic" on t%e )eplay -or"load Go to 3as" $nce we select the ?)8R= in the directoryob@ect drop down list' we find that the page is then pop%lated with the releant capt%re details/e proide a name for the /orkload ReplayAA/e can c%stomise certain options in the workload replay like the database connection strings and the speed at which the replay is done among others& 3ote in this case the tns connect alias is the one that has been enabled for the RAC database proiding for load balancing&%sing the serice ?)8R from the drop down list' we will find that the 10202?T$?11g?R6,+A> task has the stat%s
